xt7tb27ps64r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tb27ps64r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2004-11-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 17, 2004 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 17, 2004 2004 2004-11-17 2020 true xt7tb27ps64r section xt7tb27ps64r THE KENTUCKY

pairs with At
Baywatch ’6-'\


November 17, 2004

newsroom: 257-1915

first issue lree. Subsequent issues 25 cents.



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Whitney Withington, art coordinator of the Minds Wide Open Art Center, hangs one of the 49 paintings
done by adult artists with cognitive disabilities in the Rasdall Art Gallery. The exhibit ends Dec. l0.

scon Latina | STAFF



Father golfs to remember

915% 539.?


For many. the day after
Thanksgiving is the kickoff
to the holiday season.

For Michael Muth Sit. it
will be a day of remem-
brance and fund~raising.

Muth is organizing a golf
tournament to raise money
for a scholarship in honor of
his son. Brian Muth. who
would have been a sopho-
more at UK this year. died
Aug. 24 when he walked in
front of a tractor-trailer on
New Circle Road.

More than 70 students
from 15 universities will
play in the Brian Muth Golf
Challenge to raise money
for an academic-based schol-
arship in Muth‘s honor at
Trinity High School in
Louisville. where Brian
Muth graduated in 2003.

The scholarship idea
evolved from a post-Thanks-
giving family custom.

“It started as a tradition
with the guys." Michael
Muth said. “The women
would go shopping or go to
one of the casinos. and the

r"~' ,7, _..

' martini Golf chaise

November 26, 2004
Oldham County Club

men would play a round of

“Given that Brian
worked at golf courses since
he was a boy. it just seems
befitting we continue the
tradition. include more
friends and raise scholar-
ship funds in his name." he

Muth said he hopes the
scholarship will be an ap-
propriate tribute to his son‘s

“Brian was likeable. re-
sponsible and extremely
goal~oriented. and was al-
ways there for a friend."
Michael Muth said.

“He not only pushed
himself but pushed others.
and the qualities of the
scholarship will reflect that
in the individual candi~

Muth said candidates for
the scholarship will be cho-
sen by a board at Trinity
High School. Candidates

must be driven individuals
with high GPAs and have
outgoing personalities.

“We hope to reach our
goal of $101100 by the end of
the semester." he said ~ and
the golf tournament “is a
good beginning."

For non-golfers. there
will be horseshoes. volley-
ball. bocce ball and corn-

Muth said he plans to
hold additional golf chal»
lenges during the summer
and also hopes to plan other

“When you lose someone
so young and so full of life.
you want to remember
them." Muth said of his son.

"If we don't raise a lot of
money. the day will still be a
success because his friends
will be there to pay him trib-

lieu 's u A'ykei'riel. mm

Page 5


Man in head-butt deat
pleads to lesser charge

By Dariush Shala
mt kzurum KERNE

In John Holmes Sr.‘s
eyes. “justice was not
served” in the guilty plea of
the man originally charged
with killing his son.

Aaron Roth. 20. of
Louisville. entered a guilty
plea to fourth-degree as-
sault Monday. a charge
stemming from the death of
Nicholas Holmes. a Univer‘
sity of Dayton student, at
the Royal Lexington Apart-
ments on Nicholasville
Road Jan. 18.

According to Lexington
police reports. Roth head-
butted Holmes. causing him
to fall to the ground and
strike his head on concrete.

It is still unknown
whether the head-butt or
the impact with the con-
crete caused Holmes' death.
said Prosecuting Common-
wealth Attorney Ray Lar-

Police reports indicate
that alcohol factored into
the incident. along with an
accusation of a racial slur
that preceded the fight in
which Holmes died.

Roth entered his guilty
plea in the Fayette County
Circuit Court. and under a
recommendation from the
Commonwealth Attorney.
Roth would serve one year
in jail.

Police initially charged
Roth with reckless homi-
cide in the death of Holmes.

“Homicide is when you
take someone‘s life." said
John Holmes. "Aaron Roth
took my son's life."

Roth did not return
phone calls. and his mother
declined to comment.

Larson said this case
was particularly hard.

