xt7v416szc2k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v416szc2k/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1953062 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1953-06-jun2. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1953-06-jun2. 1953 2011 true xt7v416szc2k section xt7v416szc2k Irregularities Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, June 2, 1953. The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in the Presi- dentt s Office at 10:00 a. mn., CST, Tuesday, June 2, 1953, with the following members present: Governor Lawrence W. Wetherby, Chairman; Guy A. Huguelet, Mrs. Paul G. Blazer, Harper Gatton, R. P. Hobson, J. C. Everett, Herndon J. Evans, Paul M. Basham and Carl Dempewolfe. Absent were: Wendell P. Butler, Thomas A. Ballantine, Ben S. Adams, M. W. Moore, Smith D. Broadbent, Jr., and H. D. Palmore. Present also were Vice President Leo M. Chamberlain and Secretary Frank D. Peterson. A. Approval of Minutes. On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the Board of Trustees of April 7, 1953, and the minutes of the Executive Committee of April 24 and May 16, 1953, were approved as published. B. Budget Changes. Doctor Chamberlain submitted list of changes in the University budget amounting to a net increase of $ 1, 500. 00, and recommended that the increased appropriations be authorized. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Comptroller was authorized to make the necessary budget adjustments to reflect an increase in the appropriations for Account 260 and Account 1410 of $1, 500. 00, and the list was ordered filed with the Secretary. C. Purchase of Lot on Prall Street. Doctor Chamberlain reported that he had received a recommendation from Comptroller Frank D. Peterson that the University purchase a vacant lot on Prall Street opposite the junction of Winnie Street, The lot is approx- imately 32' x 100'. Members of the Board discussed the advisability of purchasing the vacant lot for the sunm of $ 800. 00. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Comptroller was directed to complete the transaction, purchase the lot for the sum of $ 800. 00, and pay for same from the Haggin Fund. D. Report on Dairy Barn Fire. Doctor Chamberlain read to the Board a communication from the Comptrol- ler reporting a fire on May 24, 1953, at the Dairy Barn. June 1. 1953 Dr. H. L. Donovan, President University of Kentucky My dear President Donovan: This is to report a fire on May 24 at the Dairy Barn. This barn was constructed during 1947-48. The general construction con- tract amounted to $ 140, 525. 84. It was used by the Dairy Section of the Animal Industries Department of the Agricultural Experiment Station. It is under the supervision of Dr. D. M. Seath, Professor of Dairy Husbandry in charge of the Dairy Section. Mr. Garland Bastin is the superintendent in charge of the building. He has been in this capacity for four years. At the time of the fire the following persons were in or near the building: 1. Garland Bastin, Superintendent of the Dairy Barn. 2. Newman Bastin, Hardyville, Kentucky, who through the week-end was visiting his brother, Garland. 3. Ora Florence, a farm hand. 4. Jack Miller, Student. 5. Bill Poor, Student. 