xt7ttd9n3q1s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ttd9n3q1s/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19300415 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1930-04-apr15. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1930-04-apr15. 1930 2011 true xt7ttd9n3q1s section xt7ttd9n3q1s 

     Minutes of the reular quarterly meeting of the Board of
Trustees, University of Kentuck-yr, for Tuesday, Avaril 15, 1930.

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met
in regular quarterly session in t-he President's office at the
University of Kentuck- on Tuesday, April 15, 1930 at 10:30
a. m.  The following members were Dresent:   Governor Flem
D. S3mpson, Judge R. C. Stoll, ht. James Park, Mr. Robert G.
Gordon, Mr. J. R. Rash, Mr. Louis Hillenmayer, Mr. J. B. An-
drews, and Dr. W. W. Wash.   Meeting with the Board were Frank
L. McVey, President of the University, and Wellington Patrick,
     1. Settlement with. J. T. Jackson Lumber Company for Con-
struc-ion of Memorial Building.   A communication from Mr.
J. P. Johnston, attorney for the University, recommending a
settlement with the J. T. Jnackson Lumber Company for the con-
struction of the Memorial Building was presented, read, and
ordered incorporated in tie minutes.   A motion was zmade,
seconded and carried that the advice of the University counsel
be carried out.   The letter was as follows:

                                 2 April, 1930

   Mr. D. H. Peak,
   Business Agent,
   University of Kentucky,
   Lexington, Ny.

   Dear Mr. Peak:

                          In Re: Memorial Hall.

              I amn herewith returning to you the file in
   connection with the Memorial Hall with a view to the
   payment of all outstanding claims against J. T. Jack-
   son Lumber Company in connection with the building,

             From Mr. Crutcher's letter to Dr. McVey,
   dated February 12, 1930, it appears that there is now
   due to the J. T. Jackson Lumber Company on the contract
   for the erection of this building a balance of $2,713.70.
   From this letter there also appear to be outstanding
   and unpaid bills as of the date thereof, as follows:



       John G. Pool Company, Dayton, Ohio,  , 90.08
       F. T. Justice & Company, Lexington,
       Ky.,                                  1271.37
       Aimerican Wood Column Company, 907
       Grand Street, Brooklyn, New York,     2082.43
       Ch-amberlin Metal Weathor Strip
       Company, Louisville, Ky.,              373.00
       Repainting entire building with Uni-
       vorsity l.abor and materi.ls, two coats
       necessary to cover defective contract
       poiint job,                            3.24.90 *8

            Attached hereto till be found a letter from
John G. Pool Comnany to J. T. Jackson Lumber Comp.ny,
dated March 12, 1930, acknowledging p.ayment in Lull
of its account for mnterial on this building.

            Attached hereto will also be found a copy
of a receipt of R. W. Keenon and W. E. Darragh, attiorn-
eys for Americaan Wood Column Company, dated February
10th, 1930, for tho full na1yraent of the cln-im of that
eompany, which copy was furnished to me by the J. T. Jrck-
son Lumber Company.   However, I have had Ur. W. E. Dar-
ragh attest the correctness of this rccipt.

             I also attach letter from W0 E. Darragh to
me, stating th?.t the assignmont executed by the J. T.
Jackson Lumiber Company to Americ-n Wood Cblumn Company,$
w.s never accepted and was returned to the J. T. J-%ckson
Lumbor Comopany.

            Eliminating the claims of Johh G. Pool Com-
pany and American Wood Column dorapany whioh havo been
paid  leaves a total outstanding and unpaid bills of
Jl176i.65 against the ballanoc of ;2?13.70 owing by the
University to J. T. J.ckson Lumber Coinpany. This statc
ment is mraado on the basis of thoe Chnmberlin Metal 7oather
Strip Company's claim amounting to  371688, for which.
amount the J. T. J'ckson Lurfoor Company has delivered to
the University an Assignment.   In some of the dorros-
pondence the C'hamberlin ocople claimed j373.00, but I
was advised by you this morning tha.t the later corros-
pondence shows their claim to be 1371.88, the sure -s
the rimount of the assignment.



