xt7ttd9n3n6m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ttd9n3n6m/data/mets.xml Kentucky State Racing Commission. 1  books b98-35-40283368 English University Press, : Lexington, Ky. : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Horses Breeding Kentucky. Booklet of information regarding the thoroughbred stallions owned by the Kentucky Racing Commission text Booklet of information regarding the thoroughbred stallions owned by the Kentucky Racing Commission 1 2002 true xt7ttd9n3n6m section xt7ttd9n3n6m 
  Information Regarding Thoroughbred Stallions Owned
by the Kentucky Racing Commission, that are available
for service in Kentucky.


  On September 10, 1915, the Kentucky Racing Commission
met at Lexington and among other matters passed a resolu-
tion appropriating funds with which to purchase a number
of first class Thoroughbred stallions for use in Kentucky.
By the terms of the resolution the stallions are placed under
the control of the Department of Animal Husbandry of
the State University.
  Ten stallions have been purchased for this work. They
are large, docile, breedy animals that will sire useful colts.
They will be sent to the communities where they are most
needed to improve the horse stock. The service fee will be
moderate and from the funds derived in this manner the
expenses of care and keep of the stallions are to be met.
The stallions will be sent to their new homes February first,
and it is probable that they will be returned to Lexington
next fall in order that they may be maintained in first class
condition during the winter.
  The stallions will remain the property of the Kentucky
ltacing Commission at all times, and they will be under the
supervision of the State University all of the time. Infor-
niatirjn regarding them can be secured by corresponding
with Professor J. J. Hooper, Lexington, Ky.
  l' is suggested that parties desiring further information
should write immediately for full particulars.
      (Signed)                  J. N. CAMDEN,
                Chairman, Kentucky Racing Commission.
  Memberg Kentucky Racing Commission: W. B. Halde-
man, Louisville; Allie W. Young, Morehead; J. N. Camden,
Versailles; T. H. Talbot, Paris ; and Chas. F. Grainger,


Four Thoroughbred mares consigned to the recent dispersal sale of the
                     estate of Mr. J. B. Haggin.

Fig. 2.  A 16 hand mare that sold foe SLE200.       Fig. :3. A 16 hand    nare that stJd for 900.

F iv. S. A nice mare that sold ftc Sl.tdtJ.

Fi,. 4. This large mar .,Ad for il,61 (I


The Purpose of the Department of Animal Husbandry
            in Connection With This Work.

  The purpose of the Department of Animal Husbandry of
Kentucky State University in assuming charge of the
Thoroughbred stallions owned by the Kentucky Racing
Commission is to aid in the improvement of the horse stock
of the State. We feel that the value of the Thoroughbred
horse has been underestimated in some communities. This
animal is not small, frail and nervous as some seem to think.
In fact, our observations lead us to state such frail animals
are the exception rather than the rule. If a light, nervous
stallion is mated with a similar mare, of course, the produce
must be like the parents, but if a large, docile stallion is
mated with a mare of similar type, a large useful colt will
result. We present photographs in this publication of four
Thoroughbred mares that were consigned to the dispersal
sale held recently by the estate of Mr. J. B. Haggin. These
mares are bred in the purple. As illustrated by the photo-
graphs, they are approximately sixteen hands high and
weigh from 1000 to 1200 pounds. Any one will concede that
such mares could be used in any kind of farm work.
  We believe that the Thoroughbred is one of the most intel-
ligent horses in existence. An experienced proprietor of a
livery stable states that he has to work most of his horses in
the spring to a break cart to make them safe for driving
after they have been on pasture all winter. Most horses
forget their training while on pasture in winter. This man
has owned many Thoroughbred livery horses, and has found
them so uniformly intelligent that they can be brought from
pasture and put to regular livery service with but little
  The Thoroughbred responds to kind treatment more than
any other horse. They must not be whipped. They hate to


be tortured with a whip and will resent such treatment.
The Thoroughbred has come under public observation on the
race track more frequently than elsewhere. Some of them
have been observed to be nervous and thin. But we have
had experience with horses taken out of training and kept
under ordinary conditions and we can personally certify to
the fact that they readily became docile and kind. Any
horse would look drawn and nervous if subjected to the
gruelling work of the race course for a few weeks.

