xt7v6w969w9c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v6w969w9c/data/mets.xml North Carolina Historical Records Survey of North Carolina 1939 Prepared by The Survey of Federal Archives, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Works Progress Administration; The National Archives, Cooperating Sponsor; Other contributors include: Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.), United States Works Progress Administration, National Archives (U.S.); iv, 28 leaves, 27 cm; Mimeographed; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FFW 4.14:F 317/ser.5/32 books English Raleigh, North Carolina: The Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. North Carolina Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series V The Department of Justice, Number 32 North Carolina text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series V The Department of Justice, Number 32 North Carolina 1939 1939 2015 true xt7v6w969w9c section xt7v6w969w9c We I) ee] V . h WVTW “h W A T A T TIIIITIIIIITIIAITIIIIMIIII»HIH|II • _ _ ‘ T g [ 2 Dues MBWBHUL 2 HUGH A » ·V < >w`~"Z¥1'Yl`!!’¤*¤****·##*————— WAT =k=¥¤N·¤l·=Hi=H=N= _ · Y INVENTORY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES · A _ 3 IN TEE sTATEs gg A “ A A — » I SERIES v _ xp »·.*.’ A . ; TEE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE gage NE, az. NORTH CAROLINA _ 3 — l ' 1 gi The Survey of Federal Archives . `· gyggf 5 Works Progress Adxninisbration . ` of North Caroline, · E ’ Raleigh A ii?) , 1959 A Y V T ***¤|¤I=•|¤=I¢¤|¢=|==|¤I= _ Q _ § &DEHUS»lTvv* ¤ Afih A E A V}_ .. E `•_g(;_|BRAB‘E‘° AVW ' s . * E- * J ’ .4; . L » . ' O I ·l ` Y ` I . { x ,» } I _ 1 ` T ’ l 1 ' 5 T INVENTORY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES IN ‘I‘I-IE STATES ‘ ''#; ~ » Prepared by The Surveyof Federal Archives Division of Professional and Service Projects Zig Works Progress Administration The National Archives I Cooperating Sponsor € A SERIES V. THE DEPART1\/[EINT or JUSTICE _ N0. 52. NORTH CAROLINA ii 1 _ Q A Q V Raieign, North camiina The Survey of Federal Archives 1939 I wk 11 l The Survey of Federal Archives ` -Phil.ip M. Hamer, National Director T Emily Bridgers; Supervisor _ ; A 3 L Division of Professional and Service Projects j U Florence Kerr,'Assistant Administrator g ) May E. Campbell, State Director . é I 5 M25 A ty WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION F. C. Harrington, Administrator · Charles C. McGinnis, State Administrator ¤¤ - @1 Pimricn § The Inventory of;Federal Archives_in_the States is one of the products 5 of the work of the Survey of Federal Archives, which operated as a nation- E wide project of the Works Progress Administration from January 1956 to June € 50, 1957, and has been continued in North Carolina since that date as a i state project of that Administration. j The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows: i Series I consists of reports on the administration of the Survey, { acknowledgments, and general discussions of the location, condition, and g content of federal archives in the states. Succeeding series contain the 3 detailed information secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory form, i a separate series number being assigned to each of the executive depart- ? ments (except the Department of State) and other major units of the Q Federal Government. Within each series No. l is a general introduction { to the field organization and records of the governmental agency concerned; {i the succeeding numbers contain the inventory proper, separate numbers being ,§ assigned to each state in alphabetical order. Thus, in each series, the i inventory for Alabama is No. 2, that for Arizona No. 5, that for Arkansas g No. 4, etc. Q For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of Q related records, is presented in the following order: title, inclusive ,§ dates ("to date" indicating an open file at the time the information was ,§ secured), general description of informational content, description of the ·§ system of filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and purpose 3 of use, form of the record itself (bound volumes, sheets in folders, etc.), { linear footage, description of the containers, physical condition of the Q records (not stated if satisfactory), location by room number or other { identifying information, and finally, the number of the Form 58SA on which E this information was originally recorded by a Survey worker and from which j it was abstracted for the Inventory. This form is on file in The National g Archives. When it contains substantial information on addenda sheets which |§ has not been included in the mimeographed abstract, indication of this is E; given by use of the reference "See addenda." @ In North Carolina the work of the Survey was under the direction of Qi Dr. C. C. Crittenden, Regional Director, with Miss Mattie Erma Edwards as j‘ assistant, from its inception until June 1957. Since that tnme it has been Q unda? the supervision of Miss Emily Bridgers. This IHVsHt0TY of thé Q r€COFdS of the Department of Justice in North Carolina was prepared in tha ,p Raleigh office of the Survey and was edited before final typing by Dr. }§ Richard R. Stenberg of the Washington office. Q U Emily Bridgers, Supervisor jg Raleigh, North Carolina Survey of Federal Archives ·y July Bl, 1959 in North Carolina . i ` iv r Page A ADMENDSTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO THE ATTORNEY GENERAL IIl'UI‘OdL1C'UlOD • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2 Asheville, United States Attorney . . . . . . . . . . 4 ASh.€Vj.l].G, SUEIZGS MBI°ShE.]. • • • • • • • • • • 4 Bryson City, Deputy United States Marshal . . . . . . . 5 Charlotte, Deputy United States Marshal . . . . . . . . 6 Durham, Deputy United States Marshal . . . . . . . . . 6 Elizabeth City, Deputy United States Marshal . . . . . . 6 Greensboro, United States Attorney . . . . . . . . . 6 GI°B€I].SbO1°O, United SUSKUGS M8.I°Shal • • • • • • • • • • New Bern, Assistant United States Attorney . . . . . . . l8 Raleigh, Assistant United States Attorney . . . . . . . 18 United SIJHIJBS 1`·’IHI°ShE.l • • • • • • • • • • • Salisbury, Deputy United States Marshal . . . . . . . . 22 A Southern Pines, Deputy United States Marshal . . . . . . 22 I Washington, Deputy United States Marshal . . . . . . . 22 Waynesville, Assistant United States Attorney . . . . • • 22 Wilkesboro, Deputy United States Marshal . . . . . . . 22 Wilmington, United States Attorney . . . . . . . . . 23 Wilmington, Deputy United States Marshal . . . . . . . 23 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 2 Charlotte, Office • • • • • • • • • • • • • WAR RISK LITIGATION, BUREAU OF Greensboro, Special Attorney . . . . . . . . . . · 27 Aummmxswmxwm ASSISTANT TO mm Awcvoamm GENERAL A 2 5: ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT T0 THE ATTORNEY GENERAL = The state of North Carolina is included with the states of Maryland, 1 west Virginia, Virginia, and South Carolina, in the fourth judicial cir- ; cuit. When this inventory was taken, the state, under the Judiciary Act Q of 1911, as amended, was divided into three Federal districts known as the L Eastern,1 Midd1e,2 and Western; Districts of North Carolina, with one United States attorney and one United States marshal for each district. f The court seat for the Eastern District was at Raleigh. The law pro- 1 vided for the maintenance of additional offices in charge of the district r clerk or his deputy at Wihmington, New Bern, Elizabeth City, Washington, Fayetteville, and Wilson. Regular terms of district court were held ‘ 7, yearly in the seven divisions of the district, at Raleigh, Wilmington, W Fayetteville, Elizabeth City, Washington, New Bern, and Wilson.4 is The court headquarters of the Middle District was located at Greens- , boro. The law provided for the maintenance of additional offices in ; charge of the district clerk or his deputy at Rockingham, Winston-Salem, l. Included the territory embraced on the lst day of January 1926 in the counties of Beaufort, Bertie, Bladen, Brunswick, Camden, Carteret, Chowan, Columbus, Craven, Cumberland, Currituck, Dare, Duplin, Edgecombe, A