xt7v9s1kjq9v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v9s1kjq9v/data/mets.xml Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1948 journals 3_06 English Lexington, Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Kentucky fruit notes v.3 n.06. text Kentucky fruit notes v.3 n.06. 1948 2014 true xt7v9s1kjq9v section xt7v9s1kjq9v bgyf •?'”'*_; Vol. 3 October, 1948 NO_ 5 · ion ""4_r_"u"" "`*Ai”h‘F__`“`_'_‘; ' ' ‘" sly KENTUCKY FRUIT NOTES ·st— ere W. D. Armstrong, Horticulturist, Editor iw- _ md A REPORT ()N FRUIT PROGRESS lent recovery during the summer of V IN KENTUCKY 1947 but all died out rapidly early NS C. S. Wultmlm during a period of prolonged University of Kentucky L 5 idm‘_ Lcxmgmn Kentucky 'Thte irppogtalnce caf reg stele root ro 0 CD LIC T8 V - yl? Editor‘|‘No§.e; Tlle foll;1wlln1:inateiéiallis ing is l)QC0mjn§é Sof \Wj§;1-yjyggggt s t`· t - 97. i: :i·»it · 1iiii·Itllci¤ll‘iii·:il I`n·i$i·t1iiii—iit iiiruiei Kent duc W the fact that $€V€Y3l COm’ Lvl,) tricky Aurlcultural 1ixp•·rim¤·nt Station, lIl01`C1Zll fields {leaf CO\’ll'lgtOl'I. im iwiitiieteii. Hit `1l¤lis`lit·:_tt§_ th; Louisville and Paducah have recent- Cali }¤l'UUI`f:5S (UNI I`C]¤AOI't5 SONIC ttf (l\l· !`t·FlIltZ< ly Sufimicd heavy 1OSS€S' Experl- that are summarized annually. \\'. 1). A. lTl€DlS_ {W9 also UUd€?l` WHY Wh€I`€ Stm“_b€n_ics varieties restistant to the disease are being teste . Two such varieties During the past few seasons a dis- recently introduced by the U. S. ease known as red stele root rot has Department of Agriculture are and caused serious trouble in the pro- Temple and Fairland. you duction of strawberries on the Ex- _ _ ‘om perinient Station Farm at Lexing- Stm“'b°"*€$*‘l947 Yields ant ton. This disease is favored by cool The summer of 1947 at Lexington ber. weather. wet seasons. and poorly was unusual in that there was no 100 drained soil. During hot summer time during the season when mois- .hc;· preather diseased plants often re- ture was a seriously limiting factor. llifll cover and grow normally until lt was especially favorable for OUY winter. Symptoms of the disease strawberries and good yields, in €`°5· usually appear in early spring and general. were obtained. The season ‘lllll` remain through harvest. These was considerably later than the lil}? symptoms are dwarfed, low foliage. average and some damage to blos- hm? often scorched. and many plants soms occurred from frosts on the often die. ln diseased fields. plants nights of May 8. 9, and 10. on low. infected spots will often be Thg ygctds {mm the various Y seriously stunted while, _a few feet varieties are siinvvn in the table be- iyhr Ll\\`[l}' OI'} l1lgl1Cl`. \\`Cll-Cll`€tll`lCCl 50ll .1Tl lgvy and are in 24-qu3y’[ (jygtgg per figd the Same field plants will be dis- tier-ez Blakemore, 145; Tennessee it i?5${£§`§° “""““ "` g“"`“` "“" ?§.i“"i·..Eé?iaT%“i§i§i§§f El*?Yi$?§‘ L ‘ · ... V { C bb. “ _ . . ~ · m Experimental plots that fruited in mier. 172; Fairfax. 22o and Catskill. 19-17 had considerable red stele in- 234. _ _ Jury which was responsible for re- Of outstanding interest is the fact ducing yields somewhat. After har- that Tennessee Beauty produced the O“__ vest. experimental work was started greatest and Blakemore the lowest. dm, to studylthe effect of summer ferti- ripening time `for the ·va_'ri0us Of llzation and cultural methods on the varieties ianged fiom l\Ia5 ..9 to .1 )_ red stcle disease. These plots were June 23. while in 1946 these same D}; thoroughly renovated by using n varieties were harvested between _ roto—type tiller that pulverized the May 7 and June 10. _ soil to a depth of six inches between ln trials covering a period of four 7 the rows. This tiller was used five years. Tennessee Beauty has proven tunes for cultivation until the end to be an outstanding producer and _ t of the season. With this cultivation the fruits are attractive and of high [ lg Gnd various fertilizer treatments, quality. The berries are moderately iilgl the diseased plants made an excel- dark red. well