xt7tht2gbf83 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tht2gbf83/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1947 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material: 2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, August 1947 Vol.18 No.10 text The Kentucky Press, August 1947 Vol.18 No.10 1947 2019 true xt7tht2gbf83 section xt7tht2gbf83 I .. . ..., .- ; ' . _ 1 . flan-2112?.“ 1 1' {-11 . . 1 .111111 1 1 1 2 11‘" 1 1 - 1 ‘ 1 - “ 1 1111111". 6 1 ‘I 1 1 3 ‘ 1 1 1 . ‘ ' 1 1 11111 1 . _ 53.25 3 11-11 1111 1 1 1 ...! 1 ‘ 1 ‘1 1 2 ,5 -. ' it‘s-1..., .2 1 11‘1 ‘ >1 III 2 » -..5213“?!1:51,221.;::5€:.-:‘::_-:.’.~1'<2 11; 1111:11 . 15 h I113 ’p‘Y-tzI-Z:-"-7:-‘.‘.'-'-'.'?'-::'-‘-'.'-‘,-‘.':'::.’;’-'E-':v 11 1 '111‘1 ;1 :3; /“‘I ,.-h'.-;-- -_ -:. -'.',2';--.-'.’.'.~-‘.-‘.~‘-. ‘ 1‘ 1 1‘:.i: - 2% . 11g'.-12:.\‘..-.‘.j:,1-25.; ' .- -~ 1 11 1111 3-5 11 xxx-$921.2; ‘ l111111 211/1} .-_. ;~..::1‘.1‘:j.;-q:_‘. 11-3-2133 3 ‘ 1 1111111 1:; 2.1 , 22.», -- 1 1 1 “1‘1“ I" 3,731. I". 33;" 'I“ " -- '_«I.'_-:- j'. 2.21137, 1 . . ‘:1‘ ... 151- ~ 9.: I15 5V '. ::.- ~"-'-I-'"- - 1 111111111 11; WHH ..‘(3 3211': ,.. ._9 I.- .~ ‘ . "13.. . 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Hp. l - 36 U of K Journalism Graduates '“Slmd'c’m 'Ssued "l t ‘ _ i . a J i . t i I: On Second—Class Mail ‘ l ‘ iii a, i . it i ,. . . _ . , li‘l ; 2/ 0 d N I ' I t P bl Postal Bulletin No. 19032. dated July 29, ’ i 1 till‘ J In 0 nemp oymen r0 ems ' contains instructions of the Third Assistant i ‘ i E i . t . , y ‘ . , . . . . . . Postmaster General about rates of postage l ‘ 1' ll ‘ l 15y . "lwo ol l\eiituckys weeklies acquired new fitting its graduates to the 10]) rather than . . . 4 l [fl l g ‘ _ , . . q , . y . . . . ’ , and conditions applicable to newspapers and i 1 by i ' ‘I'Cll editors directly lrom the .[une g1 aduating lust filling a position has become known in . . . . 3 .3}. i _ . . . ,. _ . ' . , , periodical publications entered as second- l l‘ ‘5 5 class of the University ol lxentucky 5 Depart- many states outside ol lxentucky. Many calls . . ., . ' Nil ‘ l '19. . , . ‘ _ ) y . class matter. I he Third Assistant Postmaster " i ‘l l y; meat 01 Iournalism. one ol the $4 recog- tor l\entuckys graduates are coming from . . . l l i l 5‘ r . . . ‘ ' . . k . General states that during war years laxity 1 . * i i t ‘ iiized schools of lournalisin which compose employers in the East and Midwest. How . ’ i ‘ il ; f . ’. . . . . developed at some post oflices on the part ; l My p I: . the membership ol the American Association ever, all but lour members of the lune class . . . 