           I see no reason why the claim of F. T.
Justice & Company, Lexington, Kentucky, in the sum
of $1271.37 and the claim of Chamberlain Metal Weath-
er Strip Company, Louisville, Kentucky, in the sum of
%?371.88 should notb be paid in accordance with the
written assignment of the Jackson Lumber Company
which I have taken from the file and attached to this
letter, and recommend that this be done.   I might
add that the J. T. Jackson Lumber Company did not wish
the Chamberlin claim paid until the work was acceptable
to the University, but I was advised this morning by
Mr. Crutcher over the telephone that the work had been
accepted and he had no objection to the claim being

           When credit is taken for the "1824.60 for
the repainting of the building, in accordance with
the contract referred to in Mr, Ciutcher's above men-
tioned letter, there will then remain a balance of
.1945.85 owing by the University to the J. T. Jackson
Lumber Company on the contract and this balance can
then be credited on tihe thousand dollar subscription
.,ade by the J. T. Jackson Lumber 6ompany for the erec-
tion of the Memorial 'Hall.

           It is probable that the charge of $124.60
for repainting the building will hot be acceptable
to the J. T. Jackaon Lumber Comoany, as you will notice
th',at their version of the arrang'thent which is set
forth near the end of their letter to the University
dated December 2, 1929i differs from Mrt Crutcher's
version as srt forth in his above mentioned letter
to Dr. MoVey.   The foregoing settlemnent is based on
the architectfs certificate dated February 1st, 1930,
in which the University was allowed the full deduction
of $5500.00 for alternate #9, the use of concrete tile,
instead of brick.   The last cotiVersation I had with
J. T. Jackson, Jr. indicated that he was not satisfied
with the allowance of the full deduction and I am
satisfied that the settlement will not be satisfactory
to him on this account.   However, when the claims
of F. T. Justice & Company and Charaberlin Metal Weather
Strip Company have been paid and credit tien for the
repainting, I suggest that you send a statement of
the settlement to th.e J. T. Jackson Lumber Company
so that they may take whatever steprs they wish to
regarding it.   This will at least settle the entire
transaction with everyone, except t'he J. T. Jackson
LWumb er Company.

                             Yours very truly,

                                   J. P. Johnston



    2. Business  Agen- ts Repott.  A financial statem.-ent of
the Business Azent was oresented and ordered incorDorat-ed in
t-se Minutes.  T:^e reportiwas as follows:

                                        EXHIBIT "1Bn

          Statement of Income a.nd Expenditures

                   Mont-h of Mlarch 1930

General Fund Income
  Federal Awn-ropriat ion
  Ed. Bldg.-St. Aprro.
  Ed. Bldg.-Gen. Ed. Bdo
  Special Agri. Appro.
  State Ta-x
  int. on Liberty Bonds
  Inm. on Endowment Bonds
  Student Fees
  Student Fees - Sum, Sch.
  Student Fees - U.H..8,
  Student Fees - Univ. Ext.
  liscellaneous Receipts
  Ren' als
  Ment s Dormitories
  Dairy Bldg. - St. Appro.
  Sum. Sch. - St. Appro.
  Vocational Education Bd.

Previously Current
Retorted   Month


To Date

1,693.11  25,632.59
22,34aO.63 824,501.62
1,314.93 133;318.87
     5.00   4,217.00
 3,622.73  20,773.58
   584.19  13,900.36
   210.00   27077.50
   254.65  17,509.66
 2,902.81  40,118.03

  Instruction               577 ;289.28
  Adm. Expense and Mainten. 234,974.46
  Additions and Betterments 408,428.63
               Total      1,220,692.35

  Excess of Income over
      Expenditures          152,357.88

73,807.07 6251809.33
21,974.74  258,999.20
50,887.11 459.315.74
146.668.92 1,367.361.27

(113,734.87) 38,18-23.01



Patterson Hall Incorie
Miscellaneous Receipts
  Room Rent - Surimer Sch.

