xt7ttd9n4g21 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ttd9n4g21/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1998 bulletins English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 73, No. 3, Winter - March 1998 text Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 73, No. 3, Winter - March 1998 1998 2014 true xt7ttd9n4g21 section xt7ttd9n4g21 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE K ¤ & Vclumc 73 Number 3 Winter - March 1998 2. I .8 ~¤,_,_ _,..·>° " I ‘ WW ‘ I T ’ ' ` O II ¥Qa,;·. rs . b A ,•` • Fr; ` I ' 4: l if —C_ s' ” 2+. FZ T 3 -- » r— 5:;,. I ~ 5 ,9,3 _ ` r j, > 1 - -I '__ 4 wry ~»¤ _ . I {A , .;%,5* 1 ,. , » "` I I " ‘ I —’‘¤ · hi - %~L.,i*f!*‘¤q . K I ’·· ’ .§ » ` `'`S I 3 7· . G · V; ‘ . r_,3r * 3 , "¤*?T$ —.. . - —:· ~‘‘ T .22 , —4 , I r @*1. » —— :·;;H`/¥"2T» ·=\ Aw · - .1;* . ` _, 7h,f-{· >· O V {Q V r¢fi—: 1 · lll U 11 1 1 1 US ISSN 0016-2116 if Table of Contents Introduction t0 the FNS - Deanna Severance 1 Beyond the Mountains - Deanna Severance 2 ‘ Wendover News — Jeremy T. Bus/1 9 Courier Program News — Karen Thomisee 14 FSMFN/CNEP News - Susan Stone 18 Tribute to Kitty Ernst - Jan Davis 2() Memories that Linger — Georgia Leabford 21 Miscellaneous 23 In Memory of Camilla Coolidge — Boston Conzmirzee 24 In Memoriam 26 Coverphoto: This wonderful bundle of German Shepherd joy (named "Ruby") was recently dropped off on the Wendover Post Office steps. She is now a member of our FNS family. (Photo by Bar/2 Gi/mnt) Visit the FNS web site: www.barefoot.com/fns Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin ` Published at the end of each quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Wendover, Kentucky 41775 1 Subscription Price $5.00 a Year for Donors ` Subscription Price $15.00 a Year for Institutions VOLUME 73 NUMBER 3 Winter March 1998 Second-class postage paid at Wendover, KY 41775 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to FNS. Wendover, KY 41775. = Copyright FNS/Inc. 1998 All Rights Reserved é 1 x QUARTERLY BULLETIN 1 ll The Frontier Nursing Service ,l U you have never been introduced to the Frontier h I Nursing Service we would like to take this opportunity to brief ( you 0n the history and the on-going work ofthe Service. We encourage you to share this Bulletin with a friend. Born in 1881 into a prominent American family, Mary , l Breckinridge spent her early years in many parts of the world- Russia, France, Switzerland and the British Isles. After the . death of her two children, she abandoned the homebound life ll expected of women of her class to devote herself to the service of others, particularly children. j Mrs. Breckinridge established the Frontier Nursing l Service (FNS) in Leslie County, Kentucky in 1925, then one of Z. Q: the poorest and most inaccessible areas in the United States. Mrs. Breckinridge introduced the first nurse-midwives in this l country. Riding their horses up mountains and across streams in blizzard, fog or flood, the FNS nurses brought modem healthcare to families throughout an area of 700 square miles. Until her death in 1965, Mary Breckinridge was the driving force behind the work of the Service whose influence g I today extends far beyond eastern Kentucky. Through the Fron- X tier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing hundreds of nurses have been trained and this important concept of family healthcare has been carried throughout the world. Today the FNS is organized as a parent holding com- 1 pany for Mary Breckinridge Healthcare Inc., (home health lv . agency, four outpost clinics, one primary care clinic in the » hospital, Kate Ireland Women‘s Healthcare Clinic) and for the I Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing - the largest - 1 midwifery program in the United States. Remarkably, the purpose and philosophy of the FNS l has remained constant since 1925. -Deanna Severance, CEO l A I 1 . l 2 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE l Beyond the Mountains - ? by Deanna Severance, Director I l "Swallow, my sister, O sister swallow. How can thine heart be full of spring? Algernon Charles Swinburne Itylus (1864) ,. 