7 I lll\lll lllllll\ lll@  
T he Proceedings of the Revolutionary ·i
Committee of the Town of N ewbern,  
North Carolina, 1775 I
A newly discovered printed document of the .
i American Revolution brought to light by the
American Imprints Inventory of the Histor- ‘
~ ical Records Survey, Division of Women’s Sc s
Professional Projects of the Works Progress .i
Administration. in
lUl?iE?ZK’i¥*Y` ii
V °lE|l‘llil**Wtii¥{*&§l§*?Y {I2}? l€iEN`f‘U€lK‘? `
Provided with an introductory note and privatehr printed hy Doug/as C. M _eM artrie, ii
Conru/tant to the Natiorzal Director of the H irtorical Recordr S arvey, ar a heeprahe
for prerentation to friend; attending the rixtieth annual conference of the American
Lihrary Arrociation at Kanrar City, Zllirroari, fane 1 3 — 18, 1938. Prerrworh hy
rtadentr of the Chicago S choo! of Printing, Chicago, I llinoir.
i 73. 34.%
A 442 Z