xt7tx921g87w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tx921g87w/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 198705 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, May 1987 text GLSO News, May 1987 1987 2019 true xt7tx921g87w section xt7tx921g87w szmctcx GAY/2531M! SERVICES onczmzniox P.O. BOX HUI. LEXINCTCN, KY “3575 FREE I. a, ll \ ‘ A3 r§;‘ Q‘ 5‘55 'V' its ll 6 §"1.-'.~":‘i.~:,._ "’3 {7 I! / .3" W3 .43" 4‘11 a \a ’ . \‘ 3:3! § \" .‘\\\\“ fl ‘. . _ \v .92.}, //§ ‘\\\\\\\\\ ' “A - - 3’ a? . \‘fé‘lr‘ §4/// [90,, 3:15: a", A4 a 2- =3“ *\ “ \ $3.; /"i ‘1' W .114 4%“ Ilium O. ”I ‘0‘, li ‘ ' a) (1" a .9 r." ,3, I; meg ,, - ‘3‘“ ' I 4. - lei—4 U '“ \QA‘.‘ . 1 “A p.‘ 1‘?! fly! \~4' . mm I §¥§ & 3.. 3“!“ ‘ »\ - , 1M we: 'U'AE”. . @nm‘ ”la W t '5',’ ‘mn It! ~35) oil"; I 51/ . V «’8‘ ‘1 «.3 We .-é;);“11“"":‘-‘l "a ’-: c. r " _______—-—————-——. w NEWSLETTER ADVERTISING POLICY ~ If vou would like to advertise in the @LSd’ SLED Newsletter. please send your camera— reaoy copy to: ELSE. P.D. Bo; 11471, Le3-1ington. KY 40575. . The deadline for all MEMBERSHIP APPL!CATION submissions is the 15th of each month for ‘ publication in the following month’s issue. ' Anvthing received after the deadline will not Please put me on the GLCU mailin y t F36 guaranteed to be published in the next including a free subscription to the gmontfuy issue. BLED Newsletter (delivered in an "unmarked" Ads may be sent camera-ready or rough. envelopeJ Rough copies are subject to additional __I would like to become a member of BLED. charges as shown in the rates below. GLSU Enclosed is $10.00 (or $5.00 for students) will not be responsible for typesetting annual MEMDEVShID dues eerrS in the ad incured during printing: __f‘leas: let me know how I can be more involved advertisers are responsible for proofing the LEIEEES E: 221::ng me at: ——--—————(ph°”E’ Dr ads they submit for publication. ' The Editor and the GLSD Board 0+ TE;;;7““"“““““""““ Directors reserve the right to censor ads and _____________________ ________ other submissions which are deemed to be in (Address) (Apt. 3 poor taste and to edit due to space s~¢———————~ _______ __________ restrictions and/or grammatical errors. (City) (State’ “IF Cde Erotica.- fantasy.- SEliuall‘z“EHP1iC§t Mail to: GLSD. P.o. 80:: 11471. Le::. KY 40575 materials. or material deemed to be in ' conflict with the purpose or policies of the Lexington Gav/Lesbian SerVices Organization will not be accepted for publication. RATES The GLSD Newsletter is published monthly by the Lexington Gay Services Organization. Eighth Page $8.00 Quarter Page $15 00 Inc. (d.b.a. Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services (2” x 3.5") (2 1/5” x 7” or Organization) P.D. Box 11471. Lexington KY 4 1/4” x 3 1/2") 40575. The GLSD is a registered non-profit Half Page $25.00 Full Page $40.00 organization the purpose of which‘ is to (4 1/4" m 7H or (8 1/2" x 7n) provide educational. recreational. social. 8 1/2" H 3 1/2”) and referral services directly involving or relating to gay/lesbian people. Classified $2_QQ (up to 4 lines. Views or opinions expressed in the 5 _75 each additional line) articles.‘stories. letters. or advertisements 7 are those of the authors and do not Typesetting $15.00 necessarily represent those of the GLSD Board Screens $10.00 of Directors nor the Newsletter staff. Publication of the name or photograph of any DISCOUNTS person. organization or other entity in 101 of; for 3 issues , articles or advertising in the Newsletter is 253 off for 5 issues in no way indicative of the sexual 40% 0+; for 1: issues orientation of such person. organization or 50% off for non—profit organi:ations entity. - _ ‘ Discounted ad space will be contracted SmeIESionS for} the NEW51EttEr are for specified terms. Artwork mav be changed welcome. 