xt7tx921gc5c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tx921gc5c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1974-09-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 06, 1974 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 06, 1974 1974 1974-09-06 2020 true xt7tx921gc5c section xt7tx921gc5c Vol lXVl No .90
Fridav September 6.1974



an independent student newspaper


university of Kentucky
Lexington. Ky. 40506

Athletic academic advisor plans program
to resolve 'chasm' between school, athletics

Ii) Sl'S.\.\ JONES
Kernel Staff Writer
"No large university can survive
without a good athletics program " said
Dr. Frank M Downing. the new athletic
academic ady isor
Downing. job is to tutor only
scholarship athletics said. "scholarships
are an investment and we all try to make
that iiiyestnienl suu'essfiil ”


‘l‘llltttltdl Ills program, Downing
hopes to resolve what he calls the “chasm
between academia and athletics"
Downing said he considers himself ideal
for the ~ioh because he was a coach for 20
years and has obtained his Hi i) in
reading from Memphis Stale l'niyersity

l'K spends 38.1in per year in general
tund money to pay for half of Downing's
salan The remainder of Downing's
annual $16,000 salary is paid by the l'K
Athletic Association,

This is not the first year the lTniversity
has allocated funds for an athletic
zidvisor. said Dr Alvin Morris. vice
president for administration

“I t‘.\.\ relate to kids in their language."
Downing said He said the success of the
program depends upon what atheltes do
when they graduate.

“An athlete lives a Jock image."
l)owningsaid. “He‘s supposed tobe dumb
and he thinks he can‘t perform
academically We can change his self-
image by having him succeed."

Although Downing‘s main respoiiSibility

ggsic Ingredient
Recruit Wisely the
Best Student Athlete/
Solid Character Type Poss.
-Stay on top of him
-Graduate maximum number


in All Sports




















ATHLETIC sovrsoa






Understands Academic/
Athletic Problems









Academic Graduate
Assistant (AGA #1)


Academic Graduate
Assistant (AGA #2)



Academic Graduate
Assistant (AGA #3)

Academic Graduate

Assistant (AGA #4)


4427 ‘75’





x # Student'l'





x TStudenC'

X f Student







ti 3 Student




is tutoring athletes, he also will teach a
course in library study skills during the
spring semester The class w ill he open to
all I iiiyemity students

I\ \ pamphlet presented in .luly to the
Senate ('ouncil, the t'niversity's academic
governing body. Downing outlined his
responsibilities and goals to
administrators. faculty and student

Downing described the goals of his
programs: keeping the athlete in school,


Kernel stall photo by (‘hurk (‘ombes

( hildre ii in ( ooperstown who are too young to go

Cooperstown kids

to school and too old to stay inside all day find
that a sliding board is an easy way to pass along

.ilte I iiooii.

lurtlier developing the concept that
coaches should be interested in lllleltlualS
men. not Just athletes and
cultivating a positive attitude
toward athletes.

He told the Senate (‘ouncil his role is
basically a liason between academia and
athletics. Downing said he hopes to study
l'niversity curriculum. assist the
admissions office and attend faculty
liincheons and meetings. Downing intends
to publish athletic academic

J“ as


MORNING TULI) the Senate (‘ouncil
“solve minor problems before
Speaking before the

he hopes to
they become major.“
('ouncil. he said he would familiarize
himself with faculty. the athletes'
schedules and the academic department
secreta ries.

other responsibilities of the academic
athletic advisor will be to coordinate
freshman orientation for the athletes and
to screen. hire and supervise four
academic graduate assistants. Downing

56 plans legal counseling

service for students

Kernel Staff Writer

A Student Government (SG) legal
referral and counseling service for
students will begin Sept. 10 unless
members of the Fayette County Bar
Association object.

(‘urrent plans include paying a local
attorney to run the service. However,
“There are elements of the program which
approach legal service which is not the
same as legal counseling." said Robert
Giblin. the attorney who will be paid $5 per
hour to counsel students. “Legal service is
tightly controlled by the local bar
association." Giblin said.

