xt7tht2gbd3m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tht2gbd3m/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 201309 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture LinQ magazine, September 2013 text LinQ magazine, September 2013 2013 2019 true xt7tht2gbd3m section xt7tht2gbd3m CONNECTING THE BLUEGRASS LGBT COMMUNITY
I September 2013
Vol. 35 No.9
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What to expect
Flnd 111$1d€1 Where to find allies
How you can make a difference

 % Back to School
' / ‘~‘ I, V 1? Our guide for LGBT students
EN 7‘ \ 5
True Stories
1 3 Read about Sam and Marj’s enduring love
”it? TeamLeX Volleyball
'1 L oi: Volleyballjust might save your life
* a ,
Gay Christians '
1 8 Striving forabalanced life
1' o N O o o
)K Senior Pride
ggn;%g Lexington Seniors Set Initiatives 2 2

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Don Lowe 389 Waller Ave Suite 100 Paul Holland, At Large
' , . 4 D L , At L
Lin Q is published Lexmgton Ky 4050 on owe arge
Cynthia Lyons, At Large
monthly by and for .
. Cmdy Sommer, At Large
the Lex1ngton Gay 859.253.3233 .
, , Tr1lby Trent, GSA
and Lesblan Serv1ces www.glso.org .
. . Adv1sor
Organizatlon members
and community. The GLSO STAFF
Lex1ngton Gay and Oflice Hours Chad Hundley, Ofl'lCC
Lesbian Serv1ces
O . . . . Mon—Fr12-5 p.m. Manager
rganizatlon env151ons
a community that “Views expressed in this
accepts and celebrates newsletter are solely
each individual. The g5fi;fi%¥TIVE those of the contributor
Lexington Gay and and do not necessarily
Lesbian Services Paul Brown, President reflect the views of the
organization seeks Ginger Moore-Minder, GLSO”
to educate, enhance Vice President
and empower the Karen Taylor, Secretary
communty about Tommy Brodbeck,
GLBTQQIA issues. Treasurer

 Written by: Helena Handbasket
I Th ’ Wh I’
T lk' ’ Ab t
Have I ever been bullied? Yes. Have I ever been a bully? Yes.
I jUSt hate a bIlllYl I hear openly discusses, in a very behavior before it goes too to feel the same way about
people say this all the time belittling manor, the person far? YES YES YES. everything. So, move on. Get
and l 866 people POSt it on that they have the conflict over it. But for God’s sake,
Facebook. 1 see people with in an attempt to “recruit” leave everyone else out of it
organize and participate in people to “be on their side” or - and allow them to form their
charity events and stand up “convince / encourage” them 100k a llttle own opinions. And, most
and say it lOlld and proud... I to seethings“theirway”. Sadly, closer and importantly... Shut the hell up
AM AGAINST BULLYING- this often happens when the about it - whether in public
But I ask you... are you really? person with the other opinion aSk yourself or on Facebook. None of the
I am sure your fll‘St answer is not even around. So why - A I rest of the community wants
is, Of course I am, but I wouldn’t you agree with agaln°" m to hear about it anyway.
challenge you to look a little someone when their opinion re ally against
closer and then ask Yourself is the onlyonevoiced? Is that . S e n d c o m m e n t s
again... Am 1 really against person then NOT abully and bUllYlng? or suggestions to
bullying? are YOU not being bullied? HelenahandbasketKY@
What is a bUllY anyway? I see this from WITHIN our gmail.com
A bully is anyone that tries own community from some
to make someone else do or who work tirelessly to fight Does this mean that I can
believe what they want them for equality. Whether it be eliminate conflictslmay have
to by means Of Violence, in the drag community or with others? Hell no! But,
aggression, intimidation or the leather community or maybe the better solution ' .
manipulation. whatever. It is all around us. would be to get together "
hll too often thaVC been Have I ever been bullied? privately with the person
Witness to occa51ons where Yes. HaveIever beenabully? you disagree with and try to . .
people With a difference 0f Yes. So, beforeIstand up and work outacompromise (ever ' ~
opinion or belief started sayI am against it: I first have heard of that word before?). i ~ has
hashing out those differences to ask myself then, “Is this And, ifa compromise cannot .> \ . :V ‘33:;
on social media or in bars in somethingI need to work on be reached, then agree to " gl 3 y ‘\ '
front of others-or myfavorite and try to realize when it is disagree and respect the V1.7 l at; f‘: :1.
example, when someone happening and then St0P that fact that we are not all going - l l .. 7‘ ‘

