xt7tht2g8394 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tht2g8394/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1946 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 17, 1946 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 17, 1946 1946 2012 true xt7tht2g8394 section xt7tht2g8394 I I
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I E _ c.-J. . , , . I
ft E DID IT—Th€Se Athletic Association and City Salesmen’s Club members helped U. K. sign Brylz;I;1°1?1g;·0§ Sigur W I
I ’L€aI€d: GUY Hugelet, Dr. Donovan, Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, and Dr. M. E. Ligon. Standing: Bernie Shivcly, S_ ;
_I Oms Pard'-1% G€01‘ge Horine, Richard Queen, Thomas Dewhurst, and Coach Pau] Bryant (inset,) I:_ 3
i 1(1
I I _ . , »{·
. I ·r
. um€ XVII FEBRUARY, 1946 Number I I , 21 I
I. tg . — °I ‘. . ' II I IIIII Ii-. Q
· L z W F rf
, 65 6 OT g` 6 . ,
` February 29, 1946 l ,4 U. K
Former Men Students in Service ................................ 6,926
Former Women Students in Service .......................... 361
——+——· lT11iv·
Total Students .............................................. 7,287 Clubs,
l Staff Members in Service ............................................ 202 lh1'0U§`l
_.... me c
\ Duplicates (Staff members——students) .................... 108
Total ,.._.......,.......................i..........i......... 7,381 ““k>"*
I _ seutativ
CASUALTIES—280 18 since report made December 3, 1945. iiggilig
Dunning, David Isaiah Madisonville Plane crash, Washington, 2-11-43 groups
Hjllgumgygr, Henry Lexington EXPIOSWIL Korea, 11‘30‘45 _ ` igiimma
Greenwell, Joseph C. Shelbyville '“-ith th,
Darnell, Ward T., Jr. Elizabethtown Killed in action gp Cam ON
i Alsop, Walter James St. George, Utah Plane crash, California, 3-3-41 7 JQ, The
I Riddle, Fred R., Jr. Harlan Plane crash, Japan, 9-4-45 ins last
Brooks, George S., Jr. Winchester Ship in Pacific, 10-29-43 L C
F Hedrick, William Clay Mt. Sterling Ship sunk by Japanese, 7-5-43 ity,}
, Van Sant, Benjamin F. Mt. Victory Prisoner-ship sunk, Pacific, 10-24-44 `llasbew
, Balden, William Edward McAfee Plane crash, Ala'&rna, 1-24-46 ship 01
i Donaldson, Claude D. Stamping Ground Killed in action, 4-11-44 cilileus,
T Foley, Bernard Lawrence Lexington Killed in action,-Pacific, 3-29-44 Slat Of
e Doyle, Fowler Caldwell Lexington Plane crash, Italy, 12-9-44 éolglgm
, Sizemore, James Louis Pippapass its DWI
Pash, Philip Dempsey Bardstown Declared dead-missing since Feb. 1, 1945 pm-1,,,,,,,
Carpenter, Charles C. Lexington, Ky. Injuries in Indo—China, May 1945 coulltyx
White, Stewart Edward Paris Killed in action, Leyte, 6-6-45 have 00
Moore, Stuart Versailles Declared dead, missing since Sept. 8, jP**“%*‘¤
1944, in China m’ m
(Continued on Page 46) zv Clmim
V .h€ east
, lumims
lass of
7 H E
` • *2** ·
T/ze Kentucky H/ummm *
' T. Allen, Floyd; H. D. Palmore ‘
· U• K' Boosters Clubs Organlzed In and Frank Phipps, Franklin; John I
_ ° ' S. Juett, Whitley; J. R. Ashcraft,
Hardin; Joe Asher and Kyle
Univensny Of Kentucky Boosters k;,,,.~_·g~; ..., _ Wliitelieacl, Harlan; John P, Lair, l ii
Clubs, now b e i ng organized pgjtl iig ., A H81‘I‘lS011; O. L. McElroy, Henry; I
A anougiioui the state for- me pin-- R<>l=¤¤€€11 orgaiiized from a member- the financial campaign in DGCQH1- `
ship of alumni and interested ber, has already been attained, and I _,
citizens, with its primary objective many of the Kentucky counties ° ;
that of collecting contributions have not yet reported. Alumni re- ·'
Yom each county for the financing Sponge ling been immediate and ·
‘ of the now atnlotlc 0I`g3.11lZ·?LtlO11. generous and many large COHtI‘ibl1— ` i.
