xt7tqj77wt5h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tqj77wt5h/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 19150204 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 19, February 4, 1915 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 19, February 4, 1915 1915 2015 true xt7tqj77wt5h section xt7tqj77wt5h I
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' University of Kentucky
VOL. VII. uzxmoron, xsrrrucxv, rsnnunv 4, ms. No. no.
.· \
. 1
I t |·lv<~ry student inthe University who I <‘ou<·h llrumago and (Juptuin Jim r
. can sing, or wishes to loarn to sing, ls ; Park have glvon notlre that base ball I I
· invited and urged to joln this vhoral {training will begin Tuesday in the ar-
, .ocloty, whlch will be held ln chapel . mory and all usplrunts for v. berth on . .
J bl t Ch k L ad q Government Ex crt Oxmmes St t C, '
Old Stan Una C 0 cc C Monday afternoon at four o'clock. { P the mam should be there. B c S rack Dmmauc Club
A of the SYUYCIY WlId‘ There are many splendid voices Plan t° L°xm8t°“ B°"d An innovation in the early training Pl¤Y• UCh¤¥l¢Y'| AUMU A!
cut ' among the student body, and there ls of Educg{i°n_ this year will be the playing ot bus- Georgetowm
` ......-. not any reason why State University kot ball. As a. conditioner Coach
2 GUMBERT AT GUARD_ should not have a. fine choral socelty. MlGHT BE ADOPTED lirumago thinks basket ball is oxcol· PERF
The director and music committee lent and the pitchers especially will ORMANCE A SUCCESS
~ In the second game of the season have made attractive plans for enter-I Home and school gardens to be CUL got their first "limbering up" in thisl
, rho State boys won over St. Andrews tertalnments to be given by this or-Iummd bv Lexington pub"? whom pu. way. I Encouraged by their wonderful suc.
by the score of 32 to 15. In the flrst ganlzutlon. The Gloe Club will be de-I ` % The prospects for a winning team cess wlth "Churley's Aunt" at the
Iplls, with the assistance of tho Ag-
mm the Louisville bunch held them to vcloped from twenty of the best voices, look mighty good as most ot the old Ben All Theatre. January 15 the Stmb
’ g, close more but at the beginning of of the Choral Club. "°“lt“"“l D¤¤¤¤m¤¤¤ Of State Um' men are back and there is a. bunch ot
g · lers went to Georgetown Monday even-
the second nrt Kentucky set a pace lf a. sufficient number of students VGPBNY. W€1‘9 advocated by J. L. Run- new material to give the once over,
D Ilng and r eated tbl rf
which the former were not able to join these organizations, an applica-loan, or the United stages Dgpgrtmgnt The old men are: Captain Park, fuel) er pe °rm°°°°
regch, tlon will bo made for credit. of Education at Washington at a Crum, Tuttle, Bailey, Schrader, Reed, Success u y at the rgemwn Own
I ’ ’ , _ House before a. large and appreciative
The visitors, although stars of for- Let everybody boost tho Choral and special meeting of the Lexington \\ aters, L. Park, Cuywood and Lee. di
mar years, were not in the form (UGG Clubs. ' IB d { Ed, u M d "Lulu" Gossage, famous star Kitty auh€?c6` t
r .
showed by the Lexington bunch, who ;···•·••——— { Ou 0 um Om on ly League mound artist, and future B no ovary dramatic club in
have improved quite u. little since last I Ml" Randmrs plm r°°°mmQ"d°d the "Brewer," will be out to help coach the country that could enter the t"`
. Sq,turday‘s game. Among the St, An- ]9¤1Dl¤YmG¤t of students from the Ag- me youthful w0uld_b9 mugorsl _r¤t\>1y of a rival college and wlth a
dre·ws’ flve were Hess a former C. U. . Iriculmml D°p°"m°m‘ °r the Depart' (lounge May make an msumt mt' but
Star Duncan an Old Transylvania ment of Education of the lrnlverslty to this HU`; IDOYB WHS done [IIB St,I'Ou·
assist tho children ln planning their {P"- It is ql-me dm°¥`€¤t» UNB DU!-NDS
Tume was by fm. the Shining "gmf ___ gardens. I Uh I im Qnmzzteur fpertormgnce In g
. . . , · n ·1· >r.
of me game, playing all Over the UOOUAD Apprccmhvc Audlcncc Hear,] The plan was discussed before thel fi l—¤ OI Hg OWQI; rom appearing be-
» ~ . !"r ‘ ‘ .