Franklin, Gates, Granville, Greene, Halifax, Harnett, Hertford, Hyde, * Johnston, Jones, Lenoir, Martin, Nash, New Hanover, Northampton, Onslow, Pamlico, Pasquotank, Pender, Perquimans, Pitt, Robeson, Sam son, Scotland, Tyrrell, Vance, Wake, Washington, Warren, Wayne, and Wilson. Durham i County, originally included in the Eastern District, was transferred to Q the Middle District JNDI 28..1955. Scotland County was transferred to the § Middle District August 17, 1937. § 2, Included the territory embraced on the lst day of January 1926 in it the counties of Alamance, Alleghany, Ashe, Cabarrus, Caswell, Chatha¤g Q Davidson, Davie, Durham, Forsyth, Guilford, Lee, Hoke, Montgomery, Moore, .§ Orange, Person, Randolph, Richmond, Rockingham, Rowan, Stanly, Stokes, Q Surry, Watauga, Wilkes, and Yadkin. _ E 5. Included the territory embraced on the lst day of January 1926 in {E the counties of Alexander, Anson, Avery, Buncombe, Burke, Caldwell, l§ Catawba, Cherokee, Clay, Cleveland, Gaston, Graham, Haywood, Henderson, § Iredell, Jackson, Lincoln, Madison, Macon, McDowell, Mecklenburg, t§ Mitchell, Polk, Rutherford, Swain, Transylvania, Union, and Yancey. g 4. A former provision that Wilson should provide suitable quarters for { holding the court was not included in an amendment approved June 24, f 1936, nor was a former specific provision made for the length of terms é at Wihmington. 49 Stat., 1910. 1;% Administrative Assistant to the Attorney General 3 gi Wilkesboro, and Salisbury.5 Two regular terms of district court were lj held yearly in each of the six divisions of the district, at Salisbury, Q1 ?§ei;sb2§g, and Wilkesboro, and at Durham, Rockingham, and Winston-Salem, V _ _ e ee as -named provided at their own expense suitable and con- ? venient places for holding of the court until Federal buildings contain- E ing qgarters for the court were erected at such places. All division é recor s were file; in the office of the district clerk except when court y was in sess on, w en records of the respective division were temporaril Q forwarded to the division center. Y g The court center for the Western District was located at Asheville. § The law provided for the maintenance of additional offices under the g ggstrict clerk or his deputy at Charlotte, Statesville, Shelby, and g yson City. Two regular yearly terms of district court were held in it each of the five divisions of the district, at Charlotte, Statesville, Q and Asheville, and at Bryson City and Shelby if the latter two towns E grigidedéheach at its own expense, suitable and convenient places for g o ing e court. E -In the Register of the Department of Justice and the Courts of the i §gg§gQ_§jgtg§_for l936, when this inventory was taken, the following ‘ g Department of Justice officials were listed: for the Eastern District, gg gfgggieg Stagestagggrneg atdW§lmigiton, an assistant United States g e eac a eig an ew rn a United States marshal at Raleigh g and a deputy United States marshal eadh at Washington, Wilmington, and , é Elizabeth gity; for the Middle District, a United States attorney, two g assistan nited States attorneys and one clerk who was also an Q assistant United States attorney,’at Greensboro, a United States marshal g at Greensboro, and a deputy United States marshal each at Salisbury, ji Durham, Wilkesboro, and Southern Pines; for the Western District, a 2 United States attorney at Asheville, an assistant United States attorney { eagh ag Waynesville and Charlotte, a United States marshal at Asheville, E an a eputy United States marshal each at Charlotte and Bryson City. g Rermanent records of the United States attorneys are kept in their gw officis or by the clerks of their respective districts. No permanent E recor s are filed in the offices of assistant United States attorneys j their records being sent to the offices of the attorneys of their ’ 5 respective districts. Permanent records of the United States marshals é are kept in their offices or are sent to the Department of Justice in