1 ‘ "‘i. ‘ til . . . . . , ‘ ol both publishers and postniasters in con- 1 ‘ ill‘i“ ‘1 ()1 Schools and Departments ol Ioiirnalism. took their first ]obs in Kentucky. . . . .. ‘ i H “ l, . . ‘ . . ‘ . _ nection with the acceptance ol mailing of t l M. ii The new editors are (.harles Harris, Big A breakdown ot the August graduating . . ‘ ; ml '3 9 . y ‘ . ,‘ newspapers and other periodicals at second- ; l fly 1 -; Sandy News. Louisa; and 'Ihomas Gregory, class has not been completed. but the dis (1m r tes l I H ' . . . , . ' 2 a 4: . l ' the Central-Record. Lancaster. tribution ol graduates will lollow the pat . . . . i til i the . , . . ‘ . Listed among the irregularities are: 1. Im— . 3‘1; . 1 ; Harris and Gregory were members ol :1 tern ol the lune class. Besides the two men , _ . , , t if. ‘ g _ ‘ ‘ , -‘ proper acceptance of publications lreein- ! i! _: , lsel’ class ol 25 graduates. 19 of whom entered who are entering the weekly field. one has . . . l l “ i ‘ . . . . . . . , county; attention is drawn to the fact that i l ,1; g ; work related to their Univers1ty training. accepted a position in public relations and . .‘ _ . . l ‘l‘ i ; . . . , . _ _ _ _ lree-iircounty is applicable only to publica— l l l” t : 01 the other six members who did not ac- another is oininr the re )ortorial stall of an . . . . ‘ . i ‘t l is l i l _ . . _ - tions which are printed. in whole or in part, i ‘ Ml“ (er. cept employment. lotir were married women ()hio daily newspaper. _ . , i; ' g 3;}; a . , iii the county- where published and entered :i J ‘1 . . and the other two were women who (lid not —_——__ ’ . H : ; xer- k 'l l as second-class matter and that oiily one copy il‘ ‘ . l I ., want “or unti ater. , . . . " . ‘ = ' fh . . Annual Newspaper of each issue may be mailed tree to each sub it i t 9 An August graduating class of 11 is ex- . . . . l . ; ‘ ‘ . Week October 1 —8 scriber who actually resides within that t. : l , 3 a pected to contribute two more workers for ’ 7 . . l _ ‘ ‘ l, j , _ ‘ county and whose post ol'lice address is not 3 . 9;. I the weekly field in l\CllLU(iky. Iohn .8. Hutch- % ' y _ ‘ . . u . . . li . l: ; 105T . .1 , - ~ _ .‘ a lettei-caiiiei ofhce. Sample copies and y : ‘ “l :t eson is ,OIHII‘lg‘ Heriidon LVZIDS on the Pine \ . - . - ‘ ‘ ll ‘ ‘ ii‘ . ~ _ copies sent in bulk to news agents may not It . [ ‘l 4 are who Sim. and Robert Beatty is expected . . r. - , - i? . ll . . , . l’ k : . .\ be mailed bee in the county. It is stated l3 ‘ .p y to oina ; ,. . ,. ,. . . . 1 . . = 3|ve ‘_ l P‘l’c1 ”1 “6‘““1 \cntuc l ; ' /’ t / that these requirements are sometimes over- l i '!ii i r ‘ ' - i t. s . - r r - . 4 v - ‘ i , . , . l . i . for 1““llmg t" [1‘1 sound liberal “”5 hm“ / " looked when the place ol printing is changed la . i i} ; giound "1 the UI‘I‘UA‘ltl 0f Ixentucky 10“" #v"%\n.% to a point outside the county ol publication ‘l I in. iialism graduates this year is the election of 8/f/ffr/i \% and entry igl “1 ' ~ ~ ‘ ‘55:» ..“7P/7/r%’k ~ \ i " l Ill : . “’1" “16“le139 "1 [1‘9 June "1355 to inember- . "5:313.” .6730 1,3? 