611 Smelsslon DEEDME the property at the advertiser’s expense and subject to Of the Lexington Gay SEVVlCES Organization, the above deadline. Half 0+ the cost of the Inc- _(d-P-a Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services discounted ad shall be due prior to Organization). All submissions must indicate publication and half shall be due upon the {”11 name and address Of the author, completion of the term of the discount. although no bVTllfie W111_bE_PUbli5hEd without Failure to comply with the terms of the the expr?55 written PEFMISSIPH of the author. contract may result in future denial of Nohfi?r191na1 material MUSt indicate that the contracts. original author has given permission for use of the material. Anonymous submissions cannot be accepted. The editorial staff Placement 0+ an ad in the [31.50 Newsletter reserves the right to alter submissions Qggg EQI denote a person’s sexual orientation (including BUS) to meet publishing or a business’s customer preference. requirements. # 2 GLSO ‘ "by—— BOYBAR MEETS GIRLBAR politically incorrect, and thinks the I place should have been called womyn’s There’s a mild—mannered, +ashion— Bar. ‘ conscious East Village Manhattan gay bar There’s also a New Gay Man. "The that leads a double life. On Wednesdays girls sometimes make jOkES like ’HOPE I since June, and now on Sundays too, QEt 1UCKY tonight’, a woman ““0 works Boybar becomes Girlbar. Men who the coatcheck told us. ”You never hear patronize Boybar and women who patronize the guys talk that way anymore.“ If Girlbar rarely socialize, and YOUNG gay women seem more PUbliC and consequently provide an ideal celebratory in their sexuality than opportunity for each other to observe — their elders, the young men who +requent with the semblance of scientific control BOYDEF seem 1955 50- Understandably: - how the other half lives. they were still teenagers when AIDS The evidence proves it: Boys will struck. They are more likely than their be Boys and Women will be Women. At predecessors to claim ambiguity about Boybar, men arrive alone, dress more being gay, yet at the same time seem carefully, listen to disco and watch more androgynous. YOU might call them porn. At Girlbar, though, women arrive ”pre-Stonewall." in groups, listen to new wave (if it’s Eoybar/Girlbar conveniently dis- not too hetero), watch EECEQDél Egg: and plays the differences and the Patty Duke reruns on video, and order similarities that have alwayg existed dfalts because, according tD one waiter, within the tension in the marriage 0+ “it sounds more serious“. women cruise convenience between legbians and gay by networking; men hover, then suddenly men. Many have predicted that the descend. _ crisis 0+ AIDS will reconcile the two Boybar and Girlbar prove that sets of gender benders. But the gender, more than sexual orientation, backlash 0+ homophobia brought on by choreographs our mating dances. Yet AIDS a++ects women as well as men, and Boybar and Girlbar have more in common some women resent that the disease has with each other than with the cliche usurped the gay political agenda, so straight singles bars — where half the perhaps the tension has increased. clientele makes moves on the other half. (Paraphrased from an article in the In a gay bar, everybody is both predator Elllage 29192 by 91153 Soloman and and prey. And something else gives bars Robert Massa.) . a charge. For straights, a bar is just one more place, but any concentration of gay people - in a bar, or church, or on i a basketball court - is an exception, a ' time warp, a haven. SALE!SALE!SALE!SALEESALEESALE!SALE!SALE! Eirlbar has more of that buzz, because it’s more 0+ a novelty. In It’s time once again for the annual T Boybar, the standard line is “Come here SLED Yan 5319? SD gird VGUV loins! often?”, in Girlbar, it’s ”Been here Hitih U5 TEUF 91F0195 lDEFEWClfig UPS“ ; before?