xt7v154drs9h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v154drs9h/data/mets.xml Gillis, Ezra L. 1867-1958 Universtity of Kentucky Kentucky -- Lexington Gillis, Ezra L. 1867-1958 Universtity of Kentucky 1956 32 pages, 23 cm. Call Number: Z881 .K378 no.16 1956 books English Lexington: University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky -- History University of Kentucky -- Statistics The University of Kentucky: Its History and Development, 1956 text The University of Kentucky: Its History and Development, 1956 1956 1956 2021 true xt7v154drs9h section xt7v154drs9h The University of Kentucky ITS HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT A SERIES OF CHARTS DEPICTING THE MORE IMPORTANT DATA 1862-1955 LEXINGTON AUGUST 1956 First Printing — August, 1948 Revised — December, 1950 Revised —- September, 1956 The University of Kentucky ITS HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT A SERIES OF CHARTS DEPICTING THE MORE IMPORTANT DATA 1862-1955 LEXINGTON AUGUST 1956 TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface .................................................................................... 3 A Century of Educational Background .............................. 4 Kentucky University, 1866-1878 .......................................... 5 Chronological Table of Important Data ............................ 6 General Administrative Officers .......................................... 8 Life Chart of the Colleges .................................................... 10 Deans of the Colleges ............................................................ 11 Degrees Awarded Graduate School and Undergraduate Colleges ............ 12 Advanced Degrees, Major Fields of Interest ................ 14 Bachelors Degrees by Colleges ........................................ 15 Honorary and Professional Degrees ................................ 18 Summary .............................................................................. 19 Enrollment By College and Sex ............................................................ 20 By Classes and Sex ............................................................ 22 Inventory of Land .................................................................. 28 Income Division of Colleges ......................................................... 26 Experiment Station Division ............................................ 28 Agricultural Extension Division ...................................... 29 Total by Sources and Years .............................................. 30 Officers of Board, State, Nation ............................................ 32 PREFACE Each University has an obligation to preserve for pos- terity a systematic record of its origin and growth. The preparation and publication of this bulletin—The University of Kentucky: Its History and Development—is a recognition of this responsibility. Professor Ezra L Gillis, Director of the Bureau of Source Materials in Higher Education, directed the preparation of the bulletin. He and his co-workers have spent a great amount of time at the task. Minutes of the Board of Trus- tees, catalogs, reports of administrative staff and faculty, and other official records of the University have been used in assembling the information which is so interestingly and systematically presented. Professor ]. S. Horine of the Col- lege of Engineering drew the original charts. The University is pleased to publish this bulletin, and, in behalf of the University, I wish to thank Professor Gillis, Professor Horine, and all others in the various administrative offices who assisted them in this work. H. L. DONOVAN President University of Kentucky— UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY A Century of Educational Background, 1776 -1878 1776. Kentucky organized as a county 0/” Virginia. 1780. 8000 acres 9/”land granted by Virginia for aSeminarg ofLearning. 