und shouting goals from an a_ng]€s_ ltr Third of Lyceum hoard of l·.du< ation at un inrormmi IU · 4 Ome au ence, but that cup;
• appeared as he were playing for.; Inlgetlng in the 8_ft€rn00n_ In ‘~'l€ kind }lLl!`d·WOl`klD8 little from
Ward `nd the Louisville man guard" Lecturers. mmm to the regular board, composed Ithe Strollers went at this task with g
. ° ‘ ‘ I · t d did
Morgan and Zerfoss also did som? [S ACTOR OF. ABILITY. lof the president, C. R. Melcher, C. J. Extensnve Seneg to be Made bylllfdr :11 ljust what ls expetced
clever goal pitching. Norwood, J. N. Elliott, J. R. Bush and Two Senior Mcchan { ’ ¤""‘ °¤Bl°¤¤ 8-
gm St. Andrews Duncan and Jmbl Ur. lliclmrd Green Moulton, dean of J. M. Kelly, Miss Linda Neville, for- · (?¢·fj¤‘;¢·t0Wn society turned out in
Sing probably dm me best work. the Department of General Literature merly of tho board and Prof. C. W. Wal'- ·"*lHY l°'F;·: W Sim the ,l·1h0W Bild re-
The lmemp and score: m tho University of Chicago, and one Mathews, head of the Department of ·—-——-· °‘“ Bd -·h¤|'l6Y¤ AUM RB D0 other
St. AndmwS_Bl&k9' Capt', Hess and of the foremost ot American scholars, Horticulturé at the University, were TQ ACQUMULATE DATA Sh°“' has b€€¤ ¥‘0¢6iV€d th01‘6 in the
Moser, forwards; Jmsmg’ center; gave an interpretative recital ot the present by special invitation, ' Iliwf ‘•·¤¥ Years. The students or George-
van Dyke and Duncan, guards. Book of Job in chapel last Friday Whlle outlining his plan, Mr. Ran-I H. O. Wagner and G. Ireland, Senior “’“'" (·°H°8° Came Oli! ill dl'0V6¤ to
K€nmcky__Mm_gau, Capt', zerfoss night, which was attended by an ap- dull told of how Pittsburgh had made M£.(.ham(.a1S_ wm conduct u Series cgi #**3 Ul? Show. and 8180 U18 fair ones
und Ireland, forwards; Sewer. Cem preclutive audience. This was _the use of it tor six years and at the con. tests on uw t_nMmm). of uuwlnobilejlrwgr kuvkeir Hall. A loyu.1 band from
· · ·· .. . . .~.'¥' ·"s 1. ·
· mr; Tumc and Gumbgrt, guards. thnrd of u series or winter lectures to xlty lycoum. ,!h¢· information of tho Board. |__ \\·Hh,,m. who is u_ Specialist in my |" Mm SU`°H°I`¤» U19¥'6Y0¤'8. 8068
Dyke Umicun mid Musa} Doctor Moulton is not only u wrlteri Professor Mathews, speaking on tl1<·lu,m,,m|,, design und operation. (30m.j U'*' ""“‘m [U" u SUCCBW Um! will 80
Fmll g0a;lS_Mm_gun 6, make 4- of international fume, having uchlovedjsubjevt, said he thoroughly believed inlllullies which furnish radiators mr? fur wwnrd Dluving dear old "Stgtg’·
Referee, Kem], El K' SI N· u triumph of the age in his Modornlhomo garden training and said that so; m.m,tica_Hy all wellknown makes Ou 111 SUN higher place in the minds of
The boys leave on a Southern mp, Reudor’s Bible, but it also an actor of fur as practicable his department at amomobutx wm furnish me mdiawrS_ UW l*<°0Pl€‘ of [U6 Commonwealth.