formed and handle inly ""' ' ' ("IRCULAR OF THE KENTUCKY AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY exceptionally well and the variety yield was obtained on June 21. The I t is a good plant producer. last harvesting datelfor gpillen in EW 1946 was on June 2 ant or Mor- · Plnnt Spacing nam tm June 24. GY? » For the past several seasons at There was not much difference in lt; Lexington, Blakemore has been dis- quality of the two varieties. The } _ appointing in its yields of fruit. It is fruits of l\i1orrison are somewhat im an exceptionally vigorous grower softer, slightly darker. somewhat int ' and forms more plants than any better developed, and not quite sti 4 variety that has been tested at the acid as those _of Quillcn. For tht, “_i Experiment Station farm. This is reasons mentioned, Morrison i. probably one reason why it fails more desirable as a fresh product. lip generally to produce a satisfactory Some development of antln·acnt»si· U] 1 yield of fruit, The best authorities has occurred in the planting but ha. 9)% on strawberry culture indicate that been lheld in check fzgiriy w;.·ll]·by for the hi hest yields of the best one cormant spray o iciuic imti Size beri·ie§ fromlplants growing in sulfur and three SllllllTlOl` Spriiys of gl;} matted rows, there should be from bordeaux mixture. There is evi- fg] six to eight plants per square foot dence that Quillcn is somewhat less il gf i—Ow_ As Ordinarily nnndlgd_ susceptible to antbiacnosc than fig; Blakemore produces many more Morrison. fm than this number. Our tests have , _ _ D1.] shown that, with strawberry rows (’r‘1p°? B8 spaced four feet apart, Blakemore A new grape Dl£lUl.1l”l§.\\'€1S startt-;i UL yviu fOI—I·“ E CO¤5id€1·a})1y “*id€·l~ 1·O“r Ul'} th() 'EXpC‘l`1IllC‘l`ll Slillltlll gl`tlLlIlti§ and glgg nqgny pjgrp plgntg pgp OI'1 ApI`ll 6,.1945, Cll`lCl` SC\'Ul'lll §'Q1l1`S if square foot of row when set at 36 dU1`l11g which 110 §I1`i`*l)C$ hud UCCI1 inches apart than will be formed by §1`0\\'¤- U b€‘€3¥11€ ¤<‘€0$$¤i`5’ $0\'01`i1l ` 7 Premier with the plants set at 20 }’0i11‘$_€1§0 te €l}$€011i111l~1€ U1€11` Fill- V inches. Thinning the plants in the ture in the station vineyard at Lex- matted mw during late summer on instnn because of tbe clarnnse bein; T}, varieties which are prolific plant€\'1110 1`0<1l_l101`<"1`- mi producers is a very good practice, Numerous methods were tried by __ but it is a difficult thing to accom- UV-‘ D€Pi11`lm€m$ Of HU1`ll€11ll11l`€ {iu . plish satisfactorily on a commercial imd E¤U11110l0gY Y0 €011l1`0l tl11$ POST {1 pcrgggrtjn The gyngrint and p,gi·tiCi_i- but DO S11llSf3CiOl`y IUCQUS of COI1ll`Ol `I larly the distribution of rainfall and WHS f011¤d» lt WGS €0¤$1d€1`€d b€$l T9 _1. the earliness in the s;ason at which discontinue the growing of grapes tw the runners are formed are impor- for several years so that the insect ‘)f· tant contributing factors in deter- W0Uld 110 IOUECY h¤\'€ PIUYU5 UPON E; mining thg yield fygiqq iiqdividtigl which it could _work. This large root `L i·Liyingi· pigntg lJOl`€l` is Z1lSOdg1\'1H%}:l`OLlbl(i<1H Flllfl ${0 centra an nor ern en ucw . Bl2lCk R,Ll.S[)lJ€l'[`l9S gygipg p]3ntingg_ nz A Small planting of black rtigp- The varieties planted in 1945 and _ berries gt the Experiment Station the yield in pounds per vine during dl farm bore its second crop in 1947. 1947 were as follows: EU The yield for Quillen was 3.54 ,,A_ ...-__AA.___....___;. L pints per hill or at the rate of 367.1 VUIOU, N1ll'l]lit·l`i,l\!<.]ll*I`H8F\'CFllllL iii (24-Pint) crates per acre. Morrison ‘ ‘ of Vines Yiiie Tlzite \‘ yielded at the rate of 3.-12 pints per 7 *”“'"""" """"'*“**_"I_ U hill or 354.7 (24-Pint) crates per E‘;';U§g‘£fl ··~···]g 233 U acre. This is an exceptionally good inbina _";___; 5 _; `Oj_;_%_ “ yielld for both varieties. .. ¥] som. $411 here was but little difference in ` it ·——— · ·‘ “"· 22 ‘ the harvesting dates for the two l` 5 28`0 SWL l' l d kinds. ln 1947, the first ripe fruits Seedless .2..*.. 10 .-,. _-...