xt7v6w96b78t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v6w96b78t/data/mets.xml Reddick, William J., 1890-1965 1919 scores (documents for music) M1670 .T550 1919 English Huntzinger & Dilworth Contact the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library for information regarding rights and use of this collection Spirituals (Songs) Songs with piano Things Up Yonder White As Snow. Negro Spiritual. [For Voice and Piano], 1919 text 5 pages, 30 cm. Call Number: M1670 .T550 1919 Things Up Yonder White As Snow. Negro Spiritual. [For Voice and Piano], 1919 1919 1919 2023 true xt7v6w96b78t section xt7v6w96b78t eye 1 IMO) NEGRQJPI mums; / ! n 1670 .TSSO i1919 “\r ‘\ Walt 1111 ah put on my cro\wn \ >Th____1'__ngs up yonder white as snow if») .EXIUrauné§edi 1q37 WILLIAM REDDI CK Przce 600 each nei‘ HUNTZINGER& DILWORTH NEW YORK ’ mmmSm-mus M (1.576 I»; 16 70 . 7:30 / MUSIC LIBRARY l gm- A ‘L. < _ A,..._L 120 Oscar Seagle 3 I Things Up Yonder White As Snow (Negro Spiritual) Arranged by I MUSIC LIBRARY ' William Reddick :, f Admonishingly ' ' fl . Voice Sin - nor, Piano [um 12er V 5 IT! [quickly] don’t you let- this har-vest pass, hat-vest pass. (\fi _____.. don’t you let this hat-vest pass, bar—vest . Sin-nor, I Coryrz‘glzt 1919 by Huntzz’nger& Dz‘lwortk ' 685—3 International Copyright Secured ; UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LIBRARY don’t you let_ this har — vest pass, and die, and go_ to Hell at A fl' Hell at Very smoothly and dreamily f slzgfifly WI TIT“ 1’19 very smoothly [\J" There’s things up yon - derwhite as . murmerz' ! V [e t and sz'ngz'n l 14’ 3/ g1. 3 2'72 a'nze a little louder . ) whlte as snow, Theres i“- 685‘3 Rwy _— firflw.‘ ....M *w ..-,.:—~«.‘ Lrn H ymezzy _“. A,A‘ 42% .A»z~c—o::‘r44‘__x_ 5 !\3, {acre/law - the up you - der white as snow, as increasing - r-fN‘Lam ‘fim‘mu w; .wi-umgwm wmwah 4.4m" ‘- \ ‘é - - tone .. , - - There’s > things up _ volume- retard in tr 1 3 Igv'mtly'b > t 'o a . — ners smk- mg down be - > retardz'wg greatly suln'to pp 685-3 E d”? A SUCCESSFUL SONG Leanin‘ on C16 LaWd A NEGRO SPIRITUAL BY WILLIAM REDDICK 7?) Oscar Stag]: Ieanin‘ on de Lawd Negro Spirtunl Arranged by WILLIAM REDDICK PP u A Ef you want to see Vrfice Piano Go in de wiI-der-ncss, Goin dc wiI-der-ness, _, — b; r; er’p/ s‘rmu roux/y >I’fl1’l) WE ,ng, fijidw/f I’r fvfi Iff’"’l$¥iflA—I w: 1 (hr mess I I) u w mt to see je - sus, Go in do wil- der- ncss Sgt??? '7;’,’,; 0777 " 'i " 4f:’:}j’*: 3* :3"; , ' ’ g 4' 4 ’7 ’4‘ «r‘ ' ‘ p PP , I ,, 1 L ,, , , ,4: , , k L: ' i5i:’f;:, LL25 Lg: H :7 " " «m; {I ILL ( lint (up) right lain by IIunlzmgrr and Dilworth 550»: International Copyright secured 00 Cm” Nr/ LIBRARY , UNIVERSITY or KENTUCKY Huntzinder &? Dilworth - NEW YORK i l