xt7ttd9n6596 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ttd9n6596/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-09-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 05, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 05, 1980 1980 1980-09-05 2020 true xt7ttd9n6596 section xt7ttd9n6596 i \oi. ' Xlll. No. l6 Ker e] l'niversity of Kentucky
L Hid” September 5‘ I980 an indc ndent student news a r Lexington. Kt‘mm‘k)
# —
I '1 NAACP COD GWEOI'I comes to town
B JOHN HARDIN Labor Day weekend sym- - tt r - - » lhc gowrnor also told thc group Brown said his administration‘s
Styaff Writer posium had been conducted in ffyiLrig."IBLiit asgélesélfhdatg‘eezvgg GOV. Bmwn: that hc has nanlcd l5 blacks to non~ altirmamc action plan will assurc
Atlanta among “ago!“ to confused that such a thorough paying policy boards and comnlis» continucd hiring ol blacks in kc)’
L Dr. Benjamin Hooks, help COHtl'Ol Olltbl'e - investigation had led nowha‘e. slons. And he said that hi\ rolcs in statc gmcrnmcnl dcxpltc
executive director of the L‘We are concerned about Hooks said that the6 million blacks have administration has mcludcd blacks luluccd govcrnmcnt hiring lt‘\Cl\.
NAACP, told a capacity crowd eliminating the condltlLom that blacks who voted for President at all Icicls oi gowrnmcnt cmploy- “l rcali/c that no administration
at the Continental Inn last lead to more Violence. Carter in 1976 would probably ment. despite a lrcc/c on mcrn- l)\ci' a hmitcd amount oiLtlmccando
night that blacks are “still ' .5 exert V do so again. but he Won (bred if I " all that nccds to he dontho undo thc
striving or what we were 71 § the wette vete, 35 mote... more state jobs .- e rm
years agom the complete ’ " ' to would stay with him. " We.
elimination of every form of \\ “I only hope he’ll be more --:.. ; “Newt‘thclcss. I am a posltnc
racial discrimination.” fifL responsive than he has been . a} thinker and I am cxcitcd about thc
Hooks, who was speaking at the last three-and-one-half 8’ n" A‘wfl'm’ P'” .'L LL ’¢ stcps that w; hen c htt'll ttlkmgdui mg
the opening session of the 33rd .Ltt 4_,§g:t35.L:5L;g.:;...tt.4.1., \% vears,” Hooks said. . . k thc lust L‘lgiil moulhx and I can
annual convention of the '1 .» £33 £wa ' “I’m not supporting . (’0‘; JOh” t. Brown told the “L3” L ' _ 4': anurc you that our trziim amt t-tLtorrc
Kentucky Chapter of the :‘L‘. .._.. anybody." Hooks said, but, NW P ‘ ‘3.°%““"‘-‘ tee, at “in wt- 1 e...
National Association Of the referring to the Reptblican "‘5 adm'mm‘m" '5 "‘r‘“g,h.“?“k“ .3?“ gmctnor " .
Advancement Colored People, “ts ” - party, he said, “The NAACP allhc‘ hlghc‘strutcol amaffnlmlslru- . We... 1/ l’crxormcl ( ommtmncr Dick
also outlined that roup’s goals 52133.} e Kg: cannot support a party with “("1 '" Kentucky hm‘”.‘3 .. ". LLLL"?...- W”, Robinson hm \tartcd a computer .
‘ $9 $5: . “ e "" - . . \otinr that blacks hate illlcd I2 . g” . . , . . . .
in a press con rence last , .£-.- :35. antl-busmg and antyERA I: . . . .15" lILd intll‘llltiilnl. xyxtcm which gnu
night. 1- L ' platforms,’ percent 9“ the appointments made .W'L 3--uLLL;L::v .sit. him a monthly \l’tlitis rcpoit on thc
He characterized the 911359“t ' “I consider right win ex- ”"51”" 11's adm1m"”““°”t 8’0“” L WK“ i'l‘HmHHW Mm“ Plum“.
plight of blacks as “the ever— \. tremists in control of the said. LWe are gmng m continuum . ' e ,_ Brtmn said
present problems” — unem- “is: $1 party_” commitment and our goal ‘5 N do L ”1"": 2r . Ihc goxclnoi also \ltltl hc “pun
loyment. recession, and in- Refering to his cool reception “‘6" hm"- . I -. utt- nt-u ()lticrot l qt..t1()p,...tittr.ttt
Elation. ._ L :5?“ g. ~§— at the Reptblican convention Brown has named blacks to it) ‘ . I .;.«'-. ; (onlracl (Lomphanccloxtarl opcla
He noted the dispropor- where he spoke, Hooks top-Llc‘wl positions “llh rCSptil’i:lhll‘ (-()\.J()ll.\' \. BRO“\ tloth m .i month lhc (illlL'L'. cxitlb
tionately high rateS of back characterized a “callOUS ”.‘L '0’ 5UPCF‘Nng more than ~10“ \}\lClii hlrmg |l~hcd in cwcutn c oldcr, I\It).t\\ilIL‘
unemployment, 41 percent, Everybody has been talking disr ard the news media has r:mplo_\cc: and haw hudgctx that Statc gou-rnmcnt 1illCliCiL’\ how that contractors with slalt’ -
prison population, 50 percent, about the violence.” for egack leadership,n but total SD‘ m'llmnj “‘L""L'!‘n¥ 1” 11 shown .1 columltntqul to humg gmrlnmcni huonc“ ill mt.” than
andeQualg’low quotas of black Hooks blamed ”the short- added that some whites were ”lea“ ”"m h“ “m“ Natl“ and 0th WW" nmwmw 535W”) “1101“) blurb
lawyers. octors, accountants sightedne$ of powers of this also treated Similarly. Addressing 1h“ ‘)Pcn‘“g_“"»"”n 0‘ into top~lc\ cl and nlldhleinagciucnl
and legislators, all less than 33.?03’1” saying it was “very Hooks said that he iS “not the 13:”: anLlLluaLl conLtctrLiLtith LL)! thj p(\\i[lil\ lll Matt. goxcrnmcni. Brown M
two ercent. ' ic t to convince ie a ainst an black who wishes 6" “F L-,‘ C a" 6’ 0 c ' a “m“ sand. you n
ReLsponding to recent black who are hungry and hompgcgs, tog vote Regubiican." 5“”“3W” ‘0' ”‘6 “d‘dm‘t‘mt‘m 0' '\L‘L‘1)ldlltg rt» tr..- tort-m, lllc some parts of the paper look
unrest nationwide, Hooks said not to throw the bricks.” Hooks also outlined a ( ”INC" Pm?” “FM“ 3"“ numb” \‘1 ”UH-“hm“ "Hwy-Mr» different than 0&3? ‘t 5 "0‘
that while the National “The problems were there $500,000 voter registration announced thc appointmcnl cl thc KN oi 32(ilitk’ior [lltilt‘iiil\ln{ti‘;1\r'd your eyes. A machine [teak
Association for the Ad- before the bricks were drive, saying “Black folks “‘3‘,“ "m WM Pr'anwdcn by 9 5 Purccnt \inct' km not i downLln the wee hours of the
vancemcnt of Colored P69ple thrown," Hooks said. certainly at this point cannot ' ”“1 “N K““”“‘”gh ”‘ [ “mm” ”W “WI-1&6 wl‘w 1W “him hm morning resulted in the “5.9 0f
dldn't condone Vlolent actlon, About the investigation into afford the luxury of not who rctlrcd in March asa llcutcnant lnt‘l'L‘ilsL‘d 17 (t pcrccnt “n“, I)“. I. an 0] er machine which.
