xt7tmp4vms2x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tmp4vms2x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-01-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 26, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 26, 1988 1988 1988-01-26 2020 true xt7tmp4vms2x section xt7tmp4vms2x  

SEC coaches can't tell the enemy from
themselves. SEE PAGE 6.



Students can submit works to
Still Life. SEE PAGE 2.


Today: Chance of tlurries
Tomorrow: Sunny and cold




Kentucky Kerne

Brad‘Dixon at center of internal SGA fight

Editorial Editor

When Cyndi Weaver was elected
Student Government Association
president last spring, she said she
did not anticipate having any prob-
lems working with Brad Dixon, who
was elected executive vice president
from an opposing ticket.

However, after almost nine
months in office, the two SGA offi-
cials appear to have grown apart
from each other, instead of working

Dixon claims he has been isolated
by Weaver and unable to play an ac-
tive role in SGA. However, Weaver
says she has been more than willing
to let Dixon be part of her adminis-
tration, but he has shown little inter-
est in doing so.

The trouble between the two
began during a May 13 interim
meeting of the senate when Dixon

.mswim... ,

accused Weaver of not consulting
with him about some appointments
she made to the executive branch.

The two met privately after the
meeting, and at the beginning of the
fall semester Weaver said she had
worked out her differences with

However, since September Weav-
er said she has had several more
“heart-to—heart discussions” with
Dixon about what role he wanted the
executive vice president play in SGA
and each time he was unclear, she

The situation has been compli-
cated, Weaver said, because of the
fact that Dixon campaigned last
spring pledging to abolish the role of
executive vice president and is also
cosponsoring an amendment which
would accomplish that.

“When I said to Brad, ‘What do
you want this office to do?’ He said,
‘Gee, I don't know. I really don’t

want this office to exist,’ ” Weaver
said. “If he doesn‘t see any use for
this position, then it’s very hard for
me tosee any use for him."

And Weaver said the two still have
not come to an agreement over how
Dixon is to serve as executive vice
president. She said Dixon told her he
wanted to be in charge of special
projects, “but as yet, I haven't seen
any projects materialize."

Dixon said he has been eager to
work on projects, but each time he
presents an idea to Weaver he is

“Cyndi tells me, ‘Do what I tell
you to do,‘ she doesn‘t tell me to do
anything and nothing gets done and
I get blamed for it," he said.

At the beginning of the year,
Weaver appointed Ken Walker as of-
fice manager with the repsonsibility
of keeping her updated on the activ-
ities of the executive branch.

Initially, Dixon said he was “of—

fended and insulted" when Weaver
appointed Walker because Dixon
said he should be responsible for
telling Weaver about the executive

However, as the year went on and
Dixon came around the office less
frequently, Weaver said Walker‘s
role in SGA “escalated" and began
to include more than she had origi-
nally intended.

“Ken Walker filled a void created
by Brad Dixon," Weaver said.
“There must be someone who you
can rely on who has the kind of abil-
ity of Ken Walker (to assist the

Dixon said he finally “gave up"
toward the end of the fall semester
because Weaver was not open to his
ideas when he presented them to her
and “I think Cyndi felt more com-
fortable working with (Walker )

Dixon said he became so disheart-
ened over the situation last semester



Off the wall


Some students like to excerise during the winter months at the temperatures will remain cold throughout today with a slight
Seaton Center raquetball courts. They may want to stay there as chance of snow. .

m Mug/Kernel Staff



Fuel spill to reach Louisville this week

Associated Press

LOUISVILLE — Unlike its up-
stream neighbors, the Louisville
Water Co. will keep all intake valves
open and rely on chemicals to com-
bat the 50—mile oil slick riding down
the Ohio River.

The spill is expected to arrive in
Louisville by mid-week, but “it’s no
longer the emergency, get-outof-its-
way situation that it was ustream,"
said Jerry Ford. manager of admin-
istrative services for the utility.

Ford said the oil has been diluted

enough that his system can handle
it. "We’re still going to have the

same finished product that we al-
ways have."

Because of lower temperatures
and increased retention of water by
Army Corps of Engineers dams, the
slick had slowed from about 3 mph
t02.5 mph.

“It’s difficult to speculate but the
spill should reach Ipuisville by
Wednesday,” said Bill Burger, state
environmental response coordinator.

