xt7tqj77vr72 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tqj77vr72/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1920 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. III No. 14, June 1, 1920 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. III No. 14, June 1, 1920 1920 2015 true xt7tqj77vr72 section xt7tqj77vr72  ieee   . 1  """ " "~"»   -1   i_ 4 _ er. · · rj e J , .. , -1_i
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To Editors: The `   *·
news in this Bulletin     I Y     A ` Entered as second
is prepared for the  ,.. __._..   er .;:.   _ _._.   l ;_;l _,;_   _ class matter at the
press and is released   ‘i{;e__N‘   ‘     {L? s· I   L   post office at LEX.
for publication on "  · ` is          4*;   Je n`   n"9t°n KY·
receipt. vc   '·       ’i‘¤~   fin; ··#·   in   ’
June 1, 1920-i LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Vol III No 14
O O ’• •,
F1fty-th“·d Annual Commencement Theta Sigma Phi s e New Men Who Enter Alpha Gamma Rho
M , Install at Idlewild Faculty for 1920-21 Installs Chapterl
To Be Held ommg Of June 9. . i""— . . · ————
The installation of the University ol? Recent appointments for positions in A chapter of the Alpha Gamma Rho
The Hfty-third annual commencement the senior pilgrimage which was in- K€¤*“°k>" chnpteni Pm Sigma. ef the University of Kentucky f01` the fraternity, with seventeen charter
exercises will be held at the Univer- Stituted at the Uniiversity last year Thais Slg-ma Phe untmnnl wnmenye 192021 term i¤¤i¤<1o the foiiowins =111€111be1‘S, has been installed at {hg
sity of Kentucky on Wednesday morn- will be held. In the afternoon there honorary wumahsuc m`nte1`nny» was nnnleef University of Kentuch . Th ·.
_ _ 7 e appli
ing, June 9. At this time 148 students will be a studio tea and at night the ’“n‘s ei idinniii °¤ ine Iiwtuiclw W E-P=1Y¤€»sF¤d¤¤tol0ftho Univer- cation or Beta Sigma Alpha, limi im.
will receive their degrees. senior ball. mven May 29· isevsn Y°“n*g W°’nen· sity 0f Chicago, to be i¤S1iF¤¤i<>¤‘ i¤ iiorniiy. Organized here some time ago,
The candidates for degrees are dis- Tuesday, Alumni day, will contain upper ¤il¤SSm¤¤ in the Dep`eni·men”° ef nnnn€m¤nCS· V WHS passed upon favorably at the
tributed among the various colleges as many interesting events, among which ~l¤¤r¤·3»¤Smi were mmeted `inm the fm" Edwin S- Hun, M. An University of National Convention held at coms];
follows; College of Law 26; College of are class and fraternal reunions; bus- tm`mtY· Chicago. to be assistant D1‘0foSS¤1‘ in April 29, 30 and May 1,
Engineering 29; College of Agricul- iness meetings ot the alumni and the ` The i¤eiiii¤¤ ef the mem Wes ne` botany. Alpha Gamma Rho has fourteen
ture 20; Department of Home E00·110m- board orf trustees; the military hop; cnpted by Theta Sigma Phi at the W. H- Mlannéshali, 3SSi$t8111Z D1`0f€S¤0I' charpteits in the principal universities
ics 15; College or Arts and Sciences and receptions held in ithe afternoon nsn°nin°°nV°¤ii°nne1di¤APrn» alms in public speaking. to succeed Prof- E. and colleges or the United states,
51; Gmduatg Schc·o18. for the girls of the senior class by Wlth the reiitions of Celumbne Uni' C- M3;bi€· **1**
The commencement week program the alulmlnae association ·and at night v°r‘ntY· NeW1Y<>¤·k City; Syracuse Um' W- J- Juneau. UniVei`$nY of Tenney Relative Cost of Crop
will begin on Sunday afternoon, Juno for faculty and alumni, and students V€`rS1W’ `symcusm N" Y'! aud Knox C°l' athletic Ween- P1'Gdl1Cti01'1 llllfestigatcd
6, with the lbaccalaureate se1im0I1 ·by the President aj; Maxwell Place, lose Geleefbi-U`g» In- These alppoinbments were approved ·————
preached in the chapel by Dr. Edgar The graduation exercises will be held The Yeung Women initiated WBTGZ by the Executive Committee of the Investigation inte the cost of D1'0-
Young Mulllins, president ofthe Baptist on Wednesday and in accordance with Louise Win, Louisville? Min? AFCUBF Board of Trustees of the University duction ef nmney tobacco made bY the