“The NAACP is aware thee the attempted assassination of voting." coloncl in tilt: Airnl). will hcwglrdcn “mtg thc Aug-”gt- Mgdr) m, mt“. although reliable, has a dit-
\ may be more ViolenceL." National Urban League ttI think that our voter at thc Blackburn (orrcctlona|( om— whitc L'nlplo)gc\ hm mctcaxcd |.\ ‘ icrent type face -— hence, the
Asa result. Hooks said that a Pres1dent Vernon Jordan. he (Lontinued on page 7 PM ”9"” lcungton, 3’0““ ‘a'd' pcrccnt. hc \itltl different 100k-
P ' '
.. V - arkmg pains
- r or - -
e m a?” 1. fir on the lnSIde . .
“ fleet... . , 4% e t, a . Greater demand for parking this year
t e. . Q than in the past, says public safety director
' ‘LgLf'J-l. Ly viz"; L.L"'§L,‘2:::E'3L . LLLLLULL Is .A- . L'LL'5' . .
ii? 4";éiegflfiti { " Today '5 “mom" 9““ “me helpful hints on By mu. (.. \10R1()'\ my) to... timing m.- mwo meet!
L -. 2535332535151“ A LLL'L L: 4‘0 VLVLL . . If“ how to make Saturday ‘8 game "Ot‘ only fun but ‘ sent. , \ttlll w....;t \car It :~ it'plL‘Nt'Yit‘c'Li .ln incl‘casc of L
A, ‘ ' , . . safe. Also, a comment is made about presidential 55h we ,_ ”L W. prccecdmg “W,
“1%; ‘49»; ‘ "Li" L my candidate John Anderson, the two-party system \kilh thc .ldwnt oi .l ilcw school Ltcar. lLKK llscal )car rum lromlul)
‘ Lab/”:17 ., . 5 . L6; 42 and yesterday’s approval of federal funding for )car. \ttldcnharciaccdthihthcnor— l to Juno 30 .
o‘ gig/fig; LL :2. LLL‘?.'..-j5""“?13§§g; Anderson’s campaign. mill tun oi prohlcms homcwoi k. l‘adgclt attributes lhh mcrcasc to
1 LL; ' ,Mr, L.L' L , LLLL LLLL- _-L.,LLLLLL% L bu) mg hook» and trim g to lotatr' a mtctnal rcorg'tlni/atlon oi thc park—
U‘L. ’ ’ ,. LL L .LL,L.."""”‘" 922% =::»"-.LLLL.L The UK. Band has a new look for Saturday S parking pracc mg cutoltcmcnt dnmon ol thc lLK
L " ow” 2e... 3 Ear?” _ 1: sshould mile for “my “mm m h '“Ci'i'ni W'k'i'f' 'L""L'L mt" "'LL “it". i
' ~ .. "' I L 11"" L e aimen _ ee 3 e , lg tax' tux )L-ar ccauw "t lclc l\ Llli tic c\ccptlon oi (Lommorr
LL. % LL LLLLLL-s ”4/ -LL.,LL [mi L a?" P g . dcllnltcl) Ll grcatcr demand tor pal k» wcallh Stadium and .i tcw cholcc \ldL‘
. L ., L, «1:5,. “it on page 8, reporter Everett Mitchell reports on lng spacc." according to lonl l’atl- \lrcclx. a parking sticker ls rcqulrcd
' LL; ’ ‘, L ., ”/1, / L L Larry Mchmmon’s adjustment to his new gett. lLK puhlic siilcl} dircctor to park on campus
5' 5”” L 1W” a. POSItlon. Page 9 features the Kernel board of, uh. * W” l' “ Parkmr‘ PM“! " “mm ”‘6 ‘ “MN“ me’ dt‘t’i‘r"
. .,. ,. % t experts’ predictions for major college games ”W W! "m”? the W l" W mm h» WWW “W“ M «m'r
‘ r etc ? gr ., ' Saturday. Check and see a you agree. dam» W he”... t... rm- a room ... rm murmu- < e...
