xt7tht2g8p6r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tht2g8p6r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1918 course catalogs  English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky course catalogs, 1865- Bulletin of the University of Kentucky, The Summer Session, Vol. X, No. 3, 1918 text Bulletin of the University of Kentucky, The Summer Session, Vol. X, No. 3, 1918 1918 1918 2013 true xt7tht2g8p6r section xt7tht2g8p6r l y I BULLETIN OF THE ”
June 17-July 28, 1918
Courses of Study, Schedule
and Information
  For Information Address Registrar,
University, Lexington, Ky.
Published by the University of Kentucky, Lexington. Entered as
Second Class Matter at the Post Office, Lexington. Ky.,
. Under the Act of July 16, 1894.
Vol. X. March, 1918. N0. 3. i

- W
1918 I"
September 11, 12, 13, 14 Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Examinations for entrance. ·
September 11,12, 13, 14 Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Examinations to remove
/ conditions.
September 16, 17 Mon. Tues, to 4 P. ld. Registration for 1st semes- I l
September 18 Wednesday Instruction begins. ,
November 28 Thursday Thanksgiving holiday. .*
December 1 Friday Annual debate, Union and I {
Patterson Literary So- I
cieties.   J
December 20 to Friday noon to Tues.Christmas holidays.  
‘ January 7, 1919 l`
1910 F
January 18 to 25 Saturday to SaturdayMid—year examinations. II
February 3 and 4 l\Ion. & Tue. to 4 P. Mliegistration for second }\\
semester. "
February 5 Wednesday Instruction resumed. ,
February 22 Saturday Wa.shington’s Birthday.  
Commencement Week ·
June8 Sunday Baccalaureate Sermon.
June 9 Monday Board ot Trustees meets.
June 10 Tuesday Class Day. `
June 10 Tuesday Alumni Banquet. {
June 11 Wednesday Fifty-second Annual Com- [I
. il],

 J?  I I K I 
ty `
  V June 17-]uIy 28, 1918
} Courses of Study, Schedule and Information
I . .
{ For Information Address Registrar,
  University, Lexington, Ky.  
 {V · I
 I} I

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J The Summer School of the University of Kentucky will be in ses-
.‘ sion June 17 to July 28, a period of six weeks. The work of the
J summer session is designed for teachers, students and persons seek-
I ing information and training. With the instruction are to be given
z a number of special features during the six weeks of the session.
  From the program of studies it will be possible to make up plans
i of work suitable for teachers and workers in many iields. The
`§ entire plant of the University is available for use, including labor-
.¥ atories, libraries and buildings.
Q view Pomr
~ The University of Kentucky has entered upon a new era under
Z` the leadership of President Frank L. McVey. It is his ambition to ;
qi place this institution in the front rank of state universities. His
p record of achievements as President of the University of North ,
it Dakota and the work which he has already accomplished here war-
  rant the belief that Kentucky will not long lag behind her sister
` states in the work of her State University.  
The University cannot accomplish its purpose without the co- .
operation of an cfiicient public school system. The public schools .
Ip cannot do their most efficient work without professionally trained  
  teachers. The multiplication and standardization of the high schools,  
t together with the conditions resulting from the war, has produced  
a an unprecedented demand for professionally trained teachers. 3
Lexington, called the capital of the Blue Grass, is a beautiful  
. little city and a delightful place to spend the summer. It is ac-  
if cesslble from all parts of the State, and may be reached over the ‘  
Q following roads: Queen and Crescent, Southern, L. & N., C. & O., {
it ll. & E., new under the management of the L. & N. Railroad.  
l .
l ‘ ‘
Y AovAN·rA<;es  
' I
E ln addition to the regular work for teachers in the courses out-  
lj lined in this bulletin, a number of popular and scientific lectures l
}i will he given free of charge during the summer session. President {
él Frank L. McVey will deliver lectures of special interest to teachers.  
