xt7tx921cv3c_58 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tx921cv3c/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tx921cv3c/data/87m1.dao.xml unknown 0.63 Cubic feet 2 boxes The Sherrill Martin papers (1937-1954, undated; .63 cubic feet, 2 boxes) primarily comprise Carrs Fork Coal Company newsletters (1940-1945) containing line-drawing illustrations by Martin accompanying articles and letter-format lectures on mine safety by general superintent P.A. Grady. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Sherrill Martin papers Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Perry County Illustrators. Mine safety -- Illustrations. Newsletters World War, 1939-1945--Economic aspects World War, 1939-1945--Social aspects--United States A Weekly Safety Letter text A Weekly Safety Letter 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tx921cv3c/data/87m1/87m1_1/87m1_1_59/6349/6349.pdf 1947 Apr. 21 1947 1947 Apr. 21 section false xt7tx921cv3c_58 xt7tx921cv3c V V LJiV· A VV g, _VV¤V. VV V _ A__V »‘-» V , ` VVI if p n V V I ·» I I \\/-r' ·"*/ i Y { \#r·*#··-vi »—·-VFTa—·r—~ - A · · i r _/ ;;‘;\.L of fil! 1,; V EK J o CAHRS FORK COAL COM! ANY I . P ‘ V V _ VV if ¤ALLOCK, KENTUCKY__ A I J A ¤ JY A ` ’ 2 ` “ ` April 21, 1947 “ . " Ao G•_ Dupree, ‘ A · ` A A A V Alleck, Kentucky. » i V V , . Dear Mr. Dupree: . VV J ‘ - A __ . V i_~ A A As far back as July 14, 1933, Judge Frank E. Wood, President of ..,_ A A _ Carrs Fork, wrote the officials of the company, and we herewith o V _ PV _ quote part of his letteriv ‘ I . V A J "It is not the financial less to the Carrs Fork A A ° . Coal Company that prompts me_to urge the observance A ‘ ` · of every conceivable safeguard against injuries. I J _ hope that my affection and respect for all my fellow . _ V men will.never permit me to consider an accident as_ , o I J e a money proposition. -The money which we are required V I A » ` V to pay to the family of a miner killed by an avoidable ' X I accident is as nothing compared with the loss of that n ~ ’ manis life to his wife and children and others depend- “ ing upon him for support. Anything that you may be able to do to lessen avoidable accidents will be appree A A — V V ciated by me. Needless to say, many an accident can be ‘ . avoided and I would like to see the mine operated as J? ‘ efficiently in this respect as possible." V I ` V I A . Feeling a deep concern for the personal safety of the men working c VA in and about our mines, this thought was again manifested in a V ‘ _ . recent letter you received from Judge Wood. V A j - VAnd because it is the wish of the company as so expressed, we are e _ Vconstantly urging Mr. Grady to impress upon all of you the importance t A V ‘of it.‘ He has, I know, religiously and conscienously talked and ‘ ~ `I I written to you about your personal safety in and about the mines. », g ` This has been for one purpose - only 4 te·provent any accident hap- ‘ V A t — A ` V I poning to you which can be prevented and which may leave-you a A ( ” cripple for life and thereby subject your family to grief and want. , ‘ A ` I happened to be at the mine when John Taylor was killed under a _A slate fall, and I felt the sadness that overcame everybody who knew ’ him. I talked to his fellow workers and the foremen at the mine. I V talked to the State Mine Inspectors after the investigation was made r { · , of the accident, and I could“not help but feel that if John had been E _ just a mite more careful, he would still be with us. . V V So please do heed all the warnings, and give full cooperation to the V ,e supervisors whom we employ to look after your safety. 4 V V Sincerely yours,i ., » A ‘ ‘ " T · A A it /#;,»»·;3‘w r' , W,. = n A ‘ ,4 - ‘ of A I »»,f A ` ‘- Z/F. `=D4' Hollinger _ ~ . I n V V score aryl V VV V V g V V V, lg V VV V l , 1_ I _ I . y J A 4