-- \` were picked On June 21 and the Golden Muscat- 5 19.3 Sept. 11* heaviest pickings for each variety w‘—’*_" °_ came on June 30 and July 2. The The season of 1947 was the third L last harvesting date for Quillen oc- growing year for these vines and curred on July 9 and for Morrison the yields indicate how quickly 5 on July 11. _ grapes can be brought into produc- Q ‘ In 1946, the first fruits were har- tion if the vines are well trained. I . vested on June 3 and the heaviest well pruned. and well grown, Most 2 4, P The r — . . . H in ot the varieties boi·e a small quan- an average ot 19.7 pounds per vine . _,rm__ {ity of frurt in 1946 and, with but and Niagara produced satisfactorily two exceptions, all varieties yielded with an average of 14.2 pounds. U in very well this season. _ Th? Portland was outstanding among Pea;-S rom the_ newer varieties under test. The The poor project was Started in mm fruits are light green in color, very me Spring of 1945 in an Effort to L. oo g00d ln Quality. With well formcd find varieties of good quality that mc clusters, and the vine possesses good would grow won in Kentucky and 1* ?Qltii`° TM md "'“S °"°°"“°“““’ tim; w<>¤i¢ my be seriousiy dam- {iis Beth F·‘~¤¤¤i¤ ues Sh¤¤id¤¤ ¤r>- ifitie ii/ieiliei2ii?ihEa‘i`i;eih€bt$i1€Si$,rt$ hot pear_ to be prom1s1ng_under our quality fruits oro ahold the only _ by conditions, and Fredonia now_ap- Doors growo’ Successfully in the limb pears to possess the greatest vigor. Moro Sookol a pear of good quality S or The clusters of both krnds were well ooo oo gro{,m fairly won but thé evi. l"l`m°d tmd me ¤¤¤*itv g°Od· FIC' fruits are so small that they do not lm; donia ripens early in the season horo rr road\.So1o_ [hoo ahead of Concord and Shcrrdun hw, T} I rr r _ th V 1 t_ after Concord. and for this reason ___l° ralm m €.n°“ P an mg they are exceptionally desirable for TNC? glgscn dog? VNIOUS nurseries planting along with that variety. Mgmt blie mg t<;jt¤bhShm€¤tS rmi Both varieties produced excellent éirisrmicocfouglgycogyh €g§f°Om?%;n‘ mor yields rthis season with Fredonia vkfilh lgcrcmncg io thc; uigt ar? ours producing an average of slightly rmcdom from bh ht q Y W 2l“`·§°"°“}°°“ ‘°°““d“ ‘°°" `“““ ““d Some additionsghaye been made to . .. Qitri an L8. The vines of _Golden Muscat pos- ln'? Dlilnnng in €¤_€n of thé two Loy sess only fair vigor but the yield of YUUYF Since ln? D1`0J€Ct WHS _$t6Ft€d omg 19 pounds- per vine was very g0Od_ Zlnfl the \'HI11Ctl€S T10}\’ gi‘O\v11'ig are )rorir The individual fruits are large but i*> lnll0W$· Mannlng EllZ3b€tn» or their color, quality and flavor are Ceres $€€dl€5$i Sheldon. C8TnD¤$» turr not all that could be desired and P?n`l~i€l‘· Patten- B3nl¤ln» W01`d€n pom the variety often suffers severely S0€li€l· Rlnnafd P€t€1`5. Cayuga- mm from block mr A A · L Standard & Dwarf. Gorham-—StYand- St to Urbana was disappointing in sev- ind Dwalli C0\'§l`t· Ei" QTL ll alt? opoi eral respects. The vines are weak E_€n`l§r) $€€l<€l· l’l€n1`l5 l\0- li HBYFIS rsorr and they set only a small quantity NO- ·-- Mnbilnet T§'50n» Oflént and roorr of fruit that ripened late. The _fru1t n1n€ selections from tht? T€nn§$$€€ YOOI lg plnk In Cgloy gnly fgly H] EXDCl`lITlODt Sl3tlOYl b1`€€dll”Ig \\OI`k. thor quality. The fruits possess the Progress reports on this project mk`. roughcst skins of any variety we will be made from time to time. ‘ dare ever grown. and Concord Scedlcss was the most Plums ring disappointing of any variety under Stanley. This prune-type plum test. All of the vines of this variety is proving to be one of the finest __' formed a large number of clusters, quality and heaviest yielding varie- gi] but they ripened so poorly and un- ties which we have under test. It N. ` venly that no measurable quantity was developed and introduced by —~— of fruit could be harvested from the New York State Experiment Y4-T? them. ln the case of the few fruits station and is of fairly recent origin. Ml which ripcned. the quality was fair- The fruits are fairly large. and Clark Yi ly good but not equal to Concord blue with a heavy grey bloom. The if and they were so small as to be flesh has a solid texture, is green- 1* definitely objectionable. In contrast ish—yellow. juicy, fine-grained, free- ____g_ with the report of last year, the stone. and of excellent quality. It is 11 vines grew well but the fruits were highly desirable as either a fresh or . 