 Written by: I. D. Vaughn
if i” l 7‘.
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*E whoa”? £21.21 ' , ) “mix” ‘41,: '“thm .2 T 1;} j '7: n
4—1“ . c.» ”w“ ‘ . “it”. . E 1' -
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’33 angst . 3 5': *gf‘L- ,]
Greetings from the Imperial San Francisco, and laid the 53:.» ~
Court of Kentucky. Reign foundation for the formation .13": 4‘ " ~‘
32 has had a busy month of the Imperial Court of San ..
with several events, and also Francisco. Today, the ICS has “J ' ~- - .
wants to announce many over 65 chaptersin the United l3- -
upcoming events. Before we States, Canada and Mexico, "" , . . . . '
get to those announcements making it the second largest V .
though, we want to inform LGBT organization in the 5
thecommunityofthepassing world. if 7
ofourbelovedfounderofthe A Celebration of Life and ‘ 2‘ ., , _ . q‘ l
, I ~. 2.. ."" V: . ’ V r
International Court System, funeralserviceswillbeheldin IS,‘ “"133- , V5"; ‘ w " “I!
Iose Iulio Sarria, Absolute San Francisco on September . (V, 43‘, . ‘6 . ‘
Empress I de San Francisco, 5 and 6. A local Celebration " I, ‘ {3W /{:¥ ’ i? Mi
the Widow Norton, on of Life for Jose will be held I ' " " ‘
August 19’ 2013' here In Lexmgton and IS 1n TOP: Court members shop for schoool supplies for area
The International Court the planning stages. Lookfor children.
System (ICS) was founded in upcoming announcements éBOVSE: Iose Iulios Sarria, Founder of The International
ourt stem.
1965, when Iose proclaimed regarding that event. y
herself the Empress of Reign 32 continued its

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“hi hi. flea-335w»
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k entucky
fundraising in August with beach-wear and summer— Diabetes Association. The Talent category. This is open
a new event this year called inspired performances. disbursement to ADA will be to both male and female
“Back to Our Future.” A few days later, the Court announced next month. performers, although only
Spearheaded by Empress sponsored an Emperor’s And September and one Closet Queen or King
21 and 28 Nicole Diamond, Carwash at pulse nightlife. October will continue to will be selected. The event
the event was a benefit to The guys and gals of the be busy. On September 4, will begin at 9 pm and will
purchase back to schools court washed cars and raised the Iulie Vaughn Memorial also feature last year’s Closet
supplies for children of moneyonabeautifulsummer Closet Ball will be held at Queen, Ava Westwood.
AVOL clients. The event was Saturday. pulsenightlife. Thisperennial September fundraising
a huge success, raising over Then at the end of the favoriteisa“comingoutofthe continues with the annual
$3200. Backpacks and school month, Emperor 32 Patrick closet” type pageant for new Divas of Hazzard event on
supplies were purchased for Thompson and Regent and budding drag queens September 11 at Crossings.
33 children. Empress 32 ID. Vaughn and kings. The first judged This hillbilly/country-
In mid-August, Imperial hosted “Steppin Out in category is a presentation of inspired event will feature a
Crown Prince 32 Tim Stiletto’s” at Bogart’s Lounge. the contestant in their natural Hillbilly buffet and cocktail
Logsdon and Imperial The night featured classy gender. Then, they have an hour starting at 8:30 pm with
Crown Princess 32 Christina performances by many of hourto transformthemselves the show beginning at 9:30
Puse held a Beach Party- the female line members (with the assistance of one pm.
themed event at Crossings. and Empresses. The show helper) into the performer The reigning monarchs
It was a fun-filled evening marked the third annual they want to be. They then and several court members
of fundraising with lots of fundraiser for the American present themselves in a will also make out of town

