xt7tmp4vmr79 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tmp4vmr79/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-11-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 07, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 07, 1983 1983 1983-11-07 2020 true xt7tmp4vmr79 section xt7tmp4vmr79 K ‘ UCKY
l 3'5} LXXXVL No, 53 [8W "9‘ University oi Kontudty. Lexington. Kentucky Independent Since W71 Monday. m 7. "I:
_ _____________,_____._._ _ __.._____.. -_~—__._...~____.--.-__~..- fl ____...-_. . .__ ”a“-.- -- .-..-,..-_..__..__......
'ov ‘ ' ' from ‘ w < i ‘ ~ " Organization
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‘ ' e I- . .
, . 9.. y 4. . l , remonstratcs
I in order to defend “N’ .- ., ~~ . H --
. - -.1, g as 4 t . . - t——.-~ . political deaths
. 7 ‘1' ‘ A ... .m .. . —-—I
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their last stronghold it It 4» » ‘ «e , - ""'~ ~
I 3.. i h ‘. 1. I ‘L. . I M} . . ' ‘b- no. \lJl' “Y '1“
i it. » :r l i. ‘
’83 1 ' 1.“ XVI: .. _> ~ 7! = \ _. . \zziiiisf. i:'t‘l:1.l'.‘{u| .i"
' ByG.G.LaBELLE Arafats control over the PLO ; ' . ‘ , , ‘ ,1 ' nag-rung or. at. .i in it ,.
Associated Press Writer began to falter seriously 13 months . 1 ' ‘ 4 .‘ \ ,i ii . in -v_.- in .. I.‘
ago. when lsraeii invaders forced , ‘ ‘e . x ”H...“ 'lw- ..... ,, i or,“ .
TRIPOLI. lebanon - Yasser Al“ him to evacuate Beirut and disperse _ ‘= fililtm riiowzln-i ship tltf‘t'iidy'"
afat and his PLO fighters. driven into Syrian-occupied Lebanon and . ‘ _ ' ~ .I » ‘ .- mm.
from one refugee camp under in- otherArabnations. * . , , “W st.“ Lip... . ~.~i».i.-i-. . i.
tense artillery fire, regrouped yes- . . . ’ ‘ , ‘. » ' 2\ ik i:...pi.-i input... .gtt 2-.
terday to defend their last Middle In Mayi Syrian-backed guerrillas ~ " . Q, ‘- xenuw-n ii. «rim-w .:
East stronghold against a tank-led openly split from Arafat's organiza- be- ,i __ , ' if». t.~i...-.,.ii 2.4...“ \thne‘i. ,r -..'
assaultby Syrian—backedmutineers. t10". Syria declared him unwelcome . ‘ - . ., l .- Minn.“ ‘itwn ‘. ._.. .. i ‘
The harried Palestine Liberation in June and then helped the mutir in .. ‘ . ‘ ... . _ minimum. ..
Organization leader, shuttling be- neers expel Arafat lOyalists from L4"; ; - . 'i “an .. ihi- limit...“ v...~ ’rw" .m- .
tween Tripoli and loyalist positions, eastern Lebanon. their last direct l 1:. g4 i . in: ..i..i.i \1\ rush. ..i..i .. . is”...
told reporters Syria was trying to confrontation line With Israel. The l ' - u ' lii\ .miinnir our. 'lu m: l: '7-
destroy him and his 8,000 fighters. loyalistsretreatednorth. l ' 7*. -» . . ”-..; st“. cm: .:. .::‘.r1 .. \
33mg: no truce negotiations were Lebanese leaders convened their l I ' ‘5 ‘ a: ~1- . .e. inimpxfl, I”; ,1“: I‘LL". 13ml 1.2.. [i
The rebel tanks and heavy artil- recent reconcrhatlon talks-but they . Y _- . m“ M Wow" ”M, my [W
lery forced Arafat’s men to abandon left Geneva With?“ agreeing on a i 1 km
Nahar el-Bared refugee camp out- formula for the wrthdrawl of Israeli ; - . 5" L “‘5 . 7 ‘ nu“. “Hm” J” ”WW
side northern Tripoli and flee to the forces, ' W '7‘?“ i . L W “H...“ ’ ltiiltul M .i .{IWO'lHliit'lil “Univ .

. Eaddavii camp Just outsrde the City. The task now facing the Lebanese Stalr gallng non i ;li10'lL\ h.- ruin! it in” .
afat slast redoubt. is to find a formula acce table to IS puiilii .ii italmtlh .i'nl \‘lllll'lV'I' .