“‘Difficult' is not a word
associated with the conver‘
sations we had with the vic-

tims.“ Larson said. refer-
ring to both the Roth and
Holmes families.

“There‘s nothing satisfy-
ing about any kind of case
where life is lost. no matter
what sentence occurs." he

John Holmes said he
and his family were partic-
ularly unhappy that Roth
ended up being charged
with fourth-degree assault.

"I'm disappointed that
Aaron Roth did not plead
guilty to reckless homicide,
because he killed my son."
Holmes said.

”The grieving process of
losing a child. I think, is the
hardest thing I‘ve ever

Roth will be sentenced
Dec. 17 in Fayette County
Circuit Court.

dshafaefu kykernelcom


Bush tabs Rice for State

By Mike Allen

dent Bush named his national
security adviser. Condoleezza
Rice. to succeed Colin Powell
as secretary of state Tuesday:
turning to a confidante at a
time when the White House is
vowin I 0 mend ties with Eu
rope a (I put more energy
into brokering Middle East

Rice. who tutored Bush in
foreign policy when he was
Texas governor and sat at his
side through two wars. will
head seven blocks. from the
West Wing to Foggy Bottom.
to take charge of diplomacy
for a president who values
bluntness and to try to assert
control over a department
that the White House has con-
sidered hostile.

Rice. who turned 50 on
Sunday. appeared with Bush
at a Roosevelt Room ceremo-
ny carried by broadcast tele-
vision networks. The presi-
dent called the secretary of

state “Ameri-
ca's face to
the world."
"In Dr.
Rice. the
world will
see the
strength. the
grace and
the— decency
of our coun»
try" Bush said, before kissing
her on the right cheek. “The
nation needs her."

Bush said his new nation-
al security adviser will be
Rice‘s deputy. Stephen Hadley:
a low-key lawyer and Ohio na-
tive who is a former principal
of the Scowcroft Group con-
sulting firm.

Rice. who will be fourth in
line of succession to the presi-
dency. will be the first black
woman in the job. She is a
classical pianist. was a Stan-
ford University provost and
political science professor.
and specialized in the former
Soviet Union as a National Se-
curity (‘ouncil official for
President George HW. Bush.

Bush referred in his re-
marks to her childhood in Al-
abama during segregation. ty-
ing her experience to what he
called the nation's “great call-
ing of history to aid the forces
of reform and freedom in the
broader Middle East so that
that region can grow in hope.
instead of growing in anger."

“Dr. Rice has a deep. abid-
ing belief in the value and
power of liberty. betause she
has seen freedom denied and
freedom reborn." he said.

White House officials pre-
dicted the deployment of Rice
will tighten Bush's control
over his national security ap

Rice faces confirmation
hearings in the Senate. where
Democrats said they will grill
her about some of the dis-
credited elements of the
White House‘s case for war
against Iraq.

But congressional leaders
predicted she will be con
firmed. probably before Bush
begins his second term on
Jan. 20.

Senate Dems getnew leader

By Dan Morgan
IHE wxsamcrou eosr

Harry Reid. D-Nev. a miner‘s
son who grew up in a home
with no indoor toilet. took
command of Senate Democ-
rats yesterday and promised
to be a leader who would seek
compromise and consensus
with Republicans but also bat-
tle them when necessary

"I always would rather
dance than fight. but I know
how to fight." he said after
emerging from a closed meet-
ing of Democrats that elected
him minority leader by accla-


As Congress reconvened
after its election recess.
closeddoor House-Senate ne-
gotiations intensified on legis-
lation to revamp the U.S. intel-
ligence system and a huge
spending bill funding foreign
aid and most domestic gov-
ernment agencies in 20th}

Sen. Richard Durbin. I)-
lll.. picked by Democrats to be
minority whip. the number
two post. held out a slim hope
that the intelligence legisla-
tion could yet be completed
before final adjournment of
the 108th Congress. “Theies a
chance. but we Wlll need the

help of the White House." he

But [)urbiii acknowledged
it would still be necessary to
convince two House negotia-
tors. Reps. Duncan Hunter. R-
(‘alif.. and James Sensenbren-
ner. R-Wisc.. to accept the
HouseSenate compromise.