1783. Land Grant increased Later-1; ofSurvegor's/ées added 1785. Transylvania Seminary founded at Danville 1789. 'B'ansglvania Seminary moved to Lexington 1793. Lexington made the permanent location. 1794 I’resbg terian Acad emg founded at Pisgah 1798.’Ii-ansglvania University firmedfromTrunsylvaniu Seminary and Yresbyterian Academy. ;_ 1836. Bacon College/banded at Georgetown 1839. Moved to Harrodsburg 1850. Ceased operation A 1857. Kentucky Univerailgflarrodsburg (Reorganized Bacon College) 1559. Began work 1864». Building burned AGRICULTURAL A_N_DM£CHANIOAL SOCIETIES 1785 Thelrj‘cirst (y'importance were organized at ~«Philadelp id and at Charleston.Washington and 1front-din members. 1787 Kentucky Society for Promotion of Useful Knowledge. 1816. Kentucky’si‘irst State Agricultural Society—Isaac Shelby , Yresident. 1838. Second State Agricultural Society. 1854». Central Kentucky Agricultural and Mechanical Association. John B.Bowman— one 9" incorporators) AGRICULTURAL JOURNALS 1820. Onehad national circulation by this time. MOVEMENT F_OR FUNDS rO_R AGRICULTURE,1790-'96 1790 96. Washington's message concerning National Universitg- Agriculture is cy’primarg importance. 1839. Trst :FederalFunds appropriated 1840. first bill introduced in Kentucky/6r agricultural school. PUB—L16 LANDS TO BE USED F012 AGRICULTURAL EDUCATI ON 1787 Act concerningNorthwest Territory 1841. first Memorial in Congress 1851. Plan or State Universities partiallg supporte by Federal Funds. 1856 Morri ll’ 3 resolution presented in Congress for/irst time MORRILL A_c: PASSED B_Y CONGRESS — 1%; Ila-M Societies - approximately 1000 societies in US. promoting it—Kentucky allotted 330.000 Eras Cy" land to establish cmA&-M College I FEBRUARY 22 , 1865 Agricultural andMechanical College established J 1865. KENTUCKY UNIVER SITY ormedby the consolidation of Transylvania Universitg,Kentucngniver5itg, and Agricultural andMechanical College (15 a college of‘the new Kentucky University L BOARD 01? CURATORS 30 MEMBERS J John B Bowman, Regent 1 l r 1 1865.College 9/ Science, 1865. College 97‘ the 1865 College of 1869. Commercial 1674-. College 9’ 11865. Agricultural and Literature and Arts. ible aw College Medicine Mechanical College Robert Graham, Robert Milligcm, Madison C.Jot-mson, Horace P. I7errin. H.M.Skillman. JohnAugastusWilliumo, Yresiding foi cer Presiding Officer Presiding Officer yresiding Officer Dean y‘the‘f‘aculty Yreoiding Officer 1 Board g‘ Visitors - 6 To report toLegiSlature L.J.Bradford. Chm. HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT 5 Kentucky Umversu’ry—John B. Bowman, Regent GRICULTURAL TOTAL YEAR COLLEGE COLLEGE OE COLLEGE 8MECHAN1CAL COMMERCIAL COLLEGE OF Dumcms ENDING ACADEMY OF ARTS THE BIBLE OF LAW COLLEGE COLLEGE MEDICINE OUT ~~—__— PRESIDING OFFICERS 0R DEAN s ———*—- 18 66 AMilligan Rfirohom R.Mi|ligqn M.Johnson 1867 II II II II JAM/illiams 1868 GWRonck I I 7, II II 18 69 D. GHerron I I I . I I J.D.?icke’tt Hollinsworth 18 70 I I H.HWhite v , I . J.Putterson H.P.?errin 1871 n n v, :1 .1 1872 n .. ,. ,, .. 1873 .1 .. ., ,. ,. 16 74 I I I I ' I I ' ' J.M.Bush 1875 n ., .. .. ,. Skillmon 1876 II 12.6171th . I' 'I II 1877 u u u n I: R37€12r 1878 I I M.E.Lc1rd ' ' WRSmiih —— STAFF MEMBERS :— 1888 5 9 3 3 1 1° 2113 1887 4 9 3 3 1 o 2 2 1888 5 8 3 3 1 1 3 2 8 1889 2 9 4 3 1 o 3 2 8 1870 2 8 3 3 12 5 2 7 1871 9 3 3 1 2 4 2 8 1872 9 3 3 1 2 4 2 5 1873 8 3 3 9 5 2 5 1874 8 2 5 1 o 5 7“ 3 2 1875 8 3 8 8 1 4 2 7 1878 8 3 8 8 1 4 2 7 1877 8 3 8 8 2 7 33 1878 3 2 5 8 2 2 o - _— ENE OLLMENTs ——— 1888 83 225 37 1 3 1887 114 124 49 25 190 487 1888 112 183 71 28 220 58 850 1889 86 188 108 31 283 91 787 1870 78 192 114 27 295 108 787 1871 218 122 28 211 102 880 1872 173 104 2 8 218 87 579 1873 134 88 28 181 148 558 1874 105 49 16 170 87 408 1875 83 3o 1 0 98 78 2 83 1878 81 59 1 8 94 35 273 1877 79 51 19 110 87 307 1878 57 3 78 80 19 8 c1- College did not open until October.1866. b-Tutors and students serving as instructors were omitted. c-No students listed in the Medical College, ullhoughfacullg listed/or/our‘ gears. 