xt7v6w967p0r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v6w967p0r/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 2010 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumni, vol. 81, no. 1, Spring 2010 text images Kentucky Alumni, vol. 81, no. 1, Spring 2010 2010 2012 true xt7v6w967p0r section xt7v6w967p0r Qi A
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 2010 the year that the estate tax was to be zero for one year before returning to the 55% rate and $1 million
exclusion probably won’t happen. This article is being written before 2009 year end. It is expected that Congress will
vote to extend the current estate tax rate of 45% along with the exclusion of estates which are smaller than $3.5 million.

The University of Kentucky has impacted many of you and legacy planning may have an interest. There are
many ways to give back and I would like to suggest three ways to give and assure you we can outline many other
opportunities to you.

1. Charitable Remainder Trusts—are arrangements between a donor, a Trustee and a Foundation could be a
community foundation or the University. The gift givee transfers their assets to the trust and receives an
immediate tax deduction. The donor retains the right to its income and specifies who is to receive the
income and at what rate. After the death ofthe last beneficiary, the Foundation receives the remaining
assets and donates them to the gift giver’s charity(ies) of choice.

2. Life Insurance—you can donate a life insurance policy that is no longer needed to the University, your
church or charity of your choice, and receive an immediate tax deduction equivalent to the approximate
surrender value. You can also choose to name the University the beneficiary in which the face value of the
policy will go to the University. Your premium payments on the policy are tax-deductible if the University is
the owner and beneficiary of the policy.

3. Retirement Plan Assets—a particularly effective way to fund a charity. Depending on the size of your
estate, income and estate taxes may consume a large portion ofthis asset. However, if you name the
University or community foundation as your beneficiary then this will substantially reduce or eliminate your
tax liability.

Perhaps you ought to invest an hour of your time and see how the Wisdom of Salomon can be working for you.

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 / ` I I I J Spring 2010 • Volume 81 • Number 1
__i—_____   UK Opera Theatre: Helping
Students Develop Their Voices V
  u   Phamgyupherluhi   >96AS, >97 Ever since EVCICISIZ McCorvey took OVCI CliC   i`  
ED stnnds in jisont Jn cnmelslnughterhonse OPCH Pmgm?1 m 19?6’ It has Worked wwérd   , _  
in Mlalmga, Kenya in 2009_ Ujepham was a single goal; Becoming the best young artist ' - Q
my by his tom/immzm ;¤¤§t;2i¤;¤g Pr<;(gr¤mi¤ Am¢¤¤¤·" "
Photo: @2009 Gideon O/eusi y O ln can er
Jahi Chikwendiu: Holly Goddard Jones: i 
'A Photo ls Worth ...’ Mirroring The Voice Of Kentuckians y , y , y
In 1998 ]ahi Chikwendiu began his photography ca- The short stories in "Giri Double" by Holly T T . or g _
reer with the Lexington Hamid-Lender as a freelancer Goddard ]ones reflect everyday life in a small \   O, g "¤_
while on a summer break from teaching math, Today Kentuclqr town with incredible accuracy `   y , ’ W y  
he works for the V%zs/aington Post and has won numer- By Heather C. Watson T   . ‘  \q,»” *’l ' `
ous international competitions for his compelling im- i ’
ages of those who cannot speak for themselves, UK Clinical Voice Center:
By Whitney Hale Helping To Restore Voices
The UK Clinical Voice Center provides diagnostic
evaluation, treatment and management of conditions
related to hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, shortness of
,_x breath, speech and other voice and airway disorders,
*7** By Ann Blackford
[ Bob Owen: A Humorous
g g .. Voice Makes The Point
{ ,___ fg if __,. Bob Owen is a motivational speaker who addresses his
my K. ‘ V (,· ’:-   ` audience with humor to create a climate of learning,
  if - "Q   `= By Liz Demoran
  t'*Y>s.{{‘i` F ‘ i ~- 9 _. » ·. Wilbur Hackett Jr.
\·— ,-Ti°`*~¤.,/ _ QQ; g" ) The SEC oPErcial and former Wildcat remains a football
._ \ ‘ ” ' T ·   ‘ QW in player at heart,
  '/1   T •- j' , By Kelli Elam
*€»;,,;,_i%/ . / Departments
C       I
    , Opening Remarks
. · ,
  V { ‘* 1( Presidential Conversation
 ¢ Q1"°;¢ *’   UKBeat
é _ __';;_     xi Research
sg ___,   if '.     ” __ New Developments
§ _.   %. Open Door
% . ~. ' /‘ ~ ·
E E / ,;_ V
F5 _ Nairn - A"*~. . ‘ .  
Days after the U.S. military toppled Saddam Hussein’s regime in
Baghdad, Kurdish men work to tear down a statue of Hussein in
the northern Iraq city of Kirkuk. (April 10, 2003)
www.uka|umni.net °l

 p S 0 p I S .
Serious about banking. Crazy about UK.
C Central Bank I  
Lsnnsn Member FDIC oontralbloodsbluacom