The fuel came from an Ashland
Oil Co.. tank that collapsed three
weeks ago near Pittsburgh and
spilled 1 million gallons into the Mo-
nongahela River, which flows into

Burger said water systems in
northem Kentucky and Cincinnati,
which stopped taking water from the
river during the weekend, were still
using reserve supplies.

Kenton County and Newport plan
to treat their water with activated
carbon once the plume passes.

That treatment should begin
sometime today. when Kenton Coun-
ty and Newport expect to reopen
their intake valves.

Both communities intend to pass
the cost of the carbon treatment on
toAshland Oil.

“Treating with activated carbon is
not something we normally do,"

Students can appeal parking fines

Contributing Writer

So you got caught and your car
went to jail.

But if you feel your car has been
towed unjustly, there is a way to ap-
fich and possibly get your money

According to Betty Wade, UK

fic Appeals Board where it is re-
viewed by the six-member
committee. Students have the option
of appearing before the committee
to plead their case or hevim their
appeal read. In either case, the com-
mittee must have the appeal in writ-
Christy Bradford, committee
chairwoman, said the cases most
likely to be granted a reprieve in-
volve special circumstanca in

no parking zone or snow covering
the designated areas and signs.

Bradford added that became the
committee is made up of students
who understand the problem of
parking around campus, each case
is cordially evaluated before judge-

“We’re lenient when we can be,

ttiefint timethissamsstsrdm'ing
with W question calcarning
Bram at tin SGA office. The

said David Bloessing, director of
Newport Waterworks. “It’s an extra
cost to us, and we don‘t think we
should bearit.“

The Louisville Water Co. began
pretreatments Saturday to protect
against early arrival of the fuel.

Two Ohio communities. Ports—
mouth and Ironton, also treated
their water, according to Peter Ten-
nant, manager of water quality pro—
grams with the Ohio River Valley
Water Sanitation Commission in Cin-

Tennant said samples taken Sun-
day from the leading edge of the
slick at Cincinnati found less than
100 parts of diesel fuel per billion.
although peak levels will likely be

Ford said the West Pennsylvania
Water Utility, upstream from Hunt-
ington, W.Va., found it could remove
90 to 95 percent of the oil by pre
treating the water with powdered
activated carbon and potassium per-

Tests at one Pittsburgh suburb
shortly after the tank collapsed
found as much as 1.900 parts per bil-

Another reason the water compa-
that Indsville has more sophisticat-
ed treatment technology and less
reservoir capacity than many cities
upsu-eam, Ford said.

The tainted water will have no ef-
fect on Ohio River fish in the Cincin~
nati area, said muse Kethiora, sur-
veillance programs manager of the
Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation

his-mm 2 ‘ mm

that he considered handing in his
resignation, but “I've never been a

Should Dixon decide to step down.
Weaver said it would have minimal
effect on SGA.

“He really does not have a vital
functional role right now," she said.
“I don‘t think we would have a terri
ble void if Brad would resign.“

According to Walker, the last time
he saw Dixon in the SGA office last
semester was in late November.
And he did not see him in the office
this semester until last week.

Weaver named Walker executive
director early this semester, essen-
tially giving him all of the duties of
the executive vice president.

“At the beginning of the semester
she said I’d be taking on more re-
sponsibilities. " Walker said.

And as far as some members of
the executive branch are concerned,

Tum, January 26. 1988

Walker is the executive vice presi-

“lWeaveri really hasn‘t said that
Ken Walker has taken over. but he
has assumed many of the positions
10f executive vice presidentr," said
Tai Doram, a member of the exec-
utive branch.

Doram. who is chairman of ‘l‘e
community affairs ('Ullln‘lld'l -.id
that Weaver ha: tried to "rec-tiny“
the problem between her and Dixon
several times. but Dixon has refused
to compromise with Weaver.

“1 think Brad is a bit disappointed
in some things but I think a lot of
the fault is lying on Brad‘s shoul»
deri- “ he said.

“I think Brad should maybe swal-
low up some of his pride that he has
been carrying around on his back
and get out and do some things for
students." Doram said.

However. Craig Friedman. a

See DIXON, Page 5

SGA wants students
to come find out
who Sakharov is

Staff Writer

A former Soviet-trained diplomat
and KGB agent who became a dou-
ble agent for the US. Central Intelli-
gence Agency will talk about his ex-
periences in the intelligence field.

