xt7v154drp88 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v154drp88/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1999-03-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 03, 1999 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 03, 1999 1999 1999-03-03 2020 true xt7v154drp88 section xt7v154drp88  





Actors briefs

Here's your

Actors' Guild is seeking
actors - one male,
early to mid-20$, and
three females. mid-
30$ - for the
production of Mad.
River, Stone running
June 10-July 11. Cold
readings will take
place on Monday,
March 15 at 7 pm. at
Actors' Guild, 139 W.
Short St. For more
information. call 233-

All in good fun

God, he lacks

one thing

Not to be taken literally,
this is just a short
list I came across
which points out a
humorus way to look
at things.

He had only one major

It was in Hebrew.
It had no references.

It wasn't published in a
refereed journal.

Some even doubt he
wrote it by himself.

It might be true that he
created the world,
but what has he done
since then?

His cooperative efforts
have been quite

The scientific community
has had a hard time
replicating his

He never applied to the
ethics board for
permission to use
human subjects.

When one experiment
went awry he tried
to cover it by
drowning his

When subjects didn't
behave as predicted.
he deleted them
from the sample.

He rarely came to class,
just told students to
read the book.

Some say he had his son
teach the class.

He expelled his first two
students for

Although there were
only 10 requirements.
most of his students
failed his tests.

His office hours were
infrequent and
usually held on a
mountain top.

No record of working
well with colleagues.

- Source:




4.3 2.?

While there may be

should be sunny and mild


VOL 3104 ISSUE “T12


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March 3, 1999





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‘ r


Cats prepare
for SEC
Tournament 1 3


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BOT: It’s Christmas for UK funds

University has built up more than $50 million in its coffers,
all available for matching funds under governor's program

By Lori Mercado

More than $50 million in private gifts
and contributions are now eligible for
matches by the Research Challenge Trust
Fund after the UK Board of Trustees met
yesterday afternoon.

A total of $31,629,350 was accepted and
allocated by the board. Over 20 newly an
nounced gifts and pledges to the Universi-
ty were approved by the board. totaling
$9,570,250. The board also allocated gifts
and pledges previously accepted for a total
of $22.059.000.

Gifts and pledges will be used to en-

dow 22 new academic chairs and 30 new
professorships, and will also provide fund-
ing for additional academic programs.

With the recent endowments, the total
number of academic chairs has doubled
since last June. to 54. The number of pro-
fessorships increased from 52 to 98.

Joseph Burch, vice president for Uni-
versity Relations. said the importance of
the new chairs and professorships will re-
flect on the University‘s success in entic-
ing and keeping distinguished faculty.
while providing for greater education.

Kentucky General Assembly. allocates up
to $66.7 million to UK in matching funds
through gifis and pledges.

The University now has approximate-
ly $16 million to raise in gifts and pledges
to meet the challenge.

“You can see why this was such an ex-
citing meeting for the board. This is the
first time in our history we have reached
SIT? high levels of these gifts," Burch
sa1 .

UK President Charles Wethington said
after the meeting that the goal is to com-
plete the challenge by the end of the calen~
dar year. Wethington said he hopes to re-
port to Gov. Patton and the General As-
sembly the success of the project.

“I want the University of Kentucky to
have a record of success to meet the

ton said.

As a result of the challenge. Wething-
ton said there was much more interest in
private fund-raising and an incentive to
those who are raising funds.

“We are very pleased with the positive
reaction we have received from private
donors individuals, corporations and
foundations," Wethington said. “I believe
it shows that our alumni and friends real-
ize the importance of this Research Chal.
lenge Trust Fund program and what it
means to the future of our University."

Contributions aided multiple areas.
from agriculture to the William T. Young
Library Endowment.

With only $16.7 million left to meet the
challenge. members of the board remain
confident of their success. not only of meet-

’l‘he Research Challenge Trust Fund.
appropriated by Gov. Paul Patton and the

match. It's been important to the Univer-
sity to make a positive change," Wething

ing the goal. but of the positive results al—
ready received through its incentive.





h. I


Dr. James Geddes (left) and
Dr. Shu-Xin Zhang discussed
western blots of lab rats,
which show levels of specific
protein in an Injured spinal
cord. Alexander Rabchevsky
(above) examined a speci-
men yesterday under the

moms at mass c1115? I KERNEL 51m






Rabchevsky can help fulfill dream of helping those with spinal
injuries through grant approved by UK Board of Trustees

By Karla Dooley

Alexander Rabchevsky was a junior in
college when his motorcycle crashed.

