xt7v154drp7p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v154drp7p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-09-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 23, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 23, 1998 1998 1998-09-23 2020 true xt7v154drp7p section xt7v154drp7p  









Notice: The deadline
for membership applica-
tions to Omicron Delta
Kappa has been extend-
ed until Monday, Sept.

Her point of view

Fun Fearless

Jody-Anne Maxwell -
a 12-year-old who wowed
the Scripps Howard Na-
tional Spelling Bee when
she spelled chiaroscurist
(an artist who works in
lights and darks), won
$10,000 and the champi-
onship over nearly 250
other star spellers.

Nulan - Mulan, the
heroine of Disney's
newest animated epic.
confirms that a woman

'can be a military marvel.

Hardly the damsel in dis-
tress. Mulan is a formi-
dable fighter who can
hold her own in China's
battle against the evil

- Source: Cosmopoli-
fan magazine

His point of View

never to ask
a man

I. Do you think she’s

2. 00 l look fat?

3. Was she a better
lover than I am?

4. Where do you see
us going?

- Source: Michael Le-
wittes' column in the
September edition of
Cosmopolitan magazine.

Food Fa cts

Apple a day
keeps the
stress away

Yale University re-
searchers found that
women who secreted the
most cortisol, a stress
hormone. ate the most
high fat food.

Apples are high in
chromium, which helps
stop the face-stuffing
stress cycle.

"Your body releases
less cortisol when
chromium levels are
high," said Elizabeth
Somer, author of Food
and Mood.

If you know of some
interesting and some-
times quirky facts you
would like the world to
know about. email the
source to us at


wen thor

79 5.4

Partly sunny with thun-
derstorms coming Friday.

VOL 88104


News tips E

Call: 2574915 or write:






September 23, l998

v -~‘~'a O “m"










Students find
rich heritage at

M.L. King
Center Center I 7



“Morally, we can leave no
American behind.”

- Jesse Jackson, speaking to students at Transylvania University.

Power to the people






The Rev. Jesse Jackson (above) addressed a group of about 500 yesterday at Transylvania University as part of a tour of speeches he is giving around the area. Construction workers (from left)
John Cato, Steven Campbell and Wayne Kincaid watched on as Jesse Jackson spoke at Transylvania University. "It's good," said Cato of the speech. “We need everything he was talking about."

Putting ‘light in dark places’

Area in need: The Rev. Jesse Jackson made a stop on his
speaking tour at Transylvania University to promote overall
improvement in the lifestyles of people in Appalachia


Five hundred people stood on
the lawn of the Old Morrison
building at Transylvania Univer-
sity to listen to the inspired
words of one the most respected
politicians in America.

The Rev. Jesse Jackson visited
the campus yesterday to give his
speech, “Leave No American Be-
hind: A March for Appalachia."

“We need to go to Appalachia


Aylesford district
deemed H-l zone

and put light in dark places. heat
in cold places." Jackson said.

He said politicians and reli—
gious leaders consistently “ignore
the plight of the impoverished in

He discussed several of the
most pressing issues in the re-
gion. including the high mortality
rates. short life expectancies and
poor quality of education.

These issues result from a fail-

ure to consider the needs of non-
voting residents in these areas.

“If we can change the amount
of voters in Appalachia by 15 per
cent. we can change the face of
Congress." Jackson said.

Jackson also discussed other
issues outside of Appalachia.

He spoke about the overall
change in America since his

This change occurred. be»
cause people were willing to
sacrifice their lives for the good
of a cause

“The power of people. serving
a pwe and just cause. can change

things.“ he said.


Jennifer Taylor

Jackson said youth is the dri-
ving force in the future of this na-
tion. but their present impact on
the world cannot be ignored.

"Young America is going to
make America better." Jackson

He also made stops in
Pikcville. Mud Creek. Ky. Ohio
and West Virginia. where spoke
on a number of issues ranging
from black lung disease to health
care to jobs.

The Rev. Jackson will lead a
march at Hocking College in Nel-
sonville. Ohio on Sept. 27. from
1‘16 pin. to promote social and
economic reform in Appalachia.

