xt7tht2gbj75 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tht2gbj75/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-11-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 21, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 21, 1986 1986 1986-11-21 2020 true xt7tht2gbj75 section xt7tht2gbj75 O
' ' ' - i ,
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. Vol XCI. No. 63 Established 1894 Universny of Kentucky, Lexmgton, Kentucky Independent since 197] Friday, November 2] 1986 l 3
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"~ 4‘5. m ee S S u e ea e t< ~;' A “a B) J,\\'Bl.;\.\1‘0.\' llllllh '.te ulna}: .i» r . - » , 3 , 3
. i‘. y, ‘ “ News Editor tllf"ll14llis\llt it" . " ,- 3. ’, ;'
Hx I if \\ s'l'r’.“ “('1' develop. “it s awful what happens to “I just don't see myself staying at .3 3 , 33, “H, “Hump“, , . -' -
l": " ”W! mm" 'l‘hevhu-mneliltter‘ one place forever,"he said, V -» I SGA President Donna Greenwell of of fatali'. -' .-2. . ' ,. 5 ' '. '
.. _ ”9 “a”! that “hm he completed B“! during his stay atthe Umver- 7. z ‘ ’, 9’ 1 ' has recommended four students to ll'alttl's slltillill :1: ,. . . '3 " 1, '.3 " - '3_
3 3 .. . 33'“. .t. ‘i ii» . ii in. illustiiii slUlllHl the his master s degree in higher educa: s‘ity, Livingston 531d his prtnCipal 33 3"] serve on a committee that W” eval- 33,33,333 33,31,333,“ 33 3 3 3.3 3 3.
.3 3.2-. 1 3- i, . ' i i- ~ s’l'lft‘llll't' for 48 hours him at Southern Illinois l nlverslty, function would be m the role of stu— 31_ ‘i 1- 3 i. uate the campus alcohol problem. Hi- and trait .1 . _ .r‘ 3 ,. r_ 3.3
l " l '1'“ “WWW”! "3"“ “mm“m “0 “" “ “m” H“ “"“u'd 1” be a dentadvocate ‘ :1 1‘ Q i. Greenwell's committee recom- lUl'lliHl i' mono -- . . .1 '.
. . 3. , 3: 3 3 --.- i\ "no he ~.»ould \Hii‘k to remedy dean of students before he retired ”My principal job “Uuld be [0 rep- 3 , ‘ ‘ ” ' mendatlons have been sent to Art 3‘ 33,3313)“, “1 3,3”, ,3_ _ 3 33 ,. .3
n , T '1' MM wi'i' chancellor for stu ".»\iidhei'elanl resent all students.” he said. "If Gallaher. chancellor for the Lexing- ‘illlltlt'liflil'ni'.> . . . .
. ' j .‘ ""4 ”l“ “‘3'“ N0“- hf“> >1" ulll’tht’l‘ l-‘J’i‘l ”0 that‘s not the job they il‘niverslty toncampus.forhisconsideratlon .‘it‘ei 'llt‘ ..,. ‘ - "fl". " 7'
. . 3 3 .‘ f’w l i'..liu-.liiii who has spent the wants to lie a college president He ()fftc‘ialsl want me m do. I would The 33333333333333333333333 committee 33333333333333333333333333333 3 3 . 3 3 3 ,. ,. 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 .3 i ..i.: t, \_f‘.1l‘ .is tlt'dll of student life also would like to go bilt‘k 1“ SCthll prefer not to come to the ['niversity members are (ireenwell. David “H.333.” 333m .33 333 3 3 '3 ;3 1 , ,
3 3' 3 3. I; .' i.»,,. «an t nixei'siti made no toget his law degree of Kentucky " 3 3 Botklns. Student Government Asst» mm ”331M, ,1... 3, 3 3, 3.3 3.3" .‘
V ~ I My W W ”I"! '1 h” a” ”u" ”‘ m" "M" ““”“’d""" f“‘ ”5' “we“ “locale Lii‘ingswn ercnitl. n. LIVINGSTON clatlon senator at large: Ann Shub~ Halaihei » - ,.‘= .11.“. » ».
" '1 I [A l ' ' H 1"”: M M VIM. ”HEATH“? m. d hm" Livingston “Hum m“. I” as- ”Id he doesn't mean that students er. president of Blanding Tower. da'ioil that sour: . ' 1 '.'. i ,
. ‘, _. ’ 5 , I . . pawl, llll'lttltlll sumc the {K vice chancellor of stu can dono wrong. torate in higher education with lift: and Robert “(3330“ a member of the 13,333,333 3333 3 , z: - “:3 ._ ,.
3 , - , I : well» n» 'll..' talent ls to be de dellt affairs position 3 “We would have to be able to talk nors in labor industrial relations and Student Development (‘ouncll and 3 ”WI. ,3, t h 3... 3 ., 3
,, 3 33 .- .pwl iiiil .tloiild not be pos' Livingston is one of five candl- together openly. honestly. be able to illanagenlent sctence from Michigan second-year law student 331,433“ j 3 _:'
313 . 3. 3 - .- an l.i‘.lllt{\ttttl 43 told a group dates for the posnlon. which was left disagree.” he said And then work to State l'nlversny. plans to continue “3,333,633,011 said she sees no reason ”Hum” 3:333 , 3 , >‘ 3. 33 3' . 2' 3. 3
‘ »-', , .~ i. s'lltlt'lt' hunters during a forunl vacant after Robert G. Zumwlnkle reach a conclusion. "But 1 won't be teachingI if he is chosen vice chan- why (iallaher would not approve her 333,333 ”333 ,33333 3, 33 3 , 3 _ 3 : .3 .33..