4 The Postal Bulletin states that in some iii- l l l ' ( ship in Phr Beta lxappa, the highest award «1‘; A\,.:;,;q‘:§_\§~¢ ,f , stances postinasters unproPeer “(rcpt 50C" H ii iii“ 1 l ‘ ~ -- . - ' ' , ‘ .. . .3555!" .e 1/ . . }. . ‘ ;" 1m “1101‘”an in thc College Of Arts and “L‘ng‘wl and-class matter Without weighing the maiL i] s H . ScieiK‘CS- Only twenty-tour were elected to L 7' ings, the weight being estimated; postmasters f} g ‘51:}! - ' . '~ ' . . ~ . - . . » . . . v 1“ i be; membership hm“ the 011“” (“”ch 14‘“ are instructed to weigh carefully and collect ;: ; " W J ‘ year. This is the emblem of 1947 Newspaper postage thereon before sending second-class l‘ ‘ ‘ ii! i," l :\ breakdown ol the June graduates I‘C‘ \Veek and bears out the theme of “public matter. » 5. i :igi l' ' l." t « T‘ ) , . _ H ). .. ....,. ‘ .. ., . ‘ ... ; .; jd|0l [9‘5“ b) D‘- 5611 Hummer, head Of [116 servtce" and the slogan. Your Newspaper lostmasteis aic also instiuctcd to cnloitc I, i i“! ( z . st. .- . -.- _ ‘ _ n . ..- - , .. . _ 1‘ -: HY; y IhIYI {.61} irtmcnt. rcxcalcd the following distribii 7 Serves Freedom By Sel‘vmg You. The back- that section ol thc Postal Laws and Regiili .. l H: : a)“. 011 01 the class. ground figure of the statue 0[ Liberty stresses tions ieqiiiiing publisheis to file a copy 01 t} l 4‘ .' ‘ 001' 3 General reporters 0” city dailies 2 the “Freedom 01- the Press" concept that each issue With the postmaster marked to ll ‘ ‘ i : ther SPURS YEPOI‘tCr in City (llllly l UCWSPHPCTS should always keep in nfind and SllOW tllC Pom-1.0" (16‘0th ttt) lt(lVCl‘LlSCH]€l‘llS ii i IS I} ’e’l Mimrs at community PHPCFS 2 before the public. and thc timrtmn to other than advertise ti 3 ‘ l I; 3 ‘ A.r' , - n . . . . . . - v J . 1.. . .' ‘: pt ‘- «mg’ i Society “hm” UL} (Indy 1 A “newspaper klt ()l nmterlal 101‘ use for lllCllLS “ltll 111 UldOISUllCIIl (tn the first i‘ I i y I t! if . Alilg'illlnc, C(lltol'lui Slili’f 2 NC‘VSIMIPC‘T WeekY traditionally Oct, 1-8 “'ill I)(l§e 3110‘“ ”lg. [12: ])CI(,CHL(I}.;,C ”I C{l(ll ii l 1 r ii ‘lii i . Rddfl) u.................._...._.._._...._.......................... 3 reach each state “C‘V‘glxiper [he first OI Sep' A CKLIIUOI] 15 ‘ 1‘1““ [0 [1C 11(‘(L55lty {01 ii i l 1Kiii ‘ if ..),-. . . ,., . ,. i. , ," I ‘1. t. 060' 1 PC“ 50H“: (United Press) I tembei‘. The Press hopes that every state Puma” PIEIMUHE and sepaiatiiig f‘” "1"” l i 1+; ‘l 'I‘ be ‘ 11ml" rClKlUODS 2 NEWSPHPCT Wlll Plan $01116 eu1phas1s, eclltti- lug" (ltstltlnttlmt ‘md_ (lell‘ie'l' lltlllllrtiilt) ti] [ i ii ‘lg , l ,. ' ‘ ~ . H . - H . . . . ~ 2 - t t a I ' eWS‘ '\d\eltl51ng 2 I‘lflll)’ and In the IICXVS ('OlUIIlIlS. ()1‘ El News 11) Inkling [0 ‘l (OIHLIHUH 5”" [”1 >ll‘lli(lllng. \ .I l ‘ ‘ 1;; ‘. , J. _ . .. . _ . 