E Washington. No permanent records are filed in the offices of field t deputy marshals, their records being sent to the offices of the marshals g of their respective districts. } Records in the offices of United States attorneys and marshals when 4 é this inventory was taken were of comparatively recent origin, none of ig them predating 1895. The inventory of records of the United St&tGS g courts in North Carolina should be consulted for information on the é history of the Federal courts in North Carolina and for records of lg United States attorneys and marshals which may be in the custody of the g district clerks. 3 5. 44 Stat., 1339. This provision was omitted in an amendment to the 2 Judicial Code approved August 17, 1937. 50 Stat., 671. gg United States Marshal, Asheville 4 1-; ASHEVILIE xmmnn swims Arronimr Q, Post Office and Courthouse, Post and Otis Sts. t— The office of the United States attorney for the Western District of { North Carolina was established in Asheville in 1901. Since 1872 the , state had been divided into two judicial districts, the Eastern and the g Western. By Act of March 2, 1927 it was divided into three districts, i the Eastern, Middle, and Western. The office of the United States ( attorney was located in the old Post Office Building from 1901 until 1930, ( when it was moved to its present location. No papers are sent to Washing- ? ton. Useless papers are destroyed after ten years. Those of permanent g value are filed with the district clerk. I · % 1. CIVIL DOCKETS, 1920 to date. Indexed. (Daily, official.) Q 10 x 16 vols., 7% in., in open oak filing case. R. 310. (1) Q) 2. CIVIL ABSTRACTS, current. Abstracts in pending land condemnation‘ Q cases. Indexed. (Daily, official.) 3 x 10 near—leather jackets, 6 ft., g in steel filing case. R. 310. (2) E 3. CIVIL CASES, 1920 to date. Records of cases handled by the ,§ attorney. Indexed. (Daily, official,) 8% x 14 folders, 24 ft., in 72 g drawers of oak filing cases. R. 310. (4) i 4. CRIMINAL DOCKETS, 1920 to date. Indexed. (Daily, official.) Q 10 x 16 vols., 1 ft. 10 in., in filing cases. R. 310. (3) yi 5. CRIMINAL CASES, 1920 to date. ‘Correspondence, court reports, and X reports on paroles. Indexed. (Daily, official.) 4 x 9 envelopes and vg 11 x 11% loose-leaf books, 108 ft. 2% in., in oak filing cases and metal Q filing case. R. 310. (5, 6)- Q 6. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1920 to date. Correspondence with E Attorney General, and msc. correspondence. (Daily, official.) 8 x 10 Q folders, 16 ft., in 16 drawers of oak filing case. R. 310. (7) ( UNITED STATES MARSHAL i' Post Office and Courthouse, Post and Otis Sts. ))_ The office of the United States marshal was established in Asheville Vg, at a date which cannot be ascertained, It was located in the Old Post .§ Office Building at Patton and Haywood Streets until December 1930, when Q it was moved to its present location. A report on current affairs is Q mailed quarterly to Washington, but all records are kept in the office. 3 No papers are considered useless. EI 7. CIVIL DOCKETS, Jan. 1, 1925 to date. Card index. (Frequently, ,_ official.) 15 x 17 vols., 1 ft., in steel filing case. R. 313. (8) (é§} Deputy United States Marshal, Bryson City 5 IE 8. CRIMINAL DOCKETS, Apr. 19, 1925 to date. 5 x 12 card index, 1O ft. gg (Occasionally, official.) 15 x 17 vols., 5 ft., in steel filing case. R. 515. (16, 14) EF 9. MARSHAL*S QUARTERLY ACCOUNTS, Sept. 1955 to date. Quarterly reports »@ on expenditures. (Quarterly, official.) 8 x 14 folders, 7 ft., in steel % filing case. R. 515. (15) § 10. U.S. FUNDS DOCKETS, July 7, 1925 to date. Record of expenditures. Q, (Frequently, official.) 15 x 17 vols., 1 ft., in steel filing case. R. 515. (12) % ll. EXECUTED PAPERS, n.d. Executed papers or write; these are returned Q to the U.S. attorney after service. 8% x 14 bundles, 22 in., in oak fil- § ing cases. R. 515. (20) 5 ~ ( 12. JURORS* TICKEDS, Oct. 1955 - Oct. 1955. Showing juror, dates of ( attendance at court, number miles traveled, amount of per diem, and total il amount paid. (Never.) 