xt7v9s1khv1v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v9s1khv1v/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19251009 newspapers sn89058402 English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 9, 1925 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 9, 1925 1925 2012 true xt7v9s1khv1v section xt7v9s1khv1v THE KENTUCKY KERNEL NEARLY ONE HUNDRED UNIVERSITY BOYS MUST FIND EMPLOYMENT OR LEAVE SCHOOL DEAN MELCHER CIRCLE TO HOLD PLEDGING SERVICE TONIGHT Eight Boys and Five Girls Will JBe Taken Into University's Pep Organization At Men's Gymnasium Begird At 7:15 O'clock Pep Meeting for Clemson Game Tomorrow Also Scheduled On 'Program The Su-K- Circle will hold pledg- y Former Managing Editor of Kernel Marries After several years of hard fighting nnd work, J. Sterling Towles, of Lnwrcncoburg. Ky., staged his greatest matrimonial triumph last Sunday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock in Lexington, when he wns tied by the strong bonds of mnrringo to Miss Mnrjorie Nonle Blackburn, also of Inwrenceburg, for the rest of his life. The knot was ticil by tho Rev. Mark Collis nt his Mono on North Broadway and tho ctluile, accompanied by Mr. TowleV cond, J. A. "Simp" Estes, city editor of Tho Lexington Herald, nnd by Miss Charlscy Smith, Immediately went to the Phoenix hotel where John G. Cramer spread an olaboratc wedding supper for thenv, nt their orders. J. Sterling is now city editor of the Danville Daily Messenger. He was graduated last June from the University of Kentucky, where he was a and popular student. In his senior year he was managing editor of the Kirnel and also an instructor in the department of English. He was a member of Alpha Delta Sigma, Journy alistic fraternity, and of tho Circle, student pep organization, and was a captain in tho R. 0. T. C. regiment. Miss Blackburn was a student at the University of Kentucky last year nnd was n member of the Alpha Gamma Delta sorority. She was a company sponsor in tho R. 0. T. C. corps; The young couple returned Sunday night to Danville where they will be at home to their friends. student-preside- n Su-K- Su-K- ROMANY TO HOLD TRYOUT MONDAY Su-K- (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) To Be Held At Theater BEGIN CLASSES IN The Romany Theater, in its endeavor to invite and encourage all available talent from among the students of the university, is holding a special night for Monday, October 12, at the theater on Winslow street. Anyone interested in the Romany activities, as actor, usher or stage assistant is urged to attend this meeting and offer suggestions and criticisms. The Romany is always on the lookout for talent and last year's try-oresulted in the discovery of Miss Mnxy Fuqua Turner, who played the lead in "To The Ladies" and "White Chips;" Junius Millard, male lead in "White Chips" and in "Just Suppose" and "To The Ladies;" Luke Margaret Wooldridge and Harry Carpenter, all of whom had parts of consequence in "The Enchanted .Cottage." At the meeting the year before, Mr. Sax found such players as Marjorie Warden, Ida Kenney Risque and Jimmie Davidson, all of whom played many roles in the two' years of the theatre's history. Find Talent in Reading The Romany Players have no way of finding talent except as it shows itself in tho one reading held each year in the theater. The theater, though a community enterprise has always been firmly supported by the university. The stage crew, ushers, and part of the cast, have been chosen from among the student body; the casting always being based on merit EXTENSION WORK Offer Many Courses Prof. Wellington Patrick, hend of the university's extension department, following the announcement of special extension classes offered the first semester, stated that he expected about one hundred to be enrolled for this work. The object of the special extension work, he said, was to give teachers in the field a chance to get exactly what the students at the university are receiving in the way of training. Many Fayette county teachers have enrolled for this work. Although the largest number of them are expected to be from Fayette county, other surrounding counties will be represented in these classes." A recent conference was attended by teachers from Lexington, Georgetown, Versailles, Paris and other smaller surrounding towns. Classes started this week where the students reported direct. Registration will be made later, according to Professor Patrick. He also stated that the hours may be adjusted to sujt the class and instructor after the class has started. Wool-dridg- e, alone. 