its oV€1`—£lll purpose is to have a tions have been receivefl fI`0111 0V€T · Alf i
L5 Bllllanent organization in €&Cl1 the coLll1t1‘§’. Merwin E` Potter
Qllun “`no1`obY the U11iVe1‘Sit}’ Will Counties alreélfly 01‘;I&11lZ€€l, and fin; John Chenault, Mason; E. H. of
al€_ Constant Ceetaet with P1`0· their Gl1&1l1‘1n€n, No *15 fonowsi Parrott, Marion; Blaine Nickell, 5
8, l)€°tn`o $tll(lents from those coun- Wjlliaiii M, Routt, A11€l€1'S0n§ Morgan; Curtis F. Park, ll/I€l'CG1‘; 5 — L
€S’ m beth tho athletic and the I{€1`1l€l0ll EVHUS,B€ll;C¤n'1`on1n*d‘ Lee McClain and Bemis Samuels, ‘ B` f
cholastic fi°1dS· f01‘d, B?11`1`on5 Vvnninn B1anton> Nelson; Roger Wo111acl<, Nicholas; W ’
_ Chalnnnn of organization for Bourbon; Tom Phipps and Chaun- C_ nj Ifiudnl]7 Owen; Finley *· E
he Gastem half of the State iS eey F01‘§€Y, B0Y· Edgar V· Murphrce * a Cust
A “°“ *° “‘° A‘““‘““S· Obscure Man or 1945 _e·* V. Served
Entered as second cuss Matter at me Y . Frida}
Post Office at Lexington, Ky., May 22, In 1945, the men of the }€aI` In · ]_ 1
“’2"· ““‘*"’ “"’ ‘*°‘ °‘ Mm" 3* ”"" U. S- busmess were obscure. They ei. ’ img
* Y . · . . é?*¥?2fi= n=,E ;e`‘ eatun
V‘ Marguerite McLaughlin __________ _ _______ Editor `W 916 SO by HBCBSSIJC} · FOI thi? _
g—1L*=*> Mcclam-»— ~--—»———-—————— Manger Edim superlative job of production which ;;;-=» ¥ K °"S“’“·
K'n ......rr.....~..... N--AS 0<>i t Ed't Q
een I g S a E I or made them the men of the year -;_;;—%=4a@= ed at
had be ‘ ` I - ¤:¤=§=E=§€=3" »·EE¢:¤:¤:¤cii=ErE¢E=E=Ei:‘.·:2=E¤E=E$E=:=:¢:i:§=¥E=E¢‘ 1 . and fl
ASSOCIATION t° gumd out m me déep . ,ti.. * 1=; I E —
H. C. Robinson .,.e....i.,,...,.,,.,..,i..... President €SJC, HIOSIB 11T1p€H€tYE1b1€ ObSC11I`1ty. "`°` 1 bmadc
Bernie Shively ...t,.,.,,..,....... Vice-President Th . ,61. I . .1 if i·-r
Marguerite McLaug¤¤¤ ..rrrr...rrr..e "’ “ 6 tw mm “ ‘° p“’d“""d oe»-
—V-—·--»——--»---——— — V—----—»—--———— Executive S€°"°tm`Y th€ bomb. _ jgg;ggjg;g§;;g;g;g;gg_
H le K'¤ r.»...rr.r....r-r....r-»--..Y.»... T ~ - c€=&=-;.;°, °_ v·gg2;g;g;;§g;g;;;g;;g
( E " ` g `”° aS“r°” The t€¤h¤1<=¤1bf¤1¤S and the pw- .»· : me ,»o»~ .
