xt7tx921gd8p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tx921gd8p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1984-03-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 27, 1984 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 27, 1984 1984 1984-03-27 2020 true xt7tx921gd8p section xt7tx921gd8p  

Vol. LXXXVl, No. l38

Established l894

UniverSIty ot Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky


Journalism may get

equipment this week

if state freeze lifted

H} \.\l)Rl~Z\$ l).\\'l.\'
Senior Stall Writer

The [K School of Journalism 'i\ as
iii orried tor am hile

When Not Martha l.a_\iie (‘olliiis
announced her freeze on coiisti'uc
tion and spending on Feh lit the
school's tacult} members hecaiiie
concerned that the School ot .louriia
lisni would not he ahle to iinish pur
chasing an electronic editing s}~

The order it} t‘olliiis ma) he fitted
soon and that makes things a little
happier in the School ot Jiiiiriiiilisn.
according to Rohert Hrridorti ti
Journalism protessoi‘

Edmund Lamheth. tlll‘t‘t'liil’ at 'llt‘
School ot tlttul‘nalhlll. said 'he
equipment an ltek \liriitek ll s3»
tem has heen hought hot pot
chase ot ‘related equipitieiii’ lie
the system has heen halted of. 'h.

The tree/e has stalled titlt'i‘hasv‘ w?
a Hatter ii process“! tor at, aire i.
purchased typesetter 'jtpe tenfs
photograph\ screens and a prime
slat camera. l trndortt said

"That nione} is there I’m
lreele makes it iiiipossihle 't, spend
the money." he said According
records ot the school the trw-ii
tected Slofit'i oi .i iltlal piiii’aiso
price ot $130273

The s_\stem lltt'.\e\tf

stalled '.\ hen i' til'l“'.t'\ ' ‘s‘

The rlqiiiiinierit to .t
tee uhich cat: eut‘it”
iects troni the :reese
the school to contn'iaie

Vie \tet‘e a ii’tie till. ei tel
iiou it looks iih' ltltllrlt'tt saiit
’We'ie had indications iltltt’ "he
tree/e ls ii\('l' ‘.u- iiil.‘ The at}. 'i

spend the tiioiiej. ‘.\e think “4‘ ll he

Hrndortt said the tacitlt} \Hh
'aiorried iii:iiiediatel\ \kht‘ll the
tree/e was announced He said the
school had hoped that the tree/e
would not .ilteet the equipment he
cause it iiiis included in th. original
hid but “as notttzed otherxiist-


'It s lllipt‘t'a'iu‘ 'ha' we get some

ot it theeiiiiiiitiii-ti' hesai'l

loin l‘lt‘ltl} dii‘ectiii oi purl-has
ing and .i coiiiiztzttet- ii.eiiiher sulll
that although 'he school .tas turned
dour: once the tree/i- 's httwl 'he
school tirolialiljt .tlll he tilll" 'o put
chase the (‘qlllplt‘it‘t‘if

Fields said "tie «jotiiinftev meets
v'\6‘."\ xteel; 'o discuss proposals lu-
toi’e i' and .l he the”: is :,..t hf't‘t!
'llt' \t'Himl I. V ‘

li'. "iv.

~i';"'lil': lu- ‘ " "


'l’it‘ Site/o

' .ta ‘ 't
it . iA ,

Sening iii)


Independent Since 1971

Anorexia, bulimia common eating disorders among students

B} Ill] \\r ( \I(.\H\

and K \Y (“\IJ'W

Trace} “as the pertu‘ 'Lt ign'e:
She made good grades and iias ear-i;
valwlictorian tti her high st to .-‘

"I always did iiha' l uni» ’iiitt
said Trace} whit \tishett use
pseudoiiiin \l). pan-2‘s ttl'.\ti:.s
\ianted Ill) sistei to he more t.ke
me She “as the more retielizoiis
one “

But Trace} has one priitileiii she
like eight million other people in:
tiom lde. has an eating disorder

Dr Janet Jones. a stall ps}t’llltl
trist at the Student Health .serxice
said studies conducted haie shouti
that somewhere from to percent to
13 percent ot all college vtomen sut
ter from hulimia. an eating disor

The American Anoreitia Bulimia
Assoctation delines hulimia as 're
current episodes of binge eating tol
lowed by self~induced \‘(tmtllng or
purging by laxatives and diuretics
An article in the Februar} 1983
Southern Medical Journal Cited
chOice foods {or bulimics as those
Wllh lots ol calories which can he
consumed rapidly “llhttul much


t‘tii'llkt l"

.v-ilt' swift

isi'tull ' f.'.