GIBIJN SAID students can come to him
only for legal referrals. He cannot be used
as an acting attorney,

“The report on the project will not be
ready for another week yet." said James
Udell, president of the Fayette County Bar
Association. “I really can‘t issue an
opinion right now without consulting the
other members of the committee."

David Mucci said he will proceed with the

plan unless contacted by the bar
association by Sept. 10.

“We're only checking into the matter in
order to protect Giblin," said Mucci. “and
we feel we‘ve made every effort to do so.
Therefore. we‘re going ahead with the

Giblin will receive a total of $480 for the
weekly counseling sessions and for time
spent out of the office researching

students‘ problems.

”A UNIVERSITY has a peculiar need
for counsel because students are legally
adults.“ said Biglin. “but they don‘t have
the experience or the education to act with
full knowledge of their rights and duties as

Giblin expects to frequently encounter
problems concerning the new landlord—
tenant law. automobile and medical
claims. voting registration and zoning.

“I hope to spend part of my time out of
the office contacting local agencies and
making them aware of student problems,"
said Giblin. “In the future we may be able
to draw upon the local law school and
provide a broad range of community



Editor-belief. Linda Canes
Ila-och. edller. Boa llttelell
Associate editor. Ten Moore
Editorial page editor. Steve Swill

Features editor. Larry Need
An: edlut. Greg loteflel
Sports editor. Jim lone-t
Photography editor. Ed Gerald

Editorials represent the opinions ol the editors. not the University



Cook's amnesty position is displeasing

Sen. Marlow Cook has added a new
ingnedient to his re-election broth that
should bring the campaign with
Wendell Ford to a quick boil.

During a question and answer
session before the American Business
Club luncheon in Louisville
Wednesday, Cook said he favored
severe amnesty rules for draft



Letters to the editor

evaders and deserters of the armed
forces during the Vietnam war.

“I would not favor any proposal for
amnesty if it was...an invitation to
come back to the United States
without severe requirements based on
services with various agencies of the
federal government, (and) based on
absolute requirements that an

individual has to perform to resume
his citizenship in this country," Cook
was quoted as saying in Thursday's

He also said Americans should not
offer an apology to the evaders.

(‘ook's amnesty position is a clear
reflection of his character as


"~02! A L¢(¢:
'19) Jam

3 electorate ot

Kentucky‘s Republican
representative in the senate. His
position is totally unacceptable to us.
But we‘re glad to see that the Red
River Dam controversy won't be the
only issue of the campaign.

Ford has yet to make known his
position on amnesty but the ball is
now in his court and the electorate
should demand a statement.

Eventually both candidates will be
forced to make stands on various
political issues of interest to the
the eoinnionwealth.
\‘oters should be careful, therefore,
and avoid an early endorsement of
either eanditlate tor selfish reasons


'l'he educated Muilherner has no use for
an r. t'\t't1)l at the beginning of a word
.\lark Twain
life on the Mississippi

('hap. t-I
When angry. eounl tour, when very
angiy. swear

l’uild'nhead Wilson.
l’iidd'nhead \iilson's ('alendar.
(‘hap. It

Responding to the Kernel code editorial

In a September 4th editorial the Kernel
blasts David Mucci for “Cheating students
of their deserved rights" and terms his
refusal to serve on the code committtee as
“nothing more than a publicity prank." I
would like to respond to that editorial.

First, an explanation of the way the Code
Committee operates is in order. As your
editorial so aptly put it, “any student-
oriented recommendation to the commit-
tee can be, and usually is, blocked by the
other six faculty members.” Thus the vote
on student-oriented recommendations
should often be 6-3. However, you will find
more often that the vote is 72 or 8-1. Why?
A lack of a unified student voice on the
various proposals. Not only students at a
disadvantage in terms of numbers, but by
refusing to allow students to pick their own
representatives via Student Government
(which could send three representatives
united behind a common “Student
Government policy“ as reflected in the SG
elections) the University effectively
disperses united student voice.