Some loyalists moved into TrlPOll rael and th 9 -. E . ta— Jimmy Taylor. 8. sits on tho liligk [Misti .-' ll:\ liiiiiii; illl “it town-i «it ( i.i\ .i:i.l t t'll".l .l\'.’ll.lt"\ ‘HlW'l‘I’l‘ lll‘ll‘ l-l-‘\‘3"'1'

to escape the advancmg rebels, ' e Lyndns W 0 mam m yegierda) aflernuon i‘,.illit'l lli:~ lliulill. l the l'l...
whose four-day onslaught has cost an estimated 50‘000 "0095 m Leb- ' ' ippim-s llillllnl} pm... ~illliiiili«ii‘1
hundreds of lives. Police say more anon. “—’_’_—‘——_—_"“““"““" ""’ ' ‘ ' “ ’ ‘ .. liotiu' oi tltt- \m l'uiplr L \ll' .
than 500 have been killed and 840 . . .iliil .isltml l'\t'l\tfll(‘ ’t‘ mm lhllt‘ \\
wounded. girl \lill lwi \iim iiiriiilrn art:-
The rebels say they want to oust Gloom falls on MuSlc Clty as UK Stomps vandy shill .lltti lit-.11 ldkl'll lllltlt'u!llll\
Arafat because he has abandoned l‘hi- tie"! it.“ .lll Lit iii-hm ‘At‘rt'
the struggle with Israel. Arafat‘s By MlCKEYPA’l‘l‘ERSON found split end Rick Ytlassie streak sie said I think ho tins withing Mann .ifii-i tho hall imuiiu-ii of! found ”unlit-mi ii.- \.l;'l Him .
men say Syria is backing the assault Sports Editor ing down the middle of the field be for a hack roiiimg out oi thi- lku'k N in! who-«I lll.i\ li.i\t‘ him-r. ‘.l vippflkilltm to 'ln
because itwantstocontrol thePLO. hind Vandy's All-American cor» field Randy laid it up tilt-re protect The l‘t-s' til lilt‘ first llllitlll‘l inn gou-t'iilnt‘lit tout liwt slimiiil li.i-.~-
“An average of 25 to 30 Shells Gloom.despairar.d agony on me, nerback Leonard Coleman Jenkins 1);. it “as Just .i lllilltt'l' oi liii- i'iitt‘l‘i Nislt'll ol both loam-N running Ilirw l-u-iitiiuuglit lmmiit
were falling on civilian heads every Deep dark depression, excessive led Massie perfectly. resulting in a mg thoiiali plays and puiiimg \dlltl\ hom-u-r Mimi moi .i \illiii.” .lk .ilrn? 4-
minute." said a senior PLO official. misery; 67-yard touchdown. (‘hris (‘audell's Vandy took tho “thumb: kit-koii [illnltiwl l K viiih ”it'll lN'\l \ttillllfl iiirmi ill llir \nuii. \:i.o-i i.u. .niii.
attempting to explain the retreat. Ifitweren'tfor badluch, extra point was good and the (‘ats and drow to lllt' l'K iotnrd llllt‘ Uppfll‘llllill} ll‘. \lll'ilutllit' .i' .. lli or ilu
“We had to do something to ease I‘d have noluch atall. heldaTOlead. but quarterback Kurt l‘ugrx imsx in Early in tilt' M'tlllltl uuarii-i \iiri .uti: i‘llll‘l‘li pt-opir m. hm: :znii.
thismassacre." Oh. gloom. despair and agony on “The defensive back ((‘olemani tight end (‘hur-k si-oii \\rl\ llllt't iit‘l'illil iulliuiik Ki-iih riiiuniiix thi- xiii-ii imm 'iu- lll‘l' ii.“ u-i..i
The official. who requested ano- me. was backpedaling real slow." Mas cepted b) (i(‘l(’nsl\t‘ i-nd stow notion s loading ri-u-m-r iumtiiwl w-n-iuiiiimiii-i i.i:l£.liirllllit‘
nymity, also said the move , _ . 1. . . on it run up tilt‘ lllltitilt' on \illlti) \ lln- lino! .,i ll»: \uiiiuiivw it.” \~
“strengthened our defense lines NASHVILLE. Tenn — The “Hee & 13‘ . * ,> ‘ . V‘r’ .i4l yiil'il lllll‘ l h' viiiilt’lli' liiwlmiki'r \(lidlltll; flw tumult-ii! ol tlia- mil:
around Baddawi.“ Haw" jingle is not exactly the clas 1 a .\ ;; _. -'*QA (fig, «- .lohri tirllll\lt'_\ u-i-owri-«i ihc lum iii. 4 Lugiwi nllril organ-Intuit. 5-,. -
Lebanese police say many of the sic country music song that “Music a Q ’ . w *1. . ‘ at lilt‘ and tour lilil)\ lillt‘l l.tlllll'li lH’lilll.‘ llllilllillish .lll‘l unitriw.
dead and wounded are civilians. m_ City. USA.” has produced over the f . I t . . } _v V ¥ ki- kml is N \illll lit-Iii goal to pill I‘h professors vu'lr .iiiiiiiig illlfiti .iii iiiil
cluding Tripoli residents and fami- years. but it may well be the theme . " ‘ ' , \ = _ .- , _ r’ g»: . .i. l H M in tiw kiisiiur
lies living in the camps, which are song of George Maclntyre's Vander- .. it ~ . “ Mind) num- llilil'itn.’ right lult'lt l'lw goio-i-nmi-iii .mimuru mt lilo".
