xt7ttd9n6799 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ttd9n6799/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-07-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 10, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 10, 1997 1997 1997-07-10 2020 true xt7ttd9n6799 section xt7ttd9n6799 mwavmv - *










See page ) .


I‘GBBIVB tace—Iitt

C bun ges
bring new

By Manish Bhatia
Sniff ll Y'lft'l‘

'l‘he L‘K Bookstore is the lab
est addition to the construction
frenzy that has swept the campus
this sutntner.

Over the next few weeks, the
new management plans to
undergo rigorous remodeling to
change the store's aesthetic


Mars landing captivates WOI‘lll

UK pro essors

follow zndings

By Rob Horhst

Senior Staff I‘Vriier

As scientists continue to discover

“\Ve will make things better.
more efficient," said Kim Robin—
son, Operations Manager.

“(The new design) will be
bright and airy—a tnore com-
fortable place to he in," she said.

Key features of the structural
changes involve a new entrance.
an AIM and book drops where
students could leave their per—
sonal paraphernalia.

“I didn‘t think the store
looked as nice as it could,"said
Dorothy Sohl, a UK alum.

u’l‘he systetn we inherited
from the past ownership is
archaic," said David Burgess.
assistant Vice president for \\‘al-
lace‘s~ Bookstores, the store's cur!
rent owner.

“The Student (Ienter and the
Bookstore have existed together
for about 15 years, and there has

been little done to improve the
condition of the bookstore," he
said. Burgess felt that the book-
store at UK did not match the
standards of those in similar
sized schools, such as Louisville
and South (Iarolina.

New carpeting, improved air
conditioning and faster scanners
at the checkout lines are all in
the forecast. \Vooden fixtures for
trade books and a seating area
are some other changes.

To better accommodate the
scores ofstudents that pour into
the store at the beginning of a
semester. several areas are being
reshuffled. The new entrance
would allow a person to reach
the key regions of the store easi—

“I hope the



.‘ll‘f profitxitor tier
“.l I illen mum “

into Sing/cram





. july 10, [997


l . .

i ‘N ,N/mi'ix 4 I lets/mm! 8
I z “I: t‘liVI’H/i 5 (f/i/w/io/t 10









JAMES CRISP Krnrrl turf?~


Arm schoolchildren like 8 year-oldjim Aguilar are attending
classes at LC C 1er mmmer. See [raga 6-7.


plaza opens this tall

The renovated Patterson Office Plaza
is scheduled to be substantially complete
by the beginning of fall semester, a UK
official said.

“VVe‘ll he cleaned up and pretty well
out of there by the time school starts."

more infortnation about Mars, Suketu
Bhavsar mi ht also discover something——
curious stu ents in his classroom.

“I stand in front of a class and it’s a
sobering thought that 95 percent of the
class was born after Neil Armstrong
landed on the moon," said Bhavsar, an
associate professor of astronomy/physics.

“Then, the space pro ram grabbed
our ima ination so muc that if you
asked litt c boys, two out of three would
have said they wanted to be an astronaut.
But not anymore. But I think (the Mars
mission) will start a whole resurgence in



Plum: ’IIY‘IIIt’l't'il

THE I III Y” m J Imtr rover Sojourner dcployedfiom the Pathfinder .rpm‘m'ofi

onto the surface of the ml planet July 4.

space interest."

For the past week, the Mars Pathfind-
er and Rover Sojourner have sent pic-
tures of terrain and conducted experi-

ments to determine specific characteris—
tics of Mars.

Mars is significant to scientists

because of its similarities to Earth. At one

See "M8 on 3


said Ken (Ilevidence, director of procureA
ment on construction.

The renovations have thus far torn out
the P( )T fountain, which will be replaced
with a small grassy area. :\lso, a grove of
trees will be added along the face of P( )l
facing the Plaza.

According to the Plaza site plan, about
40 trees will he added to the st uare.