6 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY Development of the University 1862- 1908 E" I >4 2 O “Q .4 g 91 0.105910% 3; 3100 2 5 1,112, $35 <1: pm 113:; INCOME LAND BUILDINGS LAWS <11 01 >21 1" 2. m °9 Z g, 141 94: 141 »—-l Important) 1862 Merrill Act“ 18 6 3 Kg. Accepts Merrill Act 1004 {115,111 of 14.0. estab'd. 1 1865 15012 g/‘Lund Script 1000 11 o 3 1007 10 190 9,900.00 ’5 1000 11 220 9,900.00 5.“ E 1009 1 10 203 9,900.00 \‘5 g 1070 1 12 295 9,900.00 0‘§ 19 1071 1 12 211 9,900.00 0'5 9 1072 12 210 9,900.00 Up 511073 9 101 9,900.00 035’ m 1074 4 10 170 9,900.00 : g f 1075 1 0 90 9,900.00 8g 43 1070 1 0 94 9,900.00 5 1077 3 0 110 9,900.00 ~___+1_8E__2_§_ 78 £00.00 _________22p9r_mio_nfl_m1fl R 1079 4 13 110 9,900.00 -: 1000 4 14 130 9,900.00 50.000 A&Mcy"Kg.located ,C 1001 1 10 234 00,745.44 9 1002 0 17 310 29,434.74 {Adeldg-Whne Hall i g 1003 2 20 300 34,352.02 [700111th11110 0 o 1004 0 10 211 34,011.92 2 E 1005 0 10 231 30,939.74 2 1000 4 22 207 20,394.70 ,, *0 m *5 1007 2 19 290 20,504.52 40.500 Hutch Act-Exp't. Ex 9” 1000 0 21 320 45,900.00 StalionEstublished " 0 »§‘ 1009 5 30 391 39,197.19 HealthacHggiene 4.? 9 1090 0 32 400 42,449.01 Neville Hall 55 g E 1091 5 32 400 59,430.45 SQ’ x” 1092 14 33 391 77,509.41 Mechanical Hall 2 11 1093 14 34 422 04,070.23 Mgm. ($410,le : 0 1094 20 33 130 05,909.05 5 E 1095 20 37 150 7774700 .2 g 1090 10 34 154 07,049.01 1; 1097 34 35 193 02,502.03 U’ 1090 23 33 241 105,200.90 53.390 MillerHall 4 1099 31 40 254 90,005.71 1900 34 43 309 99,455.17 00.730 Additional Bldgs. 1901 44 44 307 114,450.90 7.540 1902 60 61 379 117,885.29 3.120 Woman’s Dorm. 1903 50 02 393 123,725.77 1904 89 65 415 117,716.99 ?allerson-£xp.5w.lsiW‘lng Additional Income 1905 70 04 412 123,092.13 Barker Hall 1900 70 07 437 133,997.90 1907 79 70 405 175,037.00 40.000 ‘f‘ruzeeHalI-MiningLab. NumedSlaleUniv. 1908 101 82 477 189,708.97 Agr. Bldg. "Museum IAcademy Abol'drApprop. HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT Development of the University 1909- 1955 E u: “)9 ' >« 8 2.12 11% a fie 8:99 I; {F} 1415 ”BE 41 E45 Dd g3 INCOME LAND BUILDINGS LAWS 4; 1+1 >‘Z g; [-4 z: E§< (Dollars) (Acres) (Permanent Onlg) (Few ofthemore Z a 14] 9< (I) M *1 Importanl) # 1909 85 100 457 263,212.57 i’enceHull-NorwoodHall *_ .5, _1910 105 108 473 227,880.53 .800 Kastle Hall,1st.Wing 55:21 1911 104 101 582 3,000 267,205.98 .630 ‘95, E 1912 128 117 754 2,000 425,175.00 40.270 Appropriafion E}; 51913 140 138 826 4,528 560,448.91 20.000 fipfitafionAddilion Br; 59] 1914 155 143 855 20,347 462,847.06 Alumni oan.9/'Trus. .531 131915 173 151 951 581 481,522.27 21.500 :0 lg 1916 180 154 986 782 487,694.82 Agrixt,-NamedU.K. 1917153 163 998 2,631 543,366.58 13.640 1918 104 168 719 2,332 635,970.96 1.250 Board ofTrustees 1919 109 172 1179 257 1,056,556.96 29.300 1920 157 194 1068 6,463 1,013,750.39 .080 1921 160 222 1259 3,047 1,200,485.19 1.140 Bradley Hall 1922 233 234 1472 2,515 1,311,678.40 .110 Board (y‘Trustees 1923 255 250 1752 5,263 1,374,695.65 14,495,000 EminenlDomain 1924 312 263 1965 5,341 1,301,248.09 539.580 AlumniGgmrStudium Agr'l.5ub‘51ation 1925 369 283 2273 7,488 1,531,262.18 60.240 Boyd Hall 1926 403 293 2327 4,493 1,717,250.46 103.240 Teacher'sCertificates 511927 409 322 2485 6,264 2,105,644.82 .860 I?) 1928 454 336 3702 8,465 2,256,464.40 69.960 McVeg Hall AmortizationPlan E5 2 1929 512 343 3782 9,208 2,528,354.23 .600 {Memorial-EduaBldg. g ”g 1930 642 351 4251 8,254 2,772,737.96 111.580 lBreckenridge-Kinkeucl ._ D2 1931 589 366 4845 10,369 2,809,584.36 Library-DairgProd'ts. 5 q 1932 649 380 4992 14,959 2,358,724.04 Observatory-Agingnfildg. x :2 1933 602 380 4058 19,920 1,908,848.02 ‘0\ E, 1934 553 387 3822 9.775 1,860,578.92 24.032 Reorganization 171 1: 1935 565 400 4238 20,262 2,122,576.23 E 1936 635 426 5195 17,711 2,538,022.23 .310 1. 