xt7v6w967m9x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v6w967m9x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1948 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 19, 1948 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 19, 1948 1948 2012 true xt7v6w967m9x section xt7v6w967m9x   »_*,  K;_·;;;;;—;j·?g.’,g,;..4:=..,,.¤;,;;» ;_;g_  _Li_   ;,,.y>-;—_;;..—.g,; .\`>* 5,;;--;; ,-,iv gl V—._       --
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Kentucky’s Wildcats-—S. E. C. and N. C. A. A. champions and now, members of the 1948 U. S. Olympic
_ team—The greatest college aggregation of all time; xmd, extreme right. the greatest coach, Baron
Adolph Rupp.
 %’?"F'?`?°"”T““"‘ '‘‘‘ "“T"""" »`‘‘ ""‘T"’ ‘l`’· T " *‘’’ "`iii ‘‘*· “?‘"‘"ii*""";i" ‘`‘·‘ ‘·i···*#;·;;;·i~;; ;—i·;·;;~_7~_a;7-—-- -··— —»··e~— ——·—·——--em ·-·-~ ~·~»-——·~·--. -»»—,~-_--—~.  _ _.
  * rw Y t r · Y T ~· (N rn r
V 1   {A L R,. [gf   » } 3} A} ~»;   Y   _ 2
0 llllle {anla .»§. al . l » .o . u .11 rg}
QF; ri ·; iii? 1-* N i· & `A~‘  
T hey Hem) Earned T hczr L F 0r Loyrz/zy  
l , ‘ Below are listed additional contributors to the alumni "giving" program inaugurated   QUAR
  ` ’ late last fall as the University of Kentucky Loyalty Fund. It is heartening to announce  
  that the drive has passed the $5,000 mark, and while this figure is insignificant as com- -1-—-—
i pared to sums collected by other institutions, the committee feels that this is the begin-  
_ A ning of bigger and better drives. In the February ALUMNUS the scholarship committee _. i  
‘ _, announced the establishment of its first, $2,800, all-expense scholarship, to become effec- , _  ·
j Q tive with the opening of the fall school term. Perhaps, as time passes, more scholar- · ` .
ships aswell as other beneficial projects may be established by the alumni, for the Uni- Thlrt€
versity.   RE
C. D. McClanahan ...............r............................r........... 1232 Rossmore, Cincinnati _` ’{)3 G1-.
, Herschel Lowenthal ..................................._.c.. 1873 Losantiville Ave., Cincinnati   40th A
i . H. D. Palmore .t...,..........,........................................,................ Frankfort, Kentucky _ Jung 3-.
, J. Owen Reynolds ............................................ 604 Security Trust Co., Lexington Universit;
S Cameron V. Coffman .............i.................. 134 Woodside Place, Ft. Thomas, Ky. they will
  4 Marshall Barnes ____,.,__._..,__...,..._......_......._.........,................. Beaver Dam, Kentucky gmup Of E
· ° William G. Rose .................................................. 209 Rosemont, Ft. Thomas, Ky. if,j,,;",j, Z8;
‘ Mrs. Alan R. Vogeler ................................ 3802 Country Club Place, Cincinnati ties, `
  ' Mrs. Margaret Pieratt ........................ 3419 Berry Ave., Hyde Park, Cincinnati .Thm€€,
g Henry J. Beam ................................................ 2563 Bellevue Ave., Detroit, Mich. ciass tit 3
j ¤ Frank Daugherty .................................... 160 Greenwood Ave., Jenkintown, Pa. · , June. w;
Y Mr. and Mrs. Bertram L. Klein .......... 25-40 31st Ave., Long Island City, N. Y. 'IY¥1€?>’ M6;
j Mr. and Mrs. Henry Taylor ................................................ Henderson, Kentucky   289
i Charles R. McClure .............................. 2584 Shaker Rd., Cleveland Heights, O.   1B' an
,   Robert W. Waterriil .................................................... 60 E. 42nd, New York City ,_,,;h;C,i,‘;
,, William Knaebel .......................................................... 120 Dixie,,Ft. Thomas, Ky. 30, Whén
‘ H. H. Lowry ............................................................ 463 West St., New York, N. Y. for the 1
. Whayne W. Haffler ................................................ Russell Cave Pike, Lexington = be held E
i - S. Headley Shouse ........................................................ Versailles Pike, Lexington .H¤l1· Dr
.1 Arthur P. Shanklin .................................... 203 Sedgwick Drive, Syracuse, N. Y. ` Of the C‘
j, Harry H. Emmerich ........................................ 2122 North Erie, Wichita, Kansas ‘ L‘?x“‘g“”
I Leonard A. Weakley ........................................ 3904 Indian View, Cincinnati, O, Hg}?  