125 by (History of the South), Professor Stephenson; (CONTINUEp ON PAGE EIGHT) Gov. James G. Scrugham, of Nevada, former University of Kentucky student and a native of Fayette county originated the idea of un-- i earthing n lost city in southeastern Nevada that was evidently inhabited by people long before the time of Christ. Tho city, as far as investigators have been able to determine, was approximately six miles long with a population of 20,000 people. Governor Scrugham, who has nindo an extensive study of Indian traditions and history in Nevada, learned from his investigations among the Indians that the Lost City existed, then he started the movement which led to the revealing of its whereabouts. M. R. Harrington, archeol-ogiof the Museum of American Louis nnd Indian of New York, Shellbach, artist, photographer, nnd map expert of Now York, joined Governor Scrugham in tho work nnd already much of the city has been unearthed. Historical Connections Believed The American Legion Weekly in an article on the Lost City and Governor Scrugham, who is a past nationof the Legion al says; "Governor Scrugham und his have concluded that the builders of the Lost City were tho st fellow-explore- ancestors of tho Pueblo Indians of today. If this theory is accepted it indicates that the domain of ancient Pueblo culture extended much farther north than has hitherto been believed. The theory opens to archc- oloeists n new and earlier chapter in the history of tho Pueblo Indians and presents n new approach to the mysteries of tho beginnings of civilization in North America. It opens up tho possibilities that somo day archeologists may succeed in developing a clear picture of tho human life which existed on the Northern continent while tho Incus and Aztecs civilization whoso record is preserved in the ruins of buried temples nnd nncient hieroglyphics." "Such knowledge ns tho explorers gain is acquired laboriously by delving beneath tho cement like floors of tho razed dwellings, by inspecting tho skeletons which have been remarkably well preserved in their burial places beneath tho hard floors, by studying the pottery und tho hunting weapons which lie among tho bones with which they were buried." Governor Scrugham wus n gruduato of the university in the class of 1900 and is widely known uround Lexington and Fayetto county. hard-bake- d 'tit.; On Monday, October 12, at the end of tho fourth hour, n meeting of tho entire news staff of tho Kernel will be held in Professor Grehnn's room in tho basement of the Science building. Although this is the noon hour and is not a very convenient time to call a meeting, it is the only time thnt all the membchs of the staff can be gotten together without causing some of them to miss a class. EVERY member of the staff is expected to attend and anyone who does not attend will be discharged from the staff unless he has a very good excuse. There are somo very impor- Five Men Can Be Nominated General Decrease In Scholastic Standings Is Noted Last By the University Semester of Kentucky All students of the University of Kentucky who wish to make applica tion ior tno unodes scholarship from ivcntucKy must have their application in President McVgv's offirn hv Octo ber 17, the president announced Tues day The university is eligible to nominnte five men to be considered by the state committee when it meets to select the Rhodes scholar from Kentucky for the year 192G. A Rhodes scholarship for Oxford University is tenable for three years nnd it carries with it an annual stipend of 400 pounds. Two such scholars are selected from each state of the union every three years. Kentucky elected a scholar last year and as one is being selected this year, no schol arship will be available next year. The ones winning the coveted prize are chosen by a state committee which makes its choice on a basis of literary and scholastic ability and attain ments; qualities of manhood, force of character and leadership, and physical vigor as shown by interest in out-door sports or in other ways. Must Have Certain Qualifications To be eligible for a Rhodes scholar ship a candidate must be a male citizen of the United States, and at the time of his appointment unmarried; he must be between the ages of 19 nnd 25 years; and he must have completed his sophomore year in college. Candidates may apply either in the state in which they reside or in the ,one in which they have spent at least TVavo years in college, t Application blanks and further information may be obtained at President McVey's office. Those desiring to apply are again reminded by the president that they must get their applications in at once. Ex- T top-hea- receied an appointment Speak Students Judge i STUDENTS MUST WALK TO