'L . 22.1.33. ; iL-L ‘1'. ZLLL-Lé 0/ //’5’ L, ’ studcnt ptirk~ lcgtlll) |\ thc dccidmg “R 'Iotx, \Ltlti Ruth H.l\tl€.l KW“—
54 .L i ; Lg .351 t ' ,, r . We can expect a mithure of clouds and sunshine law"- Ingmanuccr .. .. .. .. ,
1- rL / g Li % é; LLL_:éj,'/4fl'L‘.. g .-‘~"LL'LL.;LLLLLLLL"L'§" today With high humidity and temperatures near ”l: LLB‘YUNC‘LI liLiLLiLh1LL.LLL :Citfl mL‘ \hc also \iilti that A and I! lots
’e L 43%}; x’! 444' . L: 90'. Have Lthe umbrellas ready because it might host; "kLttll:\L t .t) .llLt parkttLl myrl deLnot cLoilritLlliLtthx nLqugthcr‘ bLCLaLusc
a ,e g-_ .3 rain. Tonight’s low will be around 68. Outlook for P1“, ,1n1". Ld' "' L""' ""m'“ "M“ ' 1,) "" Kiwi ,m 3 1"?" "\f'1'd
35 m? ”72g: e L , a, . Saturday's game: highs around 90 with a chance ‘..\i.‘_ f‘“. _ t _4 k y ,_ ‘1“ ' “"1 “"f' 7‘" """m
,,, ’3/ LL =L mar L, “‘53:," 4”” . of rain. L L ( out an tllLt thir mg will had hutl tlhlllhlllLd as oi Aug. i
get LLELLLLLLLE...:§.L.LLLL;L:L.;,L.LL LLLLLL 1’ L 222:2; LL out .i pciLLmLit hL) lowing. hc \alLi. Vic [L I\ has £796 spaces axallablc tor
41¢% LL-mL' L 7:15: ’2 It ’ ’av‘ L Howctcl. lallurc to Pu} d linc lhcmostrcqucstcdstickersarctor
:L L L1L- LLLL . 44,445” 1980 fresh an Class could t'lLlLuLiL i'LtL'\llll iLn tint. car bring Eili‘tlltllltiill L\l(udt‘iil\.kliu\llc ‘aLlL
7“? 455:1" at. .F ’9 ,4,- ,;./,,, L , ,’ LL I I I lmpoun c , c Salt Ut - tillt L-S \‘tic crx “crt: \o
L. L ' g ‘53)" f%’ ft/j’WM”WL “As a mattcr of practlcc," l’adgctt tor 520
‘W: f' e, " .--v‘%- gw‘éfiavL 771:3", cxplaincd. "wc hm c hcui towing lickcts wcrc sold \cr) qurckl). \hc
Wt .:=..:,w$’ , 97/ ' “:2 ‘* ~z ‘r " Lin « L . 7‘»th sets en r0 ment recor rcpcat \ lolators on lhc [illitl citation find (in!) lhmc xtudcnts who wcrc
r” ”yeti/”Wren ““0"“ RH! more mm mm tmmhr enteuee \idileil 115.. .‘L.'L‘.'.'-“t‘1'.'t't'.'.'.'.'t 1:112? ,.'. .‘1.'e‘.t1.1.1.'2..'.'.1""'“"“d ‘ "
,1: "24“}? Z. ", ”er/twat 35”.; “4“ “”m “N .‘Lcur- “C“ddCd that 1h“ lrcshman l'K l’ollcc ('aptain (mind 1 (Hill (‘~| lot\ can 'ic‘ * unmodatc ‘64
(fizzymfiwfi‘ L' ’4,“ fillet? 1.. If}. class is almost always lhc largest m tllc ”mu. 'md control dm‘mh' ..H . d ih"(L (It; .. h ld 37S
'I’ifigfi «L L ”LL/«LL “Lg/'a' liiL‘ lL’XU ircshman class In” “”5 year. . said parking Lpioblcms h.l\c been :1”: “\“L UL niL“L‘L~LLL;’L:n:Ld5nSU :LLCLLJL.‘
gifnwfi =39~L~t~ ”‘4‘ ’35:" appatjcnllt 6161:.“ allstlnlzcnlrpllnicn: . And the LincrLcasc 1L” _lr‘L‘thmj cxcccdingly present in uncontrollcd wcrc xold tor cach lot. rcapcctncly.
,/‘#w y,g@%% Lt,“ , rccor . actor ing to t L can 0 cnrollmcnt has nad ll\ clicct on \ur parking arcas. Haxtlc “Id
' '-' 5/ -- " W [Mu/«en , ate-mar 1- .. * mam. e W -. Admissions and Registrar l.Ibcrt Vt. ious programs. “We ii'l\t‘ h'id uiic ,L iohlcm m \hc "X 3'1““ *d that ,,) _ . l*" I
By BLNJII. \ AN HOOK/Kernel Stu" ()ckcrman. All lrcshmcn arc rcqurrcd to take. untillcnchd lole «1'1 ong anLiLd ”'de xp'Llccs Ll"p1,“:hh. bcca‘ukt-Lsiilec-iit:
()lllclal llgurcs arc not )ct a\ailtl- or bypass. English ltll. l02 or |05 mg the R-1 lot Lhchind the (L-omplLt.‘ .H; In ”L“ 01L” 0' thc lots in da\ L
Excuse me hlie. .L).LLLt(l)SC(iLLcrmLin sth‘culatcx that (LLLqumLmLL‘L thc l'nghsh licpart- undthcA B ('handlcr Mcdicalthir L “\k chxtlniatc what thctLratlichlll
Majorette Claudia Andres. arts and sciences junior. squeezes iouLLsaniLirw lhananIiiilli mcnon ”m" 3::iLiiirLiLftiiLiiidflgdci [3:gliLsLhficLiaLsg: tcr parking arcas as locations tor hc during thc chak hours and scll lo
betwecn trumpet players Mike Mosgrove. left. and John Laverty, According to Keller Dunn. umw hm m’" ' ' “ ‘ 0‘thst concern lull thc \paccs. ' shc stud.
both fine arts seniors. For a story on the band and additional amdcanm admiwomundrcgmmn ' (‘ontinued on page it) «'dt’m \d'd Ldelh POIM‘ WW1 (Lontinued on page 7
pictures see page 6. , . I l .
. From goose-down sleeping bags to first-aid kits,
ac ackin . - . - . . ,
- be prepared before you start your first trip In to the WIIds
By (1th BLAIR wtmdt-img skunk. hcar or snake backpacking hook and find an cxpc— .. \I
throw! within inc tcct oi thcir slccping hag rlcnccd hackpackcr to accompany \ ~. ,. '\ .
maktw .inolhcr talc to tcll thc room— thcm on weekend trips to train lor N‘ L‘
"V. c wcic all xlccping around a matcx hack homc the sewn-day hikc. \\ ) L
campluc (at thc Rcd RHL‘I’ (iorgcl l-ru thc incxpcrlcnccd. hackpack- Before heading off to the wilds / L t
and wc hcard a noise that wokc Us mg withthcwrong cqlupmcnt or clo- with a friend. shop carclull) tor // m ’ . _ l
up it was around .1 a m Fvcryonc thing can mctin a wcckcnd oi agony. camping cqurpmcnt esporcialiy a / L L.‘ .