Norman D. Witt .................. c/o Chas. Hartman Co., Dean St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1 meeting _
' Frank W. Wilkes ............................................ 520 Wilder Place, Shreveport, La. .wm be h
7 Louis J. Wachs ........................................ 1820 Castelyow Road, Brooklyn, N. Y. dent H. 1
Woodson D. Scott ............................................ 420 W. 24th St., New York, N. Y. Desday ai
Mrs. John P. Longwell ............................ 1110 Maple Hill Road, Westfield, N, J, V . 01; $08 if
Guy B. Taylor ...................................... 2306 Saymoure Road, Wilmington, Del, §,;;“L§·,h£
William Kefauver .................................. 3035 Erie Ave., Hyde Park, Cincinnati 7,,0; mergbg
W. F. Raymer .......................................... 413 Walker Road, West Orange, N, J, i 0,, Th
Lulie Logan .................................................... R. R. No. 1, Winchester, Kentucky ojcinck ti
W. Hugh Peal ........................................................ 25 Broadway, New York, N. Y, Kentucky
· Thomas Cross, Jr. .............................................. 1229 Beverly Road, Union, N, J . $¤h€d¤l<’=6
Mrs. William Earls .................................................. Calvin Cliff, Cincinnati, Ohio and al f0‘
· Mr. and Mrs. William Sutherland ......,..............._.._ 200 W. High St, Lexington ;°n°"mr
culty. .
(Continued on Inside Back Cover) 1 at 3 *63
t Place.
; ·_ The al

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  Thirteen CltlSS€S   §el,C°¥*eS1;’"‘le“‘
· ` '   0 eeelve eglee
Te Reunite June 3   Dee Whlteheedt EX- ’27» eee Wee
>08 Group To Hold   correspondent and until recently
  40th Anniversary   Chief of the Associated Press bureau
,   at Honolulu, T. H., will be the
UJ.une`3t-4 vilill betgdlld days on         Speaker at the annual alumni ban-
lhi“"”?lly ° ef" iii Y °‘”Te“i°“§’ Ol   .:4,   r ‘_- ; ‘-;;_ ji; Jion   dust to be held Thursday evening,
ey " ll fee . 6 i§’l“*.“ ° if dai?   ·-.- i   June s at dst s. rh. th the Brusnsss
group O 3 umm ee Oimer S u ee S   ’lu‘v 3 -‘»itr’”ri¤   renin ef the Student Union-
.1:0 the campus to celebrate class re-     _ h
ul'1lOHS Hlld to l'lOl’lOl` Visiting (jelebrj-       White TE, ghcé WGS gganlfld
Thirteen dsssss, including the   Alme Meter te l9e5» eee whe Wee
class of 1908, forty years old this   unable te eeme te tile eempus et
e June. will C€l€bI`HtlOI'l reunions.   thet time te eeeewe lt beeeeee ef
They are, beside the 40th reunion   the war, will have the degree eon-
eisss; ttm, isa, red, and ies, 1911,   imed “l°°“ l“‘“."i lh? 82“‘i °°“"
, ,12, ,l3, and ,14, 1930, ,3ly ,32 and ,33,   yencementtexenecises this iunedilzhen
‘ties actually begin on Sunday, May i I ii     ````V `ii `'`` `i `'`` iii ``'`A N i`'` ` _`