· EXECUTWE COMMITTEE ducmm Skins of more than 2,000
LUUB LOEBJI Grover Crgegh _ Y _ lv d h ·
G. Lee Mccmm Mrs.E.D. smnmck COmPa~m€S “€I`€ 1*10*8 to do t E ‘_e ~ ‘‘¥i ?Q`;:j§E§*
J°"“ A· """““‘“"` Mm T· R- U““€*""°°“ 50b- Fmm that vast aww, it was ‘`~‘ _ ‘
. G. Davis Buckner Chauucy Forgey . . . _
. L_ K Frankel Dr George H_ Wilson impossible to pick out one man, 01 __.i
E- g{{“j’ JM Beam two, and Say flatly: "Th<=Sc were ZZZ _ ».’* ,i.‘ #-2- ;§j=;¥,§-SEQ
JOE Ashe,. H_ D_ Pa,mi;€ the men who made the b0mb." But ‘
‘V““am W· Bkmton it was possible to pick out a hand- Bil'-Cl.'€\V men. Best known of the f ’
Lt. Gov. Kenneth Tuggle . I _ _ 1 ug ¤>
Nmmm Chrismany JL ful 0f men W1tl10l1t whom the bomb mzmua s was t IC » ensc sem E
might 1101; have been m3_(1g_ E_ V_ up011 which Miss Smith \\`01'k€d ·
. J FEB UARY, 1946 . K . . . . . _ __ -
Mur hree vice resident of Stand- and wluch claimed lngh lwum; Q
’ . .
R • ard Oil Development Corp. was for {IHS type of J0u1·11al1s111. Many i
one 0f them who had the pe1·sua- of her articles appeared 111 AGM Q
Owing to Wartime restrictions sive ability, when anyone doubted nautics and other aviation 11121;% E
~ alumni of the University have held that the bomb could bc made, of zines. j
" H0 I'€UHi01"lSiH four years with the making him see the feasibility of Miss Smith was sent to Hawml y
€XG€pti011 0f silver and ggldgn the entire program, in March, 1945, as director Of DU]" G(
I jubilee cclebrants. (graduate —— B.S.I.C. -— 1920; M. liu il1f0l‘1l13tiOl1 at the air statw11< —
I This y€3I‘ We hope there will be S. 1921.) at Kaneoche Bay, Oahu and IW » P. M
, . ` . ; V '7
F reumons. Already wg have had a ..—-&-——»—{—- huhu, Mam. She 1‘€t111‘11€d to *1* Versitv
g 1€tt€1‘ 01* two in regard to plans Miss Eleanor Smith States last October and WHS WP? _ WIN`}
, and W6 Wantvto do the very most Named Assistant Dean rated from the service lll KNOWN ; P ’
. . rep
W? can for the success of the get- Miss Eleanor Marshall Smith, ber. { cd f S
t0g€th€I`$· S0 lf ally classes W1Sh of L€X1Hg‘tOI1, has been appointed She 1S 3 _]()urnahs1n glddmmt V0 at}
. . . ,. ·: ‘ V 10
‘ T0 C€I€bl‘at€ let us know but let us assistant to the dean of women at the U111\'€YS1t}' of K€uTU€l~§ Cla` ed b ]
» . . . _ xi Y
know €?U`1Y b€(‘8US€, WG I`€gI`€t to tht? U111V€1‘S1ty of Southern Cab- of 1932 and was 2I1H(2lHb€I of TM I dent
. . , . . . . ,_ · . E 0;
$3}% aC€0mm0dH'£1011s 111 Lexington forma, accordmg to an announce- Slgma Ph], women ¤ Joullwhg — Mlm
. . · ‘ · CH
h0t¢?lS HTG Very hard to get and ment by the college pres1dent,D1·. frate1·n1ty; Mortar B<>a*d= NUIN
· . . . . . . . _ , . " *]]· . )~
€V€H Thé 0}d-Uma satisfaction gf Rufus B. von Klein Sm1d. Ateneo Cast1l11a111, holwlai} bm Zflv Su
· V , . . . . , gm - ·` 1T
0I'd€+I°1U{;` good old Kentucky food In November, 19427 ]\[1gs Smith 1Sh SOC1€t}', and Alma Mm and H1
IS 1`€StI'1€t€d, mfllllly because of the received g commission ln the Mater, For nme YGHIS Sh? wcdn Qslmg W
. ., . · · ‘ H x
]&lg€ 11\lH1b€lS pZ1tlOl11A1]]g hotels Waves and spent 24 months 1n employee 0f thc L€X1U&'tOH Le Y _B€tt\_]
. . . . . · _ ·w · .