1- so disappointing that the vines will canned product. The trees produce hird he destroyed unless thy show bet- at an early age and bear regular and ter performance during the coming annual crops. Because of its Solid ckly Season. The performance of this texture, it handles exceptionally duo Variety. to date, would place it in well and should make a Valuable ned lhfi Very doubtful class even for commercial variety. The rlpéhlflg rqosr the home garden. time is August 10-15. Reports from Concord yielded very well with all the states surrounding Kentucky 3 indicate that this variety is out- ter variety, but in Kentucky it rip. the i standing with them, also. ens in late summer or early fall. Tran; French Domsom Tile fruits of This variety started bearing at 4 tiuali this variety are twice as large as YCUYS 0_f age and has borne good ronsi Shropshire Domsou and for that crops of large fruits annually since. to` C » reason are more desireihie The The fruits are red striped, uniform tirthi quality is very good and the variety lp $hilp0» _h€lV0 gppd €00k1¤l; Quail- yl"! should be a valuable addition for hes, il¤d_ lp COM Sl01`i1g0, have kept how · those who desire a good preserving Well until :]·*l“ui“`Y· _ Flon palm. This appears to be me out- Close, vrisinatvel by the U· S. Dc- .¤t<·_ Stohdirig domsoii for Keiuueky_ partment ol Agriculture, is one of qotlh the earliest maturing apples under ·.·iir1t , Peaches trial. The fruits size earlier than the mush Pieeiieeiiy uii varieties iu the Yellow Transparent variety and de- ziush Experiment Station piemiirig bOi~C u velop a bright red color when ripe, 'r‘.ll'lt good erou Outstanding among the ltsichief fault has been that the wrt y€11O\V freestone \-ayieties were the truit upon reaching niaturrty is so tract f1—uitS boi-me bbr Haiehaveiiy Golden- soft that it bruiseg easily. It can be tolli east, Sunhigh, and Summereregp ll§1¤dlCd satisfactorily only when .n Arribergem was Outstanding as 8 picked before reaching full matur- watt yellow clingstone variety. The last NY- _ _ =**· four varieties named are introdue- Rcdblrd 1s_ another very early M tions fi·0m the Ngty Jersey Experj- HDDIC lllilt SIZCS Llp C£ll`l1c1" than Llitll yyignt Stgrtioyh rIT1`GI]SpGl`C1'lt. COll`lITlCl`ClLli [)1Ci{lHg "l 1 Several new varieties were set in time the fruits are only partially duo the orchard this past spring. Part <‘0lQ1‘Qd imd they _h8\‘0 bC€¤' Fltlhtly §_}'p‘ gf thggg were jntrgductigng fiigm criticized for quality and being only tho the Illinois Experiment Station, de- m0d¢‘1`ili0l>' D1‘0dp€U\‘€-_ lp wmv Mci veloped in peach breeding work commercial plantings, it has been rtl {hgrg observed that the early blooming tr? The new varieties which have H0¤1`)' CIHY \’¤1`i0tY NGS in lll? l>0l· ~*"` been set during the past two sea- l1TlLll.1OIl of the Redbird, which is li sons are as follows: Prairie Schoon- HISO \'01`}' Umiy bloommst ilpfl there *“l` . E1-, Prairie Daybreak, Dixjyed_ Fair by greatly increases the Redbird GY Beauty, K56, Dixigem, Albru, K111, set and y1eld._ QUE Redrose, Beulah, K'7l, K72. Laterose, Anoka originated at_ the South gill- Jerseyland, Prairie Rose. Welcome, Dakota Experiment Station, has the if O’Boy, and Fireglow. record of coming into heavy bearing it All the varieties with the K desig- earlier than any other _variety Ls? nation were developed by the Illi- tested to date. The fruits_r1pen in itil nois Experiment Station (also, the second early group Just after ffiil Prairie Schooner, Prairie Daybreak Transparent and are generally **0] and Prairie Rose). Progress reports poorly colored and of only medium - will be made on the new varieties to fair quality. This