6. John Woeste. These persons had been doing the feeding and milking of approximately 50 cows and the feeding and watering of approximate- ly 30 calves. Mr. Garland Bastin and Mr. Newman Bastin arrived at the barn at about 6:10 a m. , C. D. T. They went through the office, picked up experiment test record on eleven calves be- ing fed on the second floor of the Dairy barn. They went up the stairway. Mr. Newman Bastin turned on the electric lights. Each stated that he saw into the east and south wings of the barn loft and everything was all right. They did not smell smoke nor see fire. They then went to the south wing where the, fed milk and bran to four calves and took the usual record on the calves. Mr. Newman Bastin watered these calves. Mr. Garland Bastin stated that he heard some noise that sounded as if something was burning. He came from the south wing, looked into the east wing, and there he noted that a rick of baled straw was in flames from the top down to about middle-way of the rick. He stated that the rick 3 of straw was approximately twelve feet high. He yelled that the barn was on fire and ran down the steps to turn in the alarm. By the time Newman Bastin came from the south wing to where he could see in the east wing the fire, according to his statement, had fairly well en- aulfed the entire east wing. At about this time Mr. Ora Florence saw smoke coming from the windows on the south side of the east wing. Mr. Jack Miller had gone across the road to get another cow to milk, and on the way back he noticed smoke coming from the windows on the north side of the east wing. Both men ran to give the alarm, but learned that Mr. Bastin had already done so. An investigation was held in President Donovan' s office. Present were, the writer, Dean Frank J. Welch; Fire Chief, Earl P. McDaniel; Deputy Fire Chief, Steve Logan; and Mrs. Ena Whitis, Stenographer, who took the statement of each witness who was present. Each of the above-named persons who was in or near the barn was individually questioned separately. A stenographic copy of the statement of each one involved was made. Fire Chief McDaniel agreed to continue the investigation of the fire. After hearing the evidence of those in or about the barn, we came to the conclusion that the fire started because of some failure on the part of the electrical wiring, or it was deliberately set on fire, since there was no evidence of any fire anywhere in the second floor of the barn at ten minutes past 6:00 a. m. , and by twenty to twenty- five minutes after 6:00 a. m. the entire east wing was in flames. The wiring of this building was all in conduit. There was, however, an outlet flush with the barn ceiling above the rick of straw. All of the feed in the loft was old feed, the straw having been placed in the barn last August. There was no new feed in the barn. We do not believe it could be internal combustion. There was an electric storm between 10:30 and 11:00 on Saturday night preceding the fire and some lightning and rain Sunday morning between 6:00 a. m. and 6:30 a m. We found no evidence that lightning had struck the building. The building was protected by lightning rods. Those questioned that had an opinion as to how the fire started thought it must have started because of some defect in the electric wiring. The representatives of the State Fire and Tornado Insurance Department visited the scene on Monday and agreed that if the Uni- versity decided to rebuild the upper portion of the Dairy barn, adjust- ment could await and be fixed by the contract bid for rebuilding the upper portion of the building and the replacement of materials, sup- plies, and equipment. The debris was immediately cleared and the Dairy continued to operate from Sunday night on. Plans for the rebuilding of the upper section of the building are available and specifications are now being rewritten which may be used for the request of bids for the rebuilding of the upper section. 