xt7v416t1w8w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v416t1w8w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-03-31 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 31, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 31, 1997 1997 1997-03-31 2020 true xt7v416t1w8w section xt7v416t1w8w lflllllll



By Jay G. Tate
Weekend Sport: Editor

INDIANAPOLIS —- Though injury
upped its role in UK’s NCAA tourna-
ment from cameo to the lead, UK over-
came the maladies and a gritty Minneso—
ta team Saturday night to win its 11th
straight NCAA tournament game, 78-69. and

It was a contest that had the tough
omnipresent UK contingent on its feet
throughout —- though for widely varying
reasons. They were thunderous for the
two technical free throws shot and
made by senior Derek Anderson, q

5 J



who has been out since Jan. 18

I with a torn anterior cruciate .
ligament. .

On the other hand, all
was quiet on the Big Blue
front as super-sophomore
Ron Mercer crashed hard
to the floor after a
rebound in the second
half. In addition, Mercer
sat out a brief portion of

i the game with leg cramps,

" a situation that garnered
the attention of nearly
every camera and every
pair of Wildcat eyes.

“I started catching le
cramps in the second half,”
Mercer said.

“I tried to continue to play
on, but it was most of the time
when I was jumping and it affected
my jumping a little bit.”

Mix hindered jumping with a team's
best jump shooter and the product can be as
detrimental. I’ve

l “Sometimes you’re going to shoot coached against

good, sometimes you’re not,” Mercer at Kenruc

sad after his 7-of-21 performance. “I had
etty good shots. I didn’t get enough

eft on my shot, but other than that, I’m

glad we won the game.”

The early portion of the game saw

' UK take a 14-5 lead only five minutes


into the first half. mg.


and Euclid avenues.

Thousands of UK fans
descended into the intersection—
turned mosh pit where men and
women shed their tops in the
chilly 40-degree weather, people
poured beer on each other as if it
were water, and people pushed
each other around in shopping

The frenzy drove one student
up the wall —— make that a utility

“I had to see it from every—
where,” said theater design junior
Jon Humphrey, who perched atop
a Woodland Avenue utility pole.
“You have to be high to see what’s

Last year finance senior Brian

By Gary WuII
Animate New: Editor

Do not pass Go. Do not collect
$200. Head directly to Euclid and
Woodland avenues.

That pretty much captures the
crowd’s reacdon after UK’s victo—
ry against the Minnesota Golden
Gophers Saturday night.

As students slowly trickled out
of the residence halls, shouts of
joy erupted from South, Central
and North campuses.

The same crowd that celebrat-
ed in the middle of the Kirwan—
Blanding Complex to dance, sing
I and strip following the UMass vic-
tory last year sldpped those activi-
ties and saved them for Woodland


sy noun Wu

_ president for University relations.
- Sufi” Writer

Burch is the one who decides if
classes should be canceled due to

To him, the NCAA champio
onship does not quiet constitute
an emergency.

“We are not in a position to
cancel class according to the aca-
demic calendar. One has to con-
template how we are going to

To have or have not, that is the
uestion. Should the students and
e school forget about classes and
continue celebrating Tuesday if
UK wins the championship, or
should they still get up the next
morning and attend classes?
The administration prefers the

latter. make (missed days) up,” Burch
’ ,, _ = g 5 'If we are so fortunate as to win said.
' W f '. ~— and I believe we will — we will “We expect the faculty to teach

As for the faculty, there are

zoolebrate, but school will be
open,” said Joseph Burch, vice
‘ - K . *



After cutting the Cats’ lead to five at
the half, the Gophers caught up and
eventually went ahead 51—52 mid-way
through the second half. But UK coun-
tered with a 14-4 run late and eventually
eased to a nine-point win to advance to
tomorrow’s NCAA tourney final.