30, when the baccalaureate services TEHEAD Don Whitehead reported the Euro-
for the 1948 graduating class will Den Whllelleeel, EX rm, Wlll Sneak,     @0; i;hrinASS§f°li;;d  
A be held et lelli P· iii lil Memefiel is scheduled for 6:30 p. m. Thursday - gs g
Heil De Leslie R· Smithi Psst°l` in the Bluegrass room of the Union. African campaign thmllge V—E day`
`of the Central Christian church at The program will include lnll.OduC_ He flew te Egypt te Jem Genefel
Lexln lon will l e th ba ala _ _ _ _ _ _ Montgomery and the British Army
. t g ddi g V e ee ii tion of distinguished guests; recogn1— for the North African campaign
eeee H less tion of reunion classes; announce- . . °
OI1.TL1€Sd3y, JUNE 1, th€ Ciu8I`t€I`1y ment Of the new 0fHC€I`S of lZl`l€   aFrOSS·Afrl;aSlNi;h thimitvzlis
meeting ef the Board ef Trustees association, and the annual meeting QQ .e gwesggn 3 1c1y.anEal S
will be held in the othoe or Presi- el me eeneeel eeeeelellen we Bac ee 7 _Wes m ng ee
dem l.l_ L_ Donovan and On Wed_ ' during General E1senhower’s pre-
needle,. ellemeen, _l,_l’ne_ 2, the Class Fli·iddy_ nnerning at ten ¤’cl<>ek parations, and was one of four news- _.
el 1908 ls plelmlng e eleee leunlen lesietledtien ei alumni will be held paper correspondents with the hrst
‘ picnic. More detailed information . m the Alumni Ofece’ mom 124’ Stu- move in the Nelmeildy iiivesieii
lahuut this affair is being sent direct eeet Uetee eee will eeeeeee eeel He iddded. under drs, dd the Non
to members Of the clase li°ell· The elmuel eemmelleemellt mandy beaches, rode with Patton.
0,, Thursday anemoon at one luncheon llllll be at -12-30 `P- ln- F11- sent the first story out of Paris and
Oycleele the annual lneellng Of the Elev, 11% tlke {3 uegliss _lOOm¤ end went to Aachen with the liberators.
Kentucky Research Foundation is limes. al l, 5· _° eXi“gi°“· iei°‘ Ernie Pyle wes his tentdndte during
scheduled th the Presidents othee, l;"S?“tl“s Ollllel iilfsiees °i_il‘e perl ef the eenfliet and his close  
and at four p. m. President and Mrs. mvelsltyhvfl be t _Q Speeke1' friend-
Donovan will be at home to trustees, l The admmistratlon is Planning te His wife, the former Marie Pat-
faculty. alumni, seniors and guests mV1t€‘ all tormer trustees back te terson of Pineville, is also a former
- at a tea in the gardens at Maxwell the Fsmpils fel the June Week f€s‘ University of Kentucky student, and
Placa tivities this year, and they will be hjs brother, Kyle, was graduated
The alumni banquet, at which (Continued on Page 12) from the University in 1926.

 ·. ·   K  —»< .   "?i???<
‘· ' ’ \·`v2il`l`€l1 Co1111ty—J. 1?'1·est011 Cherry-  
The Ke n t U C |( A I u m n u S Bowling Green, Ky. fz.?
y ’ Cincinnati (G1·enm—>-12. H. I‘U1l€ll1`l`l€t)'€l` 1948 CLASS REUNIONS   .