An artist‘s depiction of t c finished
renovations can be found on the (Iapital
Construction Division's homepage at
(http:/ /www.uky.edu/ Fiscal .~\ffairs/ ( Ia pi —

’82:, 5;; glow/v »‘





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Editor In (hieanron Sanderford
News Editor ............................................................................... Brian Dunn
Opinion & Viewpoint Editor ................................................ Emily (iowin
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(lo—Features Editor ..................................................... LaShanna Carter
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Title IX compliance
not far from reality

Gender gap


at UK

By Brian Dunn
New Editor

Beth Leake is an :\ll-:\meri—
can diver for L'K.

She said such an accomplish-
ment would not have been possi-
ble ifit weren‘t for the sociologi—
cal changes brought by Title IX
v II law passed 35 years ago that
allows that no one be excluded
from participation in athletics.

“Ten years ago, I wouldn't
have been able to get It scholar-
ship,” lIeakc, an accounting
senior, said. “l“emale athletes can
have more of II chance."

()ne of the major and more
measurable goals ofTitle IX was
to increase female participation
in sports. .\nd female participa—
tion at L K has increased signifi-

cantly. Since 1991 female ath—
lctcs In varsity sports at L'K have
increased from 93 to 154.

The national average accord—
ing to the :\pril 1997 NCAA
(icnder-l‘iquity Survey for Divi—
sion l -\ universities was 151.

“I think we\e done a good
iob with (female participation),"

said Kathy l)cBoer, associate
director of athletics at L'K.

l)cl§ocr said a combination of

factors have contributed to the
growth of women’s athletics over
the years. Title IX hasn‘t worked
alone she said but has also
worked with changes In society.

“lhere have been lots of

strides made," she said. “ l here's
been tremendous growth."

But increased participation
isnt the only goal of litle lX
A'dyocatcs of the law also sought
to haye women s sports propor-
tionately match the populations
of the school

l‘or example, L'K's population

is just over 4‘) percent fetnale lf

proportionality were met then
4‘) percent of the athletes would
be female lloweier, according
to the L K \thletics ~\ssociation

10‘)? survey on participation

opportunities, 33 percent of
L’K’s athletes are female.

llere, football, however, caus-
es a problem because 1-H (8‘)

scholarship and 55 walk-on) of

the 315 male athletes are football
players. There isn‘t an equivalent
women's sport to football that
has the number of participants so
the numbers can be skewed.

Not including football play—
ers, there are 171 male partici—
pants (5% percent) and 15-1
female participants (-17 percent)
in varsity sports at L K.

According to the L'KAA sur-
vey, males received 306 scholar-
ships including football and 117
not including football. Females
got 116 scholarships.








CHRIS HUSENTHM. [\‘l’l‘lli'l In!”

“I think l've had as good a
chance as any male athlete,"
Leake said. “1 think it’s been a
really fair experience."

But Leake said UK can look
to expand and offer more
women‘s sports to offset the dis—
crepancy caused by the shear size
of football participation.

“I would rather see college
programs expand to include
women as opposed to cutting
men's teams,“ she said.

lior example. L7K added varsi-
ty softball as an option for
women last year. According to
the 1996- ()7 Kentucky Basketball
Media (iuide, 12 women‘s varsity
sports and 10 men’s varsity sports
now exist at L'K. ()ne coeduca-
tional sport, the rifle team, exists.



Expansion gives
store new look
From PAGE 1

expenses do not result in an
increase in the prices for text
books and school supplies." said
Laura laIckett, II communication
disorders senior. Although
Burgess wouldn't comment on
the actual costs involved, he said

students would not be victims of

the construction costs.

The newly remodeled book~
store should be fully operational
by August I, in time for fall

“\\'c are ready for the mad—
ness to begin," Robinson said.




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f’ U 'u.»