1937 696 470 5218 16,483 2,561,134.03 25.337 Student Union :3 1938 774 459 5741 20,889 2,665,169.04 Engr. Quadrangle 5 1939 802 460 5900 20,600 3,126,078.03 lajfertyHQII-Jewellflull _l_1940 791 479 5936 25,961 3,248,620.86 9.660 CentrulHealingYIQnt 3 1941 834 478 6242 22,701 3,370,405.25 Aeronautical]?es'ch.1.ah C 1942 760 514 5145 18,019 3,702,236.45 .260 lHomefc.’Biol.5ci. g 1943 544 511 4168 15,103 4,422,122.26 9.869 HighwagResearch g 1944 341 502 3212 16,310 5,118,252.34- .225 CoalResearch Lab. [5 1945 332 553 3156 14,830 4,456,567.83 .086 . 3 1946 554 585 6105 15,952 4,868,575.21 .158 ’2' 1947 992 672 8946 24.674 7,019,193.75 g 19481311 673 9991 28,973 8,528,871.45 .62 lAnimalPuthflairgCenter {TrusteesTenndOffice 5 19491.809 74310110 28,883 9,035,379.08 .165 BowmanHall Regional Compact of I: 19502125 80510169 31,584 8,859,114.98 .344 rfineAr‘l’s 4 SouthernSlates 1951 12216 a6'915 30,810 9,103,779.69 .907 MemoriallColieeum S1alulorySalurgLimit and 19521382 7900 30,685 9,249,704.22 316.748 fig;‘;f;£:‘dm9 P:j:::;‘cijfj§§;mm 19531203 7330 30,450 9.212.357.02 .086 TwoSmall Dormitories toBom‘dofTrustees 19541156 7313 44,433 9,754,914.51 1.898 SixSmuII Dormitories tsmflh-Lmrliilmmnded 19551.192 7861 31,47010,582,428.85 1.307 Donovan Ha“ gifg,§gfi:{:3‘f’£‘"c°' J_ 1956 Keenela'nd Hall atchAct Amended. *- Federal Law 1* 111. Thomas?oe Cooper,ActtngPresident #- domes Kyulfzrson ##- Figures prior to 1951 are based on the calendar year, those after1951 are on fiscal orschool gear. Hence only June figure is given For1951. 4H”? - Does not include Northern Center. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY General Administrative Officers . VICE COMPTROLLER 012 DEAN 0? THE PRESIDENT ?RESIDENT BUSINESS AGENT UNIVERSITY REGISTRAR *John B.Bowman,Regent John B. BQWmcm, Keniuckg Univ. ,1866‘1878 Business Agent “JohnAWilliams, '66-'68 Kentucky University **Jos.De5haPicke11:68:59 1866 — 1878 *HamesK.Patierson.'69-78 , . 1878 James KPatierson ’ - 1878-1910 1890 ’ ’ John Shacklg/ord H 1889 - 1899 James G.White ' ' ' ' 1893 - 1900 1900 ' ' dohn H.Neville ViciorMuncg,1900*'01 ' I 1899 - 1908 David Cfrazee, 1901 -'11 Mary Hodges, 1902304 ' , ' r . ' ' Harriet Hodges, 1904305 :14: ' 1 James GWhite,1909-13 9* iHE ' ' Margaret King. 1905'10 1910 Henry 5.Bo‘rker ' ' ' ' ’ ’ 1910 - 1917 . ' W.TLaf/erig. 1911 {13 Ezra L Giliis, 191037 411* H ngel Davies,1913-15 ' ' E‘ankL‘McVeg. 1917- '40 D.Howard¥eak,1916-:41 ' ' 1920 ' ' i i , , 1930 1 v . . ., » . LeoMLhumberiamev-Ze 1940 Thus}? Cooper,Acting,1940-¥11 - 1 , , Herman LDonovan, 1941:56 fiankm’eierson,Comptroller Henry HHill , 1941-42 ' ' v , LeoM. Chamberlain . Deal .1946‘ 1941 — r 1 LeoM.Chamberlain .1942346 Maurice 52ag,Dec1,1946"50 Maurice Seag, Dec.1946"49 1950 , . , , , , a a 2: Lee Sprowles 1949 351 ’ ' ’ ' “a: ' ' RichardLTuihiH , 1951-54 I ' Y ' Vice‘fieahusfidm. ApriH955 Robert L.Mills , 1954‘ 1960 *-Regen1, Fawers and Duiies prresiden’t. ~1101647residing %cers Equivalent toDeans. *afif—Williclm T. Laffer‘tg,Compiroller‘, 1908-1916. # - James G.White.AciingPresident , Summer cy“ 1910. ice Aboiished . June .1950. ##** 'Change in title effective Mug1,1955. ## 'Paul P. Boyd , ActingPresident , Summer 9/ 1917. uua- fo HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT General Administrative Officers m LIBRARIAN DEAN or WOMEN DEAN or MEN D112.-H£ALTH SERVICE DIRECTOR-EXTENSION 1878 1880 6.DBuckner Medical Examiner 1880- Joseph Wm.Prg or 189 0 University thsician 1887 ‘ 1920 19 0 0 ' ' Mrs.¥‘lorence O. Stout f ; . 1907 - 1910 . I 1910 Mggaret LKinq 1910-49 Anna J.Hamilton ’ ' l I I ..“~-.. ..~.. 1910 -1918 Josephine 5111111111 1919-1921 James ewinge 1912-1913 ColumbuslMslcher 1914-1933 . v. 1! II «a t I I I l ‘rmq K.Holmes 1920-1924 WellingtonFut’rick 1919-1934 1920 , . cesJewell 1921—1923 , . . ’ ' h 1 ~ _ I ** I ; I y I: an “landing 19231941 : JamesERLish 1924-1928 ;; l I f C I John Sharp Chambers 1 j 1930 ' ' ' . I 1928- , . 