Thursday, playing two games at unusual merit. Although his enuncla the University would assist in every The purpose O! the tests ls to pw_ =· WS Gxllécléd. all members ot
Knoxville wml Tennessee, and one tion was not of the clearest, his spirit way. fum w.(.Lu.uw dam on propel. design UW WS! 3·¢‘Q\11ii€d themselves woll at
Y. , _ _ _ (Q l · . . ·
with Maryville. with Scotty buck in was wonderful as he represented in lf tho board manifests enough inter Ut mdmwhs and Compute me amount *‘*1lg*t0"“· wd M 110 time was the
the game the Wildcats Should be able turn the stricken patriarch wlth hisest, Mr. Randall will probably return of hem each make of radiator wm diS_;l’°*' °"'“¤¤°9 allowed to drag. Of
[0 wp an of these. bold faith and tho three friends with to enter into the plan further. swam to me Squm.8 mm of surfac,3 S0§*`°u'S° "Lw JM"` WHS u Scream. and
their servllo adoration of God as theyl —————•-•-•-»—-· -»»- »- mm it wm be easy to install mdiw 5 Hladv the ba.ld—headed customer smug
~ _
‘ Sgmgg CLA55, pgcrugg debated me baffling mystery or sutfor-;DEAN NORWOOD SPEAKS mm of bmw, ,_apm,y_ ,¤¤ spine or himself ··o00dm,m·· wu
1 . · . , _
AH S I _T ucd to meet in mg l TO L0Ulsv"_LE WOMEN` In conducuug me tests, each mbxxell assuted by Loul» Mucloskey, as
amor. are r que Und"` l)°°t°r M°u"·°n’S magicall ‘__*·; aiiuror will bo connected with at l1otjJu'Ck`
"`°'“ °' "‘° S°'°"°° B“'I°"”g F"'d°y at touch these chieftlans or the land ot] Dean C. J. Norwood, Chlof 5iir1l¤1gI¤1—l“,uwr Su) I ummmmed at me wml Rvbevcu Smith and Alice umgory,
12 o’cIock. All Seniors como! , _ l ll>.Y. n _ _ '
’ [lz appeared 3,3 real. pulging, hul1]B,[]‘S[)€('[()I° ot the Slate and Dean of U18 pH!_u[un_s that would result in actuallkh the RUTKCIIVB little 11115595 of Old
SAY, S'TU°'D§!! beings, participants in the greatestiCollogo of Mines and Metallurgy, ad- use at dmcwm loads of me auwm0_lL0¤¤<·ut~·d their successful work ut the
All clubs, sororltles, frutornltles and 4 they uftornoons, but will oonsldor it lucky and said that tho State does not and uw “,t_igm of water H0wiug,lk~11 Ali,
Sooieties should get their pictures us et wonderful ploco of poetic drama. realize its greatness in that HUP. ¢`0¤- through wm mdiuwr it wm be punk Advliu Williamson as "th9 dggrggt,
token this wook, so tho photographers! After the lecture Doctor Moulton tinuing he said ln part: MH to m_(_uI_uwU_ d0l__umnh me __m_ sweetest little gh·1,·· gud [na Durn·]l
• will bv oblo to complete their work on i was tho guest of Dr. A. S. Muckonzio, "Kontuvky how Stands fifth ¤!1\0¤S?(_h_m_), of HMM make U!. mdiuwr luldpr ui the real Uonnu Loom, wom {agp to
(mw, {noun of tho Graduate School, at aithe coal mining states, the rank, lnluu wudmuusl hluok upon ooo mud.; strong impws.
ltomennber, all pictures submlttedllonoh ut tho Phoenix Hotel. Doctoriorder named, being P€!1||¤Yl\'¤Ul¤»$,___,__ __ Y_ lsilms UH UW ¤·¤di6¤¢€-
later than February 15th are subject; Muckonzloks book, "Tho Evolution of,Wost Vlrglnlu, Illinois Bud Ohio. b¤!§0m°·" I John Marsh us Umgsott, and Jaulgs
H, extra uB¤(»ssmom_ iI,|tgmtu¤=_" ig used iu the class room'! predlvt thut ln u few yours--! boi {Mill N<"'“`¢¤>d wid Mm! ¤>V¤‘¤` NNY i\|¢·(`ounoll, as Charley yvykeymnh
MUSINESS MANAGEMl·lN'l‘ "K}*}N—*of Doctor Moulton at the Unlvorslty,lleve lu less than ton yours. Kontuc—jl¤¤‘¤‘ WM! UT ilw ¤¤¤i¤¤•· u<·<·i·l¤·uls were »`t·¤·.· un um; (-Dum be t.xl,t.,.md_ In
·pUgK;AN_·· of (·m(-uga ky will take tho place now held by|l*'•~*V*‘¤*¤bl*¢- fur! ··v¤·ry one or tho pooph, lu me
,..,. , . V ‘
B ° ' M d F b ry E ° h h
églflfllflg 011 (ly, 8 TUC! Ig C .
