xt7v9s1khv31 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v9s1khv31/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19210419 newspapers sn89058402 English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 19, 1921 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 19, 1921 1921 2012 true xt7v9s1khv31 section xt7v9s1khv31 - M Available I il The Kentucky Kernel VOL. XI. Semi-Weekl- LEXINGTON y . Y., ,4PRIL 19, 1921 " CLASS OF 1920 GIVES GIRLS' GYM CLASSES TO GIVE EgjBmggN PRINTS TO UNIVERSITY Diipuucm GLEE CLUB TO OFFER DEAN MELCHER BACK PROGAM IN CHAPEL Building University Musicians Return From Two hundred and fifty girls will Walls of Administration Adorned by Four New Pictures tnko pa rt In the exhibit to'be given by Successful Tour of State. the Physical Education Department OH STOLL FIELD TRACK May 1 2on Stoll Field, directed by MIsb The Men's Glee Club of tho UniverFour handsome pictures, have been Sarah Blandlng. One hundred and presented to the University by the sity will appear In Chapel Wednesday twcnty-olgh- t will bo In the mnrch and Class of 1020 and hung in the hall of evening In a public concert, offering a thirty In the dances. The program tho Administration Building. The pic varied program In which something Clare, Wilhelm and will bo divided Into two parts, the first tures are from the Chavanncs series of may boVound to suit any taste. The part consisting of the march, gym- Copy prints. Their subjects are: Club returned Sunday from a week's Win Features at Kentucknasium tactics, Indian club drill and "Philosophy," "Epic Poetry," "Pastoral tour of the State. y-Tennessee Meet apparatus; the second part containing Poetry," and "History," and are reTho program Is opened with three a number of Grecian dances. A Greek productions or originals In the Boston selections by the Club, followed by a FIELD IS SLOW temple is' to bo erected before which Library. The pictures were chosen violin solo by Prof. Lambert. Other the maids, In Grecian costumes, will from a number of subjects by Presi- selections include offerings by the Club Blue and White Captures dance. The Department of MubIc will dent McVey. Each plcturo has affixed Quartot, Saxophone Sextet, and the Ten Firsts, Eleven Seconds assistiln the exhibition and the entiro at. the bottom of the frame a small Hawaiian Trio. Solos will be given public is dnvlted as well as gymnastic brass plate Inscribed with the name by Anderson and Clem, and Porter v Captain Warren Clnro got away supervisors from nearby towns. of tho plcturo and "presented by the will entertnln with a whistling solo. with four firsts and a second totaling Class of 1920, Clyde Bland, president." twenty-threpoints, Jimmy Wilhelm JJ form In the displayed surprising Ifhurdles and Bob Porter won one of the KENTUCKY COLLEGE prettiest races ever witnessed on Stoll N Field for the features PRESENT "THE AMAZONS" of the Wildcat-- i HAS GREAT SUCCESS Volunteer Track Meet on Stoll Field ' Saturday afternoon when the. Cats walked away from the field with 92 Play Written by Kentuckian Humorous Play To Be Given Senate Passes Association points In their possession while the In Chapel by Literary Pleases Large Kentucky Tennesseans had only 25. Monday Rules Society Audience N won ten firsts, eleven seconds and one Session tie, while Tennessee won three firsts, Barrlngton, Viscount LItterly class Dramatic Production The two seconds and one lie. Fred Houston-Shamuddy that all under tne direction oi rroiessor w. The field was so The recommendation of The Asso- Galfred, Earl of Treen- times were slow, but this In no way Mikesell presented the "Bookmaker's ciation of Kentucky Colleges and Uniaways April 4, in ,John Land detracted from the Interest. A very Shoes" Thursday afternoon versities which was approved by the Andre, Count De The play written good crowd wa's out despite the cold the Little Theater. Grlval was Senate, Monday, has the following Jack Derringer and threatening weather, .and stayed by Earl Mitchell, a Kentuckian, regulations: Rev. Roger up full of pathos and humor of