xt7v6w967x3c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v6w967x3c/data/mets.xml Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station 1957  journals  English Lexington, Ky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Kentucky farm and home science, vol. 3 No. 2 spring 1957 text Kentucky farm and home science, vol. 3 No. 2 spring 1957 1957 2012 true xt7v6w967x3c section xt7v6w967x3c T   · · _ ` . · Number 2
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,2 11 V _ I . Sprung 1957
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Volume 2, Number 2 ..................... Spring 1957 J ‘v
A report of progress published quarterly by the Kentucky Agricultural * Y 
Experiment Station, University of Kentucky, Lexington 1 4* 
{ ji
KENTUCKY AGRICULTURAI, IQXPERINIENT Material appearing in this publication may be til 
STATION reproduced without further permission. provided ` ‘
FRANK ]. WELc1~1 ................................................ Director that full acknowledgment is made of the source
W. P. GARRIGUS ................................ Associate Director and that no change in headings or text is made · ‘
H. B. PRICE and WILLIAAI A. SEAY .... Adm. ASSlStilHtS wi[h()u{ ;]l)l)r()\·;[l by [he ;iu[h()r_ [Y 
J.     .........·........,.............AgrlClllt`lrZll                    
Kentucky Farm and Hgmg Sgjgngg lication to either the authors or the Department of 2 N,
JOSEPH c. DUNCAN ................................................ Editor ¤’¤b1i¢ I¤f<>¤¤¤¤i¤¤ wd Kd¤¤¤¤i<>¤¤¤ Aids, E><=ri- °.
OruNNn ]0uNs0N & B1;’r’rY F. EnEnuAnn*r Asst. Editors UWUY Station Building. UnlV€Y$i[Y of Km‘iciE>1·i· Coax IN KEN*rUc1 TOBACCO LEAVES Page 6 T
By Richard Tlutrston [4,
El·`l·`l·ZC'1`S or Ex·rENn1Nc OASI P1iocnA1st
Page 8
By lohn H. Christiansen and aa;
C. Milton Coughenour
FARBI Surzuvisiox Ammo BY RADIO Page 9 r
By john Newland 5
s Q
S·ru¤Y EE1¤Ec·rs or PAs·1‘unE NlIXTURES ON GAIN Page 10 __
AND Fnsusu or BEEF S*rEEns °"*
By C. li`. Buck, \rV. C, Templeton, ]r., ih,
W. P. Gurrigus and E. N. Fergus
WuA·r l’lAl'l’k1NED ro THE C1.0vEn C1.0NEs? Page ll A
By Norman L. Taylor •
· “¤•··•¤—*‘-•1·-*·=¤•··*·*·F·•·*=¤····—~¤*4¤-••··¤¤r*~¤¤·»·-·= ~ · -r ¤·· cnr v:.=vv¤v·=wx»¤¤<=-¤:r·¤-*- -··~rrmn:¤~»¤~» >~··xn~- ¤~»:;v¤xv4»·z»:·¤·..-¤· 7 ~ sw .; ·;;;;;—;.i~;~·, Ji., ;g.,‘T;,.,, , ·. . V, é—  
  .} _/ The Cover Typical oi Kentuclrnxc 1957 3 .

 Symptoms indicate that some of the state’s soils 1nay lack A-__
one of the “minor” elements needed for plant growth, causing   .
• • • • 1
Zinc - deficient Corn 1n Kentucky .
By H. F. MASSEY ., 1
Zinc, one of the minor elements, is not generally A number of other things can cause corn to have li
considered to be a necessary fertilizer in Kentucky. symptoms similar to those of zinc deficiency. Root A
However, it appears that we may have to consider aphids and also some bacterial diseases can cause such 1
zinc fertilization for best production of corn on symptoms. Some corn plants from numerous locations
some fields. over the state, showing the above-described condition,
were found to be suffering from aphids and bacterial *  
What is the Problem? diseases. However, other plants were apparently not I 1
A number of corn fields have been observed in effected by either Of those cauS€S‘ 4
Kentucky over the past several years in which the How Ccin Deficiency Be Dicgncscdiv ”_
Cllllh OY ll Pall lll ll» WHS ¥ll)P¥lY€lltlY ZlllC‘(l€flCl€lll· Analysis of the plant is often helpful in diagnosing V
The affected plants usually showed a yellow streaking n (i€HCi€ucy_ Plants Showing the Syinntnins Stut€(1   r_
Wlwll 8 lll lll ll¤€ll€$ lull- l·ill€l`» lll€ leaf UPS and above were usually found to have a lower coucentra- I
margins became purple and, if the corn was severely tion Of Zinc tlsiau ncaitny ninntg Hnwcvcn Scvciciy { g
affected, a broad white stripe developed down each dcficicnt ijlaiits sninctinics contnincd n highcr c(,n_  
side of the leaf. The corn was usually stunted, and ccntmtinn nf Zinc tilan nnndciicicnt pinntS_ pinnts T
ll1¢‘ Dllll <>ll¢`ll Sl¤<>w<·r<>w¤ OY PllYPl€ (ll$· showing only mild deficiency symptoms usually had ef
C()l()I`2l.Tl()ll lll Tll(‘ l()\V(‘l` ll()(l(‘S.   tll(‘ C()l`ll \V&T.S VCl`y the i()“r€St C()iiC€ntl·atiO“ of ZinC_
sr-vi-rely affected. it usually l'(‘Ill2llll(‘(l SlllIll(”n1Nc 1957 gt

 `-_ How Can Zinc Deficiency Be Corrected? will provide an economical procedure for correcting
T ii Zinc deficiency can be corrected by fertilizing the Zine deneiencY-
{Q? soil with zinc. However, the placement of the zinc what Must stm Be Done?