' \
.4 V _

g I
Q 2 I
€ Members of the faculty will give popular lectures in their special IE
  fields. Professor Peter C. Dykema of the University of Wisconsin
{_ will conduct Community Singing and lecture on Music and tl1e  
. Dramatic Instinct. Judge E. M. Rucker of the University of South  
Q Carolina will lecture on Domestic Relations. The Redpath Cl1autau· i
L qua will be held during the summe1· session and the entertainments
so arranged that the teachers can take advantage of the lectures at j
q reduced rates. The city library as well as the University library
I will be open and free to students.
I Aomnssrow f
  No entrance examination is required for admission to any of the `
—courses, but instructors must be consulted concerning prerequisite I
i preparation in some courses.  
. I
. Students who have full entrance credits to the University will  
` be given credit toward degrees for college work in the summer  
j school. I
2 Four semester credits will be given for one double course con— f
f sisting of two hours a day for the session. Two semester credits  
will be given for a single course (one hour a day for the session.}  
No student will be allowed to make more than six semester E
credits in the summer school. y
  Exceptional advantages will be offered in the summer school to l
' students who are qualifying to teach Agricultural and Vocational `
` Education under the provisions of the Smith-Hughes Bill. Professor ;
1. McNeal C. James will offer courses in Agricultural Education and ,
2 in Educational Psychology which will especially iit students for the T`
· organization and presentation of vocational work in the high schools .
q _ _ of the State. E
` Graduate work will be offered by special arrangement with the 5*
2 heads of departments and the Chairman of the Graduate Committee. {
  Patterson Hall will be open for women. Rates $5.00 per week. V
2 Rooms may be had in the men’s dormitories at a small fee. There  .
_ are several good boarding houses convenient to the University where I
I board may be had at from $4.00 to $5.00 per week. I?
Ii I
L1  a

 I .
, The work in the summer school is given in Double and Single
I Courses. A Double Course means that the subject is taken two hours
., a day throughout the session. A Single Course is taken one hour
I a day for the full session. The fees are as follows:
I Single Course .................................................................. $ 5.00
I Double Course .....................l.......................................... 7.50
One Double and One Single Course ............l.....i..... 10.00
A Three Single Courses .................................................. 10.00
  Inquiries regarding the summer session should be addressed to
  the Registrar of the University, Lexington, Kentucky.
i First Week
I Community Singing. Conducted by Professor Peter `W. Dykema
I (M. L. Michigan, Professor of Music, University of Wisconsin.) _
I Monday, June 17-3:30 P. M.-Community Singing. r
I Tuesday, June 18-3:30 P. M.——Community Singing. ·
, Tuesday, June 18-4:00 P. M.-Lecture on Music. I
I Wednesday, June 10-3:30 P. M.-Community Singing. A
  Wednesday, June 10-4:00 P. M.-Lccture on Music.  
I ’I‘hursd`ay, June 20-2:30 P. M.-Community Singing. j
  Thursday, June 20-4:00 P. M.-Lecture on Dramatic Instinct. `
I Friday, June 21-3:30 P. M.-Community Singing. :
  Friday, June 21-4:00 P. M.-Lecture on Dramatic Instinct.  
  Second Week.  
I Lectures. Given by Dr. Frank L. McVey, President University ot  
I Kentucky. I
‘ Four lectures on the \Vor1d War:  
` Monday, June 24 to Friday, June 28-4 P. M.  
· I
[ Third Week. I
I, Lectures. Given by E. }[3.l'lO11 Rucker (A. B. LL. B., United
` States Assistant Attorney, Washington, D. C., 1893-1897. Member
` South Carolina General Assembly, 1899-1910. Chairman Ways and
I Means and Appropriation Committee of the South Carolina House of
I Representatives, 1908-1910. Professor of Law, University of South
Carolina, 1910. Special Lecturer of Winthrop College, the South
_ Carolina Normal College, the North Carolina State Normal College
'_ and the University of Georgia.) -
 I · I
. J.
