xt7tdz03296w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tdz03296w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-04-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 06, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 06, 1977 1977 1977-04-06 2020 true xt7tdz03296w section xt7tdz03296w Singletary says he’s
unsure on job offer


UK President Otis A. Singletary
insisted yesterday that he has not
decided whether to accept President
Carter's offer to become chairman
of the National Endowment for the

Singletary said, however, he
expects to make a decision “in a
matter if days” He said he will be
unavailable for comment while
making the decision.

“1 an: going to think hard about it,
come to a conclusion and then not
look back at the decision," said
Singletary following yesterday‘s UK
Boa rd of Trustees meeting. “I won‘t
be able to look back and second
guess on the decision."

Monday's Courier-Journal
reported that if Singletary survives
investigative checks, Carter will
probably submit his name for Senate
confimration to the endowment post.
Singletary said he had been con-
tacted by Carter to head the in-
dependent federal agency. He said
the Courier-Journal account was
“substa ntia lly correct."

Would resign l' K presidency

if the position is offered to
Singletary and he accepts, he would
have to resign as president. His
salary would increase $2,500 a year
to $2,500.

Singletary said the offer is “really
attractive to an old historian." The
national endownrentwas established
in 1965 to encourage work in the
humanities (such as research and
education), lectures, exhibits and
public television programs.

Singletary also said the position
looks attractive when weighed
against the frustrations of his job
here. But, he said, he has always
thought that “the action” is on
collge campuses.

While attending the Council on
Public Higher Education in
Louisville a week ago, Singletary
acknowledged that he received a
personal phone call from Carter.

The President named an advisory
committee several weeks ago to
screen candidates for the position.
According to the Courier-Journal
article, several educators
nominated Singletary for the post.

Post race nt since January

The humanities pat has been
vacant s'nce January when Ronald
Herman, whohad been chaiman for
five years, resigned. The main
purpose of the endowment, which
has an approximate $85 million
budget. is to disburse grants.

lf Singletary does head the en
dowrrient, it will be his second high-
level job it federal government.
Singletary was the Job Corps’ first
director from October 1964 to
January 1966.

Following his brief statement on
Ca rter‘s offer, the Board of Trustees
appointed deans for two recently
established colleges.

ltuslr named communications dean

Ramona R. Rush, distinquished
professor and acting chairperson of
the department of communications
at the University of Tulsa, was
named dean of the College of
Communications; Dr. J. Robert
Wills Jr., chairman of the UK
department of theatre arts, was
named dean of the College of Fine

Rush, 40, who is on a year’s leave
from the University of Florida,
earned her bachelor's degree in
journalism from the University of
Kansas in 1959 and a master’s
degree in radio, television and film
in 1963. in 1969 she earned a doc-
torate in mass communication from
the University of Wisconsin.

Her teaching and research in-
terests include communication
theory, public opinion, minorities
and communications, gerontology
and communications.

Wills, 36, earned a bachelor’s
degree in theatre and speech from
the College of Wooster (Ohiol in
1962, a master’s degree in theatre
from theUniversity of lllinois in 1963
and a doctorate from Case Western
Reserve University in 1911.

His teaching and research ex-
perience includes acting, directing,
European and Amerivan theatre
history, child drama and creative
dramatics, stagecraft and the art of
theatre. .

Both appointments are effective
July 1.



Sens. “alter "Dee“
l'r esident.

llugly, his consultant. related

ha rge.

Julian t‘arroll. last week.




llurldleston and Wendell Ford asked
l’r esident t'arter yesterday for immediate action on Gov. Julian
( arr-oil‘s request to declare 11 flood-stricken counties disaster
areas. “Flood waters once again are ravaging eastern Kentucky
and all indications are that'this could be the worst flood to hit the
region in decades." the senators said in a telegram to the

\ legislative committee voted yesterday to ask several state
officials and utility companies to testify about a claim that
Kentucky has vast untapped natural gas reserves. lt acted after
IreViitt lrangford, a western Kentucky developer, and W. C.

seen-edinterested in their proposals for pipelines.