4 x 6 covers, 8 in., in oak filing case. R. 515. (18) é 15. UARRANTS, Dec. 14, 1951 · June 15, 1952. Warrants issued but never § served. (Never.) 8 x 14 bundles, 1 in., in filing case. R. 515. (15) E 14. HOMESTEAD RETURNS, Aug. 51, 1954. Record of sale of property to é satisfy fine imposed by court. (Rarely, official.) 8 x 10% bundles, g % in., in oak filing case. R. 515. (17) ( 15. CONTRACTS WITH COUNTY JAIIS FOR SUPPORT OF FEDERAL PRISONERS, 1935. S (Occasionally, official.) 8 x 12 folders, 1 ft., in oak filing case. R. 515. (io) p E 16. NOTICE OF EXCEPTION, Eeb. 11, 1952 - Oct. 25, 1955. Records of g expenditures of marshal•s office not provided for under the regular budget. g (Never.) 4 x 9 bundles, 6 in., in oak filing case. R. 513- (9) § 17. ORDERS OF REMOVAL, Dec. 7, 1955 to date. Orders to move criminals § from one place to another. (Rarely, official.) 4 x 9 bundles, 6 in. R. 515. (11) gp 18. OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE, July 1, 1955 to date. (Daily, official.) g_ lO x 12 folders, 2 ft. 6 in., in oak filing case. R. 515. (19) mason crm ))( DEPUTY UNITED STATES MARSHAL Q` ,x T The deputy marshalls records are sent to the United States marsha1's E; office at Asheville. yi; United States Attorney, Greensboro 6 pj CHARLOTTE ®; DEPUTY UNITED STATTS NMRSHAL ie The deputy marshal*s records are sent to the United States marshal*s g office at Asheville. A i DURHAM E DEPUTY UNITED STATES MARSHAL E The deputy marshalls records are sent to the United States marshal•s g office at Greensboro. ELIZABETH crm § DEPUTY UNITED STATES MARSHAL E The deputy marshal*s records are sent to the United States marshal*s § office at Raleigh. cEEE1¤ssoEo UNITED swims Arromvnv § Post Office and Federal Court Bldg.` i W. Market, Eugene, and W. Gaston Sts. _; The office of United States attorney for the Middle District was Q established at Greensboro when the Middle District was formed by Act of ci Congress of March 2, 1927. The office was located in the old Post Office §' Building, Elm and Market Streets, until July 1953, when it was moved to . l‘, } its present location. _Q Combined Divisions Y2 l9• WITNESS DOCKET, 1927 to date. Showing persons summoned to serve E as witnesses. Gard index. (Constantly, official.) lO x ll loose—leaf Q books, 2 in., on shelf of filing case. R. 514. (209) ? 20. RECORD OF CLOSED CASES, 1927 to date. Giving brief information t on each case. Filed alphabetically. (Constantly, official.) 3 X 5 { cards, l ft. 8 in., in 2 drawers of filing case. R. 314. (227) gg 21. RECORD OF PENDING CASES, 1927 to date. Showing defendant, of- · j fense, docket number, date of offense, date for filing complaint, location, _pé United States Attorney, Greensboro 7 pg; bondsman, amount of bond, and complainant in each case. Filed alphabetic- (qi ally. (Constantly, official.) 5 x 5 cards, 2 in., in drawer of filing 7;% case. R. 514. (220) (fl 22. CIVIL CASES, PEN ING, 1927 to date. Papers in civil cases pending (QQ in Dnrhgm, Greensboro, Rockingham, §alisbur·, Wilkesbopg, and Winston- Yj Salem.divisions. (Constantly, official.) 10 x 15 folders, 1 ft., in 5 yy drawers of filing case. R. 514. (187) py 25. LIBEL CASES ON APPEAL, 1927 to date. Appeal suits to regain QV property seized by libel. (Constantly, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 4 ft., in in 5 drawers of filing case. R. 514. (172) Q; 24. AUTOMOBILE CASES, CLOSED AND PEN ING, 1927 to date. Card showing Q, make of automobile, owner, place car was stolen, and license number. §» (Constantly, official.) 5 x 5 cards, 1 ft. 4 in., in drawers of filing i f) case. R. 314. (226, 225) SE; 25. CRIMINAL AND BANKRUPTCY CASES, CLOSED, 1927 to date.i Correspond- gx ence between attorneys and bankrupt, report of special agent, decrees, gi transcript of record, court orders, appeals, and opinions. Card index. (Q _·_, (Seldom, official.) 10 x 15 folders, 4 ft., in 2 drawers of filing case. 15 R- 514. (193) i, 26. SCI—EA CASES, DISMISSED, 1951 to date. Cases abandoned by the {Qs U.S. attorney for want of sufficient evidence; answers to scire-facias, { recommendations that bondsmen be released from paying bonds, and vouchers i` for expenses incurred. Vols. indexed; card index to papers. (Constantly, j» official.) 