xt7tb27ps57z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tb27ps57z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-06-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, June 11, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 11, 1998 1998 1998-06-11 2020 true xt7tb27ps57z section xt7tb27ps57z  

WEM'llHl may

scattered thunder—
.ttomix likely. High
of“ and low of6 5



june 11, [998

with outlook clearing












4.; . ‘ J
chum: Fm ms
The anderson building lies in sham-
hlexjwt days afier work crew:
arrived to begin making wayfor
the new mechanical engineering



Old Anderson goes down to
make wnyfor new facility

By Jessica Coy
Editor in Chief

The sound of wrecking balls
striking brick rang through the
air last Wednesday and over sev-
enty years of memories were
brottght down as the Anderson
building fell.

The Anderson building, built
in the l920s. is in the process of
being demolished and removed
to make way for a new facility,
which officials say will be better
e uipped to handle the demands
0 the future.

“We are all lookin into the
future.” said Andy Sgeyhert, a
mechanical engineering profes-
sor. “In order to maintain the
high quality of education within
our de rtment we need to have
better aboratories and teaching


Meanwhile,the undergradu-
ate mechanical engineerin labs
have been moved to lab acili-
ties in the civil en ineering
building. and the macfiine shop
is being temporarily housed in
the mining and minerals build-
“Things are going to be tight
for the next two or three years
until the new facility is complet—
cd. but it will be worth it in the
lon run," Seybert said.

he plans for the proposal for
the new facility were a proved by
the state legislature this spring.
the building is projected to cost
$23.6 million, with $4 million in
private donations, and the bal—
ance in state bonds.

“It would have ended up cost-
ing more to remodel the build-


ing to the extent that we needed
it remodeled, than it would be to
build an new one,” said Tom
Moore. the business officer in
the college of engineering.

Although the building hasn’t
been designed yet. UK decided
to go ahead and get the demoli—
tion done while there weren‘t
many students on campus.

“\Ve wanted to get every-
thing cleared away before stu-
dents came baclt for the fall
semester so there wouldn't be
big trucks lumbering through
campus." said 'lom Lester, dean
of the college ofengineering.

Lester said the new building
will include computer and study
labs and a small auditorium.
which are features the old build-
ing lacked.

But it may be a few years
before students will be able to
take advantage of the new facili-
ty. Construction of the new
building may not start until the
fall of 1999.

for the weekend.




(ililAU/h‘tlt 7 l)/:‘t‘l'\liill\ 4

8 l harp/Int 5





Greeks kicked off

campus for hazing

Investigation ofhnzing pi'im‘iees leads to .\‘lL\‘[7(’ll.\‘l()ll

By Kathryn Chura
(.‘rmtrI/t/itmg u'rlter

Charges of physical attd men—
tal abuse of prospective iiieiiihcrs
ofthe Delta Sigma 'l‘heta sorori-
ty have led to its

temporary suspen—
sion from the L'ls'

A phone call to
Dean of Sororities


believe that formal actions
should be taken." \Vcst saiil.
“llaling is not supported l’.‘
Delta Sigma 'l‘heta‘s national
chapter and “C are Working with
the national group in
\\'ashington, l).(I. on
this specific case."

\\'cst also confirms
that the (ircelt Affairs
Office has no suspi—

Susan “est from a Studmtrshould cions that any other
Delta Sigma Theta mthavetorubmit organizations are cur—
alumna triggered to debmizing rently hate pledges.

suspicions . among MW West has indicated
(ireelt Affairs offi- Whit: that other violations
cials and a two ”13"” ‘_ of Greek policy and
month investigation m; regulations regarding
ensued. fWest, and V . prospective members
Dean 0 Students ma' also have
David Stockham MW occyurred, including
conducted inter- him that of fraternization
views with chapter with pledges prior to
officials, pledges, the established initia-

and members involved in the
alleged activities.