special ineven after Kentucky had rolled Members of the faculty of any col Minchin Frank Wiedekemper such a lead that the Volunteers had no terest to Kentuckians. lege or university in' Kentucky which Fitton (Gamekeeper Robert Bamber The play waswell managed and the to win. chance 1. Has as many as eight departplace in the 100 parts were excellently handled by the ments in the liberal arts and sciences, Youatt (a Servant) ..Jack- Swearingen Clare had won first George Rouse Orts (a poacher) yard dash, 220 yard dash, 120 yard cast which was as follows: the "Little each having at least one full time Miriam, Countess of Castle- "Rogue" high hurdles, 220 yard low hurdles, Girl, Kitty Conroy, the of professional rank, and jordan Margaret Harbison "book teacher nd was second to Snyder in the Eugene Siler, Buck Wilson, the 2. Requires for the baccaulaureate Lady Noeline Belt- Wilhelm, was second in maker" James Shouse, the "Mes- degree the completion of at least one broad jump. Lucy Smith urbet j number of points scared with 12., He senger" John Burks. hundred and twenty hours (semester) Lady Thomasin Belt The play deals with a very interestvon the high jump, was second on exclusive of physical exercise, and urbet Henrietta Rogers both of the hurdle races and was ing incident in the life of 3. Requires for admission to its Sergeant Shuter Lillian Dalton living in New York, who Is with one fourth of the Ave credited freshman class not less than fifteen "The Amazons," the play of a hunrace won by Ken- still pursuing the trade of bookmaking. units approved by the accredited points in the .relay dred laughs, will be given by The' "Little Girl," through the trick of tucky. schools committee of this association, Literary Society Thursday and acquaintance, thinks that Buck Bob Porter, sturdy miler and and evening at 8:15 in the chapel. inThis of the. Kentucky squad, proved Wilson, is a buyer of poems and is 4. Has in addition to income de,is full of humorous blood when he won nocently sent to him to sell her rived from tuition, the Income from a farce by Pinero the stamina in his race from the long- - mother's poetry. At first, Buck refuses productive endowment of not less than and laugh provoking situations. Much the of the humor of the farce is. created by winded mountaineer Hadley of the the poems, but, when he learns that three hundred thousand dollars, or Is the attempts of the three young lovers, daughter of the Tennessee squad. Hadley, had pre- - the "Little Girl" is the supported by taxation, and Treenaways, LItterly, De Grival, to in the mile and first man who had ever befriended viously beaten Porter 5. Has accessible to its students vn circumvent the Marchioness and court r- him, and that she is a Kentuckian, he library adequate to the needs of the Continued on Page 2. takes the poetry and gives the girl all various departments, properly .cata- the Amazons. Margaret Harbison, Lucy Smith and lately won in a the money that he has logued and supported by aft annual horse race. The "Rogue," who 'at- adequate appropriation for permanent Henrietta Rogers are extremely good S. A. E. FRATERNITY as the willful but charming sisters. tempt sto hold him up, is corfverted HOST OF DANCE from his evil way by tho generosity additions, and John Land Is fine &s the very English G. Has enough scientific equipment Lord Treenaways and Fred Houston-Shaof tho bookmaker. Sig Alphs Entertain With and Jack Derringer show up well Following the production th audi- - to provide for at least two full years v Party at Lafayette Hotel Saturday ence and players were entertained at of laboratory instruction in each of as LItterly and D.e Grlval. Claribel the fundamental sciences (biology, Kay Is well cast as the Marchioness. a Tea given by tne woman's uuuu. chemistry and physics) which facil Tho cast has been carefully chosen Slgma Alpna 'ft- ,- .Kentucky Epsilon of ities are maintained by adequate an and every mamber plays up well. Epsilon, entortained with its annual PROF. ZEMBROD ENTERTAINS nual appropriations, shall be recogThe play directed