The massive spending bill.
which could total as much as
$335 billion. was still facing
some hurdles. but in the afier-
math of the election. lawmak-
ers in both parties seemed
anxious to reach an agree-
ment and close the books on

See Reid on page 2

‘Tragic': U.S. Marine shoots, kills a wounded Iraqi in mosque

By Anthony Shadid
ii: trimmer

killing of a wounded Iraqi by
a U.S. Marine in I-‘allujah was
termed a "tragic incident" by
the U.S. military commander
in Iraq yesterday as Arab
satellite channels replayed
unedited footage of the shoot-
ing as often as every half-

“It's being investigated.
and justice will be done.“
Army Gen. George Casey Jr.
said as he toured I-‘allujah at
the end of a U.S. incursion
there to root out insurgents.
“That‘s the way we operate.


This whole operation was
about the rule of law. and jus-
tice will be done."

The incident was captured
on video Saturday by Kevin
Sites. a free-lancer working
for NBC NeWs who is embed-
ded with a Marine unit.

The videotape shows a
squad of Marines entering a
mosque strewn with debris
where at least five Wounded
Iraqis are lying against a
wall. One of the Marines be-
gins shouting obscenities.
saying one of the Wounded
men is feigning death. He
then lifts his rifle and fires.

“He‘s dead now.“ a Marine
is heard saying. NBI‘ said the


Marine who fired the shot had
been wounded the day before
but had quickly returned to

Although U.S. networks
declined to air the actual
shooting. Arab networks such
as alwlazeera and alArabia
bmadcast theentire incident.
with graphics and narration
illustrating the sequence of
events. At times. the images
were lbozen.

Amnesty International
and Human Rights Watch
echoed calls by the top UN.
human rights official. Louise
Arbour. for an investigation of
possible abuses in Palluiah.

“The deliberate shooting


of unarmed and wounded
fighters who pose no immedi»
ate threat is a war crime un»
der international law. and
there is therefore an obliga-
tion on the US. authorities to
investigate all such reports
and to hold ix‘rpetrators of
such crimes accountable be
fore the law." Amnesty said in
a statement.

Iraqi officials deferred to
the U.S. military to handle the

“He is a US. soldier." said
Thaer Naqib. a spokesman for
Ayad Allawi. Iraq‘s interim
prime minister “We trust the
leadership of the multination»
al force. They are going to


provide him a fair
trial, They will up-

”This is too

“This is forbid-
den." said Emad

date us. We work to much. They Sadeq. 31. a taxi dri-

gether; we trust
each other."

Among Iraqis
interviewed Tues
day. however. ques-
tions about the
shooting elicited
stronger responses.
“It is a war What do
you think they
should do?" asked Dorayd
Madhlum. 39 an electrical en-
gineer "They brought the ter-
ror to Iraq and they (the in-
surgents) should get killed."

Others viewed the shoot-
ing in religious terms.

should kill
that soldier."

Emad Sadeq


“How could they
kill a wounded
man‘.’ And inside a
mosque? Did you
see them enter the
mosque with their
guns and boots?

“This is too
much. They should
kill that soldier“

Iraqi citizen



 PAGE 2 | Wednesday, Nov. I7, 2004

Continued from page 1

the business of this Congress

GOP leaders expressed hope
that the big “omnibus" bill. com-
bining all nine of the unfinished
annual appropriations bills.
could be wrapped up by Hiday
or Saturday. “1 don't see any-
thing that is going to stop us in
our tracks.” said John Scofield.
spokesman for the House Appro
priations Committee.

Midwestern and eastern
dairy farmers were still pushing
for a provision that would ex-
tend the federal dairy program
beyond next September. Presi
dent Bush called for the exten
sion while on campaign swings
in Wisconsin. But the provision
faces strong opposition from
western lawmakers represent-
ing larger-scale dairy interests
for whom federal payments are
capped under the program.