for the extra meals. \?\Tas}uugt(m, D, C., as adm1mStra,- and 1llUH€dl3t€]Y p1'101 *0 hel M ··_ph0mrl
. . . . . · V , QQ · ‘·
Gfadllatés Of 1896 w1ll celebrate twe assistant to the eommandmg hstmcnt 111 The WHY 9% Shi) wxh; accomp
UIQ fiftieth 3llHiV€I‘S2lI‘}’; graduates officer of the air training divigign administrative HSSISTHIH In T A ‘ Sung k
· . . . . , . 1 ¤· `
of 1921 Wlu DHSS the ‘£W€11ty-f1fth She compiled and wrote tram- annual husbandry d€l7¤UtmM nmimm
and 3COOY°dl1lg to tht? Dix plan ing mzmuals for Navy pilgtg and the University 0f I· -*
__,..,··-% T H E
Th e S c cond organ prelude and postlude was 11-Man Board T0 Direct
played by Perry Goggin Parrigan_ Athletics At U. of Ky.
Z;__ _- Founders Day "Hellfy Stites Barker" was the An incorporated athletic ussocis-
subject of Governor Willis’ ad- tion, under the direction of a new- I
- The University in pursuance of dl‘€SS. ly-Hamed 11-man board, has taken ’
,, at custom juuugut-ated ju 1945 Ob- over the affairs of tht? 2ltili€tlC (le- ,
$,,,,,,,,,1 the Second Fmmdel. Day Ou U·K· Boosters Clubs Organized partment at tl1e University of Ken-
2, Friday, February 22, with an ad- In Approximately 70 Counties woke
ZZ _ V dress by Governor Willis and other (Continued From Page 3) The Hoo *TSS°°T*TtT0TT» TTTTd€T` which l
_‘4;_. features appropriate to the oc- R0“,,,,,, Ed, Humphreys, Scott; ieilatiiietlc progrlam will be guided, 1
casicn. The program was PT‘€S€¤t· n. W. Congleton, simmer-- 1—z.aV F, el epeeeie tneepeeeele ee. the ·
».~.·. ¤ 4- - i-. . . ’ ~ confmonwealth s c 0 11 s t 1 t utional '
.._; ed at 10 o’clock in Memorial I-Iall T]10H1 ,0,1 T ,1 . · 1 , _ _ _ ‘ 1
_ .,._. . ps , ay or. (Q. J. Haydon . .
. _ · c ~ _ ’ salary limitations, and thus, it is
_: M .and the concluding feature WaS a Jr., Wasliington, Charles E, Lin- 1 _·
· V . _ , ioped, uill be able to employ a
ta 1-- broadcast. from 10;10 to 10:30 don, Wolfe; Eugene Barnes Wood- ii ii - ,
· f Ill I Sd C ll’ B h name coach in football to pull 11
·§:}:§:irE2i:5:E2§:§:§¢E.3:Sri:Qri:Qi:E:Eci:E:§:j:i}:§E§E§:i?i£§:§:;r;Eg:g:§5;;¤:;E;;i;¢:.["1E1;r[:2·i:§:§¤i:;:;:§:§:§:§:§1§:5;¢·¤:¤:¢’·;1;;;;£J·¢§r;:i:E2§:§·£ jue e e e 1 ne) , iauc G e dt e Kelltllckdv Out Of the Southeastern i
Sei?iii?;§;§;z$i;%;£;§;¥;é$e$@2 i ’ = fzfigszézéii;1Q-5ii5i%5;%;izé;%;€;§zé;E$ij§¢=%i.-5»f‘i= i=‘;=‘ 5 i2i2%2i€€i§‘§ Shelby Kash, Menifee; Dr. Gar-
·2=2;2;2·:.z_2;=,z;2;2;2;a=== ·=¤2;a;2;2;ag2;2;:;2;.;s;2;2;;;z;.;.§ig;_;..S@;;¤2==;2;2z;e_2 C0¤f€1`€110€ baS€111€11t. I .
*.’¤¥¥?¥f5¥&f‘ Tm S- S"’€€TT€>’- oem; JOB Ti · ii ii · ei r - ·
15 ii- ··=i a .;e·= Chenauit, iiaaiso-1, .1-C1; way, . te “"“ °“ ‘S ?°’“T°°“ °.
=1i J-; ’‘et‘ T renoii. wiinim seems sway- f“’° f‘1‘“"“*’ m“’“b‘“`S> *°‘“` al“‘““‘»
. .“.i. Dl111C31leH3S€l(l€l1 oaiwli- nmeé a S“‘d"“" and The T°t`°Sid""t °f the T
Y ` ’ ’ ' ` University. They are- Thomas A. L
@i2.:fé = =* = ’ i2%2%2¥z%éz52€s%si1 * ¤‘·‘ ir M- N0T'V€Hi B0YT€$ Rev. R0b€T`t . . .
