xt7tdz032m58 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tdz032m58/data/mets.xml  France  1798-04-25 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French Paris : De l'imprimerie du Publiciste, rue des Moineaux, n°. 423  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Le Publiciste, Sextidi 6 Floréal, an VI, [25 April 1798] text Le Publiciste, Sextidi 6 Floréal, an VI, [25 April 1798] 1798 1798-04-25 2023 true xt7tdz032m58 section xt7tdz032m58 n , 31


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. Irtw dc lescadre oltomane dans la rude (la Constantmople. -- Revue ales troupes destumes cnnlre Passwan-C‘glov. -

Trmt d3 genesoszté des troupes finnpaises en. Suisse , c—rwc'rs (It’s riloyens dent [as habitations ont été In‘fllées. —-

Details sur l’insw‘rection

(10's [I‘é'alN/ais- -—— Or'dre dcmzé EL l’rum'rul Bridl art dc melt/v: (‘1 In. uoile. — Brut!

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amw emcute populwzre d Fun/w , (I la suite dc: laguella Bernadstte (1, etc oblige e qmltcr cette Ville.


A V I S.
Le prim de la Sousz-ripz‘imn est de i2fr. pour trois mois ,
c/I‘ pour sac mow , at 45 fr. pour un. (in. Les [wares
4 [es anon/7137711025 duiuent élre (ulreasés, franc 11’.) part ,
I. directeur du l’UBLIL'hTE, rue des Illaineaux, u". 425 ,
‘ch dds 311/11!in , [1. Paris.
'1‘ U R Q U I E. ’ _
De Caristmzlinoplza, [c :20 umztésc.

IIicr, tonic L1 llottc ottomane est soriie en radc; cllc
I111: aujourd’lzui 1111c ligne imposanlc clans lc port 8:
long (111 csu1al.-S:1dcslination 11’1‘st pas encore connue:
n ignore paruillcmcnt si lc cupiteuv-lmrlm cn prendm la
nnnandcmcnt , on s’il cqntinnem Lle commander cn chef
{oral-:5 dc lcrrt‘. Cc gl‘iiéml expérlic f1‘{:11111:111111t=1.=t dcs
nricrs £1 PasswamOglou, (é: it 1:.) 1'1 Quit dc (2c (li'FfilL‘I‘;
gui fuit présumcr qn’il Se négntia )1111 uccnmmotlcmcnt
cc cu chef. En gZ‘nci'al, 11: 111.13 grand. sccrcl, 11-3110 clans
0p1‘1‘atiom poliliqnes do la Forte. LL: cunscil on sont

_ il‘tces tonlus lcs décisions impurtantcs, cn1'g, =0 [irépars‘ '21 passcl‘ 51 Lcm-
bag, on Polngne, pour y linir sea inr . _

Lc cardinal Maury proud 1m parli é—pttt-prés wmblablc.
It traverse [05 possession; tnrquex pour sc rcndre én Ruuie,

S U I S S E.
De. Zilric/t , 1.2 26 gr‘rmimzl.

Lcs patric‘cs :: la Turgnvic 6101...“: 11191251126; p.21 10:



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Si In 1151!: 1113s 1111111111113 (1e 1:1 1111115011 11‘1301‘111: .1111].
porlc , so 11'011vu11 (115111111111: nu 01111-11190 , 11 est 01111111111111.
111'11111‘11'111111'0 (1’1111 :1Vc11111's1111s dcux 111*111‘1'5 le 11111gi<11111l11

Ordrc £1 1011:; 1:5 agcm 1:11'115 & 11111111111135 (10111'111.1I1'11111111.



10116 [10111 1'11x1'1c11‘1iu11 1112 111:5 111135111911.

sans 111: Lnum'nc, 1'Ig111c111c111 111111111561 11111" lcs prélrcs. _ .
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111113111 (11' violence (111115 111 (1110122011 (111 SUIL
De Sh'aabum ,[e 50 gn'mz'nal.

Li's 0111309 , qui out


11'3p1'is par 01'111'2 (111 général
awenboul'g purmi 10.9 ( 121111111109 bernois, 5.0111 (11'1‘1Vés
11:1 him‘, (‘5'. 0111‘ ("*0 00:14:01.9 ('1 1:1 01111110111'. (/11 110(:011n01L
pas ('11001'0 11'111' (10911111111011 111161101110.