1 I C ' T.Tdones 1933~1947 ; , j ; i I i . 1 1 C 1 *"Louis Clifton 1935-34 1940 : : : . : . : : : : . Mrs.Sarah Holmes 1941- . I , a '. I '. i 1 ' l _. I 1 C : LawrenceSThampsunJ948 I I A.D.erwan 1947 54 I I .' . 1950 i , . . 1:33;: , . , l I 1 1 I ' I I 1 1 1 1 1 l . ' ' . j I niece ’ ’ , , , , Leslie L.Mart1n,1954 ~ , , LymanV. Ginger,1954 ' I l ' ’ I I I 1 i I 1960 1* Director of University Libraries -1948. 33* Miss Virginia Frankie, Acting Dean .1925 -'26. 13”“ Title changed to Dean QfStudents, 1950. ‘* first dispensary in 1919 with Dr. Geo. HVVilson, two hours per week, and afull-time nurse ,Departmeni organized in 1920 with Dr.17.K.Holmes.Director. and two dispensary physicians. t” DnWm.N. Lipscomb was acting director,1923-Z4—. Hat? Acting Director, 1932-33 , 1934‘35. u" T1112 changed to Dean oi‘Aduit and Extension Education. 10 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY Life Chart of the Colleges AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE 1866-1908 51m: OF KENTUCKY OF KENTUCKY UNIVER‘ UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY 1878-1908 SITY 1916 _ 1866 ' 1878 1908-1916 *A-ricult re _ 1941 **Mechanical Engi nearing — _ 1391 CivilEnginee ing Engineering Mining Engin .I A.&M.Colle e a: - 1866 1901 1918 Classical Arts and Sciences Scientific _ l l 1 1 1 : LEGEND Normal l l l Education 1:]Deparlmeni 1 . _ 1889 1909 - 1911 1923 E College or School Law 1908 — Commerce 1925 E 08 :13 1* Pharmacg 2'9 2 2 19'47 an“ Graduate School 1912 1924 #4fi Adult and Exl'n. Education 1954 ##9## Medicine 1954 g A I 1 1 . CL 23 g, r O O O O E g a 3 .5. 3 3 5 3 53 *- - Name changed to College of' Agricullure and Home Economics in 1941. **~ In 1908,name changed 10 Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. 4‘ 4ME ~ From1916 lo 1924,1112 Graduate School was in charge of‘ a Committee rather lhan a Dean. #1 Organized, 1870; charlered,1873 ; became a College of' lhe Universilg of‘ Kentucky, 1947. #HF- Became a College in 1954-, ##417- College of Medicine will open in 1959. HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT 11 Deans of the Colleges ENGINEERING ARTS AND SCIENCES GR AD _ YEAR AGRICUL— CIVIL MECHAN- MINING CLASS} SCIEN- EDUCA- LAW COM~ PHAR- UATE TURE ICAL CAL TIFIC TION MERCE MACY SCHOOL J.H.Conpell Wm. A.L. 1889 1889190 Newbrough J.H.Nev111e JGWhite Peterm cm W.B.St_ark MALPence F12 1589-'05 1889308 RNRogrk 1890-92 1890-92 Andereon " " 1890- 05 CWMuthews J.P.Ne150n 1892~ 18 “ H " 1392-10 1892-97 ~ ,, .. ., y: JyBrQOks II '7 II II 1900 ~ 1897-06 ~ ~ ~ ~ " " " CJNon’Nood " ’ ' ' ' n .. u 1902.15 .. ,. ,. II II II 1! II II Mwbfie ” WERo'we " " " " 1905- 08 W.T. ., 1906-17 .. ~ ,. ~ .. Luffefig II H II n l’ I] ' 1/ 1908-22 1910 MAScovell " ” " A.M.M'x1ler 1908-17 LESnow ., 1910-‘12 ,, ,. ,. ~ 1909 -’11 ,, As. JHKastle " " " " " Muckepzie 1912-‘16 ,, .. ,, ,, .. 1912-16 TECooper " " " " 1 " 1917-31 " " ' " {7.17. Boyd 1917- 47 " 1920 ” FPAnder‘son 1918-34 " " " " H W. 5, Cd. " ' ' " Taglor Turck ,, ~ ~ 1923 -'49 1924 -'27 £.Wies+ E.Wiest ” " " H " 1925-745 1924-25 " ' ' ' ' ' ' Afivcms ' ' W D. u ,. ~ ,. 1927 - ’48 ,. Funkhouser 1930 " " " '1 " " 1925— ,. J.H.6rahc1m1935—’46 ,. n ,, ~ ., 1940 I v I l I l I I II II I I " D.V.Terrell 1946 - M.M.White 1947- " " " ERSIOIIQ " " ' - ., .. Elvis J.Sta}7r CCCarpufler 1947- LAFardue 1950 " ' ' " F CiDickey 1946 1948 ' ' 1948 — 1950 E Welch I r ' . Dec.1949 '1 H ' ' H.£.Spiv¢zg 1951- .