. BHllH1]t1IlG, LOHISWYIIIE, Hlulunus a11d ·
,._ _ 4.:: MCCl'TT`€» OTVSTQYS JUITTT P- HTH, · .
.2 ‘=:;: . . attorney; Robert P. Hobson, Louis- _
PuiaSk1; Joe Ohr, ESt1ii: Rav . ·
1,1,, 1 q .,1,,,, N LGB, ROME, /C1_,,,,L VTTTB. attonier and m€mT>€r of the . ~
Ne, ° .. ? ” ‘ · " ’ ‘ ’ , " board or trustees; Guy A. Hugulet, T
TSC Sem ’ Powell; JTTGSB Brady Stewart, _. . _ _ _.
1 » :5:;:- - ···· - ·~···· ..-S:-:2;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;¤;:i:5:5:;:=:=3:;:;¤=E=S¢i¤:=;=2:£=2=2=2=§s:s=s:s 1 - Lexiiigtoii, bTTSTTT€SS €¥€CTTtTV€ and `~
th \\'0l`li€ii tit ·_;-is .,.,. McCracken; R. J. Rudolph, Liv- .
, · . alumnus; H. D. Palmore, Frank- - ¤·
igh ll01l0l`i . nigstonz G. M. Pedley, Caldwell; ~
- '· ...§z5;Z§5§5;€s2;2;2§2§2§2i2§¤=t§z§;;eéz5;5;§;§sé ·‘ ’ , , . fort, trustee and alumnus; Clay Z
ism. Maui . "··- ·= ·=¢».= Lowell TT‘TTT'f’¤i LTTTOTTQ H€TTT‘Y A- . · - `
_ . ... ,,,,,,,2,;,,,,,,, E.: , ,:,: Salyer, Salyersville, president of .-
(1 iii Aero - ; ..,sg;g,;;g;g;;;; . Taylor, Henderson; Harper Gat- _ D_ L M 1.
TTOTT T“a= - - _-,., _ T _ -T _ _ ’ Chamberlain, dean of the UniverSi— 1 T
' .·-·-— k1TTS; JQSSQ K€T'flT» CiTT`T$tT*=TTT3 GT`aTT· . , . · .. i
yi _ av, _ 1 k L D C .1 R ty, Dr, Ford) ce Ely, ])10t€SSO1, ·
to Ea"? · :‘`e QUE C eo \1_1t°ge§’ l' 'elg _i0Se’ Dr, W, D. Funkliouser, dean and iii
yuh-o put i- c ean· 111 011 un {er, HVIQSS; , _ -
. . G · ’ . t * f tl e S theastein Con- .
ai.- Sm---- °"“‘N°*‘ S· S· W‘LL‘S its-·-1--11 GTM; E- T’- iieieidei S,. if iimn-Oil profes-
, - -- ·.Flk ·, ‘ ` "’ `
to (geo 1 P. M., from the studios of the Uhi- §Ie;)éO§e1?0eg&’ Seiglpggeli sor; Dr. L. A. Pardne, D1‘0f€SS01` j .
atv, Y · ’ _ dP· ltH.L.D 0-an. ,
d was Sep, , Cstation {WBKE through and Lynn Jeffries, Adam an 1€S1( en 011 K
,iii N0\‘0¤T· V ’_ `Hemnel L ln Fayette county the Sales- U,K, Offers Night Courses
i Peeeldeut H‘ L Donovan P1`oSTd‘ men ’s Club, a committee of citi- The Uuiversity of Kentucky De- `
gpatlilaltfi 1"‘T for the oooVooutToTT and th? TTT· Zeng and the Junior Clianlber of pgrtment of Extension began, with 1 .