_   -1517 Carew Tower, Cincinnati. Ohm _  
.` V Official Organ of the Alumni Associzx- Chicago, 111,-Ben Ragland-228 N. La I w111 be there [I `{»¢§§3
. {jon of the University of Kentucky pub- Salle St., Chl('¥\gO, Ill.   3(
lished qua-¤`t€¤‘lY ¤¤_ the campus G? 'Ehe New York, N. Y.—·Dlll\CiIIl Stokes—500 For banquet I] $2_{)¢—;_';1; OP
_ Umversxty, bal: L§§1ng&wn.bSu§>;c1·;?l_t1011 Fifth A,`,€nue_ N_ Y_ t __y_ .5TO Wi
to non-mem ers, . . EKU ers np ype I . _ _ _ V ` ___2 2 ,2%;,
` 4) in the Association includes subscr1p—   (~N·%§QIg€ ®,g$§;¥§_‘gt(§n$ FOI` 1L1IlCh€OH E  
mm to the Alumnus. D. C. · - >’'.» ;By RO}
‘ —   Detroit, Mich—Henry _ J. B€Hm—33l   ]
· Entered as Second Class Matter at the L3¤‘<‘hl€8~ D¤`¤}’€r B¤¤·m¤¤g¤<>¤. Mich G Name __________________________________________________ ls
» _ Post Office at Lexington, Ky., May 22, Cleveland, Oh1o—Qz1st0n McK_eel-—11S4.> yxsay ui
‘ 1929, under the acl: of March 3, 1879, Lake A\’€m¤€· (ll€V€l*¥“d· 2;**3 114 Add   ‘ h_
. Philadelphia, Pa.—Berkley e ges— regs ________________,___,______________________ _ t or W 1;
‘ . \Vz1ve1·ly Road, \Vy11c0te, Pa. · ‘
Helen G. King ............................ . ........... Editor . _ _ The Ke
1 G_ Le; Meclglm _______l.___.... Marmgep Editor OFFICE SECRETARY Guests [1 Class ...................... .,_‘.·f€at€st I
Marguerite McLa1.ugh1i11...-xssuciate Editor _ H (__r“_t_< _,,._) “,0Odm“d Mug _ _  
· _ ‘]°jtQQf`hg$m,o"‘K,,f‘ "‘“ ‘ " (Ed1to1·’s note: Please chp thl gssemblec
EXECUTIVE CONIBIITTEE * * * * COUDOH and return to the Execu. 135t seasc
LeRoy Miles, P1-osidem-First xa;1olm1 M*>*“b€‘¤‘ 0* V tive Secretary, Room 124 Stude; " ~Champj
Bank B1dg.. Lexington, Ky. Ameriemr Alumni council Union, if you plan to attend an. eéstern C
Mrs. John N. Browning, Vice-President- Kentucky Press Assotvmtlfvh H f th f t· ·t· `
l?¤g<>¤¤<>¤10 Rd·· Maysville, KY·   O1` 3 0 6 65 Wl IBS-) the fifth
He on G. King, Executive Soc1·et211·y—SU  
Hampton Court, Lexi11gt011, Ky. “ n _ Adolph I
James S. Shropshire, Trez1.su1‘e1·—R0y— Come Back’ Mavournecn     n- In t I Y   went On
U iagter Road, R.R. No. 4, Lexington, Nostalgia wells up within us, like (L 8 um 1 VBS I1 Ou the Easte
0 ' . , . Just a year ago this month · A
, ; B. A. Shl\’€]}'—U.I\. Athletic Dept. TesuTge11.i wave, when we recall OUT r · E
. ~ . . -. . . V astern-V
- Helm §M>¤¤`[()1'i()l1$,
j Chauncey Fo1·gey—As1rlr1m1 Daily Inge- That is why yOu1' Alumni ASSOCwt10?1 Héw Slogan beneath the Old; "K1 .;—,ThiS 1,4
~-   A$"'**“d Wlnnédmte Past dggignateg q date each, year upml twiky youth are Kentucky’s best; best avaj
`·   M¢;1‘a:‘uerito_McLaughliug226 E_ Maxwell which you are urged to Tetufn to v€Stme‘rLt.” v‘nev€r W;
» ` viii.; hzseglgrlitailolgii §;);e¤1§;;£i;:?¤1g;‘ggg) Alma Mater-,150 renew old fttendshipsr Af this writing 41 $2,800, four-yl equalgql
` ‘e`iI1l‘ill_lU1ti 16, Ohio (‘4T glass ygpyel and to T€”lJ’Z£(lllZ€ old ’77l€’I7lO7'7»€$· al]_-g_]3pgnS€ Scholarship has been Even il.