‘ . ' ,, _' " f :i 'i' tw- 7» ‘lti' \lttiti'tzl l t‘tttt’t‘ retired last summer. and the second Vi'lthyou on every issue.” cellor. recommendations .3333u131333k3,.l3 33.3 ,3 ,3 .3 ,3» 3- . 3 .-3 3, 3 _.
fl . t I: candidate to meet with students. He said he would "want to he 9" ”I hate a very healthy and com» As far as she is concerned Green- some ’i)ll'l" Hi» : ‘ ' i» H
'. .. E :ti"‘.’ :;«.i- passing illioligfl ill a Livingston said he sees himself f'ectlve through the breadth of the mitted involvctlleilt with student de» 3333“ thinks the committee should ”333333333 33333 333‘3 3 3 3 3 :3
3 » 3., - 3 , I ... .'.l'.i.i> tezixi: he said lf people spending no less than five years at l‘myt'rsny.” W'”P”“‘“‘- h" 5“”1 I ”“m‘ “H "l 3311“. a broad look at the campus' be» ‘. .' ' '.'; ‘._7-:3 ._
’» I 1" ’ tut-i 'lit ~il‘lill.‘ "’ gm“ it'ld l'Klfselected for the position. Livingston. “'h” ”31'9”” h” doc~ \ccl'|\\l Isl. l’acvti fore reaching anv conclusions “I \I‘ ”l“ "-‘." " '- '.7 '
» . i i a -~ » » ., . ,. .. s onsors an it t t ., .
3‘ . 3. .33. . s » éIefl 3 3, . ,y: _3 }‘Q .,,3 3 1 3 3 . 33 , 3 . 3 . 3
31 333 3 3 l I ‘51’ 3 ,i- 3 a..13;:-333333~s.33.3,333333331, 3:333 33 3 33333333333 3 3 3 3 33 3. ;
i..- 3, i 3 :3}: 3‘3, _3 I " ‘ , ‘ ' ‘:’~'.»'"‘ $333)“ . 7;» ’ ' \f 333 «l ‘ . ‘ ' -‘ “ ' 3 ‘
‘ “ ~ I ' * . ‘ ' *‘ .. i for area need ch l Id r 1 ’ = ' "’
3 3,33 . , 3 ., , . 3’ _ . , 3.: .3332, 3}.93,,,3,\.,,3,t31, , 3 3 - ,3
5'." -‘ E ’ a ‘ m ff 3 . . - ‘3‘“ “ 5 y ('1 - ‘1 .-
is; . ,3 ; . 1 1 l " -__. ., 1 » . - 3 . '83:»? V r ”I,“ . I’.\ \ill.l.|ti:\sll\ii » -_ ...
»- ’, l . . l 3 ' 33 _ 3" , 35' are 1 $.eai .. “ W 3. 51“” “1”“ ‘, _ _ \\ c still '1 ; ' 3 .' , _
»» ' ~"' ' i 3’9" ' ' $4” ' . " ”' . ’ii?’ i . ., u 1. . . - . «f ' I. ". ‘.
"i, . " .é .‘ .. L 4 l .3 , -, :3. ‘ :12.» ., . let, ,, .3 1 “11' l tltli'if \\.i_\ lit; f’.rothei‘> lit; .fl‘t‘llf lTll lxltl ~ . , , 7" - ".
>1 " t L ”I. l 1‘ ' ». I it? to» ' 2., - 3i : ‘ . 1. . sstei's housi- iiariioieii about 33 1 4 ‘. ~ :
’ 'é ' l 1 I a ’ l s» "1" 9 is 'v' I" :- ‘ )2 L"- '- t: . , , It‘ l‘k’ lxsli‘ it ‘ ‘ -‘ ‘. 4 ’ ' » -.
,.. ,3: . .. ‘. l .' f- s: , » a 1; ; 1: r3 ta , ,31 »>» ,3 sillliinc kids and win» as tilaii} ‘ — ‘>‘ - : .3
>- i V " . . ii? E i . “ ‘. ' " a" .... W2 Wk w mm dim .. lt'lt‘thl , " - . - -. ~‘2“
. _‘ 3, " l — _ 5' 5-3 3 a it}: _.§;‘« “.53. :3, A }s t '5" tit . , fig “l ’l'hanlisgnint,i banquet uneil iii 33 ‘ , 5 ’ :3. ‘
M. ‘ , - . l i i‘g 3—; J1" $.33, 53$ 3 Q 3:” .3 / W,» H .\lpha'l‘allitint-ca li'.itei'illt_\ I rltti‘ H ' ’ . 3 3-' ‘
. ' 3 f l . l 1 . '“' .3; w' " i, 5,1,, ‘3‘; » ‘ '~ r “This is the second year we \e Big Brtillters H;_ s:- --3 -. " .: 3‘ 3 ,
' ' >5 1 ~ > ’ ”’7 ‘ >” :1 ‘ I" i sponsored this dinner ” said .lohn 13., , x » »
33 33333333 - g 3 \ é 1., ‘ 333333 3» 3. 5-1 3 ' “instead. \lii silt'ltlf sel\;ce than ,. 3 -3 3 33 3 -_
‘7 ‘ i‘ ‘ i 1 fig {#5, 3:»; 'iltlll ." '.f .l ' i 3‘ " ‘ M .
.~ ,3“, ' 3 " § l “ ‘1. lift" '.. ' S‘ 3 3 ' ,Q R: 3i “instead said .‘i'lli sponsors .i \ol ,; 3 .' ' . __ » 3
.". ,, 1 ' E l » = . D _' 3: 3.r ,3 _3 if ' leyfiall tournament cacti Septemlx-l' l' a. ,. . ~ 1., ' ,3 ‘, 1
" ' l! 3 i ' a“, ‘v , 33 1"” f1 a f to raise money for the Big Broth ; . 3-. 3m, . 3 , , 3.
. - " '.‘” l ' l a: V is r! 1 " ' :a g ' K .2? ‘ eis ltluSistersorganization ' ,. '3. _:. » 3 » 3 3,. 1 3
15.»? " i % i ' .c :3 i ' ‘ \ k‘l : E “The llIltllt'3\ that liti3\.\ the food lot ,,»»;..1;»' 'i' ‘ ’ .>‘«
'E 1' ,1 I ' ' ,-L- a _ ‘, i 3, 'he banquet comes ii_i'cc'l_\ from the -» g», 2,. .. 3 ‘ 3‘ .
