xt7tx921gh17 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tx921gh17/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2005-09-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 30, 2005 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 30, 2005 2005 2005-09-30 2020 true xt7tx921gh17 section xt7tx921gh17 , SPORT


Hockey comes back to town after Oklahoma
reality check PAGE 6


Art professor kicks off lecture series with
discussion of fragmented South. PAGE 3

ky Kernel ‘


Friday, September 30. 2005

. mining

Harlan County class worked
to save Black Mountain

By Megan Boehnke
m: kENiUCKY mm

When four bus loads of junior high
students armed with letters, petitions
and signs pulled up to the Office of Sur-
face Mining eight years ago, no one ex-
pected it.

“We saw all these little eyeballs star-
ing out from between the Venetian blinds
thinking. ‘Oh my gosh, what is going
on?m said Judy Hensley. the students’ sci-
ence teacher.

The students traveled an hour and a
half. from their school in Harlan County
to Middlesboro. Ky. to lobby for the pro-
tection of the tallest peak in Kentucky,
Black Mountain.

Hensley spoke to education students
at the Taylor Education Building on cam-
pus yesterday about her experience with
her students as they pursued what began
as a class project.

Despite the state and federal man-
dates to teach students a core curricu.
lum, Hensley said she believed it was the
teacher’s responsibility to encourage stu-
dents to think independently and help
them recognize their ability to affect

“The most important thing you do in
the classroom is teach your students how
to think," she said. “Not everyone has the
same talent and the same gift and not
everyone cares about the same issues, but
as teachers. you have the opportunity to
let your children learn how to think and
express respectfully what their idea and
opinions are no matter what they are."

It is this philosophy that prompts
Hensley to encourage her students to pur-
sue a class project every year. Students
have done everything from collecting and
publishing local history to developing
Web sites about “girls doing science.”

But what began in 1999 as a class pro

See Coal on page 2

takes oath

After 78-22 vote in Senate,
Roberts is Chief Justice

By Charles Babington and Peter Baker
THE wasumorou POST

WASHINGTON m— John Glover
Roberts Jr. was sworn in as the 17th chief
justice of the United States Thursday. en-
abling President Bush to put his stamp
on the Supreme Court for decades to
come, even as he prepares to name a sec-
ond nominee to the nine-member court.

The White House swearing-in ceremo
ny took place three hours after the Senate
voted 78 to 22 to confirm Roberts. All 55
Republicans, half the 44 Democrats and
independent Sen. James Jeffords of Ver-
mont voted yes.

The vote reflected the gap between
many Senate Democrats and the liberal
groups that strongly opposed Roberts and
are important to the party’s base. Sena-
tors in both parties predicted a much
more bruising fight over Bush’s upcom-
ing choice to replace centrist justice San-
dra Day O'Connor. Liberal activists said
they will expect more spirited opposition
from rank-and-file Democrats, but some
Republicans said the relative ease of
Roberts's confirmation suggests that op-
ponents will find it extremely difficult to
block anyone picked by Bush.

Roberts, 50. will take the justices' cen-
ter seat that his mentor, the late William
Rehnquist. held for 19 years when the
Supreme Court opens its new session
Monday. “The Senate has confirmed a

See Roberts on page Z





Celebrating 34 years of independence

Rock, paper, scissors



Dueling Digits


Michelle Zendarski, a psychology sophomore and ‘Keeper of Peace,’ referees a match between Andrea Coa
senior and ‘Minister of Propaganda,’ and Dane Dickmann, a telecommunications so

Wednesday at the Student Center.

Students form new club for serious competition
in the classic schoolyard game of rock, paper, scissors

By Ian Conley
m: KENTUCKY «cam

You remember the rules: Rock
beats scissors, scissors beat paper
and paper beats rock. How could you

But for a group of UK students,
this game is more than just a child-
hood memory

The UK Rock Paper Scissors Club
held its first meeting Wednesday
night. Yes, they're a registered stu-
dent organization and. yes. they are

“My friends and I started a club at
the University of Florida," said Dan-
ny Hackmann. RPS club president.
“80 when I came up here to start
medical school I thought I‘d start it
up again."