by Prof. dance in the ballroom of the Lafayette ROMANCE LANGUAGE CLUB nized as members of this association Mikesell and Prof. Sax' has given Saturday evening, April 1C. The Hotel after tho acceptance of the institution valuable assistanc in the costuming ballroom was artistically decorated Tho Romanco Language Club was to which 'they belong by the execu and scenery. Llttlo Theater season with streamers of the fraternity colors, tickets may be used for the play. hung from the center of the room" and entertained Monday night, April 11, tive committee of this association. In addition to these recommonda-tions- , Single tickets are 75 cents. caught on the walls, forming a huge by Professor and Mrs. Zombrod at recommendations as to tho evalunnnnnv nf mirnlo unci cold. A large their homo In West Fourth street. Two electric illumination ot the fraternity acts from "Le Voyage do Monsieur ating tho rating of colleges or Uni- AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY memversities for membership in the Aspin decorated the south wall of tho Porrlchon" were presented by most Interest- sociation were also approved by the TO MEET WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20. ball room and on the side walls wore bers of tho club. Tho , hung felt and leather banners. Mon-i- ing feature of th program was some Senate. These qualifications regard Tho seventieth meeting of the Lextaguo's Sextette furnished the music. French songs sung by Professor Zom- tho conferring of degrees, tho character of the curriculum, the organiza- ington Section of tho Amorlcan ChemThe programs were leather card brod and accompanied by Mrs. tion of the schools, and tho salaries ical Society will bo held In tho chemcases stamped with tho fraternity istry lecture room, Now Chemistry Tho following officers wore elected and training of tho faculty. The dance was one of tho most year: Alloen Lemon, presiBuilding, University of Kentucky on brilliant of the year and many TJnivor-f- for next STROLLERS-A- T Wednesday, April 20th, 1921, at 3:45 WINCHESTER slty and out of town folk enjoyed the dent; Dixon Davidson, vice president; p. m. Tho program will consist of lecW. A. Anderson, treasurer; Elizabeth $gj$k': hospitality of tho SIg Aphs. Allen, secretary. The Strollers presonted "The Ad- tures on "The Work and Purpose of Tho list of hosts follows: "Delicious refreshments of Ice cream, mirable Crlchton" at tho Winchester tho Bacteriological Division of tho (Chapter Roll Messrs. II. B. Orr, R. cake" and homemade candy wore Opera House Friday night, April 15. Dopartmont of Public Service LaboraW. Hagan, M. K. Eblon, M. K. Rovlll, Tho cast, property men and University tories," by Edwin J. Gott and John B. served. Loland Snoddy, J. D. Dinning, C. L. Orchestra motored to Winchester by Nelson. jOonnoll, J. T. Lovott, N. D. Wood, R. J way of Paris, leaving Lexington at 4 WOMAN'S LEAGUE HOLDS MEETThis program should bo of Interest Witt, R. P. Lavln, W. G. Kofauvor, J. ING IN LITTLE THEATER o'clock. to tho University community and tho K . Wilhelm, E. E. Slier, Paul Atkins, m genoral public. All are cordially InR. C. Little, V. C. Rogers, Gorald Grlf-1lTHETA SIGMA PHI MEETS. vited to attend. The Woman's Loaguo of tho UniverO. K. J. R. Popper, II. G. Malono, sity hold a meeting In tho Llttlo Kolloy, T. II. Hagan, G. M. Patterson, There will bo a meeting on Tuesday Theatre, Thursday at tho fifth hour. DOROTHY POTTER TO HEAD J. R., Albright, B. F. Crnddock, S. C. Kttthorlno Christian, President of the afternoon at 3:30 at tho Kappa Delta KITTENS Hart,' J. E. Byors, J. H. Layman, E. P. League presided at tho mooting. houses of Thota Sigma Phi, Journalistic Miss Dorothy Potter was elected Martin, J. B. Preston, II. S. Jackson. Elcholborger spojeo on "How to sorority. Tho initiates will entertain basket ball captain of tho Kittens for Pledges JMossrs. A. T. Rico, F. C. Miss v " Select a Diet" or a Meal at tho tho old members with an origlnul story tho coming yenr and Miss Margaret Clardy, T. E. Hall, J. T. Dundon. Many of tho students or poem, which