“33' “ g: l ‘ » '3 '1‘?" a}. ‘ 3“: k“ g ' \Tli lii'tiliit-rs poi kets \linsteaii .:_ » ,' ' m: 3' .3 ‘ 3 -, ,
- * '- ‘ ' ' ' '.’“ ‘V '3’] 1" - 3‘" 3"“ 4 3,43%» . 5“ ‘ " " , '. - ‘ 1
" “ . ' l - r g »" .~';-‘ 4.4“?“ ‘\ r" The greens tl.:\t' .lixi..\s \fm'llt'tl to . .; l.»: .3 .2.» , ’ 3
‘ ,3 3 3 3 333,333 g ‘3 y i , ‘3." .\ 3 3 .\.3333333 3 .3331 . , 3. 3 3 > 3 3 3 , . .
-3 . ' . i »> as} i i g - ‘1 " _: s ,-.;,;., 1 help. said hinie Hatfield. (‘\(‘( Ull\(‘ may ,it' hm: .. ., » . , 1
' .. ' etc“ a. ' .:» ' i t1"... 1 ~ l -l » ’l)‘ 'f' i ‘iii . .. .. . . , . . .
, ,1 . ,3 3 M , . 3,3..3 _ - .3 ,. 3.5.3,, 5* . 133.33,,yxg, titttliit of tit .(\lnL (t. ( lap el i. l .. t i. . _
» ' - ' ' ; t 5 “3?; Q, .‘5 " . otwsgh - iiii- ii,» Brothels the shit-rs pt“ _ ‘ -. ,
. . 2 -' a: :1»...- —'»i”‘ ~ - ' . .3 _
~ 1 .- .’ . g i {at ' ' §i t; ‘ .QACEX E15; '3‘“ "If \ic tiltltllll/("l functions fol t -» . u \ ' ~ ‘: .‘
. » 1 an, - . . .» . .. ., . w. “ :.5;» .' ' 1 ' '
. ~ 1- . . r»: ‘ " .. . . “ ' . - ' :> . . ’7 hat called and wanted ~iw "-' ~ ' . . , » , ‘
.» . r i . 'i . .' . " $3"! E's!" iii: -':i1~»...» ...» «1. “(U L H k I . 1 ' .. ' --, ..
3 - 3 . a 3 .3 3x33 3 ,, .-",3:3‘(' 2333,333w§e:3 33'3“?” _.» 33 3 33 ,3 . I t3: : s3 ”3.3M . fig 3“ help. .3“, “NM, “3'“, pt‘iigl'dtlis .3 . _3 ,. .3,.3 .3.
. ‘ 4 - f I " “‘1“ . 3-31..3.3i§1;3“;».$1.11,..z-3’ssi?‘ .13," , 7:5”, s » 3; t‘\t‘|'3\ \iwk for the kids. Hatfield 'lil : " r -1 . , _ "
. 3.3.3 3 . . .3 . x 33 3 3 3 _ 13333333 3 . 13$» . i3 3:313M333333‘333 V3: ”wt,“ ”3ng b 3:, 1:33:353 H33 .. 3w ,33333333. .33 3 333 3’ y _, _ ’,
' 4 , . » w “ “I N? “ _. » » . ~ .3“... " er: em «t ex” 1 "‘fitaitautr‘n. at “‘ . ., . . ‘ -' .3 '
I ‘ ' 373*! -»iz'-‘~‘“» ‘ 3 r-"”'% ‘ ~ -5 f . 7 $330? .. ’ s ‘ ~= “W: The lii_ liroiflel‘s l’il; Sisters pro \- "th " , , ' ~ ‘. 3 ‘ "
- ' . .- _.. ‘ ' ' ' "'~‘ " uialii is .i littll'lllllll .itlt'tit) spoil ‘ - " - , 3,
IANDAL WILLIAM KernelStafl _ 3 . _ . ,2 , , ‘ '
‘ , .. sored lit the lnitcd \\a_\ and ded '\i" " 53, -,3 33
i - ' ‘ 1- \‘ lldcat “atCh icated to clung; kids who don‘t haw ' w" '-' 3 {3:3, 3
.. I» 9', l .ill olilei silillilc .i t“ll.l!lt“t' to fine .i wt“ "3‘ ' ‘ " ." ‘
‘ -. . ' l ~ ~1' ‘ ‘» i' ””0001 at Lafayette High School Russell Bena- a telecommunications iunior watch a tape it football tiigti role .iiodel 3 .i " ' ‘ ,'» 3' 33 _ 3.
‘ - ' l :' ,* Li?’ «'1' Beaumont Jurimr Higti School 0in Scott Flynn lights sponsored by SAB in the Student COPYCl yesterday ltlltlt'lil fdltl ittl tl‘it‘l't‘tltldt‘ ttUttl' 3-3 ,3' :f 3
'3 ‘3 l her of children around Lexington l"'1 v "i 1.. - 3. , ‘i _ ‘3, , .
‘ ' . I. L“"‘"’” need ii iii; lirothei or hip. sister fla- st -» . :1 .. :' 3 ,-_ i '3, '.3 .. ,
* “ NBC’ K'k . .. .
' ‘ s 1 er uestlons V 0 C 96; » '- >-
. ;- -- ll en S CS crea l e ll . .1 ~. -
. f gr‘ "‘- .'-‘I.'
' * students’ new attitudes ' » '
' . in swa researc program ~
' . I 1 l'n l:ll\lii fltlf'l'.“ pl'onlptei and make a quarter mil {"3” ‘ 3r“« i ‘ '.3_3'
.33 g '» '.-'\. l.l'l:i.i; lioniltill.tt‘s.l}i'.li‘H ' '3 ’ t. " WM 15" I: __—_———_ 5 1',“ ‘ ‘1'". l
' . . a i " ' é .‘ .» t.‘ .» l 0 . . - . l 1’ . t'i‘.» . ‘ . ' | ‘- " ' -. ,' '.
. - 3 3 hlkt‘l'. \\ hlf \Hll'ks 3h lltllltllllil p03 { 33.33 3‘3 v33 ,3 B} s" 3‘R‘ \ R \TC} F RD ”()Ur \llldcnlS \h(‘\\ t3lu(l((l ll l3k3 333» 3 33 3 3 333 3 333
3 _ 5 \!~l \i m lniii-sixilllient Douglas mu,“ correspindcnt W. VBC's i . :3 ~ " ~ 6"" Staff \‘lirlter _ hiltries lliim: .li ;~ 3 3. 3- _. ,3» .3 ,
'l - ‘ ‘ ‘ "'4 x") 1 1 ‘ . ,. . ." ['.' in
. . 3 t\ u» 1i ' lii' ‘.ilai'mid at the "\‘lghtlv V3,“, -- said students need ‘53 «gfin‘zpr 3 L\LLPll0ndl ldlClll. ll 8 ttf‘t‘tt-‘til MW» lt": '» ~= '.‘ . ,; _ -, ,_ .'
