xt7tb27ps409 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tb27ps409/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-09-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 06, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 06, 1983 1983 1983-09-06 2020 true xt7tb27ps409 section xt7tb27ps409 .._. ,. 1.1--. _... _,_... ._ i _. _, ,
Vol. LXXXVI, No, 20 An independent student newspaper servmg the UnlvefSIty 0t Kt“"t.« it, s ._ .- U104 t, m m, \‘p'.'v\[\.i 6 win

El Reagan condemns Russia in speech to nat'on
BySCO'ITl‘WILHOIT Usingatape recording ofaSoviet said. will pass a "walereddowri version Die) han- ru-ri lying through mutin- “nil in harm-.2 at): {..:-
NewsEdltor pilot announcing to a ground control- He called for the Soviets to com- of a resolution condemning the Son their teeth memv Mild mi .inlli .nlmn: m Wealrrll it“:
”dueMsochdems let that ”the target 15 (53me pensatevictmoltheairtrasedy “5 tarirlolaiimllwlui: the) hairdom- I unis i‘tvhillit Vt -‘. .l rulihl prom

L . . . two minutes and a missde was Officials in Moscow have not aid He also said be driven! expect if leamt; who left tht- 5mm tiii would lrgi: 1., spit-ad .r. \nxtt'l
PreSldent Reagan, muting tough launched, Reagan demanded an ac- mittw shooting down the Korean major ltuSlan rispolm- to Reagan \ l won {”1" yeah ago wild he also hlfv's'hthéli Vullflllll‘id-li i113“!
talk with soft sanctions, unveiled a counting and an apology from the Air Lines flifllt last 'niursday. but address “The“ the Soili'th hau- experts the int-mgr Smli-t t‘lllll‘ll
series 0f diplomatic and aViation re‘ SOViet Ulllm- acknowledge firing warning shots at been holding the high cards owr the will llt'\ or know much .tl-uut Lht‘ in I‘m” J IIUIIII'II III ”I“. MI, "I“
strictions on Moscow last night in Speaking to the nation by tele it, The Boeing“? carried 269people past few years." ht‘ snzd “nit-t m unit-m We will u"- i.- (”tin-q; .ail ‘lml
response to the downing of a South vision and radio from the Oval Of- totheirdeaths. nothing to gain b\ apologizing for Information for it gin-d sum-l MW'IYIN NIw‘I‘
Korean airliner and said “this crime fice, the president referred four However, Reagan saidhewas pre- theiractions " I (‘llllt‘ll will in- \t'r\ humid PM' Hot rwinin-i Nttii hr Amt-o (hr
against humanity must neverbefor- times to “what can only be called senting “the incontrovertible evi- Dmitry Fetifamy. a Russian t'llll end 'ltut mimnuinui (or m.- Now! ll'iit‘v" um: :wn-r hum n...
gotten.” theKoreanAirLinos Massacre." dence that the Soviets were respon- grant and l'K professor of lllllhlt‘ 'ttld t‘ltm-nwlll get through My whit lupin-in! ..v 'lii- skint iii-vu-
A UK professor said the tone of “Our immediate challenge to this sible" and then reviewed the three- echoed DaVlsIt‘omments ii.- Wu 0,.- had ”mm, um. 5.1km...-
the speech was expected, adding fhtzocity is to ensure that we make hour flight that ended in death for I
Reagan is handling the situation “as skies safer and that we seek ‘ t those on the New York-to—Seoul ' - ,
t wellasitcouldbehandled under the compensation for the families”; flight, which included 61 us. mi- D158 “5 t 9 d W1”? Iragc’di
conStraints." those who were killed,“ Reagan dents.
The president unveiled a series of 0 o
. ..:.“ . g -' t . M - an...» in.” -- ’ restrictions against Moscow, includ- St d t d g U S ‘ ‘
sag; Y‘ ,i a r i“ l ing cancellation ofan agreement on u en S Isa ree 0" . ° sane Ions
i "'=' i ‘9, a; L " - 1% ‘-, l transportation cooperation.