Second, let’s examine the basis for
Mucci's stand. The Governing Regulations
of the University state, “(Student
Government) shall...represent student
opinion to the faculty, administration, and
Board of Trustees," and “Student
Government is...the official student body
authoritv in University matters." Thus.
according to the Governing Regulations if
the President wants student opinion
represented on his committees, he must
turn to Student Government who will, in
turn, pick those representatives.

Mucci rierely wants the President to
obey. the Governing Regulations. But

suppose Mucci decided to take the
Kernel‘s advice — what would he gain? He
would be participating on a committee
which purported to have student
representation yet refused to allow student
opinion to be represented via SG
appointees. SG appointees would reflect
the policies upon which the majority of
voting students based their vote in the
previous SG elections.

Mucci‘s decision didn’t cost students
their “deserved rights" either. As the the
Kernel points out, the vote at best will be

6—3. The administration will merely choose
another student to cast that third ballot
What Mucci did do was press the issue or
recognizing SG as the body which should
represent student opinion. It is preferable
that students, rather than faculty or
administrators, should choose those who
represent student opinion.

The Kernel‘s proposal of an additional
student member is fine, but it wouldn't
change anything — the vote would be 64
instead of 6-3 —— and doesn't address the

issue raised by Mucci‘s action, And I'm
sure that the students Singletary appoints
all do their best to represent students. But
if Student Government is to serve as a
conveyor of student opinion, if a unified
student voice is needed at the Code
bargaining table, and if the Governing
Regulations are meant to be followed then
Student Government must choose student
representatives for the Code Committee.

Mike Wilson
SG vice president

Gov. Ford's remarks ‘betray ignorance’

I was astounded by the statements of
Gov. Ford at the democratic precinct
workers rally on Sept. 4 (Kernel, Sept. 5)
pertaining to the proposed Red River
Lake. Ford‘s statements betray an
amazing ignorance of the characteristics
of the gorge, the location of the dam and
lake, and particularly the effects of the
lake on the forest ecosystem.

Ford said that Senator Cook “Walked
down where the white water is, down in the
upper region," and that “The site of the
dam is up much further." In reality, there
is “white water" throughout the whole
gorge although the roughest rapids are
above the concrete bridge on Ky. Route
715. Senator Cook canoed the more gentle
reaches below the bridge and went
upstream only a mile or so. The area that
Cook‘s family used is the area used by
most Red River canoeists because most of

them are novices who cannot safely handle
the rougher waters. This area would be
flooded by the dam. Ford's comments
betray his ignorance of where the dam
would be and what areas would be flooded.
Ford also implied that all the
back-packers who use the area concen-
trate their activities in the “upper gorge"
and that “The back-up of the dam doesn‘t
even reach the upper region." The truth is
that most hikers and campers intensively
use the area within two miles of the
concrete bridge, and even the Corps
admits that three miles of the “upper
gorge" will be flooded intermittently.

When Ford said “All the biological
communities, they’re not destroyed,
they‘re not even touched.“ he was just
plain wrong. The lake will destroy 19 miles
of a rare and highly productive stream
ecosystem and 3,177 acres of productive

field and forest ecosystems, replacing
them with a lake ecosystem of much lower
productivity. We will get more. game fish
from a lake. but their net production will
not approach the lost production of wood,
fibre, food plants, and terrestrial game
animals (turkey, grouse, rabbits, deer,
etc. which will be drowned out.
Furthermore, a lake will radically alter
the temperature and humidity regime of
the whole Red River valley. Thus the
present uniqueness of the Red River area
that the Corps claims to be protecting
despite the dam will inevitably be lost in
the years following impoundment.
Governor Ford should honestly study the
facts about Red River Dam and get them
straight. If he does, and if he is honest with
himself, he must reverse his current
posnion and oppose the dam.
Jerry Thornton. M.S. (ecology)
2nd year law





Supporting the rights
of determined colonies


On Aug. 26. Portugal granted
independence to the smallest and
poorestlof its African colonies.
Guinea-Bissau. A referendum is
tobe held to determine the fate of
the Cape Verde Islands which.
although they have long been
considered part of Portugues
Guinea. Portugal is more
reluctant to release. Mozambique
and Angola remain “Overseas
Provinces“ as Portugal refers to
its colonies.