“We beat a team that‘s as physically



,“ UK head coach Rick Piti-
no said. “ hey get up in your pants and
take you out of your offense. I have
tremendous admiration for NIinnesota.”
Afterward, UM’s All—American point
guard BobbyJackson credited fear as the
culprit of his team’s disappointing out-







“L" .

Polite prepare
for mob scene or
,, . dam-union

if . depending on

' outcome, see

-"' ‘ Campus, page 8.




Wildcats dctcat Gophers;

ing storm.








Mowery traveled to East Ruther-
ford, N.J., to see the Wildcats play
in the Final Four, but the celebra-
tion at UK provided more excite-

“It seemed like a lot more fun,”
he said.

Jim Johnson, a secondary edu-
cation junior, watched the cele-
bration from the house he rents
about 50 feet away on Woodland

“We’ve seen it all,” he said.

Johnson participated in last
year’s melee; this year he guarded
his car from possible vandalism,
while people overturned trash
cans and discarded beer cans on
lawns along the street he calls

those, like Tom Troland, who will
be watching the basketball games
with a six-pack of Diet Pepsi and a
bag of low-fat chi 5.

But he will still hold classes on

“I will do whatever the Univer-
sity asks me to do. I’m required by
my job to have classes,” said
Troland, an associate professor of
physics and astronomy.

“I understand some students
will choose not to 'come.”

Yet he also said he will not set
up classes tomorrow especially to
penalize ‘those students who don't

“We came out here and we were
scared,”Jackson said. “(UK) did a good
job of containing us and pressuring us,

' and we just had some careless turnovers."

But turnovers were nowhere to be
found on UK’s offensive end. Thou h
the Cats shot only 38.3 percent from the
field, Wildcat point guard W ayne Turn-
er played an uncharacteristic 39 minutes
and helped UK weather the poor-shoot-

“I don’t know how he did it,” Piti-
no said. “He took on all that pres-
sure, penetrated when we need«
ed it, played 39 minutes of
great basketball with only
. one turnover. He gave a
0 remarkable
Though not remark—
able for its scoring
merit, Turner's six—
assist, five-steal and
four-rebound perfor-
mance was just what
the Cats needed in

the tight minutes of
the second half.

the more 1 learn and

wasn’t just me — every—
body just pushed it in. We
knew time was running out
and it was time to get it done.”
Before the season, many peo—
ple had written the Cats off
because of their off-season losses to
the NBA. They came into Saturday’s
national semifinal with only one of last
year’s five starters remaining in the line-
up. Turner was not among those waver—
ing on his team’s chances.

“A lot of people didn't think we would
make it back here," Turner said.

“We came to practice every day
believing we could make it back to this
point. For us not to win this game on
Monday — it wouldn’t be a happy sight.”


“The more I play,

more courage l
Turner said. “It





March 31, I997

. annual—i (limpet 8
[N (.‘rm‘ru‘ord 7 Sport: 3


Dn‘miom ‘ Viewpoint 5


light to BIISIIB




IAIN“ II 0" Students celebrated
in many ways on Saturday night,
including removing their top: as one
woman, left, did while propped on

:omeone’: shoulders.

Fans recreate last ycar's'intcrscction mayhem

Unlike last year, when cars
attempted to pass through the
intersection with little success,
police blocked the streets off until
1 a.m., when they opened the

Although many students
returned home for the Easter
weekend, a UK victory on Mon-
day could be massive, predicted
mechanical engineering sopho-
more Stephanie Fleck.

“I think if it hadn’t been Easter

weekend there would have 10
times the amount of people here,”
she said.
Lexington-Fayette County
Urban olice reported three
arrests last night, but UK Police
reported the arrested no one
connected wi the celebration.

nesnits common honor, it llll wins, school still in session, llll onloial says

attend class.

Judging from last year’s experi-
ence, if UK does win tonight, pro-
fessors should not really expect a
lot of people showing up for class—
es tomorrow.

Nevertheless, some students
advocate having classes.

“I think we should hold classes,
but not reall count the atten-
dance,” said ura Edwards, an
English freshman.