Is to bo read before Jameson, Maunger, at the meeting of Cafeteria." tho sorority. wore present at the meeting. tho team Thursduy morning, April 14. Continued on Page 3. defeat VOLUNTEERS Porter ' - o at I - Phili-sophia- n two-mil- two-mil- e 1 has-bee- -- 5 Zem-bro- 1 f. v ' ''I No. 32 Tuesday-Frida- y n FROM CONVENTION OF Kentucky Dean of Men Secures 1922 National Con-- ference for Lexington BRINGS GOOD REPORT Student Government Endorsed by 15 Colleges Professor R. Melcher, Denn of from Iowa City, Iowa, Sunday, where he has been to the National Convention of College and Uni versity Deans of Men. Professor Mel cher succeeded In having Lexington named for the next meeting .which will begin on May 2, 1922. ' A resolution endorsing student cooperative government Jn all student activities was unanimously passed. A number of Colleges and Universities sent representatives to sit with the Deans with the aim of creating similar offices at their institutions. The Uni versity of Missouri is one of the most prominent schools that will appoint a Dean of Men. Dean Stanley Coulter, of Purdue University, one of the leading biologists of the country, who represented that school at the convention, will speak in the University chapel on May 10. Doctor Coulter has been at Purdue thirty-fou- r years and is the only man In the United States carrying on work In a building erected in his honor. He Is a brother to the noted Doctor John Coulter, head of the Department of Botany at the University of Chicago. The following schools were represented: University of Illinois, University of Wisconsin, University of Michigan, Ohio Wesleyan, Toledo University, University of Nebraska, University of Iowa, University of Minnesota, University of Kentucky, University of Missouri, Iowa State College, Grinnell College of Iowa, Carnegie Institute of Technology,' Iowa State Teachers College and the University of Colorado. C. Men, returned ALPHA XI GIVES FOUNDERS' BANQUET Engagements of Two of Local ter Are Announced Chap- The engagements of Mary Harkel-roato Harry Thompson, both of London, Kentucky, and Anna Jean Smith to Everett E. Elsey, both of Lexington, were announced at the annual Founder's Day banquet of the XI Chapter of Alpha XI Delta fraternity, which was held at tho Phoenix Hotel, Saturday, April 1G, 1921. Tho brides-elec- t are members of tlio college chapter and it is intended that they will have a double weeding in tho fraternity house In Lyndhurst Praco during the com; Ing commencement week. Tho tables wero In tho form of a T and decorated with a largo wicker basket of pink rose buds and tied with streamers of tho fraternity colors, double blue and old gold. Pink candles In silver candlesticks tied with tulle, and illuminated with tho emblem of tho fraternity, lighted tho room. Tho place cards wero cupids which hold a surprise for tho guests, in tho form of a card having spaces for tho names of tho Jonguged couples. In tho center of tho T was a tUff double wedding party. Tho favors wore tiny brides and- grooms. Miss Suo Boardman presided ns toastmlstress and Introduced Miss Dorothy Harris who announced tho engagements .of Misses Harkolroud and Smith, hi rhyme. Tho following , toasts wero given: Milk Toast Margaret Brooks d Continued on Page 2. '14 * Best Copv THE KENTUCKY KERNEL THE KENTUCKY KERNEL parents have rushed them through sixage high school nt tho of fifteen or teen and scut them on to college to The ofllrlnl publication ofthc ntndont anil put their noso in a book mid mnko a thfl Alumtil AnKoelntlon of the University degree In two or three years, students of Kentucky, who are not only out of touch with the la responsible for th world but who never have boon in Tho editorial policy of the paper; the Managing touch with it. They arc students who editor for tho new policy. liavo had no experience by which Rntereil nn neconil class matter at the they may test what they are taught, Lexington, Kentucky. poKtnfflee, thpy have no measure by which to determine values, they have no perft cents a Copy KllftO n Vcnr spective from