variety does not T0 from time to time, have much commercial appeal but it ijli Varieties which have not been can be strongly suggested for light. Ujl satisfactory after several years” home orchard planting where early. ill! trial are Candoka. Hardee. and quick production is desired. tpl Polly. Lodi has made more commercial W headway than any other early rip- pli Apples cning variety over Kentucky and Y0 Apple variety testing has been an the mid—west in recent years. It is `·\`_ important part of the horticultural a large, yellow apple that is greater W trials at the Lexington Experiment in depth than the usual Transparent Station for the past thirty-five and will generally produce 2 to 2% W years. During that time most of the inch apples earlier in the season rg more important introductions have than will Transparent. This early 2* been fruited. Many of these are still sizing and its being smooth and at- under trial and the varieties men- tractive with less acidity than Vi tioned below are a few of the newer Transparent, are some of the quali- ll ones that are now being fruited for ties in its favor. Also, the trees ‘·\ the first time. have not yet gone into alternate N ‘ Haralson was originated by the bearing as is usual with the Trans- V Minnesota Experiment Station. In parent and, while fire blight has C that state it is a valued fall or win- affected it some it has not affected H · 4 rip- the variety as seriously as it has Macoun, another variety of the fall. Transparent. Due to these good Mclntosh type, is showing consid- - it 4 qualities, Lodi has been planted to a erable promise. It ripens a bit later {ood ronsidcrable degree and is starting and the fruits are generally not as nce. to come into bearing in several large as Kendall. This variety is orm Orchards over the state. Chieily of interest because its good iali- Webster is a new variety from the quality fruits extend the Mclntosh cept New York State Experiment Sta- season and provide Mclntosh type tion and is a very large, bright red, fruit over a longe1· period. De- late keeping apple of excellent 2 of t-ooking and fair eating quality. This idei qariety was set in l940 and bore 1 JEFFERSON COUNTY STRAW- the ziushel per tree in 1946 and 2% BERRY TESTS 1948 de— oushels per tree in 1947. While this H_ C_ Brown ripe. ·.·;iriety has been under observation HU;-tjcultuml Associate County the for only a short time, its large, at- Agent s so iractivc fruits indicate its desir- i be ability. and its further performance _ 9***5 a¤Oth€¥ $¤0€€$Sf¤i when in the Station grounds is being *_tI‘“” Olly S?aSO¤ m J€ff€I`$0¤ itur- watched with a great deal of inter- °Oum_Y· A $€i`101}$ dI`0uth I`€duCed ESL the yields but prices were excellent. mh Mcmtosh seedling Group is 3 Theoseason average gross price was than uroup of four promising seedlings $8%- rsr CYat€· king rtf the Mclntosh variety that pro- _ Yarieiy T€§iS¤ Premier has long ially duce highly flavored McIntosh- POW the leading Commercial variety . ghtly type fruit over a 2·inonth period. in the Louisville section and it was only Those who are familiar with the fhfiieult to persuade some of the ;omt· llclntosh-type fruit are very fond leading gl`0W€I`S even to try the two been ~f its aromatic flavor and know its ¤0\'~' varieties of interest, the Ten- ning ;iesirability for cooking and fresh ¤€5$€e Shipper and Tennessee pol- use in spite of the fact that the fruit Bflilutvr However, now that these h is LS very tender and has to be handled new sorts have been fruited for iere. very carefully. The Mclntosh vari- Several Seasons, grower and dealer lhird ety produces very well in Kentueky Pl‘<`f€l`€¤€0 is rapidly changing to out the fruit drops before reaching them from Premier. outh full color or maturity. Where this Several 1948 yield comparisons ; the 11clntosh—type of fruit is known. 