; ~. .\ I . I“ § ’ i He said the United Stata has reaf— By BECKY Mch—IIUH (I S 8 it and immigrated to the said ltw worst pollution-lit l‘ the
.~ 'I ‘ ' , _ i , l firmed its ban of Soviet planes land- Staff Writer l‘mted Status world \ nlllilhh' tin-time 'ht-ll. ltin
III “‘4‘, “11* . II , 1an _ ~,I-I mg at US, airports, asked other Luxenihiirg said he thought lira slit
I" :6. . W,- . countries to adopt similar restric— Three UK students a South Ko gun‘s plans to continue- arms talks Lillie-inborn mid hr lit-slit think
I g a ‘ It," I ‘ m WALKl fi‘ tiOnS and is "examining additional rean. a Rmsran emigrant and the are "total nonsense and that he in Allit-rit‘all a world opinion will at
. ,"I *3 ,‘1' . £3 ”-2 gr, steps we can take with regard to president of 5008“) (,‘ont‘t-rned Stu not louithe-liough \witlltht-Nitit-ts for! the l S \ ll \t't) llllltIll lis
' I ' Ir 9 ' .Il ~, 8‘ $4,; ,I Aeroflotfacilitiesinthiscoumry_" dents ~~ said the) are disgusted with "ll was \t'l‘_\ easy {or him to he ltusna s goal l\ to minim-r l’ir
’I 33 ya. :9 $335,, .3. ‘ . '- Vincent Davis, director of the Pat- the recent Korean airline tragedy. anti ('ornrilllnist before he was prt-sl world and them will stop it! ixittmiir,
, at” ‘,- t3“ ’4 s‘II‘ ‘I -, - - , terson School of Diplomacy, said but disayeed on the sanctions that dent But now he IS trying to pleuisr lN‘Nllll
“*1 I”??? ..: “its“ .. *” t; I; “I; ; Reagan‘s speech was along the lines :hould be taken by the l'nltmi allklnd of nam- poople." he said ‘I ngrw will lhii! inihlh rm. lion
4. ..-, .u 1 ‘I,.. If ' ' I g; I I ofwhathehadex ted. fates "I dont we limit Americans ruin ligilirutl lllI‘ Smirk lilxi-rlituirg
fi 3 ‘1'“: w? I . I 2w; -. ~ ,‘I ’ “It was prettypeifiuch what I had “l was really Shocked." Youngyk think that by talking to Nlt'lt-ts you stud I think hi- \rittrogim n it
I. ' ‘ “I; Q,‘ ’ ' - - '- ’Ig. ." 3 £ ‘ . 5 i anticipated," he said, “Personally. 1 Kwag. the Korean ASSlX‘liillOll presl can have peace." he said 'll ("llll murderer
”V5“ 4 A I15. II Wéfi‘, ' ~ ‘I i f l think he (Reagan) is handling the dent, said “I just couldn't believe it only result ill America reducmg its lint Lint-nihilig mid Alli-«hum
iIItn'I‘II‘ 'I“ I”. . é; I33. .13, ' i I - .’ . I' i I. situation as well as it could be han- I talk WWI many KON‘ans Their“ Hrmsandltuwa hiilldlngthemup t'dnliol gum-inhu- .md lull-l nil Run
:39"; fit a is: 3?“ .9, . “a; t," 4 i. dleunderflieoonstraints,” allangryaboutll.“ Wat'k. in contrast supports ”)0 sliins its lllllriirrt-rx Hwn- un-
- .( 'I_Ia-,,i I. ""i-j- i; . g .»I The constraints Davis listed in- Patricia Wack. Socrally (‘ont-t-mod arms talks "I'm glad that arms re mum Russia!“ with» aunt in min-
if”, a! ' m’ K e, i }, mg, clude a Soviet buildup over the past Students president. agreed ' l duction negotiations itrt‘ going on. durum-rm \ lit-«dud
i”? “I - fig” 4233““?th J i 21 years that places limitations on thought it was disgusting,” she said she said "This was tragic hut nu ltlbslfl l\ ”w only ltllllll\ that
$4, f v, ' 5’33; :3 ‘ -- I - “3‘51;- 6 ' ' ‘ what the United States may do in re- “I was totally surprised I have no clear war isprett) tragic too would shoot duuil .iii .iillilwr
3‘ “3“? “Id “,4 Egg? r‘fi’ ’I .- g a . I taliation,hesaid. idea why they did that It did nolh "I think hes ilteagan handling ll Kwiig said liiii hl' \illll iru-ri- l'\
“,in fig-a}; ‘a’ A“? {5:}; -, a; fiI I . I, , R5383) 53d 39:21:11}: :3an (:39 :EgrzutensirpieicwIeIsu-n; ()pinIion against :inirIIErIIIIZI‘IIi r\I’tIIIai'k I :8”: I"l nl liotlliligNiutli Korm t'ltlltltlitlllll it
g V; 4- .- . «1-,, .. , I fig ma e m . alo r . la y a a mic wit-n m e is u.\l ii t o s rung . _ . I I
. 4“}?‘35‘ I, 3‘“; ”fat _ ' LV- j possible action. Davis, however, they‘re discussing armstalks " anti-Soviet rhetoric lii- knows he 31 v“; ‘3‘?“ _""" "‘f’lm "““mI”
I“ CE. 3““ 5; I i g?“ I“: t ‘3 It? saidhe believes little or nothing will “It seems so awful You don't dwsn'l how I“ (’0 WIS-”1”“ Th" IiuIIIIinlli ~Ii IIrIl- III-I \IIIIII “II III.”