which to look at things in their proper relations, nnd, furtherUUIf.DINt) JOURNALISM OI'IICK more, they have nothing to. which to KIHTOIUirt-rillKapply tho knowledge they acquire nfter J. DONALD DINNING, '21 they ncqulre It. To such students a nntl A0H7 I'honcM 2117-college education Is useless until four or five years after graduation, when MANAHINO i:i)ITOK they have learned to npply it. And GERALD GRIFFIN, '23 nniJ JOBS I'honcH 2117-these are your parlor bolshevlsts. This condition, and others which SI'dltTINO KD1TOR arise from the same causes, nre duo Joe T. Lovett, 'Si merely to tho fact that anybody may ASSOCIATE KD1TOKS go to college. Mental equipment has Clarlhcl Kay, '21 Mary Elizabeth James. '22 nothing to do with It. Anybody who Frances Marsh, '22 Isabella Dickey, '21 has an entranco fee is admitted. Kern .loluiHon, '21 Scholarship standards are not so high but that a good memory will keep one KKI'OKTKItS in school. When this hothouse plant Knthei Ine Conroy, '23 W. K. Dorman, '23 Kllznbeth Hume. '22 Dortlien Murphy, '12 begins to sprout can the college proMcNamara, '23 Margaret Lavln, '24 Irene fessor be held responsible for what it Ruth Hutflison, '23 produces?' Anna - Connor, '23 The possibilities of the Elizabeth Yelser. '24 psychiatric test for admission to college are being developed, notably by BUSINESS MANAGER H. B. LLOYD, '21 Columbia University. In this day of overcrowded universities this means MANAGER ADVERTISING of weeding out the unfit is worthy of .1. Ilurlon I'rewltt, '28 honest investigation. Certainly this is II. F. Walts, ':;2 the mfcans by which the colleges of the MANAGER CIRCULATION country may be purged of their Glenn Tlnsley, '22 "radicalism." TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1921 BUCHHERT'S WILDCATS IN COLLEGES.' "RADICALISM DEFEAT VOLUNTEERS Continued From Page 1. Our honored preceptor in journal- seemed confident of winning the two has in its ism, the Courier-Journamile heat. 'Hadley led for the. greater issue of April 13 an editorial headed part of the race but was passed by "Radicalism in 'Colleges" which is Porter for about a half lap. Then Hadrecommended to the serious consider- ley sprinted with ease and passed ation of students everywhere. There Porter again. With a last great effort is matter for thought in it, though the on the stretch Porter passed Hadley situation is, we believe, somewhat at the finish by the narrowest of marexaggerated. gins and both fell exhausted in the Courier-Journa"The fact is," says the arms of their teammates. "too many of our colleges Boyd tied with Key of Tennessee are hotbeds of socialism, parlor in the shot put at 24 feet, 2 inches. pink-te- a Hayden wrenched his knee as he hurlstateutopianism. This rather broad ed the Javelin 141 feet but Tennessee ment is hardly in accordance with the could never come near it. Hallowell, facts. There are fewer radicals, in of Kentucky, threw the stick 139 feet proportion to numbers, in the schools for second place. of the country than there are on the Dorman, liigh Jumper, was declared outside. There Is a wide, very wide, ineligible Just a few moments before distinction between radicalism and the meet began, but Wilholm beat progressivJsm which must be ob- Janes of Tennessee In that event. served. Most of the long haired masThe 120 high hurdles were shortenfeminine and culine ed to 110 yards and the 220 low "scoffers of convention" who have hurdles were shortened to 200 yards. through college went through in been Following is a list of the events and the capacity of sightseer or messenger results: scoffs boy. The university man "who . dash Clare. Kentucky, at such 'conventions' as the Army and first; Nantz, Kentucky, second. Time, Navy"" is usually a man who has 10 seconds flat. served his time in one of the two and One mile Hadley, Tennessee, first; Amerl- ,is only indulging his inborn Porter, Kentucky, Time, second. ,can tendency to grumble, a character- 4:46 35. , istic or tne uougnuoy auruiK uie wui. Kentucky, dash 'Clare, He would be the first to resent actively first; Nantz, Kentucky, second. Time, similar remarks from an outsider. 