Vladimir N. Sakharov, who has
been called “the most timely speak-
er on Soviet intelligence," will give
a talk and answer students‘ ques-
tions at 8 tonight in Memorial Hall.

“I think he‘ll be an incredibly fas-
cinating person to listen to," said
Christy Bradford, the Student Gov-
ernment Association‘s Speaker's Bu-
reau chairwoman. “He merits the
public's attention.“

Sakharov was born in Moscow to a
family belonging to the Soviet elite.
After graduating from the presti-
gious Institute of International Rela-
tions as an expert on Soviet foreign
policy, he began to work for the
KGB as a diplomat in the Middle
East in the late 1960s

Bradford said that according to
his autobiography. High Treason,
Sakharov “became disillusioned
with Soviet and KGB governmental
operations and began giving infor-
mation to the CIA while he was in

As a double agent, Sakharov pro-
vided the US. government with de-
tails of the Middle Eastern terrorist
network and of specific operations
aimed at the United States.

After serving this role as a double
agent for a few years, Sakharov de-
fected to the United States where
the government declassified him
and relocated him to a lower class
area in California. He later earned a
doctorate in international relations
from the University of Southern Cal-

Sakharov. who is now a US. citi-
zen, currently is a consultant to sev-
eral American and multinational
companies on inter-Arab affairs, for-
eign economic risk management,
OPEC and international law. He has
been featured on CBS‘s “60 Min-
utes" and a BBC documentary. His


speaking engagements have includ-
ed several universities in the United

“He's known to be a good speak-
er," said Hannah Chow. SGA‘s pub»
lic relations director. “I don‘t think
we‘ve had a speaker of this sort be

Sakharov is widely known as a
perceptive speaker who provides in-
timate insights into Soviet foreign.
economic, political and ideological
planning and accurately predicts
global events. For instance. he was
one of the first Western analysts to
predict Mikhail Gorbachev's rise to
power in the Soviet Union.

Some topics Sakharov has spoken
on in the past include computer es-
pionage. the modern Soviet intelli~
gence system. the new Soviet elite.
and the American elections as seen
from the Soviet viewpoint.

Bradford said she hopes Sakharov
will speak on all of these subjects
and more. “Hopefully he will also
speak on the recent summit.” she
said. “One of the most timely topics
we have is U.S./U.S.S.R. relations.
It‘s important that we realize how
similar and dissimilar our countries
are because there is too much ste-
reotype and fear around right now. "

Body of Colombian
attorney general found

Associated Press

BOGOTA, Colombia — Gunmen
kidnapped the country's chief pros-
ecutor yesterday and killed him, a
Colombian radio chain said.

The government had blamed the
abduction on the Medellin Cartel,
which US. officials say controls so
percent of the cocaine entering the
United States.

An unidentified person called the
broadcast chain Caracol and said
Attorney General Carlos Hoyos was
executed for "betraying the coun-
try," Csracol said. The caller said
the attorney general's body had
been dumped outside Medellin, the
radiostation said.

ACaracolreporternotified the
army, accompaniedtroopatothe

The body was found about 15 miles
southeast of Medellin. near the
city's airport. where Hoyos was kid-
napped and his two bodyguards

It was not known immediately if
Hoyos died of wounds he may have
sustained during the kidnapping or
if he was killed later.

About four hours after the abduc-
tion of Hoyos. police searching the
hills armind Medellin for him stum-
bled on and freed a Bogota mayoral
candidate whom traffickers had kid-
napped a week ago.

Hoyos, 45, was seised as be ap-
proached the airport for a flight to
the capital about 200 miles to the
swtheast. At least a half dozen-men
codes-Benz into a curb and sprayed
it with subsmchine gun fire, wit-



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Erik Reece
Arts Editor



Whether you are a minimalist
or a postmodernist a realist or a
fantasist, a naturalist or an ex-
perimentalist, your poetry and
prose is officially welcome for
consideration in the second an-
nual edition of Still Life, the liter-
ary supplement to the Kernel.

As you may or may not know,
Still Life was initiated last spring
as a prelude to the Women Writ-
ers‘ Conference In the tradition
of the Village Voice Literary
Supplement, Still Life is making
an attempt to showcase the best
local fiction with the best nation-
al fiction and to distribute it to
far more people than would ever
be reached through a typical lit-
erary magazine. Call it a demo
cratization of art, if you like.