1 l This week the first robin red breast landed on the fence, _ l a harbinger of spring. After the snow and storms of this winter, T we are all looking forward to a beautiful - and please — an early E spring! I { Fall is always a busy time at the FNS. Each year I think j i the holiday season cannot be more beautiful and special than the l past year, but each year seems to surpass the previous. { October Board Meeting , . The Board of Governors held their fall meeting October , 17, 18 at Wendover during the graduation weekend of our _ midwifery students. The Board and I had a wonderful opportu- l nity to interact with faculty, students and the families of our pl students. There were many children present to proudly watch » their mothers receive their midwifery diplomas. Returning to I graduate school in mid-life presents many changes for the “ family, and the Board and I are appreciative of the sacrifices A these families make. . The best news released to the Board was that Mrs. — Susan E. Stone has accepted the permanent position as Director ° g ofCNEP. Sue, her husband, Larry,andtheir youngestson,Josh, l are busily preparing for the move from upper New York State! i Middle son, Larry Jr., will be attending college in the fall. Eg Oldest daughter, Heather, is a practicing registered nurse. - 1 FNP Course- Writers Recruitment November 12-15 Barb Gibson, Dr. Anne Wasson and l Itraveled to Washington, DC, to attend the National Organiza- \ tion of Nurse Practitioners Conference. We attended this time QUARTERLY BULLETIN 3 for the purpose of recruiting "course-writers" for the FNP p Program. Barb set up our booth which was a lovely display of V. photographs from our horseback days and today. Many nurse practitioners visited our booth. The nurses would study the I . pictures while Barb and I explained we were at the Conference 1 to recruit "course—writers". It took Barb and I awhile to compre- hend why several nurses would turn to us an say "Oh, do you F still do that? I've always wanted to do thatl" Write courses? We . were confused. Surely if someone wanted to write courses they B would have had many opportunities. Then it dawned on us. Our accents combined with the pictures of nurses on horseback were I resulting in "course—writers" being heard as "horse-riders"!!! > We had a good laugh at ourselves. And, by the way, we were I very successful in recruiting several wonderful "course-writ- ers"! Incentive Pay ` Thanks to the hard work of our employees and the competence of our administrative staff, there was money avail- ·— able at the end of the year to thank our employees for their many —, years of service. This is the first time the FNS has been able to thank employees monetarily for sticking with us through the ‘ good times and the lean. I think a comment made by Toddy I Mullins in our x—ray department sums up what makes our health . service different in today's market. Toddy stopped me on the _` elevator in November and said, "My mother has been a patient here. The staff treated her like she was their mother. I can't tell P you how good our hospital treats peoplel" When I hear the complaints about the impersonal service being received by so many people in health care systems across the country, I am ?__ thankful for employees that treat our patients like a member of I their family! r * 4 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE “ `~_I>I` . W,. it v wz: 7 x wl" A —, _. i t I ‘ ```‘ p _ I Patricia (Teddy) Mullins, X-Ray Secretary, Ultrasound Tech; { and Delores Sparks, Untrasound Tech, receiving incentive ~ Pay _ I ;·z , I I _ , , . ’‘ I ·· ‘ _ ;__ ,»=~ et? “'’` ”""“"’*” F? » ,, t, ceI l F V » · I- xi "‘€’?’ I , I ,` a {if $T2w;,;q ¢ ZL V V1 .¢a¢· I _ _ x ` V ( A J: lc A V ni . . fr _ , l , Q f il . H l · / ·. - W ? 4, v ’i¢ X — an ‘ M ‘ it L) V _' _ Brenda Jones, OR Tech, was a little surprised . . . i . QUARTERLY BULLETIN g ] Keeneland Association ‘ December 16, Bill Hall, Vice—Chairman of the FNS .' Board of Governors; Ray Branaman, MBHC Administrator and I attended the lovely brunch and foundation awards meet- A _ ing at Keeneland. Keeneland has been so very generous to the _» FNS. Thanks to the gift from the Keeneland Foundation, we are ` able to purchase a baby apnea monitor this year. Many thanks _ to Mr. William Greely, CEO and President; Ms. Fran Taylor, I Marketing Development Director; and all the Keeneland Trust- I ees! F;. a l`li ·-___ ‘ V;‘ . L l V. Mrs. Severance and Mr. Greely L FNP Curriculum Meeting f. January 15, 16 a FNP curriculum meeting was held in lj the Lexington offices. Attending were: Janie Huber, CNEP Quality Assurance Officer; Norma Jackson, FNP; Stefanie J. J, Kelley, Family Nurse Practitioner Instructor of Nursing at Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing; Jackie Morrill, 1 CNEP Acting Director of Student Affairs; Jeanne M. Novotny, Assistant Dean of Frances Payne Bolton School