The competition is intense. Think
Sylvester Stallone‘s seminal film
“Over The Top,“ only fast and furious
hand gestures thrown into open
palms instead of arm wrestling. But
how can a game that‘s played mostly
as a way to pick an odd man out be-
tween friends be considered a com-
petitive game of skill?

“It‘s not a game of chance." Hack-
mann said. “There’s no chance in
this game; it‘s one person’s wit
against someone else's."

A few people agree with Hack-

ltock, Paper, Scissors Chi

When: Wednesday. Oct. 19, 7:30 pm.
When: Student Center
Contact: Danny Hackmann Haxd7@yahoo.com

mann. There’s a rock. paper. scissors
rulebook and an international world
championship tournament. held next
month in Toronto. The club is plan-
ning to attend and is in the midst of
intensive training.

There are several strategies and
tactics to overcome one‘s opponent,
many of which were discussed dur-
ing Wednesday‘s meeting. A favorite
is the Urbanis Strategy. a method of
instilling false confidence in your op
ponent by intentionally losing the
first round out of three.

Also. and this is important, don't
fall victim to “rock jaw," the chronic
condition of tensing your jaw mus»
cles just before you throw a rock. It's
a dead give away.

The evening also offered a recap
of the rules and regulations of com-
petitive RPS. It is absolutely impera-
tive. for instance. to remember that
vertical paper throws are not allowed

See Hand on page 2





tes, an integrated strategic communication and art studio
phomore and Vice President, at the first meeting of the Rock, Paper, Scissors Club



mm" l mu

First year medical student Danny Hackmann, president of the UK Rock,
Paper, Scissors Club, goes over the basics at the club’s first meeting on
Wednesday at the Student Center.

“It’s not a game of chance it’s one person’s wit against someone else ’3. ”

DB n ny H a C k ma n n , president of the Ull Rock, Paper. Scissor Club


Students volunteer expertise

Pharmacy students will answer questions at local health fair


By April Watkins
nit KENTUCKY ream

A group of UK pharmacy
students will instruct Lexing-
ton residents on the proper
use of medications at a
“brown bag" booth part of a
community health fair to

Members of the commu-
nity are invited to bring med-
ications to a UK booth at
“Health Fair with Flair.“ lo
cated at Leestown Middle
School on Leestown Road.
The students will answer
questions concerning the

safe use of medications with
local residents.

The event is organized by
Lexington's First Baptist
Church Bracktown and is
free to the public. The fair
will feature free food and en-
tertainment. Classes for men
and women. teens. pre-teens
and children will focus on
health issues like cholesterol.
high blood pressure. adult on-
set diabetes. obesity and
strokes. There will also be
free eyebrow waxing, mas—
sages and aromatherapy

Dr. Carrie Johnson. assis-

tant professor and student
mentor with the pharmacy
school. will be at the event to
answer questions concerning

Second year pharmacy
school student Amanda Stark
will be one of those helping
on Saturday.

“My hope would be that
the patients we talk to come
away with a better sense of
healthy behaviors and pre-
ventive measures in regards
to their health.“ she said.

Stark said she has worked



See Health on page 2 1

Car bombings kill
four US. soldiers,
40 civilians in Iraq

By Jackie Spinner
nit nsmucroii eosr

BAGHDAD. Iraq , Three suicide car
bombs exploded Thursday evening in
crowded public places in the northern
town of Balad. killing at least 40 people.
according to police and local health offi-

In the western town of Ramadi.
meanwhile. a roadside bomb killed five
US. Army soldiers assigned to a Marine
unit. the military said yesterday in a


Newsroom: 257-!915



PAGEZ | Friday, Sept. 30, 2005





Ntfiw_s_ BRIEFS

The conference will be held
at the Marriott Griffin Gate
Resort on Friday from 9 am.

er; Ron O'Connor. founder of
Management Sciences for
Health; Jim Haveman. senior
advisor for the Coalition Pro


I spread: ms:

Lexington‘s third annual
Buddy Walk to promote
awareness of Down Syn-
drome is being held Saturday
at Keeneland. Walkers may
register on site at 8:30 am.
The walk begins at 10:30 am.
For more information on
how to participate. visit
www.dsack.org or call 252-



Health catferenee firings
international speakers

The Global Public Health
Conference. sponsored by the
UK Patterson School of
Diplomacy and International
Commerce and the College of
Public Health. will be held
Friday and Saturday

Each year the Patterson
School hosts a major confer-
ence. although the topics and
partners of the event change.