Tuesday or Wednesday. the
Senate will take up legislation
authorizing an increase of $800
billion to $900 billion in the cur-
rent $7.4 trillion national debt.
Democrats plan to use the occa-
sion to brand GOP fiscal poli
cies. such as tax cuts. as irt‘e

In addition to picking Reid
and Durbin for the top leader»
ship posts. Democrats also chose
Sen. Deborah Stabenow. Mich. a
first-termer who has worked es»
tensively on health and
Medicare issues. as conference
secretary. Sen. Charles Schumer.
N.Y.. a prodigious fund-raiser.
was selected to head the Democ-
ratic Senatorial Campaign Com
mittee, the party‘s political arm.

Not voting was outgoing Mi-
nority Leader Thomas Daschle.
l)-S.D.. who lost his bid for a
fourth Senate term to Republi
can John Thune.

Reid. in his remarks. struck
a conciliatory note. saying he
was “someone that believes that
legislation is the art of compro.

"I believe that consensus
building is one of my responsi»
bilities. and I'm going to do
everything l can to build as
much consensus and as many
compromises as possible.” he

Reid said the presulent called
him the day after the Nov. 2 elec-
tion "and said he wanted to be :i



Selected UK Police reports from Nov. 9 to Nov. 15

Nov. 9: Report of suspicious person asleep in an ele‘
vator on the fourth floor of Parking Structure No. 2.
Arrest made at 7:35 am.

Nov. 9: Arson reported at Keeneland Hall at 8:14 pm.
Nov. 10: Theft reported at the UK Chandler Medical
Center at 3:37 am.

Nov. 10: Criminal mischief reported at 842 Rose St. at
8:50 am.

Nov. 10: Theft reported at the UK Chandler Medical
Center at 10:33 am

Nov. 10: Marijuana trafficking reported on Rose Lane
near the Newman Center at 10:52 am.

Nov. 10: Theft reported at 140 Patterson Drive at 11:07

Nov. 11: Theft reported at Reynolds Building at 11:50

Nov. 11: Terroristic threatening reported at the UK
Chandler Medical Center at 12:42 pm.

Nov. 11: Criminal mischief reported in Parking
Structure No. 2 at 5:05 pm.

Nov. 12: Theft from a building and forgery reported at
Chemistry-Physics Building at 4 pm.

Nov. 13: Criminal mischief reported at W.T. Young
Library parking lot at 4:51 pm.

Nov. 13: Theft reported at K-Iot at 7:11 pm.

Nov. 14: Theft reported at Parking Structure No. 2 at
1:07 pm.

Nov. 14: Criminal mischief reported in Farmhouse
Fraternity parking lot at 4:24 pm.

Nov. 14: Criminal mischief reported at 420 Hilltop
Ave. at 8:04 pm.

Nov. 14: Theft reported at Parking Structure No. 2 at
9:54 pm.

Nov. 15: Theft reported at Kentucky Clinic at 7:59 am.
Nov. 15: Bomb threat reported at 770 Woodland Ave.
at 9:59 am.

Nov. 15: Criminal mischief reported in College View
parking lot at 3:19 pm.




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Congrats to our
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Kenny Moyer, Sigma Chi

Executive Vice President
Nate Chaney, Sigma Nu

Vice President of Recruitment
Craig McKinney, FarmHouse

Vice President of Internal Relations
Lee Johnson, Farmhouse

Vice President of External Relations
Ben Carter, Delta Sigma Phi

Vice President of Public Relations
Preston Worley, Lambda Chi Alpha

Vice President of Chapter Services
Angelo Theodosopoulos, Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Vice President of Education
Daniel Mudd, Kappa Sigma

Judicial Board Chairman
Mike Bash, Kappa Sigma









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Nov. 17, 2004
P116: 3

Tim Wiseman
Sports Editor

Pluto: 257-1915 I E11011: Worn


Braden resigns as volleyball coach

By Tim Wiseman

After seven seasons as
UK volleyball head coach.
Jona Braden has resigned.
UK announced late Monday

“The bottom line is to do
the right thing.“ Braden said.
“I'm not someone who would
typically choose to not con-
tinue something.

“I thought. if it‘s best for
me to step aside for the play»
ers and the team. then I

In her tenure. UK had a
record of 90.117, including a
37-69 record in Southeastern
Conference play.