However. unlike the editors of
the Village Voice Literary
Supplement. we at the Kernel
have no political or ideological
basis by which we will choose
particular kinds of fiction while
shunning others. The material
printed in Still Life will be chosen
solely on the quality of writing.
Good experimental fiction will
weigh in beside good naturalist

The title. Still Life, has that
ambiguity of meaning that also
besets such literary magazines as
Ploughshares. When I chose the
title, I had a vague idea about
transposing the beauty and the
multiple-perspective of a Cezanne
still life onto the printed page. It
meant making the work of art
constant on the page and tran-
sient within the reader‘s mind.
As the supplement circulated
around Lexington. I‘m sure it
took on other, perhaps more con-
crete. meanings. And that‘s as it
should be.


‘Still Life’

Kernel literary supplement now taking submissions for second annual edition



last year I also made a lot of
remarks about “capturing va-
rious aspects of the human spirit
through artistic achievement." A
year later, that sounds a little hy-
perbolic. Be that as it may, it
sounds like a worthy, if lofty
goal, So I'll hold to it. I will also
retain the supplement's initial
dictum. “Capture the moment."
That too is ambiguous enough
that it just may instill interest
and support to a literary fledg-
ling that is attempting flight.

All of this is to say the common
goal of Still Life is to make good
writing and good art more acces-
sible to the Lexington community
and especially to the UK campus.

Submissions will be accepted in
four categories: fiction, poetry,
critical essay writing and art-

We encourage students who
submit fiction and poetry in the
annual Dantzler Contest to also
submit the same work to Still

Still Life‘s editorial board is
made up of certain Kernel editors
and members of the English de-
partment who will be in consulta-
tion with professors from the
writing program of the English
department. We will choose the
maximum number of submis-
sions for which space and quality
will allow.

Submission guidelines are:
Type double-spaced leaving one-

Auoclated Press

FORT EDWARD, N.Y. -— Fami-
liu no longer gather around the
radio to be chilled by tales of “The
Shadow,“ but Meatball Fulton is try-
ing to prove that magic still moves

His stories wind around the world,
travel through time and transcend
reality with characters like Ruby.
the gallactic gumshoe, or young
hero Jack Flanders.

Far from the bright lights of the
city is ZBS Foundation, a not-for-
profit audio production company lo-
cated halfway between New York
City and Montreal.

At its helm is Meatball Fulton —
actually Tom Lopez — the president
of ZBS who is also an artist, engi—
neer. businessman. and a bit of a

Iopez adopted the Meatball name

of Rolling Stone in the 19605
‘ while working in public radio.
.. " “That started off as a joke," he
r, \ says. “I decided to create this char-
acter, just another character, but
this time I’d play it.”

Lopez travels the world to paint
stories on audio tape, using technol-
ogy as a paintbrush and imagination
as his palette. His galleries are pub-
lic radio stations.

“My stories are not radio drama
in the traditional sense,“ Lopez
says. “They‘re like experiencing a
dream state. When you are in a
dream state. you can really free



The first issue of Still Life, a literary supplement to the Kentucky
Kernel, appeared last April featuring fiction and poetry.

dents. The deadline for submis-
sions is Friday, March 12, the
day before Spring Break. That
means you’ve got roughly six

inch margins. Please limit your
written submissions to 20 pages.
Photocopies are acceptable since
none of the submissions will be

returned. . weeks. And remember. Evelyn yourself from straight, linear narra-
Artists may submit as many Waugh said anyone could write a five, and get more into thoughts,
works as they please. novel given six weeks, pen, paper where anything is possible.“

Submissions in the category of
artwork can be in any medium
but should be done in black-and-
white. The work can be any size
under 13” x 1014.“

We encourage submissions by
faculty members as well as stu-

and no telephone or wife. So let’s
be creative out there.

The result is a mix of the offbeat.
exotic, intriguing and funny.

“Radio dramas were all the rage
40 or 50 years ago, but then they
went completely into remission,”
says David Thompson, a producer at
Children’s Radio Theater in Wash-

Arts Editor Erik Reece is an
English junior and a Kernel arts









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Dan Hassert

Jay Blanton
Thomas J Sullivan
Karen Phillips

C A Duane Bonifer
Clay Owen

Erik Reece

Todd Jones

Jim White

Paula Anderson
Scott Ward
Linda Collins

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Room 026 Journalism Budding, UniverSity ot Kentucky Lexington, KY


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Lopez’s radio drama
makes note on airwaves

ington, D.C. “Radio became a kind
of pretty flat and sterile music me-
dium. Lopez is certainly a pioneer in
what is contemporary radio

Stories of Ruby, the tough. self-as-
sured, futuristic detective, were
played by 427 stations in the United
States, as well as Australia, Canada
and New Zealand. Tales of hero
Jack Flanders began in 1972 with
“The Fourth Tower of lnverness."
which has been aired on 530 Ameri-
can and foreign public stations.