.i'i‘ st'tt sl


‘i's :it\n' _t
‘wt‘. Liezgti'
ailiizig '1'.e i-iiw:
..'t| ', .r: tie-2gti' :tiiit'v“

’.-itt1 .itziiie\.a
lt‘ttl', tisxt'iwaiigeit

l' VA).
\llul‘itt \t
weight Alli: i
a die' tha' l\i
People illiit‘i' .ia'.‘
hecatise ot w. t::

Trace} also hat peril . V i _
and a prtVltt‘lll)ttilltl2 \titi'i tool I w-
to bed planning \xha' ll'i cook the
next da}. she said

"She has t'l‘.i\tllL‘,\ and it s not at
all unusual tor hei ’i- eat a pot ot
chili large enough to" ‘lie entire
tainil}~ or a large [Hz/.1 tiji herselt,
Traceys roomma'e \\lli| iiistied to
ri‘nltlll‘.illlttll}lt‘ilttL\ \a‘tt

"[ iianted to he ~iiis’ Like in: sister
who had all 'he fur. ant: all the
dates, Trace; said

Famih interactions tisii.ill\ iila)

Renaissance man

James Rooney, ‘Father QfBiomechanics, ’bri'ngx together

\I A‘ I I‘V". le'viet \tatt



' 7:” tonight in MN 263 UK Mada
0d Comer as part of Eating Discr
dot Week, Mach 2330

I Screening at students will he
nibble (hi: week in 308 Cham

ilriot‘W‘ii \
i} rtzzilttie c
fies sh: sat:
i'llltl't‘ it‘ll I.
\’.. “

\:‘tr fir!»

1i! 'rit ti

[)l‘ltt'ti o.“ 'iN‘I’fm’ i»
person idea s?»
I}. teel i'kt 't‘a :

Bulimia 4:“: it
i'iittte tltitlilttai eti‘. ‘
to l)!‘ Laurie H l."
sltl' oi t)\_\t'llt=l tg,
rious prohlen, an: ..
sure people .i det ,
it is "

Both iisx'cltoaigv.
cal tactoi’s ldll‘"

ll) RI 1' \ \\II I ll

Imagine heiiig ;: .i ow \ " .i
successtiil pla)\\i.gt' t iii'nl ' tcz
thor the 'l'lither o' l~‘~ iit‘iet he; s
and a pathologis' :i: 'iihait :e
searchand \eterinai'i Y‘H‘tllL'illt

No“ imagine 'ha' iiistcad or four
people, there is otil_\ one persu'i in
the room iirst as iii.ii:_«. t...i‘::ts
just as iiiaiii interests “ha i;. ioii

Meet .lanies ltoonei

HélVlllfl l!\t‘tl iii \‘exi \ork
Maryland [)elauai'e l‘eniisitxania
and Kentiitk} llziorie} said M teels
he has no Ties tii aiii one state liii
a third-generation lrisliiiiaii so I
guess it I had to sax l \ias amthzng
it would he an \mei'icaii ill lrisl; ori

Boone} and his iamih hate \‘is
mad Ireland several t:nies and iilaii
to continue to do s0

While in Kentucky he diiides his
time between the Tobacco Health
Research Institute. Vihere he pro
vides pathological support to Ill\(‘\


=5 tr 'riitw

l.ts’1;tlt, .ilii‘
"iirinij. siv-i‘utet'
‘. t"'.t'tl AIS. t "
'.’,'lii’lt‘t‘ 'tia' 'tie a' it:

5’1: said

I ."ecetttl‘. satt ‘ch
\tiitftt l’aclt‘i lit.‘

and the i‘ltt'l‘tb :iti
'hat; ‘otjai \ \ltittt
'iida'. tlt‘llltlll§ sittte:

lauli said some .i 1' -
peak to most people s :~ ~
'hiii ‘ Examples oi mm
.tt‘l_\ such as [ll .1 \i "
Budaeiser Light .i'n‘. ssh
1,0“, 'she said

In addition to adier’ sim.
an increase oi diet gut its
and exerctse records Tat)? n:
'l‘reatntent tor anoiex-is
ltmlcs. although 1-” si" t"

tigators studiiiig 'tte
tu‘t relationship her-tim-
and certain diseases t'e
\eterinar) Medit the
iiorks as Veteriiiarx int": ~
and at the Diagnos'it 1.."

on Newton Pike

,\s a pathologist HiN'ta s .
the interaction ol disease titis . ssvs
\th the body. a held the rem. res «
thorough knouledge ot .it...‘ . " ‘
physiologyandmorphotogx ~. \ .

Much of his time the'c' -
spent examining dead tissm .- law a
microscope He udltltls gt i:
weary at times of ltllklttg 'ht‘l'toll‘
microscopes and taking aim" tea?
bodies Writing plats is .i tt‘tt‘t's.’ '1;
reprieve from his u ork he saw.

