xt7tdz030m4n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tdz030m4n/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19881216 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, December 16, 1988, no. 541 text The Green Bean, December 16, 1988, no. 541 1988 2014 true xt7tdz030m4n section xt7tdz030m4n t
Number 541 December 16, 1988
I?or some time, several different groups have discussed the idea of estab-
lishing a collection of microcomputer books and software for staff use. The
staff development committee hopes to have funds available to purchase some I
titles after expenses are met for programs to be sponsored this year. In the
meantime, they would like to start the collection with donations. If you have
books which you are no longer actively using or software which can legally be
copied, please bring or mail them to Joanne Goode at the Math Sciences
Tari Keller has offered one or two shelves in the systems Office and some sort
of circulation system yet to be devised. If you want to retain ownership of
your materials, but loan them to the staff collection, that can be accom-
modated. The committee hopes that by implementing the idea now and ex-
perimenting with how the collection will be accessed, the collection will take
off and grow, particularly if they can find a steady income source.
If you have suggestions or comments, please call Joanne at 7-8365 or send
E-mail to jmgoode@ukcc. (Submitted by Joanne Goode.) _
VVhen the University announces that it is operation on Plan B and classes are
not in session —— for example, between semesters -—, the library will not
open. If the University operates on Plan B when classes would otherwise be in
session, the Library will normally continue its regular schedule with staff
coverage as is maintained in public service units on nights and weekends.
Department heads with public service units should have plans in place for Plan
B coverage. Staff members are referred to UK Staff Personnel Policy and Pro-
cedure No. 71.0 for time reporting policies. ·
This policy does not apply to Medical Center Library personnel.
11% Newsletter of the Umversnty
of Kentucky Libraries

Zklthough the library staff was surveyed last spring for people willing to
lend their personal copies of library-related journals to be used in the
s0on—to—be—phased out routing service, the survey is being repeated at this
Since there has been some turnover in library staff, and since personal sub-
scriptions tend to change with time, we are listing below those journals for
which we have no donor at this time. The routing system will be set up so
that the journals should return to their owners after completing the routing
If you would be willing to lend your copy of any of these journals to the
service (or any other library—related titles), please complete the form below.
We will get in touch with you if your issues are needed and you will be told
the date to begin to send them to Mary McLaren in Acquisitions.
Chronicle er Qigher Educatieg RQ
Journal er Academie Librarianship ___ww§eriere Librerian
Library Journar {need a second donor] _r Serials Revieg ”
Library Quarterly Unabashed Librarian
Online Wilson Library Bulletin —
OTHER:_______________M___“____m______________mv__m_______Mm“w____~__________________ p_r_
Name:_________”________mr”m“_r“_________ Department2___“~v__________w_______
Please return to Mary McLaren, Acquisitions Department, by January 5, IQBB.
2 r . C ,

']Phe College of Arts and Sciences is continuing its Arts and Sciences Forum
lecture series through the spring of 1989. The purpose of the series is to
provide an opportunity for faculty members in the Arts and Sciences to share
their research findings and interests with a general audience from the univer-
sity com unity. The first forum on December 6 was presented by Graham Rowles,
professor of geography and associate director of the Sanders- Brown Center on
Aging, who spoke on "Growing Old in Appalachia."
On Tuesday, January 31, 1989, Carl Lee, associate professor of mathematics,
will present the second lecture of the series with a talk entitled "Shaping
Space: A Polyhedral Approach." The final lecture in the series will be
presented on March 21, 1989, when Mark Summers, associated professor of his-
tory, will speak on "The Press Gang: Newspapers and the 'Great Barbeque',
All lectures begin at noon in the Peal Gallery, King Library North.
Inibrary job openings from throughout the Midwest are listed on the Midwest
Federation of Library Associations (MFLA) telephone JOBLINE. Job seekers can
reach the JOBLINE at (317)926-8770 for the latest job listing.
Libraries wishing to list job openings on the MTLA JOBLINE should call their .
state library association on Central Indiana Library Services Authority
(CIALSA) at 317-926-6561 for listing forms and guidelines.
E?ire alarms will be tested in King North and South on Tuesday, January 3,
1989, between 7:30 and 8:00 a.m. Alarms are routinely tested on the first
Tuesday of the month.
UDime sheets for the pay period 12/17/88-12/30/88 are due in the Director's
Office no later than 9:00 a.m., Tuesday, December 20, 1988.
Biweekly checks for the pay period ending 12/16/88 will be available in the
Director's office at 10:30 a.m. Friday, December 23, 1988. ·