was paranou.l."xaid l'ugcnc (‘olc. an hil\l€l\ and horrifying cxpcncnccs. comlortablc backpack and a warm // t J ‘ ..
architecture tumor All) I K studcnts who would likc slccping hag. / . “l 1; .‘
“Somconc shlncd a flashlight in to Icarn how to backpackandthosc “When lookingl'or cquipmcnt thc _ . LL ,L L A t . L‘.
the dlrcclion ot thc noisc We saw a who arc old hands can sign up tor a least cxpcnsivcorthc mostcxpcnsnc 1‘, ’ .L. ' - . \ ' L
skunk. but we wcrc titrald he would wcck-Iong cxcursion during Spring equipment should not he the first _ "KL Li‘ 5‘? 31-4" l '
\Pmi in, so wc staycd in our hugs Hrcak on thc -\pplachlan trail (ircg priority." Kupar said. , . \ ”it” “9 L LL‘,’L 'L‘ J i )(
and let him go through our back Kupai. \tttdcnt (Lcntcr Board pro- Although backpack prlccsiallinto ‘ - - 'h . .t \ . , L-J‘L'
packx." hc \aid “ l hc skunk .uc cxcr~ gram .id\ ncr. and Ru“ l‘car. dircc- a wide rangc. price should not bc the L , - . {11" ' \L‘, ,./ ”‘33.? ,
)thlng he could get to “ tor ot lnlmmurals. will hcad thctrip dccisnc factor. When you‘re on the h ‘3. J ; 2 , .’ film . / Cg“
Htickpackcrs arc .lppcaring in Although \lllli ups won‘t hcgin trail, you'll wish you'd chcckcd thc ~‘ ’ . ‘71:: I! f ~L)J /-/. .\ 1%.
mcrctmng numhcn on thc trails and llntll January. sacral nlcctings will pack tor comtort and storage capa- ’3‘: f. . _ ,‘L\ ' ‘. L’ . . - ‘LL: " Mt
pathx oi xtatc and national parks ht' hclrl lo plcparc ncw packcn and hill!) l-ood. clothing and shelter "7:, ‘ ’ .J ' é‘ L . 17"
lot thmc who .uccxpcricnccd. wak~ hclp thcnl gct in \hapc Kupar \ug» must all lit in the pack - ’ .‘. ' ‘ ‘ . ‘. ' - ' .0
- t ‘N \ iii. ‘ ;‘ ‘ \ ‘l ; 2
mg up at night in thc woods to llnd i gt t it utw p itktr it Hi lgood (Lontinued on p." 5 \. /
s . . ' ’ .

 .._- . ._-——___.___—_—_____—_—__~____—
stru- Mussey
KENVIVL“...KY lililt’l'lll2(Ihl€/ .1!) Fake“ (. . “. ._ I) Id ‘
I Mark Green Anne ('harles "I, “I“ . “'"h" ( “‘9 ltIII2I I") "ltd .
Debbie McDaniel Ron "n” [Entertainment kdttm 5],. ,,. 1.. , m. m, .2/ Phulunrapht- :
" Kirby Stephens Cindy McGee John Little .
Hamming M/tlor Anuttult' [ZIdlltIH Vicki Poole , ‘
Slow I .mmer
Barbi": Ward} SJ. Robinson l)onulc' \\...d [)tnid ( oyle
Jacki Rudd Plul Mann ISIIIIIIII Sm” ”""’" Anti/um hnlerlammem Editor tntwau' sum [fit/[mm l’ltu/n la’tt."
o 0 v 1)... [Jam/v tiltiurtu/ hiluur - ‘
editorials 8:» comments ,
-m.-. .-.. ._.. ———___._.___—________—_________—_______.
EXGI'CISQ restralnt at atur day S lll’St game
_ It happens e\ ers year dttt tttr to. ~ t-E season For those w ho are ea tight in this situation. try to . I III-Es. .. ., fi '5
lot some students. tt will he .. ; . ~- . l'or oth- exeretse some patience. 2\ tight or loud argument II ' I My .5 23.. “II
. . . ers. tt will he ltke old ttmes can spoil w hat usually Is a good ol‘ college after- . ‘ 3 3'”: _ 35’)"
. era/y time w hete mueno lse'.‘ .~ . ttrbon ts And tot those who ate dt'iying. exercise caution. ‘ :2; f ‘:_.:zi-_;_..; ‘ __ .. 3
downed and lots ot uhoopttt .tlltl Its heard. Within a ttttle radius ot the stadium. it‘s usually 3' é . ' 5‘5 “
, , 2 st; .tt .tlt, llIs .t good !tl‘.1,' \:.2--~ en stand- bu Input to hump?t m It) 10 b6 Patient or better '5 3.. yet a. if _.
. . I tng pt ottdly. some stngtne .‘thv :23. s mind plays yet. pat k y tllll ear away truth .1” the traffic and walk “545» 3 "‘fit . . - >
‘ ‘ the aunt ntalt‘l. "()n. ()n t at k s Is are seen to the game Hall the Inn ol the game can be getting ' _ 3 5 ., .
' - sttutze hon. hon .tnd cokes. lh' .. l. 2} ~.prites or I ikeyttse. it you plan to dtiye alter the game. be . _ s I' 2 23$»,
. ' . tust ell wtmne straight sluts .3 _ rte game, earetel . . 3.2325533? .; at, \ gig.
\r‘.‘, st mu: e\ en take the tttt, ::te aetton It you thttrk you tntght ot had to much too drink. _jj‘ gififi. ‘E- ' I E' ““§s§“ . {$5
_ I ‘ m: t. ~~_. 3- w :5 .._. he one o! 'l‘," T" ‘ my! lit-Ids or tlttnk \tvtn lrtentl w ho is driying has had too II iér‘fig 5I' . I " 3
- > :.-t z \t _.t t. mueh go get something to eat somewhere or go see .2... . >< _.. I
I H ' o: .t.i the good may. . would be some tl'Cltli\ attytltttte hut driy‘e. Anyway. the .- II . g i I ,2; _ .