 Association Staff
Publisher; Stan Key ’72
O Q Editor; Liz Demoran ’68, ,76
U N I V E R S I T Y O F Managing Editor: Linda Perry ’84
0 Advertising: Kelli Elam
I ( I IN [ J I < I Senior Graphic Designer;jeH`l-lounshell
Alumm Association Brenda Barn; Records Data Entry Operator
Boa rd of Dr rectcrs Gretchen Bower oa rragrarn coordrnator
MY L 2009 ‘ J““0 39 2010 Linda Brrrrn1¤re1de Aeeorrnt Clerk 111
PL'0sid0“f Nancy Culp: Administrative Services Assistant
Scott E. Davis 73 BE Y _
presrdemceiecc Brynn Deaton O4 z SnaH`Support Associate ll
Diane M. Massie ’79 CIS Leslie Hayes; Program Coordinator
Treasurer john Hoagland ’89: Associate Director
C*¤b·*·**e De;bLeL‘b Gm 79 ED Drana Horn yo, ’71e 1¤rrneraa1 Accountant
sm §§;“$§ED Albert 11>eLb AeeeeLeLeL
George L. Atkins jr. *63 BE Peggy S. Meszaros *72 ED Runduii Morgan: ig Tecn Support
R. Price Atkinson *97 ClS Robert E. Miller
Theodore B. Bates *52 AG Terry B. Mobley *65 ED Melissa Newman ’O2; Associate Director
Rh dA.B *69BE Ch l M.M ..*59BE .. , .. . .
K;y’i§€m€us§)“a ou pgjfdsin  $6 BE Meg Phrllrpe 09e Adrnrnretratrye Support Aeeoerate I
L’¤¤¤¤L< BL¤¤¤LL¤¤L *99 *0L EN bbw Mbbmjbv *72 ED Darlene Simpson: Senior Data Entry Operator
Charles Bonrfer*9l ClS William R. Munro *5l ClS _ _ s _ _
Amelia c. Brown *03AG. *07 ED Susan v.1v1ortran *84 BE J¤11$m¤th 05: Aeeeewte Dweeter
Markw Brownrng*80 AS. *84 LAW john C. Nichols. ll *53 BE _ -
james B. Brnnt *67 BE George A. Ochs. LV *74 DE Alyssa H“"““’“‘ P“’g““‘ C°°‘d‘“““"
MrchaelA. Burleson *74 PHA john C. Owens *50 BE Frances White: Data Entry Operator
Emmett "Buzz” Burnam *74 ED Tonya B. Parsons *9l AS
Susan Bushart Cardwell *63 AS Sandy Bugre Patterson *68 AS
Shane T. Carlin *95 AG William P. Perdue. jr. *65 EN *68 BE . .
AndreW1v1. ceer1*00 AS Beth Morton Berlo *67 BE UhIV€l‘SI|Cy of K€h|IUCky
Donnaj. Childers *92 *95 *04 ED Robert F. Prckard*57 *6l EN . .
1v1rehae1A. Chr1st1an*76AS.*8O DE Chad D. P0l.la*94DES Alumhl Nlagallhé
john H. Clements *67 DE Paula Leach Pope *73 AS. *75 ED Vol 81 NO 1
Kevin A. Connell *74 AS joelyn Herndon Prather *73 ED . * * . .
Wr11rarn M. oerrnenr oayrda. Batterrnan*68 BN Ke~e4LWLW7*ed*L Web WWW—*LkeLLL¤¤¤L·¤eL
Dennis j. Keenan *90 BE. *93 LAW Christopher L. Whrtmer For duplicate mailings, please send both mailing
Shelra M. Key *91 PHA Henry R.W1lho1t.jr. *60 LAW jabsjs as, das address above
Sandra K. Kinney *78 BE P.j. Williams *9l AS
Barbaraj. Letton *55 BE. *58 ED Elaine Wilson *68 SW
james D. "Dan” Mc Cain *8l BE Scott Wrttrch *75 BE
A¤BeL¤ Reee LVL¤Ke¤Z·e *78 LD R·¤L1¤¤LM— W¤¤¤¤¤L< *53 AG Menrher otthe Council {orAdvanccmcnt and Support o{Education
www.uka|umni.net 3 ((