. Z‘Jn‘bt'

Teen llltfll‘ll j0lll8
“ll Illlllllfl relations

By Kristy Clifford
Smfl‘ lVrirer

ln white overalls and a red striped T—
shirt, Natasha Fain looks like any 14 year-
old. The similarities end there.

Every morning, Fain crawls out of bed,
and heads to work in the UK public rela—
tions office. She Ripes, files and does
whatever is neede to keep the public
relations office running smoothly.

“Last summer 1 had more time for
friends,” Fain said. “But (I know) it's time
to get more serious.”

Fain acquired the job through the
mayor’s training program, or STFPS
(Summer Teen Employment Placement

STEPS gives teenagers a head start on
their future. Each year, UK President
Charles Wethington sets aside money in
the budget for the program.

Before an applicant can be considered
for a job, he or she must complete the
program and receive certification.
According to Fain, the training includes
how to act during an interview. After the
training, the teens are considered certi—
tied, and are ready to begin their new

When Fain decided to a ply for a job,
she called the Mayor’s o fice. She was
introduced to the STEPS program and
successfully completed her training pro-

Applicants must dress up and attend a
formal interview. Laura Holmes, an
employment officer for STEPS, hired
Fain and 12 other teens to work at UK
this year. There were 13 applicants. and
all were hired.

“I guess for once 13 turned out to be a
lucky number," Holmes said.

At first, Fain was afraid she might not
be experienced enough to handle her
duties. That fear quickly disappeared, as
she discovered that no one expected her
to know everything.

In the work environment, neither Fain
nor Assistant Director of UK Public
Relationsjohn Scharfenberger said she is
not treated any differently than her older

“\Ve are educating her and hope to
have her writing press releases later this
summer,” Scharfenberger said.

When asked about her job perfor—
mance, Scharfenberger described Fain as
bright, intelligent and enthusiastic no
matter what the task. “She is the model of
cooperation,” Scharfenberger said.

Fain admits missing spending time
with her friends, but knows her experi—
ence will benefit her.

“\Vhen (potential employers) see what
you have done, they are more likely to
hire you for a good job,” Fain said.

Another benefit Fain enjoys, is the
ability to buy school clothes for her fresh-
man year at Tates Creek High School.

In the future, Fain thinks she will
probably attend UK and go on to become
a lawyer. ller dream is to own her own
law firm.

ller STEPS application essay dis—
played her vision.

Fain wrote, “\'\'e have forgotten—what
our ancestors died for! You may not real-
ize it, but drugs, violence, racism, and
love for material things have taken place
ofa good solid education. How do I know
this? I face it every single day!"




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Rover findings out of
this world

From PAGE 1

“\‘Vhether there is life out there or not
is a totally different ( uestion than
whether L'.F.()‘s exist. T e lay person
mixes the two up."

As for the future of Mars, both Ferland
and Bhavsar expect man to set foot on
Mars in the 21st century. The question is
whether or not there would be support
for this type of mission.

. “If the political will is there, technolo-
time COI’ldlthHS “'CI'C suitable for lllC on g‘ will [nuke it pugsihlc’" said Bhavsar
Mars but something C'JUSCd 3 drastic CH“ who said he believes the mission could



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mate change. But evidence of permafrost
suggests that life could exist on Mars.

“It seems that Mars did have the right
conditions for life." said Dr. Gary Ferland
a physics/astronomy professor. “The two
theories are that Mars only needs the

take place around 2030. “But there are no
raw materials on the way and it's a two-
year round trip. Everything must be
taken with you. There are no refueling
stations nor Denny‘s that astronauts can
stop at."

call In llclalls [ll

In Sign llll !