MAKE CAMPUS BEAUTIFUL Lawyers Get Busy, Girls Sorority Offers Cup to Outstanding Freshman spirit and To increase school scholarship among freshmen girls at the" university, the frlpha Gamma Delta fraternity will give a silver y Circle Offers Prizes for loving cup to the freshman girl who, at the end of the first semester, has New Cheers contributed most in the way of loyal support to the university in all its y offers $5 for first The whose scholarship is activities prize; 3 for second prize and 1 foremost. and for third prize to the composers of This is open to all freshman girls for Kennew cheers or yells in the university and a committee tucky's football team. It is gencomposed of the dean of women, presierally known that some of our yells the Women's Administrative are quite good, while some are not. dent of and president of the Woman's Council Since our team is best, only when y Pan Hellenic will select the most outis if is sunnorted well, the endeavoring to encourage anythingy standing girl in the freshman mat wm Kive uui i,ciiiu n vjri following. Let's all pull together and turn Kentucky-Chicago out a few good cheers and then strnin our lungs in yelling them. Wildcats-Maroon- s Remember the way Chicago gave the Siren? Money for Yells! Su-K- -. Mohney and Kirwan Not pected to Start Contest; Begins at 2:30 Women's Elects Dr. Linwood' A. Brown, head of the public service laboratory of the Experimental Station of the university, improvement over the cluttered conanions unit ujuhi, wfucu wiu curs uru parked along the roadways. The number of automobiles increases each year and the time is soon coming when something will have to be done about the matter of parking on the campus. Certainly people who ride to tho university little distances ought to be required to keep their cars, if they insist on coming in them, outside of the campus. It is Known that quite a number of Foe Beaten Last Week Card Free tory of Experiment Station Gets Appointment Improvements Over Cluttered Conditions, Caused by Parked Cars, Eliminated When Gates Are Closed Seven Letter Men Will Be Seen On Visiting Eleven; Expect Freshmen to Be of Great Aid Alpha Delta Theta made tho highThe Clemson Tigers will furnish opest scholastic standing of nil wo tant mnttcrs concerning every men's fraternities on tho campus last member of the staff to be brought position for the Wildcats oftomorrow tho seasecond home gnmo in semester, according to a report just up but it should not take long to son.the Heretofore, Clemson has been issued by the dean of women. It is one of Centre's foremost football ritransact all business. This meetinteresting to note that this fratern- -' ing is for the members of the news vals, and were never beaten more than itv. in attninincr its high position, two touchdowns during thq reign of jumped from the bottom of the list staff only. Be there, at 12 o'clock Monday. the "wonder team." where it stood the first semester last A. H. MORRIS, Reports from the Tiger camp are year. Managing Editor that seven letter men returned to tno It is nlso interesting to compare fold this fall, and with promising the ratings of some of the other frafreshmen material in harness, prosternities for the two semesters last pects are bright for the best team in year, in the hrst semester ueita seta who are back years. The attained the highest standing of 1.90, are: Finklea and Tewell, ends, Lic;ht-se- y but dropped to third place the second and Bowles, centers, and Walker semester with a standing of 1.722. and Roy, backfield luminaries. Men However, this fraternity leads the from the "frosh" team who will be others in its ratings for the entire available for line duty are: Harvey, year. Chi Omega jumped from fifth Kavanaugh Launches Campaign James, Davidson, McGlove, Hicks, and place to second. Theta Sigma Xi, Barthea. Eskew, Chandler, Martin, which was not organized until the To Enlist New Students In OrDozier, Warr, Jones, Metkiff, and ganization ; Improvements second semester last year, holds fourth Bradley looked good on the "Rat" nlnco. Kanna Kanna Gamma dropped Made in "Y" Room team last fall and nil of those boys from second place to sixth place, but are conceded more than n passing ranks third in scholarship for the chance of winning varsity berths. year. Membership These men are being ably coached by Scholastic Ratings Given Saunders, assisted by "Tink" Gillam, formerly a coach at Mercer. The scholastic ratings for the year The University of Kentucky Y. M. 1924-2- 5 are as follows: Last Saturday they were beaten in 1st. 2nd. Ent. C. A. annual membership drive on the their first game of the season by the Sem. Sem. Yr. campus opened Tuesday night, with Auburn Plainsmen by 13 to 7. In Alpha Gamma Delta 1.67 1.59 1.63 a meeting of the Friendship Council past years, Auburn's football team headquarters on the campus. Alpha Delta Theta 1.28 1.84 1.65 at "Y" forty top in the Southmembers were present. has ranked near the 1.62 1.47 1.54 About Alpha Xi Delta ern standing, and this year is not an Charles Wheeler, senior student, is exception. 