53,483. 84
  473. 95
58,378. 79

Expendi-tures                     .
  Ex-)ense                  41 522.49
  Additions and Better=ents 2,013.13
               Total        43,535.62

  Excess of Incormle over Ex-
  penditures              14 843E.7

General Fund Income      1,431,429.02
General Fund Expend.     1,264,227.97

Excess of General Fund
    Inco-Ie over Expend.   167,201.05

 Excess of Expenditures over
 ROcr Gen. Ledger Acct.     (45l-29)

 1928-1929 Accounts Payable
 liquidated during Current
 Year                    (45,406.78)

 Excess of Expenditures over
 Receipts for the fiscal year
 to date - General Fund 121,342.98

 Excess of Expenditures over
 Receipts for ti e fiscal year
 to date - General Fund
 Ca..sh in Bank July 1, 1929 -
 General Fund
 Cash in Bank March 31, 1930 -
 General Fund

Trust Fund Incorie
  Student Loan Fund
  Student Notes Paid
          Total Receipts

  Student Notes



2,164.00 55,647e 84
   46.36     520.31
2,210T.36  80,589.15

6,223.51 47,746.00
6,223.51 49,75,13

(4,01-0.15) _10,83,0.02

  35,144.41 1,466,573.43
  15Z 892.43 1,417,120.40

(117,748.02)  49,%45: 3.03

  (6,845.07)   (7,296.36)

         ( 3  -(45,406.76)

(124.593.09) _-(3,2E0.11)





881. 00

Excess of Expenditures over
  Receipts                  (180E.32)     (321.30)

1, 579. 55
6,!2 59.13






Excess of Expecnd itures over
Receipts for t -e fiscal year
to datue - Trust Fund
Gas:- in Bank July 1, 1929 -
Tr-ust Fund
Cash in Bank liar. 31,1930 -Trust Tund

Exnerirment Stati-on Income
hatch - Federal Axnro.    11,250.00
Milk and Butter - Cash
  Receints                  9 ,959.07
  Beef Cattle Sales          4,365.29
  Dairy Cattle Sales           950.82
  Sheep Sales               1,212.10
  Swine Sales                1,448,17
  Poultry Sples              2,022.89
  Farm Produce Sales         3,138.34
  Horticultural Sples        2,397.4-5
  Seed Test                     43.00
  Rentals                    3,392.39
  Mi- cellaneous Receipts    3,058.45
  Fertilizer - Fees         18,862.50
  Public Service - St. Aporo.

  if          - Miscel.
Feeding Stuffs - Fees
Ad ams - Federal Appro.
Serum - Sales
     - Viru's Sales
  "  - Supply Sales
  it  - Miscel. Receipts
State Appropriation
Creamery - License Fees
  It    - Testers Lic.
  "t    - Glassware Test.
Robinson - State Appro.
W7. Xy. - State Anpro.
W. Ky. - Miscel. Receipts
Purnell - Federal Appro.
State Apnro. - Patterson
  Farm Purchase
Nursery Inspection - St.
Nursery Inspection - Fees
Cream Grading
Abort ion Test
Co-Op. Poultry
Apiary Inspection - State
Arnpropriat ion


1,894, 00


1, 500.00


1,023. 70




1,155. 25


P, 4a a a. -   r

11 ,2580.Q 

10,982 77
  5,525. 75
  1 ,280.10
  1, 485.17
  4 020.82



 1, 810.00
 2j ,892.85


(501. 62)

  87-. 89




Experiment Station Expenditures
  Expense                248,047.57
  Additions and Better.   12,340.72
          Total          260,388.29



Excess of Expenditures
  over Income




Excess of Expenditures over
  Income for the fiscal year
  Uo date - Experiment Sta-
  t ion
Cash in Bank July 1, 1929 -
  Experiment Station
Cash in Bank March 31, 1930 -
  Experiment Station