Continued from page I

(your wrist must be at a 90 degree angle.
either palm up or down).

Not unlike Project Mayhem in
“Fight Club," RPS club members are ex-
pected to complete challenges between
monthly meetings. This month. mem-


Continued from page I



ject of students writing letters to Office
of Surface Mining soon escalated.

It didn‘t take long for local media to
pick up the story.

The Associated Press. the Lexington
Herald-Leader and the (‘ourierulournal
soon followed. and Nightline. a national
news program, picked up the story and
visited the students in their classroom
for interviews.

Still. Hensley said yesterday that she
wanted students to understand the inr
portance placed on the educational
process maintained in the class“ project.

She made an effort for her seventh
grade students to hear all sides of the
issue before making decisions. Students
heard from officials from the Office of
Surface Mining who visited their class-
room as well as one student whose fa-
ther was an engineer for the mining

“As a part of


Continued from page I

the educational


man with an astute mind and a kind
heart." Bush said at the swearing-in.
Roberts "will be prudent in exercising
judicial power. firm in defending judi-
cial independence and. above all. a
faithful guardian of the Constitution."

The Senate Democrats' 2222 split il-
luminated the influence that presiden-
tial politics and red-state. blue-state con—
siderations play in a party struggling to
end nearly a decade of unbroken (}()I’
control of Congress.


- to 7 pm. and on Saturday
from 9 am. to 1:30 pm. This
part of the conference is for
students of the Patterson
Schcol and College of Public
Health only. The Friday and
Saturday portions of the con-
ference will consist of a se-
ries of panel discussions as
well as other addresses.
Speakers for the weekend
portion of the conference in-
clude Barbara DeBuono, se-
nior medical director at Pfiz-

visional Authority to the
Iraqi Ministry of Health;
Anne Peterson. former assis-
tant administrator for Global
Health, USAID; Peter Drot~
man. editor-in-chief, Emerg-
ing Infectious Diseases, Cen-
ters for Disease Control and
Prevention; and Larry Alt-
man. senior medical writer
at the New York Times.



the club when he mentions it.

“It’s one of two reactions,” Hack-
mann said. “It's either complete confu-
sion or total excitement."

Undeclared freshman Jeremy Fritz
was in disbelief when he learned of the

“I was taken aback.” Fritz admitted.
“I told my friends, ‘We need to be a part
of this.”

bers must challenge a teacher to a duel
as well as randomly accost a business
man on the street with their RPS skills.

Most people don't seem to mind.
though. said Dane Dickmann. RPS club
vice president.

“You just get people playing and
they're like ‘whatever‘ at first." Dick-
mann said. “Then they just start loving
it and challenging other people."

Hackmann noted that people some-
times don't quite know what to make of



process. we needed to hear from every—
body“ she said. “We needed to hear the
pros and the cons. we needed to hear try. We had people who worked for the
from the professionals and the people in coal company whose children were
the community and we needed to sound working on the project. They actually
facts before students made decisions had representatives from the coal com-
about what they wanted to do." pany who said. ‘If I see your kid’s face
As the issue continued to grow, the on TV. if I see their name in the paper
students gained support from Kentuck- one more time. you can kiss your job
ians for the Commonwealth along with goodbye. They made a lot of threats to
students and faculty from UK. EKU, me and other people. but in the end, the
Berea College and Union College. kids were still willing to press on be-
The Wallins Elementary students cause they felt like people were listen-
were invited to speak before legislature ing and they didn't want to stop in the
in Frankfort. the first time any of them middle of it."
had ever been to the state's Capitol. but In the end. the coal companies and
it didn't come without resistance. environmentalists reached an agree-
“When we were heading to Frank- ment announced in a formal press re-
fort that morning and I had the kids lease at Wallins Elementary School that
ready to head on the buses. I was met they would preserve of 22,000 acres of
with. ‘You’re not going anywhere,” forest at the top of Black Mountain.
Hensley said. She then called the super- While Hensley said that while it still
intendent who eventually permitted the bothers her that much of the bottom
students continue their field trip since part of the mountain is being mined. its
they were part of the day's presentation peak is protected.
and expected by legislature. For that. she is proud of her stu-