of 6 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE i Nursing; Sue Peeples, FNP Consultant; Dr. Marguerite Pike, i FNP Consultant; Jane Renfro, FNP; Kerri Schuiling, CNEP I g Acting Education Director; Dr. Theresa Standing, Director I of Doctorate of Nursing Program at Frances Payne Bolton li School of Nursing; Maureen Shannon, CNEP Faculty; Susan l X; Stone, CNEP Program Director; Frances Storlie, FNP; Penny ’ Waltman, CNEP Faculty; Debbie Cornett, CNEP Academic ‘ I Resources Coordinator; Heather East, CNEP Multi-Media ` Coordinator; Heidi Froemke, MBHC FNP and CNEP Faculty 3 . I and Barb Gibson, Assistant to CEO. The meeting began with Ms. Debbie Cornett of our 5 Hyden CNEP staff explaining copyright clearance procedures. Q Ms. Cornett is currently responsible for this very important ~ operation for our CNEP faculty. Mr. Ken Tuggle, Chairman of f the FSMFN Board of Directors, and senior law partner with the . Louisville law firm of Brown, Todd & Heyburn then gave a I presentation of copyright issues and copyright protection. This I i was video taped and will be available for future faculty. Mr. · Gordon Garrett with Information Connection in Lexington then f i discussed the issues relating to writing for CD ROM format. »i é The remainder of the meeting dealt with the actual course — issues. Iam very grateful to all for helping with this important E work, and I offer a special thanks to our partner, the Frances S Payne Bolton School of Nursing at Case Western Reserve I University. ; l_ Midwy'ery Advisory Committee The Midwifery Advisory Committee to the FSMFN . ’ Board of Directors met preceding the Board meeting on January 22, 1998. Attending were Board members Ken Tuggle, Chair- 1 l man; Dr. Anne Wasson, Secretary; Nancy Hines; Bob Johnson I ‘ l and Jane Leigh Powell. The Board was extremely interested in a presentation by Judith Rooks on "Doulas". "Doula" is an ancient Greek word meaning "woman who helps other women". F5 _____._4__._ .. ..L,.i.,.. . . 7 ---.;...-—-— ·» I T QUARTERLY BULLETIN 7 There are two kinds of Doulas: the birthing Doula and the post- partum Doula. We were most interested in the concept of the past-partum Doula assisting new mothers after the birth. Many are isolated in today's society. A _ Joyce Roberts, who is the current President of ACNM, brought the Board up to date on the challenges faced by the A Association today. These included Managed Care, Profes- sional Identity, Understanding the Nature of the Midwifery Business, Save Motherhood (an international project targeting maternal mortality issues) and the Advancement of Evidence as ‘ the basis of midwifery practice. · The Board was fascinated with the presentation by ~ Ursula Knoki—Wilson from the Navajo Nation. The Nation is able to pursue federal funds to operate their own health services and is looking at different models of health care which will be culturally sensitive. The FNS has a scholarship fund designated V for American Indian students and will be working with Ms. Knoki-Wilson in future meetings to assist in midwifery educa- _ tion. January Board Meeting The Board of Governors held their winter meeting at the Lexington office of the FSMFM. We celebrated the arrival R of our new conference table made by our master craftsmen, Mr. Q Sam Morgan and Mr. Benjamin Pugh of our maintenance staff. Z The table is made from a black walnut tree from the Wendover property and required six men to carry it up one flight of stairs. A The top weighs 400 pounds! We are truly linked to our roots, and it envelops one when sitting at the beautiful table. The Board was honored to have dinner Friday night at j the home of Georgia Rodes. Readers of this Bulletin know of " the many generosities Mrs. Rodes has shown to the FNS since her days as a Courier! Mrs. Rodes' elegant home was a treat to view. Many thanks and we all look forward to viewing Mrs. j Rodes' spectacular gardens this summer! !! l 8 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE ‘ 2 Ladies Auxiliary Luncheon · i January 28, a luncheon was hosted at Wendover honor- , { I ing the Ladies Auxiliary. These Ladies have contributed over _ 1 $118,000 since 1977 for the purpose of updating hospital equipment and generally improving the hospital facilities. . g Many thanks to Mrs. Jean Campbell and the ladies of the q E Auxiliary! ‘ , Medicaid Partnerships . i Thanks to the hard work of Senator Robert Stivers, Ray . T Branaman and I have been to Frankfort, Kentucky's state 5 capital, twice in the month of February to hear