“I think it’s silly for the whole
University to shut down for bas-
ketball. Students should be able to
learn if they want to.”



‘2 ‘ ' 9n; ‘
“MES CRISP Kernel Iraff

DRIVING III "If cIIAMPIMSIIIP lVaym' Turner dribble: part two Gopher dejenderrV/or on

easy rwo pomtr, UK defenilr in title agaimr Arizona tonight, See Spam, page ?.

Students in Indy
predict victory

By Brett Dawson
Senior Staff Writer

dents wrung their hands ner-
vously, chastised referees and
chanted “C-A-T-S” at the top of
their lungs here on Saturday

And that was just during the
Arizona-North Carolina game.

By the time UK took the
floor for its national semifinal
win over Minnesota, students
dressed in blue and white, were
in rare form, loud and proud
throughout the Wildcats' 78-69

Tonight they’re hoping to
celebrate the school’s second
straight national championship.

“It’s unbelievable," Shawn
McCartt said of his first Final
Four experience. “And I’ve been

oing to UK games my entire

Few of these ames could
have hoped to mate the intensi-
ty of Saturday’s.

The hig light of the night
for most Cat fans, though, came
shortly before that UM lead.
With Minnesota trailing 47-43,
the Gophers’ Courtney James
was whistled for a charge as he
soared for a dunk.

Gopher Coach Clem Hasldns
argued the call vehemently and
was hit with a technical fou after
he threw his jacket to the floor.

Enter Derek Anderson.

The UK senior, sidelined
since late January when he tore
the anterior cruciate ligament in
his right knee, checked into the
game and sank both foul shots.

Anderson's composure came
in stark contrast to the frenzy of
the UK crowd.

“I freaked. I think the whole
crowd freaked,” said Chris
Wells, an engineering senior.
“That's the most exciting two
points of the tournament.” '

Many non-students who
expected to see such highlights
were left out on Saturday.

No fewer than 17 student
IDs were confiscated at the RCA
Dome from people trying to


pose as students. UK Athletics
officials said.

And even those students who
got in the door didn’t always
make it throu h the entire game.
One man in t e student section,
asleep through most of halftime,
was removed from the audience
by security officers after he vom—
ited on the seats and the floor in
front of him.

“Hopefully that guy won't be
returning (tonight),” said Jason
McConathy, a UK student who
sat in the row behind the ejected

The Wildcats, though, will be
returning, with a chance to do
what only Duke has done since
UCLA’s dynasty years — win
back-to—back national champi-

To do it, they’ll have to knock
off an Arizona team that in the
past two weeks has sent Kansas
and North Carolina packing.

UK students are getting the
opponent they wanted — many
C anted “Go home Tar Heels”
in the waning moments of Ari-
zona’s win —— but U of A
promises to be no pushover.

The key to the game?

“Perimeter defense — they've
got the guard play,” said Wells,
who predicted the Cats would be
successful posting up ‘Zona
inside. “We’ve got the size
advantage. Carolina was killing
them in there. We’re not as big
or strong as Carolina, but we've
still got ‘em in there."

A stellar ame from Ron
Mercer would a boon to UK’s
repeat chances. And UK stu-
dents expect the sophomore All-
American to have his touch back
after shooting 7-for—2] against
the Gophers.

“He 3 onna show somethin
for the NBA,” McCartt saicE
“He's gonna come up strong.”

Perimeter defense, inside
scoring and a hot night from
Mercer should add up to a ha py
ending for one set of Wil cat
fans, McConathy said.

“(UK) by about 20.” he pre-
dicted. “I think we’re just gonna
run ‘em to death."