Extension Division Income
  Federal Smith-Lever    1.53,241.30
  Federal Supplementary   54,642.56
  Federal Capper-Ketcham  37,291.95
  State Smithh-Lever      71,826.91
  County and Other         2,827.92
           Total         318,832.64

Expense                237,035.15
  Excess of Income over
    Expenditures          81,797.49
  1928-1929 Federal Smith-.
    Lever balance trans-
    ferred from Surplus to
    Income Acct.          (3,083.33)

  Excess of Receipts over
    Expenditures for the
    fiscal year to date -
    Extension Division    78,713.86

  Excess of Receipts over
    Expenditures for the
    fiscal year to date -
    Extension Division
  Cash in Bank July 1, 1929 -
    Extension Division
  Cash in Bank March 31, 1930 -
    Extension Division*




( 18,529s54)











  General Furn. Inco^.e  1,431),-i29.02
  Trust, Fund Incomie      1,531.40
  Experimrent Station Inc. 233,135.12
  Extension Division Inc. 318,832.54
               Total    2,009,92,8.18

  General Fund Exrend. 1,1254, 227.97
  Trust Fund Expend.          339.50
  Experiment Station Exp. 260,388.29
  Extension Div. Expend. 237,035.15
                Total    1,761,990.91

12 . 713. 11

1j /-o6 $ 573.43
    1, 579'. 55

76,368. 22 2 0435,4-9.40

152,892.43 11,417,120.40
     40.00        379.50
 33,586.59   293,9 74.88
 31, 24 2. 65  SS,277. 80
 217,761.67  1,979,752.58

Excess of Income over




Excess of Expenditures
over Rec. for Generil
Ledrer Accounts
Stbudent Loan Fund -
No tes



(6,845.07)  (10,379.99)

( 329. 45)  (1,701.o37)

1928-1929 Account s Paya'ole
liquidated during Current
Year                   ( 45,406. 78)

Excess of Receipt Us over Ex-
peniditures for the fiscal
year to date - Combine d
Fund                   197,623.35 (148,367.97 )

Excess of ReceiDts over
Eoe-xpendi tures for the
iscal year to date -
Co'ibined Fund

Ca.sh in Bank and on hand
July 1, 1929 - Combined

t-: t-506, 78)

49, 25 c. 38

409 , 255. 38


Cash in Bank and on hand
Ma-rch 31, 1930 - Combined

159-183F.80 _



                 AbStract of item sn..own on Staetement
                 of Inco:.e end Exi"end itures as "Ex-
                 cess of Exoenditures over Receints
                 for General Ledger Acm unts

                                       Debit        Credit

      Accounts Receivable                           24,033.79

      Insurance Paid in Advance      2,75148

      Sundry Accounts               28,581.47

      Surplus                        3,083. 63

                                     34,418.78      24,036.79



     3. quarterly ReporTt of the Presidant,.  President lHcVey
made a brief quarterly report as follows:

     (a) Attendance.   The attendance for the second semester
of tilis year is 2,825.  This number is divided as follows:

           196 in the Graduate School
         1,077 in the College of Arts and Sciences
           248 in the College of Agriculture
           539 in the College of Engineering
           80 in the College of Law
           210 in the College of Education
           275 in the College of Commerce

The enrollment in the regular session during the year has been
somewhat in excess of 3,000.  The enrollment in the Summer
Session last year was 1,328 during the first sewsion and 450
during the second session.   The increase in enrollment over
last year was a little over 186o.

     It is my judgment we shall expect an increase in enrollment
in the student body at the University for some years to cormie.
The student enrollment in high school is much below that of
other states.   For examnle, the student enrollment in high
school in the state of North Carolina is fifty-five students
for each one thousand copulation, while in Kentucky we have
only nineteen students for each one thousand population.