W ° I B
Board At State H al} 17 e $2.50 Per Week.
.*_ •
g ' " ” T H E I D E A • •
Symphonic Orchestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures G0 Where the G0’s G0.
‘““‘ IHE ORPHEUM IHEAI RE ""“"'°"5°
Me At Admission l0c I
FIRST-CLAS! IN EVERY APPOINTMENT J. H. STAMPER. Jr., Owner and M•na •r. OPEN 10 A. M. to 11 P. M. I
east llltl very well. 'I`h<· team ls r•·porl•·¢l strong and the ··onl ln the Eastern Kentucky ll•·l M
C Iilllll Saturday night, at Xillll ()’('l()(’k,l were Xl,ll4lU,lNNl,tl0tl tons of available
O I ri 7 V
• I v
Incorporated ' ~
The College Fellows' P I C `
.. l. .-..--_."-t_.l O_
I.,€Xil'1gtO£ Qlgar Cow I ` I lncorloratde. ( ` P
A .
Manufacturers of I ""
1·:xcl.Us1vm.Y I Q lg tf Ow ETUICQ
_________ __________v __,__ , - .... t- . _. 1
University Lunch Stand I i K .. I I
C•t•r• •xclu•lv•ly to 8tud•nt• i A I
and Faculty of 8t•t• Unlv•r•lty I
I I - · .
A. FIELD OF BURLEY TOBACCO I · 124 128 North Lll\l€8t0ll€ LCXIIIQIOII, Ky. ,
5 " it
• • T H E I D E A 3
TT 'lntt-nrlwl to new nll mg |nH]"{.m~,. N, th4· iiolmnlme Arnerirnn Aaaovlntialtt
LADY GREGQRY '['ALKS FINANCIAL STATEMENT UNIVERSITY Y. M. C. A. FOR SIX MONTH8`nw|"E mh mg wud,-,,, h,,,·|,t,» mm ,, rluh, nnd tho Ilrewere Imve all tn=i·*<‘I~ to have sa more- .»»m·,,,| ton I»¢·¤tI•·¤‘.
Christine Hopkins Reports In- Expenditure!. Inn mlk wm, ,;.,,,;-,1 Wim, ht- .·.,m..n
tercsting Lcchlrc of (‘I0rl(·nl \\'0rk ..,.,.... . .. ,...., .» ., .,.. . ..4. $ rt".-lll rtw Imxingtam yanvnrnl weeks I|¤nr·1·_ but In A;,· 'r?"*\ L•xIn°.°n
I nent Irish Woman. ()fflt·e Expenses ....,.. , ...I4... .4 ............... . 3.*17 ignvv nn Imllnntlnn as tn how Im would ` —••"’°°"'•
l llmgtggn ,,,4,.....,....»... .. .............·.·..»--. IIYII3 alike to lw rt Hrmv¢¤r_ This Is the big I I
0 may Ammsm m_pgm_y' {Hgh play. $1¢·t·retary`n Salary ..........I. . ....... . ............... 730.00 i|.»,,g,,,. pmt, ,,·h|,.h ,,,,8 tndtcuwd HS I clulfemncy K•!\N¤·I¢:¢;| UOIQ
. I \vglhtl and (.0-fnundpr I IRHO .... , 4 . , ...................................4... , .... Ydpgirp for hlg S(,rv‘(,‘,R· 'rhp })h"adPl_ `\ %` • "{¢· fX/
' n 7 ` . . A ·. /.· .
' Ilntler Yeap, of the Irish National rlglpphnnpg and Hlpgmms ‘‘’‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 2'mil ililild A¥I¤I*‘IIt‘¤. the Ilevelantl Indians, ·. I mq, . gpm,-g•n|n¤_
{I Thpatrp` |p(_'“rpd Rt {hp Gibson I flllflhg . .. .....,..I , . . . ....... . .....,..I...... .. I9.2.» F E rr ¤>
) . (
_ Howl. (,|m_mnm|· Monday. January Old Irlntimz Amounts ....4..4........_..__._...._._,_., . RIJ0 M. R h H • I.