_ 3 , 3}. .. i ,ii- .i: ».illilt‘lil> Lli‘aituatlnt! from luck in. Illldlh" lobs ‘m 333133333530“ 13 u’mi’: X; _; L'ndergraduate students With a U - 3 l 3 3 , heading could be '.t I" i r ‘ ‘ _ 3,3“ 313 ._i3‘
, . ' :"‘»I»:'"w= ‘~H‘ st Woo iii the 805 news L‘ J ’ ‘ g “‘M f 1" 1 creative urge have a chance to gain an'dllné “ 13‘ 80m“ 0‘ _iects.Sands said ' ', '
I E ‘ A“ 3% 3,31,, recognition and make some money ”1089 PL‘ODlL‘ LITC able to Senior coon-stark 3, .‘ . j -.'3
L' 'W "' ' ”MW”: "4'” “'“WL’ ournallsm nationallv ” he said ‘ » ' Y ' ' ' . '. a i ‘X . ‘ ‘ ' -
. 3 .3, 3 1'ii.ti'ill,\ :iII‘I\ Ktkt'i' {but the populamm 3.5-3” huge and. 1 3 3 .\‘\ ’3 The competition IS "armed after |)0ndld Hands. ”-33.5 llllht‘ pwifilatt .'.i s. . ,3 3 -. 3. ' ,3- .
' " 7 i‘ " ' " “th iiiilott‘ \lttili'tils the competition 1,1 so tough that if '.' . .. ” - ' " " » _ former [h Pres1dent John Uswald. \It‘t‘ chancellor \ilnners will ltt .i:. - 3
. t ' ' ' U: .i ‘.i' . \t‘sli‘ltl.i\ it the , . L - t ' who initiated the program in the . - >- - March The. will tie» ~ '. ' ~ ’ » . ,
' . . ‘ will draw the n ht numbers. vou ll . . . . -- - -- . - . ,. , i .
4 . » .. , ' >- . ‘>‘,:~> ' ,. , .. g3 ... ' mid-limos said Donald In. Sands. h" M‘Id‘m“ ‘in‘nr‘ April .it Honors i: : i . ‘ " . . ' g
. lilaxeainlllionaollars "0111 AS KIKFR 3. -h 3 ll f . "d , 3f _ 3 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 . 3_ 3.
— '1 ' “ ‘ ' ”C9 ( ante or or aca emit a ‘ for academic affairs in 7 Adminis- \‘ghl: d ‘llllnf‘ “"“" ‘3 , _
g - “3 “ i~ -- i it t to Act iittl ot Kiker said students who express a "You will start out at a small sta- fairs tratlon Building. “'"Pml dlllww‘l 4“" ' ' ' _¥ 5‘
' ' ; .l .iild act .i ioti desire to work ill television news tlon with low pay and vou will have ”9 “Swald‘ wanted to encour- "We try to make sure the money l’”‘~‘"”l“d-‘ "k"“““ . ' ' .3 .‘ ‘
, 3 .. L .. i...,iii.ii «ll .-ll(~lltii>\\ti must be willing in work hard at a to work as hard as a dog, and you age (‘rfi‘all\ll}33iln(l lesearch in un- 33, really needed."Sandssald. , 3. .. _ _ 3.
3_ ‘ j ‘i x . l'lziii» inst want to small television station for a small \ion't (‘\(‘lt inovc up that p.513" m. dergraduatezs. Sandss‘lld 3 The money for the awards and 'N ' .
' ' » 3 . r ;.. i. .. . .. les'x read the tclc amount of money said ll th‘S students the opportunity grants comes from the president's S'DE , ‘ ‘ ~
_ ' to test their skills competitively and office he said. 3 3 3 3
' ._ D 0 I t t O o to to see their work in a serious light." The. registration deadline for the ‘ 1 7 3
' said Anne Coke the coordinator of ' . . . .
~ - ~ 0 tltlon is n. 19 All entries . _ . .
lsa l) d d e recogm 101] WWW c mpe Ja an“... WW... 9 _ 3 _,
. , 3' d 3 3 h 3 pa aredueon or beforeFeb.23 G 333 'II 3 3 3k _ ,
, n ergraiua es can su mi - 1 . . ,2- r q u rie \M p ay 0 '
l’-\ l \\l l ill.“ I ll she is also interested lil working Garrison. assistant to the academic pers or proiects m 0m, of six catego~ (30k? enpects about 20 tt 31 ent let 333 F3 3 3 3333 3 ~ ' _.
.. 1 «mu-“w... , .. , . ., . , . d . h -h , ,3 , ' .- ' _ , this yeal She said thats about the morrow mg ». O t‘ i . .. . .
_ .1. - .i was » wltllhandlcappcd children. ombudsman. an Josep Burt ,att rles. phvslcal and engineering SCl- avera e number of a llcants each 3 33 "d 33 333 333, _ .