Theological Senimiary, at Louisville, the custom followed at many promi- Beni R°ennn`idg€ C0¤1Ti·Y» VM Eiiz- at a recent meeting or thai; body, Cenege of Algriculturs of the Univer-
erul Wm continue through wednesday, nent universities, President M~cVey or abeth Card, Pineville; Elisabeth Mar- ————1 sn? ef Kentucky and the U- S- Dispari-
Class day will be held on June 7, the University will make tho Dfinoipnl ennn· Lexmgmni Merme Bneknnem University Men at ment Of Agriculture Snow that the
and at the conclusion of rtihe exercises address. Corydon; Adele Slade, Ludlow; Mar- New York Club Dance ltelzecrop cost the grower an average
  garet McClure, Lexington; Margaret --;- 0 Gents 3. (pound. Investigations
229 Take Advantage Funkhouser Publishes Mcboughiin, Lexington. ° Fiftfv-two Women and men from the were begun llasii; March under the
of Extension Courses Zoological Paper Harriet C_ Dewey, ,C01um,buS’ Oe University of Kentucky were present supervision of W. D. Nicholls, Uni-
...— ——— Gmini Sw—nn,n·y of Tunis sigma pin, at the seventeenth annual dinner-da-nee versity of Kentucky, and F. W. Peck,
At the cringe or the nrst year of work Dr. W. D. Fuukhousef, hood of tho installing officer for this occasion, ar- of the New York Glub, held at Mc- U. S. Departmenm or Agriculture
or insilneparnnent ot Extension or the Department of Zoolosv at the Uni- nvsd in L€>n¤gi°¤ Siiiurdsy m·¤¤n¤g» Alpin Hotel, New York city. Presi- Finyallreo farms in nie typically
rynlversity ot Kentucky, results prove versity of Kentucky. has recently slut- g[1“y_ 29* ine Wis g“°s_* Of q;°e“er at dent Frank L. McVey, or the Univer- bunley distri·ct—Fayette Jessamiug
1 _ _ , . , - e lourna ism ou ings given a erry ’ *
to me very gmmylng, 8, report nr the lished a new article called ‘New Ledge ee the Keeteeky river sity, and Dean Paul Anderson, of the Woodford and Scott counties, and
" work done ·by that department having Neeemlneel MenlnI`ee1dne»" n research The ingigllgtign ceremonies toni; Engineering College, attended the twenty-eight ltarms in Christian county,
been made which shows that a total ii1`U®I€ of i11i€1‘6Sl3 to zooiosists- This place in romantic Idlewild cottage, dinner, The principal speakers of the the typically "dark tobacco *be1t," were
of 229 students were enrolled in the article. which has r<=>¢o¤i1v bow pub- wiiich Wei tx`-Heel <;vor_§<>¤‘ iiztsxceies- evening were nmol- Mcvey, Dean an- investigated and nie range ot pnna.
various courses offered. nsned ¤¤i¤i¤mi>h1otf¤¤m» Wee reprinted {Vee liaeo he la erm   _ ieee te derson, W. H. Grady and J. I. Lyle. pal factors of cost of production was
The ceereepeeeeuee Study week {rem the Jeumel er The New Yerk meta a lont e new mem. els o ea D ml th _ t_ e d_ d
_ E t 1 _ I e _ t D F k Sigma Phi and choir installing officer in g e evening gies ings wer ‘s°°"eTe ·
comlprlsed the f0ll0W111lgC0l1I‘S€SZ Fm'111 n Omeeegme ‘ Ome Y- I eemn nn ` joined their gg Commdes ju Cherry exchanged with the class of 1920 of The report emphasized the fact that
Management, Botany, EG0H0imiCS» Ed· nenser 1S_ e Z¤¤i<>s1S¤ ef nntwnal Tenn' Lodge, across the river, for luncheon New York University, which was hold- a Hxed price for farm products based·
i mation, English, French. German. His- tation and this recent article is only Bild nlwnnght dancing- ing a banquet in an adjoining room. on average cost of production would
my.,m.i political science, Latin. Mani- one of his many inisresms Sciciniiic -———————— ————· tend to decrease me supply. n also
ematics, Me‘chan~ical Drawing, PSY€i101· W"mngS· — Herndon Jweveig P _ Ecgngmics Students showed that the cost of production
.ogy, Road `Building, Sociology, S·D~Z¤1- — Ins cunett mzni Establish Frgtgynit varies on every farm on which tobacco
l - · - 162 000 Raised For ——— “ y
ish, Vocational Course ln Practical $ 2 _ -——; is grown, and it shows the relationship
e _ _ Kentuck se Memorial Herndon J. Evans, Frankfort, was the e f t _ ,1; P_ Ch, e I I
ogy of Advertising. At the lest meeting er the Executive prize of $20.00, given annually for the ezmxation ?°mpO;€(;3°f·m€n Eioiins With production of live stock.