... ..-.~.- .. -»-dm -


_ - 771


2 Alonday, Mun-b 31, 1997, Kmtm'ky Kn'ne/

TIQGI'S' I119 sticks give ”WWW“ 5"-
I I I ”'8 [ems COMES IIIII'II ,
Wildcat IIIICIIBI'S tits in NCAA swimming meet 1
Freshman distance frees ler Nat Lewis swat a
15: 00. 73 to finish third in t e 1, 600- -yard freesri


By Chris EMMIM “I’m not makin any excuses for

Sport: Editor Aaron," Madison sai “but we had to take Saturday at the NCAA Men’s Swimming and Diva?
him out of last weekend’ 5 game against Championships inMinneapo lis ,OU

UK had an opportunity yesterday to do Arkansas because of his bad back. His back Lewis broke the 5eh°°lpo record in both the l 0

something that no other Southeastern really wasn ’t bothering him that bad today, freestyle and 1 650 freestyle en route ‘0 the be“ 1m-

Conference team had done this season — but it was just that he went all week with- 15h ever by a UK men 5 SWlmmef 0'" diver 8! we

take 2-of-3 from No.3 Auburn out (throwing in) the bullpen. NCAA level. LCWIS 8150 became the first UK SW11“-
But once the game started, the Cats (7- “Sometimes a itcher can come out ming All American since 1973-

18— 1 overall, 4- 8 1n the SEC) quickly after taking a weeE off and do fine, and “Is CHI 33 SCCOndS Off Of my beSt time coming in!”

learned why the Tigers are sometimes he can’t,” he said. “That just this year and 11 seconds Off Of my best C0ll€glate

leading the SEC in batting affected his control, not that he was walk- time, 50 1 was very pleased” LCWiS said

against conference teams. in a lot of people, he was just getting the Lewis also set the school record in the 500 frestyle
Auburn (28-3, 8-3) ba 1 up in the strike zone.” on Thursday, earning honorable mention All— Ameri

Despite allowing season-highs in runs ca honors.

and hits, Madison saw some high points in
the Cats' performance against the nation’s 3"" I‘IP.‘ "I Illtillll II'ICIICC



hammered out a season—
high 25 hits off of six Wild-
cat hurlers on its way to a
18— 3 bludgeoning at Cliff
Hagan Stadium. The win




third-best team. ATLANTA— New York Yankees third baseman
“Andy Green made some good plays at Wade Boggs was struck above the left eye by a ball
()6 ((le / (2/1/./ gave the Tigers 2- of—3 for "who" third base,” he said. “Greg Reid came in during batting practice rior to yesterday’s exhibi-
/ . the series, with UK winning 6- 5 in 12 andg gave us a good outing in relief. Josh tion game against the A anta Braves, sending him to
innings on Saturday. ns hit the ball well today. a hOSpital for treatment.
A RT “WC/I RV E DVI - “Auburn’s a veteran club with a lot of ghere certainly were some bright The wound took 47 stitches —- 30 inside the
""" ""‘" - Outstanding hitters,” UK Coach Keith spots; they’ re overshadowed by Auburn s wound, 17 on the outside — to close, but BOggS said
March 31 - April 3 Madison said. “You look at their averages offensive deluge.” he expects to play when the Yankees open the season
1 0 a' m. until 3 m. and (runs batted in) and it doesn’t take Reid pitched four innings, allowing one tomorrow night at Seattle.
P- you long to figure out they’re an outstand- run on five hits while striking out four Dr Stuart llershon, the Yankees team physician
' 7 1.111111111111111 Announcements 9111’ Gown 8 T‘b‘IL’S N01" Availablt ing hitting team. Tiger hitters Loggins, who caught yester- said the injury was “a laceration similar to what box»
1 PM “They. obviously had their hitting shoes day, was 2- for- 4 at the plate with an RBI ers get above the eye .It' s not that complicated "
finm “ Kiuflinv Boo“ S'I'onisg' on,” he said. “Once a team like Auburn, and a run scored. The injury occurred with Boggs at third and Y 1.111-
N‘i” “wgni, that has a lot of good hitters — once they Madison disregarded Saturday’s 12~ kee coach Willie Randolph hitting fungos to the
I, v 195;“ ‘ 25241331 get their- confidence rolling, it seems like inning marathon as a negative effect on the infielders during batting practice [he ball skippc 11
I 1 j {2’ everything they hit seems to fall in.” Wildcats’ performance. up and struck the infielder 1n the head.
‘ Starter Aaron Acuff, who has been bat— “Ifthese guys were 45 ears old like me, Bleeding profusely, he was taken to Piedmont to
tling a back injury, ave up four runs, all maybe,” Madison said.“ hese ys should receive stitches.
earned, in two- -third% of an inning to take be able to go 12 innin every (EV. (It) ce_r— The stitches will be removed Wednesday.
the loss. His record falls to 0- 3 on the year tainly didn’t have an effect on Auburn.” Compiled from staff, wire reports





















