xt7tx921fc8m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tx921fc8m/data/mets.xml Alabama Alabama Museum of Natural History 1941 Other titles include: Alabama Museum of Natural History museum paper, Geological Survey of Alabama, Museum of the Geological Survey of Alabama. Other creators include: United States. Work Projects Administration, Geological Survey of Alabama, Tennessee Valley Authority. Issues for 1, 3 carry no series numbering. No. 2 also as Education papers no. 1. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call number  AS36 .A2. journals  English University, Ala. : Alabama Museum of Natural History, 1910-1960 This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Alabama Works Progress Administration Publications Museum Paper, no. 17, 1941 - including "The Bessemer Site: Excavation of Three Mounds and Surrounding Village Areas near Bessemer, Alabama" by David L. DeJarnette and Steve B. Wimberly text Museum Paper, no. 17, 1941 - including "The Bessemer Site: Excavation of Three Mounds and Surrounding Village Areas near Bessemer, Alabama" by David L. DeJarnette and Steve B. Wimberly 1941 1941 2015 true xt7tx921fc8m section xt7tx921fc8m  
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  i A a
  , l.—— ¢~ A   · · `
I · · »»  t ·   F i’ 4:: %1‘;1tiI¤11> at tlm site S I  
II. 'IIIIC Cl£IXl.»\I. ]xI'(1L`Nl) F I
l{:rl , O
Slruculro uf the ccrcnmuuzll muuml , 7
I Xlzuuriul rucl»w1·c , ZI I I $_
S{nm·—lim·rl Q`I`£l\'&‘ IlL'llI' ccrc1m>ui;1I xmxuml Zl I ;
Dug lmrizll umlcr ccrcm·>1u:1l Ill4>llll(l Z] I ,  
III. I`III{ l)<>XIICIl.I.\l<\` XIULINI) 25 ` `  
l{xc;wzuiw»11 metllml J6 I _  
Sirucuxrc nf nlm xuIcIli:u‘y umuml 4} = i_ ‘
I)¤|IIlIlICI(ll“}' IICZIIIITCS 45 ` I  
IV. 'I`III£ IiLYI{I;\l, XI(*>L`NI> 59 ’ A    
. . ¢ `
I·.\czl\‘z111u¤1 mutI14» uml :1>s<·cI;1tq~(l cultural uultcrlzxl II} ¤ ’ .   I
XII~CclIzmc·>u> cultural msxturizll 7*}   ,- .3
V. >I XIXI,\I<\»l\X.\l.\>I> <>I· l||l·. III·.>5I·.AIl·.I{ >·IlI·, xl * . I E
\I·¤uml L`¤·mplcx 71 `  
»\i`CI1llccl111‘;1l {`(Ill1I)lC\ 71 I ' Y  
IllII`llll L`·»xu]>lux 73 I  
I’I1;si·;zIl .\1ulm»p·»Iu;iq;Il Szmly 73 I v  
_ k\·r¤·1m»ui;1I L`·»m]>lux TF I - ~ I
lluuunu uml ,\QI'IL`llIIlII`Zll L`·¤¤m¤Iv\ 77 . T
l‘IC*·Il·»mlu Q`lIlI]I)Ig‘X TS
l°··IIcl‘)’ L`1|lllIllQ\ 7‘? .