I :5 i , , >
A :3 $23 2
Regent Empress 32 I. D. Vaughn and Emperor 32 3.3 3 3_ 3? ”3.3.3 3313.33. fig 2
Patrick Thompson host many charity events " Q 4 1 3%§‘ 5
throughout the year including Steppin Out in Stilletos .3: :7? “a 3
held in late August at Bogart’s Lounge. 3 3 ,. (3.3.” :3;},
I. ‘ ' ‘stfiéfij‘é—Sfii‘u. 533.;
i .' “375:, '7' . "' 7
L‘ -. 33313:: 33 .. . "3; ¥
. €333 .3 ..
trips to Washington D.C.’s Kentucky) or online at w.
and Montana’s Coronations imperialcourtkentucky. 3 )3 -.
' ' ,3. ” 3 ‘ 55.3,. .
on September 14. These w111 org. Membership and/ 3 3‘ _’ g33_9~fi:’§ .. 3
be exciting trips as they will or volunteers are always .v 5.33“. _ 4,3} ."
mark the first Out of Town welcome and encouraged. ,3. ;( ‘M‘w . 5 '
Coronation Walks for the 3 3. f3 1%
reigning monarchs and their . a ‘ ‘ g ‘3
respective lines. - , ' a; .
More events are scheduled 3 ‘3 *1 E ' ”-'
). .. 33 3
for the coming months and 9M5): 45; ’ ,1 .‘3-
those will be announced here av " ,3 \ vi' 1 (3/1“ ,3; .~ \
. - p '. ,i’ 3.25:3“ 1:, .
or check out the Imperial 9/ : «'2? ,3. 3*, g
Court on Facebook (group '1 3. i 1 ,1 if; 5‘3.
.5. r f . . . 3 .
name Imperial Court of 3f; 3 313%,3 33; 3:. . 3 , U
gar”.- . 5““ ' i
. l!" 5%”); *1“ (3/. M
33 N _ is“ 3 If’vfiip’t ‘L‘ g ‘ «a». 1
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mm f ., 3 ,13 a. 3 3 » 4th
.msné wuo
.sqwa, LEFT: Jose Julio Santa in his early years.
ABOVE: The Widow Norton.
Jose Julio Sarria
1922-201 3
A pioneer of LGBT politics in California.
irsocn a caniaccvun or ”“3,
:ubiiczffileycginkon: interim and g9“
founder of the Imperial Court System.

 Written by: Jeff Iones, PhD
Recently the Fayette County News. Perhaps you were one of MZF FZM
Health Department conducted our anonymous respondents. If (Male to (Female
health assessments of various so, thank you! Female) to Male)
minority populations. Funded In most ways, these 306 3.1% l 1.4%
by the KY Office of Health participants and their 3,
Equity and the State HIV/AIDS demographics are very similar l Male
Program,oneoftheseassessments to the demographics for Fayette Female g 46'7 A’
focused on local LGBT residents, County as a whole. 48 8%
their health issues, and barriers In terms of average age, race,
to health care. This month we gender, income, and relationship
begin a series of short articles on status, the people who responded
this 2012 study. to this assessment match other
The study included 306 local Lexingtonians. In one area ‘ LGBT people in Fayette County. statistical term- to gain some
residents who took an online education— the LGBT sample, No one knows how many insights into local LGBT health
survey, filled out a paper survey, however, is quite different: the Lexingtonians are LGBT —or issues.
or participated in a focus group. LGBT respondents are twice as heterosexual— and thus we could Read more next month about
The researchers recruited likely to have a college degree. not conduct a census or random the Fayette County LGBT Health
participants via social media, While the sample and the sample of LGBT people. Assessment.
signs at local bars, and the GLSO county’s overall population seem Instead, we have this
quite similar, we cannot 53V this convenience sample -to use a
Race .
- . 3 4%
Man Amerlcan '
. 0.7% _
- other ' -
Native American 0'4 °
I Fayette Overall
multi—racial 2'3 ° .
, 41% I LG BT
Black 5 '0 °
, I 6.6%
, . , . o
0.0% 20.0% . 40.0% 60.0% 80.0% 100.0%