   I:h.S.Thearsughbrrd mare. unsed in hivery nersice, sixteen years old. 15 hands 2 1/2 inehes
         high. The  ies prefer this drivin  mare as she in very gentle

  There are communities in Kentucky where the farmers
are fond of the saddle horse. There are also communities
where our farmers are adopting the draft animal, and in
other neighborhoods the trotter is preferred. It is not the
purpose to place the Thoroughbred stallions in communities
where fine, pure bred stallions of other breeds are to be
found. However, there are communities in our State where
a Thoroughbred stallion can do substantial service in improv-
ing the size, stamina and general usefulness of colts out of


the lightest mares and in refining and giving durability to
colts out of the coarsest mares. It is our purpose to place
these stallions in such communities and we feel assured that
the colts produced will grow into animals that can be used
or sold as cross country hunters, cavalry mounts, saddle and
road horses, and work animals. Some of the best work
horses on farms and in cities carry a large proportion of
Thoroughbred breeding and saddle horse breeders have fre-

F'i,. 7. A chestnut Th--hb- rd  nin-  e  oil. 15 ha.o'd  2 inches high. U-  il
               livers -  e   Ile, -  lia is shis Fig. Fi, a.1 her- ilei- thi ,   Throoghbood
        Stallion M4argrae

quently stated that some of the best of the three-gaited
horses that they have sold to Eastern buyers have been out
of Thoroughbred mares and by saddle stallions. The repu-
tation of half-breds as work horses can be established be-
yond doubt by hundreds of horses that are now working in
plows, wagons and buggies, that have Thoroughbred sires.
There is a large, big boned Thoroughbred gelding working
to a laundry wagon in Lexington that has served in this


capacity for seven years. He was purchased at a race
course, taken out of training, and put to work in the laun-
dry wagon in which he has been working ever since. The
proprietor of the laundry states that he has never had any
other horse to stand up under the work for such a long term
of years. Handsome carriage teams are often found to be
horses carrying more or less Thoroughbred blood. We pre-
sent a picture herein of a strong, clean boned mare that is
seventeen years old. She has stamina and durability as
evidenced by the fact that she has been driven on the streets
almost all her life. Also she is the dam of a nine year old

Fig. 8.  A bay filly, seven -.nths old, by Magazine, and her dam. This filly illustrates
              tho kind of foal, that the-tistallions   ire.

mare that has been used as a livery horse for six years.
Neither has ever required the use of a whip. We present
pictures of half-breds used as a farm team by Senator J. N.
Camden, and we could secure many other photographs of
similar work horses. Mules out of Thoroughbred mares
have commanded high prices. They have life and finish in
abundance. It is stated by mule breeders that a mare that
possesses some draft and some light horse breeding makes
an ideal brood mare for mule production. The draft blood
gives weight and the light horse breeding lends finish and
endurance to the mule colt. While some of the highest


priced mules are being produced out of the heaviest draft
mares, yet mule breeders agree that if the mare contains
some light horse breeding her mule colt will be quicker and
can do more work.
  Taking it from every angle, we believe that the Depart-
ment of Animal Husbandry is rendering a useful service in
taking charge of the stallions owned by the Kentucky Rac-
ing Commission, and in placing them in communities where
they can serve the purpose of improving the horse stock.
We hope the work may grow in importance year after year,
and we wish that there were some agency through which

      Fi,. 9. A useful half-bred.  Fig. 19. A half-b-1 gel-ding.  A useful
                                     type for any purpose.

we could secure similar co-operation in handling stallions of
other breeds. It is with a spirit of co-operation and appre-
ciation that we accept this cordial assistance of the breeders
of Thoroughbred horses.