“The information we received
froin our interviews led us to

tion dates. No comments were
made about the current investi-

See Greek on 2


Kerley takes Chapman’s
place as LCC president

By Kim Glenn

(.‘nntrihuting l4 'n'ter

On Tuesday, june 9. the new
president was named for Lexing-
ton Community College.

l)r. James Kerley, who is cur-
rently the presi-
dent of ”op-
kinsville Com-
munity Colle e,
will talte the helm
startingjulv l. ,

After ormer
LCC president
janice Friedel left
last summer to
talte a )sition in
Iowa. fSr. James Chapman tem-
porarily assumed the position.

The search to permanently fill
the slot began this past january
when the vacancy was advertised


in publications such as The
Chronicle on Higher litlucation.
The Community College jour—
nal and the Lexin ton llerald—
Leader. The adlvertisemcnts
yielded 100 applications from
across the nation.

UK President Dr. Charles
VVethington ap )inted a six-per;
son Presidentia Search Commit-
tee. composed of various person-
nel affiliated with the community

Committee members polled
LCC faculty, staff and students
to find out what characteristics
they would like their new presi»
dent to have.

In May the Committee coin-
pleted its worlt by forwarding
three names to \Vethington for
consideration. The candidates

See mm on 2





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Cats to stay at Rupp
New lease pleases bot/7 UK and city oflicz'als

By Jason Dooley

\I./H ll 11/11

\ new lease that will keep the
L ls men‘s basketball team p|a1~
111g1 .11 Rupp \1'L-11.1 through the
st .11'1 ol thL 11L\t1111llL11111ui11l11s
bLL11.1ppio\edb\ thL l Lyington
(L111L1(ou11L1|-.111Ll L K olliLials

ll1L lc. 1sL inLludLs .1 si\— year
Lo111111i1111L111b1 the u11i1crsit1' to
hold b.1skL1.b1ll games at Rupp
.md pto1idLs .111 option b1 \1l1iLh
L K Lould puth-ase the arena after

July 1. 2000. Such a purchase

would require approval from
state, local, Lexington Center. and
UK officials.

Lexington Center Cottncil
Chairman Cecil Dunn said keep—
ing the \Vildcats in Rupp was the
council’s top priority in the
recent negotiations.

“\Vc felt we needed to keep
L'K playing downtown for two
reasons," he said. “The first was
that the city and community
needed them to play there
because of the jobs and revenue
that the Wildcats create. The
second was that Lexington is not,
in our opinion, large enough to

support two facilities the size of

Rupp Arena. ”

UK officials were also eager
to keep the team in Rupp, pro—
vided they could achieve what
they felt was a more equitable

lease agreement, said Kathy
l)el§oer from the L'K v\thletics

“Rupp has chn .1 very good
sitL lo1 us Delioel said. “He
felt that it 11L Lould get tuorc
l.“1\ot.1blL Icons for our lease
along 11itl1tl1c possibility of pur—
Ll.11sing the arena in the future, it
would lie-.1 win-11in situation,
both for us and for the Rupp
Arena people."

Delioer would not speculate
on the likelihood of UK exercis-
ing its option to buy Rupp; how—
ever, she said it is a possibility.

Both Dunn and DeBoer said
the negotiation process went very
smoothly. Both said they were
confident that the new agree—
ment will have a positive effect
on the University and the city.

Susan Straub, a spokesperson
for the mayor’s office, said the
lease will have no impact on
other Rupp Arena events such as
hockey, the Sweet 16 or concerts.

The lease also saves the univer-
sity approximately $485,000 per
year in rent reduction and revenue
from signage.

The lease was approved on
May 21 by the Lexington Center
Council, and became official on
June 4 when it was signed b1 UK
President Charles We thington.

“We" re confident that the new w
agreement will be a major plus to

V Six -year agreement to
continue playing in Rupp

V UK can purchase the
arena after July 1, 2000

with the approval of Lex-
ington Center, local and

state officials.