10 x 12 vols. and 4% x 9% envelopes, 2 ft. 6 in., on 2 j shelves and in drawer of filing cases. R. 514. (210, 250) {W 27. CONPIAINT DOCKET AND REGISTER OF COMPLAINTS, 1927 to date. Com- ? plaint docket shows complaint number, defendants, complainant, offense, 7 date of offense, and court in which case is to be tried; register shows E defendants, affiants, offense, date committed, witnesses, and attorney's Q» action on case. Card index. (Constantly, official.) 10 x ll loose—leaf (QL books (4) and ll x 16 vols. (2), 1 ft., on shelves of metal case and 2 if shelves of filing case. R. 514. (215, 257) if- 28. COMPLAINT FILES, 1927 to date. 2Papers in cases dismissed by the 6iI U.S. com issioner, including indictment, agent's memorandum of prohibition (gf violation, photostatic copy of corporation income tax, investigation (gi reports on postal violations, and proceedings before the com issioner. iii (Constantly, official.) 6 x 8 envelopes, 20 ft., in l0 drawers of 6 Q; filing cases. R. 514. (173) if 29. GRAND JURY DOCKET, 1927 to date. Showing case number, offense, fi parties, witnesses, and decision of grand jury. Card index. (Constantly, if Official.) ll x 16 vols. and 10 x ll loose-leaf books (5), 10 in., on fi shelves of metal case. R. 514. (212) Q' 50. "UNKNOWN SUBJECTS," PROHIBITION CASES, 1927 to date. Report of in raids on stills, giving location, articles found, laboratory analysis of Q; mash or whiskey seized, etc.; filed as "Unknown Subjects" until illicit Pig United States Attorney, Greensboro 8 ll operators are caught. (Constantly, official.) 10 x 12 folders, 2 ft., tj in drawer of filing case. R. 514. (175) (lj 51. TERM REPORTS, 1927 to date. Reports to the Attorney General ‘·_ Q »° showing each case tried at term of court, form and cause of action, date Qi of indictment, and sentence imposed; also related correspondence. Card Gy index. (Frequently, official.) 12 x 15 folders, 1 ft. 6 in., in drawer i— of filing case. R. 514. (200) Z; 52. EXPENSE ACCOUNTS 1927 to date. Office expense records and wit- . 3 ;§ ness sheets. (Constantly, official.) 12 x 15 folders, 2 ft., in drawer { of filing case. R. 514. (196) in 35. MISCELLANEOUS CORR SPONDENCE, 1927 to date. Correspondence of qi U.S. attorney and assistants with lawyers and marshals relative to cases gt before the attorney, embracing apprehension of outside fugitives, finger- _i prints, parole reports, war risk insurance, etc. Arranged alphabetically. E (Constantly, official.) 10 x 15 folders, 7 ft., in 4 drawers of 2 filing in cases. R. 514. (208) l Durham Division il, 54. CIVIL DOCKETS, Jan. 14, 1956 to date. Showing attorney, parties, Y cause of action, proceedings, and judgment in each case. Indexed. (Con~ ®_ stantly, official.) l0 x 12 vols., 1 ft., on shelf of filing case. 3 R. 514. (221) ‘ ( 55. CRIMINAL DOGKEIS, Feb. 2, 1955 to date. Showing attorneys, { parties, cause of action witnesses proceedings, and disposition of each t j • s § case. Indexed. (Frequently, official.) l0 x l2 vols. (2), 2 ft., on 2 g shelves of filing case. R. 514. (222) g 56. CRIMINAL CASES, CLOSED, 1929 to date. Papers in closed criminal E cases, including proceedings of U.S. commissioners, commitment of pris0n— év ers to the U.S. Industrial Reformatory, violation of internal revenue 3 laws, report of chemist, report of grand jury, final disposition of case, y and decision of court. Card index. (Constantly, official.) 4 x 9g Q envelopes, 2 in., in drawer of filing case. R. 514. (255) $1 57. CRIMINAL CASES »PENDING 1955 to date. Reports of Federal _ , 9 9 t; Bureau of Investigation, grand jury, and U.S. commissioners, recommenda- ¥ tiOH to the Parole Board for parole, parole report by the U.S. attorney, and related correspondence, Card index. (Constantly, official.) j ‘. 