I · 1
I ` 0

·' Law of Domestic Relations- .
. Monday, July 1-4:00 P. M.-Marriage, Its Legal Aspects.
n Tuesday, July 2-4:00 P. M.—Husband and Wife, Their Relative
\ Duties.
Q Wednesday, July 3-4:00 P. M.-Parent and Child; Their Duties
and Obligations.
Thursday, July 4-4:00 P. M.—Minority as a Defense. l  
,_ Friday, July 5-4:00 P. M.—The Legal Status of Woman.    
j I Fourth Week `
~ Round Tables on Educational Subjects-
I Monday, July S, to Friday, July 12-4:00 P. M.
g Round tables on educational subjects will be held each day ot
this week for the pu1·pose of a better understanding of the Kentucky
secondary problems in education, with. the hope that they may be
` made the easier of solution through the experience and counsel of
K workers in the lield. Professor McHenry Rhoads, State High School
Inspector and Supervisor of Secondary Education, will be with us for
_ · the entire week and will conduct the Round Tables. Other members
i of the faculty will be present and take part in the discussion.
` Fifth Week
. The Elsie Herndon Kearns Players in a series of Shakespeare and
Kloliere. To be given on the University campus, July 15-16.
‘ Monday evening-8:15-Romeo and Juliet.
1. Tuesday matinee——3:00—The Learned Ladies.
~ Tuesday evening—8:15-The Tempest.
Y This great dramatic company is headed by Elsie Herndon Kearns,
. . who played several years with the Ben Greet Players and has an
international reputation as ·a Shakespearean actress. George Somnes,
who takes the leading male roles, is well known throughout this coun-
try for his fine interpretations of Sl1akespearean characters. The
· » teachers and students of the summer school, as well as the citizens of  
  Lexington and the surrounding Blue Grass country, will have the rare ‘
'. opportunity of seeing tl1is line company of Shakespearean actors. Ad—  
s mission will be reasonable. Y l'

Z lx
*   Dr. Tuttle
3. Inorganic Preparations. A practical laboratory course devoted
io the preparation of inorganic compounds from the crude material.
Prerequisite, one-half year’s work in General Chemistry.
4. Qualitative Analysis. Laboratory work accompanied by recita·
tion periods. Prerequisite, one year’s work in General Chemistry.
8. Quantitative Analysis. A laboratory course accompanied by
lectures and class-room exercises. Gravimetric and volumetric
methods of analysis are studied in detail. Prerequisite, Chemistry 4. .
9. Quantitative Analysis. A lecture and laboratory course de— V
voted to the analysis of ores, alloys, etc. Prerequisite, Chemistry S. j
10. Quantitative Analysis. A laboratory course accompanied by A
lectures and class—room exercises arranged for students in Mining F
and Metallurgy. Prerequisite, one year’s work in General Cl1emis— g
11. Agricultural Analysis. An introductory course in quantita· j
tive analysis arranged for the students in the course in agricul'ture. ,
· The elements of quantitative analysis are studied with special ·
reference to the constituents of soil, fertilizers and agricultural pro- Q
ducts. Prerequisite, one year’s work in General Chemistry.  
12. Advanced Agricultural Analysis,. A laboratory course hav- g
ing for its object the complete analysis of fertilizers, feeds, soils and ly
agricultural products. Prerequisite, Chemistry 8 or 11. ` g
14. Advanced Quantitative Analysis. The analysis of iron and  
steel, slags and rocks. Prerequisite, Chemistry 9. l
  30. A laboratory study devoted to work in poisonous gases, ex- l
-_ plosives or some other phase of chemistry closely allied to war activi·  
ly, ties. i
1 ,5 ‘ 6
Professor Noe, Professor Tigert, Professor James, Associate Professor l'
ls. Principles of Education. A brief course in the Psycholog— 1
ical principles of education, including education as a factor of or- l.
ganic evolution; heredity and education; from fundamental to ac-  
cessory in education; conditions of individual development; recapi- i
tulation; correlation between mind and body; work, fatigue, hy-  

 l r
l J
  giene; the nature of the memory process; imitation in education; j
E· educational agencies; formal discipline. Double course. T
~ 2s. Method in Education. This course is a discussion of value,.
discipline and method. The chief high school subjects will receive r
  ` attention. Illustrations of presentation will be given through the A
· actual teaching of several high school subjects during the session. .