1.64 1.73 1.69 Chi Omeca 1.63 1.62 1.62 chairman of the campaign; and he Delta Delta Delta Every Wildcat, with the exception 1.90 1.72 1.78 organized committees and distributed of Mohney, came out of the Chicago Delta Zeta George R. 1.68 1.69 1.68 cards to the workers. Kappa Delta is fray in good shape. Mohney, who sufKappa Knppa Gamma 1.71 1.65 1.70 Kavanaugh, university secretary, will fered a slight concussion of the brain, Omega Kho 1.40 1.50 1.50 in charge of the work. The drive enlist may be in shape to answer the gong Sigma Beta Upsilon 1.57 1.43 1.48 last a week. Its purpose is to organ- tomorrow afternoon. During the past 1.71 1.71 men students in the religious Theta Sigma Xi. JN.U. week Coach Murphy had his charges 1.32 1.53 1.43 ization of the university. Zeta Tau Alpha out early and During the week, effort is being drilling them inlate every afternoon, Not Organized. the fundamentals of made to invite every man on the campractice sessions were pus to become a member, but due to the game. The scrimmages, in which marked by two Glee Club the change in addresses it is difficult every man put out his best and all. all, and those who are The Chicago game New Officers to reach the cordial invitation ofmiss- very helpful facts to disclosed some Seced have the retary Kavanaugh to come to the of- coaching staff. The work ofKentucky at Attractive Programs Will Be Ar fice dnd valuntarily sign the mem- guard is commendable, as it Wert the was bership card. Membership is free. ranged Throughout Year; first varsity game that this Covington The work of improving the recreaThe punting of Messiah Oct. 12 tion roem is already under way. The boy ever started. highlight. The dealso a officials say they want to make this Smith, was work of the line under Glee a true recreation center of the cam- fensive Members of the Women's odds was extraordinary, even met Monday after pus. The university library and readclub of 1924-2- 5 noon at White hall to reorganize and ing rooms are for study, "Y" rooms with "five yard" McCarty attempting to batter a hole in it. elect officers for the ensuing year. are for diversion; and a piano, writwill Virtually the same line-u- p Corinth Taylor was elected president; ing tables, desks, comfortable chairs, Dorothy Bonar, vice president; rean and several new games will be added start the game tomorrow that started Martin, secretary; and Ada King, to the furnishings. The art depart- the Chicago game. business manager. ment of the university has volunteered The club plans to devote itself to to help decorate. Hobson to giving concerts at the university, de- The following men have been named vplonincr Droorrams to cive at Lex- represent the university at the .Before Law to ington churches, and contributing in state convention to be held in LouisGeorge R. Kavville, October (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) anaugh. secretary; James Russell, First of Series of Noted Speakers to Appear Before president; Forrest Mercer, delegate. SOUGHT BY IleaJ of Public Service Labora- (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) CAMP FOR GAME NEW MEMBERS By Governor Fields Tuesday, from Gov. W. J. Fields as a member of the Kentucky board of pharmacy to succeed G. E. Porter, of Berea, whose term expired October 1. In a statement made by Dr. Brown, Wednesday evening, he stated that ho 'had not been officially notified of his appointment to this INVADES BLUE i Di;. Brown Is Honored Don't Drive Walk Governor of Nevada, Former U. of K. Student, Plans to Unearth Lost City Said Inhabited Before Time of Christ Meeting of News Staff to Be Held Monday Zeta Tau Alpha Drops Must Apply At Once on Monday night, At the try-oMr. Sax will hear anyone read who He does not expect much wishes. from a reading, but will study the Everybody was surprised on Moncandidates for voice, type, and per- day to find that all automobiles were sonality. Students are requested to excluded from the campus. This inbring their own reading selection, cident was due to the repairing of which mav be anything prose, poe- - the roadways and the closing of the gates to traffic. The interesting thing (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) nbout it was that, for 'the first time in