“I found I had a ten other 'i ,
wanted to sa). and the ttietirrwa
mode is a good mode «it “\lttt'ss
ion." he said Roone} said he minis.
writing short plays and tiiiils itia'
chancel dramas iplais \U"'ti't‘, it» he
performed In Churches are pet
formed more readil) his primam
reason for writing that tipe oi short

T‘t‘t i\t'.'"» »

. ‘-"L. "Ed“. t‘

fields of theater and in we research

;-a"t ..a' '. M ii.“ ts
lies ttes he acts it. - s
"it'so lt.ti\‘ if"

. 'hah "eli ‘, \iis

sited n: r‘ngiist‘.
,: tiet'helor s ‘tt'g'w
l'tii.s he is no Jruittget
watt-i \ezttier ts he a stranger
<'Tlt' .o-iks -»t \ttf‘i'tit'l Hot kett the

taint-j. tlestnhes .is the

l i

qea‘esf iiaiiut'tght 'tie xtorld s eiei
wt Tlt'l'l‘lillL‘ \hakespeare
llil‘: v\ also has m‘itteii ti 'iiiinhe'
iIT tuiiks [“t (itiult ‘. "70' It ssi‘i
" ' 'u Hii'u' daft inst The
-.. I’m [it"tt‘ H 'st‘ H‘wmc‘
"“ s »‘ lameness " Hi”si‘\ .llttl
\lot ’tti't‘i s .' Howe 1 Hit "l‘tifl 't
t riderstaiiding ho“ horses get
lame and finding \hl}.\ to prewnt it
ire goals to which he hil.\ deutted
its life He stresses preiention as
tipixised to treatment because as he
says “Treatment is after the fact
the damage is done "
To this end. he has done extensive
research in the field of tiiomechan

\cc R‘Kl‘l \ Page A

liesty Mont)” t984

State convicts
discover peace
in penitentiar)~

l’i‘. \H \l-\ ‘Hllll



Hiiln tlm s
\l 1‘ i

. _

‘pokesmen troni \t.



(t‘tlt'tttlt‘d Joinliiicss '-ida\ “lll't .i
1t petieii: \ltdtlct‘ tit ligh' 'air.
H ills ii: the :tiid 't‘ :ii‘m‘t ‘Us lo
iiuh' \i‘t’ he cltlllll\ ui't‘ a 61‘ pct“
;c:ii chain: o‘ 'tllll lows iii the mid
40s li‘IltI‘t'\\\A Mitts 'o' a chant: ot
rain and 'l'tl’lrchsti‘Hlls mth highs in
the mid ‘tk











2 - THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Tuesday, March 27,1984

TM practitioners meditate to solve all the world’s problems

Rh \t Ul'l \\ \lil‘


: .‘l l l‘. \ \“ \ .\‘ l l‘V | i l\
\t’t‘! tlt‘! (it. Tlit‘illti’ v \t L.» i i' ‘ ‘
tilt .iiitt‘tb writ“: ’x c :‘ ‘.'r~' t ‘ 1 ,L '
du'i ~itliit’1'fs

.I', mklt'm max 1.. V \ t. i, t ;. or“
P *\ \t'li \iilil'x .n' "t ‘i‘..i' . \ 'i' l i
F .1 M". I ~\. ‘ ' t \ L ‘ 3M i
'iifv. tin“ '_ 'tt ;\.,f ‘ '. ,3 s . 1‘ , » fie"


UNIVERSITY Or” Fitv'Tt ~.__r. '






Are You Going Home ‘or The Summer"

Consider the JR Cen'e- " 8 min:- Stnocl':

99.99.89, 79)“? . .2 00“


June I Juno 5

Classes bogln June 6 and and on
August 2, 1904




more Informotlon about
Program at the UK Cantor stop by 50
mar Programs. Room 103. Frame Hall

the Summer


wrlto to UK Center at Fort Knox, P.O.

lo: 969, Fort KnOl, KY 40121.



l‘M at 7 Lin tonight at the lexmgton Marriott. 18m .\ew
tow n Pike

Experiments were done at the university supporting
the claim that if 1 percent oi a population practices TM
the conciousness of the entire population is raised. cans
mg a reduction in the crime rate in the area tine ot the
goals of the university is to bring about world peace
through meditation

One of the indiiiduul s short- and long term benefits
tor the individual who practices TM and other iornis of
meditation is a "raising of awareness ' Bl‘tllk> said He
added that TM gives one the tibllli) “to open up deep
levels of creativity '

TM also enhances social relationships. Brooks said
-\nd it may be useful to students and athletes. said Ha}
liachmeyer. director oi the lexmgton I‘M center be
cause it could help prevent those une\plained sltlmtb
that teams sometimes experience

The long term benefits. according to the students also
are \ast not only does it help the practitioner reduce
stress but actually reverses several of the processes
generally associated with aging. such as loss oi memory
and depression TM also has been prmen to slow the

normal Pll}.\‘lolilglt‘tll and liltX‘ht‘llllt'ul deteriorations
t'titlseit in aging
Fm howm er pointed to one disadvantage oi l'\l ll


Baptis' S'tt‘le' ' te' 'e' 12““ u t 'r\ _: A. A
E“ "'0 899‘ BRA)»- \ J h


viic'w’sva Vt 'Ct'o-
‘ ‘>:v,a"~i'-‘~‘\
‘E‘\_.tci k P” 9“” ‘
fl ‘ - ‘omew fa; ‘i
3331‘; t ,, t
g ‘95“ ‘ A t A
4‘ «.v" ._ .
- . a a ._.