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 2 Presidential Conversation
Scholarships Work For UK And Kentucky
  I often use this space to tout a project or program — to spotlight the people who make the
  { i` University of Kentuclqr the special place that it is. In this issue, however, I use this platform to
  give voice to a different group of individuals — a group of individuals who are not currently
— ri LTI L; , members of the UK community
    B r ’ For nearly 150 years, this university has provided quality education to generations of students
  _;_ from across the Commonwealth. Educating students was our earliest mission, and it remains the
ra   most profound way we can enhance the future of our state. In everything we do and say — from
our Top 20 Business Plan to our conversations with external audiences — making sure UK
`I remains accessible to the next generation of Kentuckians is our top priority
T _- As Kentuclqfs flagship, land-grant university I believe it is incumbent on us to offer the Hnest
4 l education to every capable and promising student regardless of their Hnancial situation. Consid-
P Q . ering the current Hnancial climate facing potential students and their families, the Hnancial pres-
- >¢ - W sures of attending college are even more trying.
That is why we have launched the Presidents Scholarship Initiative. Scholarships are the great
equalizer, as they help level the playing Held for our students regardless of their background or Hnancial standing.
Simply put: Scholarships work for UK and the Commonwealth of Kentuclqa
For instance, a little over ayear ago, I traveled to MuhlenbergCounty to create the Felix E. Martin, ]r. Scholarship program. Mr.
Martin was a graduate of UK who wanted to provide scholarships to MuhlenbergCounty students enrolled in the Gatton College of
Business and Economics.
At that time, we had one student from Muhlenberg County enrolled in the Gatton College. This past fall, eight Muhlenberg County
students enrolled in the college.
A few years ago, an alum from Adair County started a scholarship endowment for students from that county I·Ie felt that students
who received a UK education had the best hopes for changing Kentucky
The year before he started that scholarship program, we had seven students enrolled from Adair County Last year, we had 194
students from Adair County here at UK. Fourteen of those young people receive the Adair County Scholarship.
That shows you that scholarships often serve to not only impact those students who receive them, but entire communities. When
students see their peers and friends succeeding at UK, they too know they can compete. That conhdence has a ripple effect, as many
more students and their families realize a shared dream of receiving aworld-class education.
I hope you partner with me and our fellow alunmi around the globe to provide students with the ultimate gift: The opportunity to
receive a University of Kentucky education.
For more information about the President’s Scholarship Initiative, please contact the UK Office of Development by calling
800-875-6272 or logging on to their Web site, wwwulqaedu/ Development
Lee T. Todd ]r.
b I I
S G G U G.
zn ever)/t/omg we do.
www.uka|umni.net 7 ((

 » HK B e at
New College of Pharmacy Building Dedicated
After two and a halfyears ofconstruction, 225,000 bricks, The UK College of Pharmacy is ranked among the top five
7,300 cubic yards ofconcrete, and 675 tons ofreinforcing pharmacy schools in the nation and students graduating from
steel, the new University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy the program have consistently had the highest first time pass-
building is complete. The $134 million state-of-the-art aca- rates in the United States on the national licensing board
demic and research building was formally dedicated during a exam. The college is an international leader in pharmacy edu-
ceremony in ]anuary. cation, clinical care and pharmaceutical research and currently
It is the largest academic building in Kentucky and among enrolls 514 students in the Doctor of Pharmacy program, as
the biggest in the nation. It includes a five-story atrium, two well as 72 students in the UK Pharmaceutical Sciences Gradu-
219-seat auditoriums, a 110-seat classroom, a 54-seat class- ate Program.
room, a teaching laboratory with compounding laboratory ·-   i~   , 4 f
and patient assessment rooms, and nine group-learning rooms. €'l'$\   A ·
Laboratory research facilities have been created to foster col- `wj} _     \ /
l&bOI2lti0H 21111OHg researchers in chemistry, biology and phat-   4,7:4 hr   /-4
maceutical areas. P TW if    
The facility is equipped with the latest in wireless technol-   O   7 `
ogy throughout the building and includes a video and telecon- ~ . _, ‘   i j
ferencing-equipped classroom allowing faculty and students · \ Z·$l’ g
on the Lexington campus to connect with the more than 300 \ 5 s ·
community-based volunteer faculty members across the Com-     *   ; { " ,  -4-
monwealth.  I 7 ‘ 7  ;·_   . .
The building also houses the Institute for Pharmaceutical » ‘ TN     . l r,. ’
Outcomes and Policy, a new translational 1‘€S€&1‘Cl1 €HCl€&V01‘ A V5 · 5 E ii'}  \ `.\;_   » 4 ` _
focused on developing research, training and consultative pro- §   Y    C l  `  V
grams in pharmaceutical policy, pharmaceutical health out- j  V / if "`* at X 
comes, and economic evaluation and decision analysis.   . \i \*`
UK Names Joe Monroe President Todd
Chief Of Police Visits The White House
Major ]oe Monroe was named permanent UK Chief of Police, UK President Lee T. Todd ]r. was one of four public research
following a three-year tenure as the department’s senior officer. university leaders who hand delivered a letter to President
He becomes the first UK police chief to have progressed Barack Obama signed by 79 public university leaders pledging to
through the ranks ofthe department. address the national shortage of science and mathematics teach-
Monroe’s career with UK Police began in 1994 as a patrol of- ers. The institutions are working through the Science and Math-
ficer. He advanced through the ranks, serving as a detective, ser- ematics Teacher Imperative (SMTI) ofthe Association of Public
geant, lieutenant and major. He took over responsibilities of and Land-grant Universities (APLU).
leading the police force when the previous chief, McDonald The university presidents and chancellors pledged “to substan-
Vick, resigned in ]uly 2006. tially increase the number and diversity of high-quality science
As chief, Monroe will continue to oversee a $5.4 million and mathematics teachers we prepare, and to build better part-
budget and a force of 53 sworn police officers, 58 security offi- nerships among universities, community colleges, school sys-
cers, nine certified telecommunications officers, and three staff tems, state governments, business and other stakeholders.”
support personnel who cover UK’s main campus and medical The other three university leaders that joined Todd in deliver-
center, including Chandler Hospital. ing the letter were Kansas University Chancellor Bernadette
Gray-Little, University System of Maryland Chancellor William
“Brit” Kirwan and University of Colorado Chancellor Philip P.
Compiled from UK Web sites UK Public Relations news reports and Dlstcfang
Kemudg/A/umn; magazine Staffrepomng ’ Todd serves as chair ofthe Board of Directors and Executive
' Committee for the APLU, as well as chair ofthe Kentucky
Council on Postsecondary Education’s STEM Task Eorce.
>} 8 Spring 2010