“ Boybar is just one of an your preyerence at the moment) and ‘ estimated 50 watering holes for gay men tackle that heap o? long lost treasure: i in Manhattan. The only widely known buried in the bottom a? your :12sets, bars open nightly to women are the Grove basements, VECCLIE. and car trunia. Club and the Cubby H019. But the very Donate anything and exerything — unless existence of Girlbar is a sign that it has been hiding in there so long it‘s things may be changing. Now other bars evolving into a higher life form). Dena - Private Eyes, Moonshadow, and the Milk and Marijo are collecting donations o+ Bar - have started women’s nights. items to be sold, so call them at their Tracks even promises Sunday afternoon restaurant, Razzmatazz, at 271-1377, to teas for lesbian mothers - daycare {ind out how to donate your relics and included. All over, women are taking gems for the betterment of Gay Hentucky. their dancing shoes out of the closet. And then be prepared for a And some are wearing stiletto spending spree that will make Midnight heels. Eirlbar is marketing to reach Madness look like Granny’s afternoon this New Lesbian. The Old Lesbian views tea, on the first weekend of June, the Eirlbar’s advertising - scantily clad éth and 7th. Look for more details in women in seductive poses - as June’s flewgletteg. . 3 _ GLSO WOMEN’S NEWS IlIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIu-nuIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIII-IIIIIIIIIIIII-ll-II- The followlno 12 a contlnuatlon of an neceeaary relatlonehlp and 1nt1macy excerpt trom Eur 51353 to ngg. g ekllle a5 they grow older. - Egggggg EEEQECSE figgifl WthH wa: Feminism 1n general and leab1an produced in cooperation wlth women of femxniem 1n partlcular encourage; wcmen the Hatlonal Gay Taek Force. The book to become stronger 1nd1:1ouale. lee W35 Publlehed 1n lQ’B and 13 now out o+ moat women. we ha.e been ra1eeo to put Ehlht- all of our energy 1ntc relatlonehlpe: when the relatlerehlfi faile. we :ellene WOMAN TD NDMAN: LESBIAN INTIMACY that we ha.e felled. Thze tenaeW:y to practlcall/ dellne cneael? Ln te*m£ cf No matter what the cholze 0+ one‘e relationahloa out; an und3e atreee relatzonehloie). leeblane have had tc Oh the FElathhEth- The development 0+ tread on oubllclv unexplore: territory: a EtVBHQEF Eehee of eel€~+requently a the bullolng and malntenance o+ 1nt1mac; bene+ic1al Elde EffECt 0% the PFSCEEE 9* between two women. There are certaln CGmth outeallowa many 193515h3 t5 bfllld advantaggg t3 two women relatlno to each thelr relatlonehlpe between two etrong other. In a zocgety that hae placed people. For some. CDHECIDUEHESEE“ such empha513 on eeparatlng the eexee. ralelng QFDUP51 CDCGUhEElth altuatxone. there 15 cone1deraole empathy ooeeible OF therapy may be WEYE t0 further thli w1thin each camp. I know another woman DFOCEEE- Nhile moat lEEbiahfi GD th 1ntu1tively in ways I cannot know a man. ChTDEE thEEE alternatlvee. they are becauee t: kngw another woman lé available 1n moat larger c1t1ee and manv loartlally) to know myeelF. Women have smaller one: where there are +em1niet been encouraged to dexelco the1r and/or leebian theraplete w1lllno to eet emot1onal aides, and two women together UP BF +ac;lltate thEEE QFDUDE- usually don’t have to waete ae much tzme ThEFE lE ECME CEUUt WhEthEF a trylng to get the other to aom1t to aucceea¥ul relatlonehlp neceaaarily having feelihge. a leehlan age; not reuu1ree large doeee o$ intlmacx. More have to e blaxn to ancther woman what it pribablv 1t requlrea a prOEEF ratlD 0* meane to be a woman. EECaUEE the woman- pereonal Space ano 1nt1macy. Certainly woman relatlonehlo hae been le+t ae manv women +th the Fight balance. comparatively unde€1nec, there 1E more bECEUEE many EPEhd the greater part 0; latitude to develop unique relatxcneh1pe thEIF liVEE 1h DhE FElStthSth- When baged on meetlfiq neede rather than two women live together for veare. the fulfilling rolee. I ne1ghbore may chooee to aczept them as within the leeblan communlty. there 909d frienoe, tHD ”51d malda” ““5 get 15 conaloerable eupport for what llttle com4ort they can {rem each relat1onshipz, but {gr 1255 tor other. relatlvee. or a+ra1d t: llve intlmacy. The ”goal” 1; t: flnd alone. When I came out to my oarente Princeee Charming and llve haoplly ever SEVEVSI V5375 ago. they tild me that after with her. but nD one 15 telllng thev oldn’t know any other leeblana. I how to do e1ther. Cine 0+ the 51:18 couldn’t help thin'rwng of the e§+ectg 5+ thle emphiglg on “roommatee” and ”frlende” I had been ' relatlonghlpg' I belleye_ ie the very introduced to, and the ”beat frlende“ common gituatlgn of many leeblane in with whom mv parent; used to play their late teene and early tHEfitlEE. bridge! 