the latest F Y developments on the Medicaid Partnerships. The Kentucky A Cabinet for Health Services is implementing a new program r f which will create eight separate Medicaid billing regions in the ? state. Each region is expected to develop their own infrastruc— . ture. The Louisville and Lexington regions have proceeded and spent over$ 16 million dollars to create these very sophisticated : i systems. We at the FNS are concerned about this new develop- z ment for several reasons. Even with the sophistication of Kentucky's two metropolitan areas, with their large medical . centers and advanced business systems, the cost has been great. ji The Louisville region found the best billing system in Philadel- phia and contracted with them. Does the Appalachian region I ig: have the human and material resources to create and maintain such a system? The metropolitan areas are withholding l0% I and 20% of reimbursement in order to meet the quotas for Q controlling costs. FNS operates on a no-profit margin. Such _i withholding would diminish our cash flow to a position where ” ,1 we might not be able to continue operations. There is a move- · ment to delay the statewide implementation and the FNS is T 1 grateful to our Senator for keeping us abreast of the actions. i . . 1 · QUARTERLY BULLETIN M1! . Wendover News l by Jeremy T. Bush More El Nino A (as # once wasn 't enough) l I reported last fall that El _ 7 l§_ I Nino was quickly approaching `" gi ’ Wendover. It is evident now that E QZ.; ’“ . El Nino is not a myth, legend or v Q Q yarngjust the plain white—washed _ ` truth! On December 29 and 30 we A y ” l S had our first mini-blizzard. An J ~··‘ a . .‘ r Y if ` overexaggerated snow storm dumped a whopping four inches ‘· out of a possible 18 inches on our hills and roadways. We were F anxiously anticipating the sweet suffocation of summer's mer— . ciless heat until amajor snow storm struck. My sweet anticipa- _Q tion of summer's sweltering heat was drowned in a foot of snow l from February 3 — February 5. Q Snap, Crackle, Pop! (aka: El Nino around 3 am) ` That is the sound that a huge oak tree madejust before f crashing under the weight of heavy snow, into our beloved Barb 3 Gibson's mobile home on February 4, l998. Poor Barb and a few daring souls braved the snow and ice to remove the tree Z from her trailer top. After hours of hard work and determination T at 3:00 am, the rescue efforts were complete. They could not, however, remove the huge scarring lateral cracks in Barb's ‘ ceiling. F No Juice! Wendover was shut down and immobilized by this ` paralytic snowstorm. Eastern Kentucky's electricity, or "juice" as we call it, nearly suffered a stroke with all ofthe heavy snow and snapping trees. Wendover itself was rendered virtually helpless (by today's absurd definition of helpless) for four days. \ " l0 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE Canine Hysteria p { r Ml . { U I I I ‘ »,, M ‘ * s A<-_ `i'’` ff . · i .»~, i I » i f I I E I`ir ‘ ~'A I = , .sA*&·-I ;~ 9¤»,(;$_ , ,, an _;·;_v._, g A .I . I ,7,, _ I j . . . Y .iii A . . .,,4*; N » “ F·~ ..~ »§Q ` 3**/ r"r`ii“’~€""""l 3 .4 _., I v" g /6- ‘ ._ c ‘ p I I As you can see from this rare photograph of Mae's ` wonder pup, Otis, hunting season had its ups and downs. In a V, conscious effort to escape frantic deer hunters in the area, Otis donned his blaze orange hunting vest. We all encourage Otis to 1 lay low, keep his ears down, and by all means keep his tail i between his legs! B `, Peach and Trish e I My favorite feline friend has been getting caught in the V dark more than an ex-White House staff member lately. Yes, ji poorlittle harmless Peach has been getting himself locked up in Q several Garden House offices. He absolutely loves to sneak in . people's offices and cat nap. This has, on more than one ii occasion, gotten him locked up after hours. One night while { working late in the evening I began to hear a banging noise ` outside my office. Trying to keep myself sane, I wondered what ¤ I it could possibly be. Was it a visitation of employees past, `{ . present, and those to come? Upon inspection, and just plain I 4 luck, I heard the noise again emitting from Dr. Anne's Office. Hearing a sad and somewhat fear stricken, "Meow", I was Y convinced that Peach was entrapped in Bandit Land. Barb, our . il Qi? .. ·—-·—· ···~ee New QUARTERLY BULLETIN 1 I , wonderful editor and all around animal lover, had accidentally I sealed Peach in Dr. Anne's office. I paged Junior, our resident ` maintenance man, and Peachie was rescued! 