      At the oresont tine we have 824 high schools in the
 State of Kentucky and the increase in high school enrollment
 in the state has been 300z0 in ten yer8rs.  All the hi-h schools
 are si;.l, however.   There are only three schools in the
 stite thnatJ enroll more than 1,000 students aend 70e of the high
 schools enroll 100 or fewer.   The oroblem of attendnce at the
 University of Kentucky, therefore, is not a declining one, but
 greoving one because 'he University receives its student body
 from the hirh school graduates of the state.   The high school
 moverae~t in Kentucky did not begin until the early nineties,
 while in many st ates it begnn much earlier.

      About one-half of the high school graduates that go-to
 colleg5e in Kentucky come to the University of Kentucky, and
 the remaining portion go to other Kentucky institutions or out
 of the state.   The University of Kentucky, of course, maintains
 collegtes covering seven different fields.  The outlook for the
 growth of t he University, therefore, is a promising one and
 we shall expect to reach the saturation point in college atten-
 dance at a much later period than any of the other states.

      (b) Building PyEram. The building program of the Uni-
versity which has oeen under way for some time will reach its
conclusion when buildings under way are finished.   The Educa-
taon building is about domolete and will be ready for use during
the summer.   The Dairy Products building is rracticaIly complete.
The Library is in Drocess of construction and we shall expect
LtO have the first wing of this building complete b3y about De-
cember, 1931.   We are making plans for the construction of an
observatory as the observatory which the University used for
many years had to be torn down in order to make room for the
construction of McVey HIall,  We are also making plans for the
construction of an animal house to meet the needs of the various
science departments.   Funds were provided for an Agricultural
ln-gineering building, and plans for this building should be
ready in the near future.   We have funds also appropriated by
the Legislature for the construction of a Beef Cattle barn
and a Hog barn.   Both of these buildings are to be erected
shortly, and we shall have recommendations for their construction
in the near future.  The Le.islature also -;nade an appropria-
tion for a. service building on the University czampus to house
machinery and eQuipmcnt in use on the grounds, and a recommenda-
-tion will be made later for that building.

     We have immediate need, however, for more buildings, The
residence halls for women are now crowded, and we have no
place for the increasing number of young women coming to the
Univeysity.   The question as to whether or not we shall nt-
ter~lt to expand facilities to take coare of the Tooming condio
tions for young women is al problem for consideration.  The
University has found it is more satisfactory to house the n ,omne



in University buildings than to attempt to have them live in
Drivate families in the city.

     In addition to this, we need provisions for a Music
buildin&, and a laborn'tory  building for geology, bacteriology
and zoology.   We also need an Engineering building, and addi-
tional Provisions for women's dormitories.

     (c) Report of the Zoning Com-mission. The City of Lexing-
ton has had a zoning commission studying the situation of city
zoning fox thse past year.  Recently the Commission made its
report, and has made certain recommendations affecting Universi-
ty property.   Recently we had a meeting with the Commission
at its request and discussed several points contained in thle
recommendations of the Commission which would affect the Uni-
versity.   Briefly these points are:

           (1) A widening of Limestone Street.

           (2) The widening of the Nicholasville Pike
               from the junction of Limestone and Rose
               Streets for a distance of one mile out
               of the citLye

           (3) The widening of Rose Street, particular-
               ly beyond Washington Aventie.

           (4) The construction of boulevards around
               the city.   It is proposed by the zoning
               system to construct two boulevards around
               the city, both of which would cut across
               University property.   The widening of
               streets would, of course, involve Uni-
               versity Dronerty.   The boulevards would
               cut through the Experiment Station farm,
               and we have filed objections with the
               Commission particularly to cutting the
               University farm.

     (d) Purchase Of Tobacco Warehouse.   In'front of the Uni-
versity campus is a toacco Warehouse which not only obstructs
the viewer in front of the carnDus but is rather unsightly when
considering t-he teacher-trainiing building just constructed.
We have been wondering whether or not this Building could be
purchased and t.he 'k25,000 aonroved by the Le.--islature applied
on its nurchase.

     This is all t'lat I hlave to offer in the way of a report.