‘ Double course. lll
n` 3s. Problems in City School Administration. Includes a study  
T of city surveys, city superintendents’ annual reports, Hnances, age-  
3 grade distribution, standard units of measurement, and principles of L
I constructive supervision. Lectures, class discussions, reports and
  assigned readings. Double course.
i 4s. History of Education. General Course. Particular reference
to the Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century theorists,
j with emphasis on Milton, Locke, Rousseau and Montessori. Lec-
tures, class discussions, reports and assigned readings. Lecture will
be illustrated with lantern slides. Double course.
5s. Experimental Psychology. A laboratory course designed to
· follow and apply in a. practical and complete manner the introduc-
l tory course in psychological theory. The introductory course is pre-
- requisite. Double course.
6s. Mental Tests and Measurements. A course in clinical psy-
. chology and standard tests of the common school subjects. Prac-
tice is given in administering intelligence tests. Special attention is
. given to the Stanford revision of the Binet-Simon Scale, which is
- now being widely used in psychological clinics and scoring ot tests `_
and scales in reading, writing, arithmetic, grammar, composition.
etc. This course will enable teachers to diagnose more accurately
the mental power and processes of children. Double course.
7s. Agricultural Education. This course will deal with the or-
: ganization and teaching of agricultural courses in the Kentucky
high schools. It is designed for those who have had courses in the
` fundamentals of Agriculture in some Agricultural College. Double
» course.  
W Ss. Educational Psychology. The laws of mental development, .
` structure and function. Special attention to the laws of memory, `
_ habit, attention and their application to education. Double course. e
i? eneusi-l
. Professors Dantzler and Farquhar and Miss King
  ls. English Composition. The object of this course is to give
  training in the writing of correct and clear English. Accuracy of
  expression is desired rather than proficiency of style. A text book
  will be used, but the instruction will also be based upon the study
  _ot representative English masterpieces. Students who take this
L} I
l i

j course will be given credit for English 1 of the University curricu-
  lum. Double course. .
E 2s. The Teaching of English Composition. This course is de-
  signed for teachers who wish to study the aims and methods of teach- p
` ing composition in the high school. It includes practice in the writ-
V   lng and correction of themes. University credit will be given for this `
  work. Single course.
  4s. General Survey of English Literature. This course is in-
  tended to give the student a general survey of English literature.  
" Selections from representative authors will be studied. Collateral ,
reading and frequent summaries will be required. University credit  
` will be given. Double course. {
6s. Shakespeare. In this course a study will be made of Shake- L
speare’s development as a dramatist. A number of plays will be stud- Q
ied in detail from the standpoint of dramatic structure and characteri- l
zation. Attention will also be given to the method of treating Shake-  
speare in the high school. Students are advised to bring a copy of E
Shakespeare with them. The Oxford edition is recommended. Double  
course. E
Ss. The Contemporary Drama. In this course a study will be {
made of recent movements in the drama of England and Europe. §
University credit will be given. Double course.  
Qs. Library Methods for Teachers. This course aims to qualify ;
high school teachers to take charge of high school libraries, and to . j
prepare them to give instruction to high SCIIOOI students in the use  
. of books and libraries. Single course.  
` t
Professor Tulhill  
History 5b. History of the United States since 1850. The topics l.