V UK will save approxi-
mately $485,000 per year
under the new rental

V Other arena events will

both the University and to the
city of Lexington," Dunn said.

UK students were pleased by
the news.

“It’s good that they'll be play—
ing in Rupp for a while," said
journalism senior Kevin Hall.
“It's also good that the1'1e got
one less controvers1 to worr1
about and the1 can just play the



New president to
starrjolz july I
From PAGE 1

recomtncndcd were Dr. (ircg
l3r11ton— Brown, .1 11s11mg pio—
lessor .11 \\ right StatL L inversi-

t1; l)1'._la111es KL1'iL1 pres1dcnt of

llopkins1illc (,ommunuy (inl-
lcgc; and Dr. .\l11n .\larro\1. dean
of instruction and chiel academic

officer at Catonsvillc Communi-
ty College in Maryland.

Choosing from these three,
\\'cthington recommended his
choice of candidate Kcrlc1 to the
Board ol'l rustces for its approval.

“The search went smoothly."
said Saumenan LCC mathematics
prolcssor and chairperson of the
search committee.

Kcrlcy. 48. has served the UK
Cottuuunity College System
since 1986 and has been the
llopkinsville Community Col-
lege president lor the past nine

“I lc understands how commu-
nity colleges operate and how to
work in the community. \Ve are
1ery fortunate to have him
aboard ’ Saunicr said.

Kerlcy said that he is looking
forward to working to bringing
the community college and the
Lexington main campus closer

“Lexington Community Col-
lege is in an era ol’transition. and
l have been very impressed with
(\‘L‘cthington'fl commitment to
making it a top-notch communi-
ty college." Kcrley said.



Sorority follows
in steps of SAE

Fro-m PAGE 1

gation due to the pending appeal
11 the sororit1 granted b1 the
unncrsu1 student LoLle oi Lon-

duct. (.hvrita Banks, president of

Delta S1gma Theta was unavail—
able lor comment.

The charges brought against
the sorority arc the result of a
7cro tolerance having policy that
David Stockham plans to enforce.
“At L'K hazing is not an accept—
able practicc. Students should not
have to submit to dehumanizing
and degrading behavior in order
to [out an organization.

M m u . I

Stockham explained L'K offi-
cials simply want to react respon-
sibly and adhere to the standards
of conduct that the university

“Once the suspension is over
they will return to campus in
good standing." Stockham said.
Should the sorority’s appeal he
declined. Delta Sigma Theta will
be reinstated for the Mill fall

o- .



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”MINA" RODGERS Kernel rid/l

MBMML M“ Jme .llar/c mar oils to paint a landscape lax! Saturday

By Jonathan D. Gent
Sit/[fill l‘lIt’I‘

The Friends of the .-\rboretum
and the Lexington .»\rt League
sponsored ;\rt in the Arboretum
on Saturdayulune ()th.

The groups said they wanted
people to enjoy both the art of
talented artists and the sights of
the arboretum

Kelley Smallwood. .m artist
at the show. uses gourds as medi-
um for her artwork.

.\fter preparing the gourds.
Smallwood creates scenes on
them with oil based paints.

John Snell, director of the
computing center at ’l'ransylya»
nia. displayed his extensive col-
lection of nature photography.

Snell's shots of flowers, trees
and waterfalls were taken front
the Red River (iorge and
Yosemite National Park.

(Irace l’erreiah, another
artist at the show. displayed her
“serigraphs.” Serigraphs are pic—
tures created by pushingr oil
paints through a silk screen with
a squeegee. Flowers and cats are
themes that dominated her work.

(.‘ale Hartman described the
irises she was drawing and spoke
about the light, technique and
concentration it takes to create
her works ofart.


Meadows takes to

I/Vildcat’s star takes shot at national team

By Dave Gorman
Staff ll 'rm’r

Even when she was little they
knew she would make it big.