4 The loft floor was a concrete slab, It prevented the first section from being damaged by fire and apparently it was not damaged by heat. Opinions of competent engineers will be secured. We recommend that the building be rebuilt imnmiediately and that authorization be given. R espectfully submitted, (Signed) Frank D. Peterson Comptrolle r. A discussion ensued and Board members being advised, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the report was received and the Department of Business Management and Control was authorized to proceed as speedily as possible to revise plans and specifications and cause the Dairy Barn to be rebuilt as soon as possible, with proceeds from insurance carried on the building, reasonable allowance for depreciation being considered. E. Report on New Men' s Residence Hall. Doctor Chamberlain reported that he had been advised by the Comptroller that plans and specifications for the residence hall for men, as revised, had received the approval. of state and local authorities necessary, and same had been delivered by the architect, John F. Wilson, to the University. Plans and specifications will be submitted to the Federal Home and Finance Agency, Chicago, Illinois, within the week. He stated that it would be necessary to await action of the regional office of the Federal Home and Finance Agency. He suggested that the University be given full authority to advertise for bids for the construction of the men, s residence hall, when cleared by the regional office of the Federal Home and Finance Agency. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the report was received and bLds authorized taken. F. Report on New Women' s Residence Hall. Doctor Chamberlain reported that plans and specifications for the women' s residence hall, north of Patterson Hall, had received final approval by the Regional Office of the Federal Home and Finance Agency, provided certain cGanges are made, which changes have been agreed to by the University. He stated that approval for loan of $ 722, 000. 00 to apply toward the construc- tion of this building had been approved and an agreement executed by the Fed- eral Government and authorities of the University. Application has been submitted to the State Property and Building Commission for a grant of $ 400, 000. 00, and advertisement for the construc- tion of this building must necessarily await action of the Kentucky State Property and Building Commission. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the report was received. G. Revision of Plans and Specifications for the Women' s Residence Hall Authorized. Doctor Chamberlain reported that it would be necessary to make certain revisions in the present plans of the women, s residence hall, and it would be necessary to re-write portions of the specifications, since the original plans and specifications were completed about two years ago. He stated that Frankel and C t.I3i:tis were the original architects onl this building and they had sub- mitted an offer to revise the plans and specifications to meet the Federal Home and Finance Agency requirements at a cost of $ 7. 00 per man-hour of work on the revision, not to exceed a maximum of $ 3, 200. 00, for the complete job of revising the plans and specifications, H. Report on the Progress of the Six Small Dormitories. Doctor Chamberlain reported that contract for the six small dormitories had been awarded to the Hargett Construction Company of Lexington, the exca- vation work and foundation footings had been completed, and the work was pro- gressing as scheduled. The sale and delivery of $ 710, 000. 00 revenue bonds had been consummated and funds transmitted to the State Treasurer. He stated that the architect had promised to complete work on these buildings by January, 1954, and five of the buildings had been rented to five fraternity house corporations, which lease contracts would be consummated within the next few months. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the report on the six small dormitories was authorized received. I. Scholarships for Foreign Students Aproved. Doctor Chamberlain reported recommendation of the Foreign Student Committee to award free-fee scholarships for the academic year 1953-54 to Elhan Kum Melahat B. Ahiskali Beria Berker. Doctor Chamberlain recommended that the request be granted. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, free-fee scholarships for the academic year 1953-54 were granted to Ilhan Kum, Melahat B. Ahis- kali and Beria Berker. J. Experiment Station and Agricultural Extension Budgets Approved. Doctor Chamberlain submitted budgets for the Agricultural Experiment Station and the Division of Agricultural Extension. He stated that these budgets had not been previously submitted because the amount the University would receive from Federal appropriations for the work of these divisions could not be ascertained at an earlier date. Copies of the budgets as prepared were distributed to members of the Board. The budgets detailed the appropria- tions by departments and personnel involved. Menbers of the Board ex- amined the budgets. Governor Wetherby, Chairman of the Board, asked if the budget appropriations would be seriously affected if state appropriations for the ensuing year were reduced. The Board was advised that these budgets had been prepared with the viewpoint of the appropriation for the ensuing year being reduced by a total of $ 115,000. 00. Members of the Board being duly advised, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the budgets for the University of Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station and the Agricultural Extension Division were authorized accepted as a basis of maximum expenditures for the year 1953-1954. The inclusion of the name of any person in each budget is not to be considered as a contract of employment, and the Board of Trustees or the Executive Committee shall be authorized to make such changes in these budgets as may from time to time be deemed necessary. K. Candidates for Degrees. Vice President Chamberlain submitted list of candidates for degrees at the 86th Annual Commencement exercises. He stated that the University Faculty had voted to recommend the persons' names to the Board of Trustees for the degrees indicated, and recommended that the Board concur in the recommendation of the Faculty. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts Eleanor Cook Addams Mildred Joyce Ahmann Patsy Elizabeth Bach Doreen Marie Banninger Herman Anderson Bays Carol Louise Bell Julia Ann Blood Naomi Ruth Browning Betty Saunders Buckley George Hunter Bush Claire Catherine Carlberg Annabel Dixon Caudill Michael Nicholas Cavaluzzi Bonnie Blanche Compton Norval Ray Copeland Dorothy Louise Daugherty Joseph Donald Daugherty John Ransford Davis, Jr. Clara Elizabeth Deen Kenneth Miracle Dix Richard Monroe Dorsey Eugene Lewis DuBow Bobby Keith Ducker Elizabeth Buchanan Erdman Alva Doris Ethington Phyllis Ann Faulkner Robert Gale Felton Ann Thomas Florence Jess Lewis Gardner Charles Williarm Garrity William Graham Glasscock Penrith Brine Goff Ralph Leon Goff Richard Alan Haas Joan Elliott Haffler Bessie Neal Hager Joann Elizabeth Hager James William Hancock Carl Compton Hoffman Paul Douglas Holleman Alcie Ann Howard Jeanne Hubbard Betty Carolyn Hume Ernestine Rhea Huston Henry James Irvin Martha Marilyn Jody Jane Welch Johnson William Robert Johnston Edward Austen Kane, Jr. Thomas George Kavunedus Marion Elizabeth Kearby Owen Francis Kearney Lucy Ann King Marjorie Eames King Paul Liberto Lansaw William Austin Lawrence Archie Lane Lee John Richard McGeehan Charles Francis Mabelitini Shirley Hensley Maeser Robert Lowell Maranville Mary Elizabeth Maury Martha Louise Milburn Harold Frank Miller Epsie Virginia Morse Georgia McAlpin Motz James Norbert Neel, Jr. Suzanne