Fifteen hours later. he said he was still
moving his legs. But later, Rabchevsky said
the area around his spinal cord injury
swelled. leaving him in a wheelchair. para-
lyzed from the chest down.

Rabchevsky. who was already a pre-
med student. said he immediately began
looking for opportunities to enter the field
of spinal cord injury research.

That was in 1985. Now Rabchevsky is a
32- -year- -old post doctoral fellow at UK
studying the effects of a drug he hopes will
eventually minimize the effects of spinal
cord injury for others.

Thanks to a recent grant from the
state' 5 Spinal Cord and Head Injury Trust
Rabchevsky' 3 work might be secure for the

The UK Board of Trustees yesterday ac-
cepted the $2. 5 million gift. which will be
used to create a proposed Spinal Cord and
Brain Injury Research Center.

“The (Spinal Cord and Head Injury
Trust advisory) board really wants to get a



INDEPENDENT SlflCEl971 head start in bringing together a strong
——’—_"_ oup of people“ to study these in'uries,
News tips? gr J

Call: 257-1915 or write:


-- I " > . ’ - g ' _

said Phyllis Wise, chair of the physiology
department and serves on the trust's advi-
sory board.

“Ultimately. we‘ll find a way to treat
the people that suffer from this faster." she

The funds for the proposed UK center
will be distributed over a period of five
years and used to establish “a center with-
out walls." which will include allocations
for endowed chairs for: a clinical director.
two faculty members conducting spinal
cord and brain injury research, and post-
doctoral and graduate student fellowships.
said James Geddes. associate professor of
anatomy and neurobiology and interim di-
rector of the proposed center.

The University of Louisville will re-
ceive a similar grant for spinal cord and
head injury studies although it does not
plan to use the money in the same way.
Wise said.

The trust. which was established four
years ago. has accrued the funds from a
$12. 50 surcharge added to all Kentucky
speeding tickets.

The Kentucky legislature was the first
to adopt this kind of plan and a number of
others have followed suit Geddes said.

“With Christopher Reeves spinal cord

injury has received a lot more attention re-
cently," Geddes said.

UK will apply for $2 million in match-
ing funds from the Research Challenge
Trust to match the endowed chairs and
post- doctoral and graduate student fellow-
ship endowments bringing the proposed
center' 5 assets to $4. 5 million.

Geddes said that research on treatment
fot spinal cord and head injuries falls into
two categories. finding ways to limit the
damage that occurs and promote regrowth
of neurons after an injury.

“By trying to minimize secondary
events. (there is the) possibility to minimize
the damage that occurs and preserve the re-
maining function.“ he said.

Which is exactly what Rabchevsky‘s
work involves.

He's trying to find out how a drug treat-
ment called Basic Fibroblast Growth Fac
tor. a protein that occurs naturally in the
human body helps improve the motor func-
tion in rats with spinal cord damage.

Rabchevsky said bruising" often hap-
pens after the injury causing the damaged
area to grow beyond the actual site of im-
pact. The rats that receive a dosage of BFGF
tend to walk better than those without it. he

Rabchevsky said he hopes BFGF can be
combined with another drug treatment to
help keep “bruising‘ from occurring and
potentially help spinal cord cells regener

“A human being may be more plastic
(or resilient) than we thought." he said.

Geddes said the clinical director will
ideally establish a clinic where patients
can participate in clinical trials for new
treatments like the one Rabchevsky is
working on now.

What we‘re hoping is that we can re-
lieve the paralysis and allow them to func-
tion again. Wise said.



life of

After collapsing at W].
Young Library. Sisi Teng
dies at UK Hospital

By Richard Cook



Shanghai native Sisi Teng. a
27~year-old graduate finance stu-
dent at UK. died Feb. 9 after col-
lapsing in the William T. Young

He was taken to the UK Hos-
pital where he was pronounced
dead. The reported cause of death
was coronary disease. according
to Dean of Students David Stock-
ham‘s office.

