xt7tht2gbk7q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tht2gbk7q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1995-03-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 06, 1995 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 06, 1995 1995 1995-03-06 2020 true xt7tht2gbk7q section xt7tht2gbk7q «a









By Perry Brothers
.\1“..".\‘ Editor
and Stephen Trimble

[iterative lit/11w

Callers went one on one with
student gov‘ernment s vice presi—
dential hopefuls yesterday morn—
ing as five of the six candidates
fielded questions about the pro—
posed honor code and their own
political experience and platforms

About 20 peopleL "alled during
the show that aired at 9 '.1. 111. ., and

each caller was allowed to direct
one question to any candidate.
The show yvas the first public
forum ofthis year’s election.

“It was a good (1 1portunity for
students to get '.1 feel for which
candidates really know what they
are running on,“ candidate Amy
Abernathy said.

“Some people don't even have

eiice in .S(i.A.

“I've none through every posi—
tion practically, and I think that
givse me an understanding of

where people 111 S(i \ are,
Ilennel said, noting
her success at quietiiig
the controversy sur—
rouiidin.i7rigeiacade_rnic ma ors ,_.-...


Catholic Mass at the Newman Center.



Ctu'te-nt Nioht at the Catholic Newman
’ ‘ spams


' CL“ 22,. ,,_. ..._ _
"Anatomy of a Mesopotamian City. The Mtq. 5330”“- Rm. 203 Student C” FL
M; ;hkaanhapir Proiect." an illustrated INTanURnl S 'UK Indoor Track: NCAA National
““31“"? W D’ Elizabeth 0- Stone. »lntramural Volleyball Schedules posted; Championships, Indianapolis, IN
7 00pm. Rm 234 White Hall Classroom CALL 257-6584
Bldg. Rmxeption tollowmg lecture in the
' Webb Museum. Lattertv Hall: All ~ SDDRIS SQIURDny 3 ii




mflNDliil 3/ 6

ORIS f. mllUIl S

rRa'sriali’ Gallium, 3421' Ma» r. Kur'
Minter Student Slaw l-tiv' v“. .ir‘ririiis

