xt7tht2g8t11 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tht2g8t11/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19800509 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, May 9, 1980, no. 322 text The Green Bean, May 9, 1980, no. 322 1980 2014 true xt7tht2g8t11 section xt7tht2g8t11 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LIBRARIES' NEWSLETTER
5/9/80 N NO. 322
May 10 i Commencement exercises.
May 10-11 Ohio Valley Technical Group Conference, Hyatt Regency.
May 14 Taster Party, ll:30—I:30, King Library North Staff
Lounge (story inside)
May 19-21 Personnel Management for Librarians, LTI. Lee Hisle,
Chair. Fee $50.00
King Library North Recipients of·honorary degrees at UK, May 10.
Edward S. Curtis' North American Indian photo- I
graphic exhibit, through May 30. ,
University Archives
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Contributors: Pam Fields, Keith Lemon, Toni Powell, Patricia Renfro,
Terry Warth (editor).
The LSO is sponsoring a tasting party on Wednesday, May léth in the Staff Lounge
, in King North. The party will last from ll:30 to l:30 and will feature dishes
from the KENTUCKY SAMPLER and KENTUCKY SAMPLER II. We need food. If you have a
favorite dish from the SAMPLER (you need not have submitted it) that you would
like to contribute, contact Barbara Randolph in the Catalog Department. Your
dish will be your admission to the feast. If you would like to come and it is in-
convenient for you to bring food, just bring a dollar and that will gain entry
to the festivities. There is a twofold purpose for this party. We are spon-
soring this event to allow you to sample some of the recipes from our cookbook.
If you like what you eat, you may want to buy a copy of the SAM LER or the
SAMPLER II. I'll be there to take orders. This will also give us an opportu-
nity to get together once school is out. It has been a while since we have been
able to get together and relax with our co—workers. So bring a dish or dollar
and come prepared to eat, drink (at your expense) and be merry. See you there.
Toni Powell, LS0 President
A KENTUCKY SAMPLER II is about to be born. At this writing the SAMPLER should
be on its way to duplicating. There are another 50 pages of recipes which
sound delicious. If you are interested in A KENTUCKY SAMPLER, or A KENTUCKY
SAMPLER II bring your money to the tasting party. Many people have mentioned
the problem of the binding of the first edition of the SAMTLER. If you wish
we will bind the supplement in with a spiral binding. I am not sure of the .
urice of this but it should range from 60 to 90 cents (our cost). Our price
schedule for A KENTUCKY SAMPLER 2D ED.(the original A KENTUCKY SAMPLER and A
KENTUCKY SAMPLER II bound together) is $3.00 for LSO members and $3.50 for
non—members. The price for the supplement is $l.00 for LSO members and $1.25
for non—members. Bring your cookbook and your money to the tasting party (we
will need prepayment for binding) and we'll take care of it for you.
Two LSO activities held last month were an overwhelming success. The Booksale
netted us around ninety dollars and we sold almost everything. Many thanks to
all of you who donated books and many thanks to Rebecca Bombe, Cathy High, Tari
Keller, Melda McHone, Janis Pivarnik, and Barbara Randolph for helping with the
sale activities.
The first lunch hour program was also a success. Twenty—six people attended the
demonstration on making silk flowers. A special thanks goes to Karen Jefferson
and Patty Hornback for doing this for us. For those of you who did not get in
and would like to know more about silk flowers contact Jean Robinson, Cataloging
Department. She has instructions which can be copied for five cents a page
(there are four pages). We would also like to thank Emilie Smith for providing
us with a room for this program. We hope this is the first of many successful
LS0 Officers
The LSO Social Committee has set a date for the picnic. This year's picnic
will be held on July llth in Jacobson Park. I'll pass the details along as
I get them. Mark your calendar and plan to be there.
The Second Annual Booksale proved to be very successful. In spite of drastic
reductions on the second day, approximately $1,340 were netted and roughly
5,400 books sold. Staff members and Associates generously volunteered time
to price and sell books. Their help is much appreciated.
In December 1979 the Macke Company was given permission to install and operate
a "deli" in the basement of King Library South. Plans were made to open the
first of April 1980 but due to various problems it was not in operation until
the 28th of April. Some of the problems were due to:
l. The age of the building (built in 1931)
2. Plumbing
3. Health standards
4. Safety regulations (for example, only 120 persons are permitted
in the area at one time)
By installing a food operation the lounge area became subject to a different
set of codes, and major changes had to be made to comply with them, partic-
ularly the safety code.
The "deli" is mainly self—service. The exception is special made—to—order
sandwiches. The original plan was to make these behind the meat counter but
until a hand sink is installed the sandwiches are being made in the kitchen
area. All sandwiches are made and packaged on the premises. Fresh soup will
be added to the menu next winter. There are cans of soup available now which
have caused at least one customer (not to mention Macke Co.) some problems.
It is essential to pour the contents of the can into a paper container before
putting the soup in the microwave oven. One person put the can in the oven
last week and the resulting explosion broke the glass.
In the short time the "deli" has been open approximately 1,200 persons a day
have been served. About 900 of these had a coupon from the Kentucky Kernel.
Cold drinks have sold the best, with snacks (or junk food) running a close
second. Yogurt has done very well indeed and apples are popular.
The expense of all the remodeling, decorating, equipment and furniture has been
borne by the Macke Company. The decor will be finished within eight weeks. A
turnstile will probably be installed to help control the crowd. One enterprising
student walked into the double—doored entrance and helped himself to two sandwiches
and two milk cartons and was calmly leaving by the exit door when stopped and
asked for payment. With childlike innocence the student exclaimed, "What? Pay for
them? I didn't think you had to pay for them!"
Keith Lemons
(Mr. Lemons also operates the coffee shop at the Medical Center and the "deli" at
the Nursing and Health Sciences Building).
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"Learning and memory: Working with the Older Person," a one day workshop will be -
held Wednesday, June ll, 1980, at the College of Nursing and Health, UK campus.
The registration fee is $25.00 and includes lunch. For further information call
(606) 258—é741.
I cannot understand the rage manifested by the greater part of the world for
reading New Books. If the public had read all those that have gone before,
I can conceive how they should not wish to read the same work twice over;
but when I consider the countless volumes that lie unopened, unregarded,
unread, and unthought—of, I cannot enter into the pathetic complaints that
I hear made that Sir Walter writes no more - that the press is idle — that ,
Lord Byron is dead. If I have not read a book before, it is, to all intents
and purposes, new to me, whether it was printed yesterday or three hundred
years ago.
Head Science Librarian, University of Missouri. Minimum salary $18,000. Appli-
cation deadline: June 15, 1980.
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