2 . .' .2 .,..,_. _" _ I ‘l H‘ )lphi (aaduatc study (education and liter— paper Week” edition ‘01, [his first week m ind placing legiblc idchcsscs on sctond H‘ 1 l I]! ' u ' ~ A . . ., , ) . , ‘ I ‘1" ““1ch 2 “11h lellowsliips) 5 October. . (“55 m‘lttu‘ . y t ifl" . n‘ i t 1 i211 ’ b t. . -- ——-——- -—- “*— I * i A “'01“ ( t 3 i,” ?WS-l' Married women .1 Chain Letters Revwed EdeCkm’lr'ldlgile Agessebnger ; l ‘ ; ll” ' f .~ . - - . s r in r l l .., ~ ‘ 1 Rdmmfs’ PUSIUUIIS 2 Exchanges state that the chain letter ove 0 C S U g y l l i . —— nuisance has been revived. The current The Breckenridge Messenger. which has {I i ll ":1”: WW” 25 type involves no exchange of money, but been published at Clovei'port since its lound- 't § l 5'"; mm; Demand for journalism graduates this year promises “good luck —but putting a curse ing in l939. has been moved to the county iii ’ i szp: ' ‘ ‘ ’ -- u - n ,, . - . . - , .- . . 1‘ ‘ "'5 Ken' l;tl exceeded the supply. according to Dr. on the reCipient who breaks the chain. seat, Hardinsburg. ol Bicckciiiidge county. ii 2 g 3.1: L’ . ~ v . v ‘ y y 4 . ‘ .. . . . . y ‘1 /i lltiinmer. Prosepctive employers with pmm- You might warn your readers of the lolly (.ol. (:eoige M. (.hancelloi is editor and lit: 1;“ ’ 1. 3 15mg ollers had to be turned away even as of continuing a chain letter of this or any publisher and informs us that the move will 5] (I 1 ,‘ caily as May Ilie Department's policy ol other type. be made effective bcptcmber I. ll 3 j“: ,-.l . 1;? lil- ‘ i . “I ‘ . i‘t all , l ' l Haiti '1; I .‘il 1’ t 2: :1 pi! 1:. . ‘ y ill ‘. M‘ifli‘: ' Ili . " I_ .zE‘II.’ . . I I.. .I .I I- _ . 4.. --~.. ,I ,: .. I.»--;--_ .-.:.;I~_:A,«I-III7457=4I:I-;:I:I»;I—,I,_I,.I, F~39"IVI'597975???"‘F’:“?5??1537i%-é:-'.':r<.e:s-~,.,(I.,_.;._._»._~, . ._.., i ‘ " ' ' ‘ ~' -‘ ‘ ' ""'17’231'::""i-I'i-.v-.=.'=;=..?.'-:?.':_i:i‘:'?:’-"?E295:,E=';‘:=-'E‘:':"-:;‘:‘fi‘.5:f:if'-’*-‘é‘f?§5:i?¥f“:€ti:i:§:€‘:§ts§?:“-i»s-z9:43.......,"i II . ,., . ~~ < ~- . - . . . . . .. 1*:ng I _ i . ~ ,‘.'?§“J.‘“1,}L-l - ‘ I . . .. [flu : '_ , ‘ l ‘ Page Two The Kentucky Press August, 1947 ‘ -. I , : it i ' : ~ . ‘ , II New Newsprint Mlll Wthll much of the Canadian and l\oithc1n Founder S SOCIETY . I, ll 3 . . . P‘“ w, - . news )1 int M )et comes, needs 60 to ID veais. ' ’ 5 ~ l Planned In Alabama . l l l . ’ Organized In Denver .7 . I It is to the South that the nation nuist look _ I . l There are many fine ”51’6“S "l Ill? an- for increasing amounts of paper to meet its li‘lwm A" ““1“” Managing DU'CCIOI‘ Oil? ' .l , ’ . . . i .. LI. I ,, ' . A . ,. lI nouncement 111?” [11¢ “‘11)’ llflfi bfl’ll (’lt‘ill‘t‘d domestic. newsprint needs. which in recent (“’lm“(l” hm” ‘\5“"‘l“l"’” together With I II . for construction of :1 5530000000 newsprint years have been acute. Ralph (A. SmedchII lounder of, Toastinas 1 . l i . , . l . , )-’- s- - ‘ . '1 - ,, - ‘, ‘ ' . mill at Lliilclei‘sbtirg. All together. they add "Ihese facts. however. place upon the “I 5 lntcinational. S‘mt‘l .