home to about 45,000 Palestinian ref— bilt Commodores this season, T m“ j " i x ’ iii-hind tho pissing of lug.» .iiiii llw had luv-ii iiiiiui uliilt' trying ii. .-
ugees. The hapless Vandy team fell 17-8 m ,§\ 0 3" l ' ‘ ' A -‘ running of lillllh‘tl'lt I all Vii-ids 'l'lu- uipt- allllt‘xer -..ii«l lilo-iv Amr
The two camps are about six to the UK Wildcats Saturday night. .. .i. . ’3 . 3 \ t'oiiiiiitxlort-s drow to Illl' l K it gunshot autiiiih .l tiu- mmt ..i 'lu i '
miles apart In the Beddan camp- dwpite outgaining UK in total yards ._ I. * ' . I; J \illll llllt' ll'llirt‘ lilt‘ll' (il'fll‘ Phillml train-s lilrikt'i. llrlld“ .iiii‘ . .l '
rockets fired by Syrian forces sup- 473-286 and in first downs 26—12. But ”MW . 7“ ‘ '!'_ . ‘ e‘ ’l'ho-n \iilllit‘l‘lilll \ liii k_\ tout-in,“ llwii him xtgiri coil
porting the mutineers whistled over- it was turnovers, six in all. that led . s ‘ V ' V . . ‘ \t'l up to klt k .i :7 'yili'll llt‘iti grin} \ uiiiniiiim-ni mii Illll'l: vim. ism.
head and exploded near an Oil refin- to Vandy‘s demise. The win assured g i . titit thi- ( oiiiiiiotlorvs 'riwl .4 faith llum- with ivmlrmlii liir‘. ll‘lll'i\ \~.
ery nearby. It has been spewing UK of its first winning season since . ‘ ‘ ‘ goal Willi lioivlt-i .ltiliii I’ulttm \ll'l‘fl'i girl will 'llw-w- W'H‘ iii-uplo- ”ml
thick black smoke since a shell set it 1977. ‘ ' 4 mg the hall to Edwards l l\ ins nun haw iunwt .i pniztu ui mic-.i' iii .
ablazeThursday. Vanderbilt continually drove down ‘ ' , t ‘ ready for the play though and hi lilt' ll'tiplc'll.il1w0'l
The rebels have been shelling the on the field but when it came time to . ' ', tlill‘(i\ um brought till'All \iitit’ oi l'iii- lull‘ of pi-nplr mu .m- \llli
camps persistently. Artillery and punch the ball over forascore (nine , ’ ,, llil'llrsllllmn Ming it iii-ii ~..-r~. in.“ ii to llw u-
rocket barrages from Syrian pOSi- times they marched to or inside the \ . ‘~ P \hlli foul Hiiiitllt-s lt-ll Ill llit- wt \llttlxt' or gum in llu-ii unit-11.»:
tions in the hills have provided UK 30-yard linei the Commodore Of— i 7 Ulltl riiilirlt-l \tindy 'lrlltt‘ lo the l K gritt-iiiiiit-rih \xgiu-i mu! (mu-ii.
cover for the mutineers. advancing fense always mananged to find a : 5 .r . four yard llllt‘ aide-d gl‘t-éill} h} .i iii lllt‘lils mm. lililik wiii- “6“. unit '2
behind 30 Syrian T64 and T-62 way to lose the bail. Except for _, 4 " yard \‘prlnl up tlw middli- hi Vii-ids 'hi-t kiiim ”tin-rt u-iiii/i- tin-n ..i.-
tanks. when they moved the ball inside '2' 2 7' ‘ Hut disaster struck again for tlw iiiistriuilirigtliour“shim/rim
Christian and Moslem religious UK‘s 20-yard line. the Commodores p ’ . ttlrnovpr plague-d ioniiiiixlorm \liilwsh trill-iii..iiiuini .i ...,,,
leaders in Tripoli issued a jOint ap- looked likechampions. ’ s " . Woods look .1 [Hill] from Page and HM 'tlflc‘ll’llldlllfll i~ iii-«lei .itul ~.. ”1. . '
peal Sunday for a cease-fire to end “Our guys deserved to win this 3 “ ,4 ,. l wept right but roughed up llu- hall taming ilN‘ wit-asa- iil piiwia-i . u
“this dreadful catastrophe.“ game," Coach Macintrye said. “I‘ve k in» W-rw- llll'l the ondmnv and Paul lnlliotili HillN'lo'llli- ihw- .thu .m- uni-r».