23 seconds. ' In an analysis of tho cause of the hurdles (distance reduced) supposed condition the CourierJournal lare , Kentucky, first; Wilhelm, arrives, with great force, at the col-- , Kentucky, second. Time, 15 a type, is lege professor, who, "as seconds. isolated from the world," a man out run Porter, Kentucky, of touch with the hard facts of the first; Snyder, Kentucky; second. Time, world, a dreamer and a theorist. This 55 seconds. is a great injustice to the body of the run Porter, Kentucky, profession. No class of men gives first; Hadley, Tennessee, second. Time, greater time and attention to its mora 10 minutes, 38 seconds. ing paper and the discussion of cur hurdles Clare, .Kentucky, professors. Many of rent events than first; Wilhelm, Kentucky, second. them, and this is especially true of Time, 28 seconds. economists and sociologists whose teachings are more concerned with bolvhovism, socialism and allied sub jects, are engaged in outside activities CASSELL'S PHARMACY which keep them quite in touch with reality. The Interstate Commerce PHONE 115 Reserve Commission, the Federal Board, tho Federal Trade Commission, "SWAN" Fountain Pens having to do with tho realities of lifo, wont to tho college faculty for their BORATED exports. Instances could ' bo multiplied. For Chapped Hands and Rough Skin It might bo . well to seek a little deeper for tho cause of any radicalism thore may bo in colleges, to investigate the other side of the equation tho student. The "hot beds of will bo found to bo tended For Any Kind of Dental Work Call on byyoung students of immature mind who have been educated by the "hot Drs. J. T. & E. D. SLATON Dentists 127 Cheapside bed" method, studonts whoso fondi Phone 864-- 880-yar- Rtlltor-ln-chl- I' l, l, short-haire- run Thornton, Kentucky, first; Royd, Kentucky, Recond. Time, 2 minuted, 0 seconds. . ha f 2 hz Javelin Hayden, Kentucky, first, 141 feet; Hollowell, Kentucky, second, 1.18 feet. Shot put Doyd, Kentucky, and Key, Tennessee, tied for first place, 34 feet, 2M inches. Discus 'Key, Tennessee, first, 110 feet 'Hayden, Kentucky, second. Kentucky, Broad Jump Snyder, first, 20 feet 2& inches; Clare, Ken- tucky, second, 19 feet 17 Inches. j j I ' tii ir'....ft LUIGART'S 5 CLOTHING AND HABERDASHERY $1500 Sweaters $10.00 ALPHA XI DELTA GIVES FOUNDERS' DAY BANQUET Continued From Page 1. Light Bread .Elizabeth Lovett Hot Toast .Lorraine West "Dry Toast .Lula Blakey Virginia Shanklln Buttered Toast . JMary K. Venable Scorched Toast Between courses "piano isolos were played by Elizabeth Ellis and Laura Hubbard. Roxane Trimble delighted those present by singing Cadman's At Dawning, and Alpha Xi Delta "Memories." Those present were Dorothy Blatz, Sue Boardman, Isabelle Dickey, Virginia Shanklln, Dorothy Harris Isa- - Phoenix Block -- Lexington, Kentucky McGurk & O'Brien Lunches Ice Creams A.&G.CAPS $3.00 to $6.00 The same distinction, the same style and the same nice attention to details that characterizes the other merchandise of Anderson & Gregory Men's Shop Priced at figures that modestly repre sent their value Catering Phone 718 Hot Chocolate Candy Home Made Cakes Lexington, Ky. , V- - Shirts and "We Specialize in Men's Headwear" ANDERSON & GREGORY 109 Limestone, North Hosiery FOR TH,E WELL DRESSED MAN LOOK FOR THE A. & G. SIGN 440-yar- d On Sale Here at Tremendous?" ' Reductions. HEADGEAR e HABERDASHERY Or ALL SILK SHIRTS . - : - Up to $15.00, now$4.95 220-yar- d TEETH - 133-13- 5 G 5 WITCH-HAZE- It- rn .1 .11 110-yar- d Two-mil- 115-11- 3 first, 10 feet G inches; Cameron, Kentucky, second, 10 feet 5 Inches. Running high Jump Wilholm, Kentucky, first, 5 feet Inches; Janes, Tennessee, second. Kentucky won the relay In 3 minutes 4G seconds. Composing the winning team were Snyder, Boyd, Wilholm and . Thornton. Officials were: R. W. Owens, referee and starter; Albert Hukle, announcer; Ireland, Gill, Goble, timers; Tlgert, Funkhouser, Juneau, Judges of the finish; Barnett and Peak, field Judges. d 220-yar- d rr hollo