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WIIBI m tbe last time UK repeated at

national cbampiom?

sometime: 61-31161 '11 “002 mo 911 mull

Strands give eats
Visions of 'ceclrs

By Jay 6. his
Weekend Spam Editor

stands one step away from a nearly
immortal second-straight NCAA
championship, only two games
continue to stick in the Cats’

South Carolina. Both of them.

“USC, which defeated UK twice
during the regular season, found
rare success against the Cats with
a talented blend of three quick,

agile guards. The

record seems less than im ressive
when compared with U ’5 35-4
mark, Simon insists UK isn't the
favorite some people perceive it to

“I don’t think that we’re an
underdog,” he said. “There’s only
two teams left. These are the two
best teams in college basketball
We' re not an underdog any-

Also leading the Arizona
charge is small forward Michael
Dickerson, a junior from Seattle

who leads the


mecock back-




team in scor-
court was both “My vs. m ing with 19.3
deadl with the T . points per
dribb e and ainful- . oday, 9'22P‘m'
ly'accéurate from the ' RCA Dome, Though he
ts. ' . .
0“ id’lfen Coppin Imampdn :Iied’tililrbtr’sy the
State top led South Wildcats’
Carolina Iin the first Kentucky (35") scoring load,
round of the TWIN" ”'01 N0< 1' West Dickerson
NCAA tourney, _ went cold
UK breathed a col- mm‘ PB: m”: a ainst the
. , , FRotiMeroer 13.3 5.2 15
lective Sigh of relief 5500111135“ 9,4 52 ar Heels,
~— the specter was FWWWG 5.0 4-4 oing l-of—lO
gone. Think again. gm 11% 3': 3'16 fiom the
' “Arizona, which ' field.
earned a spot in the mom human 177 “That hap-
gational finals b mglff’gflfifg’sig’; Nazr pens some-
defeating Nort Masiello.0.9. times,” Dick-
Carolina 66- 58 Sat- erson said of
iii-day night, uplizes Arizona (24.9) the poor out—
an attac 51ml ar to . in S tu d
that of USC. UA 1:11.111”: night" “fr 3i
relies heavily on "m. 8.1mm: : ' ’
andwcson 19.3 45 start 0-5» 0'7,
‘30" backcourt t0 Fmowiscn 9.7 5.3 0-10, I need
generate the team’s CAIBmlw 8.0 6.8 to kee
“Hens 6 Was simon 17.9 4.1 . P
M51381 13.3 3.0 shootlng to
@‘Our ys like 0 en u the
Fa” paced nmzciason nrer erry 01.7;ppg FDonnelt P , P
“”65 Arizona HamsS.9:GJasonLee33;FE1nene floor-
! 2.7;GJosh Pastner15. And when
ad coach Lute h H
Olson said.‘“Ifthey W:WKYT(cnannezriLive ‘ e 00’
we the choice of ppens up,
Zona fresh-

what kind of game they’d like to
play, it would be full- -court pres-
sure and get up and down the
floor. It’s going to be like a tennis
match. ”
,1: The formidable UA backcourt
i anchored by junior Miles
gluon, who is second on the team
in! scoring with 17 9 oints per
in Simon played a Iiey role in
team’s win over UNC, hitting
0’8 9-of-l9 from the field for 24
paints. Though Arizona’s 24- 9

man sensation Mike Bibby takes
the ball to the hole. His 20 points
against UNC’s Ed Cota and Vince
Carter are a testament to his abili-
ty to score against tough defenses.