>¢·ll(1ll1\'€, h01101‘;11*y) , . . .  
, June 3-4 are reunion days on the tabltshed through contrzbutwns Oilers, N;
l e A1’l’OINTIVE BIZEDIBERS campus of the University of Ken- the University of Kentucky Loyc the Kent
Q V tneloy this spring. June 3 is Alumni Fund., an alumni-sponsored prot The score
, iiUT1·(ln:"];k"‘“· I1f_Xi“$§;’“· ]KY· Day, when all of you are urged to and the goal ofthe alumni corrzrrtlzijfthe cal
_ ·‘ .· ·vu11s— mem e, {y. . · _ · -_ 1
· L, K. ¤~r—?¤1<€1-1rCor&l1.md Bldg, Lex- cme back fel ablimeihvemid 00 00 gt meme gf me dnves $5000 She rang
· nugtom, {eutuoky capture, if possi e, e QIITTIOTOUS @@11 p<1SS€ . eep in
Mrs. lle111·y A. Tuylo1·—Ho11de1· 0 I' . ‘ - . * " ‘ ‘
L-,,,.,,S F_ m,.k_],m.mds,)m,g’   `Y days Of 140100*0- *0061405; °°""”€"“ But we are not through! Thrs dr Cats W10
_ { M2u‘#l1ull l.Zzn1·11os~l;l·;tve;· ]_);1_1u, Ky_ ment, when al/'lqost ¤ young men will continue th·r0u.gh June 302 Hi? ` Fo110w1
' Y. H 7 and women wzll leave the campus hope that enough funds may rGm,d€ng
_ <.LLl,» L’RIoi>1DlsN'1‘s to carry the spirtt of Alma Mate? rnto raised to insum mom Scholarships of the G,
Bnyll (`0llllt)'—T\'llll l’l1i1>1 .·—(_2; tl »tL ·l ·r, . .
1;l·ulul·1;y H L L °)ulE’ G busy world' the years to COQTLC. This IS to be Dave E
L'2¤llg1I;1‘<~5&)l.f<»1111ty—4J. ll. I·ell1e·y—Pl·mee- “(j0me Back, Mav0uv·neen," to the annual "giuing" campaign, 0 .xi31—"Th·
c1»»;¤smm_eolmry—.rossO 1;on1l-H,,1,ki,,S- scenes of yew youth- Plan now 00 TG- alumni who have been ¢¤¤00°· played tl
D"lI"’ lj? I Wu 3 I serve these two days from your personally, and those who have lf .24 years
uvxcss 111111 y-. 1 011 T1 ~·—l[ ll; (1 . . . · · · .
Bldg., Owenslroro, 1{y_ HKU U m crowded routme of lwlng, to walk of the Alumm comm1ttee’s €]°I07'tS z.Hy Tu]
II%¤g;?£¢;;1;L)l1L`;·115 .»t*|l\l` 111111¢··s Il s year. yOm,S· `Begrdlr
`Si~__., , _   __ , __ _ _ __ __ __ __ _ _ ,, , . _ V ’ V ".

   I M
  • • .