 » HK B e at
U K Gets National Recognition For Hmds, McNear Receive
EHGYTS To Educate I-\dUltS National Award From Obama
UK has earned national recognition for its eiforts to encourage David McNeat, an assistant Ptnfes- 4 ___·_ I __ ¤ · _
and support adult students to Hnish their college degrees. set in the UK Coucgc OfAg1-ICuI, _ 7 I
The American College Personnel Association (ACPA) has tute) and Btuce Hinds) an asseciate __] 1 =
awarded the UK Office of Adult Student Services the 2009 Out- Professor in tbe UK Ceiiege efbngi- A VN au? ag I
standing Adult Learner Program Award, specihcally for its success neeting) teceiyed ptesidentia] Eatiy gl `
in implementing Project Graduate, a statewide initiative to en- Career Awards {Ot Scientists and En-   ts   {
courage Kentucky adults to come back and complete their under- ginccrs during a cetenaeny at the `· _   9 .   `•, I,
graduate d€gY€€$· White House with President Barack at   _ ll?
Project Graduate has been very successful. “ Through university- Obama, a   I  °‘
wide efforts, ofthe 926 former students identihed as eligible par- qqae award is given to Scientists who   a as    
ticipants, over 460 have contacted us and 56 have graduated? says ate Within nye yeats Offccciving `'4'4   m l"   I I lll l:` `X
Cecile McKinney, director ofthe UK Office of Adult Student tbeit dbctbtates and demonstrate Bruce Hmds
Services. “The award must be shared by our team of academic ad- gteat Potential {Ot ieadetsbib in tbeit
visers in all the colleges and staff in enrollment management, and, neid efstndy McNeat Was nenai-
at the state level, with Kentucky’s Council on Postsecondary Edu- nated by tbe U S_ Debattinent ef
cation and other Kentucky public institutions who support Proj- Agticnitute and Hinds Was neini,  
ect Graduate,” said McKinney. “Through excellent collaboration, nated by the Natiena] institutes ef ,`   y y
many adult students have returned to complete their degrees.” Health) Debattinent OfHCaIth and i Z   U '
Human Services. ' W mw
• • Hinds performs research on ,   V
UK Nurslnq Professor   Presldent nanoscale device fabrication, McN- Q;    
Of lhtematlcnal Honor SOC|ety Car is Studying a fungal <·=¤d¤r>hv¤·=
_ _ that lives in the shoots of tall fescue. David N|qNgar
Suzanne Prevost, professor and associate dean for practice and
engagement at the UK College ofNursing, has been named _
president-elect of Sigma Theta Tau, the International Honor     of D€$|g n Dea n  
Society of Nursing. Prevost will take on the role ofpresident for I • I C • •
2012 and 2013. Sigma Theta Tau International is the second nternatlona Om petltlon
largest nursing organization in the world with approx