“Big" might be an understate“
ment for L'K guard Laura Mead-
ows if she makes the l‘)‘)8 USA

Basketball \Vomen's National
Team on _lune 2(ith.
The appropriate reference

would then he “worldwide."

lf she makes the squad of
twelve for the Select team. Mead-
ows will find herself traveling
from Spain. to l’uerto Rico, to
Poland. playing in some of the
biggest games of her early career.

This Select team features first
and second year players in college.

Meadows could also play on
the R. \\'illiams.lones Cup team
that travels to 'Iaiwan. This
squad, however, features players
out ofcollege.

\leadows boasts the honor of
being the only player selected
from L'K.

“It feels nice. I just have to o
out there and represent [K t e
best I can," Meadows said.

Meadows has been making her

dreams come true since she was a

“She could dribble a basketball
when she was 2 years old," said
Patty Meadows, proudly of her
daughter, Laura.

“She always had a ball with her.
My neighbor
used to say,
‘\\ben she
becomes famous I
can always say I
knew her when
she was 2 years

\Vhen she was
five years old she
was playing or a-
nized basketball in the “Pee-“be"
league at the YMCA in her hotne-
town of Huntington, \\'.\'A.,
where she has been practicing
daily for the past few weeks.

It was at the YMCA that
Meadows received training from
the hometown boys.

“I try to play with guys more
because men are stronger and
quicker. That helps me improve
my game a lot." said Meadows. also
a member of the All-Southeastern
Conference freshmen team.


the court

At the YMCA Meadows also
ot a lot of training front the
lilometown girls.

She played and practiced with
her high school teammates, two of
which moved on to play at West
Virginia and Howard. They were
seniors when she was a freshman
and, “the experience really paid
off." according to her mother.

Meadows' neighbor was not
the first person to make predic—
tions about her. She came into
L'K highly regarded as a second
team member of the L'SA 'l‘oday
All-L'SA Basketball Team.

After scoring l8 points in her
first game for L'K. Head Coach
Bernadette Mattox predicted that
she would break records at L'K.
She further expressed uncertainty
about whether Meadows would
complete four years instead of
going to the pros.

“She was exaggerating,"
Meadows said. “All I can do is
keep working hard, and. (lod
willing, I could get the chance (to
play in the pros)...that would be a
dream come tme. We just have to
wait and see."

The trials will be heldjune 22—

Kent/4th Kernel, '11wrvduv. .711114’ I], 1998 3




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Name-l... l. mam; ,'l$t'iv VJIIIC‘V'H‘ \t «nus
Program s s. Program. . 1:... .u ‘l.
l)|\\(’l’u|iull l’ttle, Halo. w. w s w. than Dissertation Title: Hit N It .il l. ulu l\
H. 1.9 l . , -. ,. a V1,.” \. « .a. v' : . u.ml.l.s..isitl.....v.v
MilturProlrsuir 3,, M. ,\\ iy‘ ,H l ‘ .‘i . i..'l‘i lawlhhm 'I'inthtiat
“A“. .4 H I gm: .
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l’Luc .- . . In. twig
)Name r. . .'. l \tmn Name I llw. 111' .u.
'n-gram t . . p. , .> . .
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“1".” Plums.» '[g‘ I, H m . Major Pnth‘sor' 1.: i1... . l lt Hun
ll. lb... _ q . ”yaw Date \tn ." H‘I‘
lay-"9 "l"; ll ' ‘" Time. ‘. s p u.
illll: hf" ll Place... a... uni
\ame- ‘. it ‘1'.:.: Name \. i..i.|’ Mg
Program \I Program: \t. Bu... .l I again mug
Dissertation lille t‘ w \., .,.-.- r ‘-,t Duscnation 'l'itlc' \\‘tllit'llt .1 l 4 mm Ht .‘
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Maior pn,,‘.““r . . «v H. . ll i.- \ a, Major Professors In k A l.,;...
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Time . . Date \I.t 1‘ Wm
“are l\ ' - ‘\ 1Illk"i u. « up...
Plan-:14, r l<\t\ tunltlum
Name: I'm. l. u l. «Hittlht’ Name- I'mu ... lt. Mum-t
Pm .uir l'l..ttl.tt' l: '\ Pn I: l'«\\ ll -l w.
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Place ‘»I\ (r t with an .v 2.. mt ““1““le



