.Hr: The March 2010 (in.
A Publication of the Lexington Gay Services Organization Volume 32 Number 3
, ’ ~ , GLSO Raffle:aWeek atthe Beach
' ' 7/ ' ' 7' GLSO invites you to consider a
The Imperial Court Of Kentucky vacation week at the beach in October,
continues an amazing year of fundraising 2010. We will be selling $10 raffle tick-
With over $50,000 raised in Reign 28- ets for this beautiful four bedroom liv-
March is full of fun and exciting things to ing space
mark on your calendars. The first big located at - ~
event is new; Wags and Drags wil be Pawle ’5 _"' 7i 7‘
March 20 at Bellini's, 115 West Main Island Soith ”All-" _
Street. Tickets and information available Carolina. \. .r f: i I fi
at www.imperialcourtkentucky.org A t 1 a n t i c :2 4, '1 .Q As i ' , a
The second March event is one of Ocean waves (7,3 . r": 1’ ';;,;ij‘pi‘jf..= ., ~ "‘1
our most popular events. The Academy of out the .t' I l Willi]. ', "37,4
Drag Arts and Sciences will be 1105‘ng front door, salt water creek with a clock
the Annual Falsie Awards on March 30, out the back door.
at the Kentucky Theatre. Special Guest The house can accommodate eight
and recipient 0f the 2010 Lifetime to twelve people with views of the water
Achievement Award will be The Lady from every bedroom. There are two
Chablis from Savannah Georgia. porches, a kitchenette, ping pong table
That's right, The Lady Chablis from and a flat screen TV. In October the
the movie Midnight in the Garden of water is still warm enough for swim—
Good and Evil will be here to entertain. ming and the beach is great for walking.
Come support your local community as Last fall we watched some baby turtles
various awards of accomplishment are emerging from a nest, saw dolphins
honored that evening. Make your plans swimming by and amazing birds in
now to be at this event, it will be one that every direction.
you Will not want to miss. Here is a thank you from last year’s
Emperor W“ and Regent Empress winner: “2009 was a tumultuous year
Nicole along with the Board of Directors for our family, at least until June 28,
continue raising much needed funds for 2009. That’s the day I received a call
the charities of the Bluegrass through t on 2
various events. Come out and join in the g ' Pg-
fundraising efforts of our community by ,,,,7__ ..,
supporting one of the ICK's upcoming Sponsor 0ft!“ Month
shows. Check out our events on our W. .
website and on our Facebook page and ‘ 3' Debra HenSIey .
MYSPnce PageS- . '7 State Farm Insurance I
A big Thank you to the community j N’ ’
for this past month of fundraising. Em— .r,, J 859-276-3244
ress Nicole's Birthda Extrava za '. . .
faised over $5,200 thariks to evegyatline 1513 NIChOIaSV'He Road
cont. on pg. 2