1“ thxe FEEPECt! 1t appeare t9 Many get Involved in (usually) be much eaeler §or two women to live monogomoue relatlonehlpe, begzn to 1:.e together WithGUt r3131ng etralght together. and then breaL up after two eyebrow; than for two men to do the same years or leee. withln 513 monthe, both thlng. 0+ the former ”partners" are 1n a1m11ar (Contlnued in next month’s BLED relatlonehlpe wlth someone else. Thelr NEwC'CTTFP) ____ goal 15 to be 1nvolved. but 1n the mxdet 'cn=::*-=4 Of dreame of togetherneee. the‘.’ do not * learn how to relate to each other. When thE‘r' reach 5‘ CViSiS in then" —_— relatlonehlp, they break up. Fortunately. many leeblans acoulre the 4 GLSO , fi,,,,, m~_ F‘UTLUCK‘S FAST AND FUTURE THE F'HONELINE INEEDS YOUR HELP People often call me and ask: what’s' One of (3153’s; motel: important, ‘ going on during the month. One o+‘ the progra ms is our F'l‘lone].,'.r1e. For mar-y really fun things to do here in people" the Fi'fiit step in coming dot is Lexington happens on the first Sunday of working up the courage: to maLe a phone:- each month. It’s GLSD’s potluck! call to the Phone-line and speaiizig to (However, due to our own Derby brunch, another gay person. Imagine; their we will not be ha‘».'ing s. potluci. this relieF when a. friendly, well trains-j month.) volunteer arm-were. and they learn f-_r' During our April Potluck, about P‘srl‘ifili's the 'Flr'S't tit“??? that 937'?» are - twenty people ventured to Razzmatazz, just normal, non—threatening, caring each bringing a dish. The highlights c-F people. You COLIC} be that all important our menu included fried chicken, sausage First contact with the lccsil tie-- 3‘ egg casserole, bFOCEDIi casserole, community. I-f you can spare tv'J-Z hob-s fresh “999195 With dip, salads, chips, on one Sunday arternoon ear._h month For and a chocolate-pistachio cake. If you training and three hours 0,». on; don’t have a favorite recipe to bring, Wednesday, Thursday or" F’lCifi,’ evening- StDp and PiCli UP something ready made. each month. please SEC— Eda».in 51"ter' the We won’t mind! YOU?" company is much new; Forum Meeting, or call the preferred to a +'an(:‘,-' diSh- F‘l'uznneli'ne and leave your name ard GLSO’S POtlLle 1'5 held the 1’iV'St number, or, come to the net training Sunday of every month (excluding this session (see the calendar.) 01.11 calls NEW) at Razzmatazz’s at 1:30 pm. are forwarded to your home, so you don’t There’s no need to' bring drinks, since even have to miss. your favorite TV F'epsi products will be sold. By the shows! way, the space for the potluck: and the money from the sale of drinks is donated “ to GLSO by Razzmatazz. Razzmatazz is in EMA} the Park: Hills Shopping Center, on the 2' ‘ “ corner of Man-D-Nar and F'imlico. We’d é ii”, love to see you, so come out and join ‘ *1" (:3 7‘: - e ‘4— ! a. 9):" ”we . . \ "' THANKS A I” “"lwifi _—'——__ WHOLE LOT, GUYS! ,, (' 4". . . .GUYS!? fi'is“ E93! GLSD MAY FORUM / lift/“g: £§ovy¢fi a: m a V $‘1T "Coming Out: How Far?" will be the . . z-D 4" topic of GLE-D’s May Forum. Please come fix?) ‘ 4’ and join the discussion, after all, k ,4" "’6? u ‘ ' everyone has lots of coming out stories *J—LV \ i b 1,, ‘ .‘ they love to share with other "Members ? e I, . of the Family.” The meetings are held M "‘ (WAT. the first Monday of each month at 8:00 ”W . / pm at the Comprehensive Care Center on * ”Ed's-“i: Stree't' The ”51112155 are JUNEI ELECTIONS. mm NONIraA‘T'Ii‘JrJES spaCious, comfortable. isolated and ‘ quiet.- After the meeting is _ over, {lion .1 “32;”le .—; v-:::~ ::i ..1-.. if? _ around 10:00 pm, most Of US adjourn to ELSE) Board ;;-:i' Dive» [tors w:11 i3? new?! :4" either JEFF/’5" White Mountain 0'93"“?er the I‘Iac‘.’ iiiaissinzz.-sa' f'loetin; E‘FJLI ""-:,:*:.:.:: tn 0" ENPFE‘SSD Cafe "‘0'” “Hess dessert and rmrxdavfl' Pia-y- 4ti—.. The 5-219;th will be conversation. (:onduc'tettl at the followir‘zg tr...é-=~'ti=“ic_:: o. Meetings have been averaging 15‘2') June let. Ho nomiratioue will be , people, and usually include several new accepted ei-Fter fine New 4th mes! Illlllg'. If DthSICE Let-tington- This is an excellent you are interested in a boarisi position opportunity t0 meet new 9901319.- make new or would like to nominate someone mm: is friends, and become a part 0": Lexington interested, plesse be sure to at‘ter'td the and Central Kentucky’s large 95V May Business Meeting; end Forum. We need community. you.“ input and support. GLSO 5 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIII-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-I MEMBERSHIP DRIVE FROM DIGNITY’S PRESIDENT ‘ Extra! Extra! Read all about it. Messaoes. ' DigrityfiLexington is having a memLership Nothing hag quite the effect on our drive“ Our gool is to have 75 members lives as the messages we receive. How by November let. many people balieve or have believed W“? 35* It “CUIU be the highest they are not good people because of menberihlp in our history and be e messages they have received? I can positive step in our gromtn as a remember being 15 and hearing that all LhfiFtEV- gay melee were Sissies, alcoholics, For only $35 (31$ for students, $45 lonely, obsessed with oer, or were for couples) memaership is yours. Your mentally ill“ I caq also rememoer money is then used to support the work wondering 1+ thai were twuefl if that s of DignityXUSQ, Dignity/Region V, ano what my life wag going to be about. Dignity/Lexington. It provice: Fortunately I had elss received wanshops, meetings and growth for many lots o¥ wonderful mfiigfigeg_ I wag ggfld who need assistance, In addition to the in school, hfid e plafiaaqt way, and hfid a kFDWIEde thEt VDUV membership “Elpfi decent forehand" I also began reading others, it allows For you to receive a anything I could. If I found megsegeg national newsletter from Dignity, that were negative, 1 labeled them as reporting their etforts to moke our untrue (which was often the case), and lives better. Your membership 5 lows when I {flung pgsitiva perceptions of VEU t3 5e?! "Iflm a member 0; Dignity. I homosexuality I clung to them, memorized am helping enrich the lives of my them, made them a part of my. leebian and gay, sisters and brothers.“ Over two years 590 1 attended my Think: about it- HElfi U55 help first Dignity Wang“ Icontinued to others. help yoursel+. Send your checL get pagitjve megsageg. Here were t0: Dignity/Lexington thoughtful, wonderful people who I could F. D. Box 1794 get to Lnow in an alcohol {ree, relawej Lerifigton, h“ 4G573 Help make uUF lives better! a;mvsphere. Two years later as president, I feel my Job is to create the same positives for all of us to enjoy. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS FUR DIGNITY Dignity is a place to talk, a place Lu ' listen, a plece to learn, a piece ti Our liturgy is TUESdaY: May 5th! at lcve, a place to except, a pllcu t; '7:30 at Don’s. Don has agreed (a big efljfl%_ It is 4 plane Lo gfiou. I know. 'thank you!) to be our host for the I have. upcoming events. For directions calI May all the messages we regaive be 299—4459 OF 273“8056- that enriching‘ Hope to see you a: Rap session is Thursday, May 14th, Dignity eoon. at Debbie’s, beginning at 7:30. The Peace, topic is "Developing Relationships." Keith Whether you’re in one and have insights to,. share, 'or just interested in- , discussing the topic, come ready to talk. — and listen. Call 273~8056 or Qéb~0757 'for directions, The potluck and program at Keith's helps begin our sun‘mer" E-(lit'l‘«'iti€'5. « I - Bring a dish to snyre and stter eating lwe’ll talk about lesbian/gay history. ‘we‘ll watch ”One Fine Day," a video _shown at the Michigan National women’s [MCNnYflEnNCTON Festival, and then explore our history. 