The African Party for the
Independence of Guinea and
(‘ape Verde (PAIGC) has been
leading armed struggle against
Portuguese colonialism since
I963. Portugal has been unable to
militarily defeat the Liberation
fighters in the colonies so it is
searching for other ways to
maintain its dominance.

Spinola (former military
governor of the coloniest realized
that Portuguese capitalism was
committing suicide by its policy
toward the colonies and took the
desperate step of leading a coup
to overthrow the dictatorship
which had ruled Portugal for 48
years The Portuguese people
and the ranks of the army were
led up with the colonial wars.
which were ruining the country
and failing to subdue the colonial



yo.- 3" -



'This policy of non-development has blocked the
process of differentiation of social layers of
African society.’


territories vulnerable to further

Washington, which has given
millions of dollars to Portugal to
supth its African wars, has long
viewed t he Cape Verde Islands as
potential bases for military
operations. Also the isla nds serve
as key linksin South Africa’s air
communications. since black
African nations bar South
African pkines from landing on
their territory.

Portugal is under pressure
from South Africa and Rhodesia
not to grant independence
particularly to Mozambique and
Angola. Independence for
Mozambique and Angola. even
under neo—colonial regimes
would. by the force of example
alone. gravely endanger these
white supremacist regimes.

Many of the black workers in
South Africa's diamond mines
are forced laborers from Angola
and Mozambique. Nearly half of
South Africa‘s commerce is
shipped through the port of Beira,
Mozambique. Rhodesia is also
heavily dependent on
Mozambican ports.


’In the massive popular upsurge and the strike-
wave following the coup, there were many large
demonstrations demanding freedom for the



Portugal has been faced with
thousands of deserters and draft-
dodgers and. especially in
Guinea—Bissau. fraternaization at
the front. In the massive popular
upsurge and strike-wave
following the coup. there were
many large demonstrations
demanding freedom for the
colonies and for socialism. often
with soldiers joining in. The
spectre of revolution was so
ominous to the Portuguese
bourgeoisie that they invited the
(‘ommunist Party to join the
colonial government to utilize its
great influence to restrain the

Thanks to the strike-breaking
and class collaboration of the
Stalinists. the govemment was
able to rebuild the machinery of
coercion which had broken down
in consequence of the coup and
begin a rightist crackdown.

(il'lNEA-RISSAl‘ with its
population of 800.000 I mostly poor
peasants) was the most
cxpendible of the colonies. But
Angola and Mozambique are
large. rich in minerals and oil
and mute productive
agriculturally. which means that
Portugal. with the aid of the
l‘nited States. South Africa. and
other imperialist powers. will
struggle harder to keep these


establishment of black
governments in
the economic
sanctions carried out by most
African countries against these
white settler-states could cripple

Mozambique and Angola
would apply

their economies. These racist
regimes reportedly favor a
unilateral declaration of
independence by the white
settlers in Mozambique and
Angola if Portugal is unable to
hold on to them.

White colonists in Mozambique
and Angola are a very small
percentage of the population.
Thus. Portuguese domination can
only be maintained by an ultra-
coercivepolicy: institutionalized
terrorism. including forced labor
and repeated massacres.
Portugal blocked any real
industrial development of the
colonies and consequently of the
social infrastructure.