American living,
international flair

\\it‘:: Moo international

ISSUE “021 g

8-3 vote by commission has officials saying all
those in area benefit from modified proposal

The compromise. which o-limi
iisites all properties to the west of
Rtisl‘ Street. and the Woodland Tl‘l
angle business district. was the
proposal that ultimately won the
\oto (it the city council.

llili liear. an attorney for sex
oral property on iiers who were up
posed to the original H l zone over
liv. said the compromise has more
~.upport from the people who will
be affected by it than did the oi'igi
iial proposal.

"The time was not right l’oi
the original proposal. It did not

(lay Avenue. Main Street. and Old
H. Vino.

But several owners of propertx
iii this area were concerned that
the ll 1 Zrillt‘ overlay would now
tively impact their investments

By Jessica Coy
av; Ebiioii “ ""7”"
Months of planning. research.
public hearings and debate over
the proposed Aylesford Neighbor
hood historic district zoning over
lay culminated last night in the
city councils 8-3 in favor of II I.




‘ These concerned owners hired

l The proposal. approved by the


lawyers. who worked with the
members of the neighborhmid as
sociation. to come up with a moth
lied district that would lwllt‘lll
everyone involved.

Fayette County Planning (‘ominis
sion. was bounded by Euclid Av

enue. Rose Street. Rodes Avenue. See DISTRICT on 4 a .





Newspaper at the Unveity of Kentumexlngt


Hllulll r'olois flapping in
the \i. ind cast brilliant Tllll‘\ on
the otherwise grzn. dismal e\'
M ioi of Iliadlci‘ Hall Flags
:‘v'lirwswiu the i‘tillllll‘ll‘\ of slii
dents \\ ho ll.l\l‘ traveled from
afar to henelit from the cultur
al e\pcrioiico and academic
programs at l'K

"Higher education in the
l' S can almost be considered
an “\port.” Foreign Student
aux isor (‘arolvn Iloliiios \‘(lltl
"(liir higher I‘Illll .itioii is
\‘li‘Wf‘d as very .JM ' llllllfllih’llllillfllfll.
lxllllllllll _ H” "5- thin“ “I’llultnnltliufillfli
liltllllllll _ _. ..- “ii! if 'r'iifii .. Jinan-DIM”
IIIIIIIIIIII _ Vi L") I" i II"! .a l .3. ”*‘l
nus-loun- . ~* ‘ ' ”mm ,. m --' . r. a...
unannounc- nun-i, rm 0 .. ,mmiTmmu




1' Mr i'll‘l I
." il‘ Hit v

.A... .