She was an associate
coach under Kathy DeBoer
from 1991 to 1993. as the team
went 49-22. Braden then left
UK to serve as associate ath-
letics director and senior
women‘s administrator at
Butler University in Indi-
anapolis until 1997.

returned to
UK and re-
placed Fran
I'y. who went
78-80 from
1993 to 1997.

The an-
came 011 the
heels of UK's regular season
ending losses to Auburn and
Alabama which eliminated
the Cats from the SEC Tour-
nament and ran UK's record
to 12-16. 3-13 SEC.

The Cats opened the sea-
son 9-2 their best start
since 1993 h before losing 14
of their last 17 matches. in-
cluding the last five. UK has
not had a winning season
since Braden‘s second sea-
son. in 1999. when the Cats
went 16-15.

"You can‘t find a better
person than Jona Braden."
said UK Athletic Director


Mitch Barnhart in a press re-
lease. “We thank her for the
years of service she provided
UK and wish her the very

Phone calls to Barnhart
yesterday were not immedi-
ately returned.

According to the release.
the search for Braden‘s suc-
cessor has begun. and assis-
tant coaches Scott Carter and
Christie Landry will take
over as the Cats finish their
season at the Long Beach
State Tournament over the
Thanksgiving weekend.

The Cats will face Long
Beach State and American
University in the tourna-

Braden said she made the
decision after spending a
long time praying and think-
ing about what would be the
best way to help UK and its

She also said she had spo-
ken with Barnhart through-

out the season. but that the
decision was ultimately hers.

“Mitch is a very connect-
ed athletic director, and I
have nothing but respect for
him and his plan for all of
UK's programs." she said
My love for this program
and these players leads me to
this decision

“When you re a leader
you have to assess and you
have to measure where you

Braden said she current-
ly has no future plans.

“I'm not sure what direc
tion I am going yet." she said.
”I know God is good, and he
has a plan for me."

Players could not be
reached for comment as
team spokeswoman Mandy
Polley said UK wanted to
keep the players out of it.‘

twiseman 111 kykernelcom


Brooks shuts

By Jeff Patterson
1111 KENTUCKY 111111111

The meeting between UK
football coach Rich Brooks
and Athletic Director Mitch
Barnhart yesterday had
nothing to do with Brooks‘ or
his staff‘s job security. the
coach said.

“It was just a meeting.
like we have periodically
throughout the year." Brooks
said. “Talking about where
the football program is.
where it‘s been and where
it's headed."

In the meeting at Memor-
ial Coliseum. Brooks de-
clined to say whether he was
asked to shake up his staff
after the season ends. The
Cats play their final game at
Tennessee Nov 27.

All season long. Brooks
has had to defend his coach-
ing staff. primarily offensive
coordinator Ron Hudson.

The Cats‘ offense. which
ranks last in the Southeast-
ern Conference. with 14.2
points per game. has been
the catalyst of fan criticism.

Hudson has listened to
rumors of his departure for
much of the 2004 season.

“People making those ru-
mors have no credence."
Hudson said. “The people
who are making the rumors

down rumor mill after meeting with AD

are looking for excuses."

Even though Brooks has
said he was disappointed
with his team's offensive pro-
duction. he said he fully sup-
ports Hudson.

“1 don‘t think there is any
tough decision to make on
this staff," Brooks said Nov. 1
at his weekly news confer-
ence. “I have total confidence
in Ron Hudson and what we
are doing."

Brooks said he expects to
renew the contracts of all of
his assistant coaches this off-

“As far as I‘m concerned.
it's up to me," Brooks said
Nov. 1. "If it isn‘t. I guess
somebody can replace me."

Both Barnhart and Presi-
dent Lee Todd have publicly
expressed their support of
Brooks. Phone calls to Barn-
hart yesterday were not im-
mediately returned.

Asked if he'll return next
season. Brooks said. "I‘ve an-
swered that question a bunch
of times. and I'm not going to
address it again until the end
of the season."

Many of the players have
simply ignored rumors re,»
garding their coaches.