Jack‘s adventures have continued
in “Moon Over Morocco." and “The

Incredible Adventures of Jack
Flanders." “The Ah-Ha Phenome-
na" and the new “Dreams of Rio."

Not limited just to Jack and Ruby.
Lopez has a catalog of other pro-
grams he's done. including the
three-dimensional sounds of “The
Cabinet of Doctor Fritz“ and an ad-
aptation of Stephen King‘s “The

Mary Lou Finnegan. a senior pro-
ducer at National Public Radio in
Washington, marvels at the high-
tech use of sound that Lopez has
mastered and the sophistication of
his writing.

“What underlies his success with
audiences of very different ages is
that the stuff appeals to young
adults or children because it‘s very
hip, the way Max Headroom is hip,"
she says. "And yuppies like it be-
cause it sometimes has sort of coun-
terculture or ‘Remember the 60s‘
kinds of references in it. when we
were all interested in mysticism and
other realities. "

Lopez, sitting in the kitchen of the
old home that is also the headquar-
ters of ZBS, says. "It‘s fairly far re-
moved from the old radio drama. In
fact I wish there was another term
for it.“




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Helms claims Soviets
are cheating on treaty

Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Secretary of
State George P. Shultz assured con-
servative critics yesterday the Unit-
ed States will respond vigorously if
the Soviet Union violates the new
arms reduction treaty in Europe,
but Sen. Jesse Helms declared the
Soviet Union already is exploiting an
“engraved invitation to cheat."

As Shultz led off the administra-
tion’s campaign for Senate ratifica-
tion of the treaty, Helms, R-N.C.,
waving a document marked “TOP
SECRET" in bright red, contended
he had obtained classified informa-
tion proving the Soviets already
have violated the pact which calls
for the elimination of medium and
shorter-range nuclear missiles.

Helms, an outspoken conservative,
told the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee he had received confir-

mation of the document's authentici-
ty — its contents still undisclosed ——
from CIA Director William Webster.

Shultz declined to discuss or even
look at the document on grountk he
was surrounded by photographers
and television cameramen.

But Sen. Paul Sarbanes, DMd.,
complaining that Helms had not
read aloud from a key section of a
letter from Webster, quoted the CIA
chief as saying that while the docu-
ment represented exerpts from a
draft of a CIA national intelligence
estimate, it did not tell the whole

Reading the full Webster letter,
Sarbanes noted the CIA director had
said the judgments reached in the
document “by themselves do not
constitute a sufficient basis on which
to draw conclusions” as to whether
Soviet compliance with the treaty
can be adequately and effectively

The Foreign Relations panel will
examine the matter further during a
closed session on Friday.

Helms is leading a band of Senate
conservatives expected to oppose
the pact. Ratification requires a
two-thirds Senate vote, 67 votes if all
100 senators are present and voting.

The treaty was signed last month
by President Reagan and SOVlel.
leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev. cli-
maxing negotiations that began even
before the Reagan administration
came to office in 1981.

The treaty provides that within
three years of ratification. both
countries would finish eliminating
all their nuclear missiles with rang-
es of 315 to 3,125 miles. These weap-
ons account for about 4 percent of
their nuclear arsenals.

As Shultz told the Foreign Rela-



tions Committee the treaty is the
work of “level-headed“ negotiations
and represents an improvement in
the security of the West, two other
senior officials, Defense Secretary
Frank Carlucci and Adm. William J.
Crowe Jr., chairman of the military
Joint Chiefs of Staff, went before the
Senate Armed Services Committee
to add their endorsement.

Egyptian plan divides Israel; shops forced open

Associated Press

JERUSALEM -— Israels coalition
government was split yestereay
over an Egyptian peace proposal
that includes suspending Palestinian
riots and a moratorium on Jewish
settlement in the occupied territo-

Reporters saw soldiers use sledge-
hammers and crowbars to Open
shops in Gaza City and the West
Bank to try to end a lingering strike
of Arab merchants.