right conditions and “f0 can get going Bhavsar compared this moment to a
rfiht ‘3an ()r we '5 CI‘WC t” being '-‘ mlr‘ tiiaior moment in history in the 15th cen—



ac e and only here on liarth." turv.
Bl" when SCWnUSG discuss l'fc on “We live at an amazing historical camsMfl-NW‘“
‘i Mars, they do'n’t mean blg green allens. epoch," Bhavsar said. “lt’s like living in ' lmch lmtolmllcnu only fimflnccmwlllbeenudlltlonal1|¢narmbnuk."Fnom
instead. seientists talk about microorgan- Furope during the late l400's. :I here “£3132"... ”m?;:’,:n mummnm‘. mm «may»... am in . m w Inlnutl 'fi'fifflmfl‘
lsmS- ' were already eople living in America but aim is good twollmM um onlyzthIly m 3.1??? figuufimm‘mfimm m3; '3' w m",
i “It '5' unfortunate Th3} people think there’s nobor v living in space unless one M“'Mfi:mh‘:hmm?”wm "mm mum ole-mm!“ Mm".
. about aliens when thinking about life. believes in aliens. It’s a very amazmg 01001.nutummw Wanton, an mm hmml.



Bhavsar. said.





'I/I/H‘II/III.]I//I I”. [9‘1

—. [\I’IIIIII'K‘I Iver/rd



Another Tennessee
prep star eyes tilt


The Graduate School Doctoral Dissertation Defenses




Name: jimmy Alan RI xlen

Program Hmnral anrnwnng

Analysts oi (iIvIIpIex \IrIIIIIIres \Hlli llIt‘ IInIIe
Iiiiiert-nte 'I‘rIIIe-Iiorrmn Tet lilil’.ltll‘ In General

Namedohn Cnlt'lit’fl

Program; Ilusrnm AJIIIII’INHW In
Dissertation TILle: IIIITI pe \II Ings Plans
Frarrmig I'I'IeIrs wauted \X'IIII the II In}: and
TIIIIrIg oi the Tax llenefii


(LurvIIInnr (ax IrIIIIIuIcs

Major mifesson lli \tephen 1) Quincy
Date. _ltIlv II IW‘

Time: ii!) II III

Place: 20‘) Ifikats

Makirl‘rofesmn Dr Thomas R Pope

Date: Job 2‘). 199‘

Time. 0 or, .i III

Place: Is; (iJllIIn IiIIsIntss & iconrurnts IIIIIIIIIIII:



Name. [Iran] l'lllnt‘i
I; \lIt II ililllll an

Dissertation Title: strennlr of M rml Tim IIIILII
the II Cell Receptor for AntIgen Influences Cit‘lrng
ll tit-II Fate iMcnIIInaIIIm
Major Professor: Dr Charles snrm
Date: jIIII III 199'
Time: 2-5 II III Iwrnrnarr H p IIIIdt-fensei
Place. ““05 Iwnnnari

\l\‘il 55 Ila-lenser

Name: saridra Ann \cgr)

ngram; l’s’H lIIllUKY

D'ssemtion True. The Era-Its oi Aging on
lirretted Forgetting

Major mecgor: l)r Jonathan tioldrng
Date: June 1‘. N)"

Turmoil) ~ ll 50a III

Place: 216 KlelL‘ Hall







Name: lUlm AltxlindelrFlhImawrn
ngrairt A nIIII'IrI n nnwrrnv
Dmtiorilide: lnngt‘l‘l’illt‘flllng sIIIuIIIIIIII CI III In or r
Measurement thlems In Urn I’nxess Control
Major-Professor: Dr sun A \hearer
telulv ll 19‘)”
TIme. IJUnm
Place: 126 Ag Ingneenng IIIIIIdInI;











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M ezcer’s
slyoes need


By Steven Scrivner
XII/Iris It‘d/fur

Ron Mercer helped UK win a
national title in 1996 and led the
(Iats to a runner-up finish last

But the reigning Southeastern
Conference Player of the Years
iump to the NBA left the Cats
with some big shoes to fill.

llelp could be on the way.

According to scouts, UK is
close to signing a Mercer—like
player in the form of(Ileveland,
Tenn” high school sensation
Vincent Yarbrough.