\na. (“llllu anil l ' l i: ' up to one of the finest bits of industrial South a grave obligation to use its forests 1‘ 1‘ l‘l‘HllkCan’l‘g. louuder ”l :Muerimu : '» i‘ , . . ‘ ' , . , ) -. i . ll ‘ . news Alabama and the South have had iii wisely. lt must exercise the best lorestry (.ollcgc lubl“ R‘l‘mom ‘\~‘“"“‘1U‘my Co- I l . I ‘1 many years. practices of selective cuttingr and reforesta- lumbus. Ollm' have formed the 1‘0“1“l€f51I ii Il ‘ » Among the more obvious causes for satis- tion. Sustained yield management must be 50““), “f America. ll new honor $00603 l . ll ~ , faction is the fact that active use will be enforced by individuals and. if necessary. by ‘I'Ul‘lXISllll’ ”1 “l“(ll “Ill l’L “’“lme‘l [OI _ ll » made of a substantial part of the facilities government. The. paper industry must take men and women “ill” originated some lyptl 1 I , of the ordnance works on the banks of the the loner view. The “dead towns" of the "l (”Wm/““0” business. l’mlCSS'MZ‘li or I ‘I ll (Ioosa River. This huge plant will not be old-style lumber mills must give way to otherwise. “'1“le hug become national orI »" ll . allowed to rust and be idle. and the-com- modern plants with assured raw products ““U'l‘ll‘ml‘ll m ‘1“ ”(”1)“ ll“ loundetsoll i . . . . - . I . . .. ’ . .. . ' . . ' y. l . . merrial impetus given to the small city of for generations to come. I ““11 ”lgdnlmufnl" “5 national 0‘ Inter-I : . . I I. .. .- . . . , ‘ . ”I. . ‘. .'.' . Ii :l ' Childersburg and to nearby Sylacauga will [he (.liildersburg null will be a power for ”‘m‘m‘ll PM” "1 publisheis “55"(1‘Ll‘0n5i 59" I ._ l . I not be lost. For this gain. the business in- good in the state. not only financially but “(C ”ml” ”Mk; “55"(“HI‘(’115’ 1“,.”l955101‘3ll ' . l terests of the two cities and of Talladega through the stimulus of a new industry and “W‘th‘msi ‘1“ ”Ygflml‘llmnsi (”i ““l’ “I'llE l ,V l County deserve much credit. systematically by an example of prudent forestry. It has ”l business. prolesSioual, or trade grouIis.I: f l and determinedly. they went about the task overcome obstacles in reaching this point, are eligible . lor membership. hilcmlml‘slllllI . l of seeing that the Childersbul‘g‘ plant was not It (lCSEI‘VCS 10 have 51110001 sailing from here ls purely voluntary and honorary. MemlicrsI l -- . '2 “2‘2 ': i. ,5 . l ‘ lost. And they have shown what coopera» (m 01H.~Blrmingham l\ews. MIC “l“Ll’led ””ll 1““ ' fm‘l‘dI‘m llfiflllli ll .1 , ' tive effort can do. mitted proper evidence of qualifications iii l. _ . i Another source of 0']"ltlfi("lti0n is the “a ——————-—O————————, cluding a history of what has been founded, I ‘ ‘ 7 h ‘ ‘ ' ‘ . . v . . - I -I . _ . . i A J ' (' ' g I, i that this $30.000.000 investment will attract Tennessee TCIX LOW the moltne behind the founding): foiinition ; " i - . . -. - -_ what tie association or organization lllfll’l ._ . Southern capital and haxe (listingiiished Exempts Newspapers l' , l . . l 'l . t 't' f t 'tolitl ._ x , Southern executives. ia\c ( one. am u in l s ii me seems I . . . .» ,. 