D’aprés 141.9 1011109 10.9 11111.9 110011105 (10 P. 9!;111‘1, 1:1
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11i.1'(' 11051: (105 111111101139 (11: la 16111111111110. 1.11 1.1.1'11;1111101'1
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00110 11010. Muis 0110 11c... pas 0110010 (1'.-10(01'11 5111' [:1
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111011019'. L0 (1511111 .91111'11('111co11110 (10 C01:1:117.v:1 1'0111‘ Vicnnc
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1’01'11 (1110 1.1 111011131110 1011:113'10111'0 (1111101110 .'1 1‘1";;‘"1'1-' ('1
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1101101111011 , 9021!. ('01 .1'1: 11' 19 7'1111'1' 1'11‘9’. (3'11 111' 3'11'11 (1111': 1.:
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11111, 11111101111110“ (1111": 1a 1101) 1'1'1111110 11111".1L' 8:. 11:11-
1111' 1: g..1'111.111i-.1111:._

Deux; (101111 13111111109,(111161010111 (-11 (1:11'111'5011 (111119 110110
V1110 (‘9; ('11 (:11I.1111'.-11»11zne.11 (1.1119 11.15 011111011: , 0:11 19.011


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§;'15(":'a1 51-1111Vc111110111'2. .’L 0111111111011 (011111- 125 11131119 (12111—
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11011 9011:; p011. 1.11 :1910111121111, 112.9 731111.019 0111 (11v<'1_';1':
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so: (11"1'1211'1'111 001111'0 1.1 1'.'"\'01111i(311.

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0011‘: (10 ‘1'1._'111'.L'.
(111’11 y '.1 (:11 ('11: . .
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111111.- a .911- 110111: , ('1'. ...1111 z. .1 . " . .' 9:1 1'-1'.€'11“«':
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('0 1;)11111'1111'33(:1"1.' .

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1’1‘3'11'1'1' ((1.6 L11ce1'ne).C‘m 11 ~11 avec sunrise que le ('19
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par 1:1 v01): 1111111111110 ('1 11110 dc 0.3.9 p1dCCS, n’avoil pl‘csqie
pus cu (1L- sufl'ragus.

—— Des 1.211189 (11' Brest; en (1310 (111 29 germinzd, an-
nomwnt qu'il y a (121113 1:1 radc 111111 vuisscaux (-1,-1131‘10 8:.
111111 f1'd'gi1lvsg (1110 la division (11: 13111112111011: , composée
(Ir: 11'019 "3119;96:111}: Lil (1'13 dcux [1'1'13111e9, (111119 11110 590011110
1119 (:11 111w.- 110111' .91: 1'.-11(11'1: ('1 521 911111011; 1'): (Ink-111111 I11

d21":1: (10119119: 00111111118 (‘1 11-3110: dams 10.9' L1'uvaux
(,‘.' 111.1.

—— 1.111 1"."gale [a SWIM/.90 , (1111' (10 2170111011 (1 1101'11'“ en
C0190 10 gz'3111'1'111 1.11211z11'r1., 1'. '1 (10 1010111' : (”111' 11111-190140
}:'19' (11: ('.L 1: 191.1 (109' 1011191109 11'1-9-saiir.1'..i111111.29. ()n :19-
51.1'1' (31.0 11: 1011(10111'1111 ’11». 51111 (10111111,. 11 dcvnil y ave-1r
1111 1:011. 11.1 .

~— Q'1L1'r1111'91c'111'c9 (13111011103110 {111110.111 (1’1111e 111041101113
(-11‘1'01‘110 (1:1 101 (10 1’1'119110 2'\' (11; 1011151019111 (11: 111119910,
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19.711101! (1’11 (3J3'JI‘1'1'II'.

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1.1 1111!; 11131111011 (11.1 111101 :9— VL'IL.11.

On 101112011“ 511111.: (‘01:11'1 199101,! 1111c(11"1101111111111'111100111.1(“.
(10"- 0p£ra11011s (1c. 1’11991'11111100 (“11011121119 (11:.9 1.11111”

Le 0011551! 11011101011001 1:01.?111091'1' 1.1 1301111111 +1111L'h"alr;'(:
(1’cxa1111111'1' 11's 111'111111121110119 1'11116-5 par 1.9
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190.9 (“1 Swan:

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1':1li1)11.9 (31:5 a99cn1011'“c;9 111:“.101'3199 9010.111, {1 19119011 (10 lcur
11111101131100, 11;=-'-<('n!{'9 (111 grand 01'(11'e (111 juur EL 11011
['09 (111 (“111111111'191'i'1111'111 (1's 31"21111'1'9.