many years, it was possible to see what the campus looked like without automobiles and it was remarked by more than one that it was a great Many Classes Offered The classSs ottered are as follows: Kernel Staff! Scholarship Is for Tlfrcc Years Alpha Delta Theta Ranks First On List of Nine National At Oxford University, Eng And Three Local land, With Annual Stipend Greek Organizations Of 400 Pounds try-out- s, Prof. Wellington Patrick, Head of Department, Expects 100 to Enroll for Instruction this Semester History RHODES SCHOLAR SORORITIES ARE TO BE SELECTED RATED BY DEAN FOR NEXT YEAR FOR LAST TERM ,T CLEMSON TIGER ' Towles Wins Battle ing services nt the men's gymnasium tonight nt 7:15, according to an announcement made by John Dnbney, of the organization. In addition to the pledging of eight boys and five girls, the purpose of the meeting is to perfect a cheering organization that will give the team the best possible support. The entire student body and faculty of the university is urged to be present. It is not only the duty of every freshman but also the duty of every student to support his team by doing his share. If you had made the rtip to Chicago last Saturday and heard how the supporters of the Maroons backed their team, you would understand what is meant by Organized Cheering. Supports Athletics y The Circle has but one pur pose in view, one reason for existence: To support athletics in the university. It was organized in 1921 and there are five faculty members on the advisory board: S. A'. (Daddy) Boles, Doctor Funkhouser, Professor Enoch Grehan, Miss Marguerite McLaughlin and Sergeant Kennedy. The organization entertains visiting teams, encourages the support of the home team by holding pep meetings for the purpose of organizing cheering and yelling and sends the university band on one trip each year. Last year it paid the expenses of "the best university band in the South" to Mr. Sax Will Hear Candidates? Alabama. Read and Make Eligible The university is not asked to conList; Begins at tribute for these expenses out of the 7:30 P. M. y Circle is state's funds as the offered NO. LEXINGTON, KY., OCTOBER 9, 1925 SU-K- Y STU- AND REPORT PROSPECTIVE JOBS UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY VOL. XVI REQUESTS DENTS TO LOOK OUT FOR WORK Su-K- Su-K- Judge J. P. Hodson, state commissioner of the court of appeals of Kentucky, will be the first noted speaker to appear before the students in the College of Law. Arrangements have been made with Judge Hobson, to speak on the morning of October 16, at 10 n. m. He Will lecture on the subject of The Constitution. The following men will lecture in the College of Law on various subjects in the near future: Richard C. Stoll, judge of the circuit court of Fayette county; Flem D. Sampson, justice of the court of appeals of Kentucky; Hugh Riddell, president of the Kentucky State Bar Association, of David county; Hunter of the Lexington bar; George W. Vaughn of the Lexington bar; William E. Nichol, also of the Lexington bar and James Park, referee in bankruptcy. Bands, Rooters and Battle to Exciting Finish On Stagg Field in Windy City people who live within four or five blocks of the campus use their cars every day to drive to the university. Thirty-on- e thousand, five hundred ' "hundred" nnd the Maroon had and-si- lent. If all short distance drivers were exof the Maroon and, five hun- - mained still might cluded from the campus there Rooters at Every Station bo a great many less than there are dred others claiming tho Blue and But the Blue nnd White wns not now. At any rate, the situation White as their colors engaged in a needs study and consideration by all. terrific laryngenal battle on Stagg; j Field, at Chicago, Saturday dent followers scattered here and while 22 valiant young athletes en- - thero along the tracks over which the A. C. gaged in a contest of more physical "Wildcat Special' had passed during to them wp might nature on the white striped gridiron tho n?ht' In justice their : however, Season Cards for Faculty Ready Women's Administrative Coun-.fo- r which lay beneath the towering isay, of necessity rather position was one than choice. cil Names Officers Distribution heights of the stadium. Both clashes For example, we might mention one invited guest of the were hard fought and when the sun i unfortunute, an Officers of the Women's Adminis-membe- rs Athletic season tickets for tho dropped behind tho western borders Southern Ruilrond on the "Special" who had the misfortune to be enticed of the university fuculty trativo Council for the year 1925-2- 0 it of were elected at a meeting of the cils tho city it, left behind