\ barge loaded n itlr gasoline slammed into a canal on the Ohio
lirver yesterday and about 80,000 gallons of the fuel spilled into
the r iver. the ( ‘oast (luard reported. Authorities said the towboat,
.larrcs It. llines. pushing three gasoline barges, crashed into a
concrete wall of the canal and ruptured one compartment in one

“illinrn lnx of Marlisonrille was confirmed by the Senate
yesterday to head the Federal Highway Administration. The
Monte I'vairon-nent and Public Works Committee approved
1 ox‘s rumination Monday. The committee need only 90 nrinutes
of endorsements by Sens. Walter lluddleston and Wendell Ford
and US 'I‘ra nsporta lion Secretary Brock Adams before selecting
(ox. l’rcsident t'arter nominated (‘ox, a former aide to Gov.

I' xxon tom. and (6qu till (‘0er urged Congress yesterday to
prov ide n ore federal money to help them convert coal into oil,
gasoline and other fuels. l-ixxon asked the federal government to
pick' up half the cost of a proposed $240-milllon project for
changing coal to a liquid fuel. Gulf said the government should

pay rx ost of the costs of a sinrilar project that could convert coal
into eithera liquid or a solid fuel.

' I I I
IS this spring?
'I he rain nil end today. The high will be in the mid 40’s. Clear
and not as cold tonight with a low in the mid to upper :Ii’a.

'l‘un-nrrow will he partly sunny and warmer (thank goodness).
the high in the low to rr id (It‘s.

that no larger state utilities



ltecom mends :l honorary a wards

The Board also approved
recommendations that three
honorary degrees be awarded.

— Earl 1). Wallace, whois active in
local business affairs and historic
restoration projects, will receive the
honorary degree of Doctor of Laws.

—l)r. Edmund D. Pellegrino,
internationally recognized in the
area of world health, be awarded the
honorary degree of Doctor of Let-

— Dr. Holman Hamilton, a retired
UK history professor, be awarded
the honorary degree of Doctor of

Wallace is a UK graduate,
l’ellegrino is a former chairman of
the UK depa rtnrent of medicine, and
Hamilton earned his doctorate fron
UK and served on the faculty far 21

In other action, the board ap-
proved a recommendation to ac-
tivate a second mobile program
leading to an associate degree in
dental hygiene.

Vol. LXVlll, Number 139
Wednesday, April 6, 1977


APR 6197']


I reek \lonran ol' the \ car.



3H" * UniversL.

lWhat about Plato?

“lt‘s tinris like these that I wish I had my kazoo.“
said thris laborouski after being named tireek
\'un ol'tlrc \ cur last night at the (lreek banquet. At
right. (‘lrristy l.a_\ saiors the thrill of being named




an independent student newspaper

At senior citizens forum

Candidates discuss general issues

Kernel Reporter

The campaign platforms of five
candidates in the Lexington mayoral
race directly confronted each other
yesterday during an open forum.

Sponsored by the UK Council on
Aging, the program was directed
especially for senior citizens, and to
give the public a chance to become
acquainted with the candidates. A
sixth candidate, Roger Ware, was
not invited because his candidacy
was announced after the forum was
set up.

The Student Center Theater, site
of the fonrm, was half-full as the
candidates stressed general issues,
as well as making statements
relevant to the concerns of senior

James Amato stressed his ex-
perience as Municipal Judge from
roam, and reminded the audience

of his efforts to reorganize the
Lexington court system.

\ “I brought the courts in Lexington
into the mth Century,” Amato said.
“I removed the Domestic Court
from the Criminal Court, made it a
separate entity, and for that we
received national as well as in-
ternational recognition.”

Tire former commissioner of the
Alcoholic Beverage Control also said
that many of the issues he addressed
in his ursuccessful campaign for
maytr in 1973 have remained the
same. “I’ll repeat many of the
suggestions 1 made four years ago,
for traffic, for example,” he said,
suggesting, as one example, the use
of police to direct traffic during peak
hours. Amato did not address
specific concerns of senior citizens.