- I' I' " " I' 1950‘ I I 1 I I I I) II II I I l1 l I ’ ' II I, 7’ I, I I I I I I l i I I II n I I I I y y 12 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY Degrees Awarded in Graduate School and Undergraduate Colleges, 1869 - l9l 6 112510111 GRADUATE T011111 ART5 AND ENGINEERING EDUCATION AGRICULTURE LAW COMMERCE PHARMACY TGTAL SCHOOL CHilOR SCIENCES flkNEDONORARYDiGRiiSM W M W M W M W M W M W M W 1889 1 1 1 1870 1 1 1 1871 1 I 1 1872 1873 1874 4 4 1875 1 1 1878 1 1 1877 3 1 2 2 1878 2 2 2 1879 4 4 4 1880 4 4 4 1881 1 1 1 1882 6 6 6 1883 2 2 2 1884 6 6 6 1885 8 2 6 6 1886 4 1 3 3 1887 2 2 2 1888 8 1 2 5 4 1 1889 5 5 4 1 1890 8 8 5 2 1 1891 5 5 3 1 1 1892 14 2 12 7 4 1 1893 14 14 7 1 3 2 1 1894 20 1 19 8 4 5 1 1 1895 20 20 1o 7 3 1898 18 3 2 13 7 1 5 1897 34 o 28 11 7 8 1 1 1898 23 3 20 9 3 6 1 1 1899 31 3 28 11 5 10 2 1900 34 4 1 29 10 5 13 1 1901 44 4 4o 12 6 15 5 1 1 1902 60 10 1 49 11 29 6 2 1 1903 56 9 47 9 13 23 1 1 1904 89 14 1 74 23 14 31 4 1 1 1905 76 19 57 5 1o 38 4 1906 78 11 3 64 6 14 4o 1 3 1907 79 5 4 7o 9 17 38 1 5 1908101 13 3 85 12 17 52 2 2 1909 85 7 7 71 18 11 40 2 1910 105 8 5 92 6 11 42 3 1 3 26 1911104 20 6 78 5 3 48 6 3 5 1 9 1912128 24 11 93 11 13 41 5 23 1913140 18 8 114 18 11 39 6 1o 12 2 18 1914155 20 6 129 24 11 35 5 6 18 30 1915173 14 5 154 10 9 45 5 15 34 8 28 1918180 18 15 147 27 11 31 1 4 11 28 8 26 HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT 13 Degrees Awarded in Graduate School and Undergraduate Colleges, 1917 - 1955 YEAR 61111111 GRADUATE [EMAIL A1275 AND ENGINEERING EDUCATION GRICUL’I‘URE LAW COMMERCE PHARMACY Tom SCHOOL 1011an SCIENCES & HOME EC. 1111211211 11110111111 Drems M w M w M W M w M w M w M w 1917153 11 2 140 17 10 43 4 10 36 5 14 1 1918104 8 96 7 12 25 4 11 20 6 11 1919109 7 2 100 18 19 28 2 7 9 13 4 1920157 8 149 24 27 30 23 16 27 2 1921160 11 2 147 35 24 37 2 5 14 13 16 1 1922 233 16 2 215 52 62 52 19 14 16 1923 255 24 3 228 52 51 51 39 18 16 1 1924 312 18 294 71 78 54 1 6 9 31 20 23 1 1925369 32 3 334 80 98 41 23 29 22 19 20 2 1926 403 37 366 72 88 65 21 37 21 20 16 1 25 1927409 39 3 367 82 78 42 40 46 27 17 18 17 1926454 53 401 81 99 55 21 6o 19 23 21 22 1929512 65 447 83 91 53 4o 75 29 26 15 34 1 1930642 101 2 539 93 107 64 1 34 126 34 18 24 38 1931589 99 490 101 94 63 26 89 30 24 28 1 33 1 1932 649 127 2 520 122 114 58 1 34 87 27 18 23 32 4 1933 602 116 3 483 101 83 62 1 35 80 25 21 21 1 48 5 1934553 101 452 77 83 65 34 73 25 13 23 1 52 6 1935565 76 489 97 111 41 1 34 83 29 21 27 39 6 1936635 106 529 108 93 49 29 94 27 23 25 72 9 1937696 150 2 544 127 98 60 34 83 29 26 21 56 10 1938774 142 632 116 100 56 1 39 83 55 43 36 1 84 18 1939802 157 2 643 101 97 58 33 92 61 59 38 1 82 21 1940791 172 4 615 110 80 41 36 109 68 46 28 1 78 18 19411134 187 647 112 91 58 35 104 89 47 30 61 20 1942 760 111 16 633 89 103 87 1 29 91 76 68 23 1 50 15 1943 541 82 459 89 100 50 14 63 37 45 13 3 37 8 1944 341 60 4 277 36 90 20 2 52 2 48 5 6 16 1945332 55 3 274 25 97 7 1 5 39 6 45 3 1 9 36 1946554 90 5 459 54 150 11 1 20 62 36 47 18 3 26 31 1947 992 166 3 823 150 173 72 6 43 72 82 43 31 112 28 8 3 19481311 202 5 1104 198 171 146 3 53 77 131 38 74 2 164 20 22 5 19491809 271 5 1533 247 159 300 56 88 184 48 82 1 287 25 51 5 1950 2125 359 6 1760 302 127 406 1 93 120 202 48 66 3 277 19 92 4 T951 1216 140 4 1172 162 86 212 1 65 70 145 34 60 1 155 19 58 4 19521332 342 7 1033 144 106 165 1 67 98 162 36 45 2 141 19 45 2 19531203 303 6 894 128 94 108 — 58 92 158 40 22 1 118 30 43 — 19541158 297 2 859 126 101 129 — 44 115 93 51 28 2 110 25 34 1 19551192 323 7 862 142 86 139 — 34 107 95 44 28 1 118 33 31 # Figures prior lo 1.951 are éasea’an lfie ca/ena'ar gear, Wfii/e lfiase afler [05/ are an fib‘ca/ ar sebao/year. [Vance an/g June figures drag/Ire” bere. 14 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY Advanced Degrees by Major Fields of Interest 1876-1955 MS. M.A. .LL.M. in in in D. PhD. M.of‘ MS Ed Ed. H. CE. M.