Name: llr .tma l\ l4 \tulugt'u

Program; km. w Itogt uni llt’Jllll l‘r. MM...“
Drsu-rutmn Title: in net... lllllln Mt'tlunlsllb
1...! t \ . n lll’ I; Hi Is... c am; Mikit lltltlllt s as a

It. w... . st are.“ in kt ntut xv. ttmi. s. hm!
< heed. “I. l\

Major Plulnsor: In ltv-lu ll \ltapttt
Dale: Mn J" i‘)‘}h

Time: I m pm.

Place: tut \‘Jltrll llmldmg

Name: l\e\m It Ilnppri
MW. Hi: tug.
[Kwflmktn Tflk: (,.tllllll‘,tll\lll ltlll Predation m
lar‘al Drag: mllu s
Major Professor: I): l‘lulipt i. ‘\\lt \
lhte: lune .’ l‘Nfi
Time: 1m p m \N'mmaii
.’ W p m ’lX‘lt'll‘t'l
Place: 5:5 I It Morgan lhitltluig



Name: lam Moll

Pam-am: l‘sythnlugx

lmserution Title: tnoiuttuig I'rmuulm and
learning in the I‘tt‘sltdwtl ot l'mhk-m Drinking
Major Pmlmsor: In (in-gory Smith

Date: May 1| W‘N

Tune: 1 l p in

Place: 2£II~A k Nlc Ilall




Name: \aum k \tha

Wm: l’ln'sin

Discflalion Tiller Study ol the lawn Bias
(ltlkllltlJlk e I'cak lll a bk1.Il-I$I:.\H.at.u( r


WW: I)! Kw0k~Wa| Nu
Dllt: lune 5. I‘m

Inc: I (ll pm
Phce: t“) ( .henuary-Phyws Hltk.


Name: lcrry Alan llaker
Program: lsmmess Admnustratum
Dhscflzllon 111k: HILIIktJl "Ljifllllfl Isms ol
l-mplovee \tnrl. Hunts
mint Professor: 1): Mn Itael leamc)
Dr Sit-ten (It
Date: May 12 19‘“
lime: 1 Ill p m
Plan: «51 um stltml a Acuumanu

Nana Willtam Hlls Paterson

m: Ensure“ Adlntmstratu m
Dhcflallon Title: A Garbage (an \mmlauon
Model of High-Risk laulit) Siting

Malor Huh-nor: Dr Andrew I (mines
Date: ltIIN' S I‘Nfl

11m: 11 II! .I III

Place. m Mi mutt...“



Nllne: Derek A taumhcll

Ping-um: l'w. hobgy

[W m \runqisnlmngal \‘aluLttmn
ot Adult Attention

WW I)! ”and Ii'm'

M: MM 21. I‘ll”

“Int: 58 pm

Ph‘e: Ill» Kafllc Hall

Mir: lull \I‘atkms Hall

Program: t ImmtttlmAlIiM

mm M: Mullah at out \Mwurn ll Risk
A Law luv llll\\lttfll1.lll\'t‘( tllllllltlllk mun
Mflor Huh-soon In known. N Rush

0*: lune to NM

Tint: NH!) .4 m

M: 221 tun-tun Building



Name: A tm'vnn Hunk-non

m min... ill In

0km 'I'Ib: Mkklle Inn All‘lt'il Villages
and ( mam/.m- ml thrown“ in (mind kemx lo
m Hum Dt l’om hulk-hat

I“: “at 21 Wk“

Thin: All) p in

Place: lIH Iatlem, lull

Nana lube Alsxp lion loum
(,umulom .‘t menu".