2‘ aux. t' “hers. and show .t it" lhereIs Iréillle .5 .ts had or worse .tlIIet the game as it is ‘=~W§§ if g '3- .\ 5* “f '=_::‘- "- 5
. I rm do“! that sometime till'2ll1' ' someone belot‘e the dune , .'.<' '? _> 3:2, .. - . .2». Is.-
I ,I ' ' ls eott l~.t..- had a ltttle . . mty aeei- Hut lltt‘ tt.;ttn thtng to temember for all those I‘- . ‘ ' I
2 , ‘I tiL'Ill‘t:l'«. 5" . some dt'tttk or: :‘2 tn: tn the going to the game is haye at good time. ‘2 vI R if .-.. . . ‘
I ' I ~ 2 t ‘t 1.". ‘\lltl ’Uslkl IlUCiL \Vl iCill\ 1‘ I -'III I' -.-,-. _ II I_§v I
-. ,4 ' \ ,e .l . 2L ik N 3 83$ *3; ‘ W 1.... 2 “ L . 3
' ‘ ,2 ' ‘5 *2 ' . -2 .1 ’- ' zit't‘. ‘-' ..‘~;~ ’53?“ ,-'--=
_ R l' b Wet Comm' - .
. U tng y ton t3$ton .A m
~ -~ -2 Ives AndetSon lrttcs a boost \ .,
. 3 . . .1. _ ~ , ' 3e *2
I , I. By DAVID (‘()\ Iii/Kernel Stuff
I - I \ x1: ~. e m , ‘ ,r- (orn- past. h :t ten text hue had any chaneeol wtnntng. . III ___ W
, .’ ; Ill-\\ -: 2 ..2.t.; g PMNEUI’ It‘tt A\nd~ But smite htt\ e had then impact on the election ol Letters to the Edltor
g em :. :1. men: :.t . ~..'npatgn the in: wt patty Lxlntilkiitit's
. ,‘ ' s tttt.t:t.. .s .t plus me I' . -. ~ hut tor ) l or esatttple. (ieotge Wallace ot the American lhere is no om. “w“, -. .Mw.‘ breathtng [or hm had monitoring
. I_ 2 2 ; \‘I:I ‘I "1 I III‘I'I‘ “I‘KI'fIf’ I“ ' I . I “I“ ‘I‘Ile'I‘IdvuhI‘mId If ”’9,“ 03th popular Syndrome. no one. k“. ._ \- hat catheters rttnntttz. tttto his skull and
' llI. ‘\,’Ite‘e :nt tit “15 . r 2. .es rtght \ote .t. WM Many polttttal.tnatystssatdthtsledto -. . t‘klld ‘ '. h'd b‘ I ~ , h . 'd
_2 I ‘ I.'_ :u t2" .td‘:.e‘..ti i);il~ _. ‘ :uhltean the defeat o: of lluhert Humphrey. who lost to “”1565 n" mmh‘j‘ “ I "‘m d “In W ”"1“ mpot ermta pd
. I I I eelil‘tilsitlll" thuutel. .1 t. «2 . teat‘tt/ed RiLIiII.L~i \l\\ln hx less than 500.000 y'otes IlaiiCClsthbOd)‘ “”‘I II I ‘ I 'l‘ to reduce h" h‘ ‘” rsmperature.
' I fI and etedth.e :rtdependent tan" \tttlerson, who mllsl eapture 5 percent of the symptoms. . Med'c‘m‘m ““‘ 2”"9”. ‘0 reduce
I. I1 \r’ti \\tl.': “the tlpttllllllll.‘ = -\mert— popular \t‘te in ordet to collect federal funding. is RC” 5 ”5““1.‘ 5“” ‘ “”3 ”mu” m“ l‘”“‘“'" “n “'5 M“? W"
3, .: . can» .t:. \t‘dlelllllg tor seq; .2 . as the not tn the \."llt‘ poltttt'al ntold as Wallace. Heis not, Close ca“ children and adttlt‘set‘tz’ . tre by and litltltf :It-uo's had to watt tor
' ' ' I; Rs'PIfhlttJl‘ _tt.d Demoe' .;t\ e lett as “minty was. a st.tttneh conseryatiy'e. He is. as recoyermg “0m WW“! -‘ ~ W1 the dm’im‘ “" 1““ I“ WW5?- Usually
‘ I "mm Lullttjsi‘gl out-r “hit ‘1 2' .mtgan “Iitllm't' won‘t. .ttt e\pet1eneed member otI(Iapttol sueh asthe flu or eht. :2 2 , ~'lte the only pet.t..t: ttt damage to the
.' ., 2. the to, .tj m .\ gt :1, 111,2». Rte ;- .1! taken H.“ l at l- s lehruary my se\enr ehtld ts reeoy'ertng ht .w ' "s .1 child eontes iron the pressure on the
J : ‘ I dttrtttg "ne ~t‘ttttttet. aunts! 1.21' ,‘leques— \et \lltik‘lsttll ts. .l‘v Wallace was. a y'tahle repre— Mull-“K? ””05. (I110- “H25 WWW" ~Udds‘n “flap-“‘2 “1““ . tis‘d hmln- [‘5‘” "' " 5""ld ”WWW
I ’ lttlifljtl were not sattstted want ' mil party sentattx e tot those who tn eonseienee cannot yote mg 1' I‘t: t'lu when he had a with ytolentyomtttttg am. IL'illI- some learning monument may
I - -, t‘.t"l2‘..:.t.’s tort .tttet or Reagan ‘\l!Li. ‘ts did Wallace. Asnder~ sudth :2. Hts seyere Humming.y ious behavior. rematn
l' wett‘s .. e tML'Iy ;Mt}tire- l... .tplewtth son goes the torus .t . ltanee to mice their disap- eoultt’ ltttl .otttrolted sothe pcdm. lhe disease diva,“ ~ . . tat Ilhe km t.- s, tn combating
. ‘ - .2 ‘ tun . “was the. would .nl; * .tke. eyen pt‘oyal o: the twovparty tule, mu. .. :t'ysellhcd supposllory eellular (icuy'ity .\l x. may Reye‘s ts L‘Qlly .f utton and treat-
- '1. , tltottel: It». 1m. nomtnees \kg" _ . .3‘l tmartes \ltltouglt tt has lween argued that such a \OlC ts ”7.3.1.”... H. organs. partieularh ,p m ment. “3,31,.“ . ttyertngtrom an ’
' . I" sltVYYT ‘n' '» iii“ 41.».42 " ' '.‘—Ih CM“ WNW "' it‘ll" ( “1'53- ”“ ruling b.‘ 1h" Federal li..~ ’r mment started on a l-rtday the ltyer can no lttthI: ns tllness and stttttl *t-eomes hardto
' ‘I .I ' 'r' w” "1 lh. :t. f . 2 the tre l legions ( ttnjnnssltllt substantiates tkndetsotfl night .l: t1:.‘\l tnotntng we had from the blood. pt ' up rouse. (iclllltHls ~ .ombattve seek
.. ' .. lllL‘lItfxu.‘ rt :‘.\|.' Moth l). .. ‘ ~,.-hlteans elattn that ,tle Itlttl; than a ltgurehead lot the dts- ”3mm, .‘,U\mg(2lu-\ “cwcnmdd[\_ on the brain. Hmp.__\ 32k. tlte aid 0, 3. w...“ ._ m Relattyely
, . poet.» .2 t2 t: .-e;-: ‘.y' .t 2 ognrtt» gruntled nttntte he i\ .t eandtda‘teto be reckoned mm“; “m (m n“! rcmgmlc mu” abnormal behuytw _.. .m unknown m it. ;-.t,v. ”Nana-s 0".