:L‘O'st‘edb. "V ,z' ‘ "





JIHA\\ keiziettv'aph' ‘
"makes you anxmus to live the full life that you realize
you can have "

TM. however. is not the only form of meditation avail-
able One of the options to TM is “insight meditation."
which is a form of meditation that has developed out of
the Buddhist tradition

hon Rothberg. a professor of philosophy, described In'
sight meditation as a practice designed to cultivate
awareness and to develop awareness in one's life

He said his form of meditation begins with concen»
:rating on the breath in order to develop more insight
into the processes of the mind and body This leads to
ilt‘t‘pt'llt‘d wisdom and compassion

803 So Broadway




There also are hundreds of types of Buddhist medita»
tion One form is Shamatha. practiced in Lexington at
the Dharmadhatu Center. one of 70 such centers in the
United States under the direction of the venerable Co
gyam 'l‘rungpa Rinpoehe. a meditation master and ad—
vanced teacher from Tibet who now makes his home in
Boulder. Colo

William Gordon. an English professor, teaches and
practices the Shamatha form. which is based in part on
the "Buddha nature" — the assumption that man is ba~
sically intelligent but surrounded by a cloud of igno
rance, The practitioner is attempting to remove this
cloud and “to create baSic sanity by cutting through as
ression. passion and ignorance, "

Gordon said there is a distinction between meditation
and concentration. which he c0n51ders TM to be, (‘on»
centration. he said. is aimed at "shutting off" the mind
for a period of time. while meditation tries to explore
how the mind works

He added that concentration can lead to a “spacmg
out" instead of a turning inward "Concentration can
make you happy. but the happiness won't last very
long." he said

Although different in their approaches. many forms of
meditation are similar in their qualities and benefits

Scc I“. pubic ‘

Tonight at 803
Phi Kappa Tau

Mattress Marathon
Kickoff Party

$2.50 Coors Pitchers _
25C Kamikazes j ..



was A» vwieis ”a c troupes
' "L' i's ‘. "’
. mos ., ,.

: is U

'e« “L" ”to are \t- s


. a. '5‘: "93's 1 4 \'.,19"s


wry-mum Vi'
,gmnv «I

233 9V8




Ask the professionals in your field:

Marketing Data Processing
Finance Personnel

Date: March 27. Tuesday
Place: Business and Economics Bldg.

Time: 6:00-7:45 (field discussions)
7145-? {Placement Center Workshop-Resume,

Sponsored by- Phi Beta Lombdo

Room I08

Refreshments served'












Monday March 26 thru Friday, March 30

Commons Donovan, ond Blozer Cafeterios

Universny of Kentucky Student Government Association


in your

Register to Vote

Sponsored by your







For more information call Mike Bush ot257~3|91

5' fillifiilinilifailioilio







Order the 190‘
Kontuclzlun In

Room 210.
Journolllm Hi $1 oil on IliHlillliI. Illt hiding
Bulldlng. I’iI/a lliit ' l’iin l’iua Hurry lhl>

Cosh. Chock, Vila.
or Mostorccrd

illll‘l expires smir-

t and ihnmy‘ ‘/ 1/“

4., . it” t!" ,sar'. _.>
It plr‘il muting I‘ um N i- ' r»

« - Pimp wwni “MD“!
"at. Nu . a v
unhm-nm» ' lh my MM 1
in Elli-epitaph nanny”-
u i» r IWUP‘uJiNut In:







ex 3 ‘ 'f
f' ‘ .- .'

$2 Off Any Large Pizza

5% I
-Hut I

\ and Hill) II 384 ‘mldlnnd
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"" up»: admit??? 9'



$2 Off Any Large Pizza

(lr $1 oil any medium. llll llltllllfl
Pizza Hiit‘ ’an Fina Hurry. this
olTer expires soon

Hind through GI I I“

w t'tl‘lrl wrmrt\ iv v .
., hath: My.“ r- m H ,, -
mar-m. I'm-m um. I ' tour-u
m" mum... N n wt “1 n


i w


\ nlid only ill 38‘ ‘ Midland
- - - - - - - -






Bat Cats win in an unorthodox way against powerful Florida

It \irrsrrt t‘V.H'll\ the NM an) to

Hui tor that matter ;l\' long .rs the
{rrml M'irri' l't‘utl} lll )iirrr frrwr, .‘r
“ill 1\ .r “in and .r nolr‘h llr tlii- "\\
colurnrr J\ Ilrc- nnh thrnv min after
“hi-n _\"“ \tm'. ilii- garni-

lilglri xwll :wt twin 'l}

[K \ train no the
zrhow hill .r l'.l\lrll(t‘ll l‘t‘lt'l‘t‘llt‘t‘ tor
thr- lrii‘kt‘mulll iinirri ‘ «low ‘.\lll owr
lllrilnh time-d 1-H? the rrrntlr inning
oi \rrrzrin -- Honda Lune mill .r
tun rnn ~lllL‘lt' it} vrir'lro-r l‘nrr \‘vhl
hnrx! .r rrrri‘h (‘lt‘rll'llli‘l hr .ml .rnd .r