- "I guess some people focus on mg \'l(‘(‘ chancellor for student af- 0“3.3.53 biological sciences. creative 3 g pp 5 1 9 man 0 "3 ’ ‘ " '
' m . t it .i'tilotii' .ilid .icademlt‘ s‘lti- lhull' f1]\‘{\hlll'\' and von can't do fairs huw‘anfliec criticqli’recearnh hu- 582.“. . , See PASTIMES Page 3 . -
V . w » l - .,. v t i f ' - ‘ ' ~ ' . “‘“ ‘ ‘. " "“ ‘.' Unlv about one-third to onehalf of -
.. i '1' ‘ »‘~ “’ ”Ml“ “WU“ l‘ ’l or that .\o I inst trv to go on and live Karnes said the committee based m'lnitlcs soctal selences and fine ~ »
‘» . i .i i . f i .i i 3, .. ‘ ‘ . . . . . . , . . , . , , ‘ " ' ‘ the contestants take advantage of . 3 ,
.llt i. on s..i.ii int. .li lit unlin .. iiitf it. said ilallei'. who is confined its deClslons on factors such as aca- arts 3 ,
t »f t f: t l' h' v . . . . . ‘. . the available funds each vear. Sands \
Idtliltl dillM ‘ l“ t H h d W d 1 toa wheelchair denilc achle\ ement. leadeishlp. ex- First-place prizes m each category said - A Uborfy Iowl berth as .
will ... .,.., .,i , ..., - - , -
‘3___r,,,_,_ m33.. ..i\3 3 3 33 3 33 3 33 3 [thoundlyal .l eradualt student ill [lacurlltulal d3Ll|\lllt’.\. social and are $1303 second-place flnlsners re- “Some of them are 33333 really well as the beer bone. 3, 3
.ii. mat». .lppii slllt ( ll s “(H the (ollege of (olnmunlcatlons, personal qualities and the courage celve $503 One honorable mention aware 33,33,333 fundSi .. Coke said ' at stake in tomorrow 3 game 3
33 .1 33 asp». ‘iwl l .mioidax .ls co ropiplents maintains a 4 it GPA He plans to re- exhibited in overcoming their disabr per categorv w'lllalsobeawarded 03333333333993 of three or {0333' fac- 3 T » S ' , . »
- .i: m. ‘.‘.lh‘titli (.il'ill s Adelstem search how the brain receives and llt} "iThe programi emphaSlzes the ultv members per category judge 090m" ennessee 99
‘ \“ -I? '5 seestheself image .. . importance which the L'niverSlty ' he _ d S'OITS. Page 4.
When. ,. 3m advantage ,0 being a i think (the awardi is excellent I n d H n .. theentriess sai . 3
Imu- Hatter '.'ii iii Evansville. handicapped disabled student You because it recognizes students that 53:95 :1) aca emlc exce e ce. Sands. WhO chooses the JUdgeS.
1 ‘ iwi out \iki.liit \ lifloilndlval. 23. see as you 3,3,3 older you get uglier have done excellent in several dif- 0 958' said they must have an understand-
' ‘tii‘. iii '-'> 'i‘ i >. . A ‘ " " " '> ~4 .. rl r I Will
’. I ,1 1,3“; :30”; ';((‘\3‘3(‘ ”313‘ ”U! Im not going to get uglier than “ng areas3hehe3sald. 3lf 533d“: Our students show exceptional may the gene a a ea hey
‘ ' 3.3m.“ H l u ‘ .33ia3r T 0 gm, this". he sald jokingly as he em 0 b2313er3l3r31g3 d' tmyersny a :1 talent." Sands said. “It‘s amazing J The committees look for originali.
I”; \ h” \ mm” d ”mgnmon ““Ptt‘dtm‘ award pu ‘0 3a . lsa3 led students. 9’ what some of these people are able . . Tomorrow will be mostly .
liimlllt .iiitt.iii.i\i.lrdot$ttxl spite their disabilities. are able to todo" ty. creativity. depth 0‘ work 80d 'th h' h nd 50
M"? SlUdf‘nlS Wh“ ha"? obvious achieve their goals and are able to ' clarity of expression in the entries WWW W' '9 5 0'0“ 3 -
" . itaioi .i aiaifiiaie student iii the and hidden disabilities were nomi1 reach a degree of excellence as do Grants for as much as $100 are he said Tonight WI" be clear With a
, ' i ”new oi \4I‘l.ll work. comes a full nated for the award by faculty able—bodied students," available to help participants meet Judges have the right to withhold low orcund 30. Tomorrow
...iii-..~ will she serves as a student members The committee that se- 3 expenses. A detailed application de- prizes if they feel none of the entries will be sunny with highs in
1t\.\lsl.il!l .iiiif tildltlh’llnh a grade lected the reelplents conSlsted of American culture focuses too SCrlbmS what the money is to be meetsfhecrlterla,Cokesald. th 3
.. , 3 y | . - ‘ 3 1 nd . , . . . . OW“w‘.
, pom. .m iagi of .i . Her f0( us area Jake Kames. director of H3 ~ much attention on phy5lca| appear- used for must be submitted by Dec. Paintings. sculpture, muswal cre-
.3 ,. i'tilt;;ll.\l ilisiicix tiut Haller said icapped Student Seerces; Frankie ances,Dhoundiyaisaid_ 8 to the office of the vice chancellor ations. film and videotapes are in-

 Q i \ ‘ 2
2 KENTUCKY KERNEL Flirty, Novelnbor21, 1m
. III" ‘_ _ a... W
. Fran Stewart Scott Ward II< IK K
. VI EWPO I N Maw .n Lhte. Managing Edam etltuc y ertlel
' ' I Cynthia Palermo Jay Ilantan
. . Macao. Editor News Editot Established 1894 Independent Slnca 1911
I . .. m
' I. B ' l' fth l’l’ ildcat band WOI‘l'h all the hard WOI'k
'r ,. , . cw, hm .\ m, ——-—————-———— ———————————_— unite together as a uitit. .i family. a and Kentucky enthusiasm \\tth fel-
.‘ “a V ,'VV -..-- ‘.I VVI Mr M mm . I l . . I . I . baud lo“ Kentuckians
" . t ' ,'\ r, .. M.“ m, ”HA.“ Guest Billltl lliL‘li‘tl‘ClS lklong l0 1 1“ t‘lgttlll/tlllttli It one looked around the mom. a From those of its left behind. we
_ - t 1 .‘f ' ' ' . . ' . t. . . ‘ -' ' i t , m \ - . ' r - be seen trtckltng have one message to you the fans:
-~ r. . -. \ ~t..n.t member ts t‘ is ‘ he to tilt snitt Limits then. toeuhu l0 't“ “d” “““d . -
~'~ I. ' s. .V .- t W. n,“ (.1 1‘ OPINION ' 2M“ 2 ' _ t ,1 _ ‘ _ dimn the laces 0t some of the band "\\e are here to support the team
.v 1‘. f ,\ ,5 . new share music and lscntucky' enthusiasm \\ iih members .is- the banquet t-ntttttt ttnn ..nti tn peitorin tor and entertain
.~ ?- . . . . , , . —— , - - the traditional sun-tintt of ".\1\ old \ou. the ertmd \\‘e “I” do it again.