Lois Neuman Rosa Lee Nichols Emily Campbell Nickel Ann Patton Oldham Jane Elizabeth Omohundre Patricia Ann Patterson Linda Russell Patteson Ann Perry William Edward Powers Shirley Rankin Charles James Rice John Hall Rice Nicholas Marion Rice John Alden Rodgers Lois Jean Romanowitz Edward Morrissey Rue Ruth Sandner Gerald Joseph Schwendeman Mary Elizabeth Shinnick John Carroll Shwab Phyllis Joan Skaggs Don Edwards Smith Mary Carol Smith Richard Louis Spellman Laurel Lester Statharn Robert Hays Steilberg Barbara Jean Storm Mary January Strode Jack Warren Thompson Virginia Lee Todd Gloria Faye Travis John Montjoy Trimble Frances Patterson Vance Joseph Taylor Waggener Richard Jerome Walker Joyce Wallingford Karl John Warren Thomas Newell Weide Harold Garland Wells Margery Brush Boughton Whisenant Roger Williams III David Bryant Wilson William Richard Wintersole Jack Evans Woodhouse Henry Harold Wright Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science Godfrey Douglas Adamson, Chandra Arnarasingham Stuart Gordon Carpenter Julia Anne Carter Malcolm Arnold Cole Stanley William Collis Lawrence Reuben C rump John Thomas Danforth Frank Joseph Eschrich Evalyn Georgene Evans Charles Wayne Gross Joan Audrey Healy Victor John Hoff James Emerson Hough William Ernest Jackson Barbara Jean Jones William Jones, Jr. David Woodrow Keeling Robert Morgan Lathrop George Murray Lawson Austin Peay Leavell, Jr. 7 Jr. Fant Warford Martin John B. Morris Jerome Hunt Perkins Lois Marilyn Petersen Mary Ordell Ray John Martin Reed Jo Anne Sexton William Bradford Snyder Benedict Anthony Stan.onis Kenneth Edwin Stoll William Stanley Thomas, Jr. Taneko Tsubaki Prell Cornelius Vickers, Jr. Martin Joseph Walsh Eugene Dennis Wilhoit Jack Caldwell Wilhoit Paul Denhardt Williams Candidates for the Degree of Bacheior of Science in Industrial Chemistry Janmes Thomas Bradbury III Wellington Epler Walker Donald Dean Wilson Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Journalism Donald Leigh Armstrong Betty Jean Baugh Edwin Ray Booher Fred Franklin Bradley Leland Willis Brannan Barbara Dwyer Hickey Wesley Lynn Hudson Henry Bowen Isaacs, Jr. Paul Thomas Knapp Merrill Thomas McCord Charles Dunn Stinnett Lealand A. Sullivan Frances Cox West Myron Isadore Zuckerman Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Music Anne Wynne Barker Herbert Lewis Creech Jane Exon Patricia Eads Herren Shirley Hewitt Karrick Dorothy Jacqueline Senters Jo Anne Thomas Rhoda Ann Winn Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology Wanda Nell Cannon Barbara Cohen Mildred Louise Hart Molly Ann McCoulf Mary Ann Murray Santiago Miguel Perez-Benabe Elizabeth Reid COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Henry Otto Altenberg John Dan Baldwin, Jr. Charles Cousins Bastin Joseph Benedict Ellis Bishop ..iLliam Elmer Boggs James Bowen, Jr. John Francis Brewer 8 Howard Harbison Bright Adlie Franklin Brown, Jr. James Daniel Burks Paul Barron Burrus, Jr. George Edward Burton Donald Ray Butler William Walter Carlton Cecil E. Carter, Jr. Robert Leonard Carter Jesse Daniel Caudill John Caudill Claude Otto Christian Emery Clark, Jr. Tony Barrick Cocanougher Benjamnin Francis Collings Harold David Collins Elwood Sheridan Combs Trosper Noland Combs Marion Ely Cox William Joseph Cox Marlin Ward Crowe Edwin Lenwood Cunningham Joe Myles Davis John Paul DeFevers Larry Neil DeJarnette William Clair Deweese Stanley Smith Dickson, Jr. Warren Kaye Dulin Iven Allen Ellis Walter Eugene Ellison Leonard Edwin Farmer James Paul Fehr Ralph Edward Fehr Lewis Carpenter Flowers Rixie Duval Franklin Morton Simon Fry Harold Lewis Greene Marvin Sigsbee Greer, Jr. Jack Irvin Gregory Dannia Millard Griffin Frank Reynolds Guthrie William Frederick Hale Robert Hall Charles