35 followi l\lr. J. M. Tucker picked an iring at the University Sales Office at average of 387 crates per acre from riety Lexington. there is a great demand his Tennessee Shippers while his rr in for fruit of these varieties. The four Premiers yielded 259 crates per after varieties mentioned above follow M-1—C_ HG Sgt an Extra acre Of Ship_ rally below in the order of ripening: pers this year and 1000 Tennessee jrum Melba is the earliest ofthe group Beauty plants. for a start of that s not to ripen. reaching maturity shortly \-m~g€ry_ iut it after Yellow Transparent. The In a larger planting Mr. Carl Frey light fruits are medium to large and of produced 274 crates per acre of Ten- inrly; high quality both for cooking and nessee Shippers on a first-year for eating fresh. The variety has patch. compared to 178 crates per zrcial been under test only a short time acre for his first—year Premier. Mr. rip· but is looking very promising and Frey states, "The Tennessee Ship- and reports are that it is looked upon pers saved the day for me this year. It is with a great deal of favor in regions They out—yielded my Premiers and eater where tested further north. produced a much higher percentage arent Milton, a variety with Mclntosh of firm number one berries." o 21; type fruit, ripens about a month In a small planting, Mr. Everett cason earlier than Mclntosh. or about July Fox harvested one row of Tennes- early 25-30. and is of excellent quality. see Beauties that yielded at the rate d at- Kendall is a large, high quality of 232 crates per acre, while the re- V than variety that ripens just after Mc- mainder of his field of Premier pro- iuali- lntosh. its large. high quality fruits. duced 210 crates per acre. He has trees which hang to the tree better than increased his Beauties for 1949. rnate Mclntosh, add great interest to this Mr. L. L. Porter, Jefferson Coun- `rans- Variety and further observations are ty`s largest strawberry grower has t has Contemplated before any recom- the following to say, after several fected mendations can be made. years of trial. "I have quit growing 5 Premiers and am planting only either the strawberry weevil or the Shippers and Beauties. I think I tarnished plant bug or both` pests. want % of my acreage in Shippers Injury from the crown borer which Md · and 1,-Q; in Beauties." often causes much damage in the Superphospbate Tests: Several State WHS ¤0t V¤‘l`>’ ¤Vl€l0¤i- -5- — tests were run where various Strawberry wcevil. For sever;} "‘ ch amounts of superphosphate were ap- years the strawberry weevil has m . plied to the top of the fruiting rows been on the increase in the Bowling *2; in late winter. The average yields Green and Purchase berry-growing of all varieties and all treatments areas. This small brown or blackish **11 were as follows: snout bettle injures strawberries bv Fl “` No Phosphate added, 249 crates depositing its eggs within the ni. qi`? * per acre. opened blooms and then cutting or _0 500# Superphosphate, 296 crates girdling the buds so that they die ·.il:· per acre. and fall to tie ground. Usually a wins 1000# Superphosphate. 350 crates single egg is laid in each bud. The read per acre. egg soon hatches into a whitish lqg. no These figures show an average in- less grub which eats the contents oi ack; crease of 47 crates per acre increase the unopened bud. pupates, and icrri for 500 pounds over no additional finally emerges as an adult weevit `Io phosphate and an increase of 54 The new adults feed for a short time- ‘~‘*¤` l_ crates for 1000 pounds over 500 and then go into hibcration in near- <‘I`l`l pounds; and an over all increase of by woods or fence rows. the: · 101 C1‘Ht€S PET 6C1`€ for 1000 P01md$ At Sharpe, Kentucky. according `illm P8? acre 01 SuP€1`Ph0$Phate· to observations made by Mr. Arm- ae Renovation: On June 14, two strong and the writer, adult weevil. fagi demonstrations of patch renewal appeared the first week in April ate were given in cooperation with Mr. and had cut l or more buds ner een W. W. Magill, using small tractor- plant by April 9. At this time Blah.