xt7tb27ps41w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tb27ps41w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1984-03-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 15, 1984 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 15, 1984 1984 1984-03-15 2020 true xt7tb27ps41w section xt7tb27ps41w  

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 135


Established l894

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky


or no]

Independent Since l97l

Thursday. March l5, l964


SGA against proposal limiting student voting

H} DARHI‘II ,l (1 .li \l

A hill heioro- the (lt'llt'l‘ttl Ansell]
lily that would deny residency toting
priyileges to students attending col
lege drew strong opposition from the
Student tioyernment Association
last night

‘\‘\h.‘it this bill says is. ‘You
wouldnt be able to tote here he
cause you re not .i resident said
timid Bradiord Nil“. president
‘1? s the most preposterous piece of
legislation lye e\ er heard of

The bill .ias introduced ti_\ state

Plan stresses
general studies
writing skills

Hy Iiill\\tisl\’l lll
-' - :,:‘ l‘: iinstslidi'oi

‘h (11" L‘t'titlltti't‘\ titli
they i..i~,e to
' ..x.ri‘~-

\ t, riiiiiitittee of proiessors minim.
:strators and students has taker that
.i'ti'udc and is Tying to make I K
and: l';_‘t'all i.i"' .trztiizg requiienients

\ llllilifn'l' oi us art concerned
'n..‘ s"lilt‘."i'~ .. ll: uinitiiia'i- ironi 'he
I fil‘tt‘i‘\‘.l‘. aint ‘liey nor. ' iii- ahlo
’I .rl','t‘ lint h "i its li't'lllfilfd‘t
\iilll loin. s'ephei:soi. tilttlll‘ilvtf. oi
‘ia inherit lidiitatioiw oniini‘fw

luv t‘!}lid‘
dt’llt'l'cii t’tlutuli-it. ‘lt‘p',’ >r)’, \i.vl
The coniiiaittw ii‘ie' \t‘~"'t"..i‘» " it's
t iss wags 'ti stiv'i.;;':1o' ‘hi- I inkt‘T
s:". s w ritiitu t‘t'titltrt'ltit”i's

\lt'lt‘itit't‘s tl.\|"il\>t'tl "an pint-4i
sais Y‘t‘titi‘t“!‘.; students 'ii The a:
:iicieaseti {innit-er oi tours.»
iiintoii‘. ..i: .tpprmxaivle ‘.\!‘l'.it‘.;_‘ ., in
poiien‘ and .\l"'..'iL' ill i'oss 'lli wit
:‘u uliiii: "*llill‘lllfl torizin-tei.ce z
ur'Hiia . .. i-c's

the troposi»: changes .iw nei-

sai: luzl'littl'd .\latir_\ direi

' spit an programs and adyisina
in: lit: tril‘eL‘i' til \t'ls A N‘Ii't‘it'es
\laiir. a itieiitiiei' oi the uoiiiniittee
said trait). s'iitto-ii's eradua'e with
out enough instriit Hot. writing

['s thiss‘i’tir iop skip and
lump 'lll“' i:.’. taping. a miniiniiii: oi

v s”.

,tr"i:i;_‘ courses she said Ititen
viii} y'liltt‘st's Itia' students ’akt‘ are
ti‘esiiit'.aii conipisitioi. sltt' added
ant: -,,.» many students get [is

ii: 'ht ism lasses

In addition :1 io .w percent of en
teriiig ireshinaii tlti not hau- to take
iiitroduciorj. composition courses
said Rots-rt Hemenyyay chairman
of the English department and a
niemher oi 'he committee

the students are exempted he
cause the} hate .\t"l scoies ill more
[liziti L2. Ht‘ the\ test itiiv' -tt the
courses he said

Heineiiuaj. said he iayored the
proposal to .ncrease the number oi
required writing classes "“l‘lllllg
skills can decline over time ‘ he
said "Increasing the number of
classes will help reinforce those

He pointed to a recent study con-
ducted at llaryard that showed writ
mg ahllll} deteriorates oyer time
without practice “What I‘m trying

\‘1' PI 4‘. [‘dflt' 4



The University is working on the
Visitor’s Center in the Student Cen—
ter Addition. See page 2.

Lexington Technical Institute is plen-
nins a birthday celebration. See me



Partly cloudy and breezy today. with
highs in the upper-6m to low-105.
Becoming manly cloudy tonight.
with low: in the low-50:. Mostly
cloudy tomorrow. with showers Mid
thunderstorm likely and highs in the




Rep 'l‘onimy 'l‘odd H \tlllt'} and
states that "no person shall he
deemed to ha\e t-sttililislii-(l ti res;
dence by reason of his preseiite .tl
any institution of higher t‘(ltlt'fllltili
Bradford intends to meet “1”] leeis
lators in Frankfort today to discus--

"I think it s rzdiciiloiis that Todd
is going to tell 12100 students that
ilie\ re not going to tote heie
Bradford said He also said ’iie hill
is unfair iiecaiise students in l,t-\ltlL’
ion pa) millions oi dollars .inniiall‘.
in rent and tiiition which makes the
l'niiersit). lA‘\illL"otis siiiuio- iaru
est employer

"You \uiuldn t he ahle to \ote heir
in Lexington.” Bradford said ‘ i
find this pretty mysterious

Bradford said that in a recent trip
to Boston for a \oter l't‘gl\lr£iilt=!l
toniei't-nce, he heard of similar lt'E
islation in other states but did not
expert Kentucky to consider siit h .i

He said the hill is a form of 'a\a
tion lkllhfttl' represei‘itatioi‘, whit l!
was tonsideiwl tyranny. .‘tio years
ago and still is today

it. other business the senate 'tli
posed A full requiring that a reimeii
mini be held to determine shim-rt
support oi an increase in il("i'."‘.
its-s tor silks hudget

l’hil l'iijvlor toiieut- of MM 6. \t
entes senator said ”it i‘lt‘l‘tlil.,"
would [ilt'ti'tlt' at}:
lion: 1 of 'l'ris'i-os

'teioi. ,I.

