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COLLECTION fl ‘ ‘3 ‘3 I’ .3
" Volume 73, Number 9 - September 2002 - Published by Kentucky Press Association/Kentucky Press Service
' ‘C t t’ d ' d dt P k
2 on es re eSigne , re-name 0 K A 566 S
. . .
* em hasize what on offer - excellence ““5 Pres'dent
r P y . .
. I
. M .,_. ,3 :3 \ Newspaper Contest. Well, more com- nomlnatlons ;
f on second 3:343; ,_ bined them that did away with them. . . , _ 5
. 3);: . a EXCELLENCE And we brought in design categories . Norrunations and letters Qf applica i
1 Th ’1 . _ ”.3... .» . . . tions are being accepted until Friday, ;
oug t 3.. . s ; ~ . .. such as best front page, best editorial . . . 3
_ 3333 ,2 . . b t t Sept. 27 for the office of Vice pres1dent ;
33% "'3!” page, 8.5 sp or S page. of the Kentucky Press Association for i
. B David TJ'hompson m ' , It s still a contest, as such, but 2003 ;
: KlgA Executive Director KENWCKY we’re focusing more on the excellence Arty KP A member may nominate i
that each of_yoiu antrlfigieéo 3116 any individual who meets the criteria
NEWSPAPERS SEEK; 3:33:53 all; 2103333 setforthintheKPAbylawsforthat
E First things first. Monday, . . . . . . position. Additionally, individuals i
7 September 26, 1983 to September 26, mwmum momma ' Simian Wlliibfe Ziudgedjfine 1a g:msfitr t interested in holding office in the I
;_ 2002. Nineteen years. Thanx to each 2°“ e 0 (193:? d ]u dges Wh se egla S ’ . Kentucky Press Association may sub- 5
1:. of you for ma king the past 19 years N h d b :8 con ’ an any onora e men— mit a letter of application. 3
‘3‘, such an enjoyable career experience. eWSPaPPI' Contest a een a part ions. h KPA bylaws state: “The only per- g
a: . , . _ g. oretp go. At least. of KPA history for perhaps genera- Most of you have eard me say sons eligible for election to the office 5
5‘ . 3 . ,- ,,. ,_ ‘~ ~. " . . , tions. It focused on the layout and over the years that I Will put of vice resident are those who are ;
33‘ at 3 3 3 ,3 design of the newspaper. And of the Kentucky newspapers up against any current? servin as elected directors- '
' three KPAcontests, it was the small— state's newspapers, any time, any those who have been elected to serve, i
: New “contest.” New ”focus.” est — in number of newspapers, . where. If my math isicorrect, over the on the board, provided they have pre- 3
E BY now, each editor should have number of entries, and never a profit 19 yea5r; With KPAéI ye ggne ttthirough viously served as either an elected or
’ received the first mailing of the center. , some Aspintest )u gingls y f) b er appointed director or those persons
”Exc ellen c e in Kentucky Newspapers: . As we ve traveled the country get- states. never-once ave een who have served three consecutive ;
_ Recognizing Outstanding Writing, ting the three contests Judged, I think embarrassed or discouraged by the years as an appointed director.” i
. ‘ Photography and Design _ 2002.” Kentucky remains the only state with lack of quahty Kentucky newspapers Nominations must be sent to: 1
Long title, shortened to three newspaper contests. Some have EXthlt' h 1k d th David T. Thompson, Kentucky Press
. . ”Excellence in Kentucky Newspapers )ust one,_combining editorial and I guess w en I wa_ aroun e Association, 101 Consumer Lane, 3
_ 2002,, but the content is familiar. advertismg into a masswe package. room and one of the Judges comments Frankfort KY 40601. 3
. Basically it’s our 01 (:1 Fall Most have an editorial contest and an on how great he / she thinks our All no min ees consenting to the 1
, : Newspaper Contest with a few sprin— advertismg contest. None, that I newspapers are, 11m hke a proud nomination and agreeing to serve if i
' kles 0f the Better Newspaper Contest. recall, have three. . . . . paréa at; ospitaxpuigseryli . elected will be interviewed by the g
‘ , Doing away with the Summer This new competition brings in E (ilw at you e 1t tr . y 15. Nominating Committee once it has
1’ Convention after this year’ s gathering writing, photography and design for xce ence —— in your writing, in your been determined that the nominee .
g in Gatlinburg, meant doing away 26 categories. W91“? away Wlth a meets bylaw requirements.
with one contest. The Better couple of categories in the Fall See EXCELLENCE on Page 9 Following the interview process,
the Nominating Committee will rec-
h t f P ° ommend a candidate for Vice presi-
% OVCI‘ p 0 OS nee e 01' K A ll‘eC Ol'y dent to the Kentucky Press
3' Association and Kentucky Press
'. ' D' .
; What better way to show a photog— Kentucky is considered. The photo 2002. Serv1ce Board Of- irectors
. , , , , Followmg action by the board the
. 3 rapher s talent than on the front cover does not have to have been published Please indicate on a cover memo individual will be recommended for
Z of the KPA Yearbook and Directory? in a newspaper to be used on the that the photo is being sent for consid- approval to the full membership of
. Each year, we select one four-color directory’s cover. eration for the front cover of the KPA — . -
a . . . . . KPA during the busmess sessmn of
3 photograph from a photographer at a The deadhne for subrrutting a four- Yearbook and Directory, and include the 2003 Winter Convention in
' member newspaper and publish that color photograph for the front cover is the newspaper and the photographer's Louisville
on the front cover of the directory with Nov. 15. name. The person elected Vice President
‘ appropriate credit given inside the The photographer whose photo is Please mail your 2003 Yearbook during the January business meeting
directory. selected will then be notified and and Directory front cover photographs - ~ _
, . . . . Will become PreSident Elect of
Any photograph depicting life in asked to send KPA a four-color sepa- to: KPA, 101 Consumer Lane, KP A /KPS in 2004 and serve as
Kentucky or a recent event in ration of the photograph by Dec. 3, Frankfort, Ky. 40601. President of the organization in 2005
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