. fr ( t. . Q UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY l COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE _ THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean A i A W A''' G rzrr iw ’ Extension Division ` . is 3 .. -.ir:»~·~ L FRED MUTCHLER, Director `*“ ’ “ “' Q CIRCULAR NO. 66 FEEDING FOR WINTER EGGS uy J. HOLMES MARTIN , » NAI E Y?l;~» T'il»A'-~ ;‘>· i . Y L * ` p if I ,_ I Y ~· ‘ is I e4 ¥ ‘ yd" A4 L . yn] `»·_.;4A~g‘ ` I »·»·#:‘ v* 1 »· T· I 'K -;A.,~< »)¢,¤,‘,A_·< #,1;*4 fzi$< ; ` 4`A M l,• · A 4`4 in nv Lv 4 ` ` . `iKYL.;Y.L1LI]44.l ALKKZAA — · MEAT MEAL NO MEAT " nzsuurs nan urn ron one Yun FIG. 1.—·Tl1ese results were set·11i·•>¤l hy tliw ntlditieui of mc-nt meal to the Ill‘Il4S I'2lIi¤>Il. Published in connection with the agricultural extension work car- ried on by cooperation of the College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky, with the U, S. Department of Agriculture, and distributed In furtherance of the work provided for in tl1e Act of Congress oi May 8, 1914.