‘. . -‘ ‘IIIIiIttiI.II I.I H .., . . ‘ ystth and. .Ii ~:th‘i‘t,vtig‘se‘yly't‘N tull pttlytlieges nottnally h“ “l ... ,, “K dud” satd [mt hp muwmhlc wmd ..t..: .. Reye‘s Swdmw: “C “n the rise.
. I ~ l " I"" mu‘ ”mm ‘I m [ht dllm‘d “I ”h m‘H‘” “HA L‘md'ddus' hehm multi he dtte to the [here are. tn tau ‘ » to espeCtally tn out .2ol2hecountry.
1 ', . 2 tnetl...tt Reye's rangtng tron. .. . . ,es‘s We were l.:.k. .w?‘ ('lay After a
: ~ . I, \ M taut.“ later (Ilay began cal» to trreyersihle eternt or few days ot .tm - renting and con-
. I ' Wh If lllly.‘ ill ltts sleep. moantng and brought (‘lay in. h; \t. ’ilt.’ stant mont'ut pressure on hls
- ' 2 .I 2. gar )LIiilwt :._ thetetttly We could not lirst stage and the «it « tte— brain went do . ind the doctors
'I . em ’21:}... .. . w .tk .t: .tttd soon he became \to- dtately transferred ltttt ’ :ltat» were able to mke htm oil the
3 ' 3. ‘ lent. .. :: ..1 the walls and bed wttlt rtc lntenstye (‘are l '.'t - t is machtnes and n .d:« dlltln and move
. I. ills ! ‘vledteal (enter. one . ' ftet him ottt ol tlllt"t‘- -. eare.
I: . Q. \" 2" ng ltts pedtatrtetan, m treatment lIaCIlittes ’ ~ " the He's shmytt tsttng ill—effects
'I I I I r 2~ % v’I — d R llhltu. ' iv St Joseph‘s llosptta eountry‘. from the tit\L'.t" td was able to
I. I I-‘II UnrecognIZde, idmous people lea ooney lht ;. _ -~ on dttty tn the etne: Durtngthelirst ttgetn' . ‘tted spend l-Iehtttat. .‘ ’Ylt. his eighth
.3 gantx - tutekly ruled ottt .tll downtostagethtee .. . tng- birthday. at iIUllE'.
‘ I 2‘} , am Hi. 2' ' tltttg oyerdose and ent care began. Why- I . . ‘sttn-
I I‘I;I; 1‘ ‘ II to conc' I +3 4} r I I b 't' h d ‘ nit'thi 7 . l\ was sullertng ttont a day morntny. he had but .. ‘lltlil . ' 3
.. 2. .2 _ US'OH ‘.. .. . ea C9 3 rl 'eS ar to In telat .,l mu .tnd unknown dl\L‘il~L drug tnduced coma to . - rvt.ttn Stephen “Ilhull
‘ I" ,I who; it . \ \y ndtome. aetty ity. had a met-harm. - Milt" English TA
” vI ‘I . ; ‘ ‘ .. ' ' \ , . 3. l0 my!“ .. ‘. I W othe: l't(\ ought to heteplaeed by _
I It .' It ~ ”t1 ' ' \" . ..t .- elk-.2}. A. mm. ,3,“ 3. 3, IIII.I.IIII 't‘ "rite: known _~W.-————-——_————:.— ._,._____ __
- _ 3 ~ ~ .. .i . ,,,_ . t\\. . 2 l‘U‘l‘IL‘ mmmw ,. .y. . I An. ask me it I tntttd hetngtec- ‘ I... li'r "..‘ ”‘lii ”"'m ..""'.";ii;=i;:=; 327:;
‘I‘t I.'I2r-II .t'1‘1‘ v ' -. .:' t‘e 'tw \otnemte .tsked . I IF'I' I I‘ 'I " “‘1"! m 11“” haying " I I/ , ' r“;
”‘2’ ,. ‘. _. ,2 . “my; .. M‘ltdek ln'il: .II'.l|It .: l" . IIIIII'II II‘IJIIII up III III” MI“ IIII“ ‘ a I, 3 if I I .3 4 ”I”,
I .I.‘ ‘.I‘, '. _‘ ' t. :\.t'-.‘. l \lyettlw... t m. 2. I “ ‘w .II.II\ 11”“ ,\IIII '“KT‘llll g..,w a .I N. ! fi ,
.’ _-, . I‘M-”.1. .1 ‘ V “IL" i‘lt‘ 5”“ -[ \Lli‘I .- ‘ ‘ \ . 3 .t ‘t. tltt LlllL’k\il:Llrli/tl L 'I. " H 3 “. V ' ' i ‘
. ..' .2 '1. . .' .. 32.... .2 ‘ .2ted lt'l spetow e ... ' "II'I" '3‘”) F“ W” “'3” 1W? I, JIL ‘ ' I ' a
I. .3 ‘ .' ‘ .‘ . -.t- 3.3g .t j 3 illt'. i haH' no \. t IIIII II \ II'IIICI ShIIIIIIII he IIIII‘IIEI ifi‘lifillht .“l'l' .Il' .."l'll I1_'.'Il'l" 'Ill'l' 'l'll'l
I , ‘I II tII I: ,_ . _ r s .‘ s "' !;\I}‘ ‘ tlst)t'\et lttl lll.tt .m‘t l l; t‘ IIIIII I IIYIIIIII III IIIIL IIIIIIIII pILIII IIIIIII” IIIIIIIIII I I . I
-~: . | ‘ . gm :‘t' ‘1 ‘ 2"? Hts pants and ohserytng .. 5- ”van“ 4.. 3 '
3‘ .3 -( :. . . x it w A I“. .W. . l'l,’,? p, tptt He should not he the W m ECK .