£. BE. MWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMMWMWM l 89 5 14- l 1949 270 49 24 39 a 29 950 359 52 28 64 1a 951 136 17 12 1o 4 19 .1952 341 47 36 43 1 25 1953 301 20 55 o 25 1954 297 19 19 13 69 5311 2.: 4 1955 323 15 19 16 74 6619 13 3 *flyum: priar [0 £9.71 are Aasea’ an the ca/ena/ar year, wfii/p M052 a/7erl95/ am an [is ca/ ar scéaa/ gear: Mac: only (lune figures amg/i/en/zere. HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT 15 Bachelor’s Degrees by College, Sex, and Major Field of Interest, l869- l916 “$111110 COLLEGE OF COLLEGE or COLLEGE OF COLLEGE 012 COL. 0F : £1112 OTAL ARTS AND SCIENCES ENGINEERING EDUCATION AGRICULTURE LAW 13.5. AB. 135.111 “.5111 8.5m £5,111 8.5.111 1375.111 A.B.in 13751:: 8.5.111 LLB. indflwm CE. ME. EM. M213. Ed. Ed, Agr. HE. 1 MWMWMWTolalMWM M M Total'MWMWTotalM MWTotalMW: 1869 1 1 1 1870 1 1 1 1871 1 1 1 1872 1873 1874 4 4 1875 1 1 1 1876 1877 2 2 2 1878 2 2 2 1879 4 4 4 1880 4 4 4 1881 1 1 1 1882 6 1 5 5 1883 2 1 1 2 1884 6 6 6 1885 6 5 1 6 1886 3 1 2 3 1887 2 1 1 2 1888 5 4 1 5 1889 5 3 1 1 5 1890 8 4 2 1 7 1 1 1891 5 31 4 1 1 1892 12 3 4 7 4 4 1 1 1893 14 6 1 1 8 2 1 3 2 1 3 1894 19 4 4 4 12 1 4 5 1 1 2 1895 20 5 6 5 1 17 1 2 3 1896 13 1 1 6 8 1 4 5 1897 28 5 7 6 18 8 8 1 1 2 1898 20 3 6 3 12 6 6 1 1 1 1 1899 28 6 2 5 3 16 4 6 1o 2 2 1900 29 6 3 4 2 15 3 1O 13 1 1 1901 40 7 3 5 3 18 3 12 15 5 1 6 1 1 1902 49 2 9 11 7 22 29 6 2 8 1 1 1903 47 4 4 5 9 22 4 19 23 1 1 1 1 1904 74 14 6 9 8 37 1o 20 31 4 1 5 1 1 1905 57 2 5 3 5 15 9 27 2 38 4 4 1906 64 3 4 310 20 1o 3O 40 1 3 3 1907 70 4 4 513 26 22 16 38 1 5 5 1908 85 5 717 29 16 33 3 52 2 2 2 1909 71 6 412 7 29 11 27 2 40 2 2 1910 89 3 2 3 9 17 22 16 4 42 2 1 1 4 3 26 1911783 23 8112510 463231951 69 1912 93 4 5 7 8 24 16 21 4 41 5 5 23 1913114 5 2 9 9 4 2912 22 5 39 1 1 5 9 1612 2 1416 1914129 3 11210 9 35 11 20 2 2 35 4 5 2 11 18 18 30 1915154 1 6 9 3 19 8 34 3 45 5 510 20 34 8 42 28 1916147 2 11610 9 38 8 221 1 32 1 410 15 28 2 6 36 26 *Yrior 16 1918 the S was omiNed 91* l’rior 10 1908 11118 was Bfed. orB.5.inP¢d. «um Friar 10 1907 this was B. Agr. only dune figures are given flare. 16 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY Bachelor’s Degrees by College, Sex, and MCIJOI‘ Fleld of Interest, 1917—1955 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 112111 13.5. A.B. 5.5.111 AB in B.S.in B.S.in 5.5.113 Total B.5.in 3.5.171 5.5.171 B.S.in B.S.in B.S.ir1 Total 11111566618611: 14116161181666.8658. CE. ME. EM. Met.E. EE. AE. M W M W M W M W M W M W M W M W M W M W M W M W M W 1917 2 1o 9 3 1 2 2714 22 7 43 1918 1 5 12 1 19 3 20 2 25 1919 1 1o 17 5 3 1 37 4 23 1 28 1920 7 2 13 25 4 51 9 19 2 30 192110 20 20 5 2 2 59 7 20 6 4 37 1922 6 142 61 2 2 11417 31 3 1 52 1923 2 48 48 2 3 103 15 26 7 3 51 1924 8 60 78 3 14913 1 29 9 3 55 1925 3 75 97 1 1 1 17816 18 3 4 41 1926 4 1 66 86 2 1 160 24 37 3 1 65 1927 7 1 71 76 4 1 160 15 26 1 42 1928 9 1 66 98 6 18019 30 2 4 55 1929 8 2 72 88 3 1 17413 36 4 53 193017 2 72102 4 3 200 18 44 1 2 65 1931 16 1 76 85 7 2 8 195 20 38 3 2 63 1932 24 5 88102 8 2 7 236 14 1 34 2 8 59 1933 27 4 66 75 7 1 1 3 184 13 43 1 2 4 63 193415 6 57 65 4 1 3 9 160 18 36 1 1o 65 193514 5 8o 98 2 1 1 7 208 11 28 1 2 42 1936 24 5 78 82 4 1 1 1 4 1 201 16 13 1 6 13 49 1937 32 8 78 8212 1 2 3 3 3 1 225 13 24 3 5 14 1 60 1938 31 7 73 86 7 1 3 5 1 2 216 13 19 1 2 2 18 2 57 1939 34 5 55 77 6 1 3 2 3 7 5 198 22 17 1 7 11 58 1940 29 5 62 62 8 8 2 1 2 2 9 190 11 7 7 7 9 41 194135 10 59 62 9 3 2 2 6 4 11 20318 13 2 9 16 58 1942 41 9 42 84 1 2 2 1 3 2 5 192 32 1 21 2 13 19 88 1943 27 8 53 77 4 3 3 2 5 7 189 10 20 2 5 13 50 1944 23 1o 7 58 3 1 5 1 5 1 6 6 126 9 5 2 4 20 ‘1945 91112 614 4 4 13 4122 21 2 3 8 194618 14 33108 2 1 7 4 12 5 204 2 1 1 1 7 '12 1947 55 18 79108 1 1 13 9 2 4 21 12 32313 3 19 1 1 5 34 2 78 1948 86 21 75107 9 21 18 4 7 3 6 12 369 45 2 44 1 3 8 46 149 1949102 12 96100 11 1 32 6 3 4 3 23 13 406 65 82 5 20 128 300 I1950 85 11150 80 1o 49 7 4 8 4 13 8 429 94 142 1 12 21 137 407 1951 63 10 71 58 1 20 7 5 4 2 5 2 248 57 1 57 23 14 61 213 1952 64 10 54 71 1 20 3 2 8 3 6 8 250 58 1 44 16 5 42 166 195340 8 69 68 3 11 3 4 8 1 9 224 39 22 1o 3 34 108 1954 45 9 63 61 4 9 8 5 10 13 227 56 29 9 5 30 129 1955 51 9 76 53 6 5 6 12. 