((ilL' 1'1'0110'111011 (.9! 11110111190

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fm'ics. par 111.9 (11-u\ 11910110119 1'.) 01‘1 11y 11011911951011110119
11‘s (15513111131009 (11140111109, 5111.311 COXIllllL‘S (1.1 (3011:1141:
i1 pmpmc ('11 (‘111"(".1111-11('1':, Que I'd-10111111311: (14.1 ('01'113 11';-
1;191a111‘ .9011 anhwisé 51 1-11.: 1111111111191 12 1111.101111.

C0111: 11101105141711 est (‘131111'1113111 adoph'».

130111011X (/blimzvt 111 1111010 11011141110 111.'17'1)l!»l1’(1:111'(': 1'1
111111101112 (11:0 1:1 (10111211199100 . (111 mm“. (10 1111111110 011 :1 1'uit
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5.;L2'01'11 1'.“.11.'<1;11'..g011011]. (1091111411119 100111. p.101: s‘..119
1'.-.9 (livers. 51031311115 :9 '1' 1:: 11115: (11'1111'0'. Dix: :11'11111 111
11"1'0111lion , 1111 11.111011 (11011 , ('0'11111 51111.9 11"111111 (7.111 ..11'1.
1109 pmmms , .90 [11'.'-1.'v=.11l 1111 1113111311.): (1..-.9 (11114-129. 1.0111-

1.“.1‘ (livers (7111131319. Clublii 1,1111 ('1' 1119.11
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1111 13108101110 11150101103 imprimés 6L manuscrifs (1111 01111~
ticmmn! (11:. précir‘uscs r<;c'nc1‘1‘.11us, 8L 11101.8 lL‘squcls sunt
0011500111 1(33 (11"1‘0111‘01‘11-8 10.8 1110‘; 1011101‘11111115.

Hab‘le 0111001101011, 11 11 1.11.»;8'0' (111115 t11'118' 103 110111: (0‘1
11 a 1:10 01111310V'0, 1103' preuvcs 111: $011 11111111g1‘1b10 zxct1v111':
& 110 2:08 1'11'1: .8 ‘0'; prém x ’11'111‘118. J 'L‘:L‘ 1801—11101 (11103108
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(11: 131011110 31 1.11 11:11:00 , (1)111 11 :1 10110—1001.; 1111161: 105
havaux. 11111'1 51 11111 11:111’1131‘ [01111: 113101111111: (1.: 5011 V‘dSLU
8i pr01'01111 g‘ni L‘. C1: 111:1‘0151‘ port 101111111, 00111: (10110.8
OIW‘zwgcs C1'1‘1ni' 11: 111111011}; 310111 ('1 1311811110 000.811de 3111‘
1'001011: 111‘1IV1‘. 171111 91,2111: 10.8 (1011.: 1



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1110.8 1111-110 . 1'": (1111111185‘ 11111: 1‘ 1.‘ 1111.85.15: d s 1111\11‘(:s 110L-
ouvurlnrr.‘ (11211111011 (1.1.110141.‘ 1111‘ .1105 L10 lurgL‘ur (plus (11.-


q11m.11‘c-1.1-u~: PiL‘d‘i )

1111.108 111111111135 .81 p1é1:'1L‘11.81‘s , 1: 1'.-110”L‘0 La mb1a1‘1110'j01-
gnoi’. 1113.8 \‘1‘1‘1118' 1110' 1110010115138 €11: 1‘1: : '11 a sur— [0111
(100111" 1'1 SL2“ 0110011031011 1'1:.\"‘ .0101: (10111 13105 SL‘Vm'c p10—
bilL". 1‘."; '10 0108‘ 1‘11'.‘ <15111011310580men!.

Ap1‘1‘8 :11011' 1‘L‘111p11 11:8 [0110110215 1.1’111gé01001‘ on 01101
(111115 11‘ (11111111115011.0111 (11: 111 50011110, avoir 01:00p1': 10s
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p108 (1.: ‘11’11: 0110 111110018 11 .801‘ V1CC 011'1:011[',})0111‘ plus
(10 15 m1 110m 11.: tram-.0): , '11 0.81 mort, pour (111131 1100,
{11111.8 10 (.0111 110 '1’11111131‘1100 , 1.1183200; 0111: fomme St (105
00171118 11am 1'0 11080111

1".101‘01 1110111.“; 011811111: ([113 10 10‘0ch (10113501011011 s’ac-
00110 21701: 1011108 138101; 0:;1;L-.11lu:..


