xt7v9s1kjs2v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v9s1kjs2v/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station.  journals kaes_circulars_004_595 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 595 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 595  2014 true xt7v9s1kjs2v section xt7v9s1kjs2v A
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By Florence lmlay, Pearl J. l·laal<
a and Elizabeth l-leltan
Circ. 595
(Filing Code: I6-3-4)
Acnicurrune Ann Home economics

 J A I I
C O N T E N T S ’ `
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P¤Q0 Page
SOCIAL GRACES .................... . ........, 3 Desserts ....A................................. 2O
Invifatigng _____4_____4_______________________' 3 Cakes ..... , ...,.,,.....,4....,..4....,...........,...,. 20 I
Frozen Angel Food Dessert 4.4....... 2l
HOW IO Dress ··#-··~······-·~··-·--·~-·-··--· A Refrigeratw Cake .............,,......,,... 2I
. . . . Standard h`t C k ., 4..4..... ,4 ..,.... 20
The R€¢€·v·¤g I-me ·»..·-··..-·.·.-·»..».·. 5 care eiszée ,.t,4 S HS ......t.t..4.....4.... 2I {
Introductions ........,....................t.. 5 HOW ijiulcglikég °‘`‘‘'°‘'''‘‘‘‘''‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘`'‘'‘  
Arrival and Departure .................... 6
Other Desserts ..........................,. 25
REFRESHMENT5 --·»··»··-»···--··.---·-··»··- 6 Cherry Betty ..,.............4,.....,,......... 27
. C P tf Shell ...,4,.4..................
Afternoon OV Evening Clggrrlji Fllling ..4,.   ...............,..,.........  
Refreshments ..........,,,............... 7 ¤;"[In;IL;;'I;@I2|ig ···························~····   _
Beverages M _ 27 Strawberry Sherbet ......,4....,   ....  
Cranberry Punch r....... . .....4...,........ 27 Van IJ ICQ Cream '```''`'' 26
Fruit—Te1 Punch .......,.....,.............. 27 v
Ginger Ale-Lime Punch ........,..,...,.. 27 Salads ·‘···‘‘··*···········*·········*·········· I4
Orange Juice Meringues .........,...... 2B Frcxen Cheese .................r,...........,..... I5 ·
Raspberry Sherbet Float . ,.... . .,..,.... 28 F F · _____ _
Spiced Tea ....,4.........4............,...4,..,. 27 mum run `'''4`'` ' ''````'`'''`'`''''``''` I5
canrecnam tr.t.......r..r............t...,.r 28 Sandwiches --»·-~·---··»···-·-·--·~·-····~--·-· 7 .
Candlcd Mm, Leaves _________‘____ V >4__ 29 Sandwich Breads ...,...r................,4...,4, B
Fondant ..,.r.....,.....4.........,.c4.....,...... 29 Banana Bread .4,r......,.4,,.4............... II
Glazed Nuts ......4,..........,4.....4.... . r... 28 Beaten Biscuits ..4,...........,4......4..4..4 8
Nut—buF;`ft_   Gy 1= — _2-V,
_A ·—   A.._  _. `AA A —». _¥AA¢; _ ». AA jégwg;
1 r 1 1 f ~  V E-\,·_·=." ‘i
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Fig. l—Cr¤nbcrry-nut breed is purticulurly festive when u red and white color scheme
is desired. '

 ` 11
. , i Orange Bread
· . 1% c sifted flour % c sugar
2% t baking powder l egg l
% t salt % c milk
% c minced candied orange peel Ma c orange juice
2 T shortening
I Sift together Hour, baking powder and salt. Stir in candied orange
, peel. Cream shortening; gradually add sugar, creaming until well
mixed. Add beaten egg and blend. To this, add flour mixture alter-
nately with milk, beating well after each addition. Stir in orange
juice. Turn into a greased loaf pan and bake in a moderate oven
350 degrees for 45 minutes. Makes l loaf, 4 x 8 inches.
‘ Banana Bread
1% c sifted flour l/El c shortening
M t soda % c sugar
1% t cream of tartar 2 eggs well beaten
% t salt l c mashed bananas
Sift the flour, soda and cream of tartar to ether three times. Cream
. shortening and sugar. Add well—beaten eggs. Add a small amount at
a time of the flour mixture alternately with mashed bananas to the
sugar mixture. Beat after each addition until smooth. Pour into a
well-greased loaf pan and bake in a moderate oven, 350 degrees, about
l hour. Makes l loaf about 8% x fly x 3 inches.
Sandwich Fillings
Q Makin sandwich fillin s ives the housewife an onortunit to
S g S ll Y
use her imagination in combining foods and flavors. Here are ideas:
Cottage cheese is a protein food which blends in flavor with
· uracticallv all fruits and ve etables for sandwich hllin s. The cheese
I . g S
is improved by creaming it until smooth, then adding gelatin.
A. To 2 cups of cottage cheese, add l tablespoon of gelatin which has
been soaked in M1 CLIP of cold water. l·leat over hot water until the
gelatin is thoroughly dissolved. Add to the cheese and mix thoroughly.
~ The following combinations make a filling for lf) to l2 small sand-
` wiches:
To 2 cups of cottage cheese and gelatin add one of the following:
A l. 2 T finely chopped cucumber
` 2. 2 T chopped green pepper, lg t cinnamon
%2 c sweet pickles and y@ c chopped salted peanuts
  2 T chopped, stufle I
The macaroon type is made of stifHy beaten egg whites, sugar and
chopped fruit, nuts, chocolate, or cocoanut, as desired. These are real
delicacies if properly mixed and baked. -
The one-step type is made by placing all ingredients in a mixing i
bowl and beating until dough is smooth. This is a quick, easy way J Y
to make drop cookies. '
Slight variations from the above methods of mixing will be ob-
served in some recipes, as in brownies, where the fat is melted with
the chocolate, and in lioney—nut bars where muffin-type mixing is used. »
General Suggestions for Making Cookies · .
l. A soft cookie dough gives a more tender product than a hrm
dough. The amount of flour may vary slightly, depending upon the f V
kind used. A soft cookie dough must be chilled over night, or at ‘
least 6 or 7 hours. ‘
2. Dilferent kinds of fat may be used in making cookies, such as ‘
butter, margarine, creamed peanut butter, shortening, lard, chicken
fat, sour or sweet cream.
2%. Flavor may be varied by using: o`
.~\. Different sweetenings—brown sugar, honey, maple syrup,
molasses, or fruit jams f
B. Spices, orange or lemon rind, chocolate or cocoa C
C. Dried or canned fruits
D. Nuts
A1. Variety of texture may be obtained by using: ·
.~\. Partly whole-grain llours
ll. Cooked or raw cereal V
C. Dried or candied fruits
I). Nuts
li. Mince meat L
Sugar Cookies
% c fat 2 c sifted flour .
l c sugar 2 t baking powder
2 eggs ld t salt
1 t vanilla '

A 4 l . .
’ — Cream fat and sugar, add well»beaten eggs and vanilla and mix
well. Mix and sift dry ingredients and stir into the sugar mixture
until well blended. Place in a covered bowl in the refrigerator and
chill until firm enough to roll. Roll, cut, and bake in a hot oven,
. 400 degrees, about 10 minutes. Yield 36.
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