T I. \rirrlhrurxii'l Ii I‘llh“


l rilrii-ro‘m‘i‘
t‘l n drx Nov. .‘ n tor _.
\lnl \t“ .'.lllli‘ nun! nt tho- nrrtIorr s

t‘\l’\ .U'li' l'N‘ll\"Il Illr the' (imirgi-
Y».\!.li.r\'i’-li inninr'i'tuell firllri‘ illt'
liar int: .wrr H;'.H.\iil ll .r hi-Lrtr-il
rmrtm .\r'l ‘l‘t‘ l,i»J.-ri: (liklxltili

\«.rlr:: nit pm: i'. in. umpire
.r Ez‘tlr' .'.iil \ a.» lr.i“‘rlll) tirv ;r'

in ‘riunrrrt'
.rrg rrrrn ilrr

r'.ii~;ryir>r'i ‘il; :- ix:
\'i“l. l E;

"‘i’ w: m» 'r'h’h r

i I; 1‘ ;'


l K “Miner l‘.re;3 ln‘r‘m “~0le .r\
if ’.v- .\»irr.i‘ ”.'..R 1....0- ti kllrt\l
'trwdgh m. " '~ tr'r‘». ‘rgr hr~
" vultur.

ll' ‘i.t‘V‘l\ '.i ,\o~_v; I]ir§ 1| 5,.“

': r> \ »r;|'h¢n! \lW“ t'\

l\2.;‘ r-- .‘ rlm'i .i‘mh‘N ‘hlllt‘r “‘1’
L ' "w .' w'” 'fw s'rrrr'k nrrr
l’ l . r . .\ 'lr“ ~r gwtr
' "' g‘ l“; _ \"'l~1"\

I “ "' "r " [M iii i“ iI~ ‘lii'

Miller, Parker win Mr. and Miss Basketball




twain lll strrkwurn 'xr'h r'. m rI[.]\
Iii .irnnrngx
"Surprisingly l fl‘t‘lll In ln‘ gi-Itrng
mori- \‘il'lkt‘ Huts illl\ )nrr than I
haw lan rr. lllt‘ past hrlgm mid
'l’ir-ior‘v l mu gvznng rr,nr'o- ground
outs l thrrrk hu'w- him". tlrr- .xrng
rnorr- \trrkm illls .wzrr Mr' I
haw grwn up .r lot of walk> '
\flt'r Krlglb \xrrllwd Hrrrt'oi IIrhlw
and .\n,~ Honor. \trwj r rt.
5.1} Mid [Ht-«l 1‘! {Hi .r i . H. , »
'nnrlrrnzhorni- fi‘}4,>r\-.
._ i r' 1_i-\s-‘\t‘ kr-i' r» y .r: '. i l‘ Raj. ( 4-5 7. \uyujj, ‘/ Ag , f, . _ ,.
llrvr. the \kdlh rum w 'u' r. v; Hi “My...“ w“: nuns». Rand. . I \ , . 1’ i. \ _

'tnunurtlzlmih’rrraHub"' ‘ ,
‘! u-M .rd \Idrz‘ Ind.“ hg'illli'll'li ii 3 r


Hr!” .-.d~ It'\i ”in: .w I f;
\xrrit/er‘ or! the Mini '3 . .‘ . ':..rr
ll‘. our: 2hr rirmri .; r.” r?
‘ v.9. ' a, nu . ‘ A» ‘3»
\\‘IA',‘ ~ I r r x .
i» .55
\m r g.
." " r
\l’ llr-rtr. ., . ,~ ",
tiltl \!.I.'\r'l-iril i. ' ~ "- l'r'p
lid'u’ in'i-li .'..rf‘ r-i l‘ii‘“ .i r. ~ ‘ul,’


and Has ls‘.r\h.v'r.... .wva V


grrrni- 'lll‘WiHl "r 't.~ r‘mrJ r'.


I'lldliri \ii \iii" ".' 'r" ~" iv-W" a”..mu.du
1 Lalovlawflaxa
“h ".I‘OJCI‘
ltro- .r.\-.:_: L“.' n ".» .\,.
1min l r-.' ~ [“.' i 3' .. ~ \
\nio-i: w r, 3- q.
WW “ " " Thursday Night






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.‘ ’ri.’ rr‘r.’ . u. r h «‘7, i‘
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\“uiirnu ['i~., . x U >._
W 75a Coors THCO JOHNS.
trrrzx ;.'.f . (Us\ \".(lt‘ 'lu ifrrnr‘l
it ixh'fvl‘llllll]. ri-rrrnm .-r r in. . j N... orner Euclid & Rose “0”“

‘ll-JAM Fri Sat
AM Sun-Thur


Phone: 231-7898

,nrrrr'. ’2”. -. r' ‘_...\-


l'.ir krr‘

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\t‘Yrit'l f ”p

trilli- l‘lri:»t'l

i\r1\ THIN!"