'P1l5”1”"l"h8mmKYflwfl Please note the 7:00 time instead 0+ the usual 7:30. For directions, call 273- 223L5235L 8056 OF 273* 7870. 3 -IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-IIIIIII-l-I-l-l-IIII 6 GLSO- Dear Aunt Mary: I’m in love with my NEW DRUG APPEARS HDPEFUL best friend who is apparently straight. a!thdwgh our relationsrip often gee? Researchers have recently begun we end typica h€+$VflfifiJuiL malt testing a new, experimental drug known F iexduh p. It has ant DGEV a senaal as DTC. Fifty individuals across the relationship. however. The problem is. country are currently receiving I’m terribly jealous of any woman he treatment with the drug which scientists dates. , Recently he started seeing my say may prove helpful in preventing ARC sister and I just found out they are * from developing into full blown AIDS. sleeping together. I don’t know whict One significant result of the work is one of them I hate more. him or her. that DTC appears to have virtually no Help? Angry - Warsaw side effects. AZT. an AIDS treatment recently approved by the FDA.l causes Dear Angry: It isn’t all that unusual serious side effects in as many as 502 for a new love interest on the part of\ of those who take it. one friend t3 cause problems in a close friendship. The odd party out feels - threatened an they see the relationship SPEAKER’S BUREAU NEEDS VOLUNTEERS changing and their friend spends less . time with them and more with hisfher new The Speaker’s Bureau i5 in critical love. A little time to get used to the need of volunteers. especially those changes and feel more comfortable with available during the day. We also need the ”lntruder” “EUfiliy helps. I“ this additional women. as we like to send one Eager unfortunately. things aren”t 50 man and one woman to each engagement. simple. _ ‘ With Krisv and Shirley leaving this FEW things can be as frustrating summer we need new volunteers in time to +0” a gay man 3E being in love 'With f arrange training and perhaps to allow man “h“ i5 st"aight, 0“ thlnkS 0+ them to sit in on an snoagement or two himself as straight. Regardless of before their first assignment. If you whether you thifik he is straight or 95?! are interested. or know anyone who would and regardless of what kind of signals like to participate in thiE extremely he may be sending DUt to you, if he worthwhile and rewarding program. please thinks he is straight save yourself a call Barry at 255_3935" If i am not lot 9* heartache bY staying away from available. please leave a messaoe on the him. If he 15 straight. it i5 your answering machine and I will get back to problem. If he is gay but hasn’t come you as soon a5 possible. to terms with it. it is his problem. I would like to thank Kris and Either way, you can’t do anything about Shirley for their work with the it" . . _ ' Speaker’s Bureau. You will both be My aov1ce is to put some distance sorely missed. between the two of you for a while until things are more clearly defined. If he is straight. maybe in time you will be CORRECTION able to accept that and’ continue your friendship without the intense jealousy Last month’s article concerning Gay YOU feel ”OW- If he 19 gays and he movies available on video cassette in learns to accept that, perhaps there is Lexington rental stores gave the the PDSSibilitY 0* a relationship. But incorrect location of the Video Village not until he works things out on his own and Movie warehouse. These stores are and learns to accept his orientation. both located on Southland Drive. The Until and if that happens, steer clear. editor of the ggwglegggg would like to There is nothing there for you but pain; extend his ap01ogies for any Aunt Mary inconvenience. If you would like to write to Aunt -Mary, send your letter to: Aunt Mary, ’ Yqun Post CFf‘:e Eo« 11471. Lexington. Kentucky 40575" If you would like a stamped. self addressed envelope. All personal reply. please include- a names are strictly confidential. GLSO 7 CHICAGO. ILLINOIS VINCINNES, INDIANA . .., Ga9 harassment has recently The caunty preserutar Ln VinCinnes egcalated in Chicane. The “Great has been thducting an investlgstxmn 3 Erctherhood Of the Ivan Fist“ has been 1&3:ribed by lucal gays as & witch hunt. placing personal ads in local newspapers Thwugh no evidenze NEE been discovered ind then exposing the regpondentg’ that wmuld suggest murder in the recent humosexuality to relatives, employers death 0f a gay teen-'egC—trfl the prasecutor and neighbors. At least 15 pemple have called for a grand jury investigatisn, ‘ been victimized by the ad scam. This alleging "satanic. rituel hemasnxnsl 3 same organization had previously sent practices peculiar to Know Zznnty (1N).” 1 anonymous lettergg stamQEd "Happy Death" Gay harassment has sin:e skyrdcketed. and "Die Faggot," to relatives and Forty people, including some net neighbors of approximately 150 gay and connected with the exerts leading tc the youth’s death. have been qeestiwnsd and sl'seacentl' {irefl 5v emnldvers. straight faculty and students. ?h0~ ?éé ZQEeetened V by tannspechle" [ [Some EiQHEd a +U11 page ad 1“ the universlty ultimatelv moved out 3f Vin: nnes. of Chicago student newsletter dennuncing I '~ .v harassment. On March 31st, two :gfilvgidalized the mfIices H? the Windy BOSTON: MASSACHQSETTS Citv Times, the :ityrs major gag Bmverfior Michael. Duhahis recentl? newsflaper. and attacked three men in the annsunced his csndisacy for the lQHB of¥ice with a bageball bst_ é Democratic Presidential nomination. ccnservative Stuflent group. ”Ccmmun DukakLs, whn has ignmrefl recmmmendatidns Sense." recently distributed literature by local EMPEVtS and EVE” these Gt “1% suppdrting quarantining 0% gayg any Own appdintec commission. hms been the setting up concentratidn camps tar Pwns. primary obstacle PVEVEDtiHQ 93? people , Frmm being faster parents-in that state. RAZZMATAZZ WASHINGTON, D.C. Cmnser¢ative Rep. Dan Burton (3. . . IN) and virulently anti—gay Pep. William Del|C|OUS, Homemade Foods Dal‘ineme‘y‘er“ {F9 CPU have al‘il‘ietmced Lunch & Dinner, Mon.-Sat., 11 am—9 pm 2235::valeg;:l?:lenf:h1:hszg d re?d1:e Breakfast, 10 pm-2:30 am, Fri. & Sat. I-.Jd_: i n“ :L.qumuii —Hb " an.dey Nites Only fur all h.5. lealhmhuau Dinner Spec1als served Spm-Ppm MON Pepper Steak..........$?.90 . Country Frled Steak...§3.90 INTERNATIONAL NEWS TUES Meat Losf.............$3.75 Beef Streganoff.......$3.95 . MOSCOW, USSR WED Lsssgna...............$4.35 The newspaper of the ijmunist Spaghetti.............$Z.:0 Party youth league recently armouncej THU Chicken & Dumplings...$3.70 Lhat hdmasexuslity is an the rise in the Liver & Onions........$3.50 'Soviet Union. Criminal cahvictiun for FRI BFDIlEd Cod----------.$3.85 sex between consenting men can result in SAT ihlfhgaaobs...........$4.a0 prison sentences 0! up to 5 years. gmo e am............$4.bo Roast Bee+............$4.b0 THE NETHERLANDS ' . Dutch Army o¥ficials recently Located In Park HIHS center {announced the Lancmming farmstian of an Corner of PimliCO & Man O’War srgsnizatisr‘i sx..:.|:1;:;i:\="t 3'. nt} tax nae-cpl e and issues within the army. In Helland. Phone 27 1 '1 377 Km: ewe—H .i ‘l:. 33 a fit? ‘v'.;e:~=:-'~— H j. 3.2.3:~ sei'zjr: " ':-:.'". '1 ~.-':: , Tia} j t x, ,. IIIflIIIlIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-IIIIIIII------ 8 GLSO May 3. 1887. BLED Post—Derby Tea. May 22—25, 1987. 4th flnnual Southern Women’s Music ano Comedy Festival. Confinganune GA. May 22-25. 188?. Gay and Lesbian Press ’ . {assocation’ s {annual Cion‘»."ention. GLSO S 1 0th ANNl_VERSARY San Diego. an. Watch For Details” June 5_?. 1887. Lexington Interweave Spring Retreat. Cynthiana, H7. June 18_21, 1987. Dignity Spring Regional Meeting. Grand Rapids. MI. JLU‘lE' 19-23, 1937. San Francisco — International Lesbian and Gay Film DIRECTORY Festival. San Francisco. CA. July 11-18.. 1987- GfiYLé‘i IX “Say Men’s GLSD Gayline....................231-O335 Retreat) sponsored by the Unitarian GLSD Newsletter, Universal iat Association. Fer-w; General... .... ...call Steve. 