         The Thoroughbred and Half-Bred Horse.
  The breed of Thoroughbreds originated in England. The
ten stallions that have been purchased for distribution in
Kentucky are not only registered Thoroughbreds, but they
carry some of the best breeding of that old and substantial
family. They are handsome animals that will sire useful



  At this point we desire to indicate briefly the results we
hope to achieve in placing these stallions in Kentucky. We
will review briefly the work for which the half-bred is
adapted. Some of the best work animals on the farms of
America carry considerable Thoroughbred breeding and
saddle and trotting horses are descendants of the Thor-
oughbred. Horses of Thoroughbred breeding command
ready markets as hunters, cavalry mounts and saddle
horses. As an indication of the fact that considerable
interest is being taken in Thoroughbreds aside from the
race course, it may be mentioned that at the Madison Square

Fig. 11. A 16 hand haf-bred gelding  unnd  Fig. 12. A 1i hand half-be-d mare u.nd
      in far-   work. See Fij 13.  in far.m s-rk. Se Fig. 13

horse show this fall, a part of the program was designated
as "Thoroughbred day. " At that time competition was
limited to Thoroughbred horses of saddle, hunter and polo
types. As an evidence of the high esteem in which the
Thoroughbred is held by many easterners who have imbibed
their ideas from Englishmen, it may be said that at the
Madison Square show, in New York, in 1914, a horse named
Supplement won the novice class open to saddle horses of
all breeds. Another Thoroughbred named Proud Prince
carried off the blue ribbon as the best lady's saddle horse.
Iron Trail, a Thoroughbred, was reserve champion, and

            C' WNED BY THE RACING COYMMISSI(N.       11
seven other similar horses carried off many of the highest
  In the issue of November 20, 1915, the Rider and Driver,
in reporting the National Horse Show, held at Madison
Square, states: "The influence of the Thoroughbred has
been paramount throughout the saddle horse divisions, as
well as in the hunter and "suitable to become hunter"
classes this year.

  Fig. 1:1. A team of half-bresis on the farm of Senator J N. Camden. Vtsoaillee, Ky.
           Both by a saddle stallion and out of Thoroughbred mare.s
  'Not a horse finishing within the ribbons had less than
fifty per cent of the "old blood," and Judges Marshall and
Matlack fully recognized it. Lady Beck's decisions (who
also judged at this show) have never deviated from this
line. "
  Because of the great scarcity of army horses of proper
type, it may be well to include a few quotations from army


I            --7

1, Ai




  Major William R. Wright, U. S. A., Commanding Squad-
ron A, is strongly of the opinion that the best type of
cavalry mount is obtained from mating thoroughbred stal-
lions and "cold blooded" mares.    He believes that the
produce of such matings makes an ideal weight carrier so
essential to the cavalry arm of the military service. He

       Fig. 14. A Thoroughbrd geIdi.ng. 15 hands 2 i-wh-. two yers ld
                    A usful., subtantia.h0 rse.

states that "my squadron mount, Mac, is by a thoroughbred
stallion and out of a Virginia hunting mare. He is 23 years
old and I have ridden him 19 years. During all those years
Mac has performed most trying service with splendid cour-
age. He took part in the Spanish American Expedition to



Puerto Rico in 1898. Justice, another army mount, is 14
years old and has served since 1906. "
  Captain Gordon Johnston, U. S. A., of the 11th Cavalry,
recognized as a leading authority on remounts, has said:
"Considering the matter of securing army remounts of good
type from all standpoints I believe the government should
furnish a syndicate of interested horsemen, sufficient finan-
cial support with which to purchase a large acreage and a
large stud or breeding station. The mares selected should
be sound, full framed, short legged, intelligent animals from
15 to 16 hands high, weighing not less than 1000 pounds. I

               Fig. 15.  A  Th-,-aghb,-d glding  that  ill
                          auseful purpose as a saddle
                       ho rse ar oficers' mout.