Baesler praises combination

Scotty currently

Lexington vice mayor, asked the
audience what it is about Lexington
they enjoy. The city‘s unique ad-
vantages, he said, were in being ten
minutes away from the country, but
also being near metropolitan areas
like Cincinnati and Louisville, while
not having to deal with the problems
of those cities.

“My vision is to make Lexington
more of what it is," Baesler said.
“We enjoy the horse farms, and we
enjoy the friendliness and good
climate for business. Lexington is a
city people are moving to to make
their homes. l’d like to keep it that

Baesler stressed his openness
during three and one-half years in
government, and assured the
audience that he would listen to
them if elected. He did not speak on
specific problems of senior citizens.

State Senator Joe Graves pointed
to his clutirmanship of the Christ


el ‘

Unive rsity of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

Church Apartment Board as an
example of his involvement with
senior citizens. Christ Church
Apartment is a church-sponsored
apartment for low-income senior
citizens. and houses approximately
200 people.

Graves also pointed out that senior
citizens face a crisis with sewer
construction. because of the cost,
which could be as high as $3.000 per

“I am now prepared to make a
public commitment," Graves said.
“If 1 an: elected mayor, no senior
citizen willbe forced to sell his home
because of the cost of sewer con-
stmction. Somehow, I will figure out
away for the city to help finance it.”

Martin promises no discrimination
Nick Martin, 21, the youngest

candidate, told the audience that as
Continued on back page

New group works to legalize pot

Kernel Staff Writer

An effort to gain national attention
is keeping members of the Kentucky
Marijuana Feasibility Study
(KMFS) increasingly busy these

The thrust of the group is to re-
eduoate the prblic about marijuana,
according to its coordinators,
Gatewood Galbraith and John
Willard. Both are UK law students.

“Our gdal is to bring marijuana
art in the open," said Willard. “We
feel we can convhce others of
marijram's assets if we’re given
the drance."

The major thing that sets the

_ KMFS apart from other marijuana-

related groups is its move to legalize
marijuana, rather than just
decriminalize it.

“Decrim‘lralization is defunct as a
concept." said Galbraith. “By
talk'mg abort legalizing marijuana,
we're gong straight to the heart of
the matter."

KMFS has a model plan The
Kentucky Study, which would make
lqalised marijuana a cash crop.
The KMFS study (the group itself is
nmprofit) mlinee speclic roles of
the state, retailers and the growers.

Gabraith and Willard have found

their cause to be time-consuming
and expensive but are optimistically
convinced they have a winning idea.
The promotional costs of trying to
gain national recognition can be
very costly, and they have drawn on
personalsa vings to defray expenses.

Just eight months ago, Galbraith
was traveling around Kentucky in
his 1%? Chevy, stopping at small
towrs, talking to townspeople and
politicians as he tried to gain sup
port for his cause.

Galbraith advocates a highly
personala pproach, living and eating
from “land to mouth.” However, he
and Willard agreed that this ap-
proach is not entirely feasible on a
national level.

One of the most effective ways to
gain national attention, they
decidai, was to make a pilgrimage
to New York to talk to various media
representatives. They left in late

They began their “campa'gn” by
tak'arg out a full-page, $3,000 ad-
vertisement in High Times
magazine, which publishes
predominately marijuana-related

Tle ad could bee turning point for
the KMFS, they said.

“This ad makes us THE
organization in the US. regarding

marijuana,” said Gabraith. “Even
NORML (the 5-year-old National
Orgam'ntion for the Reform of
Marijuana Laws) hasn’t talked
abort legal marijuana in public."

The ad discusses the benefitsof
legalidng marijuana, largely from
an eoonornic standpoint. it abo
solio'ts contributions for the KMl-‘S,
and dfers T-shirts and membership

These padrets kickrdea T-shirt, a
“tent-tic piece of art,” suitable for
framirg; newsletters and other
related material. The packet serves
as a "method of unifying constant

commum'cation to the people," said

If the public responds well to the
ad Willard thinks the KMl-‘S could
expand greatly. “It should give us
the resources for more lobbying and
TV advertising,” he said.