... 1mm.


Si‘hinil l{.,l\kl":lii,r iri,’ . t
'A'Vfl'i d5 \lrt’ {M} "> i t". K] e'»’
irrihi-Urrtvuim: .
\twrrt iixi- .riu’wiri. w: ”.‘. m m \ i\ 6 1t 01.8
g /' in! The Kr-P‘le -;‘. l' w \.‘\
b ‘.\I)lliill"lll'l’l \N ,‘z
l'ho- li'rrllh 'n WW d fit
klflull 1in i'miri- h“\\ ‘0‘“? I”... E! \H‘H an S a
”‘1'" I " \~‘“ \I it! V1” ‘1”“5' 0"; ”a ‘1' “ml l‘*“:\ kind ltlrn‘i‘r HIL‘L \!m A: it
" ;‘ NW‘ Em! w.“ “‘11:" . ‘ .. r-“w-xfl- l..rr‘r‘\ Hint m4. -_::'. H.»
was ii" T \l lit~i_l"lil \LUL'Ml.” ll“ I‘ x " i .’ \‘\r-'."i \(lrmir \‘hit .. ‘e L "'L' "i
in")! .r - l ' grr‘ix \qrrrnl

The Board of Student Publications is seeking
applications {Or the following paid positions:


0 Editor irrChief

0 Assistant Editor

' Sports Editor

0 Academic Editor

' Campus Editor

0 Chief Photographer

0 Others seeking yearbook experience

' Reporters

0 Business and Sales Stalt members


Those interested in Editor-in-Chiet. Chief Photographer,
Assistant Editor. and Business-Marketing Manager must

submit the following.

’2 A or ode trunsu ipi

.3 At least 0 two page statement of plans tor the publi aim/n
-i At least two letters OIIe(C'YiIi\e"dOI‘OHI10”)‘(Irgrily

and or prolessronols
5 Samples OI previous WOII‘


Ih-mllirrr fur uppiirniions is FrirIu). "null .‘Hlllr. u ill: inlmi-iru's

In In- hrlrl Ipril 3rd.

I’ir'lrup unrl rulurn riplrlir'ulimrs In \lmlvul I'uhlirulimm
Irlris'ur's‘ “Hit-r. run"! I I3 nr 2]" Journalism "Iqlg,

Kentuckian Yearbook Needs
Editors for 1984-85


rho-r or hullr rm~ilrnn~ ~hnnlrl rrrrrlu‘ ~o-prrr‘iili' ripplii'ulinn-.


lilat‘ll ”II \II‘ \ I ‘ Hilt Hll Milt-HA ”III:

I. I‘Ni L83 I‘.tIlII|l'-III-( IIII‘I nm~t hr i-nrollml full Illllt' on the I I\ l.r\ingtrm rumpu-

iluring Ilrr term in i-ilitm. llu- I'ilrlnr-in-I'hii-f for the Illllilllt‘l' rim-ii not her i-rrrnlli-rl
ilriring thi- ~irmnwr hrrl Iillhl ri-lrrrn Illt‘ IH‘\I .i-rnmti-r.


Business-Marketing Manager
Cpr Editor
Portraits Editor
Assistant Editor
Organizations Editor

Managing Editor

in :uml m mic-inn. i'J pi. I.I'\l (liu'rplinur‘) Illlll tinirno ml ~lrllltllllfl with II”

2, “In! In-

rim l~r|\ rrI IIllll nl rrmrlii .rirnn arrnl during term ii~ t‘lIlItIl.

.5. Ill:

irrril hr- lumiliirr' HIIII llH' "l“ lrlllilll nl u iliiih iii-\upupi-rx


lililnr'-irr-I lm-l' Hill-l llil\l' lHHl n minimum of our \t'tll“~ iiirhln utrurr~ «wprrn-nu-

I. l't'l"¢ll|‘ rrpplunu lut‘ iln- p0~llltlil who lmur nut hill‘lu‘ll on lhi- [\rIrro'I prior In irpph-

ing Inir~l pr'rnirlw u I‘I‘I'Ulillllt'llllllllull from priwimh i-rnplini'r‘. mhiwr. or lmllr



\I'I'I Ii \ I IH\~ l HR I lllliiIt-I\-l IIIII ‘IIHI I.“ l\( II III:

\ l't‘~lllllt‘ III'N‘IIIHIII; pll'\lHlI- ’nurnuliun t‘\l)t'rlt'llt‘t' iini'lmlinLl Ilrr Arrilmln

[\rrnr/ iI um. nrul um HIIH'I L-i-m-rirl iniurnmtion nlmut llu- ripplii'unl. and u i-nnrpli-lr


L'I'iltlt' ”ulna-rip”.
2. \ lIt‘IiIIIt'II ~Illlt’llll‘lll iii plrrlimipln unil gunk for Ilrr ho-rrlurln [\rrru'l. liiI'IlllllilL'
rill) ~pm'iiii' pr'ulmnrh fur vlrunur.