Economic development has
functioned in the interests of the
Portuguese instropolitan center
and against the needs of the
native population. The colonial
laws provide that the overseas
territories export primarily to
Portugal. according to the needs
of and at prices fixed by the
Lisbon government.

Health. education
transportation services et cetera.
have been developed only to the
limit needed by the tiny layer of
white colonists. This policy of
nonodevelopment has blocked the
process ofdifferntiation of social
layers of African society. They
have not distributed crumbs to a
black petty bourgeoisie which
could have been paid off to
collaborate with the colonists or
serve as the social base for a neo-
colonial solution.


Bissau proclaimed itself a
republic on Sept. 24. 1973
declaring Portuguese rule null
and void. The new government
created by the People’s National
Assembly of Guinea-Bissau was
recognized by 69 nations by the
end of October. At this time the
republic controlled about three
quarters of the land mass, with
half the population living in the
liberated areas. The US. was one
of seven nations in the UN.
General Assembly which voted
against a resultion condemning
Portugal‘s “illegal occupation“
of (iuinea-Bisau. Ninety-four
nations voted in favor.

According to Article 3
«(‘onstitution of Guinea-Bissau):
“The State shall have as its
objective the complete liberation
of Guinea and (Tape Verde from
colonialism. their unification into
one state in accordance with the
will of the people and the building
of a society that shall create the
political. economic and cultural
conditions needed to eliminate
the exploitation of man by man
and all forms of subordination of
the human being to degrading
interests for the benefit of any
individual. group or class."

Victory for Guinea-Bissau will
inspire and encourage the
liberation movements not onlyin
Angola and Mozambique. but
also those aimed at the white
regimes of South Africa and

’I‘IIE Young Socialist Alliance
and Socialist Workers Party
unconditionally support the full
self-determination of the
colonies. We say Portugal has no
right to negotiate anyting about
the fate of the peoples of Angola.
Mozambique and Buinea-Bissau.
We also demand that Washington
cease aiding Portugal's war
machine. because without this
continual aid flowing from
Washington and NATO. Portugal
could not continue its wars or
maintain its subjugation of these


Russell Pelle is an art junior
and member of the Young
Socialist \lliaiice.



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«5‘55. 1115115









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4—11“: KENTUCKY KERNEL.. Fridav. September 6. 1974


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Carpool program
gets little support

Only about 200 University
employees, out of over 8000. are
taking advantage of the
University-sponsored carpooling
system instituted last semester to
save fuel.

Ruth Hastie. UK parking
department manager, said the
lack of enthusiasm is due to the
idea that employees need a car
after they get to work. "People
feel limited not having their cars
to get off campus." she said.

thinks the carpooling plan has
been successful. "Everyone
seems to be pleased with it." she

Hastie said not only is gas
saved but carpooling provides the
benefit of parking in the A
parking areas, closer to campus.

Hastie said there are no plans
to change the present system and
she thinks it is being done the best
way possible. She also said there
are no plans to drop the
carpooling incentives,

The only likely changes in the
system would be to increase the
number of people required to
comprise a carpool.

Now only two people are
needed to form a carpool. but this
number may be increased to



INTER-VARSITY (‘hristian Fellowship

will meet Sept. 10. 1974. 7 00 p m. St‘ 115

Everyone is welcome RS111

ANGEL FLIGHT Rl'SH Monday. Septem
ber 9.7:00 P.M. President‘s Room (Km 214i
Student (enter. More information. (all

74864 or253- 2327 “S9

(ONTINK' ING E‘Dt (ATION for Women
Re( eptlon for women 25 years old and older
who .‘11"( currentlx enrolled i'risident s
Room. Student Center. September it) from
8:003:()0P.M. R S V P 2582751 (610

STl'DY SKILLS DERBY. Free. onerday
course in effective study techniques
Saturday, September 14th Register at
('ounseling Center. 301 Old Agriculture
Building (next to (‘ommerce Bldg i 6510

SIIRUMII \ "(Drain itush for Information
and iwiustr'auun K” n. v75» I’ It 'i‘ or tall 351'
£631 i'anheili-nii t uunril 1st!