In addition to the ad, they went to
all three networks, and spoke to the
assistant producer of NBC '3
"Tomorrow" show. “We were
assured that we'd be on the first of
next month," Gabralth said.

The KMFS was abo “put on file"
at CBS regardhg coverage on “so

Wuhck page










editorial“: comments --

I.“ III con-cu: Ibo-Id be

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University m.u.wmu....

(that Flu-ms
Edwin! lull-r


“be “men Sum-r M. l'hlt ammo..-
Ilrk (Eat-riot nu Ibo-y
. to... out." (‘Itr-f Haul-um
“the Strange Stewart "WWW"
his ride“! 3..“ It“. “Hutu-g It...” I

Vancv lhlv Jil- Kemp

w.- m iron-n cg, on... m" m.


Ale! Kn-to





any hope for input

Who says UK students are apathetic? We do.

Net that student apathy is a new problem.
Ever since the 60's melted quietly into the 70’s
we’ve seen the problem grow. But now things
have really turned for the worst.

Until now, student apathy on this campus has
been limited to that large mass of students who
simply don’t care or don’t understand how and
why student interests are represented at this

Through it all, though, a core of “involved”
students remained. Admittedly, they were not as
active or effective as they should have been and
many mistakes have plagued the actions of our
student leaders. But at least they existed.

Now it‘s 1977, and here we sit with one can-
didate for Student Government (SG) president.
Shocking? Yes it is. But the events that have
precluded this situation should have given us
some indication of what was coming down.

Just two weeks ago, students were handed one
of their worst defeats to date in the war against
red tape. The University Senate voted to change
the rules for dropping a course. 0f the few
students who did show up to cast their ballot, one
even voted in favor of the proposal.

For those of you who don’t know what the
l'niveisity Senate is, it is the body which sets all

your academic requirements and procedures.
Besides lack of attendance, the student caucus
on the Senate has recently suffered from just
plain bad politics.

Because they have not organized effectively,
student representatives have been unable to
compromise with the faculty members of the
Senate. The result has been adminstration
victoriis in procedural areas, victories for ef-
ficiency in processing students—eat the
lxtreaucracy’s convenience—mot yours.

But, the real culprit is lack of interest. If a
handful of students would get up off their asses
and try to become an effective force in the
Senate, events like the drop change could be

The time has passed for lectures, this is a plea.
The University of Kentucky can become an in-
stitution with no more student input than a high
school if we let it.

The answer is to sit down and decide if you
have anything to offer to further student in-
terest s. Then decide where you could do the most
good and get the facts on how to get involved.
Ask us, we‘ll try and help.

If nothing is done and the present trend con-
tinues, the future could be bleak. Can you
imagine no candidates for SC president?


Job description for personal assistant

.ltlli lll'N'llllrl'ItW l-‘tllt I'I'Ilt-
Sf).\.\l. .\SS|S'I'.\\'I'

Special Activities Housewife:
‘iiritten by a n-alc chauvinist

t the job is contidenital in nature
;...ut tln-ret'ore exempt from usual
t.tlt'f‘l‘ rults (no regular pay).

' ‘:’ tt incumln-nt must have the full
.. ' m c of the lord and master of
ti) i‘~f‘ to handle special activities


commentary ‘


site antl outside the special
ic.~;tlt‘llt‘(‘ tcasfle) where his lord-
~fnj) ja nits lns nights and part of his
(Lntlt‘ '

.1 l- n‘st among lt sponsibilities of the
job ts that the incumbent coor-
dinates and or insures that all needs

for his lordship have been provided
for, both scheduled amt un‘

-t. An-ong the specific rmjuiremcnts
are work performed in the food
supply service of the food processing
room tkitchen) and food consuming
residence tdining room) of his

.3. The incumbent should have the
capacity for well-planned food
prtx-urement, and be able to make
fairly accurate estimates of needed
extra supplies. avoiding overloading
the food refrigerating facilities at
his Im'dship‘s castle thonie).

ti. The incumbent should be aware
that supply of preprocessed, pre-
jvickagcd fast food supplies (so-
calhrl 'l'V dinners) would have to be
considered low priority compared

with food processed in the food
preparation room. tllome-cmked
food is preferred).