”Anybody can get on the
Internet and start a rumor."
said senior quarterback

Computers choose Oklahoma over Auburn


With college football's an"
nual national-title enigma
distilled to three contenders.
and with the Orange Bowl
fixing to invite only two. No.
3 Auburn still could not quite
catch up to No. 2 Oklahoma
Monday in the weekly Bowl
Championship Series rank

Auburn‘s fervent fans can
decry computers.

While the human beings
who comprise two-thirds of
the title-game selection mar-
veled at Auburn's eye-pop.
ping 24-6 mastery of a top-10
Georgia squad. the six com-
puters used in the system
sustained their love affair
with Oklahoma to foil
Auburn‘s mathematical

On Sunday. humans. vot-

W...) 31137111131153 “91711.1" 'ATION)
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”MHMEHIWW. VIII ' murmur». NIKK'

ing in The Associated Press
media poll and ESPN USA
Today coaches' poll. upgrad-
ed Auburn to a second-place
tie with Oklahoma (media)
anti to within a smidgen of
No. 2 Oklahoma (coaches).

These same humans' un-
wavering support kept
Southern California in the
No. 1 spot it has held all
along 111 the polls anti in the

But Monday. when the
computers spoke. five of the
six liked Oklahoma even
more than Southern Califor-
nia. and those numbers kept
Oklahoma‘s hold on No. 2
from fraying completely.

It shrank from .0567 to

All three teams stand 10-0
with twu games remaining.

L'SC will welcome Notre
Dame (6-4) on Nov. 27 and
play UCLA (64) on Dec. 4.



muv sum | surr

UK football coach Rich Brooks speaks with reporters after practice yes-
terday. He spoke about his meeting yesterday with Athletic Director Mitch
Barnhart, which had sparked rumors about Brooks' job security

Shane Boyd.

With the negativity sur—
rounding the team. Brooks
has made sure to keep it out
of practice.

“There‘s no sense bring-
ing any of the criticism
about whats sgoing on to the
practice field." Brooks said.
"(The players) are doing all
they can do to make it right."

The Cats (2-8. 1-6 SEC) are
coming off a 14-13 win over
Vanderbilt on Saturday:

Oklahoma will welcome
Baylor (3-7) on Saturday and
travel to Kansas City. Mo. on
Dec. 4 for a Big 12 title bout
with an as-yet-unnamed op-

Auburn will visit Alaba-
ma (64) on Saturday and At—
lanta on Dec. :1 to find proba-
bly Tennessee (7-2).

None of that is to be con-
fused with the potentially
historic drama at the No. 6
spot. which Utah (1110)
reached again this week after
falling to No. 7 last week.

That‘s significant because
the Utes could become the
first from the pauper confer.
ences outside the big six to
finish in the top six. the sys
tem's stipulation for a bid to
one of the four most lucra-
tive bowls.

To reach the bright Mia
mi lights of Jan. 4. Auburn
must continue \\ inning over

1G} I'I

~”.111: 11"”!er Ilizmtzi‘


Brooks said it would take
two more years for the pro-
gram to get back on track be-
cause of NCAA probation.
The team will be able to re-
gain its scholarship allot-
ment of 85 next season.

“I'll remind you again:
We didn't create the prob-
lem." Brooks said. “We are
trying to solve the problem."

E -ma 1 /
jpatterson . u levkernei com


humans. a reality noted Sat»
urday by its sixth—year coach.
Tommy Tuberville.

Last December. when the
system used seven comput-
ers. five kept Oklahoma No. 1
in the final ranking after not
watching Kansas State crush
the Sooners. 35-7. in the Big
12 championship game.

While the humans back
then had USC at No. 1 and
Louisiana State at No. 2. with
Oklahoma No. 3. the computv
ers insisted Oklahoma
should finish No. 1 in the
overall BCS and ranked LSI'
.016 ahead of IZSC for the oth-
er title-game spot.

Seeing that. the authorr
ties punished the computers
111 the offseason. docking
their influence to one—third
of the formula.

Even so. they have re-
mained feisty


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Nov. IT. 2004




MONEYMATTERS I Sawy saving and spending

Hillary Canada

Asst. Features Editor

Phone: 257- i9I5

E mail: hcanadaelkykernel. com

Toys aren't the only things broke after X-mas

‘Tis the
season to
be jolly
and broke.