Pro~Syrian delegates including never seen a game that was so one— " " ” i rec-morn} lot 1 K vim-ll in mm at pom” ..i ln-iit'lw u
former Christian President Sulei‘ sided to the other team and still ' l Vanderbilt 8 fans and plan-rs pro humour rllmirotiwn
man Franjieh and Druse leader lost.“ t . .l ti-stwi tho ml] \(‘hf'nu'nth hm \L, “TH-n \lnl \D‘Ylli r. it‘l'l‘l out \‘tii
Walid Jumblatt. accepted the idea The similarities between Vander- t ‘ ». T ; ..’ gr", l.‘ll‘lt_\rt‘ upheld llu- iiiiii-inh tilli Hui) ”PM" it"? .m “LN” 'W l "l .
that some agreement with the lsrae- bilt this year and UK last year run ,» W ' ' 1‘ _ ' Petr”: ('iirl made a great i-llorl to gt-t iii though mu «an m-w-r tuitlt-rt-qlinmlr
lis must be found if Lebanon is ever deep. Mistakes and miscues have ”amps ’. ‘ M“ 7 , , ~ the end/.0110. ' Mai lnlyrr- said Hill the poem“- "Hm“ 'lw'i lint" lv' ’
lObell'ee 0f foreign occupation. destroyed their efforts a“ year- i=4:-' fl ' ~ " i . i i w rillflfi'llri ' PM. «23.9.. It'ould sfilherlearly tumbled said The prisoners may niil gi-l out
Unless some formula is found. “Vandy had a lot of good things hap :1« s. .5 i ”it . ' ,." . 'l‘hi- m-nnd hall turned min .. ill! 2m) v-nrlu-r inii liw‘. may it“ lit-MM
prospects seem bleak for bringing pen to them last year.“ UK head ,' _ ‘ ; _ ' ' '. , hum affair with neither tram gi-ni-r ll'ltvi
peace to Lebanon and allowing the coach Jerry Claiborne said, “I know ks; mtr~+.-§-»..§a.. : a * " ‘ > ' tiling much offense until rillfl‘sktl} sygwl who hm rim-r .itih 'ht
US. Marines and other members of what he's (Macintrye's) going "7 ' L . . V: ' ‘ g, - . w through the llrurth quarto-r \Ahr-n l K group for him and um- hall war-i
the multinational peacekeeping through, I went through it last at. -- 2‘ m u}. ' .. tailback George Adams broke all southern-i “inbuilt-inst"! nut ulna-ti
force towithdraw. year." reggae... . l“ k W ‘ ’ ‘ 1;. right (41¢le for a 54.yard muchdimn it!‘ Mix in (villa-gr l! amp-arm} to
The International Red Cross yes- UK started the game off with a i i 7 that put the game safely in the min iiir as. a group that ll‘dll‘y ilivl wim-
terday repeated its plea for medical big bang. With eight minutes left in """"‘"‘ ‘ ' ' (‘Ulunlll for the Wildcats "1an hr \ill'l lb“. ”1’?“ ' W" “’
supplies. including blood and pain the first quarter. quarterback ('am Jacobs. dctensivc tackle. {‘Hllts lll llic llltllliilll at the \kiltl. .ii n". (it 4.49,“. although WW". “mum mixing ”in”! Alm’ llw.
killers. Randy Jenkins dropped back and over Vanderbilt Saturday night, \r. (.l‘NlM.;-.ii'i l didriililu- -
P of or r ce' at nt for his unique type of contraception
Byl-ZMILYMORSE Anwar Hussain, a pharmacy profes- the natural female sex hormones Hussain devotes, his work to mak irual syndrome ‘l’x‘ls Hussain “mm“ m m. him-Laura“. H1h
Reporter sor. received a patent on his new progesterone and £5trad10l. instead mg better use of drugs already stud PMS, mimic-s an imbalance in w”, w”, Hm, ,mm 3.4“.“ gm”
contraception method. Now the drug of synthetic stermds found in birth available He concentrates on room the hormones. estrogen and W‘w'Sl“ dirt!“ glint th- “y- of “A... rim“
Women may soon be taking nasal is being tested by Nastec. a New control pills Hussam said it IS the mg side effects. lowering dosage lr-t rom- Ii affix-Ls 95 pi-rrent of all ah an alternative 'nm n. m,” H...
dr0ps instead 0f the Pill before they York-based company. to decide if it synthetics that cause Side effects as els and improvmg reaction rates worm-n put before till'lr pi'rlfxi l'at’il ~,mwni and got into Uw tilinmr.._,n.
go tobedat night is safe to market. sociated with the pill “His work is more immediately use month in ”Mint: In an arllrli' n. ”W summits. mmut...
After waiting two years. Dr. The new contraceptive contains The only problem With natural ful than a lot of scientific studies. lit-i 2r, l.#rt'tltlfin Hamid Loom»!
' . . .p . .59.»: .-_~.,.. steroids is that they can‘t be taken McDonald said Hussein. holds to [’le has up to no symptoms iiii lud -_
[If . jig: by mouth _ because enzymes in the patean mg bloating. headarhes diuirv-u 1’ i
i 3‘ " "MT” ._'*“”“"”""’””' liver destroy them before they mter Hmamn has applied for two more andrrying spells . .
if! I. I ..:'.""L"::'T:"""' '. , the bloodstream. he said “But the patean iniolvmg the nasal absorp , . . . : INSIDE 1
.» ~ .~ ._- ,-;-,_..-.. .. _ There are more severe Lam . i
.. , , . nasal method is very effective tion of orgotamine tartraie and it‘s .. 1 l l) Kathe m Dalton of .