“At the beginning of (Satur-
day’s) game, I was missing the
jumpers I usually make,” Bibby
said. “I just think it was nerves
from us playing in our first Final
Four. Then I got more comfort-
able and started making plays off






JAMES CRISP Kerrie/ruff

DYNAMIC lillli .-lri':.rma'.r [workman ufd 11/111 Simon and Alike Bib/{y (above)
have helped to guide the II 111111111 m rumq/vr'v national champions/rip game.

the dribble."

But if‘Zona hopes to make big
plays, they’ll have to break L’K’s
powerful full- court pressurt.
Though UA says it has prcp1rtd
for that type of pressure in prac
tice, UK’ 5 Ron Mercer thinks it s
pretentious for Arizona's \Vildcats
to think they can decipher it that

“Teams look at film and tr1 to
dissect it and they can, but they
can’t simulate," \Iercer said. “ ‘It s
totally different in a game. It took
me just this year to get acquainted
with it and feel (:oiiilortalilc."

Indeed, if time is what it takes
to feel coriifortable, then UK's
fifth-year senior Jared I’rickctt
should feel downright co7.1
tomorrow night. llo‘ s been with
the Cats Since 1992, Wllltli h: is

prt sumably gi1en Iiirn ample time
to burn the complex UK defen-
sive strategy.

"You get used to it after a
while, so that in a game it comes
easy to you." Prickett said.

Though the defensive pressure
will ctrtainly be on Arizona
tomorrow night, the mental 1res-
sure 11111 wei h more heavily on
UK as .1 resu uilt of the perceived
edge in liig— game ex erience.

lhe Cats are t e defending
champions. The Cats have been
here belore. I he Cats are re ard-
ed as the better ball club. )oes
that pressure work against UK?

Bibby thinks so.

“There is no pressure on us,”
Bibby said. “It's all on Kentucky
because they have a chance to
repeat. \Ve just plan on going out
and having fun and trying to win.”

Kentucky Kernel, Monday, Marrb 31, 1997 8

Mil” Simon. Arizona guard, on U of A '1 tbanm tonight aglanT UK

Haskins' technical
gets Anderson shots


By not HUM ing position in 1985, but ultimate—
Weekend Sports Elitor Iy decided to sun at Arizona while
UK fans got stuck uith I ddie Sut—

INDIANAPOLIS —~ UK ton and a It 11 ye an of probation
guard Derek But 11 hen Sut-
Anderson should ton left after
he on hands and KIMICIY 78' Manuela 39 the l‘)88~8‘)
knees, thanking y season, ()lmn
Minnesota head again thought
fizifliins. Clem IN (IN): James 2-3. 46 8; Jacobson 412. :3"me ' 11 )‘lil’i’gn
2-3 10;J.Thomas 515cc 10. Jackson 818, h ' ~

0" Jan. 18. 51323; Harrl52-3,0-05. Tarverl-2, 0—22. "1 11'1“?“ the

Anderson tore his
anterior cruciate
ligament in his
knee. Through-
out his rehabilita—
tion process, UK
coach Rick Pitino
jokingly com-
mented that the
only w:'11 Ander-
son would enter a
ame is if he shot
gee throws
resulting from a
technical foul.
Anderson had

23-60, 23-34 78.


the opportunity W:
to Shoot those A: 17.023.
free throws on
Saturday after

Lewis 1-9, 00 2; C. Thomas 27 1-2 5, Win-
1912-300 4; Archambault 00. 00 O;
Slaml 0‘1, 0'0 0. Tolalsi 27'64, 1249 69 [my