. i ,3) ‘trmz - s I‘ . - result from this move. “This isn't a know if it could be a mistake or if cardsuri-inhixtzmir ' ”I, film,“IIhJZ'IHZI'I‘“ :III. III inaniiu,
,i'i: " - #1. fl; ‘6 “83%.. I_.-' II 3 Third World issue," he said. “Most they really planned lt.II lpon Lint Wat‘k said that anythimt Anii-rii-a l'NI “I d“ mum'hm 1I:r‘“”"”' ”I.
”5;“ fig 5, fifl‘m 1-2,. , I , 5 Third World nations will not consid- emburg. Sowet emigre and t-li-ctrl does to punish ltussm \Alll seem ‘li “MINI 1”.“ for f, ”u" m m
It ”3.1,?“ .M‘; a 1 er this incident major enough to cal engineering student. said l.\l)i’ lllllt‘ll‘lle ’ ‘ " m ”'"I
5%? I“ I: .‘u x I ,, f moblizetheU.N.force5,“ emburg was born in Moscow "l’ht-ri-‘s nothing the) (itll do to Alli-r ii tin-k t'\I'r\t)lll‘ will lot
ngg‘figfi?“ :2 , g‘ a. I???” I = . Instead Davis believes the UN, graduated from college in the H‘pldt't' lllt' ll\'t‘.\ that were lost Ihllt' iii-lit lll‘thtl
3’ '” I I . ,. : . ..' 5 ‘ -:
, \ 2i . . Students to pay for overdue books "is.“
we =2“- ' l 3E 12“ ' By CAROLYN EDWARDS thebooks are overdue floor of M 1 King Library South and l
. I- . I Reporter Reserve materials. books which payinglheaccumulated dehtowed
?‘ 'JI “I . - . ‘ v “ . professors require for classroom Payments for lost books are deter The lady Kain volleyball team added
II. «' > .' j . ~ Somehow library books always work, cost students 25 to 50 cents an mined from listings of average book cigtil win: to their record in a IOIINI~
. w, - .i 1,, I , ,, seem toget buried under mountb of hour if they are not returned on costs In Pubiiihw ‘- Weekly A :15 mtovalhcuboi Day mm s...-
f -- ’ é?“ , 2 dirty laundry, under the mattress it time. "If the professor did not feel it prtX'PSSlng fee ls the-n added to the pun
- I ‘ ‘ L .~ . ‘ in the back of a closet. Strict en- was high-use material. it would not average cost
, " ,_ “I forcement of fine payments, howev- beonreservefdones said One-third to me half of the delln TI! m, Cincinnati'i'ubor De
'I ", II er, may encourage students to keep Sixty days after the first overdue quents clear their delinquency. new fireworh show. W in:
~ A I I- atighter reignonUKlibrary books. notice, a second notice is mailed ll Jones said Studean in the past have eye of Am Editor Bury Williams. see
«r ' I , x, , I Roxanna Jones, assistant head of the fine is left unpaid or if it exceeds paid accumulated lines from saw; to page).
i ..I’, 3 7&me f the circulation department, said $20, thestudent is reported as a "de- “.500. she said These funds are
i.- f , . most students incur fines when they linquent" tothe Registrar'stlflice used to replace library materials
f, I " I -. forgettoretm'nborrowed books. Over 1,000 indlw'duals are report~ Director of Libraries. Paul Willis.
Q , -- we we I ' “The basic reason behind having ed as delinquent each semester. said a library automation system WEATHER
' ”huh“... , . ,2 ' ’m any kind of fine at all is to try to Jones said, “In some cases students Wlll he installed by next Fall The
, m , .g. , , find an equitable access to our li- listed as delinquents with the Regls system in part will automate circu
- ' . I I . brarymaterial,"shesaid. trar‘s Office cannot pre-register or latlon. replace the card catalog. TWY" WM“ “"0 '0' Mt!