J to be treated are: The compromise of 1850, the preliminary contro-  
versies leading up to the war between the sections, constructive legis-  
  lation during the struggle, the westward movement, expansion, and j
. tho great war. Double course. -  
Y Political Economy 1a. Introduction to Economics, including pro-  
  duction and exchange, with some attention to the effects of govern- }
mental interference with tho laws of supply and demand, and the
growth of socialism under the influence of the great war. Single I'
l course. .
Sociology 1. Urban Sociology. The care of the poorer classes, ii
` detectives and delinquents; management and expenditures of city  
and State institutions; relation of private to public institutions; re- i`
, lie! work in emergencies of recent years; excursions to typical institu-  
~ tons. Single course.  
T l
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Professor Sweeney cmd Others `
ls. Food and Fuel Conservation. A course dealing with the need .£
of creation of United States Food Administration, its plans and pur- `_
poses; the world food situation; methods of meeting the need for ?
conservation of food and fuel. Definite, practical principles will be pre- W,
_ sented for conserving. Lectures and laboratory, one hour per day. *`j’
Single course. {I, _
2s. Canning of Fruits and Vegetables. Popular course in canning `"it
` teaching practical methods for canning foods. Lectures and labora-
` tory for half the session. Single course. .
· 3s. Practical Dietetics. A group of lectures dealing with need of
the body for foods, the value of ordinary articles in the diet, balanced
meals, choice in war time of nourishing foods. Offered for half the
session. Single course.
4s. Made-Over Garments. A course dealing with the renovation
. and making over of garments and millinery. Planned to meet the
need for conservation of textiles. Laboratory 8 hours per week for
six weeks. Single course.
15s. Red Cross Sewing and Knitting. Fundamental hand-sewing
` machine sewing and knitting. Applications made as far as possible
on Red Cross garments. Equivalent to Elementary Clothing, H. E. 15.
Laboratory, 12 hours per week for six weeks. Single course.
Professor Jones
ls. First Year Latin. A thoro drill in declension, conjugation
and rules of syntax, special emphasis being put on the subjunctive,
conditional sentences, and other difficult points of the work. The
text used is Smith's Latin Lessons, and the class will complete the ,
book. Single course.
2s. Selections from Caesar and Nepos. The selections from
· Caesar give the customs of the Britons, Germans and Gauls. The '.'
same characteristics that Caesar noted may be observed in the French
and Germans of today. The text is Bishop and Jones, beginning at
Part II. Single course, ¤
Bs. Selections from Cicero and Sallust. The historian's account
of the conspiracy of Catiline will be compared with that of the
orator. Also a few letters of Cicero will be read. The text is John- `
_ ston and Kingery’s Cicero. Single course.
4s. Vergil or Ovid, depending on the requirements of the class. _
The first, second, fourth and sixth books of Vergil, or selections from
I the Metamorphoses of_Ovid is the work to be covered in the course. `
Due attention will be given to scanning and mythology. Knapp's `,
I Vergil, Allen and Greenough’s Ovid are the texts. Single course. ‘
  Q .  

  5s. Selections from Livy or Horace, as the class elects. The
  texts used are Chase and Stuart’s Selections from Horace, Selections
  from Roman Historical Literature—Scoon, Milroe, Jones. Single
ij course. ·
ill`; Courses for Teachers ~
  . Professor Freeman, Asst. Professor Horine, Mr. Dicker, Mr. Thurman
¤'·I .
1 1. Mechanical Drawing. Comprises: (a) Free-hand sketches,
drawing from copies and models, using parts of machines in the
laboratory as models. (b) Free-hand lettering. (c) Tracing. (d) Blue-
priming. Double course.
2. Free-hand Drawing. Single course.
3. Descriptive Geometry. This work includes first the discussion
, of descriptive geometry as a branch of pure mathematics; later comes
a consideration of the application of descriptive geometry principles
as an aid to engineering drawing. The lectures and recitations are
supplemented by wo1·k in the drawing room. Prerequisite, Solid
, Geometry. Double course.