7. I‘ln'oluments for the incumbent
will be arranged inside the
framework of joint facilities for
spending the night with his lordship.

it. It is not required that the in-
cumbent is able to read the
calligraphy produced by his lordship
oroperate his vehichle. t Reading his
handwriting and car driving not


Willem Meijer. Biology associate
professor, was inspired by a job
description for a cook for Joseph
(‘alifano, IIEW secretary, that
appeared in The Washington Post on
March 23.


“- “it. "1-" Mr!
c- m ”(I- ilk





3-}; (or 3


an varwnsrs 60w
at W To Women

‘? r ,


f 17K." ”<83


Making our own decisions

I would like to respond to Robert
Schaad‘s commentary on Susan
Brownmiller's lecture and its con-
cern with the relationship of the
sympathetic male to the women‘s




liberation movement. l was glad the
issue came up, because in my
experience it often does, and I had
never felt my response to the
question was adequate.

First ofall, the analogy to the civil
rights movement was Brownmiller‘s
andl felt she reacted to the response
that, yes, some white liberals had
always demanded public exemption
from guilt, with considerable good

Second, her response to the sym—
pathetic male in the audience con-
tained more empathy with him than
Shaad‘s recollection, which should
not have been in quotation marks,

Now, to the analogy of the civil
rights movement. I was active in
those days as a white person who
recognized that I had profited
indirectly from the oppression of
blacks and had accepted my share of
the blanket guilt.

At that time there was a good
reason for making a distinction
between a “liberal,“ one who is a
sympathetic supporter or activist in
a battle not her-his own, and a
“radical," one who is aware of
having been personally and repeat-
edly kicked in the teeth. There still

There is no substitute for the
process of recognizing one‘s own
oppression and coming to terms with

it. Unfortunately, this experience is
also very difficult to describe to
those outside the oppressed group.

In the ‘60‘s some whites recog-
nized what their relationship to
black liberation should be, and, as a
result, volunteered time, money and
support when it was needed, but did
not try to make policy or influence
group decisions. Others came to
meetings with their guilt and their
inability to takea back seat.

There were many times when I
wondered how the organizers kept
their tempers under control. Gen-
erally the local organization was
pretty successful, in part because of
its connection with SSO(‘. (Southern
Students Organizing Committee),
one of the finest movement organi-

There were other, briefer, periods
whenit seemed that ,whites would.
always be caught somewhere bet-
ween “higgerfover” and “to-cent
liberal." It wasn't as easy as Shaad

Later, when black separatism
gained more sympathy and whites
were no longer welcome at meet-
ings, many of us regarded it as a
healthy development in the move.
ment and went off to fight our own

Feminists who have a background
in civil rights know how much
racism and sexism have in common,
and how much public policy for the
rights of women owes to the civil
rights movement.

Today a good percentage of wo-
men in the feminist movement

trueas far as private friendships are
concerned. But you must understand
that your relationship to the move—
ment is different from ours. and
your perceptions will always be
different as a result.

Years ago many whites had some
vague idea of what was “wrong"
with “Amos ‘n Andy,“ but didn‘t
quite grasp the insult blacks felt.
Today liberal males may find "us-
tler “disgusting,“ as Shaad does,
when any feminist can tell him this
is anti-women propaganda.

Brownmiller documents a corre-
lation between the occurrence of
rapeand the availability of material
which degrades women or glorifies
violence against women. Women are
demanding an end to it with the
same voice that blacks demanded an
end to the KKK and the American
Nazi Party. and for the same

‘ reasons.) " "

Wecan tell the difference between
llustler or the Rolling Stones'
“Black and Blue" album and The
.loy of Sex, and we are learning how
to make movement demands a part
of public policy. We have even seen
such strange happenings as the work
of an obscure, west-coast radical
feminist emerge as a document
from the Women‘s Bureau of the
White House.