'liustees min-"~13
Ilen' s ex‘pt-Iiw
fiaie a l't‘lt‘l‘t‘iwliill.

sponsor ’ll ”to! .i,

la'l s ilt'..t

lt' ‘ ‘lt'ill

itiiititoiti mini: iw: "

passed xtotiit: Zl-v' I!

‘iit'TtHist' l'i s' ittcr" .t‘l

\ti\ hi?» the I‘m'iili





Singletary gained insight into LBJ in Job Corps

It) \I fl\ t'ltttl ( It
Features Editor

"lei :L'o'ttt.
"Alt .'1’\
“tiller '5’!."\
pimpi- ,p i run“
Hr p'tt’w '

Itl't Iht‘

— lla\ id llalherstani

I 't. H. sf and ’t‘. [v 'c't‘f. v

ks tar as ‘inies co the} uteri-r.”

The (lross National l’i‘odth" was
behaving. and what was good my
General Motors was still good tor
the country The lfnited Matt‘s aas
three score and tour years into the
-\nierican t ‘entury

And in the election year 15464. a
Democrat was running’ who said
good. liberal lhllltl> about a (treat
Society wars on poyert} and the es

Legless table makes winning project

8) SHEEN \ THU“ \5
Staff \\ riter

1! seems that for some people
Winning , sometimes by luck.
sometimes by talent can become
a way of life

(‘ary Stress an architecture s‘e
nior. Is one such person He has con
structed a table supported with light
rays instead of legs to showcase a
new material that the Formica com
pany has developed called t‘olor

“It really does hold Ithe tablet
up." said Stress. referring to the
table down with no legs The inno-
vative project won him top honors
last year. Stress said. in a competir
tion sponsored by the Formica cor-
poration. He applied after finding
the competition in a professional
magazine called Progressive Arr

Stress received a total of $10,000 in
scholarship money for his efforts
The College of Architecture received
$5,000 for its program. and Stress
got $5.000 for his own use


”Lyndon Jolmsom was clearly ti tritium/t
person H'hHlilUll were around lion; fie i s: so,"
(if()l'el'lt'he/Nlé’d_l‘()l(i And if you to er :1 t/
it'll/2m reach (if/ii'.s't1/‘nis _. (the ever not ital
hr the lope/s ~ you were (lei/(1: He colt/i." s.

iou into most tutti/ZINE. "

President ()m l. \inc/crio‘i


tablisiinien? oi t‘l‘.ll rights \ ltt‘fltd‘
licaii was running who sazd ha»:
coiisermtite things about 'ititlea:
supremacy and the Exit Empire
which plotted its \Hlt’:~ heliinti the
stolid \Milh oi the Kremlin

The lieiiiocrat. Lyndon B .John
tor. won h} one oi the largest popu
.ar inaiorzties in Antoni-an history

\ )t‘ttt‘ la'er he came to l'K
uiiiinieniorate the institutions cen

\nthom lrlardley dean oi the ('ol
lege of \rchitecture. and Siress
\tet‘e flown to t'hicago earlier in the
war to receite the checks In addi
tion to the money Siress‘ also rt-
ceiyed a plaque for his accomplish

‘1 gaye him my adyice on the
strategy ot entering competitions.
\\ hat was a competition said
Stew Deger. a professor of architec»
ture and one of Siress‘ instructors
"He had a great many ideas. and he
did it on his own. baSically

Stress destgn for the table was
built by the Formica company and
toured on display in Sala Viscontea
del Castello Sforzosco in Milan.
Italy, and then returned to he dis»
played in New York (‘ity as part of a
20-obiect touring exhibition spon-
sored by the Formica corporation

Another competition Winner for Si-
ress was a design he did to revita-
lize a part of a city in New Hamp~
shire Siross' father. who lives in
Manchester. NH. encouraged Si-
ress to enter the competition The

I «nine new
posteiih ltl.'
.lotitisoi; said flt‘
not the craze
sites of tori-er; 'i"
the Lit‘t'a' tt‘.i.ist ethic"
.itiecf 'lie iii» tit “c .1:

twine on this ;tltil2>'

\> tllilillt" ‘ 'i"t..'-i .llti'.’
\ttl‘i Mid} lllt‘ st ii'i' 't‘t .k'litl lint"

freedom and wont At‘.dit".il;.;

contest required a comet»? “it i. .
opment plat: for :-. "iota? m: t '
ical-industriai settioi of 'r.. w
Manchester sii'ess Ami seer, :
place and l‘t‘t't‘l\t"l S4 om

Siress said he currenm s »\t‘Tl\.l L
on two more designs ioi ion i"'
tion "l guess people think that l llh‘
to do this soit of thing and, i it 'e

According to l'Iai‘dlt-y :i:.iii\ s’ii
dents in the ('ollege oi \"t hitectiire
enter such competitions each year

Deger said .\t‘L'llllt‘t‘ltlrt' goes
through phases and it’s heconiiiig
more common for students in

As for Siress. the third year stu
dent slill lacks two years to grad
uate ‘l'd like to go to Boston and
start some kind oi design firm. he

But for now Stress will use part of
his scholarship to trawl to Venice.
Italy. next semester to study ar
chitecture. a trip for which he will
receive at least 15 credit hours

”for arch

Panel chooses

Hall of Fame



itecture student


('Ol ITIN‘ 0| KI\I{ ('llk‘ VI hilflnh

Anthony l-aidlcy clean of the College of Architecture llcfti. in-
spccts plans with (art Siress. an architecture senior.