2 . z .I ,‘ .. z . 2 ,. . .. ' i. _ ‘ ~; ‘ - >21 co 1("'ll(j(l iiiiist II But there are other reasons for pleasure 1\Cgull1 migiuncs iie tixablc undei len Biogrliphy of the pctsnil i1 UI~ [I i ‘ ‘ ‘ - ‘ ".V ( ’ l ' ).' i ' I ' 2 ii ‘- i f " ’ V ‘ ’ ‘ l ‘ [“01" 0 ll I that this development is now made posmble, nessces 2 pct cent sales tix 1m. Din ( ll ilso )c filed IOh’Ctlltl \\ ti tic i l I 1 . . - - ‘ .‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' 'l): ' ‘ t 1" '7.a '01 . II I reasons less apparent but more far—reaching. IllIllICIS supcnisoi of the \\ cst lennesste orilulii ti 11 II I L I U . I ‘ . m - - - '2 . 2‘ . ‘7'; ' it ‘ s 'i )~ ‘: t at 1e tinti- I I lhrough this Childersburg mill. the South Dii ision of the Stite Depiitmcnt ol lin inte . l I] egmc \\ 1c IIclpI t 1 II I I - - ' z ’ ‘2 I: i . z: 2 . '. ' 7 'i ‘_ ' i t I ”r an \' avai an? at l »w1ll definitely appear as a producer of news- ptd 1 i\Iitioii h is m idc this point (le it sit) ) e l\(. I c \l I)e I I I~l ‘ ~ . .7 t ) i " . ' ' - , - - examination iinc er Sll)*l‘\'lsl()n o tie .i-i I : print paper. Although the Cluldersburg,r {1119mm n ”“112:le :0 hlm mt the MU“ l I B I I I I: l i i - . - - ll.~ ; . 7'1 X ‘2 ( ' l ‘ .' .' ‘ )l‘lll‘lilll. ’llllS IS ilCll I” l C(TCHIT '. i I mill Will be the second making newsprint Ph S (Ionimeicili IPPC l . ins (on used some L l” l l i . ma. .. 2 r: 1' :a . * ‘- ll ti out of Southern pine, the/first constructed ml” ImCIrIUI” T 5’1“ s u l . . \ . . l I I . L I“v -,z . 2 .2 H z ._ _————# _’_——- ll ,l at Lufkin, Texas. 10 years ago. was partly Rule 3 0 “e ‘l 1U” m PULI ”‘8 I ) . . '1 I . , . I . axines, etc.. are taxable but magazine sub— “1‘54“ A—H 300d bet ‘0 [16 W1“- - ll I - experimental in nature. l\ot yet then was I _ I I . _ . . . . 1 in il‘ l' . I ~ . .- scriptions are not taxable Since no article 10 b6 1“ good SPWKSI some P601335ee ll I the South fully convinced that the expeii- [ ’b1 1 l l I ll' 1 t l l . 't . them ' i : 0 an ri rso a va u tas ) i— 111W 0 law ”00‘ “In S in - ll I ments of Dr. Charles H. Herty at Savannah l l” e pe n . C een ( e D 1 hi l H , . .. - _ , - - veied. The magazme is taxable to the user If COMCSCS are good for newslmperss “l, l . had succeeded in extiacting;r the resinous I I . . . _ t7 l ‘; . . _ or consumer thereof when shipped to him 15 ll 50 hard 10 gm entries I“ OUT come“. . I content from Southern pine and bleaching . I I a; l ' . .- . . lrom out-of-state or Within the state on a _____ __.