Teng's family flew in from
Shanghai for a memorial service
held at Chinese Christian
Church last Saturday. A dona-
tion box was passed around at
the service to help the family
with the cost of transporting his
body back to Shanghai.

“His father bowed very low.“
said Holly Bundrant. a nutrition
1 science doctoral candidate. “It
was a sign of great respect and

Teng was born in Shanghai.
where he lived until coming to the
United States in 1991. He attended
St. Mary‘s Preparatory High
School in Michigan. While there.
he played soccer and received sec—
ondary honors for scholastic
achievement. Due to the costs of
transporting the body. SGA Presi-
dent Nate Brown said the family
might cremate Teng and carry the
ashes back with them.

“I understand it costs about
310.000 to ship the body." said
Brown. “If someone could take
on a fundraising campaign for
Teng's family. SGA would help
out with publicity.“

Brown attended the memori-
al service and said although he
did not know Teng pers‘onally, it
was obvious from the mass of
people in attendance that Teng
was well loved.

“I could see he had made an
impact on people's lives." Brown
said. “It made me value my inter-
national friends."

Bundrant said Teng always
put his friends” needs above his
own needs. She called him "highe
1y motivated and independent.“

Brown said the SGA spon-
sors a memorial walk for stu
dents who have died throughout
the past year. Students have ex-
} pressed various opinions about
‘ permanent memorials for stu-
dents who die. he said. One sug-
gestion is a memorial room at the
W.T. Young Library.

Information about deceased
students can be obtained from
the Dean of Students Office.







Student Newspaper at the University of Kentucky.



. - a “'Wfi‘i‘llsusn .1.” mflfiwc .