I . ' j'"';'-,.,..-.q... . ' .‘ (-. '.. In June the Universny Signed a losterone line drug is {or the {real “”"""‘.“ ” rm N,” , Via» .
(it. 3’."- " ‘ . contract vnth Nastec to test. and merit of migraines and the other for “mm" f” T“ m ‘ ”M". ‘ ' m 'o' a" m We!
.. .,i-.:._~,.:i.;.‘;..-.g_...v-- ~41. i . . i. lull she was one of the first to dc ”a m. f“ . W of how
.: ,- ~ possrbly market. nasal contracep thetreatmentofimpntency _. t PMS' m ”first”,
' -::~ . l . lives. UK obtained $50,000 upon sign- An Injfi‘llfm given at the hospital “n ’9 ' ' .n ”a I '0 W m m m. * D.
’. ' " mg the contract After December is another method in treating mi Dalton 5mm“, the my. ”1 ”m. 2’
‘ -. they will receive 325.000 every three graines. but it is inconvenient and woman ”mum for mamla htcr
.. - . months until the product is market- expensrve The pill form takes about for “3?,th another woman ugh”, V“ M m ”M.“ U.“ to
. A I“ ed They Wlll then receive royalities. an hour and a half to enter the m ,3” “he tried to my. strangle will! m It'll. III "um
, ,. , ~.. .. i Hussain said "If the tests are sue blood Hussein said Hur drug another prisoner slash her WTISU ”Nu“ 'm 5‘
if "f._'. 7‘- ,._ cessful. the fmancral returns could takes about three to ten minutes to assault a warden and hang W” M _~ m ‘° ”" s.
' ' i ' ' begrem " set In the blood and PM he teed at Dalton diu'm'ered the dates of on: Mane”.
. ' The drug must have clinica‘lfsuc- home'hesaid episodes 11.“ into cycles (,4 19 days
3 " - cess and overnment approva. rom ‘ gm". M pus has M acc ed
=2j - - ‘ n, the Foodgand Drug Admmistrallon Tef‘ost‘g‘m" ‘5 “M” t" ""3." ”‘th as a Mm In L'nited Kingdmnmm
before it can have any finanmal suc» Fleming ’mlm-‘M potency. am a“
- L .:::;. .~"::.~ - . as men who drink too much alcohol
»' .::: .i x: can So far this method has only .
5"": fi'i‘ifii / beentutedonammalshesaid fienliylmftrunfritlaybiinii :‘Tnflzrgnsfi; Tl" prmt "mm 0‘ treatrfnent
“ . :35?‘ .' :553’ ' *- ' . '. t in the arm
l 33.37:: 23-553? Jim McDonald, executive director jcctlm in mi and called modified zfg‘fmpfiifflcm or as a h‘h—W~‘I~
"ii' p of the UK Research Foundation. testosterone "The two advantages Villml or rectal W'W‘ taken I~".~QT~
\ 539} at? said, “The time before It is actually of our mum is It M the mtural one to three um . day Mm a! " m“ ‘ O h b .
, \ " marketed could be a year and form of testosterone and is more ‘mmm . .5 Melina—val .
1 maybe five I! it enters the market. convenient." Huxsam said ' . “h“*.‘
a} \. the University stands to receive sub Progesterone is also bring pro But these suppositories are very g ‘ fishing
u my: [uncut-pita stantielroyaltiee " duced by Nutcr- to treat er-mcmi my and undependablc u for u -' ‘ ll“ 4» " '
l e ,

 2' I
z: 2 - THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Monday, November 7, 183
E e e
Prere istration b ' Servic hon ' ' '
egins 0 ay e ors VIC ims o ombing
3 By ANNA HARDY MW st udenta have emit d. or - H _ . ’ By CAROLYN EDWARDS problems of the world become at least they want the govern-
; Re :1: “Wang” by”. the heavigt 22d}: laced. I think it is pretty StaffWrita' ha'hmilhl’hh'lzhshag the (University) mag,
. . . y ls “5 yt last, Dexter said. Other students com allied ' leba ' ' ' chilrc ‘ Syrians’ excuse for m-
3 Alivance registration forthe 19“ “Some students seem to put mine: the availability of Ich‘edule £3 5mm tiUhfheel “3?: 03h] hh hm hh- h hm wine mm" is hm "‘ ”‘b
5 8:22:11 gemeffr Will beam today offforsomemwnoranother.” Greg Donohoo a mechanical engi the “right thi‘lluf'hin hotlgyng a be mthjumm he." hm "hm w hep the