__________ ‘ . the pulp Without destructive weakening of . I - I a — I _ . _ subscription . . . Sunday school literature, " . i the fiber. But the Lufkin venture proved B'll g l l‘ I l l k F N. l’l l i” I '~ . . i ) es, etc... inc, uc in e ‘ 0t Ub IS er les 1 . tam ) e. . , I 'l ' a newsprint producer. (( . f 'fi 11 Harry M. l\i[c(1artv. 49 years old, former i . . .ones o news in mm are Sieci ca i ex- . ' . . ‘ . ll l The South is the best section of the coun- (m )tl fro n th “l l l l . cdltoltpubllshcr of the ]essamme Journal - . . ' I e :x. . . . ‘ ’- l l try for the development of a newsprint in- l Nicholasyille, dch August 13 at the Juliinl l l dustry. The Forest Service estimates that . Marks Sanitarium, Lexington, where‘lieliil _ l l i ‘ ' . - ~ ~ . . ll l , 0f the {0‘31 land area m the South 01 been a patient for over 8 months. . . l l 326,043,000 acres, 186.804.000, or slightly Advertise—and again ——your commercial He was a son of the late Harry and Mill ll more than half, are already in forests. Not printing service. . Young McCarty. His father established tlit ll i ' even the Pacific Northwest, as a region, can‘ Many a wOman is an efficiency expert, journal in 1872 and after his death, MIL . ‘i i , . . ' . ll I come up to that percentage. Only about only the men call it nagging. . McCarty took over publication of the l’i‘l’fl‘ ll 1 - - , . ll : 1.000.000 acres of the Southern forests, how— In the final analysis the druggist liasmt to be succeeded by her son alter her dell l I . . . . . . . . , ’ ll 3 ever, are in virgin timber. It is to cutover anything for gray hair but respect. Mr. Carty sold the newspaper saved-I ll l land that we must look for the trees for Every man hopes that his lean years are years ago and worked [or a while 011m, l newsprint and other wood uses. behind him; and every woman hopes that. Casey County News at Liberty beforell ‘ l: .. But fortunately, the South has favorable her lean years are ahead of her. became ill. He is survived by a lJmll‘Ifl“ I I ' growing conditions. Slash pine, favored for A woman looks at a woman to see what Capt. L. Y. McCarty. now stationcd “ll'l ' l‘ } newsprint production, will reach pulpwood she is wearing. A man looks at a woman to the 11.8. armed forces in Austria. 1111le — l :I II i ’ size. in 15 to 20 years or less. Spruce, from St'c what she is clothing. aunts who live in Langton, » , ~ :1 i " ' “'» 1 ‘: i ' . . ”I = ' . ‘l . x 7 - » . . , ~'=‘f~:--; " .. i. _ . . ‘ i .. .31.": I» _ ’ , I . , - I I‘ I L‘ ’ , ‘ ’ II I III; E I ' . E I: . III I '-:‘:¥‘"‘, II‘ ~ . I . I II II I I f '- ' , - I \ Page Three 7 I 'II I I " g A - The Kentucky Press ' ’ ‘ llIII ' 3 I August 1947 ‘ i I | I II III I . I" < IIIII ~ , , ~ I III . r» I . v I . I u I I I I ‘ 4 ~ I I , I. torIoI l . , I O N I I IpJ'I III Will} I. E II III II stmaspl, _ . II I II III ., andf . , ‘ III . I ericnn N I I I III IIII