That is why we will make those
decisions ourselves. It does not
mean you should feel shut out from
all dialogue on human relationships
or human liberation.


welcome the support, suggestions,
and, occasionally, the activism of
interested males. (‘ertainly this is

This comment was submitted by
(‘arol liitssere, a graduatcstudent in

On pork-barrels, SALT, Ford and Carter



from Washington


There he sat, right across the table, hands-in-
pockets. broad shouldered, straightforward, likeable,
better out of office than in. A handful of Secret Service
men pretended to toy with poached eggs about the big
hotel breakfast room. Normally we love our former
l’rtsirlr-nts and .lcrry Ford is no exception; the
process of myth-making, like mummification,
straightway begins.

Every case is different, though. While .lerry Ford is
preparing books, talk shows, interviews in retirement,
Jimmy Carter has brought a revivaliest, meet-the
massis style to the White House, oozing morality at
every appearance. Ilc grabbed attention, communi-
cated in symbols, and achieved high popularity.

Presently he is beating his Democratic majority in
(‘ongress- merciliessly with their own pork-barrel
water projects; simultaneously be is beating the
Kremlin, and most of the rest of the world, mercilessly
with his campaign for human rights. Both drives are
idealistic. Both drives astounded their targets.

hams, reservoirs and other water projects, you
must understand, are to Congressmen what the
('ondorde is to England and France: a matter both of
dollar value and of status amt prestige. A poor system
no doubt But Mr. t‘arter did not explain his loftier
posihon in advance, did not soften the ground, did not
even tit sounds iiwredible) notii y interested (‘ongrcss- '
men in advance.

We asked Jerry Ford at breakfast what he flumght

of the episode. All sorts of emotions passed across his
familiar, pink, blond, transparent features; he didn't
want to be impolite; he didn‘t want to attack his
successor t not quite yet, anyway). “I had an idea
what (‘ongrcss would do," he said finally, and added,
witha half-grin, “They did it.”

This article is really about the (‘arter human rights
crusade but Jerry Ford fits into it, too, because in a
world of political symbols he could ultimately be a
quite important symbol himself. “Would you run in
ltltttl‘?“ We ask him. “I don‘t rule it. out," be responds.

.lerry Ford, you see, is the symbol of The Other
Approach: the equivalent of Leader of the Opposition.
Rarely is the imitation of the parlimentary form quite
so obvious. It isn't a very arresting symbol just no,
perhaps, but. we have four years to go.

Jerry is more knowledgeable about this, I thought,
than some of the reporters who pooh-pmhed his hopes,
more. by inflextion than by what they said. Yes, he
responded in part, voters who say they are registered
Republicans are a very small percentage. But so
what“? The ltflti election, nevertheless, was extremely
close. Also, there is nearly always a bounce-back for
the opposition party at mid-term; .lerry Ford cited

Two years before l..B.J. had beaten Goldwater by
the highest popular vote plurality ever recorded. Then
came the mid—term: Republicans captured 47 House
seats, three senate seats. eight governorships. (Jerry
had the figures pat.) Ami in ltltitt the Republicans who
were so badly trounced four years before won and kept
the White House for two terms. It (mid happen again.
Watch the mid term election next year. As for ttltttl, it
all depends on President t 'arter.

There is a kind of righteous recklessm-ss about the
t‘arter approach to porkrbarreling Congressmen and
to freedrmt suppressing dictators. Each crusade goes

fine with the public. But would quieter approach he
more effective? On the home front, on the water
projects, for example, llouse speaker 'l‘ip O‘Neill
caller! what the President did “a glaring error,"
Senate majority leader Byrd called it “a serious
aberration” that “rubs a raw nerve“ and inspires
“anger and frustration.“

Mr. (‘arter's stake in cooperating with the
Dcntmrratic (‘ongress is very high particularly when
examined from the liberal point, of view, to which this
column subscribes. A president willing to push social
reforms, with a congressional majority capable of
enacting them, comes rarely: there was Teddy
Roosevelt, aml Wilson's New Freedom, and FDR's
New Deal, and the brief .l.F.K.-l..ll..l. enactments
before Viet. Nam strangled them.