Darnell, Lula Maftcy, Margaret Fresh Home Made Candy Brooks, Anna" Jean Smith, Mary Made Where You See It Made Hnrkolrond, Lorraine est, Laura Hubbard, Blanche Collins, Willotte Schange's Candy Kitchen Frltschner, Helen Brower, Elizabeth Guthrie, Eleanor Cnmmack, Elizabeth J. Upper Street Ellis, Itoxano Trimble, Elizabeth Lovett, Zenolda McCloye, Margaret Shcltman, Elizabeth Brown, Austin PHONE 980 Lilly, Ruth Weathers; Kathleen SulU-vnBogaert Company Mnrgaret Bailey, Anna Wallls, Victor Zerelda Noland, Virginia eroft, Mary LEADING JEWELERS K. Venable, Salllo Eubanks, Mrs. Carol Woet Main Street Haley, Mrs. George Trimnell and Mrs. ' Est&bldshed 1883 .Lexington, Ky. W. D. Valleau. SOXS - 19c to $1.85 ATTEND AN ACCREDITED BUSINESS COLLEGE LIKE THE SOUTHERN BROTHERS - ' 4 If You Are Cholcy or Undecided Come In and Look 'Em Over Our Shirts and Hosiery Were Made to Please Fugazzi School United (Sotting W. stores B. MARTIN'S INCORPORATED BARBER SHOP Haircut .40 Shave .20 153 South Limestone St. Lexington, Ky. Next to Union Depot LEXINGTON, KY. 1 * Available r.' THE KENTUCKY KERNEL FOK THK I1KST MOVINO riCTUllKS. FICTCMCS WITH THE SCRKKN'S STRAND THEATRE OrEN DAILY AND SUNDAY TO 1 II P. M. ADULTS 27c PI.VS 3c WAR TAX, TOTAT, Me Alumni "Notes UII.DREN 18n ri.VB KERNEL JOKE CONTEST 3 Dues to tho Alumni Association, $2 a year, lnclmlo subscription to Tho Kernel and the Alumni Directory. Address Herbert Graham, University of' Kentucky, Loxlnpton A first prlzo of $1 and three additional prizes of fifty cents each will bo given each week to students submitting the best original Jokes or short humorous poems. Contest for each week ends on Friday, at noon. Contestants must sign name to contribution, but namo will bo withhold from publication on request. Doposit in Joke Box, Kernel office, basement of Science building. Sec'y-Troas- ., Tom L. Gorman Is a mining engineer The Alumni Secretary lias requested Information of all former students and for tho Larjan Coal Co. at Blackoy, alumni who are candidates for tho Ky. Kentucky legislature. J. C. Morris Is concrete Inspector for the "Louisiana State Highway DeMiss Mary L. Aitkins, 95, now at partment with headquarters at Port Oneida (Ky.) Baptist Institute, Is ar- Allen, La. ranging for the organization of a Clay Nick T. Puckett is with ,M. A. Hofft County Alumni Club at Manchester tho Co., Indianapolis, Ind. last week In April. Edward A. Puryear Is an attorney at Paducah, Ky., with offices in the City Wm. P. Johnson '01 Is -- principal of National Bank Building. the High School at Barlow, Ky. Dean Slagle is a graduate student J Howard D, McElroy '12, who was a at Columbia University. Leo E.'iSteinhauscr is a salesman for captain of infantry In the World War, tho EcCnomy Cultivator and Imple da with McNcny & McNeny, Investment estate dealers, In ment Company, Los Angeles, Cal. bankers and real A. L. Stephens Is county road en Dallas, Texas. gineer at Burlington, Ky . . Walter B. Mobley '16, Bruin, Ky., la .candidate for county attorney In El ty and is expeoted to have no opposition for the Democratic nomination. liott-Coun- C I FIRST PRIZE. ! AND TIIK BEST ORCHESTRA Can You Answer? Where can a man buy a cap for his knee?. Or a. key for the lock of his hair? Can his eyes bo called an academy, Because there are pupils there? In the crown of his head, what gems are found? 2r WAR TAX, Who travels tho bridge of his nose? the roof of his house, The nails on the end of his toes? Can tho crook of his elbow be sent to Jail? If so, what did ho do? How does he sharpen his shoulder blades? I'll bo hanged If I lmow do you? Can ho sit In the shade of the palm of his hand? Or beat on the drum of his ear? Does the calf of his leg eat the corn on his toes? If so, why not grown corn on the enr? Geneva Rice. field, Ky. f Ed iE. Hardin is Junior member of the firm of Hardin & Hardirt, Evans-ville- , Ind. iHenry T. "Boc" Hardin 14 Is the senior member of tho firm. Another member of ithe Evansville club is W. Lee Smith '16, of Smith & Waller. Miss Elizabeth L. Bertram is head .of the English