Free public hcture. Wed. and Fri. Sept. 4
and 6. 7:30 p.m. CB 36 :56.

\Ii\l (Ii\( [it I’ l'lmiiiillt’l‘ appiii atims
mm being taken in Student ti-nu-r Hoard
“till 1». Room 204 Student (enter Iii-lp tiring
cmui (in i-rsified musical groups to ( ampus
l Iii out .\our application ltKid) 3&9


i Ipv'fi "ill‘ll'il Rl'i)(ill'

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group interested in camping. hiking. and
(‘anll‘lnfl will hold iLs first meeting Monday.
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[III I \III iH aimuLs \iiantrs's Sunday
it or sill! \- t\ II t" are mm iu-inx held from T
.‘l to pin -~n \umia) i-n-mngs, hum-iota
House it: Hose \1 . instead at no Sunday
a Hines is‘!

\illl|\||(\l|\ itll presents
\‘Jlltil‘llllfl . a .shnt' dramatization
tum i'f‘fllip.‘ I III' \l}il'\, ltii"i.i_\ \vpt 1o .
it il‘ l' 111 , huinonia llinisr ill lime \trm-l
violations: postal employes Thesenator said.regarding the '
affixed commorative stamps to 'WOSB'B PHOlS. he has called on
4,000 first day covers despite a Personnel Commissioner Catty

. ‘ ANNEDIN36 E .
limit of 200. and pay was not Lou Miller and Atty. Gen Ed 8 DUI AS‘NGL
collected from the governor‘s llancock,both Democrats. “to do

committee for 11 days despite a something about these excesses i WHATW
cash policy. of public power." . Gas m






The incidents occurred last The twoitems do not constitute 4 WALL
Junc Brady said the a major issue. Cook added, but v .3 - CUTTER
llarrodsburg postmaster denied “taken together they d0 ’ . 3; THE
knowledge of the political constitute an important issue — g j .
overtones and, although the ”19 issue 0f integrity.“ ; :_.:' - . CLAW?
postmaster “has been formally ‘ '- .

Group I Films, Ltd.

en uc v Kern W's


admonished for the
irregularities...we are convinced

)‘ ‘ S. l i 't l The Kentucky Kernel. 1H Journalism
” his de Ire 0 expedi e he sale ,Butldlnl. University of Kentucky.

anddistribulion of the Ft. Harrod Lexington, Kentuchi. mos. is mailed the
slam .. times weekly during the school year except
- p. during holidays and exam periods. and twice
(1le T0”) a reporter that "en" “'1" "'° “mm" ”mm m‘
. . class pmtauepau at Lexington. Kentucky.
ironically he was largely mu.

Today Is wea'h er :‘ut‘igllied by the Kernel Press, Inc. founded

Begun as the Cadet in 1894 and

- . published caitinuously as the Kentucky
A warming trend 15 due Kemmnceml

through Saturday with tempera- , 3 my





, 4.1;...»
tures in the mid 70‘s. The Chances flgfi'fififitdfl'fgflgggfimmg ‘ nil/’23:; Gnu?“ l ' 15:3,. IN BLAZING COLOR
of rain are slight and the skies 'dmmmlsnwmwrfiwmdm"'9 “”‘m- i CO—HIT "ROOM OF CHAINS” R
will be partly cloudy both today Keml reiepiioim LAT E BONUS FR|,-SAT,
am Saturday The 10“” “ampera- fi‘i‘flan’id‘giffl a... 23.177" "DA'GMAR'S HOT PANTS”
ture tonight will be in the mid Adverthliumustnesemimulfllm a ‘ '
50‘s. 1'95"“ '7'





The Air Force ROFC
College Program has 3 things to offer
that other college programs don’t”.

1. Scholarships.

2. $100 monthly allowance.

3. Flying lessons leading