M:\’II|M1\1 lteuurmlul Dom
h't-n Have An An ltmm Hm I lcmcutan‘ Visual
Art leathcnt‘on-ln xt lll'" Art l‘mgi nuts ‘A lllllll
1h tannin“ ot I‘uhlu \h- A"
"‘0' Dr IJIIla lent:

I). om.“ \n-k.l\

0*: lune It! I‘FlIt
Hill: In in m
M1122 Inilldtkatxmlhnhling




Nam: Mu. ht-tk- ( 'I‘mm

m haw-mm

nutrition like l’nvnuut Mind." ind

1:1"le ('l’tamflmatmt ii Auwl t trolwnr A
tadhxslaxe Inhabior lien"! and Sutt'flthh‘
I. hum-mum Arman llAlt1I‘nI'l Bantu

lmm In M thrust


0*: Ium‘ l6 N‘H

m , \arth Il'\\t‘(-\
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M m: It.- Note .1 Vlut vanunm-
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Mar... to brown
mum Dv Inu \mm
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Due lot! 1‘ Nut
IBM. ltitll um


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Nuns: FAN'flfll v mien


Willa An Im‘urani twin-in
l'r md \h‘flaw \enm‘leflu'hn "Mm-t of
V“ Int-m [Wit It the Kan-dry lint
ltqam tnlnl New Abdul m Ixn‘

Mr W I)! Inmkl M

M: ltnl' I}, I‘ll

time. I”!!! n m



M: toz M38 Mix-rah filth.

Mlle: tin-nun Wlhl‘t
m (unmmw mm
mm: "r lrrmhm Had l‘nwhr‘
fivlc ii t Hahn l Hall- A l't-mwuwlr lu-n‘lat
w Hobart DI lVlll'I‘ AW.»

l‘: Ivor N I”

1hr: too All; pm

M II‘ tat-mu Illlvmli‘u "inkling








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Carrey , ,_

‘Truman Show’ asks the rare
question of ‘How will it end? ’

By Steven Scrivner
Sta/f Il l‘lter

The odds of .Iim (Iarrey's
name heing mentioned in the
same sentence with the word
“( )scar" were pretty slim until
the recent opening of his latest
Iilm. 'I'ltc Trim/an Show. last

(Iarrcy stars in the film as
'l'ruman Burhank. a hahy who is
purchased hy a corporation and
unknowingly placed in front of
cameras from the moment he
was horn. His life is hroadcast
to tnillions of viewers. world-
wide. unheknownst to him.

Since 'lrtiiiitiii is unaware of
the 5.000 catneras strategically
planted in a community about
the size of L'K‘s catnptis. all oI'his
actions. thoughts and feelings are
natural. which leaves the audi-
ence wantin to watch every sec-
ond oI'his “Ii.

Like every great movie. there
must he a good supporting
actor/actress. lid llarris does
inst that as he plays (Ihristof. the
egotistical. somewhat demented
creator ofthe show/life. lti order
for his plan to succeed. (Ihristof
creates not just a set. hut a
Biodome—like structure which
encompasses an entire town
called Sea l laven.

The movie opens on day
nuniher l0.()()() and something
of Burhank's life. He is married
and works as a sales representa-

l'iveryone Burhank has ever
known is an actor hired to play a
specific part. liven his life—long
hcst friend is an actor. sortie—
times reading lines that have
hecn given to him just moments
heliorc his line is

\Ve learn that
llurhank is afraid of
water because of a
boating accident that
took his father's life.
(Ihristof created that
episode to make it
easier to contain
Burhank in the fake
community because
Sea llaven is on the




' brand of coffee.