V. . .' .l..ttllkt‘\lltt s \' ' .. ,. ‘ '
" . ‘-' . "t" .H ‘.',. “‘.'a .t.\ Ante .« . l . t l 3 ,.t ,,. r .,. H t “"0“ kc""“"""'\' Kentucky ilontc lhc tears an \\e ll be back saute time, same
M "S " ' - ' ' " t ' . 't“ ' ‘ """' ' "t't "'t" '1' """ 'L "' " t' ' ' ” SWt‘l‘t‘d lh's’llueb'l'l’” place,next m” Seey'ounext yeah"
. . .t ' t " «\l ‘. ‘At"- \ ' ‘1...’ |'\ , ts ‘ .I‘tl ..1 t‘ ‘
V. ., I I. . t: VV, " IV V ' V V ‘ I l h 't V‘IV III .. Band members belong to this or-
VI . '.I-.- :33." .VI . I . VV_VIV..IVV.VVI VII l'2""' lltV V \pttatV -\"\'i»'"~ ViV.. ltvmdib1,1,.I”1I\\H.l. [10> \thlll the ttantl banquet come to mind .»\.s' Vet- gaitimtion because the team spirit Angela Mills Motlt-\ is an English
":' -' '» ih't' ' . ' ,. t' i in", M" \ "\'\""t '2"""\'I'\"\ \ "."' "'V}V"' si‘ttst‘ ttl lt'.tttt sptt‘tl ll ls [ltt‘ lt't'llttg t'tIMttlt‘ tt'llt‘k‘lt‘tl ltilt‘k Uti llit‘ pct‘tor- utillt‘S [lit‘ltt together in share music education lunltll
." ."..-"‘:‘ ' ‘ . V' 'VV V I "‘ .' " ‘ I‘ - "'"~ ."""' "' -' hit the hand inenttters c\pct‘tence ntaitces and remembered the teel-
, [-1 ' ' ’ ’ “' l l H ‘~“" "‘“l‘ l" h" 4"“ 'l" “ NM l?" \\ltt‘ti they ltilli together bciot e pre lll}_’.\ .stttt'cd ltI\ stepping into
~- ’. :t: 1:. t:.tc \tttt tt-t Iain \ not so t it'\ ‘ . - , . , » . .. e
3' " . ., . , ‘ ~ . Ll.:lllt’ tn the l.(‘\ltt;.‘.l(tli tomtttuinty tottttttoiittealth stadium. snnlts of l
. (.1: ‘ ‘ ' ' VV ' I‘ll“ ‘ ' " ~"’ “'1‘” ‘li‘l‘M‘V‘I ”" ll" N” t ..iti-J ltlliltltllL‘. in sun; ".\l_\ (llll .tceott.pltshntent ere“ .»\ll the hard I ,etters p0 Icy
. .V'-.‘ {ti-I... ‘ ' " ‘ ' "t “‘ 3-“ 33-“ '> 3 _ Wt“ “WW “'5“ ketttuckx Home .\la\be it .s the \\HI k and the iritstrttttng practice
.-~ .-9 . t . .. . 'I. -vj'\ .V, , I I. t.,t , .n , l , l l V . . I . I
~ *i’.‘ . 5., ‘ 'V , " ‘ V ‘ ' ' l“ N" “‘ l‘ l.t'.\ reaction to the tttttttltttttttl Uttttltttttth \H‘tttctl \Wl lltttlttlt' Readers are encouraged to submit letters and opinions to the hen-
V_'_III-.II :: .VI‘I‘ ' ‘ '~ 3‘ ' .' V ‘lVI I . t .\ tlt‘l\t‘ Vlill tll\'lI .Ilt.i. .ttt' llttt. (“lllltLL "l\ (llll'illH ”1‘, ll\' “4h, .. I I tucky' Kernel.
: '-'""-T"'-‘ ' ' ' ," . ' '. [L WW" WT" ""."."' """""M" . ‘ttttfs‘ It could he the e\eitet:tent oi H” l“"l”‘-L'- ”1 "”‘l ”l ‘l""'l' helps Persons submitting material should address their comments to the
:'_"':7." t . . . t. . t \\havI ittns mam \Utll .t tli\tIl\t Wm: able to ltl'lltL’. the Kentucky to e\pl;ttn \\hy students continue to editorial editor at the Kernel. 035 Journalism Bittldtnil. Lexington. Ky
-"‘.:' IiI‘ 1‘ . ~ - V II IV IV V V -t'ttup ttaethet lttt a si-Vntestet ttt “VIM, Y“ ”I feel tor a standtng marchyeat'atterycar 40506.
." ' Q ' ' . .' 2' " "' "‘ ' l “"H‘ “M ”‘m ”M' I' "2 '1'" matron. much like last year's crowd 'l‘h . t t . ‘ . y .