 2 THE KENTUCKY KERNEI. Tliunday,March15,1984

College encompasses diverse disciplines in allied health fields


lit \\\ \ ll\l‘il‘\

\ .\

"ii'! .it‘lsis

Raw mine sort oi physical handicap


i graduate program iii phisica. the


\ "L.

\lt‘t‘i \ a,

\ccoiitiiig to

.«.i\ to introduce phisicai the

'o 'tie communities
\.'ll«tclL‘l‘. the coliege does not h.i\e

ici‘ Aot‘h



disciplnies that are needed iii
Rot‘ttisoii physical
work \\i‘h people who

.ind help to rehahilitate
l'his deiariment has gone .I
l .

iii-es otter graduate courses
iegiee car. he earned
for \\ztli 'he
inc health
Y‘i‘x‘t‘t'al tit! iit'tial‘I
l‘heretore The
.l ltl'_i\".‘.'..4tlt<'l' -it

isiet’ s

illi ti,




. h, H ‘.
,i, \\\.i, twain
'33:" ‘4

'm‘illlt'litgk .s ,m ..s

»\'.'Y‘..l‘. flu cola-gt li‘otiiiisw
\ ‘wrinologsi



s‘t‘!"\\ " i

am: .ittaflxi'i‘s 't“:‘

.'t'~ .if‘ui filih'il

st'llll)l‘ likes the attention the faculty
gixes the students The balanced
teacher student ratio benefits the
students in the program. she said

Because the) expect the number
ot students in the program to in-
crease. "the; are starting to expand
the tacult} she said

Another discipline is clinical pas-
toral. .i non-theological program

Students in this program already
are trained as professmnals in their
religious atl‘iliation. and pastoral cli~
nieians must serie a residency in a
hospital and also take a state exam.

\llied health education and re—
search is a program in which the
student can teach allied health pro-
iessioiis or conduct research once he
has cottipleted the bachelor's degree

\\e have a program in allied
health education to train people who
.\ {l he teachers in allied health and
’ii‘t'ttlllt' patient educators in hospi-


“We feel the students need to see
the real world of health care facili-
ties "

Because the big hospitals are in
the big CllltS. the program. which is
funded by the state, “helps address
maldistribution tot health profos~
sionals i." he said

Robinson said there are three
main reasons why the (‘ollege of Al»
lied llealth exists at l'K "We exist
to provide basic educational train-
ing."he said

The second reason is "to begin to
establish research basis in these disr
Ciplines "

And the third reason tor its eXis-
tenee is to prondt‘ educational re»
search and public seriice to the re»
gion and state. he said

This public service is provided in
the form of workshops held in Lex»
ington and throughout the state.
Robinson said

"About 30 percent of ithe

workshopsi are held lll Lexmg-
ton." he said The college usually
conducts 60 workshops a year

The college sui'ieys practitioners
throughout Kentuck) to determine
what workshops are needed. he said
"We do a needsvassessinent periodi-
call); ” Robinson said

The colleges percentage ot doc
torates. he said. is as good as any
other allied health college in the
countr} (it the colleges to faculty
members. more than half are doc-
torates. he said The rest have mas
ter's degrees

Still. Robinson said the college is
continuall} maturing “We're still a
)ouiig college " he said

'als. he said The patients are edu-
i..te._1 or. 'llt‘ll‘ health conditions and
no». 'i- take care ot themselves

llie iniids to start the program
were iloiiaimi h} the Kellogg Foun-
lh uas one of eight sites
iia'ioiiall} to establish the
joi-igixirii iiesaid
it t‘illli'.iiltl',\ also \\ork with lac
lilt'tf'ilit'l's at "learning resource
and help to llllpl‘ll\'(‘ teach»
ltL'. ltoliiiison said

[he toliege sponsors an Area
iliaitli Education System program.
'.?.1ll helps the students gain extra
working ll‘ rural
u here doctors are


l l Il\\\ -
i‘l'ttg'lclfl': to the l'niiers’it} Senate. otters a niastei s piograti,
: discipline

"\\e train people ‘o \\iil'h i ':
riousl_\ ill pailt'tiis
have to keep their :2

The college
class in coiiiniuiiiti he...'i
Robinson said

"This is not to Tiaii‘
chiel executiies at nos-pita \
said Instead. the). tai.
managers in health itepai'tiiiezz‘s
master's degree is
comeanexecutne gym” MM.