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r Restaurant \ .
l. 3 7 l. l. ‘ a » . "i-
This Ad Is Busy, .
. . ' ' o e . . ; I
Buddlng politicians. Sixteen candidates are running for four SGA representative posmons We” UNI] You
' 0 y e e o . . ..
available this school year. Here 5 a full list of eligible candidates and some of their faces. Work Here.
Picture not Available for...
Eric Conley -
We "ed '2 keep ts'tpe :. '11»' gr.- . e. ‘e: z. e L pm »,
comm“ “km. :‘ 3.! new Sii’e r‘ LEXINGTON V3: 5. 5'" J 2 acere't , e I e' d
we ":w role more "‘2" 4 '1‘,'S " :.';*:.‘ 're "r." ,' 'eu'J to :i ” crly
J“ m , g, combmutrr ,l ' ' a. r; LE’IL e '2': q’éfll' '._’,l w "‘ ' J 115;; 56" "3
”fit“ science : i' coed popu 1' 'i '3, :tt: re” [Whaling .z, 'H'a. r1, “immune
‘s '1'; s " ,s c J»: 2' "e' sat" .- L ,2! 1'3
m rm Full and Part-Time
- - . LlNl-j & l’RlLl‘ COOKS 0 8ng PERSONNEL
~ polltlcal sclence ~ ~ ~
Cllris Lee Jonathan Fowler Michael Johnson lobe llertzleld
politlcal science agricultural undeclared political science
biotechnology .,
"1*" ‘1‘." Le‘rvee a“ : .1 fi;” ‘ x .s' 2., I.~“¢v':"
Pd." mt! ; .1; ~ it ~ ’ew Hamburg Pavilion: MAX 1. ERMA’S, 1848 Alysheba
Instow Way, Lexington, KY 40509. i‘ie 'e ‘2" wt; :2 'c:;:" ' ‘. er L ,5.
A 2: 2w:- 1:
Mandy Jenkins . Waiisiat‘i-
broadcast journalism ‘Wi- ' LEW ‘f’m 1‘ ' ’ j"j
{ ‘1 ’ H ‘ I \N' wirllLard.
"W‘Hfll Russel : .
o . , 1t , ywcli-
lire-tournallsm @ @ m £35m: M i“, c. it.
I Rhs'iAi lL_«N_i_~ HAN—A I,Al'lll:kvl\:: '1’“ l5 WC 3" K“ -
Victoria Russel (9 f
' ‘—
lluslness I A
management ,
Anthony Smith
1 ‘ cs engineer
Nelle-Susan Lawson Todd Harrett Nanlta Johnson ml/Wlkykemmom
dletetlcs undeclared undeclared
Frosh looking to make Important deczszons affecting daily hues of students , ( A M P U s
ByJessica Coy 2002 for consideration. man senatorship. the}; have it ' W WWWWWWW , ,
"WSW— Each of the candidates has common goal: to ri-pri-scnt the "WWW/WWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
their own specific reasons for freshman class to thi- lwst of '
Freshman. hear this can. running for the position of SGA their “llllll'll‘\ L Votln Stations
Todav is your (luv to rock the freshman sen'itor A l'ilv do am is ' ' ' 9
. , . .. t . . 'i _ it) lit‘ .1 pm)»
vote. “I believe getting involved tive role model tor our Lini'ersi
‘ - . . ) ‘ ’ . j. . . ‘ ‘ _ ' - The Campus Calenda i e kl p bl cati 0d.' d b th om (l
. lslections {01 freshman St” on campus as an officer will be a t_\'. said \eilzi-Siisiin Lawson. a ou 1313030122: frgshman Student Activitriessélxasteings :lille (:Ireltjcrlar‘a: my: tSall (P J
dIOI‘b are being held today and good cxpgripnqp for me." said (lit‘ic’tll‘fi \(‘HH‘lHI‘lHl t‘Iilltllllzili- éda 3;. h . y 111‘ can" registered student organizations and UK departments Information can be
tomorrow. . Nanita Johnson. an undeclared "llopel’iillv. in \‘ dr-tei'niina l tglo C (£31m summit“ 5“ “’0'" 203 0”“9 “we“ (“"9” 0' bV ”“lng 0‘" ‘3 ”“4”?“ 'OF‘“

1 tFour freshngan :villibe elect- freshman senatorial candidate. tion. attitutlcand leadership will $332; Center onnngfig fiffifigfififfigfifififlfi filiorfififfiiiimfifég 23:32?th
cc 0 sit on t e Stu ent be an “Wit U, the in ' . . ‘ “‘ ‘ ‘ '
government Assoc1ation “ Fr h . Trinity “rim t',m,i‘.\, B fl~dWhite Hall Classroom
Senate with the upperclass es man senators W111 i\' or KPmWMS Stu- u Villg'l‘ Y L'b WEDNESDAY 9 23
senators who were elected - (ipm (ioxernincnt -\s~ ' ‘ ' oung 1 rary g
m ”195ng have the same dut1es as the WM .. :CLOégjprlfigigmrgons .5“ WWW

.- Tlffhfrfisfinfi’,‘ 55”" rest of the senators.” “his 14“- iWWi y Moviei‘aumnit Mn. 1 i 2mm:

{9” V” ‘1‘“ ‘1 samc du- sl'it‘llt‘“ll‘t‘\lllll£ill sl’li’l‘ Voting is between 10 Theatre FREE (“musical 9%.-“
ties as the rest‘of the sena- torial candidate. said a m and 2p m today and to- MEETINQS
mm Thpy W1“ hm") ‘0 - Nate Brown, SGA president he is l'lllllllll'l to err IIlOI‘TOW The Blazer Hall Fellowship olChristidn Athletes on e? iii, (it;:",,i"i .13.? 23.; ,ijrit; ti »
come to meetings. forums stirtv tint: h'f'xhlngln Commofis and LCC votin’ rterof Woodiand <3 Colurtftza An 2
and “Old pm?“ hours as . . will hiiV“ 1‘- WHW‘ HUI booths will also be g StudentHealth Advisory Council itteetmg am; "iii-7 i-r. E-”;’)“s
weelc. said Nate Brown. MIA “It will give me the chance to just this year. but also in the from 5 m 730 open 430ml.SitigetnnedtmmmwMW “my ,t.,.,,.,_j,,_,,. my, m
president. meet new people and learn the years to (‘llnll‘ bothd p. " ' pm. on torinto contact Mary Brinkman at 323-3323 ex: Fol
“We have these elections in ways of the Student Govern- "The onlv was for students inlays . l - RE REA" N
the fall so the freshman don't ment Asstxe'iation.” to have .t \il]l l' 1,”, participant mal “l‘vleretvtvlll (1:39 eijUdmthI: Lifeguard Training Course item Sew '-‘"-. U. i€1:;-:t t is: i
have towait until the spring to "I would like to develop iii their student L’m‘t‘l‘nmi‘lii. I gatherirlegin 3183,2915 a egh ("'7‘”- ‘(”,t ‘1’ 3:091“) "(“Jm‘lrml‘y 3. ”w” .. . _. i- .. .
get a voice in the Senate scholarships and more events haw; no political agenda." Lee area at noon todav prim gigmggfijglggéunREE" 5353;”??? if? 955,31” 5”“ i ”w"
Sixteen members of the on campus for students.“ said said. - - . " . . V ’ J“ V' V A” I .
freshman class completed the re. Jonathan Fowler. an agricul- "instead. 1 will br- there to figflgatial‘lcmafigfitatltzg Effigkfifghfifibsfjfig“figsfflgfoum'““7““ Mm [W M “0". Mb
quired application. collected sig- tural biotechnology freshman represent the llllt‘t‘i'sls ot the latform and will then take 7 I V x I
natures on a candidacy petition candidate. freshman class " {)he time to answer an
and attended mandatory candi- Even though the candi- Brown said that the results uestions y
date meetings to be able to pre» dates each have their own rea- ofthe lection will no posted Fri q '
sent themselves to the class of sons for running for the fresh- day afterntxin by lptti ACADEMIC
,,,,, ,_. , .-.____‘,,,,, 7 7 fl 7 777 W 7 4 Free Math Tutoring in“ Main 709 8.133%. n: 70$ 3:. .lz’tv tiaii. i at
25}’~8,‘03 irir' illill‘s
Amnesty international (ni‘ljlti't’il. .‘£=(;.,.i to, ,2 , _. s‘ . .
UK Lambda iltt‘viiiig tor Lesbiqizd'nm . eon .. , ;.
I'JOnm. Ro~irt23l Stiiuer‘t (t‘lilt'l‘ er ' }
seeciAL Evgnls -. .
UK Women‘s Forum presents new lit .cd: i i-ir s .13? : .IQ tic
pm. Chandler Medical Center. Host} in: inner .i ,:.i?‘ l our it‘djl‘
FRIDAY, 9/25 .
Freshman Senate Electzom mg
Robert C. May Photography Endowment Lectures Series present Jerry
- Uelsmann. Graduate Research Professor of
Wlll be held I; edneSdfly Art at Univ. of F! 1400mm. UK Art Museum 5-3 /
. seems ; Q
‘I ' /. : UK Women‘s Volleyball LSU. .‘imi _ ‘ ._-
September 23 and bl” still), i UK Women‘s Soccer is South Caro 1 id \
i i’fOOprn. Lexington kY
September 24 ‘ SATURDAY 9/26
Master Student Workshop. 9am ~lpm 201 Frazer Hal, coo v’\ 332- (.135
257‘8703'0l‘n1llrt" info
UK Men‘s Soccer vs South Alabama. 2.30llt'iT Lexington kt
Hoopin lor Habitat Basketball Tournament elimination rounds begun
Seaton Center
Pollin Booth Sites & Times W is ‘ -
“Murray Louis and leolais Dance,81'JOpm, \ ‘
Singletary Center Concert Hall;t . ,
ickets $7 students.$ls faculty/stalf/seniors. i r
319 general public, (all 257—TlCS 3
t ‘ . . - »
Blazer (OutSide Blazer Express) *Brlng m a UK football ticket
10am _ 2 m 5 m _ 7.30 m m"'Tlte Worlds ol’Women" Conference sponsored by LCC, 8:00am—
p p , ‘ p l stu b a nd We'll ta ke 2 Weeks 12:309m. Oswald Building: $5 students and 510 general public, tor reg—
ii - a _
Commons (Mam Lobby) i ' h' lstration info contactSydney Baseheart at 257 5280
to am _ 2 pm 5 pm _ 7:30 pm off first! mont 5 rent
9 .
Student Center (Bridge Hall)
10 am ' 2pm MEEILHQS
* UK Buddhist Association meettrig.10.00.~,oi. RU!!!“ INKastle Hail