1 Trish has been serving her county by pulling guard duty R _ here at Wendover. She fearlessly charges and barks bloody i_ murder at anyone approaching Wendover after dark. As a true soldier and FNS sort-of-employee, she stays on guard 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Trish, we salute you! Return 0f the Great Dan Q; My friend and colleague, Dan Eldridge, paid us a long, I. overdue visit not long ago. As always, his visit was marked with F much laughter and heart warming good times. If you look very closely in the photograph you can spot the elusive Dan resting 3 in a supine position on Beulah's desk. Keep an eye out for more Dan spottings here in Wendover News! i - . `_ _;4f,_T_E .,1 ?b.*.£·’Z ¥*‘¤ `*i$·’*""""""" I- ji? . A Y ;; `·‘, I, *"&._. -° 1 ‘. " Al if I » i` Z; · · y . .»;i ’ . ·» _ , E 1 . e ·. A ' _, xix 1 " Y ' . —·"" '*‘~ ,L_d-k._ »; .,.a is if • , I . ~ -~ V i· YZ e ` I `‘i- I Dan and "Monkey Junk" returns it. 1 12 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE _ I l Snake Update Q l As many of you may recall, I wrote about a snake that il l was killed here near the Accounting Office at Wendover. I did x I not imagine that it would receive any response. I was wrong. Y E Ms. Lucy S. Schultz, former FNS nurse, was so moved by my _ ( article that she donated a Peterson's Field Guide entitled gg; . tiles and Amphibians to FNS's library. Thank you Ms. Schultz! _; Ms. Schultz recounted in a letter to me about her own i FNS snake experience and I have graciously obtained permis— I sion to reproduce that information. I g "When I worked at Hyden Hospital (two or three I months in I 93 I ) we too had our snake. This large handsome fellow was discovered under the bed in one ofthe small upstairs — bedrooms over the parking lot side. Ourstable man trapped him . with a pitchfork and dropped him out the high window. H isfinal r ( death was executed by repeated blows. He had probably been looking for warmth and food (rodents). Unfortunately, both _ snakes [our poor serpent and hers] (milk or other harmless ji reptile) were doomed as soon as they were found. But there is always a possibility gf a knowledgeable nature person had been = around, both snakes - had they not been rattlers — could have been saved. " i fl In lieu of this information, I make a formal apology to ` Q. all of our readers who found the news of the snake`s death E disturbing. Please excuse our hysteria and fear. We will try to n I be more observant and merciful next time. ° I H0 H0 H0! I Q I had the sincere pleasure of being Santa Claus at our *— IY CHC (Community Health Center) located at Big Creek, Ken- I ~ tucky. Iam proud to continue in the ongoing tradition of FNS ` charitable Christmas gift giving. The many bright little smiles C that the children gave me were enough to remind me of what Christmas is really all about. I would like to thank all ofyou who ( I ‘ made this year's contribution possible. i li _ QUARTERLY BULLETIN 13 ? Tqii: - tt V ’ ‘ ' I f _ i M — _‘m_,=_Z vv ; A . kw, Q V ·" , ‘ ~ 1 t , é 1 l géi —· ‘‘· x ' : " vm , ‘ T~ ,&,w·=v' ` { ` v,_ ' ' J'- · J i t a ' g ‘ é - L E X ‘ L Q , - Santa Claus with Ethan Jacob Estep and his sister Kaitlin (Katie Bug). Wendover Gy? Shop As many of you may know, we have a gift shop here at Wendover. We have a wide array of FNS paraphernalia and € crafts by local folks for sale. If you would like to have a list of items for sale, please write or call Jeremy at 606—672—23l7. 1 l 1 1 14 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE Courier Program News 1 by Karen Thomisee e l 1 F F"! ·. Q ' . ¤ ‘ ‘·$ ¤•···•·-»•~ L i if • ` .;,; `~, ’ N ·. " ,- l . 1 ga? as- _ _,•»•¤ `t‘ rl I W L · ' I., > 1 "* T"i ; “·f· r*” i { . r ki Q is-I l ’ * d c. `—»- °·2i3iA·a?S~ .1, 2..} veit,. ""' I \» i ii ,IennU”er Swisher, Lydia Morris and Karen Thomisee ji r s I feel a renewed sense of appreciation as I type this %` report; we recently regained electricity after being four days without. The snow storms that hit Kentucky left all of Leslie ~ County without power at one point, but Wendover was lucky to ’ have the help of a generator to keep the heat running in the i Garden House. V; gi, We had quite an experience with four Couriers, Junior { (maintenance man), Dr. Anne and Bandit (dog), Peach (the cat), g and myself all sharing living quarters on the second floor ofthe f Garden House. I returned home one night to find everyone yi crowded in the dark Courier Lounge around the TV watching · a movie! Junior