The ()‘l‘OOl-(i. lBU—pound
small forward is at or near the
top of most scouts‘ list of blue-
chip high school prospects in the

In the latest issue ofxl/l—Smr'
Spam magazine recruiting ana-

lyst Bob Gibbons ranked
Yarbrough .\'o. l.

“l le’s easily a top five
prospect," Chris Dortch. Associ-
ate l‘iditor of Blue Ribbon (lol—
lege Basketball Yearbook, said.
“lies a great player with a
tremendous upside."

Yarbrough may even have one
advantage over Mercer.

“Ron Mercer wasn‘t the
defensive intimidator that Vin—
cent is " Dortch said “(Vin-
cent s) got great jumping ability
and that allows him to block a lot
of shots."

But Dortch said Yarhrough
will likely have to add some mus-
cle to become the complete play -
er Mercer Is.

“l he only knock on the kid is
that he’s slightly built but he can
get bigger and stronger " said
l)ortch. “However when you re
as quick as he is and can jump
over ‘em, his size might not hurt
him. "

lronically the recruiting bat—
tle for Yarlirough Is shaping up
the same way it did for Mercer
— Kentucky vs. lennessee.

One advantage for Tennessee
is that Yarbrou h's half-brother
l)ale Baker wil attend UT this

fall as a freshman.

“The family factor will defi—
nitely come into play,” said

Initially Yarhrough planned to
sign a letter of Intent next spring,
but the harrassment that comes
with being a prized recruit has
caused him to move up his
announcement date to later this

“As far as I know Kentucky" s
at the top of his list," ( leveland
High School principal Ken VVil-
ley said.

NCAA rules allow a player
two periods to sign a letter of
intent —— one in the fall and
another next spring. Ihe early
signing period lasts one week
beginning Nov. 12 and the late
period begins the first week in
April and runs until May 15.

Yarbrough can verbally com—
mit to Kentucky at any time but
nothing will be final until UK
receives his letter of Intent.

\\’ith a 3.2 GPA in his core
courses (and l. (I overall)
Yarbrough should have no prob—
lem meeting NCAA require-
ments for freshman eligiblity.

He has yet to take a college
entrance examination.

Mattox llllllfll‘ IlllBI‘OSCOIIB

Scrivner: Gmee period
over; tzme to produce

lIcn \Yestern Ken-

tucky women‘s
basketball coach
Paul Sanderford

announced his decision to
head to Nebraska three
weeks ago. his L'K couII»
terpart Bernadette Mattox
surely breathed a sigh of

rel i cf. "UV"
Spam I ‘icliful'

Or did she?

lt's Iossible she saw
this as her chance to rise
to the top of women's
hoops in Kentucky She
may have convinced herselfthat
Sandertord s departure means his
stranglehold on the to recruits
In the state Is over anIrthey will
have no choice but to come to



Then again she may
realize that the expecta—
tions of her team rose the
minute Sanderford
signed his name on the
proverbial dotted line.

How many more 8-l9
seasons will athletic
director (LM Newton
tolerate? This has to he a
question going through

er mind

\Vhen competing against
Sanderford for top
recruits in the region he had the
upper hand because of the suc-
cess he enjoyed during his l5
year stay in Bowling Green.

This obiviously meant a lot




because not even Mattox’s brief
tenure on Rick Pitino's staff
could convince blue chippers like
Jamie VValz to come to UK.
Proven success is a powerful
recruiting tool and it's clearly
missing from Mattoxs toolhelt

But alas Sanderfords gone
And now its Bernadette vs.

it Is up to her (and only her)
to lure some recruits to central
Kentucky and to develop their
talent once they arrive. lfMattox
can land a few good recruits next
Vear it could go a long way
towards convincing future
recuits that UK has seized the
throne currently occupied by

If she fails at doing this it
could send a message that UK
will never have a competetive
womens team - at least while
Mattox Is here.