this thing down." she said.
“We are in the middle of coal coun-

“The school board was afraid be- dents.
cause the people in the mining industry E-mail
were putting pressure on them to shut mboehnketwkykernelcom

Ben Nelson of Nebraska. Bill Nelson of
Florida. Robert Byrd of West Virginia

Among those opposing Roberts were
presidential aspirants who typically
veer to the center but now are eyeing and Kent Conrad of North Dakota.
the liberal activist groups that will play These and other red-state Democrats
key roles in Iowa. New Hampshire and who backed Roberts pose the biggest

other early-voting states in 2008. They challenge to liberals hoping for a united
included Sens. Evan Bayh of Indiana. party from if Bush nominates a

Joseph Biden Of Delaw’are and Hillary staunch conservative next.

Rodham Clinton of New York. . .-

Also voting no were two senators Those acttVists took some commit
facin otenti'ill ' tou h re-elections Thursday m the belief that Robertss
next iezii in sfattzs witii powerful left. conservatism will be similar to R911.”
leaning groups: Maria Cantwell of quists and therefore the court WI“

Washington and Debbie Stabenow of chaggeelgtttéigflgrigallaj; higher for the
Michigan. ‘

Democrats voting for Roberts in- next pick. they said, because 0 Connor

. . rovided the ‘w' vote 0 a F-4 ~
eluded several facmg re-election next Eisions O'Cosnnlrriig will rrelnrirzliiiiyoh fiiee
year in states that Bush carried twice: ‘

court until her successor is confirmed.


Qasim Hazim Qaisi. a physi-
cian at the main hospital in Bal-
ad, said that 40 people all


Continued from page I

the community

whole body.



ling Men‘s (little.

with health fairs before and is looking forward to
working with other health care professionals to
promote teamwork in the Lexington community
(lwen Mentor. the head of the Bethesda Health
Ministry within the First Baptist (‘hurch Brack-
town. was responsible for coordinating the event.
Mentor. u ho hopes for a large turnout for the bian
nual event. said her church sees the fair as a way
to get local businesses involved in giving back to

"We are looking at improving the whole per-
son." she said. “It gives you a holistic view of the

“I really wanted to do something for the com- i
munity. We are trying to cross ethnic back- i

The event begins at 10:30 am. and lasts until I
pm, The Lexington Lions Club will be offering free I
eye exams and hearing tests as well as free prostate
exams from Saint Joseph's Hospital and the Ster-

E~mail neu'suIrvkernelrom


civilians were confirmed
dead but that he expected the
toll to rise.

“We found 40 intact bodies.
but we have many legs and
hands and arms, and more are
seriously wounded.“ Qaisi said
in a telephone interview.

Late last night. al-Arabiya
television reported that 85 peo-
ple had been killed.

Although it was not immedi-
ately clear who had carried out
the attacks. Balad is populated
mostly by Shiites but is situated
inside Iraq's Sunni Triangle.
about 50 miles north of Bagh-

Continued from page 1


It was the deadliest single at-
tack on American troops in sev-
eral months. The soldiers were
conducting combat operations
on Wednesday when the bomb
went off. the military said.

The three explosions in Bal-
ad. which appeared to have been
coordinated. all occurred within
the space of an hour. police said.

At 6:50 pm. just as the light
faded from pink to black, the
first bomb exploded in a crowd-
ed vegetable market. dad.

l Twenty-five minutes later. Recent violence in Iraq has
i another bomber struck at the taken on an increasingly sectar-
. Moat Gate near a Shlite mosque ian cast. with the Sunni.domi.
l where a meeting was taking nated insurgency attacking Shi-
I place. About a half-hour later. a ite civilians and targets associ-
i car bomb detonated on Bank ated with Iraq‘s Shiite-led gov-


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A w a uh, enu «postwar mam.