Larue Hamilton Paul Thomas Hamm Merrill Rigsby Hammons Henry Clifford Hartman James Theodore Hatfield Joe Haycraft Marion Kenneth Hayden Edward Boswell Hayes John Henry Heller Andrew Jackson Hiatt Price Holbrook, Jr. Walter Duvall Holbrook Alexander Hargis Holliday Thurman Ray Hopkins William Marcus Hopper Josiah Hoskins, Jr. Ralph Eugene Huffaker Howell Edward Jones James Robert Jones Emery Keck, Jr. Harvey Lowell King Philman Carlton Kingsbury Oswald McMinnus Kington, Jr. Edgar Warren Knight Thomas Riley Langford Malcolm Lee McCoy Tom Chase McKenney Bowen Givens McKinney John Hunt McMurtry William Irvin Marshall Samuel Embry -bvstin, Jr. Gene Arlen Mattick Miles Philip Mattingly, Jr. Dayton Merritt Henry Alan Meyer Jack Millikan Gene Delmar Miner Albert Morton Moffett, Jr. Stanley Bruce Moore Trevis Moss Auttis Marr Mullins John Raymond Norvell Charles Thomas Perkins Gamaliel Duard Phillips Eugene Pryor Pittman Audie Price, Jr. Gene Dale Rawlings Louis Carl Rebensdorf, Jr. Billy Thomas Ridgway Dick Norris Riley George William Rishell Hagan Denzil Ritchie Benjamin Thomas Robertson, Jr. John Connell Robertson William Dyer Rodes Billy Grant Rose Douglas Ross Joseph William Rust Jean Lucille Saile Charles William Sawyer Charles Lawson Seithers Robert Daniel Selvidge Lloyd Verlen Shawler James Edward Shelton Paul Morgan Simon Roy Donald Sims Luther H. Small James Byrum Smith Lorendz Smith, Jr. 9 David Hollingsworth Spaeth Junius Garnett Stapp Robert Thomas Stevens David Lee Strohmeier John Mason Taylor Louis Garnett Thornton Harold Wayne Thurman Frank Joseph Tucci Granville Vernon Turner, Jr. Joe Taylor Turpin Dot Waldon James Thomas Walker John Brady Walton John Anthony Wente James Maurice White Fielding Griffin Wil'iams James David Willis Jackie Lloyd Wise Charles Hercules Witten Richard Muse Womack William Cahill Woodrow Alvin Leslie Zachary Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Home Economics Doris Jane Amis Mary Ann Barnett Sara Ann Bobbitt Gail Vivian Carmichael Jane Dale Clark Eloise Merle Cooksey Marlene Rae Farmer Nancy Jane Guilfoil Nannie Margaret Haynes Sarah Ruth Heaton Elsie Marie Isaacs Ruth Lea Longhurst Eloise Lorch Mary Jane Madden. Jacquette Ann Maffett Lucille Hurt Manis Shirley Jean Maxwell Joan Patricia Moore Margaret Ann Myers Ann Ward Officer Marilyn Rose Patton Martha Frances Raby Jacqueline Lester Shoulders Marilyn Edith Steele Wilma Fay Sumpter Joan Spilman Thompson Jane Woodford Venable Margaret Ann Wanless Annette Westerman Betty Mae Wheeler Peggy Jane Wheeler Norma Jeanne Whitworth Mary Louise Wilhite Mary Blanton Williams Louise Marilyn Wilson COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Wallace Truman Bennett, Jr. Clyde Eldridge Brown Robert Calvin Brummett Bailey Hall Bryner James Lee Carter, Jr. William Malcolm Cochran Milton Evans, Jr. William Samuel Foy Warren Eugene Howard James Ellison Humphrey, Jr. Ronald Lloyd Jackson Victor Clark Jones Charles Francis Latham, Jr. Terrence Joseph Lohre Thomas Young Martin Earl Wright Meador Walter Joseph Perisutti Clarence Lambeth Range Gerald Lee Stevens William John Stutzenberger George Thomas Weaks Frank Dale Whitney Paul Curtis Wright Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Bobby Olson Allen Louis Eldon Catlett Wayne Anderson Cornelius Willard Dallas Dahl Thomas Lee Denton Matt Wylie Flannery James Carroll Hastings John Bayard Hudson William Elwood Jewett, Jr. Jerry Mitchell Jones Leslie Joseph Kaiser John Lee King Henry Garnett Lay Leonard Rosco McFarland Glenn Sterling Mills Robert Lee 0' Nan Billy Lowell Pack Ray Jackson Riley Ralph George Sproston, Jr. Joe John Wojtowicz Paul James Wright Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Jean Charles Bouchy Arlie Wise Browning James Henry