- len type rotary tillers. These rotary more strawberries were just begin DDT tillers did an excellent job of grind- ning to bloom and a very few smaiL jeu ing up old strawberry plants, green berries were present. Exam- ee weeds, and mulch and pulverizing ination of many cut buds on May 14. ' the soil between the rows to a depth revealed that most of them con- _ of 4 to 6 inches. The old fruiting tained fully grown larvae and one H rows were narrowed to a width of was found to contain a new adult. 12 to 15 i¤<>h€S and left 111 Wende1`fu1 Materials eommonlv recommend- condition. At the time this_work was Cd in Umm. bmtcg {O1. Stm“.bC1.r\. AE denev it weuld have been 1mP°$$1b1€ weevil control include lead arsen- YY1? to use horse drawn tools because me Cryomc and DDT used Gmac,. rm the drouth had caused the soil to be as ’duStS O} Sprays `This SGBSOH g-on too hard and dry. Strawberry grow- through the COOl5m§miOn Of me hc ers were amazed at the excellent Barefield of Sharpe Kentucky ser- -ff<> work done by these small tractors. Oral plots WCW mid`Out in Q “HQ]QlkC_ sm Several strawberry fields infected more patch whew the wcgvil Caused with the red stele reel Yet were extensive damage in 1947 On April located and Seme plam ef the re' 9i several plots were treated with S sistant varieties Temple and Fair- Chlmdan dump Somc with St-C ,5 lard were Set in these mes for DDT dust and oth;} Dias were tai =·-in ei1a1» In eeeperatlen Wlth the spe' untreated. At this time at least l 019 cial Hertleultural pregranm léud per plant had already; been cut. FSU —""";`“'_"" ounts mace a month ater inti- ·‘ _ cated that chlordan gave excellent **11 INSECTS QQSSSIISSG STRAW control and that the DDT gave no BY P· <>· Ritchey ¥§“ibi’S.i‘%§‘SafQié"°1ii.L"f?§i§’“ii%€ S Dept ef Entemeiegy and Betany doubled in the chlordan plots. the Reduction in strawberry yield be- Tarnished plant bug. This bug is eause_of insect_ damage often goes responsible for so-called "button" $0 unnot1ced or_ _1s blamed on some berries which have a hard seedy tip QF ` weather condition such as drouth or and fail to develop to normal size. ` 8] frost. Exammation of many berry Patches of Blakemore, Tennessee patches during the 1948 picking Shipper, and Tennessee Beauty q season revealed serious losses from were seen this year at Sharpe, Cal- · . 6 _ U Table 1.-Strawberry weevil control tests, wsa: Barefield patch, Sharpe, Kentucky, 1948 ’ Yhtlig xllgfrsglilsof Greeli lgcrrles Ripe Cllr buds 0xllll,lll,l(_ll tint uds berries Total PGTCBUI *e ·l F? chlordan dust ..-... .--....-. 100 583 121 145 17 ` ri. DDT dust -. i-..-..c.,..-- 100 286 104 rm 49,4 vllng vane --..---a .1.., - ..... - ....r. . .... - .... - .r.1 ..- 100 59 as 327 la.; glgilgg ·;t·rtC1ly, Louisville, and Lexington and species of tarnish plant bugs ls by yi which almost every berry was (causing cat face or "button" her- ,_lll_ ffcctcd and the crop was almost a ries) caused great losses to Kentucky tg or tal loss. gzowers in 1948. A simple dust and , die jtinny growers have been blamrng :l`·rz·y schedule for this control will lv ll his condition on frost injury. ln- be in great demand at the blossom The tead it is the work of a small season of berries in 1949. (See leg. ·:iottled-brown plant bug which article on Insects Injuring Straw- lts Ol ucks the sap from the small green berries). and terrics soon after they are formed. _ gcvlt Yo experiments with insecticides V Peach Bl05$0m Blight unl'? fm- the C()nf_l—O] Of bug On Styagv- I¤lm·€ SUlfLlIj SpI`8yS \Vh€H peaches holly. erries have been made, but on "'°r° In the Pink bud Hfld full bloorn llwl. Crops it can be Controlled stages were very_ effective this mlm -=.·ith either DDT or chlordan. Since illrlng ml. prevcntmg .br9Wn For Ami he bug O\·Ol.“-lnlcllg lll lllc adult >Iossom bight andf_tw1g infection. wml lllgc and ls lllcsclll lll berry (lt sat ed three to ive bushels per lllplll zatches at blooming time, 1t would USO m Some erchardsl- ; ml. leem possible to make one applica- Good Early Apple laix- ·°“ Of chlmdrm OI 3 °°mb‘“*‘t‘°“ The Lodi Variety of earl a les ,? DDT-chlordan dust or spray that , . l» · y- pp cgin __ _.l l d were 2 2 to 234 1n. in diameter small _;‘Z_uL°ll_§‘s\lbCl;$:_h$2;/H mit bug an when Transparent were 2-21/; in.