See "Knox on 12


. .ma ‘1


._ ---—-. ..

v—w m~<








.éétam . *4


ID 331‘.



vibes t0 BlllBQl‘flS

Dams 2122]]
visit six

By Kristy Clifiord
Sill/fill liter

and Aaron Sanderlord
[fr/mu Ill (.‘I’It’fi

.\lusician Richard Davis will

lie bringing his unique style of

ia/./ to Lexington this fall as the
city‘s resident ia/J, artist.

L'K President (Iharles
\Vethington and Lexington
Mayor l’am \liller announced
the selection of Davis during a
press conference .\londav at the
(his ,-\. ~Singletarv (Ieiiter for the

Davis will visit Lexington six
times l)L‘I\\CCll fall 1007 and fall
1998 During his visits to l e\‘
ington D1\is will not onh pre-
sent concerts hut will conduct
workshops designed to provide
oppoitunities for area musicians
to strengthen their skills

“._lw./. is our countrv s most
famous and most origin-1| art

form and \et theie .‘irc mam of

us who still w itit to 1nd need to
learn a whole lot more about the
wonderful experience of l‘.l//.“
Miller said.
Da\is' iesidenu relies on a
S105 000 grant prmided h} the
lila \\ allate Re tdcrs Digest
liimd. lhe fund is administered
h_\' the .'\.ssoci.1tion of Performing
:\rts Presenters,
Davis was chosen out of 83



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/‘/vnlw lm nil/'u/

“‘8" 0f SIYLES Ric/Jim] Dar/x trill Iii‘mg lily sly/e 0/7113: to I/ie [flue—

(QM/3X mining fllla‘filll.

people who were invited to sub—
mit proposals.

'l‘heir task. was to create a
series of concerts that lnL‘UI‘pt)»
rated all styles of iii/,7, into the

’l'hree candidates were chosen
for a series ofdav long interviews

at Ll\.

Davis said he lielieves in per
sonal interaction with his stu—
dents. I le said he doesn't hesitate
to gixc them his ;-iddrcss and
phone numher and trcqiicnth
c ills his students if he feels they

Sec JAZZ III] 12

PPM crafts ‘Millennium’

Artist plans
huge mum]

By Erich Kraoel
Sm” ll 'i'lrcr

\.s the \e ir 2000 looms ahe id
people from everv corner of our
vast L 1rth lrt h astil\ preparing

suitahle dedications to the com—
ing ofthe new millennium.

(Iountries in southeast .-\sia
change time zones, l‘igvpt invites
the :\rtist Formerl} Known as
Prince to perform mil the L'K
coiiimiinit} c1ptures the iinnerse
in the form of imoniimental .irt

The art quilt. entitled “Mil-
lcnnium." is the newest creation
of CK art professor \rturo

Alonzo Sandoval.

“It‘s such a mammoth pro-
iect." Sandoval said. referring to
the amount oftiiiie and space the
“.\li|lenniiim" attempts to

[he 20 feet high in 400 feet
wide w all hanging is ailedic ition
to an optimistic future ind
explores current issues as well as
“investigations of space, planets.

.Vi‘i' MURAL on 12


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C bildren

learn by

doing at LCC

By Chad Preston

(,‘Ihl'lt'IIIIII'I't Ill/liar

Children, () to H, have invaded
I,CC to take courses in the college‘s


JANE! CRISP Krrm/ an”

.'\'o, it’s not a nightmarish pervero
.sion of a shredded wheat commercial
wit's time for the Children's Summer
Progratn at Lexington Community

r'lihe Children‘s Summer Program.
started 30 years ago, is a hands-on
experience that combines learning and
fun for gifted students from Lexing—
ton-area schools.

It is organized by the Center for
Community Partnerships and the I.e\—
ington Community College.