4 X 9% envelopes, 4 in., in drawer of filing case. R. 514. (252) E, 58. REPORTS ON CAS S, 1956 to date. Reports on cases handled by Q- U.S. attorney, report by the Federal Bureau of Investigation on apparent jp fraud in bankruptcy, report on investigation of violations of postal Y* laws, and related correspondence. Card index. (Constantly, official.) gi Legal size folded sheets, 2 in., in drawer of filing case. R. 514. i t (228) A ;, United States Attorney, Greensboro 9 tt~ is Greensboro Division é ` ig C 39. CIVIL DOCKETS, INACTIVE, 1927 to date. Dockets of closed law, jpg ._ equity, and libel cases, showing attorneys, parties, cause of action, and ij; · disposition in each case. Card index. (Constantly, official.) 4 x 10 ·$$ loose-leaf books, 3 ft. 4 in., on shelf in filing case. R. 314. (217, 218) {Q_ 40. CIVIL DOCKET, ACTIVE, 1927 to date. Showing attorneys, parties, QL cause of action, witnesses, and proceedings in each case. Card index. cp »‘7: (Constantly, official.) 4 x 10 loose-leaf book, 1 in., on shelf in filing Q} case. R. 314. (219) Q 41. LAW CASES, CLOSED, 1927 - Ian. 3, 1935. Suits for war risk in- Q, suranoe by guardian of veteran, court orders, complaints, judgments, gi answers to complaint, motion suits to recover sums due the Reconstruction @9 Finance Corporation, etc. Filed numerically. Index. (Frequently, of- ij ficial.) 10 x 15 folders, 6 ft., in 3 drawers of filing case. R. 314. 1 ( 207 ) · i if 42. CIVIL CASES, CLOSED, Apr. 2, 1927 to date. Libel and equity Q; cases, bill of complaint, order of probable cause, motion to dismiss, QQ final decree, etc. (Frequently, official.) 10 x 15 folders, 4 ft. 6 in., FI in 3 drawers of filing case. R. 314. (192) gi 43. TAXIS DUE IN BANKRUPTCY CASES, 1927 to date. Correspondence pl and record of investigations in tax cases referred to the U.S. attorney gy for settlement. (Constantly, official.) 3 x 8 loose sheets, 1 ft. i 6 in., in drawer of filing case. R. 314. (186) i 9 44. CRIMINAL DOCKETS, 1927 to date. Showing attorneys, witnesses, ‘§ cause of action, proceedings, and disposition in each case. Card index. t` (Constantly, official.) 4 x 10 loose-leaf books, 1 ft. 6 in., on 7 ip shelves of 2 filing cases. R. 314. (215) ti 45. CRIMINAL CASES, CLOSED, Oct. 1923 to date. Prohibition officer's {F report, complaint, grand jury report, judgment, request to clerk to issue QQ subpoena, sentence or disposition of case, and parole report by the U.S. ji attorney. Index. (Older records, seldom; recent records, frequently, In official.) 3 x 8 envelopes, 38 ft. 6 in., in 26 drawers of 7 filing _ g cases. R. 314. (185, 204) te 46. CRIMINAL CASES, PENDING, July 25, 1933 — July 24, 1935. Report f_ from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, grand jury report, recommenda- ti tion to the Parole Board for parole, parole report by U.S. attorney, EY rules for visiting Federal prisoners, order to be taken out of marshal*s i; h&HdS, recommendation for probation, proceedings before U.S. commissioner, ij and correspondence with the Parole Board. Card index. (Frequently, ?V official.) 3 x 8 envelopes, 6 in., in drawer of filing case. R. 314. (205) it 47. ANNUAL REPORTS, 1931 to date. Annual reports on terms of court, ii iholuding chart showing number of cases of each kind dealt with, and list 8i; United States Attorney, Greensboro 10 F; jj of corrections sent to the Dept. of Justice to be made on report charts jj showing results of criminal cases. (Frequently, official.) 10 x 15 jg envelopes, 2 ft., in drawer of filing case. R. 314. (191) gi 48. REPORTS, Ian. 2, 1934 to date. On proceedings before U.S. com- gj missioners. Card index. (Frequently, official.) 3 X 8 loose sheets, QEQ 1 ft., in drawer of filing case. R. 314. (206) Ft Rockingham Division EQ 49. CIVIL DOCKET, Sept. 12, 1928 to date. Showing attorneys, parties, yy cause of action, witnesses, proceedings, and final decree. Indexed. jf (Frequently, official.) 10 x 12 vols. (2), 2 ft., on 2 metal shelves. j· R. 314. (188) #1 50. CIVIL CASES, CLOSED, 1927 to date. Complaint, investigation, { correspondence relative to case, and judgment. (Constantly, official.) 