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h ' “M"
T e w- own .>. - .......... y
m lit. lo. outta
.- supervisor Clay ‘
. . mm mm 3
-.~ Senate studies Y2K outlook m; “m .
rf WASHINGTON -- The Senate yesterday f0 HAT IN RING: located across
cused on the Year 2000 computer problem. By 990, ROWE” the hall from
the Senate passed a bill establishing a Small Busi~ 60y m I “Fl. III the old
ness Administration program to provide loan Bush 0' Tons. Student Center
guarantees to small companies trying to repair eldest son of ' ”Hing.
computers or prevent interruptions in supplies.
Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.) and Sen. Bob mm mm
Bennett (R-Utah). who head a special Senate panel president, I mm STAFF
on the “Y2K“ problem, issued a l60page report announced Y.”
outlining serious potential problems in health t'WlVM'l"
care, energy supply and government services. But '0"!" l PTO!"
they also emphasized that. for most Americans, dentlll
disruptions ill vital services will be minimal. exploratory
. mittee to
Thls - ‘ - :3. mono
temple Lewinsky says she is sorry and mm
' Of our WASHINGTON M Monica Lewinsky offers support fora
. . . apologies for “my part in this past year‘s ordeal" White House l
Clvfllza- to Hillary Rodham Clinton. Chelsea Clinton and m .1 his own
:tion has the whole nation in 'an ABCTV interview. The in 2000, Bush,
. fomler White House intern whose sexual encoun- 52' stopped
. been ters with President Clinton led to his impeach sum 0, m. .
desecrat. ment spoke to Barbara Walters for an interview to mally entering l
air on “20/20“ tonight. Lewinsky had harsh words the residential ‘
8d, used for Linda Tripp. who secretly taped their conver- p
to shake sations. "I would hate to be her." Lewinsky said. race. ., 9 ME
: down w. , ‘Q an.
‘ cor... '“"‘"’°“"°“‘ ‘°'"““' W ”° 9°” Seein the reat Outdoors
. rate WASEINGTON — The fClinton aiminisltra- g g
. - tion Wit rew its support. or the in epen ent nit uses the center earl for its
Exec“ counsel law yesterdaw saying the Watergate-m UK Outing Center Is great location for students, mini “Ron 1,. the nayyn pally.
tIVGS, t0 Spm‘d investigationsfstatutel has flinging Its goal ' t t t td ‘ t Jeremy Seils. a member of Phi
'newith :iatiil'hpa‘::panaM campus 0'93“" ms 0 re" 0" °°r equ'Pme" ammtaangy
abandon Less than three weeks after the Senate acquitted $22152: rtieggogltvlvlgysusfvglieafigteggg
; t0 the President C linton of perjury and obstruction of By Tasha Harris tion about good places to go. very helpful to UK students.
; . Justice impeachment charges that were approved m Tents. backpacks, sleeping bags, Kappa Kappa Gamma social
.Amerl- by the House on the recommendation of Indepen- Stoves. pots and pans, and coolers . t al h' hl d
‘ dent Counsel Kenneth Starr Deputy Attorney are ‘ust some of the materials the 30m“ y so lg y recomme" S
i can (‘1 t .. , ’ Ar 1 fth td 9 J . the center. They have used lt for
‘ yeneral Lrlc Holder 5 remarks underscored the ME 100' 9 you a 0V€1f0 . e on 001‘5- center offers students. It IS not only various activities
9901319: a bipartisan crumbling 0f support for the act. 'h DO you love camping 1“ the “vows a good place to rent camping materi- Th t ‘ '- . t b
Pat 3"“ 39"" a or backpacklng through the moun- al 't ' al 0 tt h _ e cen er 15. grea ' ecause
place to . . . . conservative tains" 5’ l‘Plficess giggeyfcrofifipm to $30 ,. you can rent equipment Without
em“ ”9'" Wm“ “'"e‘ "' "93"“ "3:.‘2JS.‘“2... ”war epmoyee titti§%%‘$%.2°vblilikyéfilti’éi‘é‘
women.” KAMPALA. Uganda — Eight tourists were gm.“ Pall these questions, then the Outlng forestry freshman. and an advertising junior.
killed and six others were rescued after being Republican Center ‘5 the place for you. The center is run by the Student The centers busiest time of
. kidnapped by Rwandan rebels. Ugandan police front-runners in 14003th at the bottom 0f the 01d Center and mainly prov1des mfPF' year is fall break and Spring Break.
- " M said the deaths came in a shootout, but an Amer- 1992 and 1996 Student Center in Room .101! across matlon on camping, backpacking Krausen said.
. ”9“! ican survivor said that the rebels brutally esterda ' from WRFL. Student Radloy the OUt- and water rafting. lfyou‘re still making last minute
‘ ”'95th hacked some victims to death with machetes. A IV he" m d 111% Center 18 full 0f camplng infor- “Most students who rent from plans for spring break the camping
candidate,on US. State Department spokesman said two '73: II a r matlon. the Outing Center generally are go- center still has p1enty of camping
"Wm" Americans were murdered as they were being I,“ ; ore? ed “People can come down and get ing to RGd River Gorge in Eastern materials left. There is no limit on
White House. marched away by their captors. The remaining t n :3, 1] information on camping and camp- Kentucky." Krausen said. the amount of materials you can
six victims were killed the same way. he said. ° 9' “a it mg materials." sald Clay Taylor, The center is a great place for rent. nor do they charge you by the
The tourists were abducted by the Rwandan more 4° c student manager for the center and groups to go and rent equipment. day, within reasonable limitations.
rebels at campgrounds on the edge of Bwindi Na- that has a 11186118111081 engineering SGHiOF- Fraternities, sororities and the Stu- The Outing Center is open from
tional Park. become I The center rents almost every- dent Activities Boardare some of the 11 am. to 5 pm, Monday through
America 5 9,”? thing students need to go camping, various groups who use the center. Friday. They can be contacted at
Compiled from wire reports. "M" within. even providing them with informa- Phi .Gamma Delta social frater< 257-6625.





. o
.'. . ovvvmgw-m ,







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The Advisory Committee for the Donovan Trust is
seeking proposals from interested faculty, staff and
students for funds to be awarded from the
Herman Lee and Neil Stuart Donovan Endowment
for the 1999—2000 academic year. The purpose of the
endowment is to promote an atmosphere of culture and
to enrich educational opportunities to develop
students' appreciation of the qualities of beauty and
loveliness in the environment in which they live and
study. Funding requests may range from $1,000 to
$15,000. The application deadline
is March 31. 1999.