Ilutlcry rlistrilmihlu by tl-u1m·1‘ 7K'
I)¤c·Ir;uix·¤ types SI . `
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  , 22. 1
  1 23. l
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  I 30. .-
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` Scale model of the Iiessemcr Sitc—fz·tn1ti.r[·z`ct‘t‘ ii ‘
V ~¤ati::s;·‘~1 [.`I(;[/IRIQS · . Y
I I Figiurr .\-M. P¤s·’·‘ l I  
l. l.ncation oi the llessetner Site xii  
2. l{xcarated areas, Ilessemer Site Z   j
3. The ceremonial mound . F E
` 4
" 4. L.I>e nl wire grid tor proule drawmtzs W . . 7 ; ‘  
S. Stone floor under ceremonial mound S j _  
7 · 6. Drawing of stone floor W . 9  
t rtw]; 7. Profile. western end of ceremonial mound , ll I
r 8. Location ot burial in ceremonial mound IZ ` '
M 9. Close-up of burial in ceremonial mound . . I3
r 10. l·`eatures under and around ceremonial mound   . I5 ` _ _
11. l·`eatures directly under stone floor of ceremonial mound ltt   i
12. Structure Pattern No. I associated with ceremonial mound I7 j T J
13. liurned timbers, Structure Pattern No, l . lS I I i
. 14. Structure Pattern No. Z associated with ceremonial mound 19  
15. Structure Pattern No. 3. associated with ceremonial mound EU {  
, 10. Structure Pattern Ko. 4 associated with ceremonial mound ,,,t . .. . Z0 ,  
‘ 17. St<·ne»lined grave W ZZ A F
18. Dog burial . 22 1 _ I
19. Surface contours. domiciliary mound 25 _ ‘· t
20. The domiciliary mound W .. . . . Zh i _   T.
21. General view of site operations, domiciliary mound excavation . 27 r ;_ Y
·- . . , . .. . f
Z2. Pronle through east—west axis, donncihary mound .. W W 2/ ‘ _ g
Z3. I`nc··rering the stepped ramp of the domiciliary mound W . .. 28 4 ‘ ·*  
Z4. The stepped ramp . W Z9 '  
25. Southeast corner ut l·`ill No, l. domiciliary mound. sliowin: I *F*  
stepped ramp   .. . .29   l I
26. Cross section of the stepped ramp . W ..... . .... . W 30 ’ ‘ I 7,
2/. I·1ll Ko. J or the domiciliary mound . nl - ,· ·{
Z8 Ilomiciliary mound, I·`ill Nos, 2 and 3 exposed 32 _ i ( {
Z9. Part of I·`ill No. -1   . .   . 33 _ I  
30. .·\ typical structure pattern corner 35 E
31. ;\ typical structure pattern . . .. . . .... . 36   t I Q
32. Typical hal11 of s1uclsiug‘ feuce. nucl ZlSSl>ClZl[Ul tz·n1u11:··· I
  1 1 47, Red elziy fluur nucl fire l1:1siu, Structiire l)IlllL'|`|l Nu. l4. east ':1;1~;1-»_. ¥`
V I 48, 'l`l11~ liuriul lIl\1llIl(l E
. ‘ .. . . .
{ 3 ` 4‘). l‘1w»ule llll'<¤ll}L`ll ez1s1—xvcs1 axis ui hurizil u1<»uul euruer uf (l(»lll)lC smclezicle pntleru 2ll`i*llIl(l l·`ill Xu. 2 ~ [llc;
  I lllll`l(ll uiuuunl . .
¤ - .. . . .   . ..
{ I JZ. l‘ml1le tlimugli l)lll'lIll umuurl slimviug sml 
I » ` SS. llllflill Xus. (1, 7, 8 z1u iu l)llI'iZll m··*¤ 7
Y. ` 58. (`e1‘1·111¤»11i;1l ulfeeis uf stuue, sliell zuul cuner _
I I I l
  I SU. Xll$Sl$$l]1]llZ{ll points found :11 the llesseiuer Situ __
I I Ml. \\U€1(ll7\llfl puiuts lu1111QI'C(l xvzu·<-: \\'zu·rie1‘ellCll-lClIl])L‘TC(l vessels NatI___,II I
l l . , . . .. _. lll
I ‘ rm. \ essel mruis, xvlmle vessels lroui the Bessemer Site
I j n¢»_ Rim prufiles, slicll-teiupercrl ware "
  ` 07. l<1·st»·r;11i1·11 zuul reeuiistriietimi ui Vessel Nw. I3
  MN. ClZl)'—§l'l[-lCIll])CI'k‘(l \\'2ll`('
I I l NJ, Rim ;»r·»1`ile_ el;1)—grit»te111pe1‘erl \\'Ill`•"
Z' T 7lI. SillI(l—[CIlll)L‘['U(l \vz11‘c  
i · I 7l. Rim I»1··»1`iIes. s:u1llllllI\l'll}` ur elziy —e1·1t, szuul- zuul $l1L'll~[CIl`l[)U['<.‘1l xvzirc
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. ;I1111c I. 1*141 ` V
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. 1I(FIIIg·()IIICI`}’, _\Iz1I>:1111;1   I  
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This report is the third of a series of museum papers dealing ` . Z
with the prehistory of Alabama and describes the excavation of i ‘
three mounds in the north-central part of the state. · i
lnvestigations at this site were started in 1934 in conjunction 1 I
with a six·weeks course in American archaeology which l%irming-  
ham-Southern College was offering under Dr. Carl Pl. (Qluthe of the    
3 University of Michigan. Dr. Guthe directed student excavations y J  
  on the largest of the three mounds as a complementary part of    
l his lecture course. At the end of Dr. Guthe`s course the .\labama i I  
  Museum of Natural History continued the excavation. completing i
  work on the largest mound in june. 1935.