Sherri Soard :iuiiniiar. " Luif'tiri‘ilhilllit‘ti‘

.‘h‘ sd‘

Hiklllli ,ii‘ii radiation science is an
dzsiipliiie oi the college. Roh
'iis.I:: Mini 'l‘his undergraduate pro
man: 'Y.lttl.s people work in
tiospi'a» and other locations where

.'s sf‘.t'\z.l "

i'i'nt'L't ci.\t’ ‘1. WWW! did-"l i ’.t\ Linill.
'_ pg ‘,i!‘ii}_:_t‘df‘_ iifiiet'K ;; '1 iiii mm

5‘0 \‘.:i.‘~ {H

. . ... i » - .
filiitiim t'. \ i :

:~\ .1 .. .. ' tuitita Zitl1.,\ll>t‘ti “‘V
\.'t,o~.igti the undergraduate pror

‘ :s relamel) new the graduate

heei titlct‘cd for in to

:i. actep’m '21,, thi progiai'. .. trotuv
i LA

\2 _i:'~ of college t'odt‘se unit's .~
i i pi‘ogi'aii‘. has '_
t’t‘i‘. pretet‘atui Lit'llt'tli and so ‘ June,
a K‘likt‘.‘ ’ii’ \imi

. liti'l‘Iiilil‘i :s a speciali/ed
nutrition he said "They
The college onh

Mfr-mg” ,' .s .i ".iowai pro ieiiiii'w-i: e\,;~i'ieiii-e in
,. \t iv ‘t t

“or. Die \‘oimfit .‘uis m.

Ni" ii


' "ill‘A

' a : tear tiacneior s team .1: ' ‘ “i

Open do

Students and parents to have doorway to campus when Visitor ’5 Center opens in April

I) k 9 j ”I I
he said "Eventually we met It

deota *touelcome )eoile'o’t; = .' -.
. ‘ . l l

to The cam '\‘isitors to the institutioi. tar.

and \isit and there
meiits serx ed
Location of
Visitor's Center



lh H lf\l)\ .‘\II “I

57.11? \\ ""t‘Y

l’aniphlets and brochures
imssibh \ialking tours aiso .i I.‘ .




\oo: iiriiszwc' ti stiiite"‘s an". parents \\:l_

a .":ef‘.i

ente." ' :1'xers.'\ s tootua‘.


:iiis '. er 'tiej. a: : pm“ up

it: K sin." s i er.tei .i'toi"i1at.oi: reter
The idea ttll‘ the \:s,

:ia'ed \\lih chancellor tor
.\rt tiallahei’ and ti:_\selt _
ting our best loot toruard it”: -.

He said the adininis'rat
and the iniplementation o:
1' missions polic} haw deiaieit

\\e had to get into the reer‘ar”
attract good students here \- .u ,
cided to construct the \ 1s.7oi s ' .:'
:iiake a good tirsf ittipressioi. i

There \\lll lie hotl= tiiil tux.
stat: and prohahl;
t’!t1l)lit}t‘(‘.\ \\iirkiiig .1'

”Hrs Harris saui‘

xiv-.yotiii- and .t,\

" panning to haw
gxis‘ 'tiree

'1 tan ‘.> to tiuild
_‘ or t-egai; March

s painted for compler

)i'at's tfa

>7 ' it; ,
‘ ‘— \ A [it ,7"
' l
, 1.x- .3 - - ._/t\L<"
i. ' 3 \pr'.. 1' “ill he in
I ltwikstore 17‘. 'he

i‘ii'svte ’fli \ L.ivt‘s'\


1y. »3 t l i 2':



\Hlf l’ i

l“, y
‘lo ii"

' ~. to .er'aJ‘ai iitase a

.1. V\



'ifv'~-~.-' "I.: time.

:‘ce. ' ' 51:: ' 'i

."‘iit‘th" Tiizit‘ Iii-Z
it! The

~ 5 -' 7 First floor of
Student Center addition

lH\ll|l’llRll -,


The guards
nus signs xizil

,, J lilaiitoiisaid
Alix .i


t!‘ iti‘iit‘a'ltili'




'l‘tie\isitoistti1‘-: i

' it‘l'lll‘ “i

'1‘ sci’t‘t’h ii.

[3.13 til, ‘.:,i:

let r i.7,i‘.;;

t "it'li‘


ilarris \itil




('i\'l‘(‘ll OF THE YEAR.

It‘s the best time to he had at
the iiio\ ies since "l‘ootsiei"


Cover letters

Jou. Bldg.


tirciiii iiintl‘s Spring Break
7/557»: in:

Go anywhere
And back.






Surf's Up Again!
Come on out to Lexington's
”'1 Thursday Night

All you can drink
Draft $4.00

u 'tin an"

,'. 'H “tfiriu‘pf
March 23.1!th4wlicn you sliowusyour
student |.l ). card, any n iund-trip ticket
on ( ircilii iund is $59 or lcss‘.
‘ ,\n_\wlicre ( ireiiit iniid gt ies.
’ Si i this spring,r break, give
.\" iursclf a r *al break. Take
( ircilit iuiid anmiierc, ft ir
S5ilor less. -

liiis spring break. it _\‘i iii and your
it it 'lli‘ .in thinking about heading to
flit slt ipcs . it‘ the beaches -— i irjust
lit vine l« 't' a \isit- (irciiiound
tan take ton tlictc for
with \"ittor less,
it inndvti‘ip.
lit-iuci-u now and