: a ov. . Financially delinquent students neeri ' ' ' u think . ' - - 'a . ‘ peace, Kantara “M if
5 ”gm _w;°dfe may as have m ome, M News 351: slam x mm“... s i: m: 3‘3? 13““ ‘° "'3‘" W “*8 "m “9°"
, f. a in n o reurn next se- ore they can advance register. comeout" ' gmjl ‘ ' ls - pray Malay fa" “theywill mt inventanother :
~ 33:?” “5"“. d, 3° 5° "‘9" ”"589 Come request form will be held in Pam Schlomann a nursing junior 3:de 'uhthgimahtlghhlhrlmrhif h: 8051th hind f,“ w “’l” wmsmilniesaid. h
5 . 5 ice or a vance regis ra- 104 Gillis Building until thedeli ue - agreed “ ' ' need ”My - . ve ' Shi ' h e are ' ' ' '
2 "0'! Wed“. Georse Dexter- 85- cyiscleared. q n books ioalerhhhgliewzdded how ° ch ”"hhh'h’dhhmhh ““3 "‘“d' “"3"” ”mm ‘° "motto???“ '3 ““9“
; SOClate dean of admissions and reg- that - .tr - . ' ever, Kantara said that the associa- the death 0‘ the soldiers ‘hd ci- h h m ubanon, and
E istrars said. Currently enrolled students who “I “New ation l5 .h° which! tion supports the presence of the vilians in W000 thrown me- Charbel Kady, an electrical m'
3 Procedures vary from college to do hot advance register during the . thevehtt had any difficulty With it Marines in Lebanon. “We jist mon'als.” Noll said. “I believe neenlnsb major hhd‘l them!” 0‘
5 college within the University, Dext- designated dates must wait until the mSchhdhlil. hooks want to make sure people know that thereishope." the “I a“ S ‘ ia-
: er said, but each student must fill m.“ week 0‘ Spring semester and now and e be 'Ckaedre on campus that we want the Marines tostay After a slide presentatiai hhh' nese, whenever they
2 all two forms [0 complete the regis- “,qu have a, Pay a m late mm- deans “fig pl Up at college in mm," m said Ninety-five showing hm before am )Tehhh'ghhuhhlw EM" pmblans’"

, tration process: the college schedule tion fee.hesald. Dexter said riorit for l percent of the ”bane” people after the turmoil, Kantara led a mg “I Just lfave is alone!
cilrd, hohlglchhstfihhs? the stludent Students reported having few will be decided thn theystudentc’s pre- want them tostay, Kantara said. q‘h'lflhehhhhhh'hhhhtWhh l :ssion. ready to hhhhhhyhmehwhzh'ohhhh
pans e an e lmes c asses problems with the advance registra- sent cuinulati de ' The ' ‘ war ls no em said. I coun " '
meet, and the course request form. tion process. Marti Gillen an adver- ve gr h paint aver: seerce was attended by Kantara said that the Moslems eaveour try.

“They are turned back in i to the tising senior. said, “I’ve never had ash ‘New' undergraduate Student? more than 100 people hm ”day and Ch'lShans have Will“ to- Kady said he has helped and
priority will be determined by their m the Newman Center Father ' ‘
college dean) and processed to get much ofaprobleminthe t." ' ‘ ' ‘ . gether for the past fight years, fought for hls people ih WM'
the .. , pas grade pomt average at the institu- Dan N0" priest ill the Newman ‘ ' '
classes, Dexter said. Terrence Williams, an accounting tion previously attended Center led the Mass Dun'ng the hgsh;nhf,;hh:%h finest. ll t heuhhld 3::th Chihh are now
. i . - a srae is wi no we pro t . ”Our cit'es
. . . ceremony he said that eVel'yOhe leave Lebanon even though the still in a good positiori, Wih'hth
ome courses offer interestin to leg 13mg... so, assess... ,mmmemmm mm,” m... ,0 W ,
" :non wI ttlhuhhhjhhmhh'm Leb- them to leave, he said. "If they them, I’m not afraid of it (the
- h S mVel‘Sllyi the cannot have the Whole country, warlatall.” .
By GARY w. PIERCE For students in technical majors who need a h 't'
ASSlstant Arts Editor course, History 390 titled “Technology andhhllhegltdrhhn
. _ Culture." may fill the bill Bruce Eastwood .