°NS# lil ’CtEdS Nt alCll t NtCh
  `4 =, 3 S I1 €3S0l1 3S 3 1011 0 8 13 € € 3111pS u
  36 of 38 Games   __,__ A_   A A A the assistant coach to Oiler Mentor
1 .="t §4?·T0 Win Nat’l. Crown   ..-,     A .rA“ ij ·tvA ,2. i ·.vt i Bud Br°Wnlng·
S rl  . , .  .1 t~»*‘v.v—·* f >A»: _.:’ . t·;v ’ ’  V -:  .   ».tt ‘ Keutueky suffered fwe lusses dur-
I .:i`By ROY Stemfom 46’ Athletic     it L L   ·‘», ing the regular season, and one was
‘1'`V-   Publicity Director         avenged. After rolling to seven
hsay it fancy Oi- say it piain Shout   .A  A, · AA. , ..,  e  -··-   fAt,aA straight wins, Kentucky was edged A
it or whisper it It’s an the same           ; $(*59 by Temple m l°l“la‘l€ll’l“a· i »
``'`''`.'`'`` `r i ' `   AA ,     r    However, in a return match in _
* t ·.Th€ Kentucky Wildcats were the      Q A} ;  l   A   Louisville, the ’Cats annihilated the , ‘
'`‘'``'`‘‘'‘‘‘ greatest basketball team ever to be  AAA  A,  A_A_ A    A  Owls 58_38_
zlip thi assembled on a college hardwood j ·  A  if ‘‘’    Only one defeat in college cOm_ A
2 Execu-last season.    i, AAA A _   petition went unavenged. Notre
Stlldel ArChampions of their own South-   , A- ”   Dame’s Lucky Irish caught the ’Cats ‘
lend all eastern Conference tournament for (   flat on a Monday night following a
the fifth consecutive season, Baron L blawllllgi malillllg Wlll 0V€l` Dépaul A
  Rupp’S Wonderful Wildcats A OH Saturday nlght In the Ch1C8g0
A Youth went on in postseason play to win A Stadlurn The Scorer 64`55‘
mth ,the Eastern N. c. A. A. titie, the In SE-AC. tourney play, Kentucky
, excéil;AEastern-Western N. C. A. A, Play- beat Florida 87-31; L.GS, U, 6A:£A-4li
,,3 Of i.Offs crown, and the college division gjrlgessee 70`47’ and Eorgla ee
is the ,. of the Olympic trials- Adolph F Rupp T ·N C A A play it was Ken l
" .: - n .... ·
> the L'~A A `It didn’t take the Kentuckians a   sucky Over Columbia, 76_53. 6062
‘St ifwa lifetime to achieve these basketball The Cover Ovsi. Holy Cross snd 5842 Over Bsy_ i
honors. It took them just one sea- This issue of the Alumnus is l9r_ 1-Iere’s the way the Olympic L
asure if SOD- dedicated to the intrepid Wildcat Trials went; Kentucky 91-57 over A
J° the U 4In collegiate competition, the won- basketball team. So H1a¤Y of YOU Louisville; 77-59 over Baylor; and ·
*€ll0l<1TSl der ’Cats went to the post 38 times, have been unable to S€€ lh€ITl losers to Phillips 53-49 in the finals.
ltt€l¤es» Jordanr Dayr Lrner He an r Ralph Beard was second with 476.
never will be surpassed or even Assn- Coach Harry Lancaster and Wah Wah Jones, who got a late
J°0ltT·Ul equaled. Coach Rupp start with the round ball because of
s been Even in dsfsst sgsinst lhs Phillips Frent rOW· Same nrderi Man' football injuries, closed with a
>utle¤r Oilers National A. A. U. champions eeer Humser Yessri Smugnr flurry ef buekets in the later stages
. T ’ . . ' Beard, Capt. Rollins, Barnstable li · t ssrn third lscs
~U Lfllll the Kentuckians were magnificent. and TOWNS Orglegcgmpnlgn O P
’d Pi°l;AA.The score was 53-49, but the experts Piwm by Mack Hughes, _ _W1t   ‘ A
CO’ll'lll·· of the cage world had-predicted-that For the most part, that is the cold,
$5,0'l0‘ the rangy, veteran Oiler quintet, l factual story of Kentucky’s success.