m; . “CK 51mm Phomfidm Undergraduates can check out cir— geItI grades. keep records of fine charges and M “I" W" I ’0 I'M M
gallng eggsng booksIfor 28 days. firadouate If we report a studenItj delIIliIrquuent. bloc: delinquents of overdue books :2an “"39“: W “a:
, . . , _ s n are givena semeser re— it is quite a major un ert ing to or mes rom further borrowi "I 0W0 - W
Scott IHalIlam, an architecture Junlor, tries to 59°“ some desrgn turn borrowed books. A notice is clearit,"she said," (instruction on the equipment :fil 5‘ m“! M Mill I 30 m
qualities in a telephone pole on the comer of Euclid Ave_nue mailed shortly after the material is Students may clear their delln- Start in February. but students Will diam of Mum- with low M
and Rose Street. H15 efforts are for a detailed (“'3me assrgn- due, but a fine of 10 cents per day is quent statm by visiting the Admlnls not notice major changes until sum be“Him-IMHO!-
ment in his architecture studio class. charged starting with the first day trative Services office on the second mr-r
*' ‘ ‘ 'tr— " v V ~
Atlast vat o-oII ' ..
~_ - gt.
. , O I O I I , I
Wildcats 31-14 wm IS Claiborne’sfzrst UK Victory 41-" ' ' a l ’3 - r ‘4 - "‘
er 8“! ‘ I
By MICKEY PATTERSON tral Michigan the first score of the threefirstdowm in the second half. l r ‘ a
Sports Editor game. Rob Conlin‘s extra point was Senior tailback Iawrence “Choo- 7 ' ‘, ‘ ' 9
good, giving the Chippewa’s a 70 Choo" bee scored on a two-yard run 2 ~ ' 3 — a
Last year was a living hell for lead. around left end halfway through the t... . . . ‘ ’
JerryClaiborne. Instead of folding, as was their third garter and on UK‘s next poa- 5“ f ‘ “V t -
For 11 mmths he worried and habit last season, the Wildcats came seeion outrun everyone on the field \ ' - § '
fretted over how to improve on his storming back. With nine minutes for- a 63~yard touchdown run to ice ' . ‘
team’s 0-10-1 record. Never one to left in the second quarter reserve the win. Caudell added an 18-yard , ' ' .
shirk hard work, Claiborne spent ag- fullback Tom Wheary exploded up field goal in the fourth quarter to in: ' A
onizing hours at home, in the office the middle for a 32-yard touchdown completethescorirg , , . , ,
and on the practice field working to- run. Chris Caudell‘s extra point was “Kentucky‘s defense really hurt ‘ 3 {a ‘I , _ ‘ ..' j ‘
wardsachievinghisfirstwinatUK. goodtyingthescore. us in the second half,“ said Herb ? . ' fi/ .5 .. '-
Saturday's 31-14 thrashing of Cen- “That was a heck of a run." Glai- Der-omedi, Central Michigan head 5‘ h I j ‘ ,
tral Michigan was deitily sweet it! borne said. “He made a great cut. coach. “We didn’t have the ball long , "‘ 5’ ,, t p I ‘
Claiborne. Not only was it his first That got us on the scoreboard the enough toseewhat we could do. - . ‘ t I
win at UK, but it was his 139th ca- firsttime,itgotusstarted." ”We couldn‘t sustain anything. , . ' I , ., , h l ~
reer victory — placing him in the Central Michigan used a bimre mainly because we failed on our ,1 'I . . - - -- ' -
No. 1 position among Paul “Bear" pass play and Adams' runnirg to go third down passing attempts.“ he 3 - , ' ’ ' f _ I
Bryant graduatu who have coached ahead 14-7 with five minutes left in said. “We had some people open m ' ' - ‘ 4’
in the college ranks. Claiborne has the half. Filmore attempted a pass the pass plays but couldn’t get the . ' ‘iI' ‘
replaced former LSU coach Charlie over the middle but UK linebacka balltothem." ‘ ’
McClendon as Bryant's winnlngelt Scot Schroeder deflected the ball Like a proud father, Claiborne -_ . 0 . . . , ‘
pupil. straight up lntotheair. was beaming at the post-game press . '1‘”? -,- - - i m '
“It’s a real good feeling, l was A scramble for the ball much akin conference. For the first time in till 3 ’ m , "I”
happytoseethattheplayemlmew toajump ballinbasketball ensued taiure atUK,heappearedasavic- I’ I -
how bad I wanted this win,“ Clai- in which UK safety Paul Calhoun torlom coach. 1 W“. ,. u a, ' . ..- . .
borne said. “I’ve been a nervom appearim to have the ball only to “It's just a good feeling getting ' , ’ ' . " “t I" ‘I
wreck the put 11 mmths. I've have it snatched away by Central this first win," he said. "I thought . IIIII'Q..‘§‘-W7qfl‘f’,;“. ‘gt , . . -_
worked the players hard. and I‘ve Michigan's John DeBoer who mm the way we came back after they .5 “3:“ w, ,_- é .- ...,.- - "
probably yelled at them ma'e than bled Q yank to the UK 14. No med the fluttime, and then can - ~- if 3—“ .. _ , _ v.