Sept. 30. 2005

Doug Scott
Features Editor

Phone: 257-1915
E-mall: dscottOkyllernelcom



Art professor analyzes South

By Sarah Whitfield
nit sworn mun

Dr: Nicholas Mirzoeff.
professor of art and art pro-
fessions at New York Univer-
sity, delivered his lecture.
“What is Contemporary
now? The Place of the
South" to nearly 60 people in
the Centre Theater of the
Student Center last night
with about half of the audi~
ence compiled of students
and the other of adults.

Mirzoeff, who has pub-
lished many books, with the
most recent being “Watching
Babylon: The War in Iraq
and Global Visual Culture,"
feels civil rights have been
set aside unnecessarily and
replaced by issues of nation-
al security that are facing
our nation today. This lack of
emphasis on civil rights has
been detrimental to the
South and is integral in ex-
plaining where the South is
now, he said.

"The South is a place of
fragments.” said Mirzoeff,
who described the South as
being behind the North
geopolitically and socio-eco-
nomically. “If there's one
thing that we’ve learned
from Hurricane Katrina in
New Orleans, it made that
publicly visible to all of us."

Caitlin Heinz. a senior art
studio major whose AS 200
class has been discussing
post-modern art in the con-
temporary, was excited for
Mirzoeff‘s visit to UK.

“I felt very privileged to
come and hear him speak,”
said Heinz.

Many of Heinz’s AS 200
classmates came also to hear
Mirzoeff's lecture as well.
Caitlin Phillips, a senior art
studio major, also enjoyed
Mirzoeff’s lecture and en-
couraged others to attend the
workshop Friday.

Mirzoeff’s lecture Friday
afternoon will focus on his


man means I sun

Dr. Nicholas Mirzoeff lectures in the Student Center's Centre Theatre last
night as part of the Visiting Artist Series.


If you ,go
What; Workshop with Nicholas
When: 1:30pm-3z30pm

Whore: Tuska Center for Contempo-
rary Arts (Fine Arts Building, use
the Rose Street entrance)

How much: Admission is free




recent essay “Invisible Em-
pire: The Spectacle of Abu

Mirzoeff will be speaking
Friday from 1:30 pm. to 3:30
pm. at the Tuska Center for
Contemporary Art in the
Fine Arts building. Those in-
terested in attending are
asked to use the Rose Street
entrance to the Fine Arts
building. Admission to the
workshop is free.

Mirzoeff said the abuses
that took place in Iraq are vi-
tally important to the discus-
sion because these images
are constantly being sup-
pressed in our mass media
because much of our society
avoids asking these ques-

“The South is a place
of fragments."
Dr. Nicholas Mirzoeff

Art professor at New York Universny


“Why did the presidential
candidates in the 2004 elec~
tion never once mention the
Abu Ghraib case?" Mirzoeff

Mirzoeff‘s lecture will ex-
amine some specific inci—
dents at Abu Ghraib prison.
Mirzoeff encourages stu-
dents to come to the work-
shop Friday because these
are issues that are affecting
them, he said.

“Why did the pho—
tographs that came out of
Abu Ghraib have so little ef~
fect?" asked Mirzoeff. “What
happened and why were
there so few images pro-
duced in the media?”

featuresr’u kykernelcom


Krystal Ball

Staff picks for the weekend of

Oct. 1. 2005


Megan Boehnke (22-6)
last week: 64

Florida 27 Alabama 17

USC 35 Arizona St. 21

Michigan St. 27 Michigan 24
Notre Dame I7 Purdue 14
Auburn 28 South Carolina 14
Wisconsin 31 Indiana 17
Nebraska 24 Iowa St. 10

Andrew Martin (22s)
Last week: 6-1

Florida 21 Alabama 14

USC 42 Arizona St. 24
Michigan St. 24 Michigan 21
Notre Dame 35 Purdue 21
Auburn 42 South Carolina 28
Wisconsin 34 Indiana 17