interested in maintaining your moral integrity while ciate essor ' h ’ hh asso- 0 e 0 reac n
. ' ' prof of histo , sa 5 the class
lzgh'nhlih: thhtlilrriihkhiheshphihsuih h, busmess deal? How about special scientific kmwlehdge. hWe’ll trace $th: 2: u era“ C “re
1 Y- which science and technol 3 JOHN WlNN MILL ' ' ‘ ' '
Several courses offered next semester provide a vari- their cultural sunwndingshhhhhehoshz'rh‘hdhhh reflect Azsociated ”55 Writelihih hnhhlhllhdeh Mhhhh [hither- excohl‘ hhhwel'hhhy 0f the hhhh hf Luther
etv of information on to 'c of ' t t . _ . , I . an o fer stu- munlca in 1521 for attacking and said that Luther was not solel
_ . pi s in eres tostudents from dents in technical fields an opportth to huma ' wide] held rail '0‘“ ‘ ' ‘ ' y
all walksofcampusllfe. ' . ' . .. y nize y gl Views. to blame for the leISions that led to
their scientific knowledge. f Vg‘ulfAN CITY — In a bold move Vatican spokesmen refused to the foundation of the first Protestant
. . ' or s ian unity, Pope John Paul comment, but Vatican sources -
U S S R h . Students in business-related fields may be interested II has agreed to preach in a Luther- firmed that the pope would visithhhhe hhhélhhafih ythhhs hhth‘ of ‘ '
e e e e as Weapons lemmexahlmhinhahshhghed ”Mflality and Business.” The an church in Rome, Vatican sources church, saying it would be a first for ca] unityycalfnh‘t‘hbehhheduzcghhdhsth:
_ mess e cs against a backdrop of and Lutheran officials said Satur- aRoman Catholic ntiff ' '
' general ethical theories including Marxist and socialist day po ' - thh 0‘ comprehension by Catholic
, . . . . ‘ . John P u] has - ' '
. operated by the mlnd critiquesof capitalism, and Will also deal with such Spe- In a letter released the same day tant chuihches behhihg‘hingluilihihnoghha uChiehhghlahhh‘th: or solely to Lu-
:lfflicnbauglmgeglated concerns as employee rights and the pope praised Martin Luther, the historic meeting with, Episcopalian Catholicigmo evenerhmhbhilthh gem I
By BAR’ION REPPERT . L53; hhhihl‘lhhy German priest who leaders . in. Canterbury Cathedral played a role," the pope said in the
Associated Press Writer Another course offering material of interest to stu- Ph' e Wi the Vatican and led the during his ViSlttoBrltaln last year. letter released Saturday to Cardinal
dents outside its department is Political Science 491C, a otestant Reformation. This Will be the first time, howev- Johannes Willebrands.
WASHINGTON — The Soviet Union has achieved Special toi)m cl?“ We“ “l"le’disciplinary View of Our Lutheran Climb officials said er' 3 9°” has ”er-Wham“ ‘.“ . It was “ed “"31,“ same day
“significant progress" toward developing mind-control Energy Future.‘ Em”: Yanarella, an associate profes— they received word from the Vatican Protestant. serv‘hh m hh own (h- m 1517 that Luther nailed his famois
weapons, says a US. Army study disclosed in a new sor of political science, said, “The class will focus on Saturday that the pontiff had ac- ocese and is conSldered by some Va- 95 theses — attacking church abuses
bookon military usesofpsychic phenomena. the political aspects and problems of environmental is- cepted their invitation to join them tican observers as one of the most of indulgences — on a church door
Author Martin Ebon contends that mind-altering ef- SM‘ as well as such. timely topics as acid rain and m services Dec. 11 at 2 Rome Slhmhhhht hhd‘ symbolic steps hh m Wittenberg,Germany.
fects or “remote monitoring of brain wave activity" are global p011utlonof the biosphere.“ church and to deliverasermon. 32:: remnmhahon '" modem {h is} timehthat “’9 distance our ’
. among possible reasons behind the Sovi t ’ - - - ' . ' - se ves rom istoric events and as-
, bombardment ofthe US. Embassy in Moscgw,mlthWth Such a course. may be particularly beneficial for stu- wThe Rev. Chnhophel‘ Meyer, pas- Dec. 11 is the third Sunday of Ad- sure that these are often better un-
- “Soviet scientists view the brain as an apparatus 3535 hlhulhihh‘mhhhd thhhinhhh agriculture, Yanarella said, 0:ng sthihd It‘lgéera? .EY?hgehcal vent, a feast day recognized by both derstood and evoked," he wrote to
: available for probing and manipulation," Ebon says. . s in e .orma. tion on the political ramifi- 't' ‘ . ' "0 518’“ y ”008' churches. Willebrands, who is archbishop of
. “They are well aware that perfected techniques m ESP cationsofthelr respective fields espeClally helpful. a e12:n:yo:h?hh: mewfsfirhifialéu- a}: [another applahrent effort 8‘ Utrecht, the Netherlands, and head
and other phenomena would make effective wartime Walter Foreman, an associate professor of English The Lutheran faith is based on the ’I h lhh uni y, Jo Paul took note 0f the' secretariat hh the Union 0‘
strategies." recommenib English 380 “Film Criticism” a c . in a letter that Nov. 10 is the 500th Christians.