For more information and an application
call 257-2910


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Iiatt iiay
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mm 1 Itoutscltmuicii 3.999 I 3



Cats look
to go deep

UK Head Coach Tubby Smith calls for more
long range bombing from his shooters

By Jen Smith

They‘re not your father’s

OK. They‘re not the team
you knew two or three years
ago. They’re not the team that
runs and guns. They're not the
team that shoots the threes.

But they might be.

After four straight South-
eastern Conference road losses,
UK is looking for a new outlet
— a way outlet.

Way out meaning from

UK has not been the best
three-point shooting team this
year. It is last in the SEC in
three-point percentage at 31.2
percent. It is eighth in the
league in three-point field goals
made with 5.72 a game. In
games it has won, UK shot 32
percent from beyond the arc. In
losses, it shot a mere 16.5 per-

So when the Cats shoot the
ball well from downtown, they
win. With a few exceptions,
when they miss, they lose. 80
what‘s a Cat to do?

“We're just gonna stop
shooting the threes,“ UK Coach
Tubby Smith quipped. “Nah.
We’re probably gonna have to
take more threes. We gotta
shoot it in order to make it. We
have some good three-point
shooters overall, we shoot it
well in practice and individual

What seems strange then,
is changing the system this late
in the season. UK has been a
force inside with big men Ja-
maal Magloire, Michael
Bradley and even Jules Cama-

The team is No. 1 in the
SEC in field goal percentage
and second in rebounding. So it
seems logical that UK would
stick with what has been effec-
tive in the past.

But senior tri-captain Scott
Padgett has a different take.

He said if the team could
just have a couple more threes
fall in conjunction with effec-
tive inside play, they would be
unstoppable. He also added that
the team has not been working
on threes specifically in prac-

“We have to shoot some

threes on our own, I guess" he
said, adding that UK just hasn’t
looked the same since it
stopped becoming a power-
house from behind the arc. He
cited the Tennessee game,
when the team attempted 11
threes and made only two.
Three of those attempts came
in the last 30 seconds of the

“That's not Kentucky bas—
ketball," Padgett said. “(Smith’s
idea to shoot more) sort of
sounds strange, but you gotta
take ’em to make ‘em."

Smith nominated Padgett.
Heshimu Evans, Wayne Turn-
er, Saul Smith and Desmond
Allison for the three-point hon-
ors in the postseason, starting
in Atlanta on Friday night.

Getting over the hump

After losses, coaches and
players always talk about a lit
tle tweaking and minor
changes to motivate them for
the next game. After losing the
Eastern Division title to Ten-
nessee, some major changes
were instituted.

Sunday afternoon. the vet-
eran players took it upon them-
selves to call a player-only team

“Everybody feels bad about
the loss," senior Turner said.
“We talked about it as a team.
We‘re 0-0 from here on out. We
wanted to make sure everyone
knew that.

“We were making sure the
young guys realize that the reg-
ular season is over with. It‘s
time to put it into overdrive in

It sunk in for Magloire, a
junior, who wasn‘t quick to
make one of his predictions for
a UK win this year, but who ex-
pressed his optimism in gener-

“I’ve always said we‘re the
hardest working team in the
country," Magloire said. “Now
we're gonna show it. We know
now that this can't be a one-
man or two-man show, it‘s
gonna take the team.“

Padgett remained opti-
mistic, as well. He said the loss
didn’t look nearly as bad on

“1 think we were real down
on ourselves (after Ten-
nessee)," he said. “I mean the



ms“: :‘



iioaii: mum | rcrtncrsmr

Center Mike Bradley looked for room to shoot during Sunday's loss at
Tennessee. UK will face either Ole Miss or South Carolina In Atlanta.

three-hour bus ride (back from
Knoxville). the whole time
you‘re thinking, ‘God, we‘re
horrible.‘ But you look at the
film and you realize we just
have to adjust a few little
things. If we do little things.
we'll be fine."