1 . , T · i
zi HM Slmjpm wan __Thp mah 'lrawllnz expenses ............... . .4............... , .... 6 H10
__ National Thngtrpf Thp add,-PSS ,,.8,, l""ld"“I**~l" -·-—···4--· - --.............,. A ..,________A____ _ gg_3n 8 h r
• ghrm undpr me augpiws of the Drama sovlals ,...4..........4,.... . ..,..............,.. . .,.., 1.40 g C S
N , ......,...............,..4......_,......,...,..,_ .. 3 —‘—‘-—‘—‘Y—·· ——····-—-—————;
League of Amerlra, (`lnclnnntl Center. Ippummk I 1 V S d V I
Lady mwgmy in an mshwomum Handhoo ncrottnt ......................,................ tinhh I Tau ants Cas; _A ARTS c|_||B ||||)|]’(]|l|||M
. · · _" I
nm] HVPR at Comp. Galway. Ireland- Ultl notes nml Interest ..................II, , .,,....,,.I., 211..Nl i |||’$d|y Ey||'|l|‘|g$ I _ Tw",. |_.ss°ns `
Ovc·r¤i¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤t¤*¤P~S~i<`<>¤¤· K <`» *`ty+» “'— E- S¤·*¤<·<*¤ “'·‘
ment can Succeed without tha sacri- UT€H(Tll YOUIIK [)lHy€I"S to bP Il3.IIIl"8l.i A(ll1IllS ilH(l .l. S. l)H.I`l(PI°, l,PXlK1g·
nw of at least °“° mer, `Naturalness was a large part of the ton; Lawrence Yates, \\'int·hester,
K Lady Gregory dennes a N°·u°n°*l Irish success. Furthermore, developfnnd II. .1. Falloway, Louisa. 1-5 1.5 t
I y' Theatre as "a place where workers that which is the lego. of your (,0un_ ___wi M 1
TRA may rest; where birds can Sing; Ury, The Italian is all geStl(‘uIatI01l, $
where artists can offer beauty to theiwe are Simple, and Char), of ,,,0,,,, JIMMY PARK NOWI
.+ ~
' • footsteps of the day." iAm€m_un and develop that in youri STATE UNIVERS T i ,
This successful Irish playwrightimmve adore',. p BEING FLIRTED WITH BY SEV- ; &
I thinks the founding ot such a theatre; HTM American Spirit is ,d€aHstiC’..i TERAL BIG LEAGUE CLUBS; V ` ` l ` ·
g In the United States not at all Im-isays Lady Gregory, umd it is Semp; VIIICIWV J¤'“*‘S lark- of th? bmw 146) E. DIAIN ST. Opp. Unnon Stuhuu
I practicable, but entirely possible. As mama,. Americans possess a pussiow, l nlverslty base bal-I squad, hae about — __" nw-U
- playwrights were used at flrst, so in of the intellect. You have the "mt(_r_` posals. It s Milwaukee that s atteri
t America the scheme would be so pro- ml for a National American Theatre, him now. • • |
[ ` duced by American plays and Ameri-{und there is no mason why you Should · Last week wltetn Itltord Jones has
• ~ can dramatists, played by American, not have one as Su(_(_€SSt.ul as Im__1n the t‘lI)’. he called lark up to the
i ,,w,,g€_ ln 8, country as big 35 thtg,|hmd,S. I hope you dol., te-lephone. and said that hc wanted Cerner Llmeatone and Winslow.
" ‘’‘’ ~ ' .· him in 21 proposition to join
—¤· one theatre Would not bB DPBCIICSI. _ IU Inter"`! . Q
‘ but Lady Gregory suggests each state 22 MEN PASS EXAMS lthe Milwaukee American ·Assot-tattonl Line of and
having its own theatre. with ¤ ¤¢¤tr¤¤' A ENGINEERS ·"*·I*» -***1**** '*>’ *'**’ “‘¤>'- **i<“*“* =* *‘°“ t.unct-I counren open seven mws Ann ntcuvs
theatre at New York where the plav·` FOR R0 D I¤'**<‘i IMI “*‘**k to Play Oulmlil “'l[ll
‘ ' ` | ’_‘*‘ _ . A _ ` ESPECIALLY ON SUNDAY.
ers from each state may produre their, Nearly all the 8.l)l)ll€`8I'IIS IOP |>0S1- the Brewers nent year, Ho epent
y D]EyS_ ;tions as t·0unly mad €IIl!.llIt‘€*I`S. WI10 only at short time- In lmxington with B. W. B. CO·
'I`he actors who put on the early: took the short course at the State his bmtht»r_ Frank Jones, and told ofi
playa at the Irish 'l`l16&[1'8 WGTB ll0[1l'Ill\'t`I"SlI)' lust IIIOIIIII. Db\S1·I9(I ul IlIt*ll1Is lt·u\'i11;.; l`t)lu111b11s, uml Slglllllgj
-Y proteaalonala, but people drawn ll‘0!'l'li£’XIilIllII8[lOIIS held ut Frankfort by with the Itrt·wt»rs, and said that my
i w l i FEBRUARY 11-16,1915
my New Orleans, La. Mobnle, Ala.