I ‘ -.'I' t J J, _ h ”MM. 3 . 3-51; . «'I'Ht' t ‘ ttr'setyatton hlnl\Lii c I
3 :3 -. 2. g ‘3 It \t .; ate more reeognt/ahle than ”~qu
2 3. .; ’ . tlllt' [t ttt‘tlt it is possible to eon- 1 am ou‘
.‘ _‘ 2 Andy . .. 'I Lilitil :‘ta‘. you're more ttnpottant [Mae II
L .‘~-: I. ' m 2 33-22 .2. l'eotm :' t to lotee that asstttttpttott s .L'; ‘ .‘ LAY, .
3' I i . ”I'm on yo... \\ hen someone asks tot an
‘. . ‘ 2 . Rooney ‘1‘? M ' 15.17,; g autograph the unspoken tdea ts that mg ml max
.’I I;_ .I ‘ ’22. “’1‘; ton .tte .ntpoltttnt enough so that ”A”
' y . ———-———_—..¢ 9.31:?“ 4332* \Hlll il.il:ti\\l:llCn name ts sotnethtng I” M0 WER ‘
. I I." “ pm. -. , w. .. . 722.; . .2 . I_ '_ , I I _ II lam damned tt l‘m going to haye II *3
' I. 1' twin 2 2 .2 . . A... . _. .. . a tll1\1HI1 tone that assuntptton on me mA V ‘ {WVA . 'I
I‘ 2 lYL'ttl " ' 't u? flit .. "- I " q: . .lfltil ut~L' tittinlcnltunnl“flung n“ I .. ..
, [‘V'W‘I' .H. ‘. l! I“ 1.; w ;I' ‘ ‘_ " lltlll)‘. on .t pat-eeot papertot anyone I 'I
I,’ I .t are VL'-l3‘ w' .t\ fantotts it .t ’ . “ I lattt te.ttl\ to\otelotthellrstean- WK $ _.
. II . \kltw .. ' . silttyk mist \' , I ti'tidlt' who promises to eonserye ' 5 I.
. 2. ' . .- L“: ' ' .sztIttn . . .myonewhothtnks ot’ who! ut'tt.ttte!\ tamous people we ...- 'I ,
, ' my. ..> 2-. .e . ,. 2M t. . 2 . writer does" hate and t".PlUlL all the possthtltttes .
. ,- t . per ...t a... .... _, _‘;ttt._t'." e. .I tttld l dothat ’ ‘\llii Mm! ... (‘i tttttlntg ltltHu ot them Somethtng W» ~ ~5 niztsiimfilé‘i‘i‘ M‘
_ u .tt't;."t".‘\l-» urt'y, tor tt,s' .t. .2 to else the prtvtetp.t| .tt .. has to he done to take the pressure 2 ..‘ '.2'.' ': .- >22, ’ ’ i. v.»- .‘s“~x,- .e _ ‘ 4H1»?! .3.
. I " l :'tlt\»t t M. [)t'. . tIIII/t’lu' 1H2» "l ( .troltna .htgh «hoot the U” stteh teltttyely unknown tamous . 1‘32”...”2*"2€E%J'Iiefi2,‘2fifil . 13$ II-II.‘-;I.II 1+ .
‘ . [ t'l‘h' " " t w or with My - 1?. on that Id route “at: ll tl t‘s'ttt‘lt' ,.\ H‘Aseil 23;, “.25.?293... , <12, ti:.-v‘t(~v,a‘...:~'f“".’ ' 'EB‘TfiqIH.‘ Heart“
I - It'ens t ' ' enough ‘5' .t ._ .\ pt .touhle wttlt tne ts I it t to “VII RIIIIm'I‘I “In“ a nallonall) IJII ..I-'II -2I,III_ .III . I.2$;v,,2.2 . III-LEI “My?
' ' . . .. .2. 3. 2. We .. fl .. .de
_ ' son to " ‘llllltl‘ u 'i'tvxt' L\;t‘.-‘:‘..!. ‘ ~‘r-wn and not lamons . ttt2tt.zlt “IIdIUIIIIII tnlumn. W " WI “II.“‘J‘?’
, I who lltat s :Hpty \ Itli .u - ti.tskedtotalkott.tlt'lvm'ilk ——_‘—'_“—_—_' .' » g; I
. It. i. . . t.,.., ‘1‘... “mm "ts t MW, . . 3 .
L"Il'llt" \ ms!» '.ll >v . . .t t'ttl l aetually did 2! Mk ‘I: on _ _ ' : M... h WW ‘HMM‘ , ‘ ' 3 _ 3
to: .t L't'll'l't'll' tn wont 2". ' tw/t \lll’ré'.sl’1'\\.1lltI’t t‘.;._-.1 _ . I
- ‘ .. 2 . .. ».~It. «[Httllnlttllul‘s mum...“ ....,..._. .
' ill "lt past ‘ t .. .l"~ | .’ htg mistake - W ._ WWW. MW"
. .teltttwwl t :‘tt.t' ,1"‘t".lll 2-'.- .l Hattman.thehostt ' \H( I, , . .... pm. 4. “WNW” “mm“ " ® NLW’ “nan Q9
lti/tib‘i‘l\"tt.1ll\< .- ttty .tDl‘: .I' .. llurmm: 4mm"uw.t\.tttot.‘.~t , . .. . .. ., ,M ‘32., ,._.. DU '8
f on 7ht'lt‘1t'Kanlt th‘Jtithl 2.. \l ‘ t'tlay.andwhenlitt..l.tt..‘l . . . t . ...,.....,..3.,..p,....l., 88 30
I mm It has .tppaventtx titttftr ‘ mt tie the show. t'lt"llltl .tt ., . . .