E ln _Iuly, 1939 the 1\luseuni resumed work here and excavated y   i
‘ the other two mounds, concluding the site investigation in tlcto-   . i
ber. 1940,      
E '1`he Civil \\*orks Administration furnished labor during the    
i 1934-35 period of excavation, and the \\'ork Projects r\dministra— ;    
tion furnished labor and supplies during the 1939-40 period. The y  
V cooperation of these federal agencies is gratefully acknowledged. [ _ j E
. · :
lhe Museum is indebted to the Birmingham r\nthrop 1‘1·1
1 1 , 1 v1ll:1g1· :
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i   BEBSEUEH §¥:`-?¤e·,;—»;»   11 11
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CH.\l"l`lCl{ l _ ii t
line uml one-hztlt miles west of the city tal- lrlessemer. .\luhumu 7 ‘ i
in tl`:. eentrul purt of the smith hull of the n<»rthwest tpiurter nl, l
1 sectinn S. tnwnship 19 S_ runge 4 \\'. _Iefferst>n County. wus at 'l
1 . . . ’ 1 ‘
{ mouml group ctimpriserl mt u lurge eeremtimul mnnml. u sqnure S
l doniieiliury monml. uml at smull burial monml. The lztml on which l * g
" l the mnnmls were loeutetl I>el011<‘·‘e» V . .
` and the mtinmls were once known us the Tullev Nt»nml tlrnn >. ~ 9
. - l T .
This report (lCSC1'1l)CS the excuyzttmn of these tmimmls uml the ` l _
i village ureu snrrrmmling them. »
- l Topograji/z_v of I/to lfuyzhzz i { ;
l l|`he mtmmls were situutetl in u heml ttl. \vulley Creek uhtmt      
l .. . . . . · i `
» twemy—tix‘e miles uhtwe the ctmtltietiee Ot this creek uml the \\ ur- B i :_
/#’ ` riot River. {Sou /·`[y;i11·t* I.} \'ulley Creek pment wi tw<» imptirtunt ;*  
indlistriul eenters in the tlistrict, liirminghum uml llessemer,      
  ll\ll`lll§“ u perititl of ullnvizttion in geologic times \V:tlley Lil‘eel< i i` i   i l
d€]~·>~iteeks_ which ure u n iurently terruce reniituiits. ‘ t F
.. .. l l . ,
the ztltnrtgtnes e0nstrtictee1‘1*>H I `
dU"iY:` p<·ri<>rls ·»i innmlutirm.