••¤»¤..,,,,___ "" _ ` ' ¤ . I
° • l in ` LOW ROUND TRIP FARES ,1
¤ ` . _
H , ' - ' TICKETS ON SALE FEBRUARY 9, I0, ll, 12, 13, 14 and 15. l
l · I 1 (Quo`! Returning to Reach 'rlalnsl Sturtlng Point llulure Nlldntght l~\·Inu»1:; zu, 1915 I"
` I lt l · rl · ·~ I ··*· 0 `\ cnn n n u' `rm nu tr vm n t -· n ur in 'uin t· 0 E
Q . . U ·!¢?»'·A" Aa . ‘ LI-:I'\`.l‘i3, IVIL, U')‘ l:\'||}\¤:ll ‘\ll Tn All lI:l:I`=°a:;lI1TLlI\l(\lI ul I-
_- ’ —. _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ '»_ I For Full Information Apply to
. Nearest Ticket Agent. `
` r t · ,_ _·
' » RQUTE ll. C. IxING, Pass r and Tetltti A '
‘ I l 101 East Main St., I..exi.t_,‘ \_
*y° l • FRONT VIEW, KENTUCKY AGRICU LTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION- - jt;;;~E;-_;_———;—-———_~·—-—;5-—~~a·Ej>;j·E;·
\ ' ld
x I
4 " T H E ID E A •· c ..
....—-—-1·—- —-•~.- - -_;-—1- -..,:...••— .... ..
Q I ta college student's life ls s "snsp."
rl HE DEA .... 1
,. C. Watson of ammonia compres-
Pabllshed •v•r7 Thursday throughout the Coll•g• nar by the student bod! C · W S
of the State Unlverslty of Kentucky, for the benellt of the under- sor fame, stood near s thermometer ee y t
graduates, slumul and faculty of the Institution. sunday mgm whho umn! or his wm _
rm: mn ls an orncm ¤•w•p•p•r or ua U¤lv•r•lty. n u l••¤•a was '“°" °"l’°"*°"°°' *'“' “‘° “‘°"”‘°'“* l
the vfew of furnishing to its subscrllnrs all the college news of Kentucky, r ter rose two degrees ln less than me DAF! Wl UPKAK TH! TRUTH? ·
together with s digest of Items of l¤t•r•st concerning th• unlversltlss •f minute. ________ =
una. una me Can" ' A professor ln the lmperlsl Unl lt f T kl J dd d Q
|UI|ClIP1’lON,0Nl DOLLAR PIR VIA!. FIVI CINTI PIR GOPY I"`- s“*h°"‘¤¤d (ln wmlml J0*'0“ letter to the Amerlcan people s few weeks ago contalnlng this challenging `
Ilnund st Lexington Post Oflloe as second elsss mall matter. Studentl—"*’°°*¤ My • whole I0! statement: ‘
;.:;t.;;2:.·:·;·;.-.. ... :;:" about the "` · w0m·n’· eye., but mrho t us h V t t
INTOMAL um", 1.1*1.1.. th ' tm th b d t H grea w as pro en a e wes ern people, with all sorts of ir
CLYDI P TAYLOR mm Mn Cm I GPG! ¤0 D8 GTG ut lf M"- college and lnstltutlons ln their most advanced order, are after all like
KENNET}; DORIS ‘‘‘''‘‘‘‘°‘'‘''''‘''‘'‘‘'‘‘''‘''‘‘‘‘‘ .81 ° ° édm; | Y0u’ve either b6€¤ mlffled I |0¤8 their naked friends ln far away Asia or Afrlca, only a hungry piece of flesh, l
'''''''‘‘'‘°''''' ’ ''''''‘'''''‘''‘’'‘ "' ng time 0F BM'! 8¤\ YW {WIN- who to use a Japanese saying, has just three brains more than a monke — ‘
J OWIN REYNOLDS Assistant Ildltor Y {
A l Since the gmundhug duns me MJ s no oo muc o say a e presen war ls the begin