And iltt'Vi‘t‘ hoth rcprv
sentcd in the insignia \‘oii wear
as .i nicmhcr ot' the Arth Nurse
(1 irps The caduceus on the lctt
means \i in re part ota health care
system in which educational and
career advancement are the rule.
not the exception The gold har
v‘tt the rtL'ltt means \‘t in command res ect as an Armv officer lfvou're
e mum; .i BSN write Armi‘ Nurse ( pportunitics. [‘0 Box 77”.
'. ti q» \ OTC};


Go Greyhound

And leave the drii ing it i us.

it it tilt irc informant in call 233-4201




THE KENTUCK V KERNFL Thursday, March 15, 10M - 3



Wildcats heading into NCAA Tournament on a high note

lt'stmnll} happened lll‘.~ in shape llll'k) ~llll lllllp‘ .m:

Finally .itto-r walr- wt liillllllllll'll pulls up .i llllll‘ iii! hut lib plm. Hm
potential .md lllbildllllll l K l\ _ In-vnnulsldnilmg ‘
llt'iltllllL‘ 1mm llm \l \.\ ltllll‘llitllll‘lll MICkey f'i‘o ope-n lllt' ,r\l '?.'\,\ | ix".s;l. Kim.
on u in i1 nnli' 'l‘tiq- tiiriuit nt lll\ll1)_’ tn- mnni-r at In: mwrwx oi ..t
to an minim-it with-.irvl at nppom-m PATTERSON hama Birmingham :1. In [gr-“gym“.
sci-ms &l\ rz-moli- .l\ thi- \i-Il nttm- \ Young 19 ll] gami- m-zltim' lull!) .»
calling and Ic-li‘nu .lm' l’. llr‘ hm 'n ustrangertothi-\Mltlrxils
giw hurl; lllt' rinimpmnxiizii trophy l K pldju‘rl RH ;: 'rl.

For the past \ \ \l‘.ll\ the “till ijxmx'lng [tum .ippquir tn lw lull i-humpmnstnp game- n.’ ma l h.
(‘ill.\ l].l\(‘ Lulu: Alli 'ln' \I‘J it: 1”?“ [imit' lur ttii- \‘lllrlrn's lJtl l)t‘.’1llllL‘ the (mutants ‘M I" iéxl
'l‘mlrnaim-n! .lllll wn'ri’mt 'lu‘ \I \\ mum-it n-nwx‘s mm Howe unit hmu-u-r lll‘lfl a tampon}! tum .1‘
on u Mull illlll‘ ill." not ..:’« 1’ hr. 1min l’nuil .llt‘ pundit: in tin-11 umz; llillllilllt‘ .ivut Illil\ .l \‘lpt‘i‘la' ‘.
mu l)ll|\\ll out (mom... .mi: \ll'n“'/t‘li MINI two-rm“ .mit imu- ic-(t l K lllv \(Wl‘ll’lfl outburst tr. 'nr “-2114
in Halmmu illfll \tll'llll. l1. . l'l.l\\\ l.1l'i'l [mil n: ”it“ \t'd‘llll \lith tin-w must-rt the Hunt nzarun: 'u we
I.i\lllllll. l'ixssrwtmu mutt Kw lit‘.xllll‘. :' ml. with mum good .wtr

"l ”11‘ L’.m.r .lL’i‘. ml in-HI’L’M .\.i\ 't.:: L1» tur'hv “rim ”ls i’.\l him... lilll\ll'l'dhl'1l_{l.'

lIHQ‘lII yl1.-t,..\' 3.. rum 'IM; my '.x.. | '7‘, 1.». lhr 3.1H Itii‘ka Huxwit m (twining l'llll rzmkwt l rim-r

~ ‘o-an. fruit

".0"'. 1‘ .‘, '3

mns .w hm: .lI't‘l ‘:._i' .m- 'Z';. “.;~ ~ ..i n! ‘im mum: m. s inst mm tn- IN.» .1' if. law Iv. IL" rum?
that l'lllltl «lihlisinfih l h '«m It tau .tli l‘.’.'ll'l.\ld.\lll' {Lil'll‘llrdlli \l'l'p.iz‘l1('xp.’1ril\w. \ll"\.l'l t‘. 1"
.lm- R il.nI my: I Iv‘.i::‘. ..N- ”l." .- it 'r..i' twill! w: .1 rm; lm'lH.’ H.111 ié‘i'l \l‘t‘lll\ 'i- tn- . 'm"
.‘illililltvgun.u r'w'fu 'mii'mzm I“ \.. .1 Hr plnfii'fl ill hut .ilmut throw lipxurxg Hal: Mt luv. u.
lllflt't‘ll '3..:.1."~~ w! 'm \I‘Ll 'I‘nurnutm-n' w o-xu-llwnl Iklilplazt'.’ I. “We. ;' :

Scott nips Newport Central Catholic in State , meg:
li\.l\\I-il.|l{\lt\ \t'.t\|vl. li'tm'c-it \H ' \t".\[i4l.'" Nun" «mm: A... [.1 . \v MOVE!