 _The Library Faculty and Assistantship (monthly) checks for December will be
available in the Director‘s Gffice at 10:30 a.m. Friday, December 23, 1988.
For further information or answers to any questions concerning payroll, please
call Ann Howell in the Director‘s Office at 7-3801.
CDn Thursday, January 5, 1989, from 11:30 a.m.~1:30 p.m. and again from
3:30-5:30 p.m., Lexington Community Col;ege will have a special registration
program for UK employees. Employees will be able to talk with faculty ad-
visors about classes, participate in placement evaluation, complete the admis-
` sion process, register on-line by computer and receive your bill, and leave
their tuition defrayal document with the colleged For more information, call
_I. S.; .'I“.....]E€.f..·~? ria      
']?raining on how to use the various databases from ISI has been scheduled by
the Central/Eastern Kentucky Online Users Grow, for January 16-17. ISI
produces Current Contents, Sciaearch and Social &:iSearch. The training
workshop is designed to develop and enhance searching skills on ISI databases.
1 Concentration is on each element in ISI files and covers cited reference _
searching in detail. If possible, hands-on searching will be available.
Training for DIALOG users is scheduled on January 16 from 9:00 a.m. until noon
and from 1:30-5:00 p.m. Social SciSearch and Current Contents will be covered
in the morning session and Arts and Humanities and Social SciSearch in the af-
ternoon. Participants may register for either or both sessions. Each session ~
is $45`per person or you may register for both for $75.
BRS training for searchers on ISI databases will take place on January 17 from °
9:00 a.m. until noon and from 1:30-3:00 p.m. The morning session will cover
Arts and Humanities, Social SciSearch and Computers and Mathematics, while the
afternoon session will focus on Current Contents. The morning session will
cost $45 per person; the afternoon session is $25.
For more information or to sign up for the sessions, call Mark Ingram in the
Medical Center Library at 233-6568. (Submitted by Judy Stephenson.)

 . _ P E   S C) N N E I.- N C) 'I' E S
STAFF ACTIVITIES in helping the community colleges
prepare for LS/2000. As we move into
a busy year of preparation, we are
Lew Bowling, Music Librarian, was greatly relieved to know that the
the first guest speaker in the new King Library staff will be guiding
School of Music Convocation Series us.
held December 5. He spoke on library
and infomation services for music.
Gail Kennedy, Associate Director,
submitted the following letter
ABOVE @ QEYOND whichLew Bowling, Music Librarian,
received the following letter from
James Campbell, Acting Director of
Mr. Willis recently received the the School of Music:
following letter from Martha `
Birchfield, Head Librarian at Lexi- Thank you for volunteering to be the
ngton Community College: first guest speaker on the new School
of Music Convocation Series. It
seems most appropriate that, as ‘
On November 18 LCC and the KLA Com- director of information services for
munity College Roundtable sponsored a music students, you should speak at
workshop for community college the first "gathering of the masses."
library technicians which was held at
King Library. The training sessions Little did I realize that you were
were expertly conducted by John such a dynamic speaker --7- we are just
Bryant, Judy Wiza, Jennifer Michener beginning to discover the scope of
and Paul Fuller. In addition, your talents! The School of Music is
several King staff members were help- lucky to have someone of your caliber
ful in behind—the—scenes coordina- connected with our program. ..
tion: °Judy Sackett, Miko Pattie, Judy
Brown, Bill Marshall and Tari Keller.
Not only did we rely on your staff DEPARTING STAFF
for making presentations, we took ad-
vantage of your facilities, using
Room 104B equipped with the Cindy Cline ...... Kentucky Newspaper
Limelighter, and the PRIME lab. We Project
were especially pleased to be able to
have lunch in the Patterson Room in ·
Special Collections.
We appreciate very much the support
you and your staff have demonstrated Valerie Boggs ...... Business Library