I.I 1".'t”. I - ' * V . lt- ‘ "I .t \\\"\ ..tted tress oi the t nited lt'spttnst'lttllit‘ "l’;ill‘lt)llt‘,\litl\\ . I t whom \\.is .i lint tot tit st»
~’. I'.‘__I‘t‘I‘v‘V:'I'tV " "ti t" "l” l"t-ss ltt'ernational band poll rattle 'l'lten 'iLl'itti the tns‘ucr could be tat.“ m tetlect mei' their Mid” m
.52.}! ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ~=tl ‘ .. t' c or 'he ttlp 3o hands to the nation II stinple _II t't't't'lHtiLl “”11”“an the ~ .irelttnu hand it \\as time to
t~| ‘~' .' ‘t ~.\ “ «»" “N“ \w s ' tn inytt hunt to pl i\ it! .i " ' " ' ' " l‘t'“ “’ ’ltt' lt‘\l¥'ll>lltllll\ or lead-
‘ ‘ ‘- | ttt't; ;))|“'I.ll\t'l.tl ‘
“'1_'_'I".‘. ~ 1 ‘l l" K": eat tiniitl ltit\\l in .lanuaiy It's a l) "m" "' " "' 'H " ' ' etsttttt to those belttti them lt \tas
~. t»; "' '* , ' ‘ " ' "t' t“-!” ‘s ‘ttttttt' .o' r- t' :' or ot numerous tnttnaterial The answer could be any of these. the last time -un|es's' l'K plays in a >
"'.-'.,' ‘ t . — =‘ i gt .1.\t‘\ and a sense or sell .iccont ttut \\ hen the search ends t'tltllI\ tton. 'iie students making up the
'."-' wilt. 1.:'t :t ' -. . wt .1 :tmit l shun-m thoughts ot the cndot theseason tutti. \\tldcat .\l.tl't‘lllllL‘ Band \\oiild m . ,
I, m mo 5
. j" o
CHURCH DIRECTORY i- in > Charbronled
w .. . w “J -‘ Ch‘ k
BASH RIP ROCK S < act“ w en
' ’ :"l-‘Vy Call Krista LL LL 0
at 257-6533
'5' to place your SOUTHSIDE CHURCH
'i'.' ""."'.'-4,:. I" Bible SlUdY 9.30 OJ“. Includes Bread and Chain at Two SIGQ Orders at Belted Potato 38.65
".>, . 4' 9 - - .
f .. ., avfi . V Morning Worship 10:30am. 4 pcI HALF CHICKEN
:I 2, ' ,5 f d‘ 3 """""‘ f ""Q‘g‘m 1mm” Evening WOI’Shlp 6.00 p..m includes Bland and Chaice ot Side Orders 34.45
. . / -. - Wed. Eve. Worship 7.00 p.m.
._ ',: '.V‘a‘ P g _ Z“ 'i Phone 233 isst 2 PC. QUARTER CHICKEN
' 2." "":'" kim'2§! Mo I son A J -'> if: A Chapet Sewtte ‘533 NIChO‘CIVIHO Rd' 27"9533 luctudes Bread and Chouce 0' Stde Crows ’2‘5
.: ,o.‘ . , I: :‘ng. its” ACIIVE ANDGROWINGMINISYIY
' «31-2 A” Day Friday 8‘ . j'mgfj': M°',",‘.':,',,:’°""" a TOTHE CAMPUS ------....-------.I
. '. . ‘.- jg aw tun: - -"‘~ . ~ i
.5 ': Saturda sewer-7;": -1 I t
’. y \\‘;—'I SermonYltle' ('61 Church of Christ Student Group I S 00 Off |
» gamma“... “on"..w", 1:: Craig Culbertson. Campulenlster: : :
I.I H13 ~i tau... a...“ IorGratltudal" 299-6607 I l
Q; ' r . i 8 PC. Whole Chicken I
99¢ Margaritas Friday . Chum,“ “Wm, :
VI. .‘.' l in i 6 Ch i
I. «I 7P m 1a m UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS First Free Will : 2‘}; 0,32." :
». ‘ 7.x: »: ' ' ' ' CHURCH OF CHRIST Baptist Church A i ha... 12 20 so i
.- _ . . 22t Kingston Road I '
’,' . -'_':V.- 328 Chhon Ave' North Lexmgton : 259'2323 : l
. ’.'t I. -' . . Sunda School 9:45 on Juuy um" I
~~ 4 for 1 Well Drinks Saturday Sun. BIBLE sruov 9:45 a.m. y '
_. -,-. , Worship Service 10:45 >
I ,. Sun. WORSHIP 10:45 a.m. Evening Son.“ 600 a . ‘ - a
_ -. 7p.m.-‘|a.m. Sun. Night WORSHIPprn. ' w ”m" . -
, , V. Prayer Meeting 8. Youth .— Lu 2 Charbronled
.3. , Wed. BIBLE STUDY 7:30 p.m. .00 d d I ”ma Ch. k
».‘ ~93 First Frida of and." ‘ ’ " .. 1' We "9’ “Y 41‘“ K on
_ Y . I, , .. ' EVERYOVNE WELCOME u u 0
.'~ singing 7:30 pant". .5"'.-'-' 29., ‘ -
3- ~—»—~ ————~-—-— . ,
U- . +he l K k K 1 DOWHtOWH Lexm on S
1 entuc y erne
: . , Editor in chief Fran Stewart
t m a «men . - ou 6 ea ure
.".'.T «.It. e U ) Managing Editor 55°" Ward
-_ ‘l'i't; Ad< News Editor Jay Blanton
':I. t "V " Assistant News Editor Brad COOP“ - .
I l Editorial Editor l ”'m‘o A MM" i firjt A
x 7‘9 '5‘": ’f shop l Sparis Editor Andy DUmStOFl ‘ ’A‘ A
I'fat 3"" '1 Arts Editor Et'l‘ Reece J 3’; m
."‘.’_'f t - ‘ :re re flhtr‘tg I Assistant Arts Editor Wes Mtller VICtOt‘lan t\'\t-'\1»E“
,- V'- ‘ Special Proiects Editor Sean Anderson REST Q/AL
13.3} 4'7". 5 l Photo Editor Alon Lessi S uare [AIL El
n: o ‘ o.er town' : 9 q ‘
° if, ; Adviser Paulo Anderson fisifff—V—._ ____~_7.~_f- m-.. -- w- WW-.. "'2 . . .. .7..- _—
I,‘ > Advertising Manager Linda Collins VWWL MW. __,-'C...-ngi..--Hfifipwoo
~.i "glad-.19 ....__ _. _ Production Manager Rhonda 0 Non .'l' i't'x'l'tx't .\\'1>t<.t _s :sszttt st .mr tt: \ -
-' 93:7: t‘~ >1 . . t t '.tt ‘.tlit :.'.".t
3‘.',""'-4.‘. Ifil'f. llTH' ‘ " t t. . my» tt i» ..t ..
_:_V ‘.'3‘ tn» Kentucky Kernel »« nub‘t shod w ,ioss days durlnq the GCOdeth veer ' t.\.1.::t'\'k‘" '0' '2' ' m \ "" "' "" r" " """ \
It.‘.':_"~- .___ _____—_. w, _,,._ .,..-..., ,,., W... \m. ' '“"“""‘ tlt'Rtti .‘ t.~._3.\}'- tint toy: ‘.I. -. ttt't\'t
.. . x , . .v‘r \t .. s4 .1 ( es, , ,H ‘ , \..\ t. .t. ,... . t. .
