xt7tx921dp6w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tx921dp6w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19860131 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen. Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, January 31, 1986, no. 472 text The Green Bean, January 31, 1986, no. 472 1986 2014 true xt7tx921dp6w section xt7tx921dp6w 1 * S IHE GREEN BEAN L@HVERMTY(H’KENTUCKY]JBRARHB’NEWSLETTER ® ....;.1...- , ` i I 5 I 11 5 1-31-86 No. 472 ’ ,{ CALENDAR Q§ February 1-28 American Heart Month ‘: American Music Month E _ Black History Month _ ,2 February 2 Groundhog Day · h, February 7 · Gallery Series: "Light at I Hand, Photographs 1970- lg ` 1985." Guy Mendes. § February 9 (Chinese New Year (4684 if V , Year of_the Tiger) , 4 February 11 Thomas Edison's Birthday, ` 1847-1931. 4 February 12 Abraham Linco1n's 1 . Birthday. 1809-1869. I < February 14 Gallery Series: "Poverty . and Hunger in Appalachia _ Today." Dr. Ronald Eller, “ Appalachia Center. Next Green Bean issue: February 14, 1986 Deadline for next issue: Friday, February 7, 1986 Production Staff: Editor, Kerry Kresse; Typist, Scott Lutz; Printer, Cecil Madison. . PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT THE MARGARET 1. KING LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, LEXINGTGN, KY. 40506-0039 ..1- FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK t Due to technical difficulties beyond our control, the ACTS questionnaire and memo were not included in the last GB. They were, however, later distributed. Sorry about that. This issue of the QB lists the complete Gallery Series schedule. we will, of course, continue to list each program in the calendar. Thanks. -K.K. _ LIBRARY STAFF ORGANIZATION The LSO recently received this letter of thanks for our donation of money at Christmastime. University of Kentucky Library Staff Organization c/o Dan Barkley, Gov'n. Publications Lexington, Kentucky 40506-0039l . Dear Mr. Barkley and Friends, On behalf of the Board of Directors of God's Pantry-Crisis Food Center, please accept our sincere appreciation for your generous donation of $85 to our hunger program. we are grateful for your support of our efforts to fight hunger and malnutrition in Central and Eastern Kentucky and to be good stewards of our food resources. It is with the help of caring people like you that we are able to provide this service to the poor of our community. Thank you and Happy New Year! Sincerely, Byron L. Ockerman President, Board of Directors God's Pantry-Crisis Food Center GALLERY SERIES SPRING 1986 SCHEDULE January 31 Lecture: "Reply to Myth: Perspective on Intimacy." Dr. John Crosby, _ Family Studies. February 7 Lecture: "Light at Hand, Photographs 1970- 1985." Guy Mendes. · 14 Lecture: "Poverty and Hunger in Appalachia Today."— Dr. Ronald Eller, Appalachian Center. 21 Recital: Solo Piano works of Carl Nielson. Mina Miller, School of Music. ff . Q -2- Q February 28 Lecture: "The Gaines Humanities Center and % g its Future Role in Undergraduate y Education." Dr. Raymond Betts, i $ Honors Program. { i g March 7 Lecture: Exhibit and Reception for women's Q History Week. "Coming to Light: g A Celebration of women's History g week." ‘ § g 14 Lecture: "sexploitation or Glorification: Q § The women of the Ziegfeld $ 3 Follies." Dr. Geraldine Maschio, L ; Theater Department. Q ? 28 Recital: Music and Poetry of Elizabethan Q § England. Colligium Musicum. { i k ? April 3 Lecture: women writers Conference-- § Q · Readings. i i 4 Lecture: "The Emergence of a Classical é g Style: Graceful Divertiment to g E Dramatic Sonata." Dr. James 5 { _ Taggert, Marshall University.* E g 11 Lecture: "The Conflict of Contemporary g Q Philosophies: Strum and Drang j § vs. Rococo." Dr. James Taggert.* 3 § 18 Lecture: "The Maturing of a Personal 2 g . Style: Craft, Humor, and i Q E1oquence." Dr. James Taggert.* . a § 25 Lecture: "Mastery of the Form: The Q Fruition of a Lifetime Effort." § Dr. James Taggert.* 5 May 2 Lecture: "Two Perspective of Central E America: Academic and Q _ Journalistic." Kenneth Coleman, g Director of Latin American ;? Studies Program and David Dick, Q School of Journalism. · g *Part of the Haydn Lecture Recital Series. Q All Gallery Series programs begin at noon in the Peal Gallery, Y King Library North. -3.. COPY SERVICE EXPANDS Beginning on February 3, there will be an additional copy . service operation in the lobby of King—South. This area will be staffed and offer copies on a cash basis for 5 cents. Copies to ; be charged to a University account and library copies should _ still be taken to the P/N/M copy service desk. Duplexing, ' enlargement, and reduction will be available. The hours of operation for the new unit will be the same as · those of Copy Service until February 28, but will be extended beginning March 1, when the area will be staffed the entire time I the library is open. = The purpose behind the new area is to try to improve the V photocopying services in King Library, particularly during busy I times of the semester. This experiment will be tried for six 3 months and then be evaluated. Copy Service hours are: Monday-Thursday 8 a.m.—lO p.m.; ` Friday 8 a.m.—6 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m.—6 p.m.; Sunday noon-10 p.m. (Judy Sackett) ` CONFERENCE ON APPLICATIONS OF MICROCOMPUTER SOFTWARE PACKAGES IN ? LIBRARIES If you are using a general purpose microcomputer software i package (e.g., database management, wordprocessing, electronic E spreadsheet, course authoring or communications software j packages) in a Kentucky library, write it up! »KLA is looking for speakers for a preconference to the annual KLA conference in { October. If you would like to participate, please supply, by February 15, 1986, a notice of intent to participate and a brief , description (one page, typed) of your project. The description should include: name of software package(s) being used, model of microcomputer and printer, and function(s) automated. Send offers of papers to: Sharon M. Edge ( Ekstrom Library ·) University of Louisville Louisville, Ky. 40292 W: (502) 588-6757 H: (502) 459-7975 Time table: February 15, 1986 --—-- Notice of intent to_participate _ and brief description of application due. ( February 28, 1986 ----- Notification of appropriateness of the application(s) to the · D conference theme and instructions . ' for preparing the paper. April 30, 1986 —-----— Completed papers due. September 15, 1986 ----— Proceedings ready for 4 distribution. October 1, 1986 —----— Papers presented in Louisville. _ -4- ` SOMETHING INTERESTING ABOUT... i Russell Powell, Engineering Library, was recently awarded a contract with Oryx Press to write a book on a core collection for { science and technology libraries. Oryx plans to publish the book Q in 1987. e William Marshall, Special Collections, will be serving on the j Graduate School Committee of the Council for International Programs. The Council will spend the Spring Semester preparing a F statement on future directions for UK in international V activities. g Jud Fu ate, Collection Development, has also been selected § to serve on the council for International Programs. She will , serve on the Committee for Undergraduate Studies. 1 SPEC KIT i Spec Kit #119, "Catalog Maintenance Online in ARL Libraries," ‘ has been received in the Reference Department. This kit · ~ addresses such topics as staffing, library organization, trends, ' planning, and implications. T ' l TODAY'S WOMAN SUPERVISOR E Keye Productivity Center of Kansas City, Mo., is offering a ’ one—day seminar featuring speaker Nancy Campbell. The seminar 1 will teach "people skills," the essentials of supervising, ; setting goals, self—improvement skills and networking. The cost - of the seminar is $48 and runs from 8:45 am - 4:00 pm. The , seminar will be held at the Hyatt Regency in Lexington. For more Q information call 1-800-821-3919 or 913-345-2140. I NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK y National Library Week is April 6-12, 1986. This year ALA has - gone trendy with the theme, "Awesome: Get a Head Start at the ; Library." For a free catalog of materials write: 1986 Library ‘- Graphics Catalog, ALA Public Information Office, 50 E. Huron St., é Chicago, IL. 60611. g BROWN BAG BON APETIT @ February 3 "The Enlightenment Arrives in Yonville , (1840)." Panel: Donald Nugent, History; Robert Snell, French; Larry Swingle, j . English. 12:00-12:50 pm in room MN-63 Medical Center. I February 10 "Art in the Postenlightenment Period" by ‘ Jane Peters, Art. 12:0O—12:50 pm. Room MN-63 Medical Center. 4 February 19 "The Aging Voice" by Linda Leeper, Special Education (Speech and Communication g Disorders). 12:00-12:50 pm. Room 128 Home Economics. ‘ -5- COUNSELING CENTER E "Let's Talk About It: No Longer Married...where to G0 From ? Here?" Presented by Nikki J. Fulks, Ph.D., Staff Psychologist Q and Outreach Coordinator. Friday January 31, 1:00-3:00 pm, Room i 202 Frazee Hall. V "Let‘s Talk About It: Campus Issue of the 80's--Abusive Dating I Relationships." Presented by Victoria Witt, M.S., Certified { Psychologist, Counselor. Friday February 7, 1986. 1:00-3:00 pm, 2 Room 202 Frazee Hall. 2 JoB Notions Please note that full descriptions for job notices are kept on Q file in the Reference Department, M.I. King South. 3 Q ARIZONA ~ g D Reference Librarian/Latin American Area Specialist. Arizona State University. Salary: $18,000-. Deadline: March 15, 1986. { n Librarian, Coordinator of Serials Cataloging. University of Q Arizona. Salary: $21,000-. Deadline: March 21, 1986. L cAL1FoRN1A -· § Continuations Cataloger. University of California at Los E Angeles. Salary: $22,872-$40,248. Deadline: April 15, 1986. H Japanese Language Bibliographer/Cataloger. University of i California at San Diego. Salary: $22,872—$52,092. Deadline: . April 14, 1986. Chinese Language Bibliographer/Cataloger. University of E California at San Diego. Salary: $22,872-$52,092. Deadline: 1 April 14, 1986. ’ Manuscripts Librarian. University of California at San Diego. ' Salary: $22,948-$40,248. Deadline: March 31, 1986. Z Media Librarian. University of California, Irvine.W Salary: · , $27,948-$40,248. Deadline: March 1, 1986. , Assistant University Librarian for Personnel Services. " University of California, Irvine. Salary: $38,600-$61,400. . A Deadline: March 1, 1986. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Head, Aquisitions Department. George washington University. 1 Salary: $25,000-. Deadline: February 15, 1986. _ y` l -6- Head, Cataloging and Systems Department. George washington i University. Salary: $28,000-. Deadline: February 15, 1986. 1 FLORIDA Q User Services Librarian. Florida Center for Library Automation. Salary: $20,084-$29,932.* Deadline: February 21, 1986. _ Director of Technical Services. University of Florida. Salary: f $40,000 minimum. Deadline: February 5, 1986. INDIANA E Physical Science/Mathematics Librarian. University of Notre i Dame. Salary: $21,000-. Deadline: February 15, 1986. · KENTUCKY - ? Head, Bibliographic Control. University of Louisville. Salary: i variable. Deadline: February 28, 1986. 2 A MARYLAND Dean of Technical and Career Education. Anne Arundel Community College. Salary: $45,226-$57,097. Deadline:— February 28, L 1986. NEW JERSEY § Public Service Librarian. Rutgers University. Salary: $25,907- w . Deadline: April 15, 1986. Q i Reference Librarian. Rutgers University. Salary: $21,262-. Ii 3 Deadline: April 15, 1986. i i Q NEW YoRK é Reference Librarian for Fine Arts. New York University. Salary: _ i $22,000-. Deadline: February 28, 1986. i Head, Bibliographic Control. Buffalo State College.W Salary: j I $31,500-$35,000. Deadline: March 1, 1986. f J 1 j NORTH CAROLINA ‘ _ Q Associate Librarian, Special Collections. University of North i I Carolina at Chapel Hill. Salary: $40,000-. Deadline: A April 1, 1986. · 1 Math/Physics Librarian. University of North Carolina at Chapel ` Hill. Salary: $23,500-. Deadline: March 15, 1986. E i A -7- I OHIO I Curator. Ohio State University. Salary: $22,080-$34,920. V I Deadline: April 1, 1986. ` I PENNSYLVANIA I Head Librarian. Pennsylvania State University. Salary: A $18,500-. Deadline: March 1, 1986. I Serials Librarian/Biblioqrapher. Pennsylvania State University. Salary: $18,500-. Deadline: March 1, 1986. . I I I I I I I I I I