:\.\\U('l.‘tll"l I’I't'\~ klrnvz (.uriim w \_' twinnr'j it.” I\ Pvt :mm'ttivm i’rwtm. wilmr‘H-r! m.“ > 1




sic-x ~_'hpn1'1!~ i’vrsir-x .1 wptwrrmrr 11?». ,1 :
N-nlt Muir". .\.t\ town": .i it l\‘ \\o' zu-t'r 'h.» l>.llllt‘l'l‘ll”\~ \k.‘ (1...: :1! my ff x’nnzs trim: '12.? 3...;
\llppt‘l wash-m... .:, 't.‘ [firming runaway H» .ow .m: wxvm'hmg :.. mar.’ trim. 'Il“ {TH‘IIH‘M‘
round at lhr Hop \‘M- “1th N :n-w :1le \m'v 1mm!) (Vigil-i1 l‘:‘.t'l't"'i‘ twnwtnnu. lirrlwizsrfs
llgiskvllmll 'l‘mu‘: .xr‘rt ‘: \Al'lit“. sum l'tmt ~ wim' I ’-le1 'llt
'l‘hr itvuwr. i ‘ ‘ an: p .A. " mi; 'tni' l..'hni:r~ 'Jllllll] thaw w

more lusws That; 1 Hf. ‘hr l't‘fili.ii:" Mini lb out i JHIIII' Lb in HIN'

i‘h» ;\ me tape I)! 4.137:-
m rm..- wu' »: irmr‘k '1 .w
m". NIF’I iii- A.» rti-‘xw " -

”Kine-ll 'inIfmil KY'Hi km? '




my! ID I.l'.1’i v.3”. my»


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If you have lost y0ur bill. if you did not get your ReQISTer TO VOTe

bill, or if you need to make an option change,

pick up a packet to the left of the Cashiers Office Monday, March 26 thru Friday MOFCh 30
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Q - THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Wuday,Much15, 1984

'L J

-! ".~-11 tum n it


Singletdr) took .1 lmn- ot dbSl‘HCt‘ knou th.1t

\ietnuni “hen- tiw \tnt‘rlcdlb was \t’l‘\ interested in this pro .iskmt “hen dlli \w decidi- .1” son “hen )ou \H'H‘ .iroun1l hnr. he
m-rr killuitheuwk {more grain Singleturi 1*ont1nued "l .1] th.it ‘ ls.iid. Sitting right then- )ust sort oi U\(‘t'\\ht'iltl(‘(i you .\n1l 1t

\ iii.1n who p.irticip.1te1t 1n the in mos vonsidorut that .1 plus for the you ewr got mthin i‘mch oi h1s
ception oi p.11". oi the Great Soviet} progmni 1 got telephone calls all '\oii didn‘t mess around “1”] iirnis it he ewr got _\ou t-_\ the

.1nd .1? the s.1iiie llnk‘ uitnessed in hours oi the 11.1) or night at home. Johnson] Singletur) L‘UtlllllUNi hipels )oii \wre dead He t‘tttliti
creasing .intiputm towim the xi.”~ .1Z the ottici- oherewr l was "Johnson had a great personal map: tailkyiuintoniostanything
1s t'k i‘t‘t'MdNil Htis \ Singleturx udntine to knou this or wanting to netism, animal magnetism. ahout Johnson did not always sum-ess

him He was clearly a dynamic per- fully communicate this magnetism


ironi ti.s i‘hdllt“iittrshlp ot the tin
\(‘F\tl_\ oi \orth 1'.iroliii.1 .it Greens
horn '1‘ timid the .lot» t‘orps. .1 part ot
the 1 ‘fth‘t‘ oi l~‘1-ononi:1'Upportunits
lle rwulis stung in his other one
1.1\ l.it1- 19M uhen Sargent Shi‘ix
et‘ then .it!‘t‘\"l‘t .11 the Other oi
Foononizt' tipportunzn tuiliett troni
.\ .sr rigron .ismii.‘ .1 tie would ilkt‘
oi‘ie .it .1ri1‘. hifk 1111111: sonao

'r'ig Silt‘iu‘t' “with riot teil h.:‘.i


.s‘iiigletuijys assignment in No
\eintx-r um \MH to place 211.1100
minim-s 1.". 1.1nips .it‘t‘ith's the coun-
ti'_\ tw Job 1965 lel‘llllg from
svr.111‘h \t that lllltt‘ l “35 relaA
ll\t'i} young. and .1lniost e1 t‘l‘}thlng
seemed possible I! \\.1s .in ltllk‘t‘t5l~
.ng .1n1t :ntriguing .1ii1i povwrful
Line l‘o got th.it much commotion
doing .in1i that niut-t: .tone in that
shot‘Y .1 tmir t‘t‘qttll'mi Absolutel} 24


.1 ’t.‘ fie ‘i.11‘.‘ '.". :iiino. i: l 1111‘. \m. . , , _ .
‘ >1 ‘ hours .1 .Li\ I don . .illfth l w e\er
. -'.t1-.‘12".1."\!“ ' 1.t‘ s.i; 1 ..
‘ \ ,,“ ’1‘“ , m. _,_ minim no ““1111 tk-tot‘i 111' slice.
.it. Tt‘. 11‘1 ni‘t‘o l s t' 1-1 ., , .
l . L ‘ he \i»? \' .. 43 nt‘. .fit‘ flight of
‘tooks n .1 to. "1k Singietniw :1

June {1‘ :ms .11- do: The 2111111001




. , . Mt l‘.
The .lot' 1 ii‘ps 11 h..‘.': .snr‘wr’ h.11‘.
3‘. :2111111 .1.1.s .1 LY‘HL‘FJIR for I» :1 He I'm 1.1-1: .1:‘ mpei'wiice thh
'.o’.i."1‘1\i> who .wt'i- out it s1 hoo1 1111.1 .lohnsoi‘ tour .1' hip ranch before
uptown. \ 111112" s.m ". .1s hr .1::\ 1.17:. 111.1'2s .‘i.11i been made
'..1‘L\ .1v~ 111:1.1'.1f.1vx.1, 11 '.' .to::i:soi '11- s.1~1: .1>M‘1i “on are