 Written by: Burley Thomas
B >
ack to School .
Finding resources, finding family
”“7" , viz—ma... , ‘ as: ' i= ., Wh- :
. a - a" , j » *3,
. .. . ,i'” 5:" y ,-l I;
. “‘3 5 Awagxraw~ 5’ 7 '
Collegeis abouttransition.It to make a change. find it accidentally or hear looking for help loving self,
is about becoming involved LGBTPQQIA: you may through word of mouth that discarding guilt, and finding
and independent. It’s about not recognize all of the such a group exists. Nick ways to talk to their families.
becoming comfortable with queer alphabet, but these Cross, current co-president EKU Alphabet Center
the adult that you’ve become are the letters that make of UK Gay—Straight Alliance President Dan Hendrickson
and finding strength in up our collective identities. recounts his discovery of a explains, “I see it all the time,
your community. This Young people from around group presence on campus, people come to a few events,
community starts for many Kentucky, many from rural “for me, the first time I saw and then they find out how
students with an inclusive regions and out of state, anything gay on campus was many LGBTQQI people are
organization on campus. make their way here to when the ‘hate-preachers’ there, and think, hey, I don’t
Beginning in the late 805 complete their education. were at the student center. have to be afraid to be myself
and popping up through Ihe move canbe isolatingor, (UKGSA) were there with anymore,” and he says, “The
the 1990s, lesbian & gay contrariwise, liberating. For signs with words of love and Alphabet Center also has a
student groups surfaced in LGBTQ youth, it is a chance giving out hugs.” volunteer mentor program
high schools and on college to truly express who they Students vary in their with our leadership acting as
campusesnationwide. These have been all along & find experiences and the mentors. We’ve been there,
groupsoffersupporttoyoung other‘letters’likethemselves. resources they need. Many, we know how to deal with
people who may be living in The incoming students are particularly from rural areas that.”
fear or provide resources for diverse. Some seek the *A list of regional student
daily routines. UKGSA director says that they’ve EKU Alphabet Center was goups can be found in the
member, Ioe Goodman, done a community needs’ inspired by UK OUTsource, LinQ directory pages*
pig. ~ 1 +-_ ,7. .3 1
c -‘ ng ,‘7 Backto School and Cover Photos by:
. {1:}; Brian Hawkins
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 R 1 fi d '
Written by: Mary Crone g
Jr ,
. 7L" e ,
W. s ’-“ *1 §
‘1‘! f :__ ‘ 
_ ‘\ i " , “ t *5“, a" _

GLSEN Research: The less safe, face heightened knowledge and beliefs about In addition to incidents of
Experience of LGBT Youth Victimization and have fewer what is happening in rural student victimization based
in Rural American supportive resources than Kentucky and elsewhere. on sexual orientation and
In December of 2012, LGBT students in suburban “Strengths and Silences is gender identity/expression,
GLSEN (The Gay, Lesbian 81 and urban areas. the first in-depth look at the findings also indicated that
Straight Educators Network) This report, titled Strengths significantchallengesfacedby an unsafe school climate for
released a report based on andSilenceszTheExperiences LGBT students in rural areas LGBT students contributesto
data collected in their 2011 of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and andsmalltowns,”saidGLSEN poorer grade point averages
National School Climate TransgenderStudentsinRural Executive Director Dr. Eliza (GPAs), absenteeism and
Study. This reportfocused on and Small Town Schools, Byard. “These students are lowered aspirations to pursue
rural students that identify documents the experiences frequentlythe most isolated— post-secondary education.
as lesbian, gay, bisexual, of more than 2,300 LGBT both physically and in terms The national study also
transgender (LGBT) or secondary students. The of access to critical resources reports that LGBT youth
who are questioning their resultsandconclusionsarenot andsupport-andourfindings attending rural schools have
sexual orientation or gender surprising, but it is important require us to both honor limited access to inclusive
identity. Not surprisingly, to have this research that their resilience and respond curricula, supportive
they found that students feel adds to and validates our to their needs.” educators, and student