Four Palestinian activists from
Gaza facing deportation dropped
their appeals to Israel‘s Supreme
Court yesterday.

“They feel they will not obtain jus-
tice from an Israeli court,“ said
Fayez Abu Rahme, a Gaza lawyer.
“They said international public opin-
ion has already decided that depor-
tation is illegal and we'd hate to see
it legalized in court."

Four Palestinians from the West
Bank were expelled to Lebanon on
Jan. 13. A fifth West Bank Palestin~


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ian dropped his appeal earlier this

American Jewish leaders con-
demned the beating of rioters.

“The current policy of force and
beatings as it has been implemented
on the ground is regarded by us as
inhumane and simply unaccepta-
ble,“ Theodore Mann. president of
the American Jewish Congress, told
reporters after meeting with De-
fense Minister Yitzhak Rabin in Tel

Rabin said last week soldiers had
been told to beat protesters rather
than firing at them with live ammu-

Palestinian riots began Dec. 8 in
the West Bank and Gaza Strip,
which Israel captured from Jordan
and Egypt in the 1967 Middle East
war. Israeli gunfire killed 38 Arabs
before the new policy was an-

Avi Pazner. spokesman for Yitz-
hak Shamir, said the prime minister
would reject the proposal by Presi-
dent Hosni Mubarak of Egypt.

Mubarak, who left Cairo yester-

Q 31

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day for a trip to Europe and the
United States, urged that Palestin-
ians halt the violence for six months
and Israel stop building new Jewish
settlements in the West Bank and
Gaza Strip.

He said that would create a cli-
mate conducive to an internaional
conference on peace in the Middle
East. The Egyptian-Israeli treaty of
March 1979 is the only peace
agreement made with Israel by an
Arab nation.

Shamir, who leads the right-wing
Likud bloc, repeated his objections
to such a conference.

Foreign Minister Shimon Peres,
leader of the centrist Labor Party,
praised Mubarak for asking Arabs
to stop rioting and trying to renew
political efforts for peace.

Peres noted that only four set-
tlements had been started since the
Likud-Labor “national unity" coai-
tion took office in 1984.

A Foreign Ministry official said
Peres did not accept all aspects of
the Mubarak proposal, particularly
the suggestion that a “suitable inter-


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national mechanism” be found to
protect Palestinians living under 0c-

Yossi Sarid and Deddi Zucker. leg-
islators from the liberal Citizens‘
Rights Party, prepared a report on
the army's use of beatings. They
said more than 200 Palestinians had
suffered broken bones.


Kentucky Kernel. Tuesday. January 26,1980 - 3

Revision work begins
with committee hearing

Associated Press

FRANKFORT — A bill to abolish
the death penalty for juveniles was
previewed yesterday by a House
committee that began work to make
extensive changes in Kentucky‘s
Unified Juvenile Code.

“It's my opinion. in the state of
Kentucky. we shouldn‘t be about the
business of executing children."
Rep. Dan Seum, D-Louisville. told
the Judiciary-Criminal Committee.

Seum‘s House Bill 392 would pro-
hibit a death sentence for anyone
who was under 18 when they com—
mitted a capital offense. The age
limit is now 16.

The death penalty is not an effec-
tive deterrent to juveniles because
they do not fully comprehend it, tes.
tified Victor Streib, a (‘leveland
State University law professor and
former prosecutor.

“If you‘re going to threaten them
with something to scare them off
from this behavior, threaten them
with long-term imprisonment,"
Streib said.

Youths who commit serious
crimes "have to be punished . . . sc-
verely, but death is the wrong way."
Streib said.

Streib. described as an authority
on juveniles and the death penalty.
said the 438 people put to death in
Kentucky‘s history included 11 juve-
niles _ the last in 1945. He said nine
of the 11 were black. including a 13-
year-old girl who was executed in
New Castle in 1868.

One Death Row inmate in Ken-
tucky - convicted murderer Kevin
Stanford. now 24 -. was 17 at the
time he raped and shot to death a
gas—station attendant in Louisville.
Proponents of [18392 say it would
not affect Stanford's case.

Jefferson District Judge Richard
Fitzgerald told the legislators that
authorities probably would be en-
couraged to prosecute more juve~
niles as adults for serious crimes it
the possibility of a death sentence
was precluded.

Making such prosecution easier is
the objective of some of the bills
considered by the committee yester~
day, Bills also have been propose