3111511100 11111111111: CC 10‘0ch .8003 105 rapporls d'é‘cono—
11110; 11 111: 001110.811: 11.1.;1115 servicm (00130.8 par 11: (‘ilovcu
1.11111111011110. I1 (‘51. 0:111:11); , (110010—141 11 {‘11‘1.‘ 0111161"
(10 111111‘1‘ (‘01:11'0 1:1 g1"001‘0.811" 1111110111110; 1011.8 cbaqne 101.11
I: 1‘005011 1701111011 1‘00L‘v011‘ ('11: 11111011103 111‘ 11;111L1.:s, 1S:
L“:pen(1;111t 1". y a (11s (1: ‘L11 .8 8.101005. 111111 11101 pavu‘ 01"‘111;

{1111.101 1‘./1101121 (1131111113;

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avnir consncré sa 1'16 51 servir
1'0131, 1.". nilnyen 1..1111.\1a.‘111.: CS1 1010“. en 1a18sa11t $1 511
11.1010 1'0550111‘1‘1: 11'01S 111.11; (10 30‘s appointe—
1111‘115. ‘1.’1'1‘ 8011‘.” [mp 111‘1: enx, (111—11 , (1'aL‘1‘01'111‘1' 1500
1'1 (101:3 r11: PL’HSiUIl amc Vc1'1V1,.~2 (10 1011.8 cenx ([111 out 111111
11111:: 110111 1101517." n1111'1011s (1’00v1'z1gm , 5110115 v01:101L‘nt,
(‘Jmmn 11.141113101 131:, 1111101'11‘ (1101.8 1101: 31 honorable pau—

VCU \713 [1001'



ngs atfnqum‘ 1e 13101-01 dc 1550101100 :10 fond P1800—
11'1-(33111016. 1'3”?“11‘3 qu'mx terms: (.10 1a 0011511101100 10
(1110010111: (1.211 p11'”0111L1‘, 1.1110101: 2111009. , 1"1'31511 (1128‘ 111:0-
simls ("£151111103 L»: :1 C1‘éL‘1‘; 11 dcmande done l'ajour-

{-11.1}..- ._’\ "31111-1111 0110133011001: 11 {1101108111410
110- 1:1: L’x‘ [111010111111 l'ujom‘nemz‘nr.

11: 001136711.

‘1.)11 111"‘('1‘111L‘ 10: 1'1‘1‘101' dc 1‘1'~..'0101100 {10110111. 11110 111g~
m 11.1-11110 11L 11111100113111 pour 11‘.» 3001.8 111:5 11‘1111111a11x d0
(1.")731‘11‘n1m‘1 1.1‘ 1. SL100.

311-1101. (111111008 1] 111.18, 10 premier article est adoph",
111.11.. 1L 110116111001 111:5 jngr‘s (10 1110111011 civfi 051 fixé'


1 51 4500 liv., .111 11.211 d1:


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50301111. _, qua proposoit 111 com.
mission 110111 R1011 05L 1’01‘g.11'10.

L11 1‘1:ch 1111 p1 1. 101.1.11' 1111 11111110111 01111111101, est
reuvoyé it 1.1 (0111111181011 pour 011‘0 1'1:})1'L‘sc111.1': (11-00110,
0111:1115 (1’11‘ 111:1 1.1 1:181: 1105111.- pmu‘ 11: L1'1bunz11 01v11.

1303011011 1.111 00 1‘11‘ 11.11L 811111 1101111011 (1’00 000ng
(1010110111111 0111‘ 11101003311011 1111 (11"1111 accordé pour 51,
pourvui‘.‘ (:11 0111511111911, 511211111: q111, 1111111111111 111 10110011.,
.8001 501181111115 :1 (112:; 001101.115 (1.111115, Lonh‘c lL-s' )111‘1‘
mL‘ns 1'1‘111108 001111‘0 0111: Ilcpuis 10 011101.111 1.1000; 1:1 101

(11210118 811. '1‘1841010, 8; 10011: 101101001011 p110V'1111LdL‘VL‘011 11111.
(3910050 , jangcl'mn 111011081: :10 0005011111: 11.18801“ 4 1’01‘111‘1,

L10 1001‘. ~— [1111111110.

LL‘ 11111-111.- 1110111b1'1‘ 1'111'1 1m ‘z1pp01‘l .801' 000 anh‘c 11(‘11-
[11.11111'001.‘ L‘iLuyL‘nuc (1111 1111111111111: (1128 moycns your 0005-
111101' 1L‘ (11-008 (11: 5011 111:11‘1 11101‘L 1111 .801'V11:L‘ dL‘ 1'61111:
001111111.- C08 0.10ny18‘ 0.1181001,13111‘1:1‘1‘11111';11t ardumxer l1;
1‘c11v01 111:5 [11:11:05 1111 din-010110 0x1tL0111'.