3 12 x 15 folders, 2 ft., in drawer of filing case. R. 314. (174) fi 51. CRIMINAL DOCKETS, June 9, 1924 to date. Showing attorneys, parties, fj cause of action, witnesses, proceedings, and judgment. Entered numeric- g ally. Indexed. (Frequently, official.) 10 x 12 vols. (5), 4 ft., on 2 ,* metal shelves. R. 314. (179) R 52. CRIMINAL CASES, CLOSED, 1927 to date. Prohibition officer's 3 report, grand jury report, request to clerk to issue subpoena, parole g· report by U.S. attorney, and commissioner*s preliminary report. Card t index. (Constantly, official.) 4 x 9% envelopes, 12 ft. 3 in., in ll 3 drawers of 2 filing cases. R. 314. (214) K § 55. CRIMENAL CASES, PEN ING, 1935 to date. Report from the Federal jj Bureau of Investigation, grand jury report, recom endation to the Parole j' Board for parole, parole report by the U.S. attorney, recommendation for j probation, and correspondence with the Parole Board. Card index. (Con- Q stantly, official.) 4 x 9% envelopes, 1 ft. 2 in., in 2 drawers of filing j_ case. R. 314. (216) éf 54. REPORTS, 1927 to date. Report of proceedings before the U.S. com- ii missioner, brief account of investigation by the Federal Bureau of In- jj vestigation, indictment, and pencil notes on tracing of subject. Card in- §i dex. (Constantly, official.) Legal size folded sheets, 2 in., in drawer` }_ of filing case. R. 314. (231) R Salisbury Qiyision ( 55. CIVIL DOCKETS, Sept. 21, 1927 to date. Showing attorney, parties, g »., Cause of action, proceedings, and judgment in each case. Indexed. (Con- Qf Stantly, official,) 10 x 12 vols. (2), 2 ft., on 2 shelves of filing Y case. R. 314. (224) @; 56. LAW CASES, CLOSED, 1927 to date. Petition for war risk insurance, i answer to petition, complaints, judgments, cancellations of judgment in Q_ suits for failure to pay debt to the Dept. of Agriculture and to Thé Fafm is United States Attorney, Greensboro ll léj Qt Credit Administration. (Constantly, official.) 12 x 15 folders, 4 ft., li in 2 drawers of filing case. R. 314. (176) ri gt 57. CIVIL CASES, CLOSED, 1927 to date. Papers and correspondence if relative to tax and libel suits, and order for forfeiture and sale. (Con- S, stantly, official.) 12 x 15 folders, 2 ft., in drawer of filing case. R. 314. (177) it 58. CRIMINAL DOCKET, Oct. 1921 to date. Showing attorneys, parties, és cause of action, witnesses, proceedings, and disposition of case. Indexed. gp (Constantly, official.) 10 x 12 vol. and loose-leaf books (3), 4 ft., on gi 4 shelves of filing case. R. 314. (211, 225) if 59. CRIMINAL CASES, 1927 to date. Grand jury*s report, praecipes, t indictments concerning election laws, correspondence relating to the in~ Q dictment procedure, and final decision of court. Filed numerically. gi Card index. (Constantly, official.) 4 x 9% envelopes, 15 ft. 4 in. in , S • g 12 drawers of 5 filing cases. R. 514. (256) Q 60. PENDING CASES, 1931 to date. Reports of the Com issioner of g Internal Revenue, the Alcohol Tax Unit, U.S. commissioners, and field ;§ chemists, and indictments for illegal possession of whiskey. Card index. gp (Constantly, official.) 4 x 9% envelopes, 6 in., in drawer of filing C8.S€• R• A E 61. INDICTM NTS, 1935 to date. Records of indictments for violation Q of the narcotic law, including charge to grand jury, chemist's report { on samples of whiskey, U.S. commissioner*s report, and grand jury report. Q Card index. (Constantly, official.) 4 x 9% envelopes, 2 in., in drawer g of filing case. R. 514. (253) H 5 62. REPORTS, 1935 to date. Brief account of investigation by the j Federal Bureau of Investigation. Card index. (Constantly, official.) § Legal size folded sheets, 2 in., in drawer of filing case. R. 314. (234) ( Wilkesboro Division 1 63. CIVIL DOCKETS, 1927 to date. Showing attorneys, parties, cause 1, of action, proceedings, and judgment in each case. Card index. (Con- § stantly, official.) 12 x 15 vols. (2), 2 ft., on metal shelf. R. 314. _ (197) % 64. LAW CASES, CLOSED, Mar. 27, 1950 — Sept. 13, 1954. Suita t0 § recover taxes and penalties, and war risk insurance suits. Filed numeric- y ally. (Frequently, official.) 10 x 15 folders, 4 ft., in 2 drawers of filing ease. R. 31