     The question of the purchase of a tobacco warehouse was
referred to a committee consisting of President McVey, Mr.
Crutcher, and Mir. Peak.  This committee was asked to consider
the matter and make a report at a later meeting of the Board.



      4. Bids on Observatory.   Bids for the construction of
an observatory were received and opened.   The bids were as

      W. T. Congleton Lumber Company ............ ?21,226.00
      Skinner Brothers    .   ..................... 18,769.00
      George Hoskins Lumber Company     ..      20,089.50
      J. T. Jackson Lumber Company ........... 14,152.00

      5. Bids for Oonstruction of an Animal House.   Bids for
the construction of an animal house wrere opened and were as

      George Hcskins Lumber Company  .......... R24,876.55
      W. T. Congleton Lumber Company       .. *e23,934.00
      J. T. Jackson Lumber Company .   ........... 18,444.00
      Smith Haggard Lumber Company ............ 20,950.00

      All these bids were higher than contemplated, and a motion
was made, seconded, and carried that the bids be referred to
a committee, consisting of Mr. James Park, President McTey
and Mr. Crutcher, who should have them tabulated and studied
and make a report at a later meeting of the Executive Committee,

     6. Purchase of Additional Property for Experiment Station.
A communicat ion was read from Dean  ooper recommending the
purchase of about twenty acres of land as an addition to the
Experiment Station in order to straighten a property line.
A suggestion was made to pay for the property out of Experiment
Station income,   The matter was discussed and a motion was
made, seconded, and carried referring the matter to the Presi-.
dent of the University with power to act.

     7. Storm Sewer at the Education Building. President Mc-
Vey reported to tnre Board thaat in the construction of the
Teacher-Training building draimage in that area had been in-
terfered with causing the water to stand around the streets
and houses in the vicinity and that the only solution seemed
to be the construction of a storm sewer across University
property connecting with the city sewer.   The matter was dis-
cussed, and a motion was made, seconded, and carried authorizing
'hie construction of such a sever with the understanding that
the City of Lexington should pay one-third of the cost and the
University to pay two-thirds of the cost.



     8, Honorary Degrees.    A communication was read from
the University Senate recommending that the honorary degree
LL.D. be conferred upon the following persons: Edward E. Hume
of Washington, D. C., and William H. Townsend of Lexington,
Kentucky.   A motion was made, seconded, and carried ,hat ihe
degrees recommended be conferred.

     9. School of Religion.   President McVey presented a ptti-
tion from a group of persons interested in the establishing of
a school of religion at the University, together with a platn
for such an institution.   The matter was discussed at length,
but no action was taken.

    10. Allowance for CountV Agents for Travel.    President Mc-
Vey called the attention of the Board to the provisions of Te-
cent legislation, limiting allowance for travel on automobiles
used for travel on state business to five cents a mile, and
stated that county agricultural agents had previously been al-
lowed $50.00 a month to cover all traveling expenses.    The mat-
ter was discussed and a motion was made, seconded, and carried
that county agents be allowed five cents a mile on automobiles
-hen used for University business, this to be in lieu of pre-
vious arrangements making an allowance of $50 a month for all
traveling expenses; and that this arrangement become effective
April 1, 1930.

    11. Calendar of the University Year.    President McVey pre-
sented a calendar for the University year 1930-31 which was
passed by the Board as follows:


August 16     Last date for application for ex-service privileges
              for the first semester.


Sept. 11, 12, 13 Thursday, Friday, Saturday



                       FIRST SEMESTER
Sept. 15, 16  Monday, Tuesday.   Registration for first semester,
               including registration for evening courses.
Sept. 15, 16  Payment of first quarter's board in residence
               halls for women.
Sept, 15, 16  Payment of first semester's rent in men's dormi-
Sept. 16       Tuesday, Board of Trustees meet.
Sept. 17       Wednesday, class work begins.
Sept. 20       Saturday morning, registration for evening courses.
Sept. 22       Last date for making changes in registration or
               in the schedule without payment of fees.
Sept. 26       Last date for registration for first semester
               without special permission from the heads of the
               departments concerned.
Sept, 29      Monday, last date on which a student may enter
               an organized class.
Sept.         Monday, last date on which a subject may be
               dropped without a grade by permission of the
Oct. 16        Thursday, last date on which a student may
               withdraw and receive refund on matriculation fees.
Nov. 17        Monday, payment of second quarter's board on
               the residence halls for women.
Nov. 27        Thursday, Thanksgiving holiday.
Dec. 9         Tuesday, Board of Trustees meet.
Dec. 20        Saturday noon, Christmas holiday begins.