’.‘é‘..=:' t . V . 1 t\'.l..,tl"tx\ktt§ 5,.."; ”a...
VIII I..,II IIiI V 1 VII I ._~ {Utthg :05 IO, Le. noise KY 405.1 Mailed subscription rates llil fil‘t‘lt l lNL: l.ll'l II\VV V '; V'V ' . . s: at t t Ml . _I-.
"2'. It.“:I‘-I‘V{ l art 5 -;t" stA'yeuwaw.j.$Ju pm yQ-O.’ VIII l-'\lll0l< t .... ..\ 'lll \\llll \qu}. l
.- V'.";'t.". .'ij I I I , 1 ”a Kernel s : 'tnteo at Ston‘toto Publtsrttng and Printing 534 Burkmon #7,, ' ' ..___.____ _ ‘ ”TC l 9'" llll flack“: ESE-it ii
‘ ‘ . '1. I l 3mm,“ xv «3:55 II_II_ MEN‘S CLOTHING: . tn. 1 \. an . 'Hl ‘lt‘lt tittit
""".'-' .""lt .' ’l’ I .l C ”t.»s;t*t.1;.»" r shoots: no oddn ‘30"? .0 the Kentucky Kernel Roon‘ 026 Pug,“ 5 (0x jtt\,Is 2,01 ft} ; ' '
"32"} 'I ".l. . “ . th‘. "‘0 "‘ Bu '0 "C1 U"'s6"\"v "‘ K(""u g
..’ ‘ '7 ‘t. ’ : IIIIIIEOR BOYS& GIRLS: tN-a . tt =- mt .. -~ .. . , .JQ.1L§,CLQ’J¥}£,-W
»T:" 1';“‘5L"..'t -‘ 2 n " l ' ktttkosstacnos .. "'Illt " V " \ ' . ‘t-t 'W'
. *I‘tit-‘t . 'QTGf‘ 2‘ l tttt .s .s more .s‘tior will t ~ l‘l » -s'”-‘
,“; \ ..‘ - t. 1 . -__.-_ " \t . t t ‘ 1: s1. :_".‘, \ 'gwii'f'——"‘T"".‘——""—
.3".,'--";.;'- . ' t snorzss. SPORTS: M' ' ' \"'-:*.""'t't \ "\\' .,A..flh\§ 9'91““? .. -. -
1,” .~' " ' "“'"“‘“_—’——’— ‘ ‘l H .. ., A .l.. .,
1‘ ;":'fl'.._:’."‘; ' A :ttt I.‘tIItlIVl tVl stout .V_I‘ “..VV PM I.“ “..VV :l.t .t in tts »- ..» .~ . ..t l
317'1'3'fl ; - CAMPUS PIZZA __‘“Li_ Ottttx'tstt'tk‘t ttttttt‘tttts #_M-____..__. . _,_.______
.. at »-' 5 601 E Pizza -, “L t: t t s ,.A,.Asfi§fiit_tg‘t)§!i9'£' 5
"2‘5 " ° ' “H : ti lx’ .s t t'stoyt tt‘wt‘t lRS lx't'ttt'l ttn s ll.'..t [t,-‘t.\ \\n t texttx
IV.I.VVV,,.IIVVIIII,I Some ”“29 l “t '.'tczokt.=.s .sot'Attt. ll tit-HRS ska tr was .s . , H to.“ am \
",IgV "'"':".' l0 59" . V ram I I GIFTS- *H‘lflf . tttt st‘ottrtrw :mitztzttr;
':t'lé‘ui. '75": Use ”'9 l \ to: 'L'll nt- Kt .\‘ t L'CKY 20" " l" 'j' H “W" l ‘ H" ’ ""‘
is 1: Kernel l tlll 'HL tittt it'iaAVI-as >1? M l 1 >1
,' :Vv‘5'i' 2": Cl Q . o ; l yin _\' 11x} _s \\‘Jl'l I .\ lt"l‘l’l tt‘t'tHl *'*‘ifl*‘fi'r":'*~ ' h 7...,”
'; : :"l"i"‘2t 't ~~-~¥1§L—l Medlum Pan Large Pun , Ork'N V' RV \tOMl-N "IQ l-xk' lfll‘l't' “AéA—iii
' .7 'I’- §"-'V-- e e I twp“; l “WARNS SHOPPE Hit 0 Ht Wt .‘ll‘Rl .\\ LV'l,\VllV<,\1 I'AT‘KT,"
t’"' it"s-x" 1 Item 1 'tem tat \‘ t t't‘KY BMW: 1 s k. Moat: '1 Hr t at Nc it t:,-\l\'l.t\‘\' ttinVIs. \IL“.I\IIl\IlI:I'\I\t
’.I "..’." tl'AltllR INC :ttt tittst ti not R "N ‘ L t
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V _ tttt an l rm TOO l’l14“lg\'lV‘VWl“VllAA‘l out is I an in
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. '-" .' ‘5 . m» 'V'-/ Order anylar'e pin. and pay - 2 ‘ . V
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. . IV - A») I 9.0:"...- O,D,2t':,m.,'-q 0-24.”, Santa Will arrive at Festival Market Saturdav. November 22, at l i am.
, / - on FAST .“
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V 13‘3" ,1... .. ma: .. .Vt... CA RRY-OUT I Gettmg Ready for the Holidays.
3 a e w an DU 0 vert se " ' A . .
. ‘ tn the Kentiyiclr Kernel I P no we \ iciorian Square l‘esttval Market
' '1 ' Y 2 CA LL IMO. vllld.or din. in pizza kxl‘nkia‘ll'r'tiay 1079 Nil‘nday‘salurday 10712)
t , I‘m...y ..a ‘I‘l Saturday 10—6 Sunday l7-8
Call 2574872 ut. Sunday 15 0 en Wednesdav. November 24th 105
Expires _ .
. . for more information 253-2 1 1 1 I 11/30/06
I .

 . 1 1 1
.M..-... M.” _ _ 1“ I '