LL d11‘LLLui1L‘ cxvculil ildl'L‘SSf} au 00.13011 00 message
1‘01111'1'1'1 1111 111191110110 (10 1131018111: (10‘. 1101111005 5111‘ lea
01115111110118 11130085211105 pour 1.1 1111011141100 110 1.1 (101.16 1111.
10111110. 1.0 00111011 , sans e11 01'1101101‘1‘ 1.1 10011110, 1'01'1Vuia
1:0 1110181113 ('1 1.1 0001011881011 (11:.8' 1111;101:011.

00 p101zcdc 1111 smuliu [0111‘ 1L- 1'01100VL‘111‘111L‘0t L101
commissiun (11“ 105111-0100“. —— L1: 101.1100 501.1 {11111111

N'ola. Le 00118011 (103 (10010118 .1 1‘1‘j1‘lté 1:1 108010111111
(10 13 30101.111111 relative {'1 00 (31:11:10ch L‘nh‘L‘ 121111111111.-
11‘ 111110 11111010111010 (111 01101011 (1.105‘11y, 11111111001001 (1:
1.1 Musclle, 51 JL‘ cituvcu Lnsch.

b’ouraL‘ (/11 5 J’lol‘éal.
Amslm‘dzun... .58}, 59:131.. Mur1!pci1ic1‘.. .1 13.3 151.
1116111.... . . . . . . . 55%, 56;. {01110111'01‘15011'0 ......
Hamb. .1883!“ 1160;51185 T113128 000.801.. . ”1511.50 0.
Ma1111d..........121.5s. B11112/(5..........1[.8012
.11!11('1.Lfi'L‘1:t......151.5$. B003............11.780.
Ca1iix............121.5.8. Bmf....... ”151141.31.
C011. (:1F‘C1......... 151. 5.8. i()1‘1111..........1.:b1'.; .
GL‘ ‘.80L‘ ......(111195 9-1;. i11111101(1015......301'mv110.

I..1V0111.... . . . . . . 1011', '010 . 110111191150. . .. .......(17f
GL ‘110ve . . . . . . 1 iarg. cour.
Bulu...........§1)., 11101;
[.y011..... . . . . . . .174111‘ 101.
1‘.Ia1501110...1p.:b.51 15 ]. Guiué‘e ......... 50 1‘..
8101100113.. . . . . . .pair 12 j. Su111'01‘;1111.5'»1 1'. 75.10. a 351'.
Esprit: ,402 1'1 1195 {'1'. —— Enu-dc-vic 2211013. , .385 51/1601".
—— 1' 12.1110 (1011\‘0, 1 f. 15 1'1 25 c. —- Caf'L‘ Ma1‘1111.,."5
-— Cufé SL-Dunlinguc, 2 1'. 80 2'1 90 cent. — Supra dAnvcrs,
211250 :1 (1'1) 1:. —— 8001‘1‘ d’Orléaus, 2 ('1‘ 50 2'1 70 1:. ~— Szmm
r10 11131511113 , 1 f. 20 a 25 c. — Colon 1111 Levant. 21'. 1'1 21'.
50 c. —— 001011 1105 isles 2 f 90 c 51 n [7" .10 c.——— Scl,/1i'.250-
- -—~———~mmm—————-—-
L’ 'XB‘SAYE DE ( , traduchon (1e 1 011111.15 , par B. Ducos ; (1'013
v01un1cs 111—19.. 11.x, J) 111‘. 10 s. (1 7 11121121111: dc port A P1013 ,
Cht‘Z Muruduu, 1111111110, 1113 1111 Cimeticre—Andxé-de.+Arts.

171.1811'0,.........5 2'80.

Qllildl‘lll‘1’f. . 111')
D1100! (1’ 1"'1U1. . 11'. ('2 c.





D158 m011vemens‘, (10 gram" 3 scenes 111-. rcrrmu , (11‘s Slll‘pl'1‘i1’5, 111‘;
(vénemr‘ns v1‘21imm1t 1'011111. .8'1‘01‘8‘, 101131 (‘6 (111011 Home (13115 4'15
trois volumes, (11111, (1012:0000 11c 1‘.01“1111H1101'c1 1.3 191 [1111‘ 511118 13111L-


Yer. Le 11001 110 ..‘1111111'1L1L‘01 11101011 111111102, LlL'511n1c 01 exacmudc.

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