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{ known to have a watchful and alert eye, however, and often detects the
Q wilful wrong—doer who tries to appeal to her sympathy through mis-
§ representation of ago or other devices of trickery. She has no
{ leinency for those who violate the liquor laws, being an extreme
{ prohibitionist; one of the major issues in her campaign was the
{ eighteenth amendment. _
{ Judge Ida May idams's father and brother operate a large cot-
Q ton plantation in Death Valley, near Los Angeles, California. Her
{ mother conducts a school for deficient and defective children in Los
{ Angeles, said to be the largest school of its kind in the country.
{ Judge Adams's mother is considered an international authority on the
{ subject of defective children. Judge Adams is extremely interested
{ in the school, perhaps deriving some of her sympathetic views toward
{ youth from this assooia ion with the deficient child.
{ Quoting from the Courier-Journal of April 17, 1952; "Judge Ida
' May Adams, daughter of the South, born in Mount Vernon, Kentucky,
{ has set a pace in the municipal courts of Los Angeles, California,
{ by disposing of more cases than any other judge in that city. In
{ order to establish this splendid and enviable record Judge Adams
spends more than ten hours a day in her judicial chamber. Her
{ plan is to keep a clean calendar and spare offenders a second
{ appearance in court.
{ "This young woman, fragile in form and brilliant in mind, is
F called a 'crusader’ by her opponents, but Red Men, women and tax-
E payers call her their champion. It was Judge Adams who was respons-
{ ible for amending in l927 the California community property law,
2 securing to women a present existing and eoual interest with that
? of the husband in community property. Upon the amendment is based
{ the ruling of the United States Treasury according to California
{ income taxpayers the privilege of filing separate income tax re-
{ turns, resulting in saving the people of California $l8,000,000
{ a year. Judge Adams has established, as counsel in the leading
{ cases of Stewart vs Stewart, before the California Supreme Court,
{ the previously unsettled property status of the wife of California.
{ The Red Hen are indebted to Judge Adams for the introduction and
{ passage in Congress of tho Indian Citizenship bill in l924,"
{ From the same article in the Courier·Journal, a description
{ of her court routine is given; "lhile in Los Angeles I had the
{ privilege of spending an afternoon in the Tnaffic Court where
{ Judge Adams presides. It was indeed interesting and impressive.
{ Judge Adams has both dignity and kindness. A ready smile greets
V every offender and dispolls all fear of unfairness or prejudice.
{ This petite figure in her black robe almost lost in the stately
I chair, listens intently and makes_numerous notes. These same
notes sometimes tran the witness if he is resorting to falsehood.
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