I LinQ

 clubs such as Gay-Straight assaulted at school in the past reported having an LGBT- Although they were less
Alliances (GSAs). These year because of their gender inclusive curriculum (i.e., prevalent in rural areas,
resources are associated with expression. having been taught positive access to LGBT-supportive
substantial improvements in 91% ofruralLGBT students things about LGBT people, resources were associated
school climate and students’ heard “gay” used inanegative history, or events in their with significantly better well-
wellbeing. way (e.g., “that’s so gay”) classes), significantly less being and connectedness
“Although research on and 79% of LGBT students than the 18% of suburban to school, and substantially
the educational experiences frequently or often heard and 20% of urban students. lower levels of victimization.
of LGBT youth has grown other homophobic remarks 39% ofruralLGBT students Key Difierences By Locale
considerably over the past 25 (e.g., “dyke” or “faggot”) at whose school computers had Rural LGBT students
years, less was known about school. Internet access said that they reported feeling less safe t .
the experiences of rural 3 in 5 (61%) rural LGBT could access LGBT—related and urban areas and rural
students specifically,” said students heard remarks websites, compared to 44% of students living in the South
Dr. Joseph Kosciw, GLSEN’s about students not acting suburban students and 44% and Midwest were more
Senior Director of Research “masculine” enough; 42% of urban students. likely to feel unsafe based on
and Strategic Initiatives. “The had heard similar comments 27% of rural students sexual orientation than were
findings demonstrate that about students not acting reported having a GSA at students in rural areas of the
attendingschoolinaruralarea “feminine”enoughfrequently school, compared to 55% of Northeast or West.
or small town can add to the or often at school. suburban students and 53% Rural LGBT students
isolation that can come with Only 13% of rural LGBT of urban students. But when heard most types of biased
being an LGBT youth. Yet, students reported that school there was a GSA at school,
given that resources such as personnel intervened always rural students were more language more than urban
GSAs and supportive school or most of the time when likely to attend than urban and suburban students,
staff can provide important they heard homophobic and suburban students. particularlywithhomophobic
benefits for rural youth, even remarks, and 11% said school 25% ofruralLGBT students remarks being particularly
more attention to developing personnel intervened when reported having a school significant.
andsupportingLGBT—related they heard negative remarks administration supportive Rural LGBT students were
resources in rural schools is related to gender expression. ofLGBT students,compared more likely to feel unsafe at
warranted.” Rural LGBT students to 35% of students in SChOOl due '[0 their sexual
KEY FINDINGS reported feeling unsafe in suburban schools and 36% orientation (71% VS- 62% 0f
Hostile School Climate specific school spaces, most in urban schools. suburban and 58% 0f urban
and Student Victimization commonly locker rooms 28% of rural students SChOOl students) and gender
87% ofruralLGBT students (45%),bathrooms (44%) and reported that other students expression (49% 0f rural
reported being verbally physical education/gym class in their schools were students VS- 42% 0f suburban
harassed, 45% reported being (37%). accepting of LGBT students, and 42% or urban students).
physically harassed and 22% Rural LGBT students who compared to suburban (33% Rural students were
reported being physically experienced higher levels of accepting) or urban (46% more likely to report
assaulted at school in the past victimization were less likely accepting) areas. discriminatory policies or
year because of their sexual to plan to attend college than 18% of rural students practices against LGBT
orientation. students who experienced attended schools with people by their SChOOl
68% of rural LGBT students lower levels of victimization policies that enumerated or SChOOl personnel
reported being verbally (85% vs 93%). sexual orientation or gender compared to suburban
harassed,31% reported being Presence of Interventions expression, including only and urban students.
physically harassed and 16% and Support 5%who saidthattheirschools Rural LGBT students
reported being physically 11% of rural LGBT students enumerated both categories. were significantly less

 Written by: Sandy Spaulding

Sam and Marj have been Instead, sheleftusalove story. her sleeping breath stayed, bred woman, she moved
togetherfor 50years.Theyare Marj was a twinkle in cradled in his heart. Nine withagentile poise. He loved
the same person. his eye when he was only years passed before the first her, protecting her from
ThatSundaynightIexpected ten. A boy he played with primitive computer bulletin an unkind world, choosing
the toughest side of diversity came dressed as a girl to a boards appeared and he thoughtfullywhere theywent

to meet me in that back neighborhood Halloween learned she had sisters-- and who came close.
booth at O’Charley’s. Instead, Party. After that Sam began sisters who wrote, who came Now, when he is at work
I sat across from a lovely collecting feminine things. together. She was not an at the university doing
woman, unassuming, and at Year after year he gathered aberration! So he woke her, Alzheimer research,. Marj
home with herself. She was lovely pieces of woman buying her everything that waits at home for his return.
also a highly intelligent and that would bring to life her was bright and beautiful in Sherenewshimwhenmaking
respected scientist, quietly longing to be, not unlike a sunlight. batches of brain tissue slides
taking questions, conveying sculptor who knows who he He was 28 when he saw becomestedious.Theydance
wisdom necessary to safely is looking for in the marble. her smiling back at him in in the kitchen to big bands,
navigate an ungracious world. At 15 he concluded there the mirror. The time had and every night she sleeps
Iwaited forthebitterissues,an were no others like him; her come to name her, choosing in his arms, dreaming of the
aching residue of oppression, beckonings must be wrong. “Marjorie”, after a nun he time when he retires, and
pulled aside clothing to reveal Sadly, he purged his world knewwhoembodiedanatural she can be with him all the
somesearingStonewalltattoo. of all her belongings; but grace. Dressing her as a well time, no longer left behind