t appears to be very important. Zinc which is merely Te date We have detetmthed that some Zine
broadcast ee ilie Seil oi mixed iii ilie Seil maY be deficient corn occurs in Kentucky and we know rea-
`. iixed so iaPidiY mat it becomes imavaiiabie to me sonably well how to determine whether soil is likely _
.c plant. The experimental work to date has not shown te he deheieht ih Zine tat eeta We stm have not
» _ which is ilie best meiiiod of aPPiYmg Ziiici but it determined the best method of applying zinc to
abbeais that about 20 Poimds Pei acie ei Zinc siiiiate> correct zine deficiency. Work is being planned for .
, epplieel iii e bend eii iiieli er ee belew ilie Seed, gives inis coming year winch Win determine ina best
· good coiiiioi Howeveii it is VeiY dimciiii te aPPiY method of applying zinc as a fertilizer or as a coating
*~ iliii Smell eeieiipi el fertilizer iii e l>e¤  
.    f   .   it   if        
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  · `V'· V     V L .   —»;’ v »AV..,· -V »`A’‘'     ‘
e . .
Fig. l.—A chlordanc-treated tobacco plant. Fig. 2.- Another chlordane-treated tobacco plant.
Figs. l and 2.- These two photographs illustrate the dis- the ones which were affected. Compared with the normal (
tortion in some tobacco leaves caused b dinin the leaf C), note the stra 1-like leaves B and E, and the »
_ _ _ Y I 1 § _ _ I
plants in chlordanc solution before setting. The leaves distorted [IPS (A, D and F),
which were formed immediately after transplanting were ay
Malformed Tobacco Leaves ..
Laboratory work verifies field observations and seeks to 5
determine the 1·ole of two insecticides, chlordane and Ve
lindane, in producing abnormal leaves
. . I ,?—._  I
lli l*l(·lll\l*ll THURSTON plants were narrow and strap-like, but the malformed
\lalfei·mt·a tobaeee leaves (similar to those being leeves ebservecl err elrlerclzrrre-treatecl plants were °
sent to the Experiment Station by farmers and county lllllllllll exeept lll lll€ Ups. Wlllcll W€l€‘ €lll`V€€l 5ll%ll`DlY I
agents) were noticed in 1954 in experimental field lllW¥ll`€l, l0l`llllllg Slllflll. 5ll2ll`P P0llll€rd¤¤w-treated plants The first leaves produced by plants after- b-etameht
"* W€Y€ UQYYOW and $U'3P·lik€» but 0th€1`$ W€Y€ UQYYOW with lindane were also usually narrow and strap-like.
at the base of the leaf and the outer half was more as Shgwlj by leaf H (Fig 4)_ Lateppl-Oduced haves,
11€9·Yly H0f1TlHl ill %1pp€H1'2111C€· such as C (Fig.   and I (Fig. 4) had a more irregular
  ` V , . , , . l . . ,   _
Bottom Leaves unaffected leafledge apd shape. An abtaorpiply large ampuntlo
..,, Figures 1 and 2 show typical ehterdehe-h·eeted t"’ ""‘ ‘;“b?°‘* ;”"*°°";P°f‘ " ;""‘?""{°"‘· ";t)“;
plk1DtS 3 weeks after tI`€z1tm€11t, and Figs. 3 Ellld 4 WA; pro ah y ile resut O 1 A IL UCUO? {H tofi (fl
‘A · _ ‘ ¤ · _ A
" Sll0W typ1C3l l111Cl3.11€-iII‘€Elt€(l plants. Tll€ l)OttO1T`t ijlrbéce rag 1611 t lan 0 al? eu aLg€TGlEtF   HEC VUIL
leaves, which \V€1`€ p1‘€S€Dt Wlltill tllé plants \V€I‘€ O lug O_ 63%;/€Sl’ ab   Owul ly ed (1 1%'_ ;`l\Y°lh _
treated, were unaffected by either- the ehlerdehe er- ;°‘“‘“°“d“‘ t 6 ‘;;“‘ °““€‘ €"V"*é fm; tmf ""“¥§
` the lindane. The first leaves produced after the plants Fcami Eepér an more plguomgw 1 m iuqfebl ({1 mm
_ W€I'€ Clfpp€(1 ill Cl1lOI`(la1l€ \V€1'€ 1l211`1`OW Hlld SlII‘3.]_)-lil<€ ai tell t (BSE FICFHG? were td §n`f E t kit; O   €°1V$b
with a granular leaf surface, as illustrated by leaves tw _ Alger? 63 hV€mb’_ m5t(?‘u O mmilulug O] “€‘u_y
~•y B (Fig. 1) and E (Fig   Pmgmssivély less lwf straig t rom t e main V€ll1, ian para L to tie main
.. I deformation was evident as successive leaves were (C(,,,H,,l,L,d 0,, paw, 12)
formed. Leaf D (Fig. 1) had a narrow tip, but the
'Y stem half of the leaf was more nearly normal in size l
·;,; and shape than B or E. The stem half of leaf F (Fig. _e,;ge,,
_   was quite normal, but the tip was still narrow and `  
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