.1 H‘!‘ "‘.11';'ft;; 21-.1'.1"1- ‘1 ' "who! \ 11. 111.111; “new )Ut. gonna house
‘h.i." .1 1i ’r'.1 "in; progrn" “1?." .1:‘ '311-s1- l‘t‘"l‘H' llou ltlttt‘il )ou gonna



.....1.. 57.» t.
' it



(his >\ Singleton tlet'tt meets “1th President lyndon B lolin















.1 1.0 \1.’ .*f~ .1 H. 21.1. \i‘. .‘lt‘\1 1

",i‘YYJN‘Y’ v~f 'iti “i‘u' ' '1'; s‘ "W



.1,s1 .1'.nr‘1~1: 'ti1 lilttl' snout .19..1' 1 ‘r1.


1.1:; ruins







. .. l
Ihe .:..:..1':ss 1112'» .i;'s1-i. :» . ‘- “.2 . n. 1. s::. 11.1.1 It r:..1'j. 3.1:... 1.1.1.» - '1 1-1 : 1‘ sll\ . “1-14..
sen-1t»: .1..':.ri1:"1s 1111s sins; ' 1+1::w 21.1s s'.1:'1-<: 3“. 'nr 1 ix .i'ttil rm Hem/m ri1|s.1.: ; 1,. .1-y‘n , 1 111.
:2». '71:'t‘.‘.f>¢‘.“~ ‘.'..1I‘*~’ Jon; : "1.1. \...:' :: \sso1;.1:.-1:. tout 1' 1,... ,.. 1
1. ."s 11:;1 wrong: 'zit 2.1.1.» 3' ‘ ~1l’l't"t't'«2" ’7111' "11‘ '. i . 1
,V ,, . _ { __ ' , ‘ .»"1'_.'\1 1’.‘ 1’ L
..1v.1_.-\ i\ .’ 1.1r'..1..s:‘.. ,1 fit . \m .' 11.1'rr..11.s:.. ;! her: :11'l1‘. .lot;rr1.1..s::. l1.1 , .. 1. .
.. . .' , . . , j ~‘1.1\1.tl\ ~11 .1
sin .u'mr Lir‘vs; it‘ll' 11111‘ 112m s.1.1t henna;- ,~ $111111!!! .1 l }\ s 31.1 .s 3.1 s, 1 .1: 1 R
' .1 .1 . "VT?“
rtiau H set" r from rir-sso: ‘5. “.1.1".j. .“1€11'~2till.xl\ \\1- t1t-I.is' 'otiii..:. r, iv." . ‘ ‘“



'.isK\ i‘1ZZZN”.'.\.1.. 3.1? 111' .131 f‘t‘ttigf‘in‘ UAR}

Improve your love life.




.1 - '-11‘r . v) .m' :1 1.:1 i‘ll1 . .
:\:\‘l{‘d 1: \llkihdfl “I“ ”11“.“ ..:1:i1§:”1i.~:1_1iii:\1: :3: son (tight) ll‘. the .Al‘tnct iooni \ihile in \\.ishin_1_'ton to! .111 mix.
:1.-...: ~ \1*Z.1L‘f‘m-1f p... ll1- 11.1mm it .1il mints iiit‘ctiii: 11' Who \nigletaii ieiiit'nihcis lolinson .1s ".1 l
" “grown. 1111‘ .i ,11.1. The '11'\' 1L1) Nitt‘wv!‘ ot.1nt.1ii
o 0 ‘ ’
Arena bill receives full-court press
H\ ( ”\Rl fsuul H :‘rmn I"! ’tiv \hs' 1‘11.1s' 1: some she s11i1i would hr si.1iii1tunlxetl it no
\_\\-Kt.1fi‘1‘.i‘.“t5~\\f'i ’.". t1; . .. ’ atom 121‘. .1 iLYTii‘ itththg mm mung». ts f1)[‘{h\’1\n‘;[j‘_L
‘or 7h: (1 \vt‘tit"'\ Y11\ lurk-IE? ”ti The Froedotii ll.iil pt'vt'ml uhit'h
r‘h‘;\\}\}‘ il‘ll \t'tr. ‘1‘..1' '1;s'.11t:» sh- 11 torniei (rm .l1~h:. \ lw‘i'oun. .lr
Thu lawn Hubris 'nl't’1i3t‘TT.I.L :' .r 27:11 :1-iio\.1t.ot‘ o: rt‘t'wlom H.111. proniiseti hetori 111111;: wtiit'e ‘1\.i.\
.iii‘ in: “1-111 st11‘1 so.“ .lni‘ \cne: ATWR‘ In. 1‘.1r1iiri.1.~ Pm} has N- inthi'linetttt
w, .4. -:'erso1'::w\1' .1111): ' .1 .1'.".~.' .1 $1; '1 tithimi‘ :mri1we'1oittt-t‘1 While the .it‘lit‘l'Mtl. 111.1:i'} 1t1-l1-
press \z'sft'f‘l.1. ‘t‘. ’fi1- ..\.\.tt‘ z '1”, . 1 1.1:v:;1.1::i: tvi‘ .1 t.1\ {alllttl 1,1.“ .1h1sti :1; t‘oll.n.s tor .m
.1 Y‘t“.\ T-.1>hr'7.’t11.i 1rv...1 to: ":11 1 '. zzt‘rmsr ottenszu toui t :‘21111 iv: ‘ he know: ;
rrs " ' .1 "I‘M“.TL .11sf own “It”. ht ’h.i' he 1:12:11' 11:“‘12211 v:‘ '1 lt'l..»\
\g.‘ . ' Luv \ . 1 .1*;1:s..-"it‘\ 'f‘it' it"d‘f‘ his 111tt'..: It1.1'«‘." :1: .1 'z1'f‘. \IL‘RIHL‘
"islk'li ‘ ' :1'11“(“1 M‘ .1 ..\' if W‘IWKN Cni' linings