.i. \i Ii-im lIli‘t‘t'. hm HUI mun- Ilrrin Iiu- Ii-lIi-r~ of ri-rmnrm-mlnlinn. including in hunt
nllr' from u Im-nln llll'lllIN‘l’ nrril pri-ii-rirhl) one from uurm-um- in llw i-omniurrirnlmn~

I. ‘irmplm of wirlx. ll IIlt‘ upplir-nnt lm~ not published anything. he or die ~lmrrlil ml)-
illlI umw work uliii-li i~ l‘l'llrt'~t‘lllllll\t‘ of their talent tllld in simu- win) (lllflllfll‘i IIN'III
for IIH' joh. It‘\lllll|llt‘3 i~lippiiig~. t‘tlrlllnlh. paper» r'rc'miu- writing nuignmi‘nh. viral


FALL/SPRING 1984-85.

Application Deadline: 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 3. 1984. Applications can
be picked up in Room 210 or 1 13A Jaurnaiism Ildg.




Iho h: Illru /.\ hum] i~ Huh m-urpling upplirirlinnu for hlitor-irr-I lllt'I for ‘nmnrrr

i‘liti llIltI Izilrror-in-i lrir-l Inr Irill ‘pr‘ing “Nil-85. \numi- sai-liing lu upph for M-












4 - THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Tuesday, March 27, 1984






Indopondon' SIM. I971

“IO-“M 1894

Andrew Oppmonn


Uni S. [adobe

l [lexc'vfitd'u

James A. 500”
ll 7. a Lido

SOophonle Wollnoi
Ne-sss >


Electoral process
harassed by rebels
but citizens spared

.-\s Student «lexei'i " \ssoc:.i'oh election campaigns
near then peak .irini: 'lxi 7..ror oi the Democratic presi-
dential primary :: IL;_L".T ire overlook the other
electoral w ~t‘kittgse's‘ex'xt'a-re ' flit

\'ot so cottcei'th“:_‘ li. saw.

Electzons {lit re have lint?‘ 2r. the ,\nierictin headlines tor
the pas: weeks because a: 'tit :ta'oi amounts ot support




both military and etonoiz‘..t he. the l' 8 government
has give" That country. Pint; .' iptttion ti: America had
begun to so .1} 2".) in. s':‘ rel: ': the rebel side of that

on.4: ‘ s ’lie rebels who are

I‘ll: \TI'


L‘l\ll war
disruptmg the e.e\ tons

litirntg the
went .iga tis'.
would threater: 'i;e . ies -7 i t s ‘tldl‘t‘d to vote
YE’Slt‘l'tIr} reruns .tjv::.i't;"e~ :7 j, cause black—
outs :7: the tap: .~. ;" :7 2 nets tii.‘ ,t:»l not attack

eiec71oii the rebels
saying they



.e.‘ .is s' 'rf.'__",T.s t-\






lht“ 'vxv: t. ‘ttitli‘l‘m
Hat: t.ej. a'tatkee. ., ' . .xere Illt‘l‘t‘l} trying to
vote. the} thigh? '71.:2. osf was .‘vtt1ei‘2can support

they lla‘ve etude. . ,5 ".2 “mafia. l‘j‘l‘t‘t‘i so. they
have Tiblslu‘. int .et‘ ".s .it': .-. nuts..- and determined to
\‘tiJse as flint !‘ It"i..! t’ »1\ 1"

They have ‘ake: ; ‘ t; _ .t':_s TIMI. sonie citizens. but it
35 an nste:.;:.ta::: 21‘: w. 'ter .x'uzcked trucks deliv-
ering electzor. mater ,it‘n. , .1 .se 1 i‘iitis‘itlt‘l‘dl)lt‘ delay and
com us» it:

I: seef‘. s true in... t: :oreed in many ”1'
stances ‘t .e'. entry '1‘». . w «use they had not received
Proper Lists ii: ext; r .i '. "H‘s ‘t., ‘z: a... the rebels are cer-
tain to have .itretfmi “tit l-iet‘w though to what extent

cannot be A'ZIWA 71

certain}; they Phgl'f ‘7 ~ e '7 i» " reasons There is noth-
:ng ntore t‘e\ol’f7‘.z; ' - .: 1"? i. _ process than a crooked
election llii' anaess ‘ 'u s'_«.‘es is 't‘.\I)l\ed in the
crookery no‘ that! ”n g 7:1»;

Sen Wafer ;. li,.-7Xf.es' if I‘- R'. :s among a large

:n to check out
sapva lorans took the elec~

"il'l.\".'“vt’l\ lli‘ l...i'i’ f‘t‘t‘l. Ti'Vh‘l.

nunnber ”l
[he t‘lt‘k’lllil. pl'lk‘ti“ llt 't .' ‘lit'