T h e
h o l i d a y s
are quickly
ing. and
all over the
c o u n t r y
are prepar-
ing to
s p e n d
hefty sums on entertaining
guests and buying gifts for
close relatives and friends.

According to the National
Retail Federation. the
world's largest retail trade
association. this holiday sea-
son is expected to generate
consumer spending of $219.9
billion. Representing more
than 20 percent of annual
sales. it will be the most ex~
pensive season of the year.

But not everyone. espe-
cially college students. can
purchase luxurious gifts.
With gasoline prices and in-
come rates on the rise and
college income practically
nonexistent. gift buying and
entertaining aren‘t the easi-
est to pull off.

As the semester nears an
end. try searching for a job
in order to make some extra
cash. The National Retail
Federation found that retail-
ers increased their staffing
by 3.9 percent for last year's

Willie Eames _ .
9 pm. CheapSIde. Tickets cost $2.

VHS or Beta vii/TheFever
9 pm. The Dame. Tickets cost $7.

The Rudies iii/Gnarly Love
9f. .m. High on Rose. Tickets cost





Carol Plunk
9 pm. Mia's. Free.


Scourge of the Sea

7 p. m. Starbucks at the Student
Center. Free

Bob Stra
7 pm. Fur Dongs. Free.

8..8m Grand Ballroom. Tickets cost
Si for students $12 for faculty
and staff, SIS for general public

Chris Campbell w/Amy Correia 8
Griffinil ouse
8 p. m. The Dame. Tickets cost $5.

Fear Factory w/No Warning 8

ptn$l.5 Jillian' 5, Louisville. Tickets

Pa Roach vii/Chronic Future 8
TR STcompany

8pm. Bogarts, Cincinnati. Tickets
cost $15.

Luna w/Palomar
9 p m. Southgate Hause Newport.
Tickets cost 13

IO pm. The Fishtank. Tickets cost










holiday season. Many retail-
ers need the extra help. and
college students are perfect
for the roles they need filled.

Just don‘t plan on steal-

- ing your way to happiness
this season. though. The
NRF states that retailers lost
$10.77 billion due to shoplift-
ing and another $15.81 bil-
lion from employee theft.
This is a good way to get ar»
rested and turn your holiday
spirit into a mug shot.

Once you‘ve gathered
enough money or paychecks

, legally - create a shop-
ping list. Write down the
gifts you wish to purchase.
their prices. their recipients.
and their recipient's clothing
sizes. Keep this list with you
while you shop.

A survey conducted by
BIGresearch for the National
Retail Federation found that
51 percent of consumers
hope to receive CDs. DVDs.

books. videos. or video
games as a gift this year.
Other items on con-

sumers‘ wish lists are elec-
tronics. jewelry and home
decor Remember these as
you decide what to buy.

Next. online shopping.
which makes shopping a lot
easier is growing at an ever-
increasing rate. Online sales
are expected to amount to
$144 billion. rising 27 percent
above last year‘s sales.

I like to do my shopping
on eBaycom or Halfcom.

EBay gives you the opportu»
nity to bid on the products
you wish to buy. meaning
you will only spend what
you want to spend. Halfcom
offers deals on all sorts of
products at almost always
half off their retail value.

Look for free shipping
deals on many retailers' on-
line stores as well. Just be
sure to make the order early
enough to receive your pur—
chase on time.

If you don‘t like e-com-
merce. "Black Friday" , the
day after Thanksgiving
might be a good shopping
day substitution for you.

This is the biggest shop-
ping day of the year. earning
its name from many stores“
ability to turn their debt (“in
the red") to a profit (“in the

Usually in the Thanks-
giving Day newspaper. retail
stores will have ads offering
discounts and deals for the
next day only.

Ashley Smith. an English
junior. has shopped on the
day after Thanksgiving for
many years.

“I usually wait outside of
Target about 45 minutes be-
fore it opens that morning."
she said. ”As soon as the
doors open. I shove my way
through tons of people to get

“You have to be quick on
your feet and know what
products you are looking for.

I For the week of NOV. 17