should lay the greatest stress on intelligence and disposi-
tion. In the selection of mares I should place first: Thor-
oughbred mares of good disposition. sound and which have
never raced. Second, the pure range mares. I mean
descendants of the original stock of this country. Third,
the standardbred mares.    Fourth, any native stock not
crossed with draft blood or blood of mixed gaited horses.
Of the latter class I think the weak loined, hollow backed,
high actioned type is to be most carefully avoided. For sires
I should choose clean, Thoroughbred horses from families
noted for courage, endurance, intelligence and good disposi-



tion. They should stand sixteen hands high and should
weigh from 1100 to 1200 pounds, be full bodied, short legged,
heavy boned animals; and once more: animals of intelligence
and docility. "
             The History of the Thoroughbred.

This breed originated in England and consists of an amal-
    17 77 --7u                          G, = - -47::: 0-E- --I C5D:gI: D7  

          Figt. 16. This 7hsro-ghbred gelding was sold to be used by
                  Ge-. F-e-eh of the English Ar-y.

gamation of the best light horses of that country with the
best of Oriental stallions. In the seventeenth century one
hundred and seventy stallions from Arabia, Turkey and
Barbary were imported into England and used in refining

          IVNEIl) 1Y THE RA CING CM)LISSIIN.        1.

and improving the light horse. This general improvement
began in the reign of James I and the good work was car-
ried forward by his son Charles I, and grand-son Charles II.
The latter monarch is credited with helping materially to
create the Thoroughbred and he was a promoter of the race
  The Oriental sires were brought to England between the
years 1600 and 1700 and after they had performed their
function, which was to add finish and endurance to the light

  Fiig. 17. A two-year fld filly by Samson. Samson is o-ne of the stallions owned by the
horse stock of England, their importation was discontinued
and since that time this breeding has been kept pure. The
pedigrees of Thoroughbreds can be traced back through
generation after generation until they finally culminate in
three Oriental sires that exerted unusual influence in the
establishment of the breed. These horses were The Godol-
phin Barb, The Byerly Turk and The Darley Arabian.
  The pedigree of the Thoroughbred can be traced without


a missing link further than that of any breed, for they have
been kept pure longer than any other breed. For this rea-
son the name "Thoroughbred" has been given exclusively to
this family of horses,
  The English people who came to America at an early date
brought the Thoroughbred with them. Horses of this family
were used as saddle mounts in Virginia and Kentucky when

Fig. 1n. A bay half-bred -r, a- of a grade -,uin-br-d mare. and by the I hor-uhbnd
       stallion Fairpiay. She is 16 hands high and we.ighs Xb5b po.unds. Used as a
       ,addle and buggy mare.

these States were new and they have been bred here ever
since. They have not only been useful on the race course
but also under the saddle and in the plow. A large part of
the work stock of Louisville and Lexington and of other
cities in this community, carry more or less thoroughbred
breeding. Thoroughbred horses were the foundation of the
saddle and trotting breeds as explained below.



  THE AMERICAN SADDLE HORSE originated in Virginia,
Kentucky, Tennessee and Missouri. Sixty years ago ten stal-
lions that begat easy gaited colts were selected as foundation
sires for the saddle breed. Four of these stallions were
pure Thoroughbreds; two others trace to Thoroughbred

                       IVAN GARDNER
Fig. 19. Stallion N., 1. Chestnut. ,hite face and under lip; four white legf. Fi-e yearn
                   old, 16 hands I inch, 10 pPounds.