4. Bench Work in Wood. This includes exercises in planing,
` sawing, rabbeting, plowing, notching, splicing, mortising, tenoning,
dove-tailing, framing, paneling, and the general use of carpenter’s
` tools. Double course. '
Q 5. Wood Turning. This work includes exercises which involve
  all the various principles of lathe—work in wood. Double course. .
D 6. Pattern Making. This is a continuation of Courses 1 and 2, _
and is intended to give experience in the construction of pattems for _
use in making iron and brass castings. Double course. ,
  7. Forge Shop Work. This course includes a large number of .
j° exercises intended to give experience in all the fundamental opera- _
tions of steel and iron forging. Double course. '
i 8. Machine Shop Work. This includes exercises in vise work
  in metal, such as clipping and tiling, and general machine work, in- ‘
~ clucling screw cutting, drilling, planing and milling of iron, brass and
steel. Double course. _
Courses for College Students
9. Alternating Currents. This work involves a study of the ·
E fundamental laws of alternating currents and the principle and con- `
struction of alternating current measuring instruments, generators, .1
( motors, transformers and converters. Double course. ` T
` 10. Kinematics. This course is intended to familiarize the student
( with the mutual dependence of the movements in the parts of a ma- r
. chine. Special attention is given to the analysis of mechanisms in- K
_ volving link—moti0ns, gear teeth, cams, communication of motion by  
J lr
  . . 1.
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 f ;i
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rolling and sliding contact and quick-return motions. Prerequisites, x
Mathematics 1, 2, and 3 and Drawing 3. Double course. ‘
11. Kinematic Design. This course is given in conjunction with _
Mechanics of Engineering 3. It consists of eight plates of design of l
spur, bevel and worm gearing, and other mechanisms which illus- .
trate the general principles discussed in kinenietic problems. Double `  
T . course. A "l,
12. Analytical Mechanics. This subject is given with a view  
of encouraging o1·iginal analysis, logical proofs and rational con- wl,
clusions with respect to the treatment of the equilibrium and motion
of bodies under the action of force. The application of the funda-
mental principles of mechanics to engineering problems is treated
in a way c'alculated to interest the student in the application of an-
alytical mechanics in his engineering work. Prerequisites, Physics
1b. Mathematics 5b (Integral Calculus) must be completed or taken
c0—ordinately. Double course.
Professor Boyd, Professor Davis
ls. Beginning Algebra. A course designed for those who have
` never studied the subject, and also for those who have conditions
in it. Single course.
2s. Advanced Algebra. A second course which will be fitted to
the needs of the class desiring it. Pedagogical questions will receive
attention. Single course. V
3s. Plane Geometry. This course will complete as much of the
Plane Geometry as possible, and will be based on a new book illus-
trating the latest ideas in Geometry. Single course.
4s. Solid Geometry. A thorough course open to Public School
teachers and to those desiring to increase their credits for college ,
entrance and to high school students who have been conditioned in
the subject. Single course.
5s. College Mathematics. Courses in college subjects will be ~
S given in accordance with the demands for them. Double course.
` 6s. Teachers’ Course. _A course for public school teachers. lt
will cover both the history and pedagogy of arithmetic, algebra and
geometry. Single course. q
Professors Zembrod and Mclchcr V
— 1s. Elementary German. Grammar with every reading to ac-
quire vocabulary and illustrate grammatical principles. Composition ;
based on reading. Course will cover essential g1·ammar points.
Single course. · ‘ »
` 2s. Intermediate German. Rapid reading of elementary Ger· `¥
l ,  

 l* Y
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l .
,f man with grammar drill and composition based on text. Selected `
·‘ prose, poetry committed. Single course. j
{ 3s. Composition and Reading. "Mat‘erials for sight translations/'  
[ conversations and rapid reading of some characteristic work of a `
rg modern writer. Single course.