bluelong pen- from the train by u mischevious conavct ready for distribution and may sky for of white against a Wednesday afternoon at bo obtuined by calling for them at council, ductor nt Indianapolis. He remained those White hall. They are as follows: proud colors had done themselves in the Hoosier city as the train rolled tho University Book store, on that day. Smith, president; Corinth away emitting snores nnd muttered Reservations for tickets u tho Eleanor Bands Lock Horns Louise Ad-- at Centre-Kentuck- y game, to ln pluyed Taylor, abruendumrus for victory. One hundred horn tootcrs supportYes, the Bluo und White has much Dunvillo on October 31, will close kins, secretary; and Beth Huddles-t- o ing the Maroon und 48 khaki clad to be proud of and it is proud that it the alumni and subscribers to tho ton, treasurer. once a tooters for the Blue und White "lock- has so much to bo proud of, Those Meetings aro to be held stadium on October 14. these tickets will bo mailed separately immediately month to direct the affairs of the ed horns" on Stagg field, at Chicago, loyal Kentuckians in the north are Saturday afternoon and when the proud and thoso of more southern women students. after reservations ure closed. Members of tho council nre: Vir cloud of anduntes, put mossos, retard-o- s, climes nre slinging 'enthusiasm nil Tickets to tho Centre-K- t Uucky acceluratos and allegros had clear- over the place. Oh, October, ye glorAdkins, Edna will be nut on sale to tho stu- - iriniu Kelley. Louise iruine dents in the University Book store Lewis Wells, Maria McElroy, Fran-abo- ed away the Blue and White hud ious month, may the spirit of tho third two weeks prior to tho contest, Lee, Margaret Yungblut, Eleanor again scored for the forty and eight among your duys, nineteen hundred remain with the tribe No reservations will bo made for the, Smith. Beth Huddlcston. Corinth lay had paruded the field. They hud fair- und twenty-fivRogers, Elizubcth ly hurled tho struins of "My Old Ken- of 'Cuts und their people forever und , students but will bo sold to "first lor. Mugduleno tucky Home" into the midst of the ever and then some! Hefl'erman, Eleanor Bailout ine. come, first serve." Get Your Ticket 4 Sffflt SffiT' W. Elects * PAGE TWO KENTUCKY KERNEL ALUMNI PAGE Editor W. C. Wilson, Alumni Secretary Assistant Editor, Helen J. Osborne CALENDAR Buffnlo, Louisville, November 7. (First October 10. (Second r) luncheon, 1:15 Saturday - Regular) luncheon at p. m., Chamber of Commerce, cor- 1:16, Brown hotel. ner Mnin nnd Scnccn streets. Philadelphia, November 7. luncheon Detroit. October 30. (Last Friday-- (First Saturday-Regula- r) Regular) nt Dixielnnd at Engineers' Club, 1317 Spruce dinner Snturday-Regula- street. Inn. HAVE COLLEGE ATHLETICS AN EDUCATIONAL VALUE? (Address Delivered by Charles W. Kennedy, '02, nt the Annual Meeting of the National Collegiate Athletic Association) Gentlemen, may I express to you my appreciation of the honor you do me in inviting mo to como here to join in your discussion of the many important problems connected with the administration of college athletics. I do not know of any phase of university life that offers a larger responsibility of a more fruitful field of service than belong to those who have authority in developing and guiding college sport. I have no hope that in, anything I may say today, any easy solutions or panaceas will be offered for the many problems that confront us. What I should like to suggest is rather a point of view or method of approach to those problems which, I hope, may illuminate and clarify the problems and possibly suggest solutions that may prove tenable. and sound. It is a commonplace that we cannot deal wisely with any system, without a thorougli understanding, not merely of the facts we are dealing with, but also of their implications. Now, it seems to me that one reason why college athletics have been in the past three or four decades 'so debated, and debatable, is that those most interested have not in all instances been in agreement as to the significance and purpose of college sports. One approach to the discussion of college athletics has been based on an assumption that we are dealing with a system of physical training. Another approach has been based upon an assumption that college sport is entirely analogous to the informal, spontaneous play in which an individual indulges when he gives a Saturday afternoon, for example, to golf. Both these assumptions seem to me to be, in large part, false. I think you will agree with me that if college athletics as at present organized rest merely upon the basis of physical education and physical system