The chance comes only about four or five times in a
century. Today, health, tax, welfare, energy, voter
cnfraiwhisemenl and dozens of other problems wait in
line for action. Few presidents have had such
tipjxn'funifits (‘an Mr. (‘arter work with his majority;
is be capable of deliverying on the home f ront'.’

And the global stakes with the Soviets are
transiendant. The armament race costs billions. Will
it lead to nuclear war'.’ Leonid Brezhnev chastised the
United States, as expected, before (‘yrus Vance even
reached Moscow. America‘s claim “to teach others
how to live cannot be accepted,“ he cried; be appealed
"for a definite level of mutual umlerslanding, and
at least a minimum of fact."

Mr. (‘arter was not upset. llc confidently told his
staff that "some people are concerned every time
lire/.lnu-v sneezes." We hope he has sized up his man
right. America currently spends ti per cent of its firms
Natioisil Product on arms; Moscow must spend a
larger projln'tion. It is the world‘s largest reservoir of
negative sjl'nding, whose flow could be reversed for

mankind's benefit.

(terald Ford dropped the astonishing word at our
breakfast that the SALT talks were postponed in his
administration because of the Pentagon‘s inflexibility.
We came back to it again and again. tlt was hard to
imagine that Jimmy (‘artcr would bow to the
Pentagon. )

But likeable, conservative, unimaginative Mr. Ford
said that it was better to have the Pentagon on your
team; yes. you could defy them, “but then you‘d have
people running all over town leaking secrets." We

A ”crusade for human rights," led by the United
States it‘s a beautiful thought. and President (‘arter
has given it to us. He says that it will not prevent
nuclear bargaiing with Russia, anymore than
cracking down on Congressional water projects will
prevent good relations with Congress. And anyway, he
can always appeal directly to the people.

The crusade for human rights deserves attention
and support. But it deserves realism. too. We aren‘t
going to apply it to South Korea, or to the Philippines.
lax-arise we need these regimes. We are going to apply
it to old allies like Brazil, which promptly canceled a
25-year old military assistance treaty.

Our foreign policy darts into Zaire where, almost be
reflex action, and without crmsultatiim. we send a
sudden planeload of supplies into an African war. A
“crusade for human rights“ will make us all feel good,
and will show tip those Russians. too. . .But knavcs and
tools can twist it as they did the crusade to make
Vietnam safe for democracL
'lltl: from “astringtou is sjiulicati-d by The \cn

Republic. a national magazine about politics and the
arts. the column is uritten ueckl) by in pear-old
Richard Ice Strum. uhn also is “ashington
i-oi-rt-smmik-ut for the t'hristiun Science )limitor.



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Now only the rich can afford public office

New York Times News Service

four years ago, the British
philosopher George Edward

Moore wrote of the “difficulr

ties and disagreements” that
arise over the subject of
ethics The problems, he
wrote, “are mainly due to a
very simple cause: namely,
the attempt to answer ques-
tions without first discovering
precisely what question it is
which you desire to answer. ”

The United States Senate,
and its new code of ethics,
provides living proof of
Moore’s thesis. Members
know full well that they must
answer the public cry for
stringent rules of conduct;
the issue can no longer be
ignored. Yet, they are rush-
ing to meet the challenge
without a clear perception of
what the socalled reforms
will remedy.

The Senate ethics plan is an
amalgam of arbitrary re-
strictions and incomplete reg-
ulations whose only claim to
the title “reform" stems from
its public-relations value.

The plan proclaims tough,
new financial-disclosure pro-
visions for senators and top
Senate aides. But it stops well
short of revealing all finan-
cial interests. No tax returns
need be revealed. No specific
amounts of as