I (Mr. Mercer 7-21, 4-5 19; Padgett 3-8.
0~0 9; Magloire 0-1, 12 t; Turner 26. 4-6 8.
Epps 3-10, 5-6 13; Prickett 3-4. l-2 7.
Mohamed 2-3, 1-5 5; Edwards 13 1~2 4;
Mills 2-4. 44 10; Anderson 0-0. 22 2 Totals

Halttime' UK 36. UM 31. Threepomt F6 UK 9-23
(Mercer l-5, Padgett 3-6, Epps 215311.115 t-2.
MIIIS 2-3). UM 3—16 (Jacobson 05. Jackson 26
Hams H. Lewis 04. C. Thomas 0-') Rebounds
UK 34an0111111 6). UM 48 (Tarve19) Blocks UK 5
(Magma 2), UM 3 (James 3,1 Assists UK 14
(Tumor 6). UM 11 (Jackson 41 Turnovers UK 16.
UM 26. Fouls: UK (9. UM 27 Fouled out C
Thomas, Padgett, Jacobson Technicals Minnesota

turning point
in that one was
11il1- had
picked up two
of the grand-
kids from
school that day,
and on the way
home they said
something to
her about that's
OK if you and
I’apa Lute
decide (1) 1311,"


Olson said.
“\Vliilc they’re
saying it
they 1c got
tears streaming
down their


Ilaskins threw off his coat and
vehemently ar ed a charging call
against the (giiphers’ Courtney
james with 14:31 remaining in the
second half.

“What were the chances at get—
ting a technical foul? Slim to
none," Anderson said. “I saw
Coach (l’itino) runnin down the
bench. I guess he was Fooking for
me. It was a lot of fun to go out
there and give the team a boost
instead of yelling."

It seemed as ifAnderson spent
his entire two-plus months of
rehabilitation on the free throw
line. Both shot attem tswere per-
fect as they touched t e bottom of
the net.

I'IWI history VlIlllI I! channel

It is somewhat ironic that in his
fourth Final Four and first cham—
pionship game, Arizona head
coach Lute Olson will face UK
tonight. If it wasn’t for one of
Olson’s grandchildren, he might
have been the head coach of the
Wildcats — UK’s version.

Olson was considered a top

candidate for the UK head coach-



1.1 cs I o go and
take a look, I 111 ialking about
now, not (1 and take the job."

InsteatI’ofOIson, UK ended up
with Rick Pitino and one. maybe
two national championships.


JAMES CRISP Kerrie/1111f]


Anderson returned to the roar!
Saturday with two free 1117112111.

“THESE ARE the best two teams in college

basketball. bVe’re not an underdog anymore. "







; .' sncncouni
‘ Arizona’s backcourt of Miles Simon and Mike Blbby is arguably one of the too hac .
1 courts' in the country. Simon is scoring almost 18 points a game, even though he:
1 _ missed the beginning oi the season due to suspension. Bibby ' r of
if KENT" ch . whiny {:16 hall where it is supposef to go. with merged assists ZUNAS
.- ayne artist was the stabflizing arcs in the sem ‘ ,, t
3! v Stats _~ his composure despite the injuries and foul prohiems thatsu AI“ V id is
, , Jared Prickottand Nazr Mohamed 1111me statistics
. I“. statistics summers NCAA Toumame 111111 . loan
. carbide? to be giass- eaters againstfilm wants
’3“ W (incentive national championsm. III II I 8


blggestinsidelorce allseason‘ “









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Darrell A. VanMeter .
’Outstanding Community'
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l ‘472 Field Goal Percentage .398 . _ .455 Field Goal Percentage .436
.6856 Free-Throw Percentage .687 ' .Wneam Swamp M = .647 Free-Throw Percentage .655
.1371 Three-Point Percentage .311 asgoodaslheslatlets Foreman. the- .368 Three-Point Percentage .328
3.3-2 POMS Per Game 62-3 menu“ I ‘ 83.8 Points Per Game 73.1
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