'A 4s. Advanced Reading and Composition. Rapid review of gram- `
  ° mar in connection with reading and composition based on text. ,
—   Course especially intended as review for high school teachers. Double ·
V? 5s. Spanish I. Elementary Grammar and Reader. Single
Gs. Advanced Spanish Il. Grammar and Composition. Prose
reading. Double course. ·
Ts. French I. Elementary Grammar. Single course.
8s. French ll. Grammar and Composition. Prose reading.
Double course.
Associate Professor Killcbrew
ls. General Elementary Physics. Lectures with experimental
demonstrations and quizzes on Mechanics and Heat. An introduc-
tory course designed for students who wish to become acquainted
with the results, methods and spirit of the science, whether they in- -
tend to pursue the subject further, or wish an elementary knowledge
or Physics only as a matter of general interest. The course also
' meets the needs of secondary school teachers who wish to review .
the subject with reference to methods ol? presentation. Each student
is required to perform and report on twenty-tive laboratory exercises.
(Lectures and recitation tive hours, laboratory four hours per week.)
` 2s. General Elementary Physics. This is a parallel course with
i ls covering the subjects of Electricity and Magnetism, Light and
a Sound. (ls is not a prerequisite for 2s. Students may register in
  either or both of these courses.) Single course.
Courses in Physics la, 2a, lb, 5a, 6a, 5b, 6b (for description see
University catalog) will be offered if as many as four students reg—
ister in any one ol? them. Double courses.
.~ Professor Boles
» 1. Baseball. Theory and practice in batting; base running; V `
~£ proper methods of fielding each position; team work and coaching
  methods; study of the rules; physical condition; methods of indoor
  practice. Lectures and practical work.
  » 2. Basketball. Instruction will be given in basketball with the ;
QQ idea of fitting men to coach. The course will cover passing, goal T
I r .
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throwing, dribbling, team play, how to condition a team, and the dif-  
ferent styles of play used by the leading coaches. Lectures and  
practical work.  
3. Football. The theoretical work will take up the rules from  
the standpoint of coach, players and oiiicials; the several styles of {
offense and defense with consideration of their special strength and I  
weaknesses; generalship and strategy. The practical work will in- '  
clude: training, conditioning and player’s equipment; punting, drop ‘_
kicking, place kicking, kick off, and forward passing; tackling dummy  
and charging sled; special drills for linemen, ends and backs; fol- V
._ lowing the ball, interference and team work; fundamental plays, ‘ I
freak plays, and signal systems. Lectures and practical work.  
4. School Room Gymnastics. The possibilities of exercise for  
elementary grades and high school will be shown. Exercises suit- ,7
able for schoolroom will be taught. `
If possible the courses in baseball, basketball and football will ,
have two hours at a time. U  
Capt. H. N. Roydcn, U. S. Army  
Courses offered in the Military Department will be arranged to  
meet the needs of two classes of students; iirst, of those having time V,
to register in one or more of the military courses; and second, those {
desiring to devote their entire time to the military course. li
1. First lessons in spoken French for men in military service.  
2. Infantry drill. School of the soldier, school of the squad, and I
school of the company. Military callisthenics.  
3. Military signaling. International Morse Code as used on radio ,·
systems of the United States army by hand flags and semaphore.  
4. Radio telegraphy. A laboratory course in practical instruction  
in radio and buzzer telegraphy. {
5. Manual for non-commissioned officers of infantry of the army
of the United States. 4*

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Lexington, Kentucky, U. S. A. ,
FRANK L. McVEY, Ph. D., LL. D., President _
Paul P. Boyd, Ph. D., Dean
Courses in Arts, Science, Journalism _
Thos. P. Cooper, B. S., Dean and Director
Courses in Agriculture and Domestic Scienc•
Experiment Station
Extension Division
Fred Mutchler, Ph. D.. Director