had alternated the generator between the heat . and the VCR. i` Our winter Couriers kept the atmosphere upbeat with . their humor, and I must admit there was a bit of sadness when _ the electricity finally did return. V _ n Winter Group 2 Lydia Morris from Villanova, PennsyIvania,joined us · for November and December. Lydia is a psychology major at Harvard University in Massachusetts. During her stay she _ QUARTERLY BULLETIN 15 · explored the fields of psychology and psychiatry through the i Hazard ARH Psychiatric Center. She also observed our social ` worker, Karen Sallee, and tutored at the Stinnett Elementary i School. We are looking forward to hearing what she does next! { Susan Mathew, from Durham, North Carolina and a biology graduate from the University of North Carolina, plans A a career in medicine and is interested in public health and V tropical infectious diseases. While at FNS, Susan is attending i rounds with Home Health nurses and shadows Beverly May, Y FNP at Beech Fork Clinic, Dr. Varghese at the Hyden Clinic, Q and Debbie Hacker, FNP in family planning at the public health Y department. Susan also taught English to our friend Huda (who _ has temporarily returned to Syria) and is tutoring Cinda Mor- , gan. Susan, an avid traveler, has plans to volunteer with doctors t in India and Guatemala upon leaving Leslie County. ; Mariah Mottley, from New York City, fits in wonder- fully at Wendover due to being a devoted animal lover. She is A volunteering at the Leslie County Animal Shelter and caring for I strays that wander her way. Mariah is taking a year off before I entering Smith College in the fall. She tutors at the Leslie A County Middle and High Schools and observes the work of l family nurse—practitioners at the outpost clinics and the public ‘ health department. Mariah is interested in public health, educa- A tion, and of course, veterinary medicine. 1 Jennmar Swisher joins us from Tallahassee, Florida. -- She is a graduate of Sweet Briar College in Virginia where she q majored in biochemistry. Jennifer plans to attend medical V school and stays busy shadowing Dr. Youssef and Dr. Sullivan . · in family practice medicine. She also assists Edith Wooton who T is legally blind and has taken up the crafts of quilting and _ . knitting. - Catherine (Cat) Thompson, from Madison, New Jer- , sey is a recent philosophy graduate from the University of _ Vermont. Cat is interested in learning more about the work of , family nurse-practitioners and is observing Abby Barnes, FNP 16 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE at the Community Health Center. She also enjoys working with the hospital social worker, Karen Sallee, and tutoring Ashley, a fourth grade student at the Stinnett Elementary School. In her free time, Cat quilts and helps Mariah care for stray animals. V iz .3 I Q gf kr? . if I2 ii ` i » g F2 ., V- , aw.-tm * `-ag , »’ ‘ . Q ._ .— { Catherine Thompson with an adorable "stray" =e.. E V V V V I " V .. F: V ` il; C __ I Susan Mathew and Mariah Mottley QUARTERLY BULLETIN 17 Former Couriers Susie (Quinlan) Hill ('92) was married in April and V with her husband has bought an old log home in the country ` "with lots of crickets and cows". Susie writes that it is a perfect place to live. She also sent news that Amy Behrens ('92) is living and teaching in Chile, with plans to look into graduate studies in English as a second language when she returns to the United States in April. Best wishes to Susie and Amy. Amanda (Oliva) Minbiole ('93) was married in 1996. She obtained a nursing degree and is working at a home for terminally ill, mentally and physically handicapped children. Amanda eventually plans to become a FNP. Amanda wrote fondly of her memories of Hyden and said that Hyden is one of the most beautiful places she has ever known with some ofthe kindest people she ever met. Karen Mangold ('97) recently sent word from Pueblo, Mexico, where she is studying through Dartmouth College. She writes that the weather is beautiful, the food is great and she is having a wonderful time (we are a littlejealous of the 70 degree temperatures!). Karen is also undergoing the tough work of studying for the MCATS and applying for medical school. Ashley Kidd ('97) is traveling and studying in India through Williams College. We anxiously await news of her adventures and will keep everyone posted. Kitty (Ray) Heitzman ('62) happened through after being gone from Wendover for over 30 years! Kitty was in town to sell educational books for her company and had dinner with us. Kitty even got to experience sleeping in the renovated · "barn" which was used for horses when she was last here. ‘ Karen Playforth ('89) is back for her first visit since .