Classroom Building (in front of

Rm 102) CA LL ' ODA Y Phi Sigma Pi meeting. room. Room 230 Sitiiii‘ir‘t rimm-
Master Student Workshop. tum—6pm. 2m fritzee Hall. cost is $35. l ail










10 am ' 2 pm 257—8703 for more info , ‘
a - - W .
W.T. Young LIbrary (Maln Entrance) - UK Alkldo Club meeting. I- 3pm. Alumni (iym loll. tor more into ton— '
10 am 2 pm tact Chris Sweat at 745688?
' mm .
* LCC M ' L bb UK Women’s Volleyball cit Arkansas. lpm 3
( am 0 Y) UK Women‘s Soccer is Flt’ll‘ltld. 12:30 pm, immqton Ky P
10 am - 2 pm 5 pm - 7'30 UK Men's Soccer vs Vanderbilt 3.000m. Lexington Ky u}
. . . . . . . . 3};in
~‘v- - W’ e ‘, ‘ I .i.oov-~ t ‘ ' av’rfvt. i.‘i'er I or. > .. ...\‘-e I . ’; " '. ~ ,
. | ‘ A " ' ‘ V I.
e . . . ’ 1‘ ' '-


c J .F"\

i 1 :‘_ 1”,",


. at"?








Continued from paqei

transition into American cul-
ture less stressful.

Welcome and orientation
classes are Ofl‘ered at the begin-
ning of the semester and a vari-
ety of activities, such as hikes
at Red River Gorge and Natural
Bridge, are offered throughout
the year.

WIN w Wildcat Interna-
tional Network — co-sponsored
by the Student Government As-
sociation and the Office of Inter-
national Affairs, pairs Ameri-
can and international students.
So far 54 students have been
paired, Holmes said

Although many students
have visited the United States
prior to coming to UK, the first
impression is usually the

“It‘s so green," said Vivre
Segerholm's, a Finnish linguis-
tic major and English minor
from Helsinki, Finland, when
she first arrived at UK.

Segerholm has relatives in
Connecticut, so the transition
for her was less drastic and cul-
ture shock was minimal, espe-
cially because of “the American
culture we have in Finland, like
movies, McDonald‘s, Pizza Hut
and sitcoms," she said.

Class structure at UK is one
of the major differences stu-
dents must adapt to.

For Anton lmennov, a grad-
uate student from St. Peters-
burg, Russia, the class atmos-
phere is “more democratic. with
the professors wanting to be on
the same level as the students.”