                  I Ivan The Terrible
Ivan Gard-ner ---------
                  i Miss Gardner

, Pirate of Irogarre
I Kate Pellelie

ancestry. The breeding of the other four is somewhat
uncertain, but probably they too carried the blood of this
substantial breed. They were crossed with easy gaited
mares, and ultimately out of this breeding came the saddle
horse that is recognized as one of the most perfect types in




existence. The Denmark family of saddle horses is famous.
The founder of the family was Denmark who was sired by
Imported Hedgeford, a horse that was foaled in England in
1825 and brought to Kentucky about 1832. Denmark was
bred several times to the "Stevenson mare, " and as a
result she produced Gaines' Denmark, Muir's Denmark and

Fig. 20. Stallion No. 2. Five yea-s old. 16 hands, l1-n pouds. Bay with white otar.

     P-x,,; R.E
Peep O) D)ay



, Ayrshire

I Regent


Rob Roy. The former sired Washington Denmark, and to
this line of breeding may be traced Crigler's Denmark, King
William, Black Eagle, Black Squirrel, Rex McDonald and
all the rest of the beautiful Denmark family. The other
family of saddle horses, known as the "Chiefs," trace to


          () WNEJ B1 THE RA CING (.MMISSI(N.       1/

the Thoroughbred largely through Bourbon Chief who was
out of a Denmark mare. Bourbon Chief was by Harrison
Chief, he by Clark Chief, he by Mambrino Chief, who was
by Mambrino, and he by Messenger, an imported Thor-
oughbred horse. When the pedigree of a saddle horse is
tabulated it traces to Thoroughbred breeding.

                       MAG3AZI ,SE
Fig. 271. Stalioan N-,. 3. Ten y ears all.. Ill handIt. 112G irountds. Bay w ith four w hit. feat.

Imp. M.a...an

, l-ta-rgr
I Maia.'

                                    I Daisy R
 THE TROTTING BREED also traces directly to Thoroughbred
 foundation. Imported Messenger was a Thoroughbred horse
 brought to America from England to improve the running
stock of New York and the East, but instead he proved to
be the great progenitor of the trotting breed. His son,

nsll A I



Mambrino, sired Mambrino Paymaster, who established all
of the Mambrino family of trotters. Mambrino was the
grand-sire of Hambletonian, who in turn sired Electioneer,
Happy Medium, Alexander's Abdallab, Dictator, Harold and
George Wilkes. To these horses can be traced Peter the

                     MAD RIVER
Fi,. 22. Stallion No. 4. Bay. 1eft hind foot white. -sall white pot in forhead.
          Si   ers ld, 16 hands 11 inche. 115 pounds.


Mad River

Goldin Cad

, Im. Esth-n
I Imp. M.ori

                                       Cicily Bowling

Great, Jay Bird, Nutwood, Axworthy, Moco, Walnut Hall,
Lou Dillon, Peter Volo, and other trotting horses.
  The Thoroughbred horse has been used also in improving
several other breeds.
  With such splendid achievements in the past it is evident



that the stallions of this breed which are to be placed in
various communities in Kentucky will prove of great benefit
to horse stock of the State. When mated with any kind of
mares they will add refinement to the colt. If the mares are
large and substantial, the cross will produce a most useful
animal as has been demonstrated in hundreds of cases.

Fig. 23. Stallion No. 5. Chestnut. -sar in foehead.
                    , He, La Y--


Ni- years old. 16 hands, 1150 jsoundn.

    Duk-4f M-nr-s-

/ Quiver

There is no horse that possesses the courage of the Thor-
oughbred. As a proof of this it may stated that any horse
carrying fifty percent. or more of this breeding, will serve
as a jumper or hunter. It is not necessary to try them in
this respect, because half-breds have the courage to jump



any reasonable obstacle they meet in the course of a hunt.
After being trained, of course, they can negotiate jumps
which are impossible for green horses, but even when green
they are courageous and active. Englishmen have preferred
the Thoroughbred over any other horse as a saddle animal
and at some of the Eastern shows in America the champion
three-gaited horses have come from the ranks of the Thor-

Fix. 24. Stallion No.. i. Ba-, left feet Ahite. and stripe and whit, nose. Seven Nears
                 old, 16 hands  inch. 1035 pound.