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I I I 3 tL1*Z11I,<)G1Q.~\I, S171{\1·.\ OF .»\L;\Bi·\MJI
  j iii the vicinity of the 11lO1111(1$ sandy 1021111 t0ps·V` II·I»I;;-3.,1 A, II
1 g1;1_1· S111)S1j111 which i11 t111‘11 ovcrlics 1i111cst011c bc111·111~Z '1`QI,   ccrCmIIIIII
· 1 I mil, (’(l$11)` c111t11’z1tc<1, \\’Oll1(1 gwc sz1t1s1z1ct01·y 1·1·>I ~i,.; ;I,_ had bI.I1II
`1   the C1`11(1(‘51 :1g1‘ic111t111‘211 1l1C11]O(1S. thcm>I.I\I
L 1 . . . . . , _ ·
_; 1 Intense 111<111st1·1z111zz1t1011 01 _101lCS \1a111cy has IIII gg-_I-II   d€¤1d11·111`
  I Crock wit11 waste I1`1C111t*l' 11`U111 1>}'·])I`O(1LlC11)1Zl]]1$I but I   I·I_»1;j~ of V€¥‘*1“
  I 1‘1·I1t11‘t t11;1t 1110 $11`CZ11l1 cmcc :111111111ded i11 figh, '_l`1II ·_IIIj,I—I I_ I 11101111* 111
1 1 I :1111'>1111<1<·<1 i11 wi1<1 <>·;1111c. '1`his I`C("1()1], thqii w·01i]I_I   I, 1 1'0l1¤<11¥1Q`
I , *= ¤ - 1 I . .
{ U1'1g`111{l1 t}t`t`l1I)[l111S 1>·1>1111ti1111 s11stc11;111cc 1l`Ol1l 1111111Q1!1‘ `i~lIiiI; ~ I Pcm-"1 "1
I} E 2l§`l'1t`1l11l11'{11 I)lll`$l111S. I
  i S//11 /)1a1`1i1·1`[¤f1`011 I 1.111*1
  1 L(`Zl1111 is S111J‘.\'l1 111 the 1`1‘<111tisI>i1,-I F11: I-   111111111 '
  1I1f)111il1 1111»1111<1 11?1<1 :1 C(‘1l1§l'?L1 1)()$111(')l] i11 tliq g·i·1IiiII '1`§—I   I S€1‘119<"1 11
{ 1 1 11l<'>1ll1<1 w:1sS(1111`1·ct $ll11111(‘2lS1 111 it. :11111 thc <111111it`i1i;· 1;;»1111i- 1 as f011"\"`
I I 1001 ><,111111\\‘t%S1. I X
1 i 1 · · · · · - 1 ·· X
·; 0110 x·111:1<·‘1· :110:1 was 1·xc;11·z1tc<1 111 Z1.gS()C1;`1.t1(111 1,1 1,11 1· 11 ‘
I 5 I   K
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I; 1 11111111;11 111<11111.
l_ II /   ,1     i_>/ »rrr ' I` :1111 ·:1
Q °_ A \\ I I1 III1 i i i\1 , 1~·"1*j1
I I1 \  Ii III‘ 1   -IIrr   II 1 1 ~
I II _rI »`II II/ ` I `*, I ( I.  
  Iii iii   111111
II It.- .. .. ,. 1, M KJ
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_ `I   1‘11<1|1`<‘ J. 111¤· 1i\’~\l‘11|l'1` $111; 1‘;Xl'2l\’Ll1('(1 ;11‘t·;1s. cxvcpl 11‘1` 1* ` i T·w¢·I- _I
II`;1 I1it>, <'1L111111l‘f1.  
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11-ll-Z l%l£SSl£Xll-ZH Sl'l`l-Q4lX'l`1{t”)l'>l'k"l`lt_>N P . t
"'-”??‘li-3—· A; tltt~ time of tht- first cxcz1\‘z1tit»1i pt·ri<»\\' #h1‘l1l>$. .\ll of the 111011111lS \\‘G1‘t- clt-;ti’t—rl · ,  
  of ve;·t·t;tti·»i1 iii lflill. nftc-i‘ which tht- >tii·t`;tt-ts of tht- tli»mit-ili;tt-y   '
x;tl`t~· —. mound zmtl tht- lttirinl mi»tmtii‘- ,; _
    roumliaiq :t1‘t·:t itu- fivt- vt-ztrs. hr tmtil tht· lwgiiitiiitg of tht- st-twmtl - Q
jim. . l perigtl ··i` t·xt-ztvzttimi m 1**3**. g ,  
` ` 1 i ;
l /’1·t-1-1`t11t.v ]f.t‘[i/01-t1!im1.t· 2 ·  
I 1,··t·:tl 1`l'*l(lL‘lll> l`t’})UI`1 ])1'(‘\'1t)llS €X])llll`2lll<'1l1$ iitttfw thc 1tt·¤tt11»l~ E
Yiti; tit- { ill S€:1"t‘h ·»f gr-tiltl. ztiitl itttitit-mitts 2lllQ'C1' htilts :ttt(·st th(·st* 1`t*pO1`1S. -
ll`]; .-   but tltt- ¤¤l1l}’ l`<‘C<>l`°L1g`ZLll¤'•11S ]>i‘lt'»t‘ In tht- (‘XC[l\`Ztlltll1$ {la-- `
lh   l scribt-tl iii this ptilwliczttimtt wt-rt- mzttlv hy Cyrtts 'l`ht¤: , V — .