Segerholm is “shocked" at
the amount of homework as-
signed. Finland uses the concept
of academic liberty with students
deciding if they attend class or
not, she said. At the end of the se
mester, one final is given.

Sonia Boyer, an English lit-
erature senior from the French
tropical island Reunion, said
there is more graded work at
UK, but said it makes sure stu-
dents keep up during the course
of the semester.

Food is another big change
many international students
confront. Boyer loves Mexican
food but can‘t enjoy it on the is-
land, which mainly cooks a
mixture of Indian. Chinese and

African food. Segerholm and
lmennov both said American
food isn't healthy enough.

“Being a vegetarian, it's
hard to find something
healthy," Segerholm said.

Before being accepted to at-
tend UK, those interested must
have the necessary English lan-
guage requirements and pass the
test of English as a foreign lan-
guage, TOEFL. Students have to
show academic strength, finan-
cial support and an ability to
study in English, Holmes said.

Many international stu-
dents studied English in school
and at their university. lmen-
nov has been learning English
since he was 9 years old.

“It was not that hard be-
cause it was step by step," he
said. “But for me, it’s like learn-
ing Chinese for you."

Segerholm has been learn-
ing English since seventh grade
and said the language difficul-
ties are mostly in her head.

“It‘s the perfectionist in
me," she said.

Meeting new people in a dif-
ferent culture is one of the ad-
vantages international students
have, and for Holmes, one of the
best aspects of her job is “leam-
ing from students about their
countries and cultures and how
they perceive Americans."

Americans are very friend-
ly and open, but it seems a little
superficial, Friebe said. Imen-
nov has taken advantage of the
chance to meet new people.

“I thought it will be a bor-
ing place, but when I came here
I met a lot of interesting peo-
ple," he said.

70 percent of international
students come from Asia, while
11 percent arrive from Europe
and about 5 percent from

“I love the cultural dimen-
sion of my job," Holmes said.

As international students
begin to adjust to their new sur-
roundings and customs, they
look forward to the new experi-
ences and adventures the com-
ing year will bring.

“In only these two weeks."
Friebe said, “I have realized
how big an opportunity it is to
study abroad."


POT elevators
on the way up

Tough love: While elevators are being updated, faculty,
students still have horror stories about using them

By June: W. Smith

Political science junior Debbie Per-
ry is like many students at UK.
She has a story about the Patterson

Office Tower elevators.

“I was here a few days ago trying
to get upstairs to see one of my teach-
ers, but I gave up trying because the
hall was so packed," Perry said.

In May, the DC Elevator Company
began a two-phase project to renovate

the elevators in POT.

“The first phase ended just before
school started and that was the repair
of the first three elevators," said Pro-

ject Manager Bob Williams.

“The project’s second phase, the
renovation of the remaining three ele-
vators, is scheduled to end in early


Stories about the horrors of the
POT elevators abound among students.
Adam Little, a marketing sopho-
more, said he heard an elevator once

stopped and dropped 12 floors.

Most faculty who have Offices in
the tower also have stories about the


“I've been trapped on the old eleva-
tors twice for at least five minutes,"
said English teaching assistant Emily


separate location.


between floors.

essary,” Brunn said.

Johnson said she is still apprehen-
sive about the new elevators and has
considered holding office hours in a

Johnson said there was a malfunc-
tion in the new elevators last week,
and the displayed number did not cor-
respond with the actual floor number.

“Certainly the elevators are not
flawless, but they’re a vast improve-
ment,” she said. “It’s worse if you try
to use the elevators on the hour,

Geography professor Stan Brunn
said he can remember several stories
about elevators dropping or stopping

He said although the new elevators
are a definite improvement, it creates a
traffic problem in the hallways.

“The elevators are much quieter
except for them announcing the floors,
which I don’t know if that’s really nec-


tO stand. Only

ton resident.

speech to the

Bruni said.



Continued from paqel

have the backing of the people who live in the
area," Lear said. “This compromise has the
support of more than 50 percent Of the people
who will be affected by the zone change."

At the meeting, Lexington Mayor Pam
Miller asked those in favor of the compromise

15 out of