(M offlw)



Photo filrmsbrd

ONE SMILE. STEP ]im Currey takes a dramatic departure (literally) from physical comedy to star in Peter
H Z’ir's "The Truman Shotr.‘ T lit-film plays at The Kentucky Theatre. Southpark and film! 0' ”in:

After several more question-
ahle events and confusing situa-
tions. 'l‘ruman decides to leave

'l‘he network producing the
show can't allow that to happen
and thus hcgins a comical
sequence of events. (a genre
quite familiar to (larrey,) as he
tries to leave hy plane (pay
attention to the poster on the
wall as he sits down in the travel
agent's office). hy hus and hy

From this point on. it's Bur-
hank vs. (Ihristot'.

The advertising on
the show is another
source of humor as
ads pop up at the
weirdest times and
places. Perhaps the
funniest of these is
the plug Burhank's

wife gives to a

\Vhat makes this
movie so enjoyable
is the artistic illus-
tration of the

was" ‘7}: M
Burhank hecomes “O" strange fasctnation
suspicious of his life m we seem to have

when he humps into

a homeless person

and reco nizes him as the same
actor w o played his father
years hefore.

One would think that a
mogul rich enough to htiild an
entire city could avoid recasting
a person Burhank would easily
recognize, hut hey. that's trivial.

with other people's
lives. So much that
we can forget about
()ur ()Wn.

Unlike the summer's other
disaster flicks. Deep Impact.
Godzilla and Anna eddrm. this
movie is original antlzlacks a spe-
cific fommla; The Truman Shore’s
slogan is “I low “ill it l‘ind?"












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ummer’s cinema

By Ben Salmon
Stu/or Staff” 'I'Ill'r

l‘iach year, the American pub-
lic must wade through the waves
of ridiculous hype that Tinsel—
town generates atid decide which
movies are worth their time.
resulting in a bevy of box-office
surprises and disappiiiiitments.

This suiiitiier has already pro-
duced one ofeach.

The surprise is the ()scar bun
that surrounds The Truman $1707."
and its star Jim (Iarrey, who
proves that. when he’s not busy
talking out of his butt. he can
actually act. And while it's diffi»
cult to call Godzilla's $55.7 mil—
lion opening weekend a letdown.
the big lizard didn't even come
close to stomping The Lott
Hbrlrl’s opening wee 'end record.

The remainder of_lune rests on
the shoulders of FBI Agents Mul-
der and Scully. The big-screen
adaptation of Fox's hit TV drama
“The X-Files" is looking to cash
in on the 20 million viewers that
tune in every Sunday night.

Hank/{unit gm
film, Wmfaikdm
morph: records


. 4 rmageddrm

:\lso iii June is Dart/Ir Helm/c. a
remake of the 1067 film about
talking 'inimals starring 1"ildic
Murphy. Rouiidingout the month
Is the Harrison lord tomintit
comedy 871 [Mix Vein/I .\IQI.7I\ the
( eorge ( looiiev crime storv (Int
(1/ SIQIII \orni \lactlon ilds I)IIty
”(III and Disney s ( liincse leg—
end .‘IIl/Illl. l inallv look for ( IIlIf
Han/[y mm with its liger Beatv
cast, to be one of the surprise hits
ofthe summer.

.~\s the summer heats up. so
does the competition for the
consumer dollar. .Iuly brings us
the latest iii the line of dopey
disaster flicks. ln i'il'lllilgt'iltlflll.
the panic is about an asteroid the
size of’lexas hurtling toward the
earth. .-\ star—studded cast that
includes Bruce \\'illis, Liv Tyler,
and Ben Afileck should help
make a sizable

crater in the summer business.
July's other can't-miss comes
from the super-duo of Steven
Spielberg and Tom Hanks. 9111'-
mg Private Ryan, a “orld \Va ar [1

drama also “an

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Damon as the title character.

lilscwhcrc. Chris Rock tries to
breathe some life into .i tired
series in Ia'tInI/ lie/rpm] 4. Dennis
()uaid stars in a remake of the
1‘)(t| classic The Parent 'II'iI/t.
.\ntonio Banderas dons 'I'Iic .Uilti’
«II‘ZIII‘m and mega—talents Samuel
1.. Jackson and Kevin Spacey
team up in 'I‘Ite Negotiator.