9.. , . . ,. .. .
.All‘i.‘ \{‘l‘\ ‘t‘. .~‘u‘

With the {lots and representatives
tron: other _,~v.i.'r:es . .r :7- fi' t 2s doubttul a truly
rigged elettior. mi. --.\ eel; Ji'.’.i!tl'. someone getting
wise 't'r.:-=i‘tti:ia‘i-.; .. ‘7’ :- ."t't-s denying the val-
idit'. oi ’he t‘.t‘l t, I.“ ‘ s ..; sag. ‘iisi what good this
tzrs‘doseot .1» hymn. -. , t

The soy eiecfmrs .1ft‘ :es‘ iil‘}.t."7i1vllliL' and in order to
acquaint th' l'7122ers origami". unfit.» the various candi-
dates the ed;7or:a. pact ' >r at. r: and Thursday will
carry The candzna‘es s'.-.'e:'.e!:'.s tor both the exv
ecutzve lilfit‘t‘.‘ ant: \i‘.’..i .i .rs . .3»




_ ,_. -~-‘,.., ,
K It. _.‘."7 if.” 'ng EMF, All: Mllll» r;
3. ’ .”_‘ “
__,4_ _ ”A . _, __A.4.<__.____J
. .

4,; V__. ,._ _.__,A~_,__ J






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'fijr‘,” I .4
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1 h.

V U ' ’ -;-‘








‘, i

7/; i,

“xvi .




54'” Lr—‘Z M


, \“h


Bar a dump despite ‘educated’ clientele



“eiconie segers i rizriilowi:
pickup tiai .i :n mks ‘Y'iti'
Illdttir ill‘il‘si"\l'\. Iota-git sltl'lr'"s
conn here Y i' l-"~x;»‘.._:' 'easotis
Those t‘easot.s m7)» 9 i7 .is’ ii s w
and sc\-dr 2 e f.i‘i"1>

You \e 1m" ' ,= sup.» , f-v'fii'v‘
ilie placi .s . j"-: 17*, slim \
lilat‘k'edr‘low‘ in w :.',v'
cholioi xit' '4 ‘7. :. v' 7-.

“(5th ’l:i ‘ a" w'. i' .v ‘ v .s
lit itii pair-its . is‘ t, .4:
t'ot‘wrsa'rlis 7.x :i - r' .,- 7' ~
Peopie new e'v ’ 4cw es
til the .._ w . .
'l\t‘.a'_‘ie\;< 7: l: '3!
hack oi 7he.t 1s ‘: .-_‘7 ‘t.».

hope to char.“ s'm't’i‘ '2

t omit: ‘ lit’l't‘



\t The eitrn ~ "us .‘Tl:.i
mors are shins"... '7' ' firs
ottdtity to; lib 7 '~ ‘ is M-
\;oth takes l"v ‘7 m ,‘s o'
it‘: .itl}".\.i".

lii walk ‘7a ‘7' 'at
cents \Lims' vi,
\lt‘l‘ I» llm '.i‘i if "

\t"v\ \l'hl. ill. \l Ilifi: ‘st‘t
at. empty ‘alule .lll'l s'.' Th: 7 ‘ ‘ us
are Hurt \z'tit-iiis i . :2 on: - »‘
Henry H:\ti_\ Zhese .ilt' w' ..i
three ind: KL’ , u s'erw
types .’ liliiitiLl * r . ' l‘ s
1!: i‘m‘ll ta‘" ‘Iw". , i w.’ in
here tor T”: . . .


\eget s .s in x "r .. ,i' :7
home Hi
bartender l’tiex : '.7 -: '..s
tavorite ill}l‘..~.s





’t‘onsaiitttii-is' :w.’ wigs

HUT? t'tlTA‘s ’.~ ' HI b'
stud His 7a'tm' ta» , ,. mi llls"
r\ a: .iriiil'c " la . it ' s
way Homo” 4 t, r: it

lit!" sow. .- . 7 if». .' i’ s- 'ivi'i.
tor the i.xs' ‘t..r tie 'i.~n' .. s‘ :'
ti:s -~.'\ min tow it out lC': .
wal .l.ill.\ in: ‘- 1 adamant:
lltet'i‘s'iif K» .‘v

yl‘l‘it‘ M't‘HUI W’ Va " 7w ' i' \
(lute “at“.i‘I llv ngs ?-

':a3s t‘ \\

llzzs L .


\e‘ .itrv’tiv: v'r : ,. ' ;'.es
‘t.t1>; t' \\ is never depressed
.\ iiei. tie ieaves seger s alone In the
at his mind he knows that in
'he winner takes noth

o . .




angles 7-.ii’s

.".;4‘ one else Still. he does look tamiliar
to her She also asks him his zodiac
sign Anyway. she couldn‘t help no-
ticing him from across the bar

As "Thriller ' changes to Genesis”
"That's all." Burt. (‘ W and the two
girls sit at the girls‘ table

Burt starts a deep and meaningful
He says "platitudes.

\zfei graduation t‘ \\ will marry
.: sorted; g;r§ ar. e\-rmimmate will
him To the astonr
,s'.ri‘.e7:7 at many he will beco