Publication of Ebon‘s book Psychic Warfare: Threat which has been popular with students of ’all majors '
i or illusion? comes amid increased interest in parapsy- “Most courses present the world in verbal forms," he ongress to debate defense defCCIt
3 gholto‘gy ”5?;ch ont (hhhlhh Hill as well as within the said. “But since we more often encounter our environ- ’ S
. en gon an . .in e igence agencies. ment with our eyes, it’s im rtant to examine visual 'n- - pendi
‘ A report prepared recently by the Congressional Re- terpretationsof reality." ho l wIPIdHAAS - Amendments Shh ng to the tion‘s cuts in education programs by
search Service, an arm of the Library of Congress, con- . la PressWnter defense bill include a move by Sen. attaching an amendment adding
p cluded that “psi phenomena" could be applied in educa- The English department also offers a folklore course . Dale Sumpers, D-Ark., to eliminate nearly $1 billion for various aid-to-
' '— tion, medicine. geological exploration and business called 31999855 and Down Home Music," which Will WASH.INGTON 7' Debate m Con- $21 billion for construction of the education programs. The amend-
management. trace the history of bluegrass music from its rural ori gross. this week Will offer a preview first 21 MX missiles, and a possible ment, if it survives Congress like]
. Mind control techniques also may prove useful for gun to the iii-agentv making much in class me of butt of issues for next year‘s elections — attempt to include money for the would bringa Reagan veto. ' y
. 5 mil intelligence and police work" along with commercial- and field_recorded music. defense, Spending and deflCits. production of a new generation of Other congressional action this
; “crime, persuasion, mischief and disinformation " it And now for something completely different Pharma The Senate resumes work toda nerve gas weapons. week includes:
5 sag. . , cy 222. “.Druss Medicines and Society." has been one of on a $52.5 billion military spending mThe "19km '3“ ”PM”. “shew” '. Sena“? milde'ahm 0‘ legis-
: l phenomena include various forms of extrasemory the most popular courses offered on camps for several bill to finance Pentagon operations hh wo on a major dhhy hm that latlon to reau the Cth Rights
3 perception, for example telepathy and “remote view- years. According to R. David Cobb, associate professor during the current fiscal year The would Would hhh govemmbegenint Shh Commission, Whihh has been the
F "lg" 0‘ his?!“ locahms- Another l°ml is “psychokine of pharmacy. that’s became “the course deals realisti- "0‘59 already has approved a Ver- port pmhh for mhh and . a .15 focus of controversy since Reagan
E 5:19;"de ability to move or bend solid objects with the cally with the drugs most people come ill contact with sionofthelegislation. ghihg-shihohthruhimro‘g hhhll‘hhh Senhhaht: hhhhththhhe hf its six members last
: ineveryda life. ldon’ts d ltof ‘ trying p “ce' e. m°h '
5 Critics of parapsychology, however, charge that much convince pzople not to drilihlfhalcghdl fortehxmple St;h Democrats have argued the de- already has passed a nearly Ihehh- . House hhhhh on a bill to hhld
E of the research is either scientifically unsound or fraud- tistics show that people will drink ‘so I try to advise fhhhh buildup President Reagan has halhhh - down lhhhl telephone rates by prho—
e ulent. _ ~ _ themonhowtodoit responsibly." ' pumhed W ‘ 31°“ “‘1‘ his mghc°thgmasugsdfleanwm9 ““353 mld‘ h‘bhlng "‘9, Federal Wmulncia-
. Mimi supporters hf DSI research include Sen. The curse also deals with such diverse dnigs as mar- year program or personal I". ' y dhhhh-hh hh hhhhh hhhs Commmion from imposing a
.- Claiborne Pell, D-R.l., ranking Democrat on the Senate ijuana, caffeine, tobacco and contraceptives “I try to come tax cuts —- has caused the gov- "‘8 a measure to ”(Wide money for 32 a month “access charge" on con-
3 Foreign Relations Committee. He said he had discussed deal in medical fact. to explore and explode myths emmwl’s poolofredink. 8°V°mm°m “mall”? {ind delta"- summ-
: the parapsychology field mm Sowet researchers during about these clrugs' Cobb says “I don't mind if students Re bl‘ ments Whose appropnatlon has not 0 A vote by the Senate Energy and
E amnmem/M Union in Augmt. consider this class a ‘bunny.’ id rather have m or 400 servihhes 132;: argui mate the armed yet been approved and signed into Natural Resources Committee to
g .l personally have. never experienced or seen a psy- students in this class from all majors learning the haz- took office andhhhhi tdhbeh tih-ghhthhh Ihhvhe i recommend the confu' "who" of Wil-
3 due event, Pell said recently. “But it seems to me ards and benefits 0‘ various drugs than to have only 30 ened The def‘ ‘ts the S n8 - Home takes up the measure ham Clark as Interior secretary,
; there have been adequate scientific articles written that or 40 pharmacy students studying more technical ult of dz; , y say, hhh the tomorrow, and Democratic leaders filling the vacancy created Whh the
: would indicate that theydooccur." material." "5 . b “‘5 °l thlgale have lndlcmd they will U? to call migration of James Watt. The full
: spending yDemocrats. attention to the Reagan administra- Senateisexpectedtofollow suit.
E Best of Those rude boys from Louisville ore ANNOUNCEMENT OF ‘ 7\ k‘ / /
.2 ovem er \oi ,io. ”WWW“ — ' wk)
_ so Owl SEMESTER . ' _. \
Sale' “' ‘ T l
l l ' i
O A MOTH E R MU L E ' I All currently enrolled students must register h; ‘
during this period ii they plan to attend the 3"
15 07