:\s the summer winds down. so
does the glut of intriguing tilms.

:\ugust is highlighted by the
chaotic murder— mystery llick.
Snake [lizyix starring \icolas( (age.

\nother big late summer release
is [In '“IIlII‘Qi‘I'M Based on the
old British secret agent series,
the film has star power (L'ma
’l‘hurman. Ralph l5iennes. and
Sean (Ionnery) alid should see its
share of business.

“rapping up the summer
releases are the Mike Myers‘
controversial 54, which is furi—
ously cutting footage to avoid an
NC-17 tag. and two comic hook
adaptations, Virm, starringjamie
Lee (lurtis. and Blade starring
\Vesley Snipes.







FIRM] AROUND: .‘igrmi Mull/er (Di/cu] Durhnnz'y) am! .S'tul/y (GI/[Ian . I’ll/RV"

win) mnm’er ll gloltal wnxprmty m .\'-l"I/et: Fight the Future, to he I'I'Ieati'tl tItIt «'Ilmmrr

W m SWW PM Ryan-— 7’24
Laurel Woman 4—- 7110
PM “I SM WM 7,10
The Parent Trap— 7129
VW: The X-FMiQ Maskotlorm— 7117
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Doctor Dolittle—6/26 Basesketbali — 7/31
Outot Sight—N26
Work-a5 VAUGUST: Snake Eyes—8i?
Can’t HardyWail-Gllz 54—8/7
Mum—6m mummies/14
VJULY: Armageddon—711 Blade-Miltentative)


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It Computer Store

asks byte

11 months to come, stu-
dents from across the
st 11c ‘»\lll \isit campus to
meet11111‘1.11_lv1se1's.s1g11 up for
«lassts and bask 111 the awe
that 1- illt' \Vilhain l. \oung
l,1l11.11'\ \nd they will wonder
;=t't'l1.1ps.1liitlil tn tltclrpat“
cllts if it's time to 1111 est 111
\Vt- smterely hope. they
cr \‘trxrc upon its offer to sup-

0|I price

company. Xenon (Iomputcrs,
offers .1 S I AM) system that can
Hill} be described as heavenly
compared to L'K‘s l)ell com;
puter. lhe system features a
{titlinhl l’entmm ll processor.
(14x11; Sl)R;\.\l, (Ll)rl\’().\l,
(1,()(ill hard drive. h\lll :\(;l’
5|) graphics accelerator, .1 17"
monitor. SoK modem and

la 1t11s Smartsuite 9".
lhese examples are typical
price disparities found every-
day when compar—

ply tl11111\\‘1tl1thclatr
est \\l/'.ll’1ll'\' from Ilill IN OUR OPINION mg systems offered

(iates and the folks at

lntcl [1's not that L'K sells
pink. \\lll] names like Dell,
(iateuay and lll.\l there's little
tliiiilit Ml receiving top quality
111ertl1.111v_l1sc. but price to be

p.1ivliu mothcr 111.1ttc1' entirely.
lw: 'l"llll‘\t. take the
“low ('t‘il” l)cll c1 111p11tcr

till'd't": (is It llsl‘» for
.llittlll \"1. Hill ,111d tcaturcs .1
liimh/ l'cnlttlln .\rl.\l.\
[H'iit't'ssi il'. l: \l ll l\'.\..\l (.l)~
R( ).\l. _'.l( ill hard drive.
3MB of \ideo memory and :1
l5" monitor.

Now take a look at last Sun~
day's llcst Buy advertising supv
plement. lt lists a similar
entry-level computer by :\cer.
For $1300 this system features
a faster $(l()n1th.\lX proces—
sor, UMB SDRAM, Cl)—
R( )M. 5.7(lll hard drive,
2MB Rag