.1 ,.. .h


.~ ,1

Scientis s optimistic on defense shield use

lit l|\l\llil.'\ ~.1,'


\ltit‘lll “'41“: lukz‘ I‘llf



L— __ __A

tn the putxlst- Ninth-tar) s11iti ‘l
h.1\1' .1 lils'Ht‘ His .11ltisi-i's 111.1111- .'1n
lii'..11.1- tor into the} \Htlllt‘ti him to
he .1 knit! oi good} good}. the}
u.1iit1‘1t t.1:i t1» s.1iiii1l like .i 'l'e\.is
pimu'hm \n1t .lohiison 1111s .1 lion til
.1 tii.ii1 ltii- onl\ tune I Her sii\\
hiiii l't'M‘tl to ioi'iii \i.1s to\\.1r1i the
enn‘ .it his .l1illlllllstl’1tltutl 111.1 press
(‘0nil‘t'i‘lit't‘ l‘hi-x Lint onto hiin tihout
SUHIt‘iitlllL‘ .1nil he lost his 1-11ol. .inti
hegi11t1tu-1i th.1t 11.11'i’ophoni- ot! th.1t
.sliin1t 1'11: hr s!.11‘t1-1t p.1i‘.11tini.1 up
and titmti 1.111 ttw oitt lion ilt' \\1l.\
and not .1111» tioiii .1ll th.1t pi'epurwl
tmt .11111‘ '11511 71211111 ohnt h1- kne“
about uih.1t ilt ktft'u \llt} I still.
"\li I’m-sutm‘ l think tluits the
he‘s! put-in .1tithit'dtit‘i' uou H’ «'M't'
mmic- 'ti.1f s \on .tllti l vtttoiiihgr
Miiitmh 3?.t‘l’i'itt'il117

l .1.»\.1j. s :1-1' in h.11l.1iiiiii1-i':oi:
l_\ t‘iilti;111‘\ .1t' ‘11‘? lili‘ [':.l\ik‘ril i‘.\l.1t>
ilsil'lit'l.3 'tn' hi'l‘.HMi_\\ in pui'tir
ui11l' \Itii‘ii‘ldt‘} s.1;1l 'l .1l\\.1_\s
thotigh' 'l1.1' .\.1s .1 inist.1lw homun-
hr ~1\.1s 1.1: ..oi1' sl1:lhul .1s .1 polit.
ml 11111n to gn' pinginniis 11.1ssmi
tii.’1t.l.11‘l1 l~.1:.'.1-1l' 'imei t'tlttitl

Nimn”.1:'. _ > “V‘s 1-1'ti11 liltl\(‘ 111
other iL‘.it‘ 1sso1‘2.11'i-1f ‘.\lli1 thr
.lohnsu: _1 stit'i1 .1s
ii.1i1'~‘t'-' 1' .: ’ ltn‘; \\21‘m‘l' who
.1'1111 m. ,...\ 1* 1: .ititltlstlt‘l tol‘ [.

Singletui'i h.1.s l‘t'dd most of the


.lohnson books "I have 11 hard time
\\ith the- ('\'p0.st‘ tttx- l was close


th1it ‘

enough to it to haw some resent
invnt tor “hut iipix-iirs to he a kind
tx-trutul l1} his o\\n tolks It
seems to H)!’ ion haw sonn- ohliggi
lion to _\oui‘ iiiiin When )ou serve

.1ii1l he his his ital." 11mm in
pi‘vsonu- _\oii don’t helm}

N1llti ,\lll)_‘ii'l.‘ll'\ l proliuhl} liked


il‘tlt'l‘ than .1 lot ot toiks

Flt‘sl HI .1“. I il.tti il\i'ti 1n
l<'\.1,s .intl I (tont iii-vessui‘ili think

th.it s .1 tl.1\« 111.1 iii.1n s1‘ii.1riit'tc-i‘

iit' \\.1s .11! onnrinousli 111N111 po

liti1'.1l tigtii’v l tiont s.1\ l tounti
hini .1tti'.11~t1\.1 or engaging: h1-
\i.1.s .1 WM 1tiit11ult ni.1n lvut I

thought he did .1 won 110.11 in t‘1tt't‘_\
liiusi‘ promunns through .11


Nttuivlat". \dlti iii' lilti ttw'

.11th .1” th1- .isix-i'ts ot lilt‘

‘ 1 think tti1'1;i1-.1' tinged} 111.1111111

son is th.1t ill' i1.11t thesi- l\\tttill‘k’1t(i\
goon.Y .1t the sdlllt‘ tiin1- onoi‘nioiis

tlen-lopnn-nt Liklttt.‘ pl.111- on the 1111


iiiestn‘ s11i