One of those little things
being done is the videotaping of
UK practices until the tourna-

“Basically the team
thought we had to get better at
some things," Smith said.

“Sometimes you don’t really
see it. We can keep stats in
practice, but now they can see

Rally around the troops

For those attending the
SEC Tournament in Atlanta
this weekend, the Greater At-
lanta UK Alumni Club is spon-
soring a pep rally to begin at
3 pm. on Friday in the Georgia
World Congress Center rooms
364-367. The cost will be $5 per
person at the door.







IRS VITA Program

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
VITA provides FREE tax help.
Volunteers help with basic tax
returns. There is NO charge for this

When: Tuesdays and Thursdays
beginning Mar. 2
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Where: Student Center Room 113
What to bring:
- This year’s tax package and /or label
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IRS Volunteers
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The Campus Calendar Is produced weekly by the Office of Student Activities.
Postings in the calendar are free to all registered student organizations and
UK Departments. Information can be submitted In Rm. 203, Student Center or
by completing a request form on line at W.
Posting requests are due ONE WEEK PRIOR to the Monday Information Is to
appear In the calendar. For more information call 257—8866


L.E.A.P. Learning Skills Program. 1—1 50pm, 203 Frazee Hall

Fellowship of Christian Athletes meeting, 9pm, CSF Bldg. (corner of Woodland
& Columbia)

Student Meal and Discussion 5pm, Newman Center

French Conversation Table 430—6pm, Ovid's Cafe

Psi Chi meeting, 4pm, Rm. 213 Kastie iiall

Kentucky invitational Concert Band Festival, 7:30pm, Singletaw Center
UK Baseball vs. Tennessee Tech, 3pm, Cliff Hagan Stadium

Alkido Classes/UK Aikldo Club. 6:30-8:30pm, Alumni Gym Loft, call Chris at
245—5887 for Info



Math 109 a. 123 Tutoring. 203 Frazee Hall, FREE, call 7-6959 for more Info
Internship and Shadowing Orientation, 1 —3pm, 111 Student Center
Resume Writing Workshop, 5pm, 208 Mathews Bldg.

Judaic Studies Program Lecture: Professor James Kugel of Harvard University,
8pm, Singletary Center President's Room

Campus Crusade For Christ weekly meeting, 730nm, Worsham Theatre
UK Lambda meeting for Lesblgaytrans people, 730nm, Room ,

231 Student Center r \
Thursday Night Live, 7pm, Christian Student Fellowship. call / \
233-0313forlnfo C ,
UK Snowskl and Snowboard meeting, 7pm, Room 228 Student . .2

Appalachian Student Council meeting, 430nm. Fazoli's Restaurant behind

Kennedy Bookstore


Kentucky Jazz Repertory Orchestra: “Duke Ellington- The Middle Years", 8pm,
Singletary Center, Free For UK faculty and staff

Mother Courage and tier Children presented by the UK Theatre Department.
8pm, Guignol Theatre, call 257—4929 for ticket info

UK Ultimate Frisbee Practice, 6-8pm, Band Field, call Nick at 281 —1 256 for Info
UK Men’s Basketball SEC Tournament @ Atlanta, GA




UK Men's Tennis vs. Indiana, 2pm, UK Tennis Center
UK Men's Tennis vs. Eastern Kentucky Univ., 7pm, UK Tennis Center

Social Theory Department Lecture, 2pm, Singletary Center President's Room

Student Recital: Mabelle le, Piano, Bpm. Slngletary Center

Senior Recital: Sarah lilll. Violin, 8pm, Memorial iiall

Mother Courage and iier Children presented by the UK Theatre
Department. 3pm, Guignol Theatre. call 257—4929 for ticket Info ‘ «i .9


UK Men's Basketball SEC Tournament @ Atlanta, GA

UK Men's Golf @ Florida Southern

UK Indoor Track @ NCAA Championships, Indianapolis, iN
UK Women's Tennis @ Arkansas, TBA

UK Gymnastics vs. Georgia, 7:30pm. Memorial Coliseum

Guitar Duet Concert: Murray Holland and Duane Corn, 8pm, Singietary Center
Mother Courage and lier Children presented by the UK Theatre Department.