 when he goes to Tanzania, the water, noticing lapping .. , _ 1
Wyoming or communion. sounds sleepy rivers make. ' ‘ s, In}, W . 7
Once, Sam brought Marj Breezes caught her sheer _, ‘ if if if f?» ‘
in from the cold when the hem, moving it SOftlY about i ‘- A w , I H ‘1
climate changed. Without her legs. A sweet and honest frag if
her, forSyears he went about peace came over her. She’s All . - '.: i . , “is % {in—q.
on his own until his heart never hadadiamond, but she " ' 7 ‘ ‘ ,
could bare it no more. He has seen Paris, and metafine 7. N r “‘41? . a , ~ ’ ‘3
found her and embraced her truffle. Sam now reaches lab " 3‘ in“ 3 ' A J l“
with all that he was and ever students. They’re considering 7,; . ii" ' [’5' ,
would be. “Maybe I’m not a an invitation to serve on the . Ll " t g I.
woman, maybe I am not a GLSO board, and using the ~ {1;}? I} \\ w”
man but we are here. We are Sierra Club’s Mr. and Ms. 4' '3', 1 Y1 in; n
human.” Marj told him she address labels anyway. L I R: ‘L i“ l
was only sorrowwithout him; What is it about them? k. ”K, hi I a,“ 3 H‘: p fxf‘g,‘ .
hesaidhewitheredinthegrey This peaceful countenance- ii“? 1 f :2...“ gill-lg‘l‘ ,. . g: l
emptiness away from her. -Here, Trans is one pedal ,“1 '37,; . “girl; 4" }.,.. '. 1" ;;1
.Some family knew, but on the flower, but not the ‘41:} i it" .p i 7' ”all?! .9," em I" , .
they just never talked about whole bloom and all the XL " . £4 ‘3. “fig-Tm . a":
it. After a recent wedding, plant therein. His education 1" a 5,3.“ (“"ij
she appeared at the grave of has given him a full and cflifi if?" , .7 I. "W's? . 5' 5 j ,
a brother who died of aides productive life. In college he
wearing her favorite floral skied, backpacked, wrestled- Someone said love has no will be flung at some wet
as she stooped to lay flowers —still reads a lot. Sam stayed happy endings—allbeloveds and wild rainbow, to travel
on his stone. That night with her——no insisted suicide leave, change, or die. the wind with eagles and
she stood alone on a dock here. Trans is not an identity; But I like to think when orchard pedals, until some
watching lights flickering on it’s their address. these two pass, their ashes lofty pine takes them in.
“*2... . r , . ”"3; -
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Ebony-media's Ibo-till gala-flhE-hllfllmpmplzinmndyruhylmllnpk
M Ynn’Il-mu’vl ails giftmdfnrwk-fingflu sunny.
like us .1 Falnhnnlchf :urdung' 1.63" Health in. W
Driisitmn'wl'llsi‘h: nhmemhmf-bfl-m

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Your L1 e
i ,7 . ' Team Lex Volleyball, to be Exact
f Written by: John Rhyne
I am no athlete, but players are mentored and choosesacharity for Team meet 81 greet social before
the beauty of Team Lex encouraged at every turn: Lexto donate to at the end eachseasonanda“seeding”
Volleyballisthatwithalittle thereisaskillsclinicbefore of the season. party to announce team
bit of efiort everyone can every night of league Team Lex Volleyball rankings before the end
contribute to the league. play to develop skills offers healthy exercise of season tournament.
The strength of the league and introduce players to and competition as well Team Lex also holds open
lies in the camaraderie of volleyball. Skilled players as opportunities to be a play pickup games over
the teams and diversity of face stiff competition, part of a community. In the summer, we made
the members. Everyone a challenging end of our first season this past our debut presence at this
is welcome no matter the season tournament, spring, we hosted 36 year’s Lexington Pride
our race, reli ion, sexual and the o ortunit to la ers across five teams, Festival, and we distribute
Y g PP Y P Y
_ orientation, age, gender, welcome more players and now have over 70 excellence awards to
j occupation, or skill to the sport. The team members receiving our enthusiastic players and
3 level. Less experienced that wins the tournament email updates. Wethrowa mentors at the end of each
4-7414; i ..iafdwi— ..Ll '- LU UNIT—“Tilt“ HT j "'T‘TTTWTH‘T' ' " wIn V 7 ':fi£§‘h§é§
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‘r. ,1 A? if 5’; in 4‘ i379 ; " «if?! ' ‘;“f‘_“fjés».;

 season. The first night Team Lex Volleyball starting September 15th. night,TeamLexVolleyball
of the new season is free plays at the Bluegrass So if you are looking to really could change your
to the public, and gives Volleyball Center out Old make newfriends inasafe life.
people the opportunity to Frankfort Pike (70