normal. I knew how important tlis plays later Adams scored and with in back after diey sewed the no if}. , ”3-4.3, :3." - _I *fi. . "
gamewu." the extra point. Central Michigan mdtlme,nallyahoweddiarocterln , if“? 3:52; ..~ Ca“. , . M” ‘ ' ’ ’g
The UK aria-c, which seemed waitupl4-7. our football team. this is the way :Qg-cgfuggfn no??- 3.
downright pathetic It time- iut-u- But again UKcame right back he- they've bcun practicing. niey lust , ‘ " . -, t a“: j ‘ ' . -
am, hinted loo-e for «iii total yum. hind the m of quenched wcanlmbcck." gar; 11;? -‘ a 2"; “ ’ --
Sannday. RandyJaikim.WithUKattheCen- MoutlmpwtantofallJu'theflnt ‘ ‘3.""-~'.~~~, . A ’ f
m finthalfmlmt Calm] mlWll.Jatimhitawi¢h timehalaigtlmeJootballwafim .5“-
Michigan. however. was any-thin qien Rick Muscle in die end use faJerryClaiba-ne. “cf-hf" ‘ r-‘jf'YJ. t . .4
but my. With foil- minute Ht in and Canal] coma-ted the extra “Intention gamefor ow play- Afflu‘A-w .§‘-5r!"""~ ~
the nut quarts the (him: of- punttouethematu. m,f¢artamandformetoo.“he
tune wait to work behind their run- the m half in. all UK. The cold. “We've warm hand and we've . , h . _ '“ "."'"" Mt"?
my back: m m and Matt Mt Mm. fimlly WM like '0. to m to m hard And UK offensive tackle Vernon lo nson protects senior quarterback Randy Jenkins from the Central Michi-
Coffey. “ma Rm Film lthnw Mtoepell “vim me my “ I“ it. coming back gen defense. Jenkins completed 16 of 22 passes for 185 yards and one touchdown leading the Wildcats to
“had in from the f” to u" c... m." hdd the m“ to jut mmmmii," a Ill-14 wm. UK will take on Kansas State next Saturday at home
l ‘ ’

 2 . me Ksmucxv KIINIL Tuosdoy, “plan“, a 1,”
Fireworks prove enlightening for atr n ’ ° '
If ever there was a more fitt‘ p 0 S 0f 83 mverfeSt
eXpressmn coined { . ye say that this 1 “9, Dr. . .
crazed at heart, it w: wtlleen 32111:! Sgtfimh sent. the Ohio Valley a: W “Clmyltaly. “£61m; ago. we decided we would meet and When we an."
nav‘l’igt Hunter s. nompson said yond u“: mitoamobvimly be- zone that kept us on ”W “anal”; a“ 1.11%“ nitessee en the flood wtnt was to be gflp‘ggm‘fl 0:10;: “21):: to get to shore in soon as
“ e“ the 80mg gets weird the my bu e, ' was “"3" manthefimorkscouldeva ' e no a Wt Vantage an Wait“ I l , pom e."
weird turn “'0 " ’ flb n all n “ml,“ putus' mint" we “M It would u jut “ an . ' at“ m'vely {a n WIS m
' bega eno Ca - . . 0‘3 that the
Now, for anyone who attended the . an, effort to remain clung}: it"s“: W V“ °°“‘" “n“ at this rooted flute“ fitmsmmipn'g D" g mmmmedfect. m V”
16th birthday party of one Cincinnati ,‘w Be the ventm,lto1d Dr. Crystal that] M e‘ - our boat. I kept wondering up . And the thwarts hadn't ”a,
radio station with the call letters . s l‘fYJ. WOUId meet him at 7 pm. in the r I extted on the Fifth W was thezaggytim x was ml! this begun,
WEBN this past weekend, know]. '“ WILLIAMS lobby 0‘ the Quality Inn Riverview amp and “WM "‘9 wty. much about John M ~ ""8 5° we“: When they did all of the d,
Sign: such an adage goes without I h :f Phallic construction that was one Eggtcaurgealmg toward my car that this crazed fimngng‘s’l merged mmwm “W "‘9 Shit;
‘ . -—’—————— "*betterseatsinuievule r . pmi'smtfio cominsatusw' - ° ”‘8 became totall outof .