8pm, Guignol Theatre, call 2574929 for ticket Info

Catholic Mass 6pm, Newman Center
Badminton Tournament thru 3/7


UK Men's Basketball SEC Tournament @ Atlanta, GA

UK Men's Golf @ Florida Southern

UK indoor Track @ NCAA Championships, Indianapolis, IN
UK Softball vs. Ohio State, 12pm, UK Softball Field

UK Softball vs. Canlslus. 4pm, UK Softball Field

UK Baseball vs. Illinois, 330pm. Cliff Hagan Stadium

UK Men’s Tennis @ Tennessee, 2pm

Spotlight Jan Series Presents: Nicholas Payton, 8pm, Memorial iiall. Call 257-
m”: for ticket into




Catholic Mass Darn, 11 30am. 59m, 3:30pm, Newman (enter
Sunday Morning Worship. 1 i am, Christian Student Fellowship

Chris at 245-5007 for Info

Iuegrlss Area Music Teachers Music Fest, 39m, Slngletary
Center Recital iiall, FREE
Graduate Conducting Recital, Kristin Graham. 3 m, Central Christian Church
Faculty Chamber Music Recital: Nancy Clauter. e. 8pm, Singletaw Recital
Mother Cour e and Her Children presented by the UK Theatre Department,
Mono! atre, call 251-4929 for ticket Info

UK Men's Ilsketbeii SEC Tournament @ Atlanta, GA
UK Softbaii vs. Akron. 1pm, UK Softball Field

UK Baseball vs. Indiana, 1pm, Cliff iiagan Stadium
UK Gymnastics 9 ucu invitational. zom

PM the PI meeting, 7pm. 230 Student Center
Aikido tosses/int Aikido Club, l-3pm, Alumni Gym Loft. call .3








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Political rhetoric

Running for

WASHllleoll - Run.
Florence. run. And
what about Edith,
Eleanor or Jackie?

Hillary Rodham Clinton
isn't the only
presidential wife ever
urged to run for
political office.

In the 19205. there were
calls to draft
President Warren
Harding's widow,
Florence. for
governor of Ohio and
President Woodrow
Wilson's widow.
Edith, for vice
president. Some
Democrats wanted
Eleanor Roosevelt to
be the party's vice
presidential nominee
in 1948. In 1916,
Jacqueline Kennedy
Onassis, then a book
editor in New York,
briefly flirted with
running for a Senate

The farmer says

not settled

hours before a
federal judge was to
give final review to a
settlement between
black farmers and
the Agriculture
Department, leaders
of two farmer groups
said Monday they
have problems with
the deal.

Farmers scheduled a
rally yesterday
morning prior to a
fairness hearing with
U.S. District Judge
Paul Friedman.

Attorneys for both sides
announced a
settlement in
January to the
discrimination lawsuit
brought by farmers
two years ago
because they were
denied access to
government loans
and subsidies.

On the record

Burden of

“We feel as
though the
burden of
shouldn’t be
on the farmer.”

-JolII Boyd, president of
the National Black Farm-
ers Association, regarding
the pending lawsuit
against the government.

Compiled from wire


Readers are
encouraged to submit
letters to the editor and
guest opinions to the
Dialogue page.
Address comments to:

“Letters to the


Kentucky Kernel

Editorial Editor

35 Enoch J. Grehan

Journalism Building

Lexington, Ky.


Send electronic mail to

Letters should be
about 200 words: guest
opinions should be no
longer than 600 words.

All material should be
typewritten and double-

lnclude your name
and major classification
(for publication). as well
as your address and
telephone number for

The Kernel reserves
the right to edit all
material received.

4 I WEDNESDAY,MAR1'i .2 we I




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, [gluin‘ a . Courtesy ol the USBIC
:% g 2' ' w Educational Foundation
, ii 1/1 9- laoopsnm








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Snooze and lose

LCC should not be denied Greek life

Let’s give credit where credit is due.
And in this case, credit is due to the Interfrater-
nity Council for not taking a step that most would

consider to be too drastic.

That step would be the banning of Le