258—8887 Beach, ME' Advertising....call Kenneth. 278~004B JUly 13-15! 1987' International GLSD Speaker’s Bureau.......... Association o? Gay Square Dance call Barry. 259—3935 C1Ub5' Portland, BR' GLSO Gay Parenting Support Group.... July 17—18. 1887. Chicago Round-Up call Barry, 258—3835 sponsored by Gay/Lesbian Alcoholics GLSD Potluck................... Anon‘r/mm‘s- Chicago! IL- . . . .call Dena/Marijo, 271—1377 ”1"" 3‘25! 1997' Di gnity ”a“ anal GLSD Rainbow Bowl ing League... . 278—8048 EO”“"E”tiD“' mam“ FL“ GLSD Cards 2. Games. . call Karen, 258—328:- August 12—15, 1987. 12th Michigan or Bill. :54_3351 WOW/”"5 ””515 FE'Eti‘V'al - Valhalla! GLSD Movie Night... . . .call Tom. 252~1990 ”1- Gay/Lesbian AA. . . . . .call Craig, 288—8887 Augugt 23—31! 1987' Ohio Round—Up Lesbian Potluck................ sponsored by Gay/Lesbian filcoholics ....call Kris/Shirley, 273—7870 anen‘r'mDUE- Cle‘~"'91ands DH- Feminist Alliance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . QngLlS-t 28'31, ' 1987. 8th Annual WE’St I . . . C511 1 Kris/Shirley, 273—7870 5055*: Women“ '5 MUSiC and CDmEd‘r’ Di gni ty/Lexington. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273—8056 Festival. YOEEmitE! CA' (Lexington’s chapter of the national September 4—7, 198?. 2nd Annual Labor Catholic-gay Euppgrt Drganizatign_ gee Day Gay Men’s Retreat sponsored by the Dignity page included 1n this the Unitarian Universalist newsletter.) QSEDCiatlon- ROWE: MA- Interweave....call Craig/Steve, Zoo—8887 October 11. 1887. March on Washington (A group within Lexingtgn’g Unitarian +0“ Gay and Lesbian Rights. Universalist Church, primarily composed washington, DC- o+ gays and lesbians, though by no means —— limited to such.) ' ACT/Lexington...................281~5151 fr: .;,l / , ,« j ' or cal 1 Dave, 271—4320 T? Jéafagfl _ V ,' (Lexington’s ; AIDS support and Ié‘:fl 1 Wfi£./ educational organization.) "e } “l, '53 l: , , LEHingtDn-Fnyatte County Health - fl ‘ ' '\ "jig-:57? lj 3.; Dept. AIDS Information. . . . . . . 255-9871 ’ {'jgi ' l“ (for AIDS counseling and testing, ‘ f' V421 call Greg Lee.) i I , ‘ Louisville Crisis Hotl ine, (502) 83-7—4342 : ; i ‘ a)“ t: Owensboro Gay Alliance. . . . (502) 885-5246 Fg13 1, 8.;82:}Z Cincinnati Gay SwithcboardifilE) 221-7800 x )0 A W” National Gay Task Force Crisis Line YOU'LLTQLVJfiFDEDfi'CKEN and AIDS‘Crisis Line. .. (800) 221—7044 , GLSO 9 Contact names and phone numbers for all FRI 15 Movie Night. 7:30 pm; Gayline, events listed in the calendar can be E31-fi335, 8 pm — 11 pm: Gay/ found in the Directory on the prev1ous Lesbian AA, 5 pm, Como. Care page. Center, 201 Mechanic Et.: Newsletter. deadline for FRI 1 Gayline, 231—0335. B — 11 pm submissions Cards & Games, 7 pm: Gay/ Lesbian 99~ 8 Pm- Comoreheneive SAT 13 Interweave Potluck, 7 pm Care Center, 201 Mechanic 5t. SUN 17 Ganyesbian AG. 4 pm, Comp. SUN 3 BLSD Post Derby Tea. 1:00 pm, Care Center, 21.31 Mechanic St. call see—3935, :ee—9175 or ‘ 299—0352 for info; Gay/Lesbian MON 18 Gay Men’s AA, St. Joseph Office AA.- 4 pm, Comp- Care CEHtE‘V‘s 301 F'l::., Rm. 120; Gay Parenting Mechanic St. Group, 7 pm. mom 4 GLSU Meeting, Board Report TUE 1‘? Rainbow League 9 pm, Jovland 8 pm, Forum — 8:30 pm, Comp. Bowling Lanes;Newsletter, Care Center, 201 Mechanic St.; Layout, 7:30 Pm Gay ”en’s 995 St- JDSEP“ 0H1“ WED 22::- anline, 231—2235, 3 — 11 pm, Park, Rm 12” lesbian volunteer; Gay/Lesbian ' AA, 8 pm, St. Joseph Office Pk., TUE 5 Rainbow League, 9 pm, Joyland Rm. 120 Bowling Lanes;Dignity Liturgy, 7:30 pm, call Don, 299-4458; THU 21 Gayline, 231—0335, 8 pm — 11 pm; Speaker’s Bureau, 7 pm FRI 22 Gayline, 231-0335. 8 pm — 11 pm WED s Gayline, 231—0335, E - 11 pm, Cards & Games, 7 pm lesbian volunteer; Gay/Lesbian AA, 8 pm, St. Joseph Office Pk. SUN :4 Gay/Lesbian AA, 4 Pm: Rm. 120 Comprehensive Care Center, 201 Mechanic Street; Phoneline THU 7 Gayline, 231—0335, B - 11 pm Training Session, 2 pm, Comp. Care Center, 201 Mechanic St. FRI E Cards & Games. 7 pm; Gay/Lesbian AA, 8 pm, Como. MON 25 GLSO Boa