itucky tiff evgeemu and bo“odT°tT0TT WQS 0ff€T`· Commerce are cooperating in 0011- the Wiiiter Quarter, January 3, 21
bei- ofTi1°TT ·e by E Y `. * . Foil
e heme and helped eeeeh e team that — ·’».·· Y e‘`”e— i ·,`.; . eee e e`
beat the mighty Crimson Tide in _.;a A a fof Th<
1941, has the job of guiding the aaa_a as ` a `‘_i `to Vai
University of Kentucky to grid- ‘‘'' e la J under
iron victory over ’Bama and other_ a Q A as =a. if Then
S<>¤th<¤·¤ Pieeki¤ ¤<>We1‘S—eSS¤r€d a I ,.)ee Q ed I
l of a lot of good assistance from ii·, Febru
. men who know well what makes i»i_ a a f ,..t ,,~_ a.ai Overie
Alabama click and what-it takes te 6 »a;lt e t»ta· znr · cial;.
beat the Tide. ~ °»»- `'el ,»”‘»» ?· ye “
· · . G e?`t¤~ ..l.,.y ei -‘¤i *· m me
` Appomtment or Bryant as U' :‘’ =’‘ ° (12-0
· K. ’s new grid chief, announced a_,; aa ,aaa_ aa a_.__ _,__ · j . Caron
January 14 by University Presi- eili ’ `· » 5 `fljght
dent H. L. Donovan, was followed Y" .ei'° {QV ;playe(
by the revelation that he will have _ __ ~e;.; a Y R
four full-time assistants in his ef- ; ll,_ .l A .·l... ‘ { ek
. r .tr=- : ~ W e·=·-- . ,__ » ~ Bryan
forts to elevate t.he W1ldC&tS, foot- ie ..a_a .· - · _h.
ball prestige. A lllsiiiii
The big Arkansas native, fresh 3 Y aeylel juntilt
. from a successful season as head , _ aa eslart a
’ coach at the University of Mary- :_l a consigi
land, conditioned his acceptance of r linllorll
the U. K. offer upon the stipula- i ea.’a la it iyooord
l tion that he would be allowed to losses,
1 have four full-time aids—one of a . S_ . ii? ee·;,*<$illll· aMar§Y1a
' whom probably will spend most of l aglnjo l
l his time on the road in search of COACH PAUL BRYANT thoggi
l promising talent Whitlow, former all-America center He indicated that his first lllllll season:
. B¤‘r¤¤t—, Siren rr rrvefear e0¤· at Rice Institute in Texas. would be to cover the staliélla here ga
tract l’reSrr'“rrblY at H fisure bet- The U. K. Athletic Association round up promising selrolarlr Baaa
i ter than the $@700 e Year he Wes board authorized Bryant to sign gridders eligible to build llllathf been
Said te here r¤eire¤l at Maryland. all three to three-year contracts at Wildcat squad for the comina lll oVo,.y0
informed the board before signing the Same time it agreed to pormlt Bryamt told board members that ann opi
with U- K· ther he e>=pe¢t¤061“d the mighty carrier Lexing-
7 ;_e0fTllO1113.S’ assistants, Bryant went “BeH1‘” and "Bully," the new lon, which took part i11 every l
_ to Vanderbilt in 1940 as line coach coaches must have Seefaring blood major lnvaslon in the Pacific
pei iunder Henry (Red) Sanders in their veins. theater.
_ . _ Then 1941 team defeated Alabama, Three of the four began their Laslie, also a Tidesman for three if
. and Bryant entered the Navy in gridiron voyages as mgnibers Of seasons, put in four years as an l l
. February of the next year. After the famous Crimson Tide of Ala- Alabama assistant. He left his job { ·
overseas service, he was iappointed bama. Two Served for ei time as at V. M. 1. to enter the Navy in A A
_ _ L coach at the Navy Pre-Flight school Tide assistant eaaehaa AH {Oui. 1942, served 18 months overseas, l
_ lat Chapel Hill, N. C., and his squad have completed long hitches in and oanla out of the Service with 1
I :1H practice games beat Duke twice the Navy thiymg the wei., eu being the stripes of a lieutenant. i
F ,(12-O and 35-13) and the North sea-going officers and not chair- Whitlow baby of the gang at A
i' 1 · . 7 '
· i i Carolina Tarheels twice. The pre- borne admirals. And the past sea- 29, was the first of the quartet to
flight team was disbanded before It son they have had a steady diet of get in the service. He entered the · A