Iowa St. 24 Nebraska 21

Doug Scott (22-6)
Last week: 7-0

Florida 28 Alabama 21

USC 49 Arizona St. 6
Michigan St. 42 Michigan 14
Notre Dame 36 Purdue 3
Auburn 36 South Carolina 12

Wisconsin 30 Indiana 7
Iowa St. 21 Nebraska 0

Josh Sullivan (22-6)
Last week: 7-0

Florida 28 Alabama 17

USC 46 Arizona St. 10
Michigan St. 17 Michigan 14
Purdue 24 Notre Dame 21
Auburn 21 South Carolina 20
Wisconsin 35 Indiana 21
Iowa St. 17 Nebraska 13

Chris Johnson (21-7)
Last week: 6-1

Florida 24 Alabama 17

USC 31 Arizona St. 13
Michigan 21 Michigan St. 20
Notre Dame 41 Purdue 38
Auburn 31 South Carolina 17
Wisconsin 42 Indiana 20
Iowa St. 31 Nebraska 21

Derek Poore (21-7)
Last week: 6-1

Florida 31 Alabama 23
USC 41 Arizona St. 24

Michigan St. 20 Michigan 1?
Notre Dame I7 Purdue 14
Auburn 26 South Carolina 20
Wisconsin 38 Indiana 13
Nebraska 20 Iowa St. 13

Hilly Schiffer (20-8)
Last week: 6-1

Florida 24 Alabama 17

USC 21 Arizona State 7
Michigan State 42 Michigan 35
Purdue 21 Notre Dame 17
South Carolina 28 Auburn 24
Wisconsin 14 Indiana 7
Nebraska 24 Iowa State 17

Adam Sichko (zo-el
Last week: 6-1

Florida 42 Alabama 28

USC 49 Arizona State 45
Michigan 24 Michigan State 23
Notre Dame 28 Purdue 21
Auburn 35 South Carolina 24
Wisconsin 42 Indiana 10
Nebraska 21 Iowa State 19

Tim Wiseman (19-9)
Last week: 6-1

Florida 27 Alabama 24

USC 35 Arizona St. 24
Michigan St. 21 Michigan 20
Notre Dame 24 Purdue 21
Auburn 17 South Carolina 7
Wisconsin 21 Indiana 10
Iowa St. 14 Nebraska 9


vern ment




W «mm

Plck up Appllcatlons In the
Student Government office!

Applications are due Thursday, Oct. 6th!




.l Here’s your first challenge!

We l'l‘sl person to brim, lire
‘oiloluil‘ti items to‘tlre Kernel o‘nle .l' t’
is" i) l\r_‘llll_‘i‘t of Lil'elmn Jolll'lllllisln blllluil‘ti
ltoonl fl will resette Illell' stall?
ll /\ country music (D
2i a blue sock
ii a pillow W

ill a cowboy but

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15Wed., October 5!”

\,.tlll, .Iic

'3l-a plastic lork
6i a graded assignment

UN rot/n MAR/c, W7 srr, 00/.”


“F I



“I ‘l
\‘ ’2
e ’v


”In I“ 94m a“



J D by Henri Arnold and Mike Arglnon

Unscramble these tour Jumples
one letter ID each square
to term Iour ordinary words


.WW, NflflflES

W” ‘ . l. Thursday in Center Theater
CHEEN ‘ , " , Friday and Saturday in Worsham Theater
:1] . * "i; " f: 70:00 PM
3 5 13: “5.13;: l‘rlduy THE ROYAL 'I'stlsxvnar ms
A charismatic but lllglll) thslllIlL‘lIUIlLtJ lumlls
U llllcd \\ Illl gelllllses.



ill 0

Now arrange the crrcled letters
to lawn the surprise answe' as

suggested by the above cartoon
I" v v v v v v ‘7'
‘- 0...... A
l ll 1‘ It It AK It

lAnswers tomorrow
“yam“.q l Jumbles CHASM HANDV MYRIAD FlNlTE
' ‘ l Anwer When she got married she went lrom ~