Gal -c

B-.y Maid

L aLdy Maura
I Meiddle

oughbred. This statement is not made to discredit our
splendid saddle horse, but it is quoted to convey the idea
that Thoroughbreds are considered by Englishmen and b,,
many Americans as most excellent saddle animals. As stated

           0VWNA"EI) BY THE RA CING COMMISSION.      ,.;

above, army officers prefer Thoroughbred mounts, and dis-
criminate against easy gaited horses.

        The Stallions, and the Plan of Distribution.

  The following stallions have been purchased and are avail-
able for this work: Mirzer, Mad River, Magazine, Busy,

ch-tnut. four - hit, l-gs a-d feet  Thrr- s ears- 'It.
1IS ha.nd. 1ut5u1 pounds.

; Sir ftho-

Nl  uk

I gritr

Samson, Milan, Polarine. Ivan Gardner, Jonn W. Chester
and Luke. All are handsome, useful types. They have been
selected with care and discretion, and they possess substance
and quality.
  Each stallion will be sent to some community in this State.

F'i,. 2!5. Stallion Nit. 7.


They will only be committed to the care of careful farmers
or horsemen who will be expected to keep the horses in first-
class condition. A fee of 10.00 will be charged for service
to utility mares, and the fee will be collected at the time
of service. This stipulation is justified in view of the fact
that the fee is only nominal and amounts to almost nothing

F-g 26. Stallion No. 8. Chestnut. -tarasd stipe, two hind feet white Thee, year-
                    old. 16 hands. 990 Pounds.

Pete, Qunce

Amy J.

X Co--ando
I Fair Vision
Ben Doran

                                        Fai Recluse

when the individuality and breeding of the stallions is con-
sidered.  The requirement of paying at time of service is
justified further by the fact that the fertility of each stal-
lion will be tested at Lexington early in the spring before
they are sent out to their new homes. Therefore infertility


            o) WNEI) BY TH  RACING COMMISSION.  ',

will result from barrenness of mares and will not be the
fault of the stallions. If the service fees were not due until
the colt is born, then almost any number of barren mares
might be brought to the horses and the stallions would be
literally worn out performing useless and unremunerative

                  JOHN WV. CHESTER
F.g. 27. Stallion N., 9. F'i-e years old. 15 hands 2:1, irch- 10'O pounds.
            Bay. hind feet white, tar in forehead.

John W. Chester

Alfred Vargrave    Inspector B.
                   I Fronie Lo-ise



service. The owner of the mare, we believe, should assume
some responsibility in connection with the breeding and set-
tling of his mare. When the collection of the fee is deferred
until the birth of the colt (as practiced in most sections)
almost all of the responsibility falls on the stallion owner


and it is an injustice to the latter. Free return service will
be given to all the mares that are served by the horses sent
out by the State University. It is stipulated that the free
return service will be given only during the spring that she
was served. It does not hold over another year. Only
mares that are satisfactory and that are found free from
disease will be bred.
  The purpose of this work is to improve the horse stock of

Fr 23' S-afi- oN. :I, 1 U.B, hir feet -hile, stripe im for.head. T-'   -...) 'a
              ,,]1 15 hands 3 inches, 1121, w-dunz-


, Oberon

Kentucky, and it is presumed that the stallions will be
mated ordinarily with utility mares that carry various lines
of breeding. Occasionally, however, ThoroughbrEd mares
will no doubt be brought to the stallions and in order that
the horses owned by the Kentucky Racing Commission may
not unjustly compete with similar stallions owned by private
parties it is stipulated that mares that are registered with
the American Jockey Club will only be bred after a private