WW "“‘s'"“"' ‘_'»j‘5!t"»""ti2' ”5" ”1" ”W" \U“ .t ”H‘ The character "puggie" is trademarked and cop_vr72:hted under J. Greer Enterprises.
t” 21' “2M 45 2* "'-t~\ W - \ wN‘ 0" 2' 5'1““ " t' 2 'w "-m Wm» "Puggie." drawn by Jeff Greer. I senior business major, will “wear every Monday. Wed-
t‘lh ‘.t't‘~ ‘ls pets tn [Vt‘tlplt‘ dont In Hell 1., . l. t 2 MW "2" nesda) and Friday.
0 ‘ p ' . .

 ' l k) kt H\l l . lmtm \t'plrnlht‘l ‘1 l‘mtl-J
, 11 . . i .
"2ws roun up ,
] 5_1~ mm 2W 4' ' ,
w . s p 12; (2 l A L Gult (hi dxstribmor. the prlmar James was omen ,, K... .. . " 2 ‘ '
. MEN 2; \i.(;.u.-\.\l)jury, John A. Breslin, 8 Vernon of Cog-45in made capam" - " .. "...“ ”In". kept 09"“ ‘0 ”““* ' 2:..r22u-2- .mdt-rson 2.25.0 2. 2 1
. 2 . . ._ ...» Ihrl'irstttme former Mason Comty the charge during 3 area’; In. 2»... ..2.j.;...1 anfi development ' r212..'2.;21 “’W'l‘fi‘“ 4"" P”~‘S|d“[‘l 5 . 2. 1 2;
i" ..:z 13. heard Circuit judge, said in a candidates' forum on But 22. . ‘ 2 that .Sevegalnt::.:,l;, ‘ »* W»? h‘» ”1”” 2" "4 “’ddl" 535‘ ' . .
“hm...” from five telephone ]mterv1ew he Kentqcky Educational 2.1mm“... m1.” gig???) "and ]1,] 1 - 2 . .. u- .22.,.22¢,-:2..:. ., ]_ 2d - 2' 2 '
. mum-w vesterday as it knew nothm about the Televxsnon. Cox they filed alone Wm?" 2: ' E0 the . . g .2 .. ‘ " ' WWW?" ”“ L“”“ d ' I» . '
., . ..2222..- .2 ity in- grand Jury is brotha', a$2.5 million slantbr suit answer i, ;.2 :t‘umn's darrbdos "NH“, ‘ . . - 2:.22 : 2.2 ' ' ' ' """ "4‘” “”“"‘"d '] '. j
_ !'"V'.1;."1L"H‘n of slate Jim Brvsbn. could not be against Vernon. which is energy 222.22; ' "K u L m “ " 2 . . .2- . 2‘ 22 ;’ 3‘ ”"4“ (’4 2' .
0 ;~ 22.. 22.2 ”-2.2. rt‘at'hutitur comment and pending. Corp. ..2' .. .35 xaid " I “‘ ' 4 4" rummue ' ,, “j", ""'

1'2221~12-2' I-‘trderul High- 3 \Vhphouse employee they ;2' ' ' \~ nuld 2' " ' ‘ 221%. 21:.2 "“4 '4‘" ]!.~-‘(Mh A" "2. ',";2- 4,1“.

‘~ 2. ‘.-1222::2i~-t2-ator Sine '2 was In1Lexmgton. elimindt. -. .. --...... me " 2 :- ”1 "' ] ] f "Jet's
,. , 2 ] M. (22x was Amxifltfl‘ Witness ap- list If ‘22,... r-pm'nons ; 2 . 1 2. . 2w ..rur 22 1, 42],
"M 2 My «...:ung the $031“! “limo“! §ubpoena THE ARMY] CORPS were ”m... ‘ . . 1 . 32122-2 ,1 .1 2w, " . 2.12.5 91.;2' Ixruel ]1.1 1]:7.j,].

] “.1 “days or 1m mm "me, ac- 0F ngmeers Issued a 'l‘qur': - ‘HM'IIL'IUS [1((])."\:\!.l) In 2 . 1.1.1,. 1] .1,1 . . .'_ _T "fi'Kuftlt‘ . .-, f- 211;.”-

.1.., ,1] cordgug [0 his attomey’ rcport yesterday llStlng {01d 1h“ ] . HM [110V :\((]L]§[‘J)Ult‘ . , . ] J. . _ , 11]],12 .- ' ’ » ' 2.‘ 'ht‘ .' 1 "1 _ ’1.

l‘: , ... mun-5s ap- Bull Deep of flembrson. ?bout 200 present and were 2m, . , pm} admlmstratlon 1.2-. .... 2.x, . . . .m], ] .2 .- .. 22...... ...] ,ur 11.11.11,]. .3] 1].
”1”]. 1 \ostvrduy was The ‘AX'HCSS did not give uture dam 5!th Wha‘e bu 35h. ] 2L:lt.;fi&l 0f playing pUllt' ' 1. , 1 1. 1 .] 41 ’ . ~13 H22!) _I, the «'11 1‘113... .191,
1]},:. i. 111‘ ]\,]h(_.hael his ”,1on and Deep baCk-glcf electncnty could deVe‘lUpr‘ nat110nal Syv. _-. _ 1 I", ’l.<‘.2 2 ..'. . - .42.. 0' all! an ]_I 2:5:14-1'; (,1:
>2'I1 . ; Lt‘Xl!);—..IOH He dflzl'tnpt {0 Identify him. bepr UCCF’ for the north Jack f1]. ”f the PFCStanl (,‘arh-r ] ; ' 1.2 2- ' 4 "1‘4' " 4 4"£“”"'“‘" 4‘” );7,‘""1"]'4'2;' ,"

- 22.: . vunnwnt on his .("“'~ now a Madxson- central Umted States by Barron 2,]1. .hwvlo‘} backmg Of the A21, ... . .1... ].,].] .2; :... .. ...; 1, .1]1]-]12],]...'1.
. "’12)... LT. and Vlnt t». luv-king execmive 1995. 1 men! 11,1 ]!l]1,]”]“‘1g and JOhn :\-'.~.= ' -- -2 . 1 1.1.“ . ..s' ' .Jd"k“2f.2.’1 4] "'2' f2; fl' '1‘2'"
1‘ ~= ‘ 2- buy ‘5 mterest a‘nd ”“ ”‘1’" 0" the]state The head_ 04" Planning agent). - . . -.- mrp.» recelved fmamwa. . . “22.222 ~ " ‘ 2' E ‘ -~’ P"3i’-1"3} 1."..".7"2-'"e",-"'.~"."?
. . ..md not be Loun