for accomplishing a training, we have a very complex and comparatively simple end. If the object of college sport is solely to keep men in good physical condition, we are taking an extremely expensive and complicated route to reach that end. A gymnasium with chestweights and dumbequipment, and a few instructors, would acbells, a minimum of complish that task quite as well and far more simply. The other assumption that college sport represents the undergraduate's informal and spontaneous love of play somewhat intensified because of the assumption. The falsity number of men engaged, seems to me an equal-fals- e in this case seems to me to be produced by the presence in college sport of the principle of representation. In intercollegiate competition the individual undergraduate is competing as a representative of the institution to which he belongs, and this simple fact makes, it seems to me a world of difference If you or I make ah engagement to play golf or tennis with a friend we re present nothing but ourselves. If we do not train, if we do not practice, if we violate the code of sportsmanship, our actions reflect upon no one but ourselves. But if, with four or five others, we are engaged in a team match to represent our golf club, or our tennis club against another, there at once enters into our play the principle of representation and this principle is likely to alter the whole nature of our competition. We are likely to feel, and the club is likely td feel, that we are no longer completely free agents, that we are in fact their representatives charged with the responsibility of representing them as well as we possibly can in skill, and in sportsmanship, and that the club has a right to define the degree of skill and the quality of sportsmanship which shall represent it. This subordination of individual freedom to representative responsibility is a factor, it seems to me, of pri mary importance in any discussion of college sport. What arc the lines of responsibility which govern the administration of college athletics ? Those seem to me to bo the two fundamental nnd really important questions about the whole matter; because if our control is correctly centered, if our nthlctlc system ia correctly related to the Ufe of the university ns a whole and is governed by the same wisdom and authority that governs other phnscs of university life, if the linos of responsibility from those who arc Immediately chnrged with tho administration of athletics to those who arc ultimately in authority are correctly drawn, then wo need not particularly fear to face any of the problems that arise from our present system. In general today, it seems to me, there arc two systems of university control that arc being exerted in athletics. One obtnins, perhaps, more universally through the West nnd Middle West thnn in the East; thnt is tho system by which a department of athletics is set up nnd n director of athletics who is n member of the faculty, with faculty tenure nnd faculty salary, is in charge of tho department. In institutions where that Bystem has been set up, tho old advisory boards of undergraduates nnd nlumni have nonrly gone. There is still informal assistance nnd counsel, but the power rests in the department nnd in the head of the department. In the East, in institutions such ns the one which I have the honor to represent, wo have not yet proceeded to that point; and yet I nm not certain but that, in a number of ways, we have established as complete a university control in prnctice as is represented, perhaps, by the department system. I can illustrate what I mean, by outlinging the way in which athletics are controlled nt the university which I know best. CONTROL OF ATHLETICS AT PRINCETON At Princeton n complete seperation is made at the Btart between nil questions of eligibility nnd nil questions of business administration. There o are two bodies functioning in parallel relationship, one is the Faculty on Athletics nnd the other is tho board of Athletic Control. The Faculty Committee on Athletics consists, in Princeton- solely of members of the Faculty. That committee at present has a membership of seven men, the eldest in service of whom has been a member of the committee since 1888. Thnt committee has complete and sole authority over any question of eligibility; it hns finnl power to approve orveto the appointment of any coach; it has final power to determine the physical fitness of all men competing for us (a power exercised, naturally, in consultation with tho Department of Hygience nnd Physical Education), nnd it has finnl power of investigation and action in any question which seems to invol