In fact. It would be the understate- For myself and esteemed col- "Eexuosives. 3’ °’ LWgfiegntoget his attention and as tain. as' mdeed' m" C” "€01.85. 1 daresay, all ill the mom“
Since it was booked full months script 75813111; gammgm cm ."l‘here he is_ our esteemed Cap- d]: in the mire Valley, By
. i tail) of the Shl H ever Gmmtl Mm ‘l
. see - P 0! Fool ,
[‘8ny I somnelggngunusually ecstatic about ”116:1;le to me as l guzszled Gloom fiNasmggpmrm ev I O
m I waited for him to .m . th my er Lite suddenly wishing to acts of the one . classiest
’ car but “Bleed he ran) D m e “Peandthis. year With thae fire. th
’ past my car “What did Works. The music which coul ...
and yelled at a blue Mercedes that y°“ say the name of the man, . . d be .
- . boa 9" - Virtuall .
Classifieds have » oQ‘étS‘" glgfuglgtgebehind me. This rather aloet was ' m; “giggling; 3353?“: Synchronized t3, megawbrilhpaiteele: l):
as thought he must Mum sions. Pieces rangi f the .
900d! deals ‘6 0 99 already have plunged into the m - .dheard' sic “Dance of ng rom das'
f ‘» 9&0 School Y container that we had bmught wine “Hie Ship “‘les..n John reiter— Fifi" from an Sugar Plum Fae- u).
Ol' over 0 ear . . th ated Th . The Nutcrack ha
yono! I us SpeCIfically to enhance the . - 9 way In which he sald the The Who‘ u . E" State to
K‘» {fl /' a\- .\ ghee [sun n. n... 151 of the fireworks. Don’t “91:: gg'Sseéiflfmsomewhat scared me. finaitheaixs' Emmmence From" . '
« " f - / t ‘ “J "‘ ’0‘" wrong, such an endeavor makes - ’ accent was on fools The 001 ' .
6% l‘ ’ ‘wcgiaj journalistic re . any Whmh should have been - ’ 0'? and hue from the fire- -
— s —. '. A, ,4 f . . , . Porting that much c1 my ‘1'“ works are mdosenba .
, moi? ’Jfl) 4‘ 3:532"??? men? liltggnmg’finmcapfivatm- u'lgle events that molded ne t 11 "ale invo'ved 5“" “maggot: 2f t
"gen; / if /, L or g est Gym had seen so out,_ the soot! doctor become somewhat muddled ’{ a sound that we all doubted whether r-:
/ , ,Ehi-QUE; ’ . / ’ ,s 4 In Kentucky! hind me (ugeplfih‘auhlill; Spends be member, after getting into'a r2: $25wa 8V3 hear again. The sky I
.. . o - . . runmns ‘ . . l M such a kaleidOsco -
' ‘ 4 252-5 1 2 1 mm acquaintanca m this m With Fm thpl'aved demlSt Ziggy and t - pic .
'1 '2 \ ’ ‘ ael- a delightful zero of a bl .exture of florid arrangements that N
744:!) Q .. i M. x $7,151.: Fow Wot iffaggdwtgeqm of £393; 100,000 Karen who seemingly hZSdfie‘mg‘: filmed the Ohio Valley into day-
_/ ,fr' . 5mm; '1 "”“m laborate . y l to col- bramS, trying to avoid future en- e. , w
:2 I l \ \‘ I ( 7 um i little mindznm 13:3“ and put What COIHIta's With these two individual And thats abom all that can be CO
‘ ‘- ‘ ,s - s ’ ' ' “ "i We .eft together. at all costs 0f . s said about it. If you were 31 2
. ‘sel l / - é1:;:::::s::m diminishes we now enter increasmoy‘ omitting: can understand we: easier: if
" / '3‘ " ~ Th Bl ited dentist (the ‘f-a at"? ’3 (”W-”’9‘“ '“ the same boat. The outcOme men“ are “WIS t0 exnress. It you ~
V l R Z.» V e G CATS from Mid "3 m "“5 3mm thereto“, was proving to be ‘t' were WWW” ‘0 miss it. there's
Xe} \svfiv are BACK at Moore andwliils sntameg tDr. John exciting, qm e alxzysfnextyear. his
‘ , . . y, u energetic lm - . or Dr. C tal '
Y” '°° “"‘ 5"“ FDRDS airlinend Rebecca The h ea“, the mt 0f the long list of ~ . ”'5 and I. we 1“
_ _ , . d e- mitak .. “undupsmpmgtn II
in b h ~7___ wow] d . y a Pr 5 es that I made was thinki ng sand 109d “0
nadir. “yin“ and m ”_-"’ "W < (the gamed?” mm 3 995°“ that I could survive all of ”me "18 Teas altOP Mt- Adams with Becky mi
9 3“"... FITNE r ntist) named z; . . e and John and contem l .