Jan. 5         Monday, 8:00 a. mi., Christmas holiday ends.
Jan. 3         Saturday, last date for application for ex-
               service privileges.
Jan. 23-31     Mid-year examinations.
Jan. 23-30     Registration for second semester by students who
               were registered for the first semester.
Feb. 2         Monday, registration of new students for second
Feb. 2         Monday, payment of third quarter's board in
               residence halls for women,
Feb. 2         Monday, payment of second semester's rent in
               dormitory for men.
Feb. 3         Tuesday, instruction resumed.
Feb. 7         Saturday, last date for making changes in regis-
               tration or in the schedule without payment of














12       Thursday, lbt date for registration for second
           semester without special permission from heads
           of departments concerned.
 16       Monday, 1-t day on which a student may register
           in an organized class.
 16       Monday, last date on whiCh a subject may be
           dropped by permission of the Dean without a
           grade of E.
 22       Sunday, Washington's Birthday.
ch:4       Wednesday, last date on which a student may with-
           draw and receive refund on matriculation fees.
.1 1       Wednesday, payment of fourth quarter's board in
           residence halls for women.
i1 7       Tuesday, Board of Trustees meets.
.1 2-7     Thursday, 8:00 a. m. to Tuesday, 8:00 a.m.
           Easter Holidays.
1         Friday, May Day.
6, 7, 8, 9 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, High
           School Week.
11        Last date for making application for ex-service
           privileges for first term of the summer session.
25        Last date for examinations for candidates for
26        Last date for reporting grades for candidates
           for degrees.
29-June 4  Friday to Thursday, final examinations.
31         Sunday, Baccalaureate Sermon.
4         Thursday, Meeting of Board-of Board of Trustees.
e 5       Friday, Sixty-fourth Annual Commencement.
8        Monday, Junior Club Week.
15       Monday, Registration for first summer term.

     12. Payments of Warrants Owned hl County Agents.   Presi-
dent McVey reported that several county agents are being paid
in county warrants as a part of their salaries.   In some in-
stances, these county warrants can not be cashed at local banks.
A communication was read from Dean Cooper that in such instances
the University be allowed to purchase these warrants at par val-
ue so that the county agents might be given their salaries.   The
matter was discussed, but no action was taken.



     13. Budget for 1930-1.931.  The budget of the University
for the year 1930-1931 weas presented, examined by the Board,
and a. motion was made, seconded, and curried adopting it as a
basis of expenditures for the fiscal year.

     14.  Right of Way for Telephone Lines at Quicksand.   A
motion was made, seconded, and carried, authorizing the signing
of a contTact with the Southern Bell Telephone Company for a
right of waiy over University property at Quicksand, Kentucky.

     15. Medical Education.   President M-cVey presented to the
3oard a brief statem74ent regarding the situation in the State
respecting medical education.   He suggested a serious study of
the whole situation with a view of establishing the facts and
making a clean-cut recommendation.

     316. Insurance of the Libraries.  President IMcVey reported
to the Board of Tru~steesthat the situation regarding insurance
of library buildings and library books, indicated that the
situation needed some study and consideration.   A motion was
made, seconded, and carried, recommending theat Mr. Peak obtain
from Mr. Scott of Klair and Scott a full recommendation regard-
ing what t'he University should do with respect to insurance
and report to the Executive Committee at a later meeting.

     17. Financial Condition of Campus Bookstore.   President
M-TcVev reported to the Board that some recent criticism had been