xt7tx921dp2j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tx921dp2j/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19751003 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen. Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, October 3, 1975 text The Green Bean, October 3, 1975 1975 2014 true xt7tx921dp2j section xt7tx921dp2j /}..~. d` y ..6 ; M; 5 6 mzw sox.mE·r nouns T H E oem- has notified us that me » G- R E E N terminal will, as of Sat., Oct 4, , 4. be operative from 9:00 a.m. to » , ·.- B E A N 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays. · r; UN!VERS!TY OF KENTUCKY LIBRARIES REMINDER TO USERS OF THE STAFF N5w$;_5·r1·5R 10/3/75 LOUNGE Neither the University nor the Library provides for maid service, . other than routine cleaning of the area, in our Staff Lounge. You . are expected to clean your own dishes, cooking utensils, etc. Your cooperation is appreciated. MICROFICHE DUPLICATOR The Newspaper-Microtext Room of MIK Library now has a microfiche _ duplicator ready for operation; the duplicator will make microfiche· copies of microfiche and of small strips of microfilm. Although requests may be made at any time, the duplicator will be operated only one day a week until increased business warrants additional operating time. Copying will be done on Mondays, from 9:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Cost per copy is 25¢; order forms are available at the Newspaper·Microtext counter. USER SATISFACTION SURVEY The User Satisfaction Survey run during the week of July 7th was not entirely satisfactory because of the design of the survey. However, it yielded the following results. The total number of patrons surveyed was 197, with the largest group being graduate students in Arts & Sciences and Library Science. The overwhelming majority of all classes of users used MIK regularly, but only approximately half used branch libraries regularly. Education and Art were the branch libraries most frequently mentioned. The reason for coming to the library usually elicited more than one answer, with class assignment and independent research being the prime reasons; however leisure reading accounted for over half the college seniors' reason for coming. Less than one—third of the users surveyed had received instruction in the use of the library. The departments which the users patronized most were Circulation, Refer- » ence, Reserve, and Newspaper/Microtext, all of which were used about equally. The majority of those surveyed did not specify what question or information they wanted, but most of those who did answer wanted to know the location of items or library procedures. The users were satisfied with the answers they received in a large majority of the cases; only l2 were dissatisfied. The reasons for dissatisfaction were due largely to insufficient information. The users were also satisfied with the help (in addition to being satisfied with the answers) they received. Time spent working with the patron fell nearly completely into the "under 10 minute" category, with over one—quarter saying the time spent was negligible. The User Satisfaction Survey Committee is convinced that the library needs some measure of user satisfaction, and that it should not be done superficially. In tabulating results of the initial survey, the committee found several indications that the questionnaire and -2- O —n n method of sampling should be studied much more thoroughly. There- fore, the committee has recommended that the surveys planned for this year be postponed, and that a person or com ittee be appointed- to study the matter more carefully before developing such a measure. E Jennifer Coffman ‘: v MEETING v_ ‘ The Technical Service Librarians will meet Wednesday, October 8, . at 8:30 a.m. in the Technical Services Conference Room. " UNITED WAY ‘ If there are people who have not yet given to the United Way but plan to do so, they should have their contribution to Faith Harders by Thursday, October 9. N