department, Paducah (Ky.) high school. Clyde Bland is agricultural agent for the Illinois Central Railroad with offices Jn the Grand Central Station, Memphis Tenn. . IMiss Lucille Blatz is a teacher .in the Ballard school, Jefferson (County, Ky. Miss Lucy J. Cracraft Ms teaching in the public schools at Cynthlana. -- LOST ALUMNI The alumni secretary has requested information, of the following "lost" alumni: Hiram Shaw, '92; Dr. Edward .C. Aullck, '94; James H. Graham, '00; Flemen C. Taylor, '02; Hal Walker Smith, '10; George M. Hendrlckson, '11; .Robert G. Strong, 11; Harry G. Korfhage, '12; Ruby Leon Marcum, '12; Herman F. Vogllotto, '12; Alvln H. Colbert, '13; Louis David CovRz, '13; Fred Farls, '13; Wm. Survant Penny, '13; Luolla Martbn Schaffer, '13; Geo. Atwoll Scott, '13; Edward C T. Blakor, 14; Herman Leo Donovan, 14; William H. Jones, '14; Graham Allen Smith, '14 ; Caroline T. Watklns, '14; Zachariah P. Hamilton, '15; Mel-viHays Judd, '15; Elizabeth G. Mooro (Mrs. Bon II. Lowry), '15; Jas. McGlnnos Nioding, 15; Mrs. Bessie Foglo VJudd, '16; David McChord 'Phelps, '16; George D. Aaron, '17; Helen D. Burkholdor, '17; Rutherford Y. Flshback, '17 ; Benjamin F. Foster, '17? Everett S. Ponn, '17; Eugono A. Taylor, '17; Burton F. Williams, '17; George C. Bradley, '18; Lucy E. Robinson, '18 Arnold H. Webb, '18; David C. Dudley, '19; Moso Smith, '19; Porry Elmo Thomas, '19; Morris Vilcofsky, Bum Hoy, gltnmp some tobacco. I Avant a paper so bad I ain't oven got a match. ' HOST OF DANCE Continued From Page 1. Lexington Alumni Messrs. W. J. Harris, A. J. poster, Warricld Gratz, A. D. Hall, J. M. Server, George Matthews, R. M. Guthrie, W. L. Coons, Thorpe', Dean Bakewell, Warren Homer Baker, M. S. Garslde, Robert Johnson, H. B. Bennett. Assisting "we're the chaperonea: President and Mrs. McVoy, Dean and Mrs. Melcher, Mr. and Mrs. Grehan, Professor and Mrs. Good, Professor and Mrs. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Thomson R. Bryant, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Webb, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Revill, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Johnson, Jr. A WAY TO SAVE MONEY! Five Dollars on Each Club Enrollment. Becker's Pressing Club CAMPUS REPRESENTATIVE Regular Dances For University Students Monday and Friday Nights , POPULAR SAXOPHONE TRIO PHONE OPPOSITE PHOENIX HOTEL Drug v Company Co-operati- 4503-- We oMiller School sf Business Phone 469Y 222 W. MAIN STREET ve (Incorporated) Main and Limestone Streets The Modern School of Offiec Training Drugs, Patent Medicines and Toilet Articles. Articles at Lowest Cut Prices LEXINGTON, KY. BLOCK'S, PAGE'S AND Prncipal MAUD M. MILLER, SHAW'S AND MULLANE'S CANDIES Phoenix Hotel Barber Shop . Eleven First Class -- H.P BARTRAM, Prop. The Lafayette A Modern Fire Proof Hotel With Every Convenience. w 'ng -- Barbers ; : Three Hundred Rooms With Private Baths Beautiful Dining Rooms 1 Faultless Cuisine. Phone 19881X Manicuring Lafayette Hotel Company (Incorporated) KELLER-Flor- ist L. B. FINEST BALL ROOM IN THE SOUTH Lexington, Ky. SHOUSE, President CHA3. G. McQRATH, Mar.-Dlrect- Quality Cut Flower and Corsages, Bouquets a Specialty We Extend a Cordial Welcome to College Women To Shop at This Great Quality Phone 554 How can a woman with a drug store complexion endeavor to make people boliove that sho is blushing? CENTERS BURTON PREWITT, n 20. AMUSEMENT S. A. E. FRAT. Can ho use, when shingling 20. Harry R. iCotrell is assistant county agent of Washington County, Spring- I.KXINOTON'S 20c "Dancing School Ky., is ' TOTAL Miss Spurr's W. W. "Pete" Owsley '17, Lebanon, secretary otthe '17 Ags, an association formed at a recent meeting in Lexington. Mrs. Owsley was formerly Miss Lois Brown '19. Louis tfteusch '17 Is managing and near orchard property developing He expects to be Yakima, Wash. there another year or two. MUSIC, "VISIT" BEN ALl THEATRE and i STARS OHKATKST OTIS JONES- - Ada Meade Theatre Building PAUL P. COOPER Representatives -- V .m&t.Jk Department Store. Mitchell, Baker & Smith (Incorporated) J *