1 7 228 58 41 6 5 29 139 2* ~ Changed foB. af‘Masic in 1.951. *1: - Figure: prior to [95] or? based on #29 calendar year, while [hose af/er 1.95] are an fiscal or school year. [fence HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT 17 Bachelor’s Degrees by College, Sex, and Major Field of Interest, 1917- 1955 Continued EDUCATION A612. asc HOME EC. ~ LAW COMMERCE PHARMACY BS. in AB. in B5. in 3.5. in B.S.'1n BS. in Y£AR Education Educofion TOTAL Agriculture Home Econ. TOTAL LLB. TOTAL Commerce TOTAL 17harmacg M w M w M w M w M w M w M w 1917 1 4— 9 14 3 6 1 4 41 14 1 15 1918 3 4 8 15 20 6 26 1 1 1 1 1919 2 7 9 9 1 12 22 4 4 1920 23 16 39 27 Z 29 1921 2 5 7 14 13 27 16 1 17 1922 19 1 13 33 1 6 16 1923 39 1 17 57 1 6 1 17 1924 6 9 15 31 1 19 51 23 1 24 1925 23 29 52 22 1 18 41 2 0 2 22 1926 21 37 58 21 20 41 16 1 17 25 25 1927 40 46 86 27 2 15 44 18 18 17 17 1928 21 60 81 19 23 42 21 21 22 22 1929 40 75 115 29 26 55 15 15 34 1 35 1930 34 126 160 34 18 52 24 24 38 38 1931 26 89 115 30 24 54 28 1 29 33 1 34 1932 34 87 121 27 18 45 23 23 32 4 36 1933 35 80 115 25 21 46 21 1 22 48 5 53 1934 34 73 107 25 13 38 23 1 24 52 6 58 1935 34 83 117 29 21 50 27 27 39 6 45 1936 29 94 123 27 23 50 25 25 72 9 81 1937 34 83 117 29 26 55 21 21 56 10 66 1938 39 83 122 55 43 98 3 6 1 37 84 18 102, 1939 33 92 125 61 59 120 38 1 39 82 21 103 1940 36 109 145 68 46 114 28 1 29 78 18 96 1941 35 104 139 89 1 46 136 30 3O 61 20 81 1942 29 91 120 76 68 144 23 1 24 50 1 5 65 1943 14 63 77 37 45 82 13 .3 16 37 8 45 1944 2 52 54 2 1 47 50 5 5 6 16 22 1945 5 39 44 6 45 51 3 1 4 9 36 45 1946 20 62 82 36 47 83 18 3 21 26 31 57 1947 43 72 115 82 4 39 125 31 31 112 28 140 8 3 1948 53 77 130 131 3 35 169 74 2 76 164 20 184 22 5 1949 56 88 144 184 1 47 232 82 1 83 287 25 312 51 5 4950 93 120 213 202 1 47 250 66 3 69 277 19 296 92 4 1951 65 70 135 145 2 32 179 60 1 61 155 19 174 58 4 1952 67 98 165 162 1 35 198 45 2 47 141 19 160 45 2 1953 58 92 150 158 1 39 198 22 1 23 118 30 148 43 1954 44 115 159 93 1 50 144 28 2 30 110 25 135 34 1 1955 34 107 141 95 2 42 139 28 1 29 118 33 151 31 4 # - Figures prior lo 195] are based on 1772 calendar year, wfii/e I/Iase affer 1951 are an fisca/ or schoo/ year: Hence only dune figures are given here. 18 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY Honorary and Professional Degrees 1876—1955 HONORARY Dzauzs Draws m Enemzmzme M.A. LLM. ME. LLD. Sc. D” . ME. CE. EE. E. EM. MWMWMWMWMWMWMW MWMWMWMWMW 9% - 1 MS. 4*” Doctor of Letters HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT 19 Summary 01‘ Totals 01‘ Degrees Awarded by Type, College, and Sex, 1866—1955 DEQREE MEN WOMEN TOTAL DEGREE MEN WOMEN TOTAL ARTS & SCIENCES DOCTORS B. 5. 1.234 320 1,554 Ed. D. 29 2 31 A.B. 2,509 2,962 5471 Ph. D. 191 24 215 13.5. 111 Ind. Chem. 198 8 206 Dr. Eng. 2 2 A. B. in dour: 212 112 324 7616115 222 26 248 AB. In Music 4 4 8 ST 35. in Music 33 97 13 0 MA ERS B. of‘ Music 26 50 76 M S- 563 93 655 B. s. in Medrrech. 26 176 202 £1; 1'01? 585 1'60; 13.3. in L116. Sci. 70 7o - ,- Totals 4,242 3,799 8,04 1 M'A- .m in 822 546 1'3 68 M. s. m Ed. 113 44 157 ENGINEERING M s. In CE. 37 37 'BS in CE. 1,083 13 1,096 M25135; 3’ 1 2f 3.5. in ME. 1,578 5 1,583 M- ' W - - 2 135. in EM. 192 192 M- 5- .1“ M“- E 25 28 15.5. in Met.E 201 201 M‘ 5' 3“ EM 6 6 13.5. in E13. 665 2 667 MS in A9“ 3“ 1 3’12 'BS mAE 3 3 MS. m HE. 44 44 ‘ ' ' ' M. S. in Vu'b. H 32 7 39 .Totcxls 3,722 20 3.742 M. S. in B.Adm. 28 1 29 EDUCATION M.S. .in L.s._ 5 22 27 8.5m Ed. 34 26 60 MS" m MUSIC 4 H 15 AB. 'm Ed. 1,189 2,443 3,632 Tom‘s 3022 1555 4-3 77 Totals 1,223 2,4 69 3,692 PROFESSIONAL AGRICULTURE AND E: is: 132 HOME EcoNOMIcs BE 42 42 13.5. in Agr: 2,3 25 31 2,356 Met. E 15 15 13.5. in HE. 1,194 1,194 E.M 18 18 Totals 2,325 1,2 25 3,550 Totals 296 296 LAW HONORARY 14.43.1115 9 1 10 LL. B. 1,195 34 1,229 MM“ Ed. 1 1 COMMERCE LLM. 3 3 13.5. In Com. 2.377 454 2,831 M351 1 1 LL.D. 134 7 141 YHARMACY Sc. D. 19 19 BS. In Phor‘ 384 28 412 D. Eng. 3 3 L11. D. 1 1 1 12 TOTAL- BACHELORS 15,468 8,029 23.49 7 Tom. 5 181 9 19 0 TOTALS 28,418 — 19,008 Men, 9,410 Women GRAND TOTAL(Incl.Hon.) 28,608 a 19,189 .. 9,419 n