Gilliam Samuel Haywerd Horton Henry Louis Krebs Charles Wellington Burt Lansill James Walter McCurry William Benton Mabe Hans Henri Meyer Gene Miles David Augustus Parry Kenneth Ray Reynolds Don Rule Richardson Robert Eugene Rogers Walter Clyde Shubert, Jr. Charles William Sturgeon Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Metallurgical Engineering James Read Holland William Lunsford Mitchell III Dale Thomas Williams Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering Blucher Frank Allison Harold Ernest Dolan George William Hakkio Paul Gene Hall Jack Allan Hardwick Rayburn Kenneth Hensley Richard Bee Johnson Orby Ray Sanders James Robert Stewart John Elmer Vaughan COLLEGE OF LAW Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Laws Norma Boster Adams George William Allf Charles Norman Carnes William David Compton James Francis Cook Patrick Hayden Dickinson Leland Beldner Franks Julian Reid Gabbard Lee William Hardesty Forrest Leroy Hill James French Hoge, Jr. Jack Howell Laramie L. Leatherman Herman Edward Leick John Keene Leopard Robert Clyde Moffit William Robert Ramey William Asher Rice Harold Taylor Rogers Asa Myron Rouse William Stephen Tribell COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Candidates for Lita Grey Cochran Ashley William Francis Augustyn Robert Harold Baldwin Jane Calhoun B artlett Helen Shockley Batte Shirley Beverly Becker Mary Lois Tichenor Beltz Ruth Adelaine Bishop Julia Isabel Blumenthal Ann Davis Bohon John Burton Brannon, Jr. Betty Lou Brown Albert Paul Bruno Shirley Ann Bryant Frances Virginia Byers Thelma Jean Casey Phyllis Ann Chatfield Margaret Ann Perkins Chilton James Earl Colson Paul Combs Edith Anne Cones Arnold B. Cosby, Jr. Claude Cheerington Cox Emmy Glo Davis Betty Lou Day James Harvey Denney LeeAhma Leslye Dillon Phoebe Ann Elswick Elizabeth Allene Fisher Robert Duane Fitzgerald Eleanor Rachel Gash Fothergil Arthur Glenn Gordon Robie Hackworth Edward Haick William Garrard Hall Martha Jean Hardwick Madeline Franklin Harter Donald LeRoy Hartford the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Education Robert William Hoagland Martha Jean Howard Coleman Hunter Elizabeth Brewer Jayne Daniel Stephen Jeffrey Walter LaVerne Jones Barbara Ellen Justice Norma Jeanne Justice Elizabeth Josephine Kelley Barbara Kington William Allen Lancaster Anne Thomas Lawson Eddie Lee Lerding Leslie Daniel Lingenfelter, Jr. Shelby E. Linville Neville Simmons McCracken Marilyn Love McDonald Martha Elizabeth McKinney Jack Samuel Maggard Ruth Ann Maggard Elizabeth Jane Mallick Eugene Martin Joan Marie Martin Paulette Martin Betty Raye Meade Natella Howard Meador Lafe James Mefford Matilda Anne Metzger Lafe Miller Shirley Ann Miller Herbert Allen Moore Thomas Hamilton Moore Willard Clay Moore James Douglas Moseley John Henry Netoskie Charles Martin Newton Joyce Dale Newton Stanley Noxon Nielsen 11 Vito Parilli George Washington Pendergrass, Jr. Harry Dimm.itt Perkins, Jr. Edna Kathleen Pettey Anne Covington Phelps John Richard Proffitt Mary Joe Proud Carolyn Grafton Rees Marilyn Joyce Reynolds Edythe Cox Ritchie Luther Ritchie Jane Weber Robinson Elizabeth Ann Ross Barbara Anne Routt Charles Hal Rupured Lola June Sandusky Joyce Ann Scurlock Miriam Jeanne Smith Judith Laura Sonnabend Vena Mae Southwood Garnett Lee Stephens Ann Wilson Stevenson Ruth Louise Stilz Charles James Sutherland Suzanne Swavze Carolyn Graham Taylor Mary Annette Taylor Louisa Thompson Toombs Mary Helen Tucker Martha Joan VanBeber Patricia Coleman Wallace Allie Marie Walton Eddie Darrell Ward Jean Bolton Welsh Joan White Alma Frances Mullins Whitehead Bettye Blevins Williams John Patton Williams Carmen Lois Wilson Marilyn Louise Wilson Anne Summers Winburn COLLEGE OF