in C0" )7; E M E ‘ N I nuIer’s I E P R I I III I I led [OI , \ , I I III I I C type I ' I ‘ 211, or; ' I I III I I 1211 (III I III III II II lcrsolI , .IIIII‘ II‘ II III I15, SCI" I I _ , ork was III I I I ssionfll I ’ . - farmer—dISfl'lbutor teamW f d II I I I, I I v r ‘ a o (In experlmeflt m A & P and other 0° I I I: :roIIIl: Threrazria: Aglbion, New York. Sponsoreti 5:,“ Station. its purpose I I I, I I I icrship begun onIa n'unction wifl‘ the Geneva ExPemcn erior in term-9 0f early 1 I I I '1: I embersI concerns jug: riew varieties of tomfili'oes that are sup [I II I l‘fII as “his i w'aidtotzttl Yield and cunning quality. > I‘ “ I ‘I I MIDI yre ' - d to make this test III I I ”“dfll‘ 1} of modern agriculture was P"°Vf'demers combined their II II I IE II ' . ,II I , I nation-II Every faflnzizts' Planf.pathoiogisfs and ezperl'ue‘rof plantingl cultivaf- III I I I . I n “IRE: ‘ a succeSS- Agron'decll soil conditioFs and new tec lluqbe iven a thorough trial 3II I I I i I “11111:; talents thC'e°::i:‘g so that new tofnoto breads C0“ 9 I I I I I I I I ‘ . ye _ . II “I "III I:11gcgo‘illl‘l‘Ltii'i'on with standard V°"e"es' ’ I I II I ‘ I I h of the test has been developnllentfzt ~ I I III UIm'CI-I | test p Use I _ I popu If: I’ I II‘ 3 )16 [Of . I The re.S|-|!t 0f '11“; Give Promise of becolrlng exjreESizy under most ' I I II I I I I the ”I I three ne WVGI'Ietles w Ic 9 'n quality: and ["9" pro "C II I III ‘ I I pncpe exceP*i°.“.°' 9 III I I I growiHS'seas” condmons. p h partici- II I IIII I I - hichA8- “5 IIII‘I 1‘ e . of hundreds |n__W slime" III I II , I I: WI The Alb?" exp:::::t:r:::urn for their effors and assures coll III I I III?" , ”I “III ' :‘aore and better fOOd for *he" mo“ y h {- ables the III II I I II ‘ I II contesIFI ., . . ooperation t er en . — ‘IIII I III ‘I . -d.srnbut0f c . . - f 15 od dis III I I w I I It is this kiln: szptzdririhe nation's most efficient lob 0 0 I I IIIIIII I III Ii I, , men and women ° IIIIIIII I III I f - tribution. III III: ' lormI’I ’ - III III I )urllflle' * . III I 1 " II In I 4 1* w 1&de 4 I II? IntII I I . I III: ‘I III}: ‘ ' [(1 WI . ‘IIIII I III III hed II'II - IIIII ‘ III II :hI MRI ’ > S ORE II I II IIE‘ II P FOO 1‘ y r de‘I‘I , , A & ' . IIIII I I ‘ - III? III I _ ‘ III I III ‘ threk I , , I II III i III" MI . ' III III I [Ind (W. W . IIII I E II _ . “ IIIIII III II .- '-':r " .- x , , ' ' :" . .. . . , » - - - : e l i - t , . . 1 1 I Page Four . The Kentucky Press - AUgUST, l947 1 AL 2 l ’ i i i . II I . l; l 7 . ‘ ' > . . I) . . . How c .' 1 \ 8 he Kentucky Press Assoczatton recognizes the fundamental Importance Y P 1 . . . . . . , our 1 : 1 Kent . -; Pygss of the implied trust imposed on newspapers and dissemination of public r 1 ‘ ' ' 1_ ‘ information. It stands for truth, fairness, accuracy, and decency tn the pre< ( W‘lhm" " . _ . , . ' se