Ads often. 88 ‘1 who was to put all of us on b08518: 39““ and 5“" come out With some actly we had escapedp atmg how ”5' i2‘
CALL 257-2311 21(gents-rm matter"? Elke is out on the Ohio to oni°nfi$§a$§p$ gfliawf’m' ““8“” “0m Ziggy agdmh‘llsetseh‘ifné} sai
, , , . M j e _ 0
Oxford Circlc Now, all ‘gefiggtxfie‘s perfectly figmiag oi this kind leave roll flint something to be . so
i . wonderful. to me; and since Dr. c Thlsarilv samty at home. holiday weekends and I su said 'fi?
° 0 o e . . . , 0 v ' Was Jumping up and down at ch . as mute the case from my that to ppose its ya
0 o e 9 chance, we readily agreed to asgcoma got": 0f VIEW Wthh ended up being cyis digit? to] a world Of mmal' tin
pan them. 111' . , - ron row center about 100 feet f o . we come 1nd, do
TH E 0TH ER "- rm, 1...; 210m m m chaiyn of eventslsthgfctfiglz started a the barges that carried the extrav: Will'sdsI gt her? Peclung out the final .
m n. m o M a... .. “'"f'" “"‘r 1 bord - ."emual' Sam- Before it was all eve th ."l‘s man)“ I can't help but
Moan-non...” Mnmdhmm“ y eronthebizarre—ifnotthe (3th d . . .r. e wonderifitallevenha ed
PLACE ”m w ""“ ”'1" "- trttmw ”Hm" ‘3'?“ "’ macabre rowing :3: inlvoasthgcly1;;g Ziggy for course it did but I wonoefleoi‘v {‘20:
Kernel ' Km . ‘
Best K rm“ .‘mfiim'w‘w‘d W my, 013m”, A“: New: MES Dr. .c. what he had who insisted 0n smihngef m-a" ”9 ”“5 next year I’d better
ept Secret arrive ll: Yeplfedwmigmg fit: me to amitbt this madness fell overbgl: start plannning now.
' s , ,’ v a .
m Lexmgion Enhance on he masiit’ii i333$ili锧§£:flci;‘d ”a, ems,
m e lobby of the lit 1 . “ ry S tements Barry J. William ' t
LunCheon Speciu ls Harvey's Foreign & Domestic “I worried about Whose Qitmmightnge like. As your Samoan lawyer. I ad- senior and the KerielfAtts’gdzitteorr.ans h
Fair P i Cur Servke for :lbout five minutes, and then I a
r ces Located off Versailles Rd Pinchb k Bld it: by Sohover It. _ I told him then in
Live Music 2,00on0".- cwg g. as to“: g hm; ”let’Sfi‘hfl’é SAB announces fall events w
LexingtOn Ken. With IUCk of this nat ' _ ' Th ~ - - . z
s uck 40 . are it merel e Student ACthltleS B ~
afurday Night ‘ Next door: ,0 '0”..th 504 cowpllcates matters further. y presenting The Chinese 03523;: 2:51“ and b{‘lance, Kung Fu, ex- p'
910 Clog} C "°” d 9 mad? 0W? way down to the Circus of Taiwanat 3 pm Thurs- "‘5 ”8.811%, and tumbling, C
41 E i “g . enter .OCk by Mme ka’s (a floating eat- day, Sept. 15' in Memorial Col- :haglcal tl‘ICkS, Illusions and bfil- til
asfland Shopping Center 10/. Dingo." WILD. mg establishment) where we were iseum. Tickets are general a d- IaIntlycostumeddancing fi
254-1242 Harvey Harris owner thczt‘écfi: Shoat flutedwgmd take LB “uss’blion and will be $7 general willI 33:33": “12: event, SAB
W ' - e °‘"‘ y “‘9 m p“ ‘c 8““ ’5 '° “K t - ““' ‘°"’°"° 1“
Phone (606) 253-1111 3mm peiéson. As we moi; ”gr citizens. s "dents and TE? 353° f“ 83”“ °“ 0°:
N W 8" 12-pack of beer in 'ckets go on sal .' , '1 er or the Arts,
’0‘ ‘0‘0 ' gander. c and I decided it was 1983, and will eh? ”3:112 Qike‘fincas Will be $8 to the
’9‘ '6 k p‘ A. '0‘ .tssh time to empty the container of Ulrwsh the Student Center ticket dent? 5"th and- ’6 t° UK Stu‘
l’l . tot "' N 1 contents. This was done with office from 10 a.m. to 4 pm '1] an 5“?!“0!‘ Citizens, Tickets
. l.‘ M a much ease and quickly forgotten kadays ' - WI be available as We“ at the
w ’0‘ , ’0‘ l’t about. Fear and loathing of some The production features t Student Center and at the Center
’0‘ a l.‘ l’t kind was abouttobegin, ning acrobats, incredible feaisugl grygh £31.": "0°02” 4 Pm. week.