COMMERCE Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Commerce Henry Oscar Abraham Irvin Jay Abraham Jack Emile Abraham Payton Foster Adams Anthony Joseph Amato Almer Dewey Arrington Hugh Orion Barber, Jr. Jerold Morton Bass William Morman Batsel Joyce Elise Blair Kenneth Lee Blevins Samuel Allan Blythe James Edward Boggess Katherine Blue Bohon Carroll William Bottom Hugh Allen Bryson George Thomas Burke James Sherman Burns, John Compton Butcher Earl Edwin Caudill Paul Eugene Chism Joan Dee Claassen William Thomas Clark, Nancy Jo Clarke Doris McHargue Conner John Richard Cooper Billie Payton Creech John Joseph Cross, Jr. Wayne Cecil Crow Stuart Baker Dalton William Coleman Dawson Thomas Edward Densford Elizabeth Ulmont Douglas Robert Harry Dournas Reva Elizabeth Duncan Henry Coleman Durham Francis Henry Ebling Patsy Edmundson Thomas Clayton Elswick William Douglas Esenbock Jean Craig Farney Eugene Hardin Fontaine Mary Katherine Foster Mary Edwina Crawford Franks Virginia Ann Goebel Henry John Grall, Jr, David Whitney Gray III Thomas Mattingly Green William Milton Greer, Jr. Edgel Leon Grimm Warren Charles Hale Harold Lavon Hall John Lawton Hall Edmond Joseph Hamilton Roy Allen Hamilton, Jr. Louis Edward Hammack Jr Jr. John Oliver Hardin III Juanita Jo Harris Phyllis Jean Hart George Harold Helton Roy Helton Mildred Carline Henderson Arthur George Hendricks Charles Ben Hogg, Jr. Harry Williams Homeier Clarence Calhoun Horine James William Howerton Conrad Estill Hubbard Hyla McKee Hunter Glenn Burt Johnson Dennis Harry Jones Robert Larry Joines Donald Eugene Jordan William Harvey Kenton Curtley Wayne Kidwell Arthur Paxson King III Clifton Lawson, Jr. Denzil Blair McPherson Henry Maeser Barbara Boulos Maranville Fred Carlton Miller, Jr. Thomas James Moore Robert Mullins, Jr. George McDonald Nall Betty Jean Newlin John Cassell Nichols II Morton Carol Nickell Frances Joanna Nunnelley Nancy Ford Nunnelley Joc Price Peden Mary Jayne Pinson Mary Evelyn Pollitte Virginia Carden Preston James Roy Price, Jr. Earl Bennett Ray Betty Jo Reed Donald Edward Reed Ann Walker Reichle Lawrence Richard Riddle John Baldwin Roberts, Jr. Jean Prewitt Sanders Donald Wenning Schardein Robert Grainger Scherer Arnold Schneider George Dayton Schrader William James Semonin, Jr. Donald Edgar Slone Norbert James Stein Gus Swanson Story Arnold Joe Tewell Ethel Evon Thompson Jane Turley Truitt Carl Wilson Turner William Duke Turpin Jay Richard Wallace Teddy Harold Ward Shelley Frank Watson Earl Thomas Wheat Ronald Garrard White Don Ira Williamson Harold Daniel Wish Richard Ivon Wohlstein William Austin Yates COLLEGE OF PHARMACY Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy Thomas Joseph Bilotta Ralph Thomas Boyd Charles Edward Breckinridge, Jr. Robert Raymond Bronner Robert Lee Curry Robert Hyman Davis Donald David Dick Henry Seeley Dunbar Billie Joe Earwood George Gaines, Jr. Terry David Grant Donald Burgess Hill James Henry Holland Tom Ed Holmes Edward Reid Holt Norman Clifton Horn Bernard David Hyman John Morgan James Thomas Alan Kemp Robert Joseph Lichtefeld Albert George Loeser James William Lynch, Jr. Elmer Evans McDaniel, Jr. Thurman Ray McKinney Lloyd Gene Masters David Paul Meers 13 Gerald Erwin Meit Robert Raines Charles Farrell Richardson Steely Arliss Rodgers Harold Leonard Schmalhausen William Dean Shelton Edwin Doyal Snider Edwin Graham Spalding William Linder Spoo, Jr. George William Taylor, Jr. Richard Anthony Thompson William Richmond Walker Hershel Weinberg Ralph Edward Whitehead Arthur Byron Wilborn Willard Eugene Wilson Vernon Winkle GRADUATE SCHOOL Candidates for the Degree of Master of Arts William Beck Richard Edward Belleville Mary Jo Bishop William Aylette Buckner Doris Dean Elliott Christine Duncan Forrester David Dutton Jo