¤· being a Courier. She is doing a medical rotation for her studies " at the University of Kentucky. 18 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE ` l FSMFN/CNEP News by Susan Stone, CNEP Program Director _* I "Technology and Nurse-MidwU’ery Education" g As most of you already know, CNEP is a distance education program. Our students come from all over the United States and Canada. Our curriculum has been a paper-based one { . for the past seven years. Each course is written into modules or segments in which the student is guided through certain read- ings and activities. Students then write papers or learning activities which are mailed to an instructor. The instructor l grades the written work and returns it to the student, Exams are mailed to qualified proctors in the student’s community and ‘ then mailed back to the instructor for grading. After all activi- · I ties are completed and exams successfully taken, the student y receives a grade for that course. i p In the past two years, our instructors have been actively . designing learning activities that can be delivered on the Bul— letin Board System (BBS). An example is one assignment in the antepartum course. Students are asked to present a case study on the prenatal class forum and other students are required to respond to the case study. The true outcome is then presented ¥ at a later time. These activities provide a method for student interaction and discussion broadening their opportunity to benefit from each other's knowledge and experience. Instruc— z tors also give feedback in the forum. It becomes a much richer i E? experience for all involved. I p In addition recently, learning activities are uploaded if over the BBS. Students complete their assignments, attach Q them as a file to an E—Mail message, and send them to an 5 instructor. The instructor downloads the assignments, grades U A them and then uploads them back to the student. This has been an a great improvement for both students and faculty. Students I . receive feedback promptly and don't have to wait for the mail. - iégl ` .,..i_+;2@BIEBlliQ&@IiCC.-C - EE .-2) i This year we have taken our curriculum development a 2 step further using technology. Two of our faculty members, i I Kerri Schuiling, CNM, Education Director and Cindy Perkins, Q CNM, have been working with Heather East, Multimedia »;, Designer, to develop a course using interactive multimedia software. In this course the students can actually see diagrams . of anatomy that change as the hormonal cycles change. In I addition, there are graphs that move to illustrate the change. I There are also questions that students answer. If they get the question wrong, they are referenced back to the content area that they need to review. Some words in language of anatomy j and physiology are not easily pronounced without hearing them first. In this program, the words and their definitions are stated j verbally so that the listener can hear the correct pronunciation. 4 A student can click on a word to have a "pop up" ofits definition i and to hear the correct pronunciation. These are just some I examples of the methods that are used to develop curriculum S using multimedia design. Not only is this course colorful and I fun to use, it enhances learning with the interactive methods. é Students can read, see, and hear the content which promotes 1 learning and retention ofthe concepts. The course is located on } a CD-ROM which students can use in their own computers. I This initial course has been developed as a Continuing { Education Program for clinicians. We will be demonstrating I the program at the American Nurses Association meeting as well as the annual ACNM Convention this Spring. We are sure i that this will be well received and will benefit practicing Q clinicians. This program is the first of a series that we will be I developing to assist not only in the development of new . midwives but also in the continuing education of all interested ' clinicians. We are fortunate to have a talented faculty as well as I A an expert multimedia designer. l We must express our thanks to the Board of Governors f of the FNS for their support of us as we explored and developed » this first project. I I lf _ 20 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE Tribute to Kitty Ernst = I De