“The progratn otters what most ele—
mentary or middle schools can't or
don’t offer," says Mary—Beth .\Iay,
Facilitator for Summer Programs.
u’I‘hey‘re classes they won‘t get any—
where else.“

’I‘he three sessions which run
through .-\ugust 8 are divided by age
groups: () to 8 years; ‘) to I]; and I:
toH and are instructed by PK and
I,( 1C faculty, field specialists and elee
mentary teachers.

“The nice thing about the program
is that the instructors are so knowl—
edgeable, when they meet the kids
they can figure otit what level the kids
are on." says May.

I‘iach of the courses is taught by
using handsoon experience, almost no
lecture is used in the sessions.

The program participants (150 per
session) get their hands involved in a
wide range of subjects: the arts (“Mini
Scul )tures." “Playwrighting"), physics
(“Ba loons (ialorel"), “Microbiology,"
cotnputer science (“\Veb Page
Design"), math, photography (“Photo

Shoot") and even iournalis

()ne group oi") to I I—1
to dissect sheep brains in
class called “Biology ()I‘tht

In microbiology. the st
with water samples, sea‘
for pollutants and microoi

“lieu—'Ieen Challenge"
dren perform actiy ities on

“It's to get them mot
with their environment 2
appreciative ol‘ the outi
Audrey Mason. instructot

Some () to N—ycarudds
nile their on n detectiv‘
"just Clues.“ and older
even get to fly an airplant
ing prerequisites from otb
“Master :\\'iator II."

“.\Iy favorite class is
design," says :\lex Ian, I
ticipating in “Balloons (1
make our onn \\cb pagr

()ne of his classmat
Strang. ll, says. "I like tl
it's like. more interesting.“

“'I‘hey’ve really surpris
Melody Stacy. instructor
Galore" about her stude
give me hope about the tin

Renee Shaw, instructo
ics. says she teaches her
independent study.

“'I‘hey experiment \
important to them." she sa
creating their mm ideas

And that is the purpose
mer Programe-to help st
better grasp on who they
they can best use their in

“The main goal to me
provide enrichment cla
always keeping in mind tl
dren need to have fun," saj
want them to learn with
their learning."

"I“! 603 I" .‘I/z‘in Lirm. (m X‘ymr-nld mulmr in the
(flu/dren Tr Summer Program at I .( X .' lemm pmrric/Il app/ira-
fiom nfplayrirr.

(1;tll_l;is< )n






 ' ioN

id even ionrnalism.
oup oi“) to I l-It'ear~olds get
sheep hi'.iins in a psychology
I “ iiolog‘t oI‘tIte Brain.“
ohiology. the students work
r samples. \L'drClllng them
tits and lllIL‘l‘OUl‘gilllISIlls.
L'en Challenge" lets the ehil—
rin .ietn ities outside.
get them more observant
environment and he more
re ol‘ the outdoors." says
ason. instructor of the chal—

to H .“ tr olds get to orut~
o\\n dete “'Ltiw agent) in
:."s and ol lei partieipants
) fly :1" .tirplane alter meet—
tiisites Ironi other courses in
{taint II
t\'orite elass is WCI) page
t_\s \|e\ Iiiu. I]. \\I1IIL‘ pair
in “Balloons Galore." “\Ve
out] “eh page, it‘s pretty

I his t'l.t\\ltl;lte.s. Ilennit'er
,s;t}'s. “I like this one hest.
ire interesting."

’e realh surprised me." says
aey. instruetor oI~ “Balloons
hout her students. u'I‘he)‘
tpe ahout the future."
shau‘, instructor of (:erain—
he teaches her class as an
nt stud}.

experiment “Illl what's
to them." she says. “'I‘het'ie
heir oun ideas, their own

t is the purpose oIthe Suin-
ante-to help students get a
p on \\ ho they are and how
est use their individual talv

n tin goal to me “()tlItI he to
nritliinent classes, while
pingr in mind that the ehil—
to have Inn," says May. “\\'e

to learn “ithout knowing





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