          ()WNEJJ BY THE R.4 CING COMMISSION.      ',

contract has been made with the State University. In cases
where the Thoroughbred colt is not to be registered, and
where the mare is considered as a utility mare capable of
producing a good useful unregistered colt, it is probable
that the fee will be the same as with a mare of any other
  It is hoped that it will be explicitly understood by those
who are entrusted with one of these stallions that the horse
is to be kept in good condition and that he is to be well fed
and groomed. It is hoped that he may be furnished a pad-
dock in which to gain exercise and green feed. In some
cases these stallions can be used to ride about the farm and
such light work will be encouraged.
  We appreciate the fact that some farmers will keep the
horses in better condition than others. A member of the
Department of Animal Husbandry will visit the farmers
frequently and will inspect the horses. A careless man will
not be given a stallion the second year and in fact the right
is reserved to take the stallions away from men who mistreat
them. We desire in every way to encourage parties who
take good care of the stallions. The careful man deserves
more compensation than one who is not so careful. In some
communities the horses will be in greater demand and will
earn larger fees during the season than in other communi-
ties. No doubt some of the horses will cover Thoroughbred
mares at private fees which will aggregate more than with
other mares. In other words, the cost of keeping the indi-
vidual horses will vary considerably in different communities
and with different men and the fees earned will vary with
individual horses. It is desired to give each man a just and
liberal compensation for keeping the horse and the man who
is careful and who gets a large number of mares for his stal-
lion will receive more compensation than one who does not
exert himself in this regard. Further, some of the horses
will be brought back to Lexington for the winter and in
such cases the farmer will only incur the expense of keeping
the horse for half the year, while in other instances the
stallion may be left at the farm during the entire year. For



these reasons it is stipulated that a private contract will be
made with each man in regard to the conditions upon which
the stallion is to be secured. It is expected that the ser-
vice fees will more than pay the expenses of the horses, and
that the farmer will secure his remuneration from the ser-
vice fees. Blanks will be furnished on which a report will
be made as to the character of mares that are served
  Beautiful stallion cards, to be used in advertising the
horses, will be supplied free of charge.
  It is understood that the Kentucky Racing Commission
and the State University will not be responsible for acci-
dents that may occur in handling the horses during the
breeding season, or while they are away from Lexington.
  The measurement, weight, picture and pedigree of each
horse printed in this booklet will serve to give full and com-
plete information regarding the breeding and individuality
of each stallion owned by this Commission.
  It is hoped that this work will prove of such enduring
benefit to the horse stock of the State that more stallions
may be added next year.
  By way of explanation it may be stated that the Ken-
tucky Racing Commission consists of a committee of five
gentlemen who are appointed by the Governor of Kentucky
to look after the Thoroughbred horse interests of the State.
They desire to promote the welfare of the horse in every
possible way.
  FEED AND CARE OF THE STALLIONS: Each stallion is being
fed at Lexington eight quarts of oats per day, divided into
three feeds. An ear of corn is fed night and morning with
the oats and twenty pounds of timothy hay is supplied to
each horse per day, divided into two feeds. Twice a week
the feed is cooked or made into a mash. Every other day
they are given a small bundle of sorghum cane. They are
ridden two miles or more each day for exercise. They are
curried and are kept blanketed. Their stalls are bedded
every morning and their feet are cleaned out daily. If they


           ( WNED B Y THE RACING COMMISSION.       '

had a paddock to run in it would be better and would serve
to keep their feet in better condition. The stallions are all
in the pink of condition.
  Parties who are anxious to secure one of these stallions
are invited to write to the Department of Animal Hus-
bandry, Kentucky State University, Lexington, Ky.


Electronic reproduction. 2002. (Beyond the shelf, serving historic Kentuckiana through virtual access (IMLS LG-03-02-0012-02) ; These pages may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.

Booklet of information regarding the thoroughbred stallions owned by the Kentucky Racing Commission Kentucky State Racing Commission. University Press, Lexington, Ky. : [1---]

29 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.


Title page missing.

Microfilm. Atlanta, Ga. : SOLINET, 1998. 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. (SOLINET/ASERL Cooperative Microfilming Project (NEH PA-23166-98) ; SOL MN08120.02 KUK) s1998 gaun a

Printing Master B98-35.


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