deep in reserves, would skin the Sid Friedlander, New York Post- The Wildcats, like any other group
This dr 'Cats with ease. "lt was the greatest game of the of college kids, are human, and
~30:inf ·Following the Madison Square season. Beard was phenomenal? probably thats the most interesting
lltllll Garden g8.IT1€, h€1`€ls just what 3 few Coach Bud Browning of the Oll_ V1€V\’ of tllém. —
larshipi of the Gotham scribes wrote; sss_~Ksnnlcky wss the best team Every time they took the floor
Y te bf ADave Eisenberg, New York Jour- w3’v9 played against this season. tnls Snnsonr Whether ll be Mndlson
tlQfl· lnal-—"The Oilers and Wildcats is lhs rsstssi ls ss livs Square Garden or Tuscaloosa, Ala-
A Beard S P Y h _ h
eontati played ths best game yvs sssn in ever Seen}, bama, they knew t at they were t e
hare ri .24 years of watching basketball." AS Winners Oi the College division '°3lA§lSAl‘; all E‘{l’S€l· AAA A h d
ellnrll i Hy Turkin, New York Daily News · · l K nt k rs nn eu uc y er YQU VG 3
‘ ‘ V ~ · Or the Olymplc Tfle S’ E uc y successful season " the rival men-
~ fl"ll’“¤‘ +"Those of our Olympic basketball ·. _ - 1 h 3 . ’
. it _ entire first team Alex Groza, Ra p mrs mid their is srs s.
llmllllll foes who don’t get stiff neck from _d W h Wah Jones Cliff Bsi._ _p y ' _ _
1, HIC ll gawklng st Bob Ku1.lsnd (hers Seven Bear f a A ’ _ That ITIBGG lf doubly difficult {OY
Qsfdffl feét tall) will oertaini - ker and Cerrerr Kenny R°lnnS_ Kentucky. But then again, the Kon-
y get cross A _ A _. n QS _ _
rPP°'l"’l eyed from trying to follow the Wlll represent ln'? rnnllcnn ee ee tuckians were diirioult people,
in nufvf greatest or an-aronna amateur cage eu the l‘l·md¤ Olymplc S‘l“a‘l· especially fer the opposition.
havc lll piaygrs in the World t0diiy_Rslpn Coach Adolph Rupp will go to They were a great team because
_Beard." England with his team in July as they’re great people.

 S * i Thousands J am St   on
l l‘€€ S O € COIII  
— l By Fred Jackson, *19, Lexington   :=:···-·¤·   o-—-: gl; ¤=:;     ___:,_t gg ___f;_V  _   __ ; ·   V:_;_         _  V VV_  
Lceder   ‘°`° —.   "·’·   ·:--v QT;  %i;Y2;;·il i’i     S `  1:%%** ’’‘‘;‘` - V·-;&i ;   `‘‘   ‘‘’ n-      v··; is iiii  
S   E’’   io.       ;;t»     Z  zot    
. ° Paper to Receive   ee` is    ``‘i` iii    
‘ ` Fund fer Oiyrnpice   -“·»¤  £iZ§i§ESiT¤i.`iif§..l ’        ;``,        
7 Contributions toward an "0n-    gf ‘‘i   j  g ‘ 'i_i   ;:_  
l te-the-0iy¤nl>ide" iddd id dddd         Q  
` additional University ci Ken-     .,‘” ·   ~  
tnchy heeheiheii Players id Ldd·   ‘“’’iiii   ”i`i   iii? ’i`   ‘i—»‘.,·ii   ..S:,l.® i; »;i,i   ‘‘=     iiii 2     
deni Eneiend fdr the Olidddidd   Q °i:·     S   ‘i`i . ,i,,   i·_i        
eanies nerd August will be id     .... .   .  .»·-     r,.i   ;..·   ,*-’   — S .