l _ . . ,· · · _ _ . _ i · · I 5 {— 1 •conomuc ian ui s c i`ni - ———————
Of this Comm mnt m mmmg mi C‘““m""s‘s Of ms BOM °f Tsusnsss   Orilliiisliegilniiepciiitgstaiiii tiation has ;€€I1 loijeiierjr ui; ni; isi · iq pl h
the m°St p°Dulm"huvmg nn snfsnmen University of Kentucky, Prof. W', E. · l . · - . ,· · y ( . A u a?pa hp a to
were given the alternative oi writing ,
0.1; e1,ghty_SeVen_ _ pose of pronlotlng the welfale of the Erect Chapter House
U hl Freeman, manager of the campaign to on military training or the German eeeemeeee me eeeeeeieiee eehelee ___
., Amwugh the comse m ejsyc 0 Oey DI`O'CI1I;€ funds for the erection On the Revolution. Mr. Evans selected mil- _ _ ° e ° The Steerey ee Smith Aeeeeietieu ee
ci Adivcrtisins was for L<=><1¤st¤¤ bus campus or a building to be a memorial nary training as his theme. His essay Sinn m these _‘n‘““l°hss· MGH “'h° Kent rv .11 t h
iness; rmcn, seventy of whom took ad- to Kentuckians who gave up their lives of about 5,000 words was said, by the smnen the petnnm nre: Robert J· new nfl Frm a C enter h°uS°
vantage of the work, it was placed un- in the recent war, reported that the judges, to be an excellent treatment of Raible, Louisville; C. Raymond Rodg- nn` me Pnl nnlspil Alphn ffstsmity
der the Werk er the EXreue1e&Dermrt_ total amount of funds, both in cash the subject. ers,Mmerr; Jim Ee Wilhelm, Paducah; nietho U111Vo1‘S1t‘y lot Kentueky on
. 1 . _ i and subscriptions for that purpose -*1**** I-I_ B, Lloyd, Fordsville; C. E. Fisher, Vvmslow Smiaet facmg Stoll Feld on
ment as being outside of the regular _ I t t d b · · -
_ now in nano is $162,000 and that the Gu.]; (jiub Gives Maryville, Tenn., and Fred K. Augs- 11, ° Se asl G Y Unmrsny ‘*“tn`°"'
University curriculum. OW1I1g to the c,aD~u1gu_jgn cdntinucse l UF t   tl L yy bur, Lexington men The nenee Wm C0`$t aDlD1`0Xi·
DJ '
popularity of the course it is t.hOwght eas 0 It 8 anterns It is ee rprefeseierrel fpeternity with Ynnt01Y $25,000.00 .
» . . ·   — .. , . . Inco1·po1·a·t0rs of the Association are
that It will ibe necessary to enlarge it C0 · » b U · ·, scholarship qualliications and pur-
mmencgmcnt Pro R-am The Girls Glee Glu of the nlvei · _ . . .
next year. ..;. g sity, under the direction of Professor 110565 ’€0` affiliate with it national or gigiieLGO§,d`E;ie]]iee;:ee€1l;l)tti,Lgii; »
"' d"' Sunday. June 6—Baeoa|aul·eatc Carl Lampert, of the Department of Swlzation- me! W- R. Wireee eee e·’R·`Beee1eed'
Student Loan Fun exercises, ithe chapel, 3:30 p, me nd. Music, gave an open air Dwduction of __
In Need of Support dross by Dr. Edgar Young Mullins, "The Feast of the Little La~nterns," a Mardi Gras Carnival St d e E _
Louisville, Chinese operetta, upon the University At Patterson Hall Success 'u on SD;-i·°;; e t I O t_
Although the University or Ken- M°”d¤Yi June 7—Ciass Day Ex- Cnxpni f th e d l S ....... P3 m 11 3 u lng
` — 10 ¤· m· the sam US' Senior Pnegmnn 0 ee e le ‘ ninmnlg WH The li ‘h~ts winked mischievousl in
t l st rl tl, F tl u its ‘”°'s°°* · P · _ _ _ _ _ y s y _ _
V elec   203 se eegzme l;1he;;“e;?Ob;eu Pilgrimage, 11:30 3, yn.; Apt Ex. given by the girls in Miss Blandmgs the Recreation Hem and the dance Sttndeéltsheféne ·T0nY`nnn$111 D€D¤!‘1i·
` ’ ’ ’ 0 hibit and Studio Tea, 2-30-4 p, me gymnasium class, before the operetta. ereeped amidst e whirl O1; eeufem and nlen 0 ee nlverslty of K=’>‘¤t11¤kY
contrilbutcd by members of the Board Art Department; Senior Ball, 8 p_ A beautiful effect was obtained by the pretty Costumes] girls eudiug the last 'snent nn s¤i¤>¤¤bie afternoon at Idle'
ot Trustees and the remainder by cit- m., Phoenix Hotel, contrast of the brilliantly colored cos- feeture er the Mardi Gras Camivui Ou Qellnengl the Kentucky I`1VeI`· Snnn"dnY·
izens of Lexington, it is a recognized T'~'eedaY» June 8··A|¤m¤i Day- tnmee ngeinst . the i>e¤ii” the Ssssion of 1919-20.
I pemenc S¤¤i>¤ri» SO that mma esmv ment Exercises, 10:30 a. m., the work with credit worthy or recogni- anggg Ten Garden and police court, Publication will be resumed with
ing Ymmg msn sndi>;°l‘n’gfW°n1)‘in_n;s{; chapel, Address by President Frank tion. The publication will lbe suspend- all attracted the people who came resumption of University activities
;$gh§;°;1u;;)$i;I;un Y 0 O am n° I-· M¤V¤Y- ed until the beginning of the fall sem- prepared financially and who spent the forthcoming September.
` €St€1‘· lavishly.