 J O B CD P E N I ZN G S l
ARIZONA Geology and Chemistry Librarian and
Science Bibliographer, Yale Univer-
sity Library. Yale University, New
. Slavic/Social Sciences Catalog Haven. Salary: $26,000 minimum.
._ Librarian. University of Arizona, Deadline: January 31, 1989.
Tucson. Salary: $20,000 minimum. Preservation Administration Inter-
Deadline: January 13, 1989. nship. Yale University, New Haven.
Salary: $25,000. Deadline: Decem-
ber 16, 1989.
Social Sciences Librarian. University A
of California, Irvine. Salary:
$25,380—$44,676. Deadline: February Assistant Librarian/ Serials.
1, 1989. ‘ University of Delaware, Newark.
Salary: none listed. Deadline: V
Science Reference Librarian. Univer- January 16, 1989.
, sity of California, Santa Barbara. Assistant Librarian/Acquisitions.
Salary: $25,380-$44,676. Deadline: University of Delaware, Newark.
February 28, 1989. Salary: none listed. Deadline:
1 January 23, 1989.
’ coLoRADo
Head, Science and Technology Depart-
ment, Colorado State University, ·
Fort Collins. Salary: $30,000 mini- Reference Librarian/Science Bibliog-
mum. Deadline: April 1, 1989. rapher. University of Miami, Coral
Gables. Salary: $20,000—$25,000.
Deadline: December 31, 1989.
Near East Catalog Librarian, Sterling
Memorial Library. Yale University, `
New Haven. Salary: $26,000 minimum. Head of Catalog Management.
Deadline: January 31, 1989. Northwestern University, Evanston.
Salary: $25,000-$29,000. Deadline:
February 28, 1989.

= Assistant Librarian, Undergraduate Head, Reference Department. Kent
A Library Services. Indiana Univer- State University, Kent. Salary:
“ sity, Bloomington. Salary: $21,500 $30,000 minimum. Deadline: January
minimum. Deadline: January 15, 1989. 31, 1989.
Head, Honographic Acquisitions and
Head of Technical Services. Indiana Serials. Kent State University, Kent.
University, Southeast, New Albany. Salary: $30,000 minimum. Deadline:
Salary: $20,000 minimum. Deadline: January 31, 1989.
January 15, 1989.
Serial Cataloger. Ohio State Univer-
Head of Reference. University of sity, Columbus. Salary: $22,080-
Notre Dame, South Bend. Salary: $27,600. Deadline: January 31, 1989.
$32,000 minimum. Deadline: January East European and Slavic Studies
15, 1989. Librarian. Ohio State University,
Columbus. Salary: $23,040—$32,040.
Undergraduate Librarian. Purdue Deadline: January 15, 1989. _
University, West Lafayette. Salary: Non-book and Special Assignments
$30,000 minimum. Deadline: April 1, Cataloger. Ohio State University,
1989. Columbus. Salary: $22,080-$27,600.
Deadline: January 31, 1989.
Library Conservation Specialist. Ohio
State University, Columbus. Salary:
KANSAS $17,520—$19,800. Deadline: January
31, 1989.
Cataloging Librarian. University of
Kansas, Lawrence. Salary: $19,500-
$23,500. Deadline: January 3, 1989. SOUTH CAROLINA —
_ Electronic Information Services "
MINNESOTA Librarian. Clemson University, Clem-
. son. Salary: $25,000 minimum. Dead-
line: January 20, 1989. °
Information Services Librarian, Bio-
Medical Library. University of Min-
nesota, Minneapolis. Salary:
$24,000 minimum. Deadline: March 15, TEXAS
Assistant Director for Information

 A "\.
Services. University of Houston. WISCONSIN
Salary: $35,000 minimum. Deadline:
February 15, 1989.
Director of Business/Social Science
Reference Libraries Service. Univer-
y sity of Wisconsin-Madison. Salary:
none listed. Deadline: January 31,
Bonnie Cox, editor and typist. A
Cecil Madison, printer.