- xam- M ‘ “ · ‘ size in two Kentucky orchards this ly 14, -NA-?..—»——» past June. l°§Q€. nrxrrs AND onsnnvwrrows —··—···—‘*‘ ldull wl w_ Magill INCREASE IN STATE FAIR FRUIT iend- A Blue Ribbon Patch PREMIUMS belly An amateur berry grower of As a result of outstanding fruit l-Sqn. Trimble county sold 452 crates ol exhibits at recent fairs and the gen- glthgr Tennessee Beauty strawberries eral constructive program being fol- eason. from a first-year patch of one acre lowed by the present Kentucky Mr. ~he planted 4000 plants.) Who can State Fair Board, the amount of the . scr- ~.·ffer a better 1948 record from one horticultural premiums has belin in- ilakc- acre? creased from $575 to an a -time ausecl wmter Feeding high of $ll.000.1Thls05$'pres§nts anflln- Airi crease o near y 0 an is a r- with Superphosphate. applied on top ther recognition of the importance i 5% Iii the strawberry mulch in late of Kentucky fruit industry and of e left ‘·*Sintcr. paid good dividends (Sec the part that the fruit exhibit plays ast l thc Jefferson county story in this in making the State Fair attractive n cut, zssuc). l suggest you give it a trial to visitors. indi- ~~¤1your berry acreage in February The increased premium allowance ellent ·~1` 949. enabled some expansion in the num- se no . ber of classes offered for competi- ~rdin Costly Pr¤¤t¤¤<= tion, as well as an increase in the wai Strawberry fields carried through premiums that are offered in the the third and fourth production various classes. The 1948 Kentucky ‘ lug is YGHPS have paved the way for State Fair was held September}?-18 llt0n»· §1`0WI1 borer troublet I hope you at the Fair Grounds at_LO\11SV1ll€· lly up Have not been a victim of cireum- The Large Apple_ P18. _Th€ IQQ8 _ Slztl Fléiuces. Some growers have been. Kentucky State Fair fruit éxhlblt lessee Nc Y T bl was reported by many to be the _€;lllll· T “ mu °$ _ most attractive in many years. All ,Cal_ . l1° FlraWheri‘y wcevil lCll[)D(-‘l°) fruits were of high quality, color 7 and finish. Of special interest to all Golden Delicious. Other sweepstaT fair visitors was the large apple pie honors were: Best tray of appli which was baked and furnished by Lester Harris, Kevil, Ky.; best pla the Great A and P Tea Company at of apples, McCollom Orchard, Hei their large Louisville Baking Plant. derson, Ky.; best basket and plat This pie was five feet across and of peaches, Joe Bray & Sons, Bed contained right at seven bushels of ford, Ky.; best plate of grapes, W apples. Governor Earle Clements Fegenbush. Buechel, Ky.; best pla · cut the pie at a ceremony on Thurs- of pears, Miller Orchard, Valley Sta day afternoon, serving a small tion, Ky. Grape prizes were divide amount to visitors. The remainder of largely between Wm. Fegenbush o the pie was served to the public Buechel and Joe Bray & Sons o , Friday afternoon, providing a total Bedford. Peach honors went largel of one thousand servings. The qual- to Joe Bray & Sons, Bedford, and ity of the pie was excellent. The Ross Harris, Paducah. Prizes in th large pie pan was made at Paducah general bushel, tray and plate di. of heavy sheet iron and is the prop- plays were divided among a lar· erty of the Kentucky State Horti— number of exhibitors and indii cultural Society. Credit for the tions are towai·d more interest ¤ original suggestion that such a pie exhibitors. Plan to join them in 19 might be a State Fair attraction goes for the largest and best fruit displr to their secretary, W. W. Magill. in the history of Kentucky. i From there on, the whole venture was an example of good cooperation "_d ` aa teamwmk- New KENTUCKY sTRAwm;m2i 1948 Results: Placings in the fea- CIRCULAR ture apple exhibit af 12 trays af Circular 455. Growing Strawbv three or more varieties were as fol- ries fe,. Market in Kemuckm i lows? 1- Lestar Harris, Kavh- KY-· w. w. ixirrgiii and w. in. Ai~¤isirar Macrackaa €<>¤¤ty= 2- Wm- Faaaa- was irrarri liv mt- i