T ip aysd a regulatlon game- seafood, all llH.V111g' worked togeth- Navy in in 3 tour Of duty · ' ‘
` ° ; Released from the Navy last fall, er lrlth the Tormpihs ef tho Uhh as assistant to Bryant at Chanel
‘Bryant wasn ’t able to report to versity of Maryland- Hill Pre-Flight, and saw a lot of `
'iy ilus new job at Maryland until Sept. Bryant, youngest of any of hhs action aboard tho oarrlor Yorln 1 ·
`¢ `·,§i;@i :19 and his staff wasn’t filled out men considered for the U. K. post, tern in the far-Sweeping Pacific
1 ,; ilmtil even later, Despite that 13,133 was a letterman with the Tide for 0aYnP¤-lL‘11S-
staff, and the fact that his material three seasons, an assistant coach Harms more biegiapiiieei date
i ieonsisted only of players hg had at the Capstone for four years. He (m tha Salty young Skipper and
i . ;ll1l1€1‘1teCl, his team turned in a €nt€1`€(l lhs Navy in Fohrnaryi CI‘€WZ _i‘
e.···‘·" *i1‘eG01‘d of six winsjone tie and two 1942, Put in 42 months on aotivo Bryant-—32 r · ll b · t
`imsswsi oge iheivicteries being dug, igcluding lii month; splieng Fei.(ii,ee, Ai.k_ );;;i,i;e:iiBiO§1 di;
·· ··’ ‘ ; Q1 -’ HH s n`s t»I`1l1mP1 0V€I‘ VH`- rh ro `hropoah tlootsh o a ¤·ree in physical educatio t Al if
giihla in the last 16 gajngg between the rank of lieutenant-commander genie in 1956. Played Vmgigy fm;
im, ,,,0,. ;,,;jj,iS°hi’i‘>lS- in the two previous when he was 1‘¤leHS<=d from active ball 1933-35, he was an ni-sO.ah-
S ` t ii, I S ‘ Milano had Won only duty eastern Conference end two years, ll
he $$*;,,1 3°¤€em·¤=· M<>se1<-ry, already well known to played in two Nei-mseuiii games ,
* , Eli . , `. , ° _ ` ’
i if 1:)) thi · Board. members said Bryant had Kenlllcliy fans, Was the rllda s I`sg· was in action for 58 minutes in the l
u1 iliiiililfali been highly i-aeammaadad by ular quarterback for three seasons. 1934 Rose BOW] game iii fem. i ···**·" ·
w ” In Qfvefloho they had questioned for _L”°“ ‘”"_‘ years as an assistant at Ailabaina, ·
iemhers ian oplH10l1 on his coaching ability tsanlsi features the old N0ll`€ Dams he turned out two all-American se- _ A
been loot; Zglfon l11SV chances of being Sue- box, with backs shifting both WBYS. lections, Monsky and \Vhite, and
lhs? df me 5 S ul at h€¤t11<=ky< Bryant, himself dynamic and th 1‘ e e all-Southeastern choices, E ` · i
éhllalhl iu, .b Pit Maryland his team used the bursting with energy, is offensive- Monsky, White and Bostick, and 1 o` V.
that lim · asn? Alabama style of play, with minded and his Kentucky teams helped coach the 1937 Tide into “' —
yanlhs _K :&I‘lElll01lS he deemed suitable for should be the most colorful and a Rose`.Bowl engagement. He was “· 1
· than ll- ‘ slieeial situations. That form of daring that have ever represented appointed line coach at `7HHC1€I?· 1 "` j
ABAMA -_p};*y» familiar to Kentucky fans the local school, employing a lot of hilt in 1940, the next season helped al i
of the mr 0 havo soon many Alabama passing» quick-kicking, etc. coach the Vandy team that beat "` il
i. i . . . i
.,2 S H E K E N T U· i . i ;
Alabama. In 1935 he married Miss _ ' ‘ ` '
amy Ham mak O, ,am,ag_ Sh1vely Continues As D1rector l
h d th h t h`ld ° ' ‘
om- an . ey We G I Of Athletics With New Gnd Staff s
l May Martin, 9, and Paul, 1. - .
l M0S€l€Y·A €0lllll9l`Y boy_ from By EARL RUBY, and was discharged in time to help .
I ¤€3·l` M0lll3`°m€l'Y» Ala-, bo ls HOW Courier-Journal Sports Editor. Bryant at N. C. Pre-Flight as well
. 34. Played varsity baseball and Lexington Ky Jan 14-Tha as at Mal.yl,m(l_
football Or three years at B‘°"ma’ University ot Kentucky has solved Laslle ll€lP€€l €0?1