ceived by The L€Xl“gt°“ Herald-       :»;?   ....;,-t`.   ·c.i; ii      »—*;
g Leader as repositoryg The play-   :;i       j_-,_.
g ers will be selected by Coach Ken Rollins Alex Groza  
_ Adolph Rupp on the basis of .,°
, 1 merit for 1947-48 performance. honor at Welcoming h0m€ th€ Play'- truck Pausdd while store Bmployllétgmwolnl
" 2 Basketball fans wishing to do- GPS and handed each a large souve- rolled out a "We]come’ Wiide°b¥’ L€R*
  nate may send their checks to nir key of the city. The first 10 carpet across the street ehd tl-T- K- Aha
, this hewspepeh players and Coach Adolph Rupp also Diatty Purcell €¤'iD10Y€€S, Misiressed ali
, ; received from Lt. Gov. Lawrence Ethel Watts, Wanda Coleman. im? Sllowl
· j _ Wetherby, acting in the absence or ginia Durbin and Peggy Buchalte °°lll"* C
‘ i _ Lexmgton lollig get lll? iallpelg Gov. Earle C. Clements, colonelsl PY€$€¤t€d each PlaY€1` with a ictiseason l
j, { ne? dewn thigwllsg fas 3; grlgglsst commiggigng Oh the governol-is Staff stemmed rose bud l6·2games i
I . OL1 QH l‘1'l3.SS€ pI`1 ll'} i   g   - ·,
- l WQIQQIUQ €V€l` staged ll'! Central Might Have Beat 0`ilBl'S hT1'l€ Players, t00l recelvgd  
l ? K€1'it¤€kY- Coach Rupp told the thron t uslastlcauy Mrexas Hol DL
. g that _ ormed ar
r . On the receiving end lvvere the the Wildcats eolayeci even better lllllll the ll€lll"l’*’ hdidde Sli/Iain stree
  ` victorious University of K€¤tU€liY than we thought they wou1d," but Operated by W' G' Stephens" The C1"0
gi Wildcat basketball plEly€I`S Hfld their he added as an afterthought; "Wg’d B A d B t-   at
~_ 1 coaches- · have won that last game tt m th amms ll lm lllg   b f
· » In an hour-long demonstration AAU Champion Phillips Oi1e1i;,),too? Bll“ll"’l`S l°l`°°lalllllllg Kenllilllllilirc ziltoi
_ that began when the 80·mi¤¤te·iat€ if it hadn’t been for a broken nose the glelllllsl ddlldeldid °ll’l’“?ng,nntii 4
George Washington steamed and and e few Such thjnggf basketball team Ol all tlm€· Cllrllm
Q whistled into the jam-packed Union F d Crff B k ing the W01"1dlS cage Capital forl `·  
j ’ railway station, University students, Orwar . 1 all gr was taken mgtdn and greeting players!   R
S · ` t ° l ii 1 ‘ . ~ · ‘· ,
- faculty townsfolk and visitors ll°l“ the llllellp Gally lll ldd Olymr coaches were displayed on buildc During
g showed COI'1Cll,1SlV€ly how they felt   rlas nas wlth 3 smashed and vehlcles along the paragggfhgls ]
· h t th { · t H · t ' route and in ' ll ~d Z il» alll
_ I guggrtgg e na ions goo co gegia o hmm glgg tg bring bggk the gg_ gtggg wmggwg Spml Y "’C°liews-reei
g From moi wp and Station campy, tional championship to the Univer- University classes gugpgndggnroadcast
. sity, Coach Rupp added. He then . . . ' ..
, from hotel and store windows flank- . , many senior Junior and elemeri · i We]
_ th _i1Wa _t mm and f introduced Assistant Coach Harry . ’ ,, `.Y -‘
ing e ia y s a rom Lancaster Student M School children were excused Welcom-
. · · , · , anager Hum- ,~ I
crowds massed in the stations cir- ZE YE . d h , , _ the turnout. Stores delayed rye;] hack