N M Q . "8 .3.
O 0 it N
N it 0 0
0 0 M N
N p. tt 9 0
. ‘ 0 M M . e
" '. .‘ . . ._ .. -..r . ‘gfl .. . .
0 it t . 1‘ -" ’ i
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w .3 . (L j], (188 {.2 {.1 H Xafi \lfiigfi ¢k' “““I' “’3‘" w £3 ‘“ KM %‘
" " Le t 0 . e -- , ,t ,
n ’4 Xlngton9 KentUCky :0: ’0‘ . fight-k“ "a YM ~ all: ‘ 913%“ «Elma: WWW ' _
w "‘ 9" P—-——-—————_—_— a n 3: “‘"‘*~. «in» W ‘h‘ ‘ ) J...” I H , “I '1
" “ “"13 0f Univ ' t t . w y ,, . s '
.3 .3. MW it "' “ha—it : i ; .
’9‘ a R ‘ ’0. ’0‘ n '9 3F»- MW gait 'f _‘
:6 g ww— ,: ,z‘ i i i ‘ . .- ti
‘ l ‘ l .2,
’3 9". he ultimate solutio f l. :‘l ‘m - ,
. y‘ 5 '0' t n or owner and occu- ,0. ’0‘ _ .. . , i
t; a t‘ pan . . . a product now available for the first t: '5 '0‘ _ _ ‘ 4.»; .. M _ h . M _ ‘
:0: g in; nezr the University of Kentucky in Lexington. ’0 l: _ , V ' ;mw WM
’3 ’0" [9 (inc mark/Atlantic Company, the nation's :1 :0: 1' , . ;-> es, of ~
:g 3t da ’f’é’ dew/“per 0f university-oriented can- t: t‘t :- " I “C  - A s . . W 1
)‘l :3 g Zlnunum apartments. announces a new ISO-unit ’0 ’3 " QQ $5“ .M _. .. M - _ _ M _
t: ’3 ) enng. Brighton (lose. Scheduled for Fall 1984 ()c- :‘ 2:; My. » ’ n. , to» Q /
t‘ 5‘ (upancy. preconstruction reservations are bein t. )9 " - Q") Q - A.
z.‘ w taken now, g t: l.‘ $6 in“ «f- Q fl” W
' N Tw ‘ i t ' , i. so». New
.3 g 0 bedroom. two bath Garden apartments and :‘ :0: , V) Q § a ‘ “he" , “Seow/
.. u t W0 bedroom. two d 0 0 Q Q . a V . ,. . . ~ \_ fiififimefie
.0 n 0‘ a . an a half bath Townhouse l. t; .. 6 V) % I; ‘ $3; ‘ ‘ ., cogeawvj
'l 'o‘ alparll mentsnre available, fully furnished. including 3' I t.‘ ’Xb Q % Q M - ‘
8C ‘ s ‘ - ' ‘ . 'o , ' s“ ,- . " '- ,. ../“""v
’0' ’0‘ fin Edwina at $69,500. Nothing else to buy! 90% t. '0‘ :0: ' Q ~' , .' 7
l‘ ’0‘ ant mg )8 available to qualified purchasers Bench- t: ,9. sq ’ . “I, t. o: - .
a a mark/filantrc is committed to continuing manage- :0 l: r i "ff't i ' , ' "
men - . . . “e » » - i . .
l: ’3 t or resale and rental of mdrvrdual units. t: :‘I 1' '
l‘ I. M Q s
0 O [Wloped and m k ed - V l‘
N '0‘ N ”’ ”' o ‘ ~ ~ ‘ 9 O C aIISW
. . (ALL (.(iLchr ti * t. as er
608 O
:‘l :9: 13013171011? Atlantis J —) 276.5375 s ': VVith th I I‘SS‘H
l: ’9‘ runl-fli‘l-flonc Road. Suite [1. Lexington. Kentucky 40503 pen I Days a Week .0: ’0‘ , e o
M a : ----.I—)I-,---,--,-----------T"""""'-------—-____-____ . b.‘ \x h.“ Will “66d (U {JCkle l” perform complex k ll 1'! lg lh _ Tl 5r)
5" ’0 : ease send me your Free Brig/mm (lose Bmchtm» -“l(_t;-"" l.‘ l‘ the higher mathematics of a (Ions — like definite llltt “fl, (l ‘h‘ —ll We"