ty,-_t»,g. I as f0ll·»v:< in 1800: { §
  Xt‘Ztl`_lt\11C~l>l>l`tl i— ;t >mztll giwtitw ttf 1ll¤flll1 s. it 4 xxi. tit tilt t-ittttm-at1t·tm.-;.tt.ttt ‘-
  t   ']°i»· vxtllt-y Of tht- smztll t`i·0t·l< thztt flows rtlmig tht- imrtliet-it ;m·l j  
i   l 6:.-itttt >i lticzttt-tl ic rluitt- with- .   Z
at ”ti~ tmhit. the- rtvuiirl l;1i¤»h—lilt~t·n thi; hr l1lL>l'(‘ y¤i‘r>lw:tl>1y · Q  
  ‘..` \·:~lt¤-·l lllll hy tht- t·t·t·t·lq, l{:t· mtttt 1~ nlmvt- tht- ri\‘t·i‘:l·»\·r lil Q
. A l .
lt <=i ilzt- ~it1:tll crt-t·lt. xx-hilt· {;trtht·t· tlhttn tht· vztlltq thc luittl i~ fi‘t·¤;ti »..- iii- ; ·  
` lj— °f1Ihtl:att-tl zttttl hzttl ht~t-tt tm¢lt·t· w:ttt—r ;t t`i‘il»t-·l tht- lttttiril mwtmtl :tti·l hi~ 1ll\t‘\1l;ftfT`»t’. V ‘ l ;
l 0fit:.»;`·tl1i,tt->; l `  
X '  
` Xt-. l i~It1t wllltiiig tttittmrl. tt1t·;t~itt’ii1; .i'l it-¤-I ¤·:l~t 1.Wl \M¤*~1. 'il~·' l l A  
  ?ll" `Tl L 1--vt lfuli :tt tht- hiqht·~t tmittt. _\ {tm ~1ti:t]l gtizitq rttitl hitvli- , _  
  » l` "`l’j~ 1"¤v~ lwzttrt- gcwtwtt M11 tht- >itlt~~ —ht¤:t· it ti·:t~ imilt. lt i~ mntlt- ~~t > _ , E
~—.,   l ` ~ WM- tw-ti. ~;ti2i1i‘iii~.-
    of the surrounding field; the remainder, to the original ‘-ace <`~fi'·
    ` ground. of pure river sand. The upper mound was ::ip·»~·;iZ~‘ °
i l   samly soil down to the platform. and hence it is rease We Iii Mir ;
* Q clude that it was built at the same time the uner lay! =ta~i¤l¤1frl 'T
i 1 ll _,r
l ‘ on the platform. No bones, ashes. charcoal, or restiw l art    
l ` . ,, ' fo
g i observed in any parti  
  »   - MY`. illlltillléts concltuled his olyservzitions will hc I-~il"~ —
i _ ~ notation i·eg·ar<>ll ffolll the surrounding field, In the eentral portiri lltvlil   ~
; { way down, was a layer of clear river sand 3 inches tllivl **1 *l"`°if ”E'_ _ 6
